year, be between 18-2T run The navy said tlx of the I condition, but all are showing wounded still are In serious I definite improvement. will receive their final process ing at Sand Point at a later date. was killed as the bomb explod ed. mmenieMS I age, unmarried and a citizen of Fellowship to Miss Hollenbeck Miss Irene HoUenbeck, bi ology teacher at Salem hleh apply to extending the liberal trie united States to onnlifv fnr They will be allowed to com plete their school year before The navy released the story education rather than to spe cialization. Miss Hollenbeck'i plans in clude: ine program. today. This Week The tests will be given in h being ordered to active duty. Hot fragment and flames Post Office Building? In Port. Protect Your Child's Precious Vision! Childhood diseases and eyestrain from school work may harm children's vision. Be perfectly safe, bring your ehild down for a thorough eye examination. We do not prescribe glasses for anyone unless they are necessary. killed another man and wound ed 15 more when the bomb land at Sll Broadway street Photographs Bomb Just Before It Kills Him Observing sugaring time in Vermont; shrimp fleet opera tion! in New Orleans; attend ance at University of Michigan's summer science camp at Lake Douglas; visit to industrial Naval Air Cadet flight apt! uy uinur. ueorge jr. Hoppe, and Chief Pharmacist's mate B. S. Morris of the Seattle Navnl Air blew up on the deck of the fast tude written tests are to be U.S. carrier Oriskany off Ko given in Portland Friday and Saturday of this week to young station. Tokyo W) A young navy rea's east coast last Friday. - cameraman captured on film school, hag been selected for Friday tests will hi.,.. i men in this area qualifying for the program. the last seconds of a wild bomb which skidded toward him down the evening at 7:30 o'clock and the Saturday tests will start at T we Ford Foundation fellowship which will give her full year of travel and study. The fellowship pays the equivalent of the teacher's sal ary, and in addition the ex pense of travel and tuition. Miss Amanda Anderson, teach er of speech, was chosen alter nate. A local committee selected Miss Hollenbeck, mainly on the pasis of her own plans for a year of work. The Foundation Requires that the year of work laboratories in the east; the Jackson laboratory ' for cancer The men must have had two a carrier flight deck. Then he I $& fescessc 10 a.m. Successful candidate. USE YOUR CREDIT years or more of college or be able to complete two years by the end of the present school and genetics research in Maine; Yale radiocarbon laboratory; visit to United Nations; visits to Interantional House in New York; study of plant life in DTT(E M DeeVI Safer Anetaer Minute Mm autter how many remedlee you have tried for itching ecaeme, peoriaaie, Infee. alone, athlete'e foot or whatever your eels TOI AMAZING AIO ACTS TO Optometrists REDUCE SWELLING CHOKED GAS? THANK HEAVENSI Hoit attacka are add Imllgeition. When It atrtkee take Bell-ana tablet!. They contain the faeteet-actlng medlclnee known to doctora for the relief of heartburn and af. Ml refunded If not aatlsfled. Send empty carton to Bell-ana, Orangeburg. N. Y. Get BeU-anj today. 15. of simple piles.;. AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th at CENTER DIAL 3-6506 Puerto Rico. . trouble may be anything from bead ea foot WONUER SAI.Vi avid Wonder Mediaeted Soap can help you. Developed for the bare la the Arvay new for yea fetka at heate WONDER SALVE ia white, greaaaleaa, aotlaeptie. No ugly appearance. Safe foe children. Get WONDER SALVE and WONDER MEDICATED 80AP Karaite or money refunded. Truly wonderful areparatiooa. Try these. " RELIEVE AGONY INSTANTLY! Itching, pain of almple pllea drive you madr Anuuing Paro acta intently to relieve audi misery I Sxthee acre tiaauea. Lubricate, hardened parte. Helpe heal cracking, reduce mlling. Don't euner iMedleaa agony of almple pilee. Get Pan get real comfort. Ailc doctor about it. Suppaai torr 'm or tube with perforated pipe. Veer OinlmiM mi SuppoiilmuiQ In the Middle Ages and early modern times, storms caused several floods in the Nether lands, each of which took some Fh. f-3331 Dr. Sam Hughes' 100,000 lives. 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed, March 11, 1953,1 T . hssgr . -it Dr. E. E. Boring : ill aprons 5 eae lL limit PAPER NAPKINS C (Limit One) v ! CLIP THIS COUPON -SAVEI n k. f .. -Vav.. m mm- Scte l lKVt while they last ' i D w 3 CAN OPENER Urn 80 Count f I xiDDDDaDaDQaaDDaaaDDDPriaaDDDDQD KLEENEX SANDWICH BAGS CLIP THIS milPArJCAUi:i . , ... V -.. - wvw, vi, - rrai . CLOSE OUT SYLVANIA GLOBES suppiy . 4 Limited to 1 Stock on Hand 15-25-40- 5;60- nan f , Each 3-S SP sjgsB tVasim'aH ' - ajjiasjaar wm MSmSA ,vk a-, M5 IJL Wftw"V------ jk ARTISTS BRUSHES Reg. 25c MINIATURE POCKET KNIVES SHOE POLISH 5' . j HTOC IOMATO PIN HOUSEHOLD g nccDiirkv II Triicumki II CANDLES HI Sc soap ... ffiwl II ickage wia2'!! its?-. llrf e II ..,. I f H , . ..8A B' imj B I (UH ra. .,. CArrUADIKJ ataMaMgasaaagaMasaaasaaa f pruilLlja " " " O" i . If -II JLCCriMU If 71 ... : I Jai ? "ro" rrpstv 1 1 wash -tts- HI caps ,r .nratf: cloths a p , n PRICES EFFECTIVE, MAR IHh THRU 15th fl cJpD , 484 STATE STa ' il&ZJS f IWS I 0'lla3 l-j ijl f? V KKX cuvota a I I 1 I BiUfm Vvif ioc value ia?Syi i ' n edd mimfeA napkin. S , i pwpy holder rais 'i . 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