Rites Held for Linn Suicide ' Lebonon Services were held Monday afternoon for Mm n. - , " jua iAnna Gainer, 48, Linn's filth uicme m iaoa. Her body was found in the famllv l.i. voi tine Friday night by Robert Cate, a -j'ciK'iuur. ane nad driven the vehicle off th hirim i. . ,grove near her home about four imues norm of Lebanon, and County Coroner Glenn Huston attributed her death to carbon J monoxide poisoning, i A hose was found attached to "tVlP OvVlDlKjf ir.. 1 i I yiijc ui uic tar, ieaa- ,ing into the vehicle through J a window. Four notes were round m the auto, all addressed to relatives. Police had hixn ocUorf i J for Mrs. Gainer late Wednesday 1mL1 ...1 1 . .... iiieut wiien sne vanisnea from J her home after reportedly maklne a milrlrfo ht J Born at Platte Center, Neb., ! Jan. 31, 1907, she had lived In J Lebanon for the past -nine years, j Surviving are her husband, uauicr, wnom sne J married In 1942, and two daugh ters, Janet I. Gainer and Mrs. Bette E. Lunde, both of Leban- on; She leaves a brother and sis J ter living outside the state. Middle Grove Middle Grove The audi- Mnrliiiw (r , U . il x splays given at Middle Grove 7scnooi nouse Uriday night was ifilled. Special musical numbers 'were a piano solo by Wyetta .vopps; m vocai quartette, Henry 'Sprick, Gil Blankenship, Wal lace Turnldge and Chuck Wen ger. n The words for the song had Jbeen written by Mrs. Robert -.Pickerel and put the audience in the mood for the play "Laughing Ghost." For the first interlude read ings were given by Mrs. Robert Pickerel and Norman Fletcher; a piano duet by Deena Lou Kleen and Doris Reynolds and a vocal solo by Mrs. Earl Malm. The play the "Family" followed. The last sroun nt mmiMi. numbers were a piano solo by! Gay Lee Keppinger; another! number by the men's quartette and guitar numbers with a song by Hubert Asplnwall. The en ure cast closed the program sineinit "Th Mirth, ..j . . auu Mlc 1 Coys." The March meeting of thei Middle Grove home extension will be held Thiimrt.v 12 at 10 a.m.. in the home of Mrs. wiiiiam Scharf. The proj ect. "Herbs for Vnrletv ant An. Cent." will be rivnn h nmlui leaders. Mrs. Melvin Van Cleave was chairman for the lnnh nm. mittee which served for the Hereford sale at the Lewis farm at Aumsville Saturday With DrOCeerin Bnlnff .- Iho Middle Grove association club's xuno. A Kuest for the nntl ainV In the Wallace Turnldge home Is his mother, Mrs. Maxell Kimsey from Springfield. Keizer Grange In Host Role Keizer Keizer Granae was host to 23 members of North! Howell Grange last Wednesday! night, on the county's annual visitation program. Also present I were two members from Mac-! leay Grange and four from Sil-: verton Hills, including Mrs. Ida Benson, Pomona Master. Ed Rogers reDorted for thei legislative committee on several bills now before the legislature; and Clifford Orey reported for the Agricultural committee on the treatment of soil with In secticides. Grace Fleming, HEC chair man, reported that a rummage sale was planned for Wednesday, March 11, at the Grange hall; and W. E. Savage announced that the Grange would sponsor the Salem Civic Players in a 3 -act comedy "The Young Scamp" at the hall, Friday, March 20. Appearing on the lecturer's program were Mrs. Florence Guy, Patricia Guy, Mike Mills, Kathleen Bair, Dale Ward, Clif ford Orey and Mr. Redding of North Howell Grange. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, March 10, 1251 a MM liberty street store FOR DAY AND FOR SPECIAL SKIN PROBLEMS J V 2 VAL. ' .V f '2&T B0TH X FOR DRY SKIN . f II T S2 VAIX I FOR L FOR GOOD GROOMING V VAL. S II varbara Gould's "Save 55 Sale" Special offer for a limited time only! Barbara Gould offers these beauty aids ot special savings prices! They're all delightfully scented, come in attractive containers. Buy now at RoLsrts . . . take advantage of these special prices. ROBERTS COSMETICS MAIN FLOOR ' We Give and Redeem ZtK Green Stamps We Give and Redeem Green Stamps Boys' Sport Sox ,tow4prfc$1 Boys' Tee Shirts 6tol6 2 (or$1 Boys' While Hankies 10 tm $1 Boys' Gaucho Shirts ttoJj $1 Muslin Pillow Cases 3 f, $1 Terry Wash Cloths 10,or$1 Cannon Bath Towels 2 (or $1 Simlex Cotton Spreads $3 Chenille Spreads Doubles $5 Opened Flour Sacks 5 (or $1 Foam Latex Pillows 2 (or $10 Men's Shorts Ken, 3 f0r $1 MEN'S , White T-Shirls . 2 lor $1 Athletic Shirts K Rib 3 for$1 MEN'S 12-OZ. Canvas Work Gloves 3 for $1 Men's Sport Shirts $ Values to $5.95 Assorted Styles and Colors 3 Argyle Sox S $1 Fancy Bow Ties Wembl $1 80 Square Prints 3yds $1 LADIES' ANKLETS 4,1 Roll fopt fine Hilt. Sizes 9 (o II Ladies' Panly Briefs 2 ,or $1 Ladies' Gowns Rayon Jersey $2 Ladies' Fabric Gloves $1 BE5TF0RM BRASSIERES Fine quality nylon Popular ilin. $1 Jumbo Size Garment Bags $1 Costume Jewelry 2 (or $1 INFANTS' Receiving Blankets 2 , $1 Children's Panties, to 12 3 for $1 Fitted Crib Sheets Infants' I Crib Sheets 42x72 y Children's Sweatshirts 11 $1 NEW SPRING Artificial Flowers 2 for i Floral Handkerchiefs 6 for yi FINAL SALE! ONE GROUP Ladies' - Children's V liberty street court street n n v?vR) rov L 'nl "nZJ-iA L-ULAA U PROPORTIONED NYLONS ' jM ' . $1100 . ' ' m: W pair mf -y $2 Here't your opportunity to become acquainted M , v jf " W all V SHOES $2 Discontinued numbers. Values to 7.95. Broken sizes. Shop early! SHOES DOWNSTAIRS CLEARANCE! Powder Puff Pastels tsf P LADIES' COATS 25 Values to $50 Broken Sizes Skirt Hangers Plastlo Clips Plastic Raincoats Fancy Buttons c.rded LADIES' SPORTSWEAR 12 PRICE . One group Skirts, Blouses Knit Dresses Unbleached Muslin 36 . 5 yd5 $1 63-INCH Unbleached Sheeting 2 yd. $1 Bleached Muslin se. 4 yd. $1 Flannel rdColor 3 yds.$1 Bleached Muslin 8o6-'sq. 3yd,.$1 27" White Flannel 4 $1 Flannel Color 4yd,.$1 PIECE GOODS MEZZANINE 6 Pr. fir $5.75 Here's your opportunity to become acquainted with No Mend's fabulous nylons at rock bot tom prices! The irre jular itiss are so minute that only No Mend'e exceed ingly rigid inspection did not past them as firsts! v "-'V, ;:'--! 15 denier 51 gauge 40 denier 51 gauge 30 denier 51 gauge Sheer, sheer hose that ordinarily sells for at much at 1.95, H perfect! Stock up today. All sizes. HOSIERY MAIN FLOOR BUILT TO LAST With rugged, long-wear construction at used in many of America's fine hoteltl now only Value 59.00 $3iaoo full or twin size Matching Box Spring same low price Check these extra quality, extra wear features demanded by America's fine hotels Long-wesriog government standard bine and white stripe corerings. Hundreds of resilient coils. Many-lsyer thick felt upholstering. Insulation pads preserve 'mattress life, prevent "coil feeL" Sturdy pre-built border; ventilators, handles. Matching reinforced Bos Spring. Made by nationally advertised SERTA. FURNITURE - COURT STREET Selected Group Maple Ot factorial Tablet 1 5.00 Gossip Benches, Mahogany and Lime Oak 1 2.00 Lane Cedar Chests, Lime Oak or Walnut .49.00 Rollaway Beds, Steel Coil Spring Construction 19.00 Large Bilrwell Daveno & Chair, Rose Frieze 239.00 Harmon Serta Bed, 1 only, Tweed Cover, complete with Innerspring Mattress 21 0.00 9x12 Colorful Fiber Rugs 24.00 Group of Lamps 5.00 New Group Mersmen Occasional Tablet 1 9.00 Daveno Frieze 89.00 DRAPERIES - COURT STREET Lace Panels, 50x81, Cream Color, each 1.00 Rayon Panels, Floral Pattern, Green & Blue, each 1 .00 48" Rayon Damask, Rose, Green; Reg. 3.50 , . 1 ,00 45" Rayon Faille Yardage, Brown, Chartreuse, Rose, Green; Yd.. .... . 50e Plastic Window Ruffling, Red, Green, Blue, Gold - Stretches to 24 feet; pkg 1 .00 Closeout Pastel Colored Marquisette, 5 for i .... 1 ,00 Rayon Marquisette Priscilla Boston Ruffles, 50x81, Green only..,. 4.00 Antique Satin Unlined Drapet, 48x84 6.90 Cute Cotton Provincial Bedspreads 1 2.00 Ruffled Drapet to Match, Brown, Rose, Blue Print 8.00 New Shipment Plastic Drapes, pair , .2.00 24 Pair Only Antique Satin Lined Drapes, 2 Patterns, Completely Washable; pair , 1 5.00 - HOUSEWARE DEPT. - COURT ST. STORE Vases, Planters, Serving Pieces, valuet to 2.95, your choice $1.00 M. Portable Ironing Board, all metal $5.00 ea. Dust Mopt, O'Cedar and Aero brand, valuet to 2.98 $1.00 to. Large Folding Clothes Dryer, all wood, regular 2.98 $2.00 ea. Aluminum Sauce Pan, handy V quart 2 for $1.00 Trivets, assorted patterns, value 2.50 $1.00 ea. Electric Pop Corn Popper, regular 3.98.... $2.00 ea. TV Troys, washable plastic, 4 boxed. .$1.00 5-iPiece Kitchen Cleaver Set, knlvet have wood handles, reg. 3.95 . . $2.00 ea. Wax Paper Dispenser, beautiful plastic, regular 1.59, $1.00 ea. Large Man-tize Lunch Box, with vacuum bottle $2.00 ea.