Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 11, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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3Sfiis Aiffliv
Eight-Team Field Complete
As Knappa Clinches Berth
reams entered In the annual
ion ttate Clan B high school
isketball tournament began
iTivlng in Salem today, eager
f awaltlnr the opening ronnd
h jt the tournament tomorrow.
' f The eight-team field for the
' state classic at Willamette unl-
tenlty was completed last night
; when Knappa defeated Garibal
di 48-45 in the final game of
the district 1-B tournament.
i Knappa becomes the second
team which played In last
year's tourney to gain a berth
in the 195S tournament Echo
high school Is also a repeater
from 1952. Echo brings back
almost an Identical lineup
from last season, and la gen
erally regarded as the favor
ite for the state B champion
.ship. ....
J Knappa was runner-up in
1952, losing to Rogue River 61'
60 in the championship game.
I Jefferson, champions of dis
trlct 2-B, draws Knappa in the
opening round. The Lion-Knap
pa game is scheduled for 9
o'clock Thursday night, the fi
nal game of the opening round
; Echo and Drain, both re
garded as powerhouses, clash
In the tournament's opening
t game at 2:30 Thursday. Chllo-
Santa Clara
Clinches NCAA
Tourney Spot
' Palo Alto, Calif. VP) Santa
Clara's sizzling Broncos steer a
course for Corvallis, Ore., Wed
nesday night and a Friday en
counter with the University of
Wyoming Cowpokes.
: It sounds like a rodeo espe
cially alter the Broncos busted
the Cowboys from Hardln-Sim-
ons Tuesday night, 81-56. But
it's basketball, the National Col
legiate Athlet ic Association
Western regional playoffs.
Whether the Santa Clarans,
who won the regional last year,
can duplicate is questionable.
; But Wyoming Coach Ev Shelton,
; who scouted the game, was
"quite impressed." -
quia and Heppner meet at
The evening session Thursday,
beginning at 7:30, pita Elgin op
posite Brownsville and Jeffer
son against Knappa.
Consolation games will be
played Friday afternoon, and
semi-nnal games in the cham
pionship bracket Friday night
The state championship game is
scneauiea lor 8 o clock Satur
day night.
Season tickets for the 11-game
tournament are just about sold
ow, ticket chairman Otto Wil
son of the sponsoring Exchange
club said today. A few are still
available at Wicklund's sporting
goods store. Tickets for any one
session of the tourney may be
purcnasea at the Willamette eth
letlc office. .
Seattle Defeats
Idaho State, Heads
For Corvallis
' Seattle U.R All - America
Johnny O'Brien picked up an
other scoring record Tuesday
night as he paced Seattle unl
verslty to an 88-77 basketball
win over Idaho State and a berth
in the NCAA Western regional
at Corvallis, Ore., Friday.
The Seattle mighty mite
dumped in 42 points to run his
season's total to 861, 30 more
than the old national major col
lege season scoring standard
set by Dick Croat of Duke last
Most of the Seattle aggrega
tion had tough sledding, how
ever, as Idaho State, the Rocky
Mountain conference champions,
held the high-scoring Chiefs.
who have crossed the century
mark five times this season, In
tne double-figure bracket with
tight defense.
The Chieftains will run up
against another defensive-minded
team in the Western reglon
als Friday, their oppouent be
ing the arch-rival University of
Washington Huskies, Pacific
Coast Conference Champions.
DOie Mam's SOibjp
for your Spring Wardrobe
headquarters . . . Here you
will find racks of New Spring
Merchandise, with more ar
riving every day. The latest
and finest in Suits, Hats,
Sport Coats, Slacks, Sport
Shirts, Sweaters, Dress and
Casual Shoes. You'll find
everything to make your
Spring and Summer
Wardrobe complete.
I Z3
Choose from Such Famous
Names as These
And Many,
Many Others
to Choose From
TDac M
an s
416 Stat Salem
Unseeded Teams
Move Up in
NIT Tourney
New York. VP) An unseeded
team will play in the finals of
the National Invitation basket
ball tournament Saturday night
and probably will rate almost an
even chance of winning the 12
team show.
Duquesne, which dumped
third-seeded Western Kentucky,
69-61, Tuesday night, tangles
with St. John's of Brooklyn,
Monday's upset conquerors of
second-seeded LaSalle. in one of
the semifinals Thursday night
lor the honor of making the
seeding committee look bad.
The tournament takes a one-
day break . Wednesday night
alter reducing the field to Du
quesne, St. John's, top-seeded
Seton Hall which won a desper
ate battle over Niagara, 79-74
Tuesday night, and fourth-seeded
Manhattan, an easy winner
over Louisville the night before.
Radio to Carry
Play-by-Play of
NCAA Playoffs
in aamtlon to being televised
'er KPTV, portions of the
Western regional NCAA basket
ball tournament at Corvallis this
week-end will be carried on ra
dio broadcasts.
The Washington-Seattle game
at 7:30 Friday night will be aired
In this area over KRUL, Corval
lis, and KWJJ, Portland. Those
same two stations will also carry
the Santa Clara-Wyoming game
at 9:30 Friday night.
KRUL and KWJJ will also
carry both the consolation and
II .
fiOSI I6QIH . JeHerMB nigh leliMl'a Lions, champions' of
. ro tuv uni Run ior tne
annual Oregon state class B high school basketball tourna
ment at Willamette university, beginning tomorrow. These
seven players will probably ace most of the action for coach
Fred Graham's elnb. Left to right, John Caughell, Eugene
Tlefke, Jim Blackwell, John Wright, Dale Wattenbarger,
Lee Cameron and Claude Myers. Jefferson plays Knappa In -the
opening round Thursday night.
300 Extra Seats
Built for NCAA
Playoffs at 0SC
I Corvallis () Bleacher seats
that . will accommodate 300
persons have been built under
the scoreboards at the ends of
the Gill Coliseum basketball
court for the NCAA tourna
ment here. this week-end.
i They will go on. sale at 6
pan. Friday and Saturday at
f Z.40 general admission.
: jtm Barett, ticket manager,
who reported the additions!
aid reserved seats had been
old out three weeks ago.
At the same time, names of
officials were released. They
re Al Llghtner, Salem; Bill
Seolllng, San Francisco; Bill
Juengllng, Denver; and Al
Mercer, Salt Lake City.
Fights Last Night
- . (By Tht, Auoolated Pre
Lm AnceHa Jmm Uonfla. 1314. Dttv
w. 6utpolnU4 Ofcar Torre, 133 V, . Loi
AnctiM. IQ.
Emit uii exit Hsin Tn Hoir. am.
CHnnfcnr, knocked out Lonnw CI irk, 323,
Phlladelphlft. 3.
Miuti Btaeft. FT, JohnnT fitxton.
17. Brooklyn, and Wallace "Bud11
Smith, 14414, .Cincinnati, drew, 10.
Ban ABuni. tm. Del Flans nn. IBS
Bt. Paul,- outpointed Cbato Hernandez
103, Duranso, Mexico, 10.
wait ruttu. n. t. Simmy Ouilluil.
180 Stamford, Conn., outpointed Joe
nocxy Tomauuo, Silzabetn, N. J.,
Breealm (Rid wood Ore Jmv ni.
ambra. 1H. Buffalo, outootnted ntix
uranam, in, . nmadeiphit, 10.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, March 11, 1953 Page 17
Roosevelt, Milvaukie Earn
Tickets to State Classic
NAIA Baslasl rtbikta
Completes First Round
Kansas City VP) Misalsslnnl
Southern, ' Sprint-field . (Mo.)
State and St. Peter's College
looked like the pick of the field
in the first round of the Nation-
al International .basketball
But whether they can hold ud
under the grind of the six-day
raeei is anomer question. To
take the title, a team must win
live games.
The 32-team tournament
(Br The Associated Prut)
Only two state tournament
berths remained unfilled after
Tuesday night basketball games
in which two more Oregon high
schools qualified for title play at
Eugene next week.
Roosevelt of Portland became
the District 16 repesentatlve by
stopping Jefferson 67-53. The
game was the playoff finale for
the three teams Roosevelt, Jef
ferson and Benson that had tied
for second place in Portland
League standings. '
Mllwaukle won the District
12 berth, defeating Molalla
61-47. In a pelimtnary, Lake
Oswego topped C a n b y 66-48
for third place in the district
The District and District 13
champions are to be determined
in Wednesday night games. )
Eugene, No. 4 in the Associ
ated Press poll, is favored to win
the District 6 : championship
against Oakrldge. , f
Greahara, No. 1 in the poll,
has an edge over Central Ca
tholic, of Portland in the Dis
trict IS race. Central Catho
lic entered the dlstlct playoff
finals on the strength of its
46-41 victory over Bandy Tues
day night '
The district champions to
date:" ,
District 1, Ontario: 2. The
Dalles; 3, Lakeview; 4, Medford;
5, Marshfield; 7, Albany; 8, Dal
las; , HMsboro: 10. Astoria: 11
saiem; lz, Milwaukie; 14, Clat
skanie; 15, Cleveland; 16, Roose
MllwmiU. (U)
UlUtr 13 ......
Predarlok ....
Btoder 19 la
Brers s
(47) HolilU
4 Sandgren
16 Hagen
. IS Ctillders
i Reaatvea acarins. uttwatikl nttm,..
S. Maxwell a; MolU Day 4. HaltOme
core: Mllwaukle ao, Molalla 30. OlllclaU:
wbqwi man neeo.
night, too.
games Saturday
Jersey Joe Confident Over
Title Fight With Rocky
PleasantvUfe. N.J.. U.R A
cheerfully confident Jersey Joe
Walcott promised today that his
last fight would be his best.
"I won't be careless this time
and I'll win back the title," Wal
cott said determinedly. "Then
I'm going to retire."
Those are 39-year-old Joe's
plans as he starts heavy train
tag for his April 10 Chicago
meeting with h e a v y w eight
cnamplon Rocky Marclano.
As always, just as in the
bitter years when he battled
poverty and frustration, Jer
sey Joe remains brightly hope
ful. The knockout by which
Marclano stripped him of the
title last September has been
put firmly behind him.
The shock and mental para
lysis which turned him Into a
listless automaton that night in
Philadelphia are gone. Old Joe's
faith is firm once more and this
again is the man who chased Ez
zard Charles relentlessly until
he finally hit the heights.
A triple lure drives Walcott as
he walks and runs those aging
legs into super condition over
the flat roads of southern New
Jersey. He wants to be the first
man to win back the title. He
wants one more big payoff and
he wants to step down as cham
There is a widely-believed
theory that, should he regain
the crown, Joe would be
driven by past memories of his
poverty-stricken past to ac
cept the bait of more big
purses. This he denies.
"Fighting Is hard work." he
explained in a soft voice.
Everybody believes that I'm
older than I am actually, but
even for far younger men get
ting into condition for a tough
bout Is gruelling. After this
fight I will be fixed financially
ana l want to spend more time
with my family."
You sense that even Joe.
physical marvel, is beginning to
feel the toll of the years. Cer
tainly he has tolled arduously
as he prepares to face Marclano's
lethal fists again.
Tanforan Draws
Big Crowd as
Boycott- Goes On
San Bruno, Calif. VP) Tan
foran race track opened to one
of Its largest inaugural day
crowds and strong wagering
Tuesday despite an organized
boycott by horsemen and jock
eys, and rain,
The track reported 8,750 paid
aomisslons, compared to the
1952 opening 7,714 and narlmu-
tuel wagering of $428,108-$30,.
879 less than last fall's first
In the absence of top jockeys
sucn as Johnny Longden, Wil
lie Shoemaker, Gordon Glis
son and Jackie Westrope, all
former national riding cham
pions, the track turned up 16
saddlesmlths. Most of them
ride at the summer county
lairs, a few came out of re
tirement. Nineteen other Jock
eys showed up, but refused to
General Manager Fred H.
Ryan reported nearly 400 horses
on the grounds, with more ex
pected. Many were from Santa
Anita, where the California di
vision of the Horsemen's Benev
olent Protective association had
ordered a boycott and the
Jockeys' Guild backed it.
The horsemen demand 40
per cent of the track's take
from parimutuel wagering.
We'd Enjoy Explaining
Our Prepaid Vocation Plan
465 Center
Phone 4-2261
Negro Tag Teamers
Defeat Larsens in
Hectic Finish
The tag team match that local
wrestling fans have been waiting
for Don Kindred and Frank
James vs. Tol Yamato and Mr.
Sakata will be forthcoming
The stage for the Neero vs.
Japanese tag teamer was set at
the armory last night, when
Kindred and James defeated the
Larsen brothers in a tag teamer.
Promoter Elton Owen had
promised, the winner of last
night's, mix a chance at the
iMortnwest tag - championship,
now held by Yamato and Sakata.
The James - Kindred vlctorv
last night wasn't a popular one,
as lar as tne tans were concerned.
The deciding fall came when
Kindred grabbed ahold of his
partner's feet, and attemnted to
yank James out of the clutches
of Logger Larsen. : '. :
Referee Peters ordered Kin
dred to let loose. When Kindred
did ao, James and Larsen fell
backward, James landlne aton
Larsen. From there, it was easv
for James to pin Larsen, and the
Negro team won the match.
In preliminaries. Yamato de
feated Dick Hayes and Al Fri
dell drew with Glen Stone.
Odell Gives
Up Coaching
Seattle VP) Howie Odell.
fired as head football coach at
the University of Washington
January 24, announced Tues
day that he was quitting the
coaching profession to enter
private business.
Odell said he had purchased
an Interest in Town and Coun
try Motors of Seattle, an auto-
momie sales firm, from Les
Wilkins, with whom Odell plav-
ed football in his college career
at tne university of Pittsburgh,
moved Into tho second round
Wednesday with four afternoon
and four night games sched
uled. St. Peter's of Jersey Citv. N.
J., used a balanced attack in
walloping Southwestern (Okla.)
State 81-60 in its first start Tuea.
Mississippi Southern, which
rolled up a 106-72 score In beat
ing River Falls (Wis.) Teachers
Monday, lined up against Loy
ola of Baltimore In the second
round. Loyola eased past Port
land university in the first round
Tuesday, 66-64. ' .
Springfield State, the defend.
tag champion, also won Its op
ener easily, romping over Gon-
zaga of Spokane, Wash, 95-74.
Jiner scores Include: . ;
East Texas State 57. Adrian.
Mich., 40; Arkansas Tech IS,'
East Carolina State 81; Arizona
ouiie ui xempe oi, cast Tennes
see State 79; Hamline 89, Lou
isana Tech 80; Stetson 75, Iowa
State Teaehera B7- Itnnanu A
8c I 89, Geneva College of Beav-
er Falls, Pa. 88. -
Basketball Scores
IBt Ttla Auoclatea Ftm)
Notre Dame 73, Bittern Ktniuekr ST.
DePaul 14. Miami (Ohio) TJ.
Lebanon VtUer W, Pordnam tf.
Holy Croje 47, Narr 14.
Santa Clara (1, Hardin -a! mm ou H,
Seattle SB. Idaha atat Ti.
Baltimore (Lonla) tt, PortUueS (Or.)
East Texea IT. Adrian (Kith.) 40.
at. Peter. (N. 3.) 41, ttoottiirett Okla
homa 40. '
Arkuwu Teon tt, z&it Carolina 11,
Arizona 8tat (Tempo) (1, Kail Teem T,
Hamllna 49, Loulalann Tech ao.
Button It, Iowa Teecheri it, r,
Spriruileld l Mo.) 5, Oooiaca It,
Tenn A&I 86. OeneYB, (Pa.) aa
NIT TOUBNEI (Oearter-rioela) '
Seton Hall 18, Nlaiara 74.
DuQuesne 69. Western JCantuv m.
Xanaaa state lot, Xebnek W.
Oklahoma A&U 4, Oklahoma 4T.
Denver 80. Colorado AAU TT. -
Mliwaune oi, Molalla 4T (title). .
Lakt CVWBEO 86. Oanfa 41 ramuAtaUM.!.
Dlatrlot 13
Central Cathollo (Portland) j.
t teiinunawai.
Dlttrlet 16
Rooeerelt IT. Jjfferaan At iutlai.
Dlalrlet 1-B
Knappa 46, Oarlbaldl 41 (title). '
Corrected tor Tart
(Compile kr tj. a. coast 4k Osalitta
Sareer. Peruana. Of.
euro waters ur waters
Tim Heltnt
1:30 a.m. 6.6
10:11 p.m. 1.1
o:S1 a.m. I.s
10:115 p.m. t.T
10:37 a.m. 1.1
11:31 p.m. 6.1 '
11:33 a.m. 6.1
13:06 a.m.
13:16 p.m.
13:43 a.m.
1:10 p.m.
' 1:16 a.m.
t:0a p.m.
1:B7 a.m.
I -.01 pjn.
Tim Hete-ht
1:33, ul 8.1
1:44 p.m. -0.1
t:lt a.m. I I
4:10 p.m. -0.4
4:31 ajn. . 1.S .
1:11 P.m. -0.4
:lt an. 1.1
1:44 pan. -0.1
4:14 a.m. 0.4
t:J3 p.m. .l
7:04 a.m. -0.1
1:13 p.m. 0.5
7:46 ajn. -0.4
7:51 p.m. l.a
l:4T An. -0.4
:ll p.m. 14
X .'7.sf ts atf
1878 1953
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