.',''. -"' t ..t i r -. .-. .- DENNIS the MENACE NCXT JIME vpo COT HtQlHbK WU. DANifwE WANTED POSITIONS IIL COMPLETELY overhaul chevrolete for 175. Free tuneup it 600-mlle check. Alter 1:30, 3-1311. hl PRACTICAL nursing. WIU 10 out of town. Phone 3-4454. h33 RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA specialist. Installed 1 10.00 plus material. CaU anytime. Free estl mate. Phone 4-3363. hatt FOR RENT ROOMS' I8M MARKET. 3 ultri-modern rooms. Pri vate bath, larail. Oentloman. 3IM0. jkst NICE SLEEPINO room with hut. Hot ind cold water. 3S9 Clnter. IM BOOMS FOB slrli, kitchen prlvllem, un entire home. ei N. Winter. Ph. 34313 or 31460. Ikll WANTED TO RENT WANTED 3-bedroom home, urden ipice. Permanent tenant!. Adults onlT. Can furnish referencei If required, Box 6, Capitol Journal. JI61 B.BEDROOM HOME with riaaonabli rent, April lit. S-DS76. it4 WANTED 3-bedroom unfurnished house. Prefer East or Southeast. Phonl 30331 ifter 6:30 p.m. 1H0 FOR RENT APARTMENTS I ROOM furnished ipartment, adult, I'M Center. W NICELY FURNISHED. ClOM In. ClIU baiemont apartment. Ref rlierator, rami, bath, excellent bed. Suitable tor one worklnl tentleman. All utilities furnished, 133.00. 346 Union, Phone 41463. )i"l t BOOM Church. apartment, oloie In. S74 N. 1P64 NICELY FURNISHED 3 room apartment. 366 Center. WO' S-ROOM partly furnished apartment. SOI 80. 13th. 136. Phone 3-1763 liter t P.m. JP64 FINEST LARGE t-ROOM with bath, un furnished, with tardea plot. Ph. 31111. JP64 FOR BENT OR SELL lam home with apt. upstairs. On 8. Liberty and BeUevue. LAROE CEMENT OARAOE OR WARE HOUSE BLDO. located 1043 8. Oom'l. St. see COLBATH LAND CO., Realtors. DIAL 44494. lP60" NEWER 1 bedroom rental on quiet street In West Salem. Tile bath, rami and re frigerator furnished. 360 per month. RAWLINS REALTY Ph. 41761 Jl FURNISHED NEWER 1 bedroom rental, v... .r,rf ..n. tile bath. 156 per month. CaU Rawlins Realty. Ph. 4176L PRIVATE THKEE-BOOM furnished oourt apartment, clean, aouiio. d. .v rt land Rd. !' CLEAN 1 ROOM, kitchenette, employed lady, utllitiee furnished, neir capitoi. Phone 3-7469. JPM kfrnri.v wtirnirhed 3 rooma and bith, . very clean, oomfy, close In, 356. Utilities. ... a In! Ph. IMtl. 1d60 on a. vumm.v... -... un i.nnnu ankrtmitnts. private en tr.ni:a. Adulta. 760 N. Church, 4-1451. avwDAi. fiimliW knartments. good lo cation. Inquire B. L. Stiff Furniture. mrvi.-v vriRNiHHED anartment. Ambai' sador apartment!, 650 N. EuromlT, fp71 Lee Apts. Balem'l Most Dlatlniulshed Addreal Following rentils can besnowa w: 1-Bdrm. Available Mar, I I1J.0O 1-Bdrm. available Mar. 1 " JJ 1-Bdrm. available Mar. 1 ....... .11.00 Por luiurj living at moderate ratal eell at 585 N. Winter Bt. Pn. 11141. IP GOOD FUBNISIIED duplex, private, 33085. CLOSE IN, 1-room lurnlahed court P' ment. redecorated, game. 3-0848. 1PI0' FURNISHED a rooms, bath, private en trance. Utilities Included. 145. 5 s. llet. Phone 1-1817. CJVFURNISHED l-bedroom court ipart ment. Lllht, water, lanltarr lervlce, stove and refrigerator lurnlehed. Hard wood Iloora. modern, close to bus and store. Call after 5, Phone 3-3531. JpSS" l-ROOM MODERN front apartment with balcony and fireplace, near telephone office, state building! and ihopplng cen ter. Utilities paid, plenti of hot water. 411 N. winter. 'm VERT ATTRACTIVE one bedroom un furnished apartment, with electric range. Overlooking Mill Creek. Come and see It. Call evenings, Saturdays or Sundays. 180 8. 19th. 'P5' NICE 5 ROOM apartment. Main floor. 588 N. Church. Phone 3414 'PJ' MODERN 3 bedroom house, almost new. In KeUer district, Call 3-7302. 1P58' $45. FIVE ROOM unfurnished apartment. Adults only. 716 S. 13th, Apt. 1. Phone 3-4935. 'P" rfrffffjfjfffrrfr FOR RENT HOUSES l-BEDROOM HOUSE Furnished. Infor mation, contact Treml, 3145 N. Liberty St. Jmal S BEDROOM house, partly furnished in cluding atove, relrlaerator, eome living room furniture. Oarane, lane lawn. 1330 Abrami Ave. or Call 34030 evening. JmlO FOR RENT 9 Bed Room house. Oil heat, double garage, fruit, ft much ground for garden. 3750 South 13th. Adults only. Jmll NICE 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house, electric heat. BendU washer. Close In. 33717. " 1-BEDROOM in residential court. Clean. unfurnished except stove, refrigerator. Inquire game, corner Lee, Mission. Jml4" Walking distance from capitot build. Ini. Ph. 3 8041. 'm" Di'pi.FT3.hri.nnin .round floor. Want party to do cleanup work. 135 unfurn. Bl'PLEX l-bedroom with electric Hove, n.ar U.mn-I.l hn.nltaL 140. Dl'PLEX unfurnlahed upstairs, olean. will rent to couple for 130. See Joe L, Bourne. Realtor, at 1141 TJ. Capitol. VERT NICE 1 bedroom cottsie. unfurnleh h w.i.i., .ti.tttw. 111! So. Liberty. JmJ KEw I BF.imnn'M. ssrase. utility, oil heat. bus. 505 Hickory. J"1"' NIC E i RFnnnoM."ilv!ni room, kitchen, rft..ti. ..,,1,,. D.rtl furnished. Osr By Keteham YOUR finger. nFORjOu! FOR RENT HOUSES CLOSE IN 3-bedroom unfurnished cot lage, til elettrle. MS N. church. ImW t-BEDBSOM, clem, newly decorated. 413 a. Coltite. Phone 3-1187 or 9-59M. imS9 CLEAN, 1-BEDROOM furnished cottue. laundry, ggrage. Inquire 3343 Portlind Roid. Jml3 BEDROOMS, with rime, eleotrle wa ter hitter, 3t. Phone 3-3731. JmlO" ALMOST NEW 3 bedroom house, eleotrle range, nerawooa noon, automatlo beat, iniawwi. zjse asapie Ave. Jml3 OFFICE FOR RENT OB t-BOOM SUITE, t Until. Oregon Buimini. rnone lent. )o 10x11 BOOM, heat, lltes, Janitor, 336 A aoi ft. a eta venter at. Joel OBOUND FLOOR office or Itori IPIOO for rent, uan at ruts Market. - Jo 44444444W4 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL VALUE Coupon olfer on pan 13. today'a Can, ltal Journal. n BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE ti FICF.UP8 . STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1031 PAOE STIVBNSON and AL MEITORD SALEM SAND ORAVtL COMPANY Contract Work Void during Ditching Sewir and Basement Equipment Rental XMtchlni by the Foot Phone Baya l-ltot Bvas. 1.4417 or 1-1411 Bilim, Oriton s DENTAL FLAT! REPAIR 1-HB SERVICE IN MOST CASE DR. HARRY 8EMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg., StaU Si Commercial all. SALEM Ph. 3-3311 m SPECIAL VALUE Coupon offer on pin 13. today'a Cap ital journal. BUILDING MATERIALS COAST OR MOUNTAIN CEDAR SHINGLES Mo. It, 12 Jnchu elear. I5t No. 3. lnehei oltar, $4. No'iap wood or oulli, coma ana ce. mem. Tea laauen, aaiem Independence road. Ph. Balem 31108. mi1 SAVE$$$ No. 1 Cedar ihlnelei, delivered. .19.40 No. 1 Bhakei, four colore ....... 0.85 J -piece bathroom ensemble f 134 42-iallon water heater $79.60 Campbell Bldg. Supply, But en Center flt. Ph. 3-BS34 ma69' WBECKINO H0TJC2 488 CENTER STREET Wlndowa and doora, plumblnf, 1 good hot water furnace lncludlni reilitered and duxad. MA080M WRXCKINQ CO. masi BUILDING? No. 1 cedar shingles I 171 No. 1 oedir ihlniles i 5.35 No. I eedar shimles I I IS 1 tab composition roofing I ( IE Roll roofing I 135 New toilets complete 133.50 New wash baalne complete 117.50 Nells, per keg 110.75 New chower cabinets 143.00 New weather stripped window! ..,.114.30 Used Camp Adair windows I 7.50 Painted Cedar ahakea 111.50 New doors, 3'l"il'l" I 5 50 Water proor wall board 4x1 11.80 Overhead Oaran Hardwari ,.,.118.10 N.w Olaai Doors 110.50 Steel Gerail Doors, complete ....157.50 BARGAIN Kitchen elnks, bath tuba, water he at ari, pipe, atptle tanks. PLYWOOD No aerapr plecei, 4x8 aheeti, tood ply wood, both Interior and exterior, bar fain prtcea, C. G. Loner & Sons One ml. north of miser, Ph. 45081 mal4. Materials Galore!! 0(Mh "Ifa" here aomewherell PaneHnu everywhere. Knour rin i-.au, -..es.r cif i3fi.ftO. lsS Hemlock Clear 128.50. Walllboardi 1.40 aheet. eheetrock, Ins. Boaroa, Ulf. , ana w pibu. hABirrf sit 1.S0 4x8. aid Inn from 15.00 to J 45. 00. Shake, too, ana iner re mcei Nearly lot aquashed under eome plywood laieiy no picb . v i- w vw 4x8 sheeu. Several thouaand pea. of mill enda V low aa le. 10c. Bee It itn win eut to your aliet -..a. w i- im g.. Ill sn kit In hitsifswl room, nr nn. an innce. u i Bit .AO. Doom, Birch, Mahot , Fir 81 aba, and panel tii at in ttvurrdkv nrlcca. Monthly paymenU tailly arrant ed rlcht in our autre, rm Bnms No order too email It'a appreciated. Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAT aATURDAY 3548 Portland Rd. Phonl 44431 ma GARAGE 14x33 complete on Tour lot, 111.31 per month, no down pajmcnt. Too can tlx that den or add thai extra bedroom tna came war, Vl.lt with ul loonl Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPXN ALL DAT SATUROAt IS(I Portlind Bd. Phoni 44431 ma' Journal Want Ads Pay LOST 1 POUND ' ton Mother SOS. leaving w. t ur old np'i Pl.ew return t 1IM H. Its. MI" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BEAUTirin, SLONO SenUh raslo pbano. sreph combination. Will ocrlllu. 011 3M0I. oil' BL BANCH0 Wetttnihsue IlMtrU Hsme, Ills new tin. Terms, inas. olsnn eoodry's. IMS H. Summer ft. iH REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE I INCH DRUM TYPE FLOOR BANDER. Ill ARE PI'S OF SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS FAFIB ALONE IS WORTH IlM. Starting price Feb. 29, $570 MARCH 11, $485 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard PRON'f ft COURT m. FBONB Mill l we oie adsH orou temp.) 149.00 M-Jewel in In wrist watch com. piets wiw eipension breo.l.t, nightly shopworn, epecl.l 3l,7l, Rsrtmu Bin., 393 state, all SPECIAL DINETTE eitenalon tables. Hard- mi dumb. 16.71. Olenn Woodrr'i. 1609 N. aummir at. till UniQEBATOB Ana WaihWg machine. otner household articles, cheap. s3M Townsend Way. all' s-ptecb DINETTE Set, fcardwosd 111 M. utility osbinet II. Ruober-tlre lawn- mower no. amii bed, modem it. Terms, trade. Olenn Woodrr'i, IK N. Sum mer St. mi HOUSEHOLD VDRNISntNOS, lineal kod niinei. toi 8. 13th. Ph. Jm. nil BOTAL PORTABLE typewriter, like new. 979. Aieo or 11 eponsi rubber rug, ptd and rug lift. Ure. Gordon Nelson, Rt. 1, Box 111, Monmouth. nil AUCTION TONIGHT, 7:30. Midway Auo nW tlon, 3585 Cherry Ave. 1 APEX WASHING Machine, 1 Kel.inator rtelrlterator. 1 green Mohair Frels. Day. enport, 1 belli frelie Kroehler Reiner. I blond Ind Tables, 1 Walton Rug with pad. Must bo sold this week. Only t months old. Excellent oondltlon. 4-1470. MO MAHOGANY WRITINO deck. Uki new. nil' rnone 3-990. LUOOAGE Odd pieces of Semosonlu and skyway. Reduced for qulek clear unoe. see H. L. stiff, 460 Court, net GIRLS M INCH blcyole. Good condition, Phone 4110Q. n5S FERTILIZES Pulverlied, rotted manure, delivered anywhere, a-0774 or 1-1073. nil SPECIAL SALE Lawn Chairs. 11.11. Olenn wooarys, io N. Bummer. 1 TOP SOIL River llt and flU dirt, prompt delivery. Phone 2-1749. n19 SM TRADE-IN allowance on your old atove on a new Deluie Uontag, termi on bal nee. See Olenn Woodrjr today! 1 1 1805 N. Summer. n&9 830 ALLOWED lor your oia water heater on thu new 43-naUon automatlo elec tric water heater. Yeater Appliance 975 Chemeketa. Ph. 14311. n PAINTER'S OUTFIT, $997.so. Panel truck, jaoders, 60 cubic foot .spray rl com plete .ph. 42944. nfli' GOVERNOR W1NTHROP Deik, like new, 69.50. Lawnmower. (5. Nice Coldsoot Re frlaerator, $89.50. Terme, Tradee. Olenn woodry a Bartaln store, 160s N. Sum mer. n59 AUCTION TONIGHT, 7:30. Midway Auc (ton, a a ire cherry Ave. nss S MATCHING 0x13 run and mate, cheap; chicken brooder, sen feeder. 1-7019 eve. nil BARGAINS 5-pc. breakfaat act $10.95 .oaeh reali' ter ISO, refrigerator 154 up, elect. ranges $22.50 up, wheelbarrow 15, 3-pc lawn set sis. lawnmower (choleel 17.50, 20 off new price on all new Items. Variety, hardware, aohool juppllei, onrome s, peoai car; SNOOK'S BAROAIN CENTER 1355 Broadway Phone 41738 Organic Fertilizer Free of weed aeedt , and odorlaaa. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8127. n64 Mcculloch chain saws, eon Ediewater, Weat Salem. Salem Lou ulna Supply Ph. 4-1&41. n PLATE MIRRORS, 14.75. Olenn Woodry'e, itw& n. Bummer. n89' USED Weatfngbouse automatic laundromat, only S136.95. Yeater Appliance Co., 375 Chemeketa. n REAL PIANO bargain. Must sacrifice to make room. Plain walnut case. 189.50 the total price, olenn Woodry, 1005 N. HOSPITAL BED for sill or rent. H. Stiff Furniture Co. Phoni II 111. WA8HINO MACHINE, A-l. 130. Olenn woodry'j, 1005 H. Bummer. nil USED washing machines, 18.18 and up. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 171 Cnamsk- ta. n NEW BIOH Chair 17.75. Olenn Woodrr'i. 1005 n. summer. nil PRINTING Special Business cards, BOO for $4.95, 1000 for $7.80 . Economy Printera But on Center St, Ph. 3-1314 nil NEW KNEEHOLX Desk, 111.15. Olenn n5l Woodrr'i, lion N, Bummer. JUST RECEIVED!!! A 8HIPMXNT OP HINDU JOINT BTOCT. PXN8I IN ALL SIZES. Olvea under atraln, won't bend or atretch out of ah ape I Made of fin eat quality aalv, ateel. AdJuita to con tour of land. 32 In. 8 line wlrea. SAVE!! 30 ROD BALE 81I.M WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE AND HIGH ST. SALEM n5- TWIN SIZE Coll Bed Sprlnsi. 13.15. Olenn woodrr'i, 1005 N. summer. n58a PIANO BARGAINS Stone Piano Co. USED UPRIGHTS New England Nleler Smith and Earnec ..155 ..ISO ..1775 Spinet Styled Piano ... Spinet short keyboard ...I3IS ...1331 KAAY TERH8 - FREE DELIVERY Stone Piano Co. 1330 State St. Salem ni' ll.w CAMERA for 1100, new. Voltlander Vlteua with P.I lens, etc. 3-4037. n3 SCIIWINN BIKS, 133.10. Olenn Woodr;. 1605 N. Summer. n5l' SINGER drophead tredle aewlni machine. A-l condition. Guaranteed. Special $at).M, SINOER SEW1NQ . CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Open Friday even Int. n80' SEWING MACHINE Used electric portable. Oood lewini condition. Pull price 114.30. SINOER SIWINO CENTER 130 N. Com'l. Open Friday evenings. not BABY CRIB Oood condition. Phone 34339. 4MS Swegle Rd. nSO BARNYARD FERTILIZER, tl.OO yard. Cannon Peed Lots, one mile aouth of Airport, Turner Rd. Phone 96981. nW SINGF.R TRF.ADI.K Sewine Mschlne. Round bobbA-l.onUt..B..US.Hl.l,J07Jijjourna W()nt A(JS payj COR SALI MISCELLANEOUS KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Special 1 Oval CM., O irade 01 Ik Moulding Short. price HU Rli Clear A cedar aidini..tiM m. Ill RM O A) Btr Fit til. 11. Flats . Boies l"a"MI" (ptrfaet plant starter mmi) ....M a. Tour cbetet - 10 colors ta stock II" Carton packed - band cupped anikae No. 1 VO Theel are beautlfull aim anna colore In Toouu...at.M gal. Pakca Masonry aUaka Palnl..tl.M gal. Front Door Locki Sargent ...It.tO II. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Phone l-llll Front A) Court aw. WB OIVI a X ORBXN BTAMPa DIEPrBEEBB bona fraaaera. TEATUI AF. PLiANCB oo, in Chemeiita. a' FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, compost, tht same ejuauty u last rear, for home and tar den. Platstonu, red lava stone and other type for walls or vardeni. Rustle eedar fenclnt and trellis work, Phillips Bros., Rt, I, Boi 493, Salem. Ph. 4-1041. AFT. BIBB ileetrlc rangea, C4J.o. Olenn wooory, saoo ft. summer. mi9 Gravel and Sand Anythint tn raTtl, wbolesala aa retalL TAIXXY SAND Q RAVEL CO. Ph. 8008. CEDAB TELEPHONE uid eleotrle poles. sine posts, neu posu ana ataiee. PhlUlpa Bros., Rt. I, Box 493, I miles in or i corners, pa. 4.011. a' MW BADIO COMBINATION, Oood eon- aition. inquire ww n. cnurcn or phone a-eaoi. nil GOOD USED Dayeno Set. 1 pc., only 171. 'firms, trades, low N. summir. Olenn wooory-c. ntl' ORGANIC FEBTILIEEB. FIM Of weed eeedi. and odorless. Sack or bulk .rders dsuvered. phone 3-1137. nil PLASTI-Kr requlrit no waxlni. For yout noon or linoleum. TEATIB AP PLIANCB CO., Ill Chemeketi. n lirilQIKATOl ft, new and used. MAT ma ArfluAavm CO. Ill Chaaak. ta. o NOW IS the time to buy your 1951 West- lnenouie automauo aryer oniy TEATER AFPUANCE CO.. Ill Chemek- ta. n THE IDEAL fertiliser ll'e rfanla peatmoss, with poultry dropplnu, only no sacs, vaney Farm store, rn. 4434, n70 SOLID HARDWOOD I pc. dlnlns SSt. Vary special T. Qienn wooaryi, leoo N. Summer. nftl SALEM DK1BEL Roller and baU bearlnss for trucks and tractors. 3775 Blhrerton Road. n" EXCELLENT bam yard fertiliser. Phone 43807 or 3800. n68' FREE Weatlnthouse sewlni machines on all floor Samples. Save up to 40 YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 175 Chemek eta. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAtfTED Walnut meats, and walnuts In men. Highest cash price on delivery. MORRIS ELORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 N. Front St- Salem Ph. 17133 na WOODRY WANTS pianos. Phono 1-1110. SALEM DIBECTOBT La teat Polk edition. sun your price. Box 485, Capital Jour nal. naM LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Length! r 4" or II' I". Di ameter fi" to It". Sawmill. Lenithi 12' and longer. Diameter I to M1 Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Fhoni Ills RLECTRIC RANGES. Woodrr'i. Pb. 1-51 10. nl FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONET Special Ratea and Term. On Larger Loan! Long and Shorl Time Payment! ROT H. SIMMONS 9. Commercial St. Ph. I-IH1 5yb Interest If you have Idle funds seeking invest ment, then you are the type of perion to whom we oan be of service. Por over Twenty-five Seers we have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. Durin this period we have promptly paid M aeml-annual Interest payments lo.anmg many Tnousanas or Douara. We are currently paying 0 INTEREST on funds from 8500 to 85000. General Finance Corporation 136 8. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oregon Phone 3-8161 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 South Church Parklm a-Plenty PH. 3-3467 LIo. No. M-160, B-184 STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END TOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Purnlture Loan f Auto Loan Livestock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan 8 Signature Loan Maximum Small loan MM Maximum Auto loan 8300. 167 Bo, Hlth St. lit . Phone S4133 M-Jrt r84 CASH FOR TAXES LOANS UP TO $1300 on Signature, Purnlture, Car AT PERSONAL It's "yea" promptly to em ployed men or women. e lvlilt loan , , , pnone first. You select best payment date, f) Between payday loani. Phone, write or eome In TODAY! Personal Finance Co. 108 8. HIOH ST., 8ALBM State License Noi. 8-133. M-1M Loans over lioo up to I16O0 ana up to 30 months to repay made by Personal Plnance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. r&9 SEE US POR FARM, CITY or ACREAOB LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Heal aetata mortgages ft eon tracts. State Finance Co. 18T 8. Hlfb 8L Ph 14181 f STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? If lo, aee ja today, consolldat! your debt! Into ONB payment monthly with emallir payment!. Oet In touch with ue today. 8-111 PHONE 14131 M-333 167 So. High St., Salem, Ore. LIo. S-lll and U-331 and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top rrades" 11:01 Dally KSLU . 13M Kg. OINIRAL PI NANCE CO. LOANS a. Conmirclal St. Tel 1-1111 AUT0M0IILU CRASH! CEILING PRICES MAY However, the Roof Is Literally Falling Clear In at Shrock's Used Car Lot You ruesfled It! I can't eat used cars, bo I am jroinir to "Coro nate" myself by getting back on my used car "throne" where I started in the used car business 19 years ago. To celebrate this move, I personally invite old and new friends to bring their chisels, trading boots, or their shotguns, and really work me over. Frankly, we have taken bo many cars in trade on the new Hudson and too, "J" day (Jet) is just around the cornerthat we are forced to make room for more trades. Not Next Week, or Next Month . BUT NOW! So as a Starter MERELY BRING THIS AD WITH YOU AND GET $60.00 (fifty dollars) credit toward the purchase of any post-war car in our tremendous stock. Incidentally, March may have come in like a "l&mV at "SHROCKVILLE", but I guarantee you it's, going out like a "lion", 'cause I am cracking the whip, or taking the BULL BY THE HORNS, so to speak. ' : Just a Few "Meet the Boss" Specials! 1951 NASH RAMBLER SEDAN. ONE OWNER, VERY f CLEAN, RADIO, HEATER, ONLY $1395 1950 OLDSMOBILE 88 SEDAN. RADIO, HEATER, 1 VERY CLEAN, LOCALLY OWNED 1951 MERCURY FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. RADIO, HEAT ER, OVERDRIVE, TWO-TONE PAINT 1951 HUDSON PACEMAKER SEDAN. RADIO, HEAT ER, FAMOUS SUPERMATIC DRIVE 1951 STUDEBAKERV-8 CLUB COUPE. RADIO, HEAT ER, OVERDRIVE, LIKE NEW, ONLY 1948 WILLYS JEEPSTER. NEW PAINT, NEW TOP, FULLY GUARANTEED AND LIKE NEW THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE GUARANTEED LATE MODEL CARS SACRIFICED! "AS-ISERS" FOR THE "MEAT THE BOSS SPECIALS" 1948 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. NEW PAINT AND LOOK, ONLY 1948 HUDSON COMMODORE SIX SEDAN. RADIO AND HEATER 1947 FORD SEDAN. .BLACK PAINT, RUNS GOOD, ETRAS, LOOK AND ONLY HEY1 REMEMBER WHEN OUR AD READ, AND SAID TO "C" SHROCK TO BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR LOOK, WHETHER YOU CARE TO BUY NOW OR NOT DO IT AGAIN! It's Been Wonderful, and Still Is! SHROCK "WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CHURCH AUTOMOBILES RON'S (For Clean Used Cars at Low Prices) 1950 OLDS. 88 HOLIDAY COUPE Radio Pender aklrte and a) Heater other extra!. A Premium tlree clean car, prloed Blectrlo window below market llfte. Savel 13131 1650 CHEV. DE LUXE SDN. Oni owner Very olean Low mUe.se In and out Hiater, air conditioning ' Pander aklrts Sa.el II Ul 1949 PLY. SPECIAL DE LUXE CLUB Radio Clean In and Heater out Backup lights Savel II 111 1946 CHEV. 2-DR. SEDAN New '41 motor No miles on motor ) Custom seat covers. This car Is In top con dition 1711 No down payment on these pre-war models (on approved credit) 1941 PONT. 6 SEDAN Radio, heater. Runs very good 1940 CHEV. 2-DR. Heater, fender aklrts. Pull price 1935 FORD 8 CPE. Thle U a three-window cpe. not too many around. Pull price Ill SAVE AT RON'S PHONE 28808 LOOKie! LOOKie! Just What You've Been Looking For t A PRE-WAR USED CAR LOT Get them ai-is . , , and buy them cheap . . . trade-downs from our other two lots . . . plenty good transportation left in these cars. KANNIER MOTOR CO. NORTH SALEM LOT 820 HOOD ST. Formerly Melr Motor location H. J. (wiNET) NtVFBLD. Manager Open from 1:30 to Bv entries call! - 4toM AUTOMOBILES 111! BUCK Super BeoSnette. Motor and body very clean. 4 new tlree. Sell or trade. Phone 4-1III. get IMS t-DOOR BUICK sedan, very good J-Snj 1010 Ml AUT0M01ILEJ BANG! HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM USED CARS, - No Gimmicks, No Balony MOTOR COMPANY AUTOMOBILES 1950 OLDS 98 SEDAN Radio o) This oar U loadid Heater Ouetom features Pender eklrtl White wall tires, sun vtsor Savel SUM 1950 HUDSON DLX. SEDAN Radio Low mileage Heater Ore owner Pender skirts Really sharp S) Overdrive ft Whit wall tires Savel 11441 194S FORD CLUB CPE, CUSTOM Radio Prloed to Heater nil Custom seat covers HOIS 1930 PACKARD 8 SPEED STER A custom made care and U viry ran. Runs and bandies very good. Price till 1941 CHEV. 2-DR. SEDAN Heater, new clutch. Rune good 1331 1941 FORD V-8 2-DR. Radio, heater. New trans, lust Installed. Full price ..1331 1938 CHEV. 114-T. TRUCK All-metal bos. Rune good ..Ilea 1245 BROADWAY AUTOMOBILES 41 RTUDEBAREB CHAMf. Oood tr.ns. port. lion: also 'II Ohav. fleetllns A.ro, sharp. Phone 1-I030 alter I. oil POBCED TO SELL my equity. 1143 Stoce baker starlllht Coupe. Ph. 49W4, or see Capital Journal, Saltn, Or., BOOM! 1595 ' 1795 1895 1895 695 695 895 595 IN SALEM, OREGON" AUTOMOBILES WILL SELL my 1371 aqultr lb 1000 Olds, le C. J. McCaU, Oervall, q33 HERE'S VOUR Pishing Carl 1140 Chev. I door, aood tlrei, motor, body, 1171. (Your fishing llcenee inoluded In pries of oar) Loder Broe., 4M Center. oil COUNTRY SQUIRE 1150 Ford (Station Wagon). Low mile age, overdrive. Radio, heater, all mats), undercoated, good lubber. 31011. in N. Blma (4 Cornera). qio 'OS FOBD r-l Lolling Truck. Pierce trail er. 17.000. Sr. P. Butler, Sublimity, Ore gon. Phone Btayton DPI. qd!3 I4S DELUXE Ford club coupe. Jump seat., heater, good tires. I3IS. Call 4-1113. oil OOINO PISHINar Her.', the car tor you. 1140 Chev. 3 dr. oood 'tlree. motor, body, 1171. (Your flehlng license Inoluded In prlei of oar.) Loder Broe., 40 center. oil1 IMS So 4-door Naeh. Oood tires, good conaition tnrougnout, no teg sum m.r. ql4" 41 FOBD H ton. On. of the boat. Ph. 41187, Oil '52 FORD RANCH WAOOM LIKE NEW Charles Musser USED CARS HIOH SI MARION PH. 4-4101 10 FORD Club Coups, Ph. . 41111. Call ere 411 West Madrona. oil ISM CHEV. 4 door Sedan Deluie Power oiide, lunr equipped, ph. 43131. qoo '49 OLDS SEDANITTI FULLY EQUIPPED , tllM Charles Musser USED CARS MARION HOUSE TRAILERS WILL SELL nooo ji.lt Liberty house trailer for 13700. Ph. Mill, M Tarbln Road. teas osss.. FARM EQUIPMENT SKE WARD'S NEW LINE OP OARDEN TRACTORS FOR ID S3 1 PRICED RIGHT I tOt.M to 143,80 . . . IS HP to 6 HP. Ward tractors art priced to ault your pocketbook. Coma In and tea them to day. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE AND HIOH ST. SAT. KM s.bU sssosssss AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVINO BADIATOB TBOUBLIt Valley Motor Co. aiperti will ioIvo your vrob. leme ano eava you money. Pros sett' metes, ipssily servloe. Center at Liberty. e" Journal Want Ads Pay Tuatnlay, Marth 10, 1158 1 Answer Filed in Pharmacy Squabble Albany V. A. Hurley, instil- . br of the state board of pharmacy, Monday filed an In dividual answer in circuit court to an application by group of five Corvallii physicians for a writ of tnandamue to compel the board to issue license to conduct a pharmacy at 830 N. 17th St., Corvallii. Hurley, In request that the application for writ of man damus be dismissed, sets forth that the zoning ordinance in Corvalli prohibit operation of a pharmacy in the location cited. He denies that the board had refused to Issue the license and says the board If merely wait, big until such time as the opera tion of pharmacy at the loca tion mentioned would be lawful and in compliance with the or dinances and zoning re filiations of the city. VISITOR AT BELVESTOK 1 Bilverton Attorney Hark Palston, of Portland, spent the week-end at the Church St., home of his sister, Mrs. M. O. Guaderson. The two Presidents Roosevelt of the United States were fifth cousins ant! Franklin D. Roose velt's mother was third cousin of President Grant,. SPECIAL AUTO" USED PARTS Motors, radiators, fender., axles, . Bodies, gears, batteries, ete. Acme Auto & Truck Wreckers 3585 Portland Road NEAR SAN SHOP DRIVE-IN ' aval. MACHINERY lo-U M. SAWMILL maohr. 310-h.v. dl.se! motor, euir, pond law, unloading rig, to., ready to so, U3J, Independraee. via PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup Ho. X, v n. vommerciM. ra. s-vtie or l-fm. P85 SECURITY DETECTIVE Aienoy, prlfato in ves inations. isb pacuio side. Phono 4-3346. tam TRANSPORTATION MINISTER LEAVING tor Walla Walla, nam., rnoty. -raao naaaangen war log axpeniu. No drinking, no emoklng. References. New ear. Phone 4-3471. xl CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All- makaa used maohlnaa sold, rented, repaired. Roen, Ml Court. Ph. 1-3173. o BOLLDOZINO Bulldoalng road, clearing teeth. Virgil Huekey, 1010 Palrrlew, Ph. 1-3141. ow CASH BIOISTEBS Inatanl dell.er? of new RCA oaah teg Uteri. All makaa, sold, r.nw. yoMtMrf. Roen. Ill Court. Pb. 3-6T18. o DBXSSMAKINQ Alteration!, hlmetttohlng, buttons buokloa covered, butvonuoloe. airs. B. U. Allender, 9-MU. -slo DRIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drlva thi "Bagy Drlya' way,. CaU or iH Mr. Slekard, Valley Motor Co., Salem. Phono 33117 or 40171. o BXCAVATINO Ben OUen Sj Bon. Xxcavatlm, grading, land ol.arlng. Phong l-SOIQ. 010 INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lltt trucks. Inside and outaldo work. Hyater, Clark, Mobile lift 3000 and i(KW lb, machine!. By day, week or month. Ph. 93.39. Oapltal city Trans fer. o INSULATION Instillation, weatherstrips, loreem. Fret itlmatea. T. Pullmui. Phone 3-&8M. O.0 MATTIES BBS Capitol Bedding, renovate, new 'nattreaiM. Pb. S406B. Una OFFICE FURNITURE SDrPUES Zak chain, fllei, mini auppllet, aafea, dupulicatori, auppltea, desk lam pi, type writer ftandi. Roen, 4B0 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'j aeptlo tanks cleaned, lint Mrr let. Guaranteed work. Phone 37tM. o7t Mlke'i Septlt flerrlc. Tank - eleaaed. D' rooter dtant aewera, dralna, pbont 1-9481. 4 flewer, ttptlo tanlu, dralna olean ed. Ho to-Roottr Sewer StrTloa. Phont l-ta3T. TELEVISION TV Bales, Service, sMitenoa. Ave. Phone 4-6033. 1170 Lana 045 WINDOW CLEANING "B Z" Window Cltantra, paint aorap Ini. floor waxlns and ftneral atrrloa. Realdentlala our apeolaltv. Oo anywhere. Pb. J-7831. 061 Aome Window Cleaners, Znduitrtal floor -waxlni, bouaeeltantnfl. Phone I-S3IT. I4T Court. o TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Re mini ton, Roral Co dirwood portablta, All maku utd ma eblnea. Repairs m rant, Roan, iH Court. LEGALS NOTICE OP HEARINQ ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notioe la hereby tWen that tot Pinal Account of The United Statu National Bank of Portland (Oreaon) aa Executor ol the Estate of Alice H. Put, dtetasad hM utn filed in tut Probata tMpartment of the Circuit Court lor Marlon pountii Oraton, and that April 8, 1W1, at the hour oi :it ceiooK a.m., in ini eouriroom of said Court have been find u tht time and place for hearing obltoUotu to euoh Pinal Account and for the atttlt ment thereof, at which time any parion Inures ted in said estate may appear and flit objections thereto la writing and contest the same. Dated and flret Published Maroh l. HM. THI UNITED SfTATES NATIONAL BANK Or PORTLAND (OBIOON) As Such Executor John A. RelUel Attorney for Executrix Plonear Trust Building Salem, Oregon Mar. 10, 17. 14, , 1953 LODGE Salem Lodge No. 4 AJ. & A.M. Wed., March 11. EA degree 7:30 p.m. or T T. Lam. N.D. Di Q chao. DBS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 241 North Liberty Office open Saiurda only 10 a.m. to l im.. s to 7 pin Oou lullaUon. blood preuure and urine tests are tree of enarte Practiced since 1(17 Write lot Htracttve llt No obllsstlnn 1 den sdoL 11121. to'1 e too ax saw niter p. at. g