Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, March 11, 19S3
Ira Valley
Aurora Mr. and Mrs. B. H
Will of Eugene (pent last week'
nd in Aurora at the home of
Mr. Wills' lister, Mrs. Harriet
Ehlen, returning to Eugene Sun
nay afternoon.
Mrs. Ralph Osvald of Oswe
go, visited relatives in Aurora
Monday. Mrs. Osvald is
daughter of Mrs.. Ezra Hurst.
Miss Doris Colvin. senior at
C.U.H.S., from the Union Hill
district,- Aurora,, was seleoted
queen of the high school prom
in an election held by the jun
ior class. - Georgia Stler and
Haroldine Skeen, Juniors, were
chosen as attendants.
. The annual prom is on the
calendar for Friday evening,
March 27. - '
Mrs. O. B. Jacobs of Little
Falls, Mont., is the house guest
of her aunt, Mrs. George Stani
heber. in Aurora.
Recent guests a ' tthe Frank
Thiel home here, included Mr.
and Mrs. John Davis and John
Thiel of Lexington, Neb., and
Robert Thiel of Nampa, Idaho.
Airman Bill Jensen of Parks
Air Force Base, Calif., visited
briefly with hie parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Jensen in Aurora,
before leaving for Biloxi, Miss.
Mrs. Jensen (Sally Miller), ac
companled her husband to Mis
- E. Galey, for many years
resident of Aurora and lately
Canby, was honored at a dinner
party by his daughter, Mrs
Frank Fond, in observance
Mr. Galey's 60th birthday.
Covers were placed for 18 at
dlnenr. Among them were Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Blosser and chil
dren, Jon and Mary Jane of St.
Paul; Mrs. Chris Olson, Miss
Joan Olson and Miss Marvyl
Ristine of Shelton, Wash., Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Guthrie of Port
land, the guest of honor, E. Ga
ley, Mrs. Frank Woods, Terry
and Paul of Port Orchard,
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Pond and Frank Galey.
Crystal Gardens
Old Time and Modern
Music br "Pop" Edwards
Ill S. Coml.
Phone 4-1451
Jefferson Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Martin motored to Leo
anon Sunday and were guests of j
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fryrear. The
Fryrear family were former
residents of Jefferson commun
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Looney
and Mr. and - Mrs. Herbert
Looney and two grandchildren
attended the Jefferson-Sublimity
ball game in Salem Saturday
night. As the Herbert Looneys
were going to their car after the
game, Mrs. Looney stepped off
the walk and fell, breaking her
hip. She was taken to the Sa
lem Memorial hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mills and
Mrs. Don Wolf were the sponsors
of a miscellaneous shower at the
William Wolf home Friday eve
nine honoring Miss Maxine Bax
ter of Marion, whose marriage to
William Wolf, Jr., will be an
event of March 13.
. Present were Miss Joyce Bax
ter, Mrs. Myra Burch, Mrs. John
Kins, Mrs. Danny Betker, Miss
Maxine Baxter, Mrs. Hale, Mrs.
Virgil Baxter, Mrs. J. A. Wise,
Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Johnson,
Mrs. E. Hogan, Mrs. Karl Kihs,
Mrs. William Lake, Mrs. William
Wolf, Miss Mary Donohue, Miss
Yea "Atat" Never Heard Singing and
Dancing Like This
And Bis
, Harfem Revue
. . - H 3057 Portland Road
m. i
Anna Klampe and the hostesses,
Mrs. George Mills and Mrs. Don
Wolf and two children.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brawn re
turned from their wedding trip
Saturday. When they reached
San Francisco they parked their
car and locKed it wnue iney
wert to the Cliff House and
someone broke into the car, tak
ing all their clothes, including
their wedding outfits. The cam
eras in the glove compartment
and a hat on the back seat of the
car were left. '
Gates News Report
Scotts Mills
Scotts Mills A benefit dance
will be given at the Scotts Mills
Hall Saturday evening, March 14
by the Scotts Mills fire depart
ment. The Rich Brothers are the
musicians and refreshments will
be served.
Mrs. Anton Ettlih, Mrs. Milton
Partridge, Mrs. Louis Culp and
Mrs. Lloyd Heinz have completed
their work for 'the Red Cross
drive in the Scotts Mills com'
m unity. .
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferlan and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fer
lan, and Mrs. Paul Splonski mo-
totred to Brownsville Sunday to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wal-
bel and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Huntington
of Silverton visited the Joe
Splonski family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs: Robert Simeral
and Mr. and Mrs. James Pakes
are moving to Silverton.
Marion Groshong went to Ore
gon City and to Salem Monday
on business. .
Miss Butterworth of Salem
came' to the Scotts Mills school
recently to supervise the school
kitchen and the lunch program,
Sublimity Word has been re
ceived of the death of George P.
Etzel, a former resident, at his
home in Topeka, Kans., Feb. 25.
Mr. Etzel returned to Kansas
In 1938 after spending part of
his life in Oregon.
He was engaged as a shopman
on the Santa Fe the major part
of his life.
He was very active in the
Holy Name society.
Survivors are his wife, Kath-
erine; five sons and two daugh
ters living in Kansas and Cali
fornia;1 five brothers, Jacob,
Hillsboro; Ed, Portland; Andrew,
San Francisco; Frank, Sublim
ity; and Sim, Stayton; two sis
ters, Rose Hanhart, Los An
geles, and Mary Kintz, Sublim
ity. There are 17 grandchildren.
Funeral services were con
ducted Saturday, Feb. 25, at
Holy Name church, Topeka,
most I U
: 1
UFtf l
Ml m
y mi
he softest
calfskin, the
flattering lines,
the finest of
fit in a high
heeled pump
4Vi to 10
Here's absolute perfection
in pump fashion! Air Step
takes the shell, crafts it on a
combination last . and it
fits like a dream. Add to
this the cushiony comfort of
the Magic Sole, and you
know it's all you ever wanted
in a pump.
tbt that with Ibt mtlic tilt ImmmJJU
387 Court
Ph. 3-8155
Hubbard The second session
on braided rug making will be
held at the Rebekah hall all day
March 13, beginning at 10:30
a.m. Folding and braiding will
be demonstrated. Materials for
jraidlng are to be brought, scis
sors, darning needle, bodkin,
ruler, thimble, 4 pinch clothes
pins, and twill tape or denim.
Arion Temple Pythian Sisters
will honor charter members at
their next meeting, March 17.
Una Temple of Aurora will be
special guests.
Arion will continue to send
packages to distributing centers
for the flood ravaged district of
The Netherlands, with Mrs. A. F.
deLespinasse and Mrs. Russell
Rollofson in charge.
Work on the Easter shower is
continuing for the Pythian Home
and six pair of pillow cases will
be sent. Staff practice of initia
tion floor work for the conven
tion in May in Portland was held
at the last meeting.
Gates It was Father's niaht
at the meeting of the Gates Par
ent-Teachers Association Thurs
day evening, March 5, at the high
school. .
The husbands of the regular
officers conducted the meeting.
Kenneth Martig presided, Elmer
Stewart served as secretary and
Charles Tucker gave the treas
urer's report
Following the business session
a spelling match was held. Mrs.
A. T. Bernhardt was in charge
Edward Chance and Mrs. Verner
Evans won the match.
A committee of fathers. Verner
Evans, A. T. Bernhardt, Jack
Watson, and Jesse Maywood
served refreshments at the close
of the program.
The next meeting of the'PTA
will be held Thursday evening,
April 2, at the high school. Elec
tion of officers for the coming
year will be held. The nominat
ing committee to report includes
Mrs. Jack Watson, Mrs. Verner
Evans and Kenneth Martig.
Don Miley, superintendent of
the Gates schools reports the
following students of the junior
senior high school on the honor
roll for the fourth six-week pe
riod. 8th grade Otis Chance, El
len unance and Donnalee Oliver:
9th May Haywood; 10th Carol
Andreassen, Juanlta Thomas and
Eddie Butler; 11th Jerry Law
son and Elda Webster: 12th
Betty Tucker, Joan Ryal and Ida
A special meeting of The
Stitch in Timers, 4-H club, was
held at the high school Friday
evening after school. Plans were
made to start work on gifts to
presented to mothers of the
members, Mother's day at the
next regular meeting, Thursday
afternoon, March 19. Carol Sue
Ball and Joan Hull served fol
lowing the business meeting.
Hostesses for the next meeting
wm be, Lois Evans and Roberta
Chance. Mrs. William Pennick is
leader of the group. J
Pfc. Edmund Davis Jr. landed
in Seattle Sunday from Osaka.
Japan, where he has been in
service with the U. S. armed
forces. He has been in the serv
ice for the past two years. "Bud
die" is expected to arrive at the
home of his parents, Mr; and
Mrs. E. L. Davis as soon as he is
given his discharge.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Epley of
Portland were week end guests
at the home of Mrs. Tex Allen.
Mr. Allen has taken a position
in Cleveland, Ohio, where Mrs.
Allen will join him soon.
A group of ladles who meet
each Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. Don Miley for the
purpose of reading, compliment
ed Mrs. Ruth Hess at the last
meeting which fell on her birth
day anniversary. A shower of
birthday greetings from the la
dies and a birthday cake baked
and decorated by Mrs. Glen
Hearing were presented Mrs.
Hess, i
Others present were the host
ess, Mrs. Miley, Mrs. W. R.
Hutcheson, Mrs. W. S. Hudson,
Mrs. Glenn Gordon, Mrs. Cecil
Haun, Mrs. Floyd! Volkel and
Mrs. W. F. Struckmeier,
Guest at the L. T. Henness
home the last of the week was
his grandson, Robert Ratieburg
from Houston, Texas. Ratieburg
had recently returned from serv
ice with the U. S. Airf orce in Ko
rea. Other guests present were
Mrs. Gladys Kimsey and grand'
daughter, Becky Kimsey of Stay-
ton, and Miss Anna Stout of Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aplana-
lap of Portland were over Sun
day guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Levon.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Davis
have both been on the sick list
for the past week and under a
doctor's care. Mrs. Amos Roten,
trained nurse, has cared for
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Struck
meier were weekend visitors in
Portland where they have rela
Russel Lake, accompanied by
his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Schroe
der and infant son, and his
daughter-lnlaw, Mrs. Marshall
Lake, drove to Fort Lewis over
the week end to visit- his son,
Arthur Lake, who is in training.
George Bailey who is employ
ed at North Richland spent the
past week in Gates with his fam
ily returning to Washington Sun
day afternoon.
The Gates post office will, be
moved from the present location
oh the highway' to the building
formerly occupied by the beauty
shop next to the Gates Furniture
store in the near future.
Mrs. Kenneth Martig was
called to Salem last week end to
appear as one of the speakers
in a panel discussion of the
Bahal'i faith. This was a public
meeting, sponsored by the Ba
hal'i World Faith for a better
understanding among nations,
North Marion
High Activities
Hubbard Spring vacation for
North Marion high school will
be March 16 through March 21.
. During that week the teachers
will attend the state education
association convention in Port
land, March 16-18. Hal Beyers
will attend the Northwest Music
association meeting in Belllng
ham. Wash.: March 19-21; Elvan
Pitney will attend the state FFA
convention in Corvallis March
17-19: the coaches of North Mar.
ion, Don Reed and Walter All
drldge, will attend the state
basketball tournament in Eugene
March 17-21; Pat Beal, principal
of North Marion, will attend
both the educations association
meeting and the basketball
Thirty-six students made the
honor roll at North Marion at
the close of the first six-weeks
in the second semester. Fourteen
freshmen, Robert Will, Janice
Wenzel, Kenny Spence, Melvin
Schmidt, Howard Mikkelson,
Wendell McLin, Frances Kle-
czynski, Jeanette Jones, Ronald
Jeskey, Suzanne DeArmond,
Salley DeArmond, Richard
Crane, Shirley Brown and Nella
Barendse; 11 sophomores: Ger
aldine Zehner, Donna Yergen,
Naomi Wertwood, Janice Smith,
Ralph Merrill, Douglas Levens,
Myrna Foltz, Sandra Eppers,
Beverly Copeland, Barbara. Cole
ana nancy Barendse; six Juniors:
Mildred Westwood, Bill McNary,
Marorie Jeskey, Evelyn Hos
tetler, JoAnn Evans and Charles
Crane, and five seniors: Joanne
Williamson, Joan Solberg, Elois
Nelson, Keith McNary and Ken
Frink Family, Dayton
Meets in Portland
Dayton Mr. and Mrs.. Harold
Frink spent Sunday in Portland
at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
B. McDonald, who were hosts
for a family get-together honor
ing Warren I. Frink of Falls City.
The senior Mr. Frink, who
has been a resident of Polk
county for 84 years, celebrated
his 89th birthday on March 4.
Attending Sunday s party were
the honor guest's four sons and
daughters, Mrs. J. C. Blanking
ton of Waldport, Mrs. Zane B.
Parsons of Falls City, Harold
Frink of Dayton, Eldon Frink of
All of his sons-in-law and
daughters-in-law were also pres
ent and other relatives and
friends, numbering 17 in all.
- Mr. Frink treasures a plaque
which he was presented a few
years ago by The Oregonian for
being the longest continuous
reader of that paper in Polk
Silverton Cow Gives
631 Pounds Butterfat
Four registered Jersey cows
owned by S. B. Torvend and
James Phillips, route 2, Silver
ton, Ore., completed 305-day re
cord on herd improvement reg
istry test during the past two
months which entitles them to
special recognition from the
American Jersey Cattle club.
The high producing animal in
the group was Standard Pioneer
Ella' with a mature record of
11,910 pounds milk containing!
oai pounds butterfat. The other
cows all exceeded 550 pounds
butterfat on a twice-daily-milk-lng,
305-day mature equivalent
Falls City
Cottage prayer meeting will
be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Grippin Friday eve
ning. March 13, at 8 o'clock,
Mr. and Mrs. E. LaDuae gave
a birthday dinner honoring their
son, Walter, at their home Sat
urday evening. The invited
guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Westbrook, Mr. and Mrs. John
Oualley and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Westbrook and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Leiand
Cooper. .
Mrs. Geo. Kitchen ana Mrs,
James Royer were shopping in
Salem Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Poland
made a business trip to Dallas
Friday, i
Wm. Morse, Jr., ox Wlnema
was the guest speaaer at me
Christian church' Sunday. ,
Mrs. M. L. Thompson s Sun
day dinner guests were Mr. and
Mrs.1 Jack Collins and two
daughters of Eugene and Mrs.
Eldon Frink of Bridgeport.
Mrs. Mary Blrchfield of Dal
las was a Thursday visitor and
spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor Lowery and Mrs. Nora
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickinson
and Thomas Murphy called on
Wyrick Bancroft at the T.B. hos
pital in Salem Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Letter-
man and their adopted doughter,
Darlene, of Lebanon, visited
their uncle, W. P. Letterman and
family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamprecht
were in Hubbard Friday.
Mrs. Frank Campbell and two
children and Mrs. Josle Knapp
visited Mrs. Mary Blrchfield in
Dallas Wednesday. They also
called on Mrs. Phoebe Ward at
the Evans home.
Bob and Gene Richard of Lin
coln, Nebraska, have been visit
ing their mothers and old
Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Parsons
are leaving 'Tuesday for ' a
month's vacation trip to Cali
fornia to visit their daughter's
family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Hix and Pamelo.
Clarence Dike of Mt. 8h.
Calif., visited his mother SuoH
oy- ' 1
V JH WlnV nf -
CI1UV4I a wa w Jl uKCpOrf '
was a Sunday visitor of Mr. andi
Mrs. Z. B. Parsons and Warrerf'
Mrs. Delores Will of Spring
iieia a visiting at-r parents, Mr
and Mrs. Joe Lamprecht. J2
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rich haveS
moved to Sweet Home where hj
has work. - - j3
Mrs. Wanda ' Reed and twrH
children of Dallas were Satu3
day callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ri1
Reed. . Z
Mr. and Mrs. Lester HeaHLwH
and Donald were in Dallas Sat!
urday. j
jnr. ana airs, ttmmctt Hi.i.-i
and Juanlta were out from Vale
setz on Thursday. m
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wlin
and Joan, of Tyree camp werfS
week-end guests of her r.nt
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Reed.. 5
Mrs. Faye Frink spent Sat;,.!
day and Sunday at Valsetz wltfc
her daughter's family, Mr. and'
Mrs. Emmett Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henth nrn
were in Dallas Monday.
Mr. ana Mrs. Geo. Kitchen
were transacting business at
Dallas Saturday.
Grand Island
The Ainu of Northern Japan
are believed to be descendants
of the primitive Neolithic in
habitants of the country. .
Macleay Mrs. George Boe-
digheimer, who has been quite
111, Is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee
have moved into their view
Macleay community club will
meet at the school house Fri
day night, March 13. Mrs. Wll
ber Miller Is program chairman.
Mrs. Albert Sahli- and Mrs.
Harry Martin, Jr., will serve refreshments.
"Sure, Marge, The Oak Room is
the place to go for dinner. Just
late of Lenten dishes and gads
ttie 'atmosphere.' Broiled Oregon
fresh-caught salmon with some
kind of special sauce their ohef uses
that makes It just yum-yum. Mary
had French-fried prawns and Jack
had a crab loule that had more
crab than lettuce, if you can lm
aglne that m this town. Well,
what of it, they sull havs their
barbecued steaks and she can eat
steak til the cows com home
Sure, she can have the big T-bor.e
or an Bounce butterflled tenderloin
ana we can have our ftah. Oh,
sure, we can have more fun there's
just something about the Oak
Room that adds immeasurably to
the dinner."
h Wen H'l Km H.rtl MertM. Mi. 34123
"Westward The
Women" t
"ExcHM My Dtnl"
OPEN 6:45 P.M.
TOMOROW! 2 First Run
Pictures! First Salem Showing!
Tyrone Power
Edmund Gwenn Gift Perrean
PHONI s-sose
Claudette Colbert
Jack Hawkins
Wild B1U Elliott
Brod Crawford
Clair Trevor
In Color
- . ,
Millard Mitchell
Stanley Sargeant of w.n.
Walla, Wash., came Frldnv
returned home Saturday eve-"
ning to visit his mother, Mr f
George Sargeant, 90, at thV
nume oi nis nrotner and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers of
the Falrview district were Sun-::
day afternoon callers at the Sar-,.
geant home and they called at!
the home of Mr. and Mrsi"
Charles Stephens en route home,,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Douglas"
and son, David,, of Portland?
were Saturday evening dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. CeciU
Will. Other guests at the same
home were Mrs. Susie Douglas i
and son, Curtis. h,
Thomi 2-7829
Gates Open 6:45
Show at 7:15
Starts Tonight (Wed.)
t Technicolor Hit
Randolph Scott
A 8ea Adventure '
John Payne
Arlene Dahl
Ends Today! (Wed.)
"Bad & Beautiful"
"Musk in Moonlight"
OPEN 6:45 P.M.
"""wajajujgg iaMgawMMM"M"Miiiiiiiiu . i ,m h.uii in nioj
His life was a
reckless adventure
as he followed the
wide rolling river
...playing any gam
for any stakes!
r tm BEAUT,FULGRls77,rS4
)fL Jf J 'mt I L A UNIV!tM-INtllNAT!ONM 'JtTTI ( g fTjf
f Ta