1 . ..W. H-CejlUl Jonrml, Salem, Ort, Wed, March 11, 195S .7 Roebuck andco j y - n rv Coronation Days WCK UP YOUR TICKETS NOWI $5,000.00 IN VALUABLE PRIZES ami a popular oarg r , j : f f f our low price of 2.W , W if40fiWf 1 1 - reduced 51e more. ML- P ' f ' 3 Days Onfy I "' I Thurs., Fri., fJr CHOICE OF 12 NEW 1 f SPRING COLORS J 1 Chocolate Brown Gray Light Green 1 I Blue Kelly Green Gold J I Rust Tan , Navy j A ' Maroon ' . Red I ie of our BiqSprinq Sale. Exciting Values in every department. n - i i . : U II II 1 A A . F A I I usually i.uu 10 I.DU tacil! Sport shirts of this value are had to find but Sear has them now at extra savings! Every last one ii tailored with an eye to clean-cut streamlined lines and set off with a smart convertible collar. Wear them with or without a tie. Buy 'em by the armload for all the menfolk in your family at this low Sears price. Nobody can help but admire the looks and feel of these cool solid color acetate and rayon fabrics. Sizes small, medium, large and extra large. famous Gold Bonds ... lowest price we know for men's Goodyear Welts regularly 6.95 Made the way expensive shoes are built . . . shape-retaining, Goodyear Welt Rich hlgh-shlne leathers, sturdy, supple Choice of a variety of smart , styles Longwearlng rubber soles, heels . y 1 65 Pilgrim m Me,'k.t.rM mt. Mirrs t ROCMJCK AMD CO. Men's Sport Denim Work Shirts Ref. 1.98 , . . 1.66 Colorful, wuhable (port denim In handsome matched plalda, Sanforlaed max. thrlnkara 1. Sties 1414-17. Chambray Shirts Sanforlxed 1 Bhrinkac 1.00 Rer. 1.29 t Hercules Low in price but built for aerrlcel Blue cotton chambray work ihlrts. Bar tacked at point of itraln. At Sean nowl only a dramatic special purchase makes this "give-away price" possible Pilgrim ties wide variety of new tie fabrics for Select yours from dozens of new spring patterns All are designed in the new "tall look" shape Yes, It took a lot of doing to bring you our tie sensation of the year . . . at this special low price! Grab a fistful from our wide array of neat, medium set figures, bolds and woven repp stripes! All are wool lined with acetate tipping. Hi SAVE 96c WHEN YOU BUY TWO! men's Pilgrim "comfort tailored" broadcloth pajamas Reg. 2.98 v E A 1 I each 2 pr. 5.00 Sanforized broadcloth maximum shrinkage 1 Choose from pullover or smart coat styles We haven't found another garment that can hold a candle to these pajamas . . . scientifically designed for greater sleeping comfort! The roomy seat and U-shaped crotch means real non-bind slumber ease Sears special price means real savings NOW! Save today! NthoMl .. Totally. $30 Or Mor. Con Be Mad. On Save on Each Garment! Pilgrim shirts and briefs 4 fori 57 Choose several at this price! Shirts are quality combed cotton. Shorts have elastic all around waist. In sites: S-M-L. Men's Combed Cotton Tee Shirts Reg. 89c 3 for 2 Soft, finely knit combed cotton yarns reinforced with nylon. In 11 aiies. 25 Men's Water Repeltaif Reversible Blouses Reg. to ayoc 8.95 and 9.95 Handsome sheen gabardine reverses to harmonizlnr bos checks on a white back ground. Blue or brown. PLENTY FREE PARKING NEW STORE HOURS: n jtm ' money fast flflK Monday and Friday. 9:30 to 9 pjn Jay and maay. :su o Other Day, 9:30 to t:S0 PHONE 3-9191 550 North Capitol, Salem