Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1953, Page 19, Image 19

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    ' Roierrurj Gilbert, Salem
high achool, who will compete
in area oratorical contest at
Eugene, sponsored by Capital
Post No. 9, American Legion.
In Area Contest
Miss Rosemary Gilbert, Sa
lem high school student, will
compete In Eugene Friday In the
area oratorical contest sponsor
ed by the American Legion.
Miss Gilbert, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Tlnkham Gilbert. Route
8, was winner Tuesday night in
the district run-off at Sheridan
where she competed against
Gerald Gardner of Sheridan.
Winner of the area contest
In Eugene will enter the depart
mental competition in Portland,
winner of which will enter the
national contest, for which a
' $4000 scholarship is the prize.
The topic used in the contest
Is "The Constitution of the
United States." Miss Gilbert Is
sponsored by Capital Post No.
9 of the American Legion.
Judges in the Sheridan con
test were all from Linfield college.
AFROTC Drill Team
Places Second Spot
Willamette university AFROTC
drill team of 25 men, with Bill
VanHorn, a junior from Rose
burg, as drill' master, placed sec
ond in competition with the Uni
versity of Oregon and the Uni
versity of Portland Tuesday In
Portland won with a total of
178 points, as compared with 158
for Willamette and 138 for Ore
gon. Lt. CoL Frank Ryan of Ore
gon State college was the head
Each drill team was given 15
minutes In which to show their
skill on the floor of McArthur
court, . University of Oregon
campus. '
Carl Foreman'
Given Honors ;
Hollywood MV A screen
writer who once declined to tell
a Congressional .atnmmt...
whether he ever was a commu
nist was honored Tuesday night
by his fellow writers.
Carl Foreman was voted the
writer of the best 1952 Ameri
can drama at the fifth annual
awards dinner of the Screen
Writers' guild. He won it for his
screen play of "High Noon." He
was not Dresent to receiver tha
Foreman testified in 1951 be
fore the hnnsa nn-AmAmn
tivities committee that he was
not then a member of the com
munist party, but declined to
say whether he had previously
belonged to the party.
uwer writers Honored by
their fellnw prAftjnTtetn qm
Frank S. Nugent for "The Quiet
Man-; Aaoipn ureen and Betty
uomaen, , lor "Singta' in the
Rain," and Sonya Levlen for
"Quo Vadls" and 'The Merry
Con Missing
From Prison
Marcellus Winters, 28, Is list
ed today as an escape from
Oregon State penitentiary,
though officers believe there
is a possibility he may be hid
ing inside the walls.
Winters was in the 6:30
o'clock count Tuesday evening,
but at the 10 o'clock p.m. count
he was missing. He was not a
trusty and officers found noth
ing giving a clue as to how he
got away if ho is outside.
Winters was received from
Clackamas county in Decem
ber, 1952, on a 10-year sentence
for assault with Intent to kill.
He has given no previous trou
ble in the prison.
Basketball Luncheon
At Senator Thursday
A kick-off luncheon for the
annual state B school basketball
tournament will be held ThurS'
day at the Senator hotel by the
Salem Exchange club with
coaches and principals of the
participating schools as guests,
Mayor' Al Loucks will wel
come the guests to the city and
President G. Herbert Smith of
Willamette university will ex
tend a welcome from the university.
President Smith will also de
liver the main address. '
. - - -
. I.V x
Phillip Browa and Channalee Allen, both of Salem, who
will appear as principals In Willamette University's French
production of "Le Voyage a Biarritz" to be presented on the
Waller stage, Wednesday (Mar. 11) at 8 p.m. Under the
direction of Kent Lawrence, senior from McMlnnvlUe, the
play is sponsored by the Intermediate French classes of Dr.
Paul B. Beal.
Paul Cree Hurt
In Landslide
Mill City Paul Cree, 37,
resident of this place, now a log
ger in southern Oregon, suffered
serious injuries Monday in a
landslide near Sutherlin.,
He received a broken neck
and has undergone surgery to
relieve pressure on his neck and
spinal cord. Injuries Included
broken ribs, broken ankle and
cuts on the face. His condition
was pronounced "fair" at the
Cree was the only man hurt
in the slide. Other loggers who
saw it said he had been bucking
logs with a power saw when the
slide suddenly started, sweeping
trees and rocks Into a ravine. '
Cree it married and has two
children end his home is In Mill
City. He attended school In Sa
Most primitive farming; groups
have magic or religious cere
monies which they practice In
connection with their farming
Roosevelt Asks
Velde's Ousting
Washington (ff) Rep. Roose
velt (D., N. Y.) Wednesday
asked the house to remove Rep.
Velde (R., 111.) as chairman of
its un-American activities com
Roosevelt introduced a reso
lution for removal of Velde. He
told newsmen his move was
based on "the admittedly false
and reckless charges" Velde
made against Mrs. Agnes Meyer,
threatened investigation of
Reds among clergymen and "the
fact that he (Velde) acted In
both Instances without consul
tation of fellow members of the
Velde was officially elected
chairman of the group by action
of the house when the new con
gress organized in January.
Velde suggested last week-end
that his committee might look
into communist influences In the
churches. This stirred up pro
testa from a number of clergy
men, including Velde'f own pas
On Savage Dam
Washington U. Secretary
of Interior Douglas McKay said
today emergency repair wont
will start immediately oa sav
age Rapids dam on the Rogue
river near Grant Pass In south
western Oregon.
A contract for tha work was
awarded to Young and Smith
Construction company, Salt
Lake City, on low bid of
$343,854. The dam, a key
water control structure on the
Grants Pass reclamation proj
ect, diverts water from the
Rogue river to Irrigate some
10,300 acres of land In the
river basin. ' .
The reclamation bureau said
a study showed that the 33-
year-old dam "has deteriorated
to a critical condition . .
threatening the economic ex
istence of the community
through partial disruption of
the Irrigation water supply ."
Bend VP) A new water reser
voir on Awbrek Heights, part of
the city's half-million dollar wa
ter expansion program, sprang a
leaK last weeuena.
That was discovered when the
five million gallon reservoir was
being tested. It was drained
Tuesday for repairs.
Cemplled from repert ef lata, dealer
for the tmldanea of Caalta.1 Jearaal
realere. (Bar Hal dallr.)
Betall Weed Prleee
Babbit raUala-tlJt (to-IB. bat). IM
t.ts (100-lb. bail.
Ear Math tS.30-II.U.
Dairy Feed II.U-I.M (10 lb. bat), (loo wt.. .
Foallrr Barmr rnaaa coioraa irrera,
30c; old rooftera, 1m; eolorad (owl, 35oi
leaborn fowl, 3201 roaatara, lie.
Burins rrleaa Ecu, AA, we: lint A,
4i-60c; madlum AA, asej madium A, 41
too: amall. ITe. -
Wboiaiau rneaa wnoiaaaia pnaaa
lenarallr -7o hither than tha prtoaa
abova. Laraa trade A Ktnarall QUO tad st
eeoi medium, sic.
Battortat Burinr meat rrtmmm. n-
nc: No. 1. fi-ioc: No. S, Ma.
Better wnoiaiaia (rada A Mrenmut.
1o Ib.l retail. Tip.
Stoek Market
New Ton on -rat atoet market anook
off lta tradlai totharr? Wednesday and
turned in lta Deal performance at tha nut
ooupla of waeka.
Frioea were miner an around with few
backward area, ahowlni In the llat. Oalna
ran to between -l and a polnta at the
best Loaaai were raatrlcted.
Tradlni expanded markedly on the rlaa
arid eame to an aetlmaied 1.900.000 anaree.
Tueedar'a total waal.MO.OoO ahejrae.
Okleaao drain
Ohloaao biv-ewybeana ahot vn for
aalna which at one tuna ranged to nearly
o centa In actlra dcallnga on the board of
trade wedneaday.
Tha March and May contract, moth af
which oroaaed tha Sl.00 mark, paced the
aavance. -
Wheat doled iH-iy. hither. March
II.S5SI corn 1 to lVa hither, March ll.Ml
oata unohantad to ltt hither, March Ttt-
y; rye m-ay, nither. May I1.7IH-UI
orbaan i-3V hither. March U.OIVi-U.
and lard 10 to IT eentt a hundred pound!
miner, Maron
tLrflTantAtI,a. anblaet to Immedi
ate ahaniei rremlus quality, maximum
M to one per cant actdlty daUeerad to
rartliBd tS-TSt lb.! Ural duality l-10e!
eecood enallty, -eio. Valley rwtea and
eeunlry polnta, S eanU laaa.
Bnttar wnueaaie i.e.--
hduim wtAt aa at acora. tio: A
trad. M taora, Wei B. SO aeore, ei o, W
acora tie. Abora price atrletly nominal.
Dnea to rorwaoa
aaiara. Oreeroa alulae, ejtato. Oreion I
lb. teat atVb-Sltkei triplet tut lata than
B to wkilettlwti Candled ana con-
talnlnf at) loea, aaaea tnuuaea v. p.
rortland, A trade lane, Utt-Mtto; A
trade medluat, tlli-Uril srada lane,
rrtaaa Dairy auian
Batter Price to retanera: oraoa iu
print, Tie; A carton, uoi A Print, TK1
oartcAnoi B prlnta, too.
EraTo retaUere, Orad AA lane, VI-
tlUt A lane. M-elei AA medium, ao-aroi
A medium. S4-Mc: A arnaU, nominal. Car
tona, c addlUonal.
caeeea race to revaneri. rwtianu.
Oreton alnilet, 4tM-toei t-lb. loevea,
U-Mtto Ib.t triplet, IVao lata than aln
llte. Premium brand alnllei, MVtcs loaf,
eoltc rtocuied American erteeae, l-lb.
loarw la retail. alte-eUM lb.
lira eUakma INa. 1 tuallty. P. O. B.
plant.) Prrara, the-, 10-llei I- lb.,
H-llai roaatara. 4Vb ln- and over, w-tles
beery hena, an wellbu. lee; lllht hena.
all waianta, net oia rooeter. ie-teo.
Dreseed Cklckeae TTrera, 1H-S lta., 41
atei roaatora. 4t4tei llxht hena, tl-Uci
haary hena, HOlci cut up Intra, all
Baaiu Ararat to trowen: ure
white. 4-1 the, ll-Mci M Iba.. JO-Jto
Ib.l old doea. lO-lsc few htiher. Preah
draeeed irrera to retailer a, H-tloi out up,
Cacntrr Killed Meata
Veal Top aualltr. 41-410 St., tome to
4Se: rouih heavlei, 2S-40C.
Ben uan block era. to-iiei tows, utnt
Laaaba Top trada tprlniera. 40-4K1
other trade, acoordlnt to Quality. .
Mallear Beat awct and wethen xt-iao
BmI nilllty towt, tl-Jlo Ib.l aannar
cuttera. 9B-7c.
rmk mux Meat
wholcaalera to retailer. Dollar par
Beef stem, choice, 100-700 lba to.oo
43.001 tood. IT.00-41,00: commercial, at.oo-
11.001 utility, 31.00-14.00; oowa, commer
clal, 11.O0-I1.00; utility, 0.0O-33.O0i can-nere-cuttera,
trear tTuia (onoiea atearii ulna auar
tare, 4T.00-ei.00: round. 49.00-40.00: full
lolna, trimmed, (IM-TI.OO; trlamlet.
11.00 -11.00: toncuarteri, n.0O-tl.M:
ohucki, 11.00-41.00: rlbi, 4t.00-(3.O0.
veal Qood, 4t-Mi commercial, t0-0.
Calva . Choice, S45-SS; oommerolali,
La b prim aprlntara, 40-10 lb.
-43: tood, 140-44.
Maltaa Oood choice, Ul-Jl.
Pork Cnte Lolna, lio. 1. t-U lta.. 151-
Mi ahoulden, lt Ibi., t-3li eparcrlb,
a9-a: ireen name, to-ie tea., t&e-ot.
Bxaeaed Mease flkinnKI. t!l-tti alab
bacon. ttl-Il. Refined Urd tn drama, 117-
eie.N); aian aacon, 3B-fea,
Pactlaad MlMallaaaeaa
Celery cal. flat craM, dov 91.11-
www to ta. eo. ore,,
Oaleae CO lb. lack! Walt Oman yel
low, medium, M-Tt-4i l-lnoh, tt.So-B: No.
zi, a.oD-aeoi eouere, to ina. aaota, 45-470!
Idaho yellowa, lane, 13.50-3.75; No. 1
lane, whltt mad. lam, 1441
4.50; lane, t4-4Jl.
Pe4aty Ore.-Waah. ruaiita. No. 1.
4.00-501 nam brand to 4.051 bekere,
5.00-25; M lb alia A, 1,15-30; 10 lb. mah,
SO-SSei paper, 41-llti No, s, to Iba., tl.oo-
a.ew, aoant, rueaetl, oai, B-10 IB., J BO-
III lOo-lh. lack, t.OO-stl SS lb, no. la,
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wed., Mstreh 11, 15I 1
(By Tha aaiaclatad Praail
Admiral Corporation , at1
Allied Chemical 14
Alll Chalmer K
American Alrllnee UVi
American Power at tliht, It
American Tel. at Tel 1M1
American Tobacco ItVa
Anaconda Copper 41
AtchUoa Railroad ,. Aire
Bethlehem Steel 14
Boetni Alrplana Co. 4tH
Bon Warner utt
Burrow Addlnt Machine 1IH
Oalllernla Packlnt il
Canadian paellle lilt
Caterpillar Tractor 13
Celaneaa Corporation l
Chryaler Corporation N
Cltlea Service
Oonaolklated Bdiion 10
ConoUdtd Vultea SIVt
Crown Benirbach lire
Curtlaa wrunt lit
Douilaa Aircraft tt
Da Pont de rremoura Al
Baatman rndak 41
Xmeraon Radio 11
Oeneral Bleotrto TSVa
Oineral Pooda ., 13
Oeneral Motor , IIK
Oeonla Pee. Plywood 11
Ooodroar Tin 11
Bomeatakt Mlnlni Co. M
International Harreeter II
XnUrnatlonal Paper fit
John Murine T
Kannacotl Copper M
Llbby McNeil 4Ve
Lockheed Aircraft HI
Loewei Incorporated UV
Lent BeU , 10
Montgomery Ward 0V
Neh Kclrlnator S4Va
New Tork Central S3
Northern PaclHc Tt
Paclflo American Plah
Pacific Oaa St Xlectrl ItVb
Paolllt Tel. AT Tel 111
Packard Motor Car t
Penney, J. C 114
Penmylvanla R. R. as
Pepal Cola Co. 11
Phllco Radio 99
Radio Corporation 3H
Raronler Ineorp Sl
Rayonler Inoorp. Ptd
Republic Steel 41
Reynold! MetaU 3
Rlchlleld oil (IMi
flafewar Storei Ins. 15H
Bcotl Paper Co. ee
Bean, Roabucl CO. to
..... it
..... 10
..... 10
..... 41V,
17 H
, 41
ParUajiA tuCdJ, Hark!
Portland (UJ0 Cabbaia aold up to l a
rta for amall and madlumlaed head!
today on tha Portland Baatato carmen
Wholaiala Produce market with areraae
run tolnt at t3.:3-3.7. other atlirlnia
wen lacklnt with price aonunu.
Booonr-Vacuum OU
Southern Paclllc
Standard OU Calif
Standard OU N. 3
atudebaker Corp.
Bunahlna Mlnlnt ..,
Swift at Company
Tramamerlca Corp
Twentieth Century Pol
Union Oil Company
Union Paclllo ,
United Alrllnei
United Aircraft ,
United Corporation .......
United Stetae Plywood ....
United Btatca Steel ......
Warner Plcturai
Weitirn Union Tel
Weetlnihouie Air Brakt ..,
Weatlnihou Xleotrlo ....
Hay TJ. 8. No. t treen alfalta. dallTtr-
ed ear lota P.O.B. Portland, nominally
Hi aoni ejeatue. a-ac. -
Weel Willamette valley moiUy nomin
al at 45o lb. ireaie bull.
Bite Oalre, la-ite n, accordant t0
welahtti treen klpi, 10-Uei beef, 10-Uo
id.: ouii. a-tMci ireen Dutcnar cow nidat,
raearte Wholla cauina nrlea No. 1
lan Barcelona, tt-15o lb.; trowtr prion.
ereaar run. a-teo ID.
Waraet wholeeale atnina price, lint
ejuallty lam rrutuattaa, 11 -111 tb.i
(rower price, orchard run, ll-lte Ilk, law
keel to Uc. '
lie. but prlaea wan about at watt tatk .
orwea aueatta. TJ. B. No. 1 i t war
wholaaallai Irota 14 to M.M a aaadrad
pound aok with a few brlnitni aa locv
M 11.11 a hundred oa Tueaaay, March
lt. Thll U aomawhat dlftarent Utaa tha
trend at other terminal market where)
price were eomewhat atronier.
Tna nation' onion impment tat pan
week totaled around 171 cara. That la
around 40 oars lata than war thlppad :.
durlni tha prerloua week. Oreaoa'a aiilv
mente dropped around SO cara thla pan
week, kul were around 4 ear keener
than inipmanu or a year aio.
oa the rortiena wnoieiaw wjaraa war
pail wk around ION aaeka at ttuaaa
were reoelred by truck al compered to lev
aacka the previous week. Allboaah aua-
nllea ware uinter act tae aroruanra wonea
aal market, price remained unehanaed
from a week earlier, oreion weetern Tea
low, madlum In ilie. U. a. No. l a, wen
whBlaaalln from 13.11 to 14 a bo pound .
lack. The S Inch minimum else MM for
1 50 to t a to pound aact.
Pertlaad Uveetaek
Portland QUO cattle: tool iiowi aarnr
aalea itoadyi tood fad ateen 11-111 com
mercial atocrt, heifer; utility itoen
down to It; nUllty heller 15-17; cennar
cutter oowa 11-141 thaUa down to It ad
below: utility oowa 15-lt.50i utuits ball
11-11: autton dowa to it.
calvaa: tot alow: leneraliy ataiu a tee-ay
or 31-31 for lood-oholc Tealeru tood 40
lb. atock calvai SI.
Hon: too: active, iteadr to waaai cnoia
S butcheri lJO-lM lb. -XI. Ml ,
choice 1 butohen S3 .75.. 350-100 iba. Sl .
12.161 choice 400-500 lb. aowi 11 60-80 60.
Sheep: 1001 a iood auuiater tamaa
offered early) lood-cholc Tueaday S
10.50; tood-cholco leader aalabl 1T
17.60; sood-oholea twee auotaaia e.0- 6t. .
Cbleaae Ureatock
Ohlcaio Wt Hot aalea want tn two
direction Wedneaday. Barrow and tilt,
eapeciaiiy uinter weunu, wen wean to
So centa lower on continued ipene de
mand from ahtppln In teres ta. Bowa, a-. -
peoiauy neaner waunti, were ataady to at
cent hither.. -
cattle were moatlr ataady althouih com .
weakneu appeared on bull, aheap traden -failed
to. tet up a market by late la tha
aeislon with, Indication for a atoady
market. .
Moat choice butcher weiiht hon told
from I11.M to 110.11 with Uihter kind :
lolni on up to a hlih at tsl.OO. Sowi ,.
were 111.60 to
oood to prime ateen moatly made sit.ov 7
to HO.bO, Two loada teatlni averaia
prlma topped at H1.00. Oood to low-printa '
helfere aold from 111.00 to 121.00. Cowa
topped practically at 1U.1Q.
Chlcata Onlona '
Ohlcaio 0JJ0 Suppilaa moderate, de
mand. Uibt, market allihtly. weaker oa -new
crop, about ateady on Yellow olobea. .
atreei aalea (to loa.i: Idaho and oreion
Spanlah 1-lneh and laner mottly l.oe; ,
ueiico crrtal white wax s-tnob end
laner few 4.60 a la l-lnch 1.O0; mMweat
medium Tallow Olobet 1.T5-4.00, toma but
line 1.15; MlehUan carton twelve S
pound celloe t.K-I.M.
. t . , ')
ivrtlaal Orala
Portland (v-No aoana tratni enotc.
Wheat (bid) to arrive market, bail No.
1 bulk, delivered eoait: Soft White 1.44!
Boll White (escludlas Rex) 1.441 Whit
ujuu a.ea.
Hard Red Winter: Ordinary S.4T1 la
per cant 1.411 11 par .cent J.47; U pot
oent 1.47.
Hard Whlta Baart: Ordinary l.tli la
per cent S.411 11 par cent 1.41; IS par cent
car recelpti: Wheat SO: flour 1: aera
4; oat ii mill feed a.
Mala. Oetleat Baaart
Oreion state couata rotata ataneia
thll pait week wen allthtly itroater, but
onion nrloe war iinflhanred.
The aatton'a potato ahlpmtnti durtna
the week endint March 1, totaled a tittle
over MOO cara. Thll It about SM can
heavier than chip men ta cf the vrvvloui
week and about 300 can aneaa as amp
mente durlni the tint week of March
a year aao. Total aniomenta ox lata po-
tatcai In the nation to data amount to
a little ever 111 thouiand can at
pared to 101 thouiand car to aatc en
yaar Bn.
potato inipmentl irom tnc nortnweat
trda naat weak totaled around Hot can.
Oreion ahlpped ill can and Idah this-
wad around 1460 cara.. -
on tna Portland wooiaeaia maraei una
pail week over I too acka cf potatoee
wen received ay unci iron point in
Oreion. Thla la luat about the eame num
ber of aaoka that wen received a week
F1US (Hcmorrhetdi)
Wmm Wrtraa, Call
Open 10 caul 1 Waaler tbrocnb Mley.
Valll t p.ra. Meeaar, Waaaeeawy and Prtoap.
CMrwraerli ttrywcleat . , la ear 43td yaeve
sola NoarttiAtT saiiby bouuvakb
Tileptiiae tAet ICIt Penlaad 14, Ora.
ff -
Vnur RlnmH Ic Moorlorll 1
vmi vivvu iaf iiwuwui t r iaj
pnone i-wo or wui
for Appointment
Again, the blood of free men has been
thed upon the battlefield to preserve
and protect your way of life.
And now . . . YOUR BLOOD
IS NEEDED for freedom's fight, it
your fight, toot A pint of blood it II
gh to ask of you . e . to lave J
lives of those who have already fc.
given much, much more.
MARCH 12, 1953
5 P.M. TO 10 P.M.
Sponsored in the interest of freedom by the
following listed firms . . .
141 N. Commercial Phone S-4SS4
ISO Chemeketa Phone S-I16I
Comer State and Commercial Phone I-I14I
The Standout Picture Set
120 N. Commercial Phone l-490t
151 North Capitol Phone S
115 Court St. Phone I
"Buy with Confidence"
11SI South Commercial Phone I
: l
i l V
I l "
1267 AVe. ..,-. I "X.- S I
119 Fairgrounds Road 1310 State St
Lip c