i n 4, . J. . . - 18 Capital Journal, Salem, FOR SAL! HOUsIT DREAM HOME REDUCED TO P. H. A. APPRAISAL You owe it to yourselves to fee tbli VIEW HOME. If you are a qualified buyer, YOU & YOURS may have thli home with only $2,100.00 down full price reduced to $10,380. Thli home hat bdwd. fin., Iron Fireman forced air oil furnace, fireplace, mahogany paneling and many other nice features, plui att. garage. JOE HUTCHISON Realtor Ph. 45743, Sun. 14789. If no answer, please call 36959. FOR SALE HOUSES A BXAL CUTIS at into. Juit outalde tin city llmlU N.B. oo pnM St, and real )., beautlfuuy landscaped Jot, nl bm 1-bdrm. horn with patloand altechad mm kti. ceil wt. inmuii win. jtu lukuybsax. fuuroa; ess n. High. Ph. 1-1100. M $500 DOWN t bedroom, hardwood floor. attached farm, abrubs and berries. Xalan dis trict, rnon. etui. w OI 1450 ON. IS NITW l.EXDROOM HODS! FULL BASEMENT. OCT IIATI STREET, V, MILE PAST 4 OOHNXW. 11.011 13 MONTH OPTICS AT PROJECT. PHOlfB 4S1M 311,000, ENGLEWOOD Dtitrkt, 4 bad rooms. Roman brick flreplaoo, mahogany paneling. Will aell furnished or un furnished, lets jerrerson. nor- COUBT ST. 0-BDBM. horn, close lo cap. ltol blduc. Lge. lot, rooming bouit or duplex ncaslblUtlei. 11,600. 11000 will handle. EVK. CALL PECK, 1-8113. ED LUKINBEA'u, REAUTOR, III H. man. pa. a-ooao. aw OLDER TYPE DOME on Portland Road. 79-it. bihwar frontage, price inw. Termi. 1-8331 ve. all t-BOOH HOUSE os lam aornar tot, parafl atreet, doe, to grade achool, junior high. Would consider aom trade. Pull prlca 17800. raauir. at azo, n. am. 1-UM .renins, all t bedroom, 114 story borne. Ail ipaoloiu room,, bdwd. Hit., mabof. woodwork, fireplace, dlnlni area In kit, basement, automatic beat, eorarad patio, double (true, lot! X. lilt. Kveslngg At tvun daye. all COMPLETED APPBOX- I IMATELY 45 DAYS. I ONLY 111,500 for l-rr.-old 1-bdrm. ranch stric borne with a-oar garage, dining rm., fireplace, oil beat and large fenced- in yard on pvmt. and close to bus. Eve. call Ed. 3-1704. ZD LUKINBXAL, REAL TOR, 431 N. High, Ph. i-ooio. an- FAIEMOUNI RILL 1710 John St. S bed- - roome. dlabwaaher, disposal, xuu base. . ment. Phone 4-1711. alO . 4-Bedroom Home One and U baths on ti acre, 1 yr. new, and In a 120,000 city-suburban loca tion. Beautiful LR 13x33, DR 13x14, the 4 bdrms. arg all large. Lota of cioa t apace, large service porch, 3 car ' aaraae. VACANT, mora right in, and all this Is aacrlflced at only 111,100, 11500 down and (01 per month. JUST think op it. 2-Bedroom Home IN HOOVER SCHOOL CIST. Just north of Center 6t., and only 3 yra. old. Thla s a lovely place for the amaalngly low price of I4S0O with ItOO down. SEE DAVE LAZXNBY - BVI. PH. 417N OFFICE DIAL 4:4494,2-4552 yr OB TBADE, 4 bedroom houag near Rich. mond school 17000. 4S4 8. 34th. at Immediate Possession BUOHTLT SUBURB Alt EAST. ROOUT MEWER 1-bdrm. home, bdwd. fir a, di nette, neat giicnen, largg lovely llv. rm., oU heat, attached garage. BEST OP ALL. THE PRICE IS ONLT 17050. rOSSTSLB siooo oown. PANORAMIC VIEW op orrr and the cascades, a L-miunflQ home. Lovely uv. rm., lireplace, bdwd. fir., aeparata din. rm.. brkfat rm., adjoining kltcben, 3 large bdrme. it bath plus shower all on flrat fir. 2nd fir. flnlahed plywood, aaphalt ttla fir. Full cement baamt, oil foroed alr heat, party rm., outdoor fireplace en secluded patio. Breeseway to double ON TUB ABOVB SEB , MR& OOLBSBEE . BVI. PH. P9I7I ' orrics DLAL 44494,24552 yj 110 EXCEPTIONAL value, Candalarla Helgbta I bedroom home. Living, dlntng, kitchen, nook, and den. Only 117.500. 3sto Ar gjle Drive. Olen Hamilton. a59" NEW KE1ZER HOUB 1 Bed rme.. Living room with Vlr.. place. Lot 70 x HI. Excellent aoll for Flowers and Garden. 3 Blocke to School ana Bwres. ,9,000.00. WALTER B. MINIKR REALTOR Phone 13131 - 36484 37111 a5l ROCK BOTTOM RKDUCTIOI IN PMC I. WONDHIPTJL un S'AuHit eumj iui a n boh like new, hdwd, fire., a bdnna., big Ut. to. with coved celling, a kitchen you win be proud of. Large oloeete, extra bdrm. or den oyer garage. Drilled well it pump lue. NICK TURF LAWN. Located clone . In on Monroe. PR ICR 8250. racKL- AjB.M l' -I BMM1$ 1TJ tUOHT PARTY, LISTEN TO THIS A CUTE ONE-BDRM. NEW HOUB with lovely lane kitchen, nice bath, oil cveieclrio beat. Extra lot Included - ALL rgit aszoo, wun gen on. ON THE ABOVB SEB BARRY VAN HORN EVE. PH. 41T1S OFflCC DIAL k 4494,24552 A a 61 SPECIAL. Living room, dining room. 3 bedrooms, large lot. 3330 N. Com'l. Only 17550. 11,000 down. CaU 3001, or view at above addreei. aw jLAaJirillt ADVEBTMINa Per Word .c Per Word, S times We Per Word, S llmee Mo Per WeN, I month ' SM No Befinde Mlnlmim IS Wards. BEADERS la Uaal News Oat, Only. Par War Mlalmaa IS Wards To Flacs Ad in Same Daj"! Pspr, Pbone S-140C Before It evm. Ore, Tuesday, March 10, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES r BUILDER. Ma Mew borne, S bedroom, S fireplaces, basement, S block, Mc- suaiey icnooi. tw wuowioa all OWNER MUST eaerlflce, l-badroom borne on lane aorner lot, large oonuortaou living, venltlan bund, throughout, in sulated laundry room In attacked gar age, Jmmodlat poeeeulon. Must sell. Look around and make offer. Anr rea sonable offer aonildered Inquire at 3741 Jans Ave or CaU MW. al3 ENGLEWOOD Opposite the ecbooL 1 bed rooms, Large pleasant Urlng room. Auto ell beat, msU Lot, M410. Low down payment. B. A. UoOLAITPUK REALTOR 444 Canter St. 3-II1I, Eve. 3-7143 aW WORTH THE MONEY Dandy S-bedroom borne, nice Urlng and dining room. Tile In kltoben, automatlo U beat, large garage, lorelr yard, approxlmatelr it aero of ground, good chicken rioueo, sprinkling system for lawn and garden. 111,000. Call Pat Kemper, 30317. 1. L. Hlmmel Realtor, Pb. 11314. ! CLOSE BY TUB SEA on Hwy. 101, near Newport, beautiful location, i-neoroom borne and 3 well-built furnished cot tages. Electric beat. W700. w. Whit. well. Otter Bock, Oregon. aBB d-BEDROOM si sleeping porch, baeement, on furnace. Richmond Dial. Ph. 1-7770. all KLUMPP'S BUYS FOR SPRING "Family Value" I b.rm. and deo, walklns dlitaoee to eaptlol bldgf,, completely remoaeiea in Ide and out. F. A, oil furnace and fire place, flep. dining rm. Outdoor barbecue, bath up and Oown. Wonderful condition. On'r 110.600. ternu. "Near Leslie School" Let ui enow you this modern home with 1 bdrme. and den with s urepiacu, aep arata ,r.. and dining room, large kit chen, hardwood floor, forced air heat ing plant, daylight basement. With dou ble plumbing, Juat a blocki to achool. Only iis.soo, "Have a Look" You will aurely like this lovely S b.rm. home with b.w. floors, and fireplace. Tile In bath, beautiful kitchen and dinette, large corner lot with treea. Well worth the price 10,400. "Please the Family" with this good S yr. old S b.rm. home on one floor. Lge. lot, garage, and well. Cloae to new school. Northeast. A buy at I7W0. L. E. Klump, Realtor 3095 Portland Rd. Phone 3-7142 Eve. 3-7141 or 3-SH4 ail 6-EOOM MODEST homt, 1 Mraii., vired tjiec, puemeni, fRrarv, 4-unll apt. houi Mint lot. 4 lares rooms, prlvata bth each apt. Oil beat piped each unit. Oood frame bulldlnf, eloie In, apleiwUd Income property. 113,400 full price. Located 1248-50 N. Winter Bt. Write to 431 Uanbrln Drlre, Salem, Ore. ftn FOR SALE LOTS lOOxlM BBILDINO LOT on Munkena St, in a corners cut. Lot has a few trees. Ph. 12IW. aall LOTS MxlM North. No restriction,. 110 J-m. no a sfo. 1-1811, 3-1012. aaso CHOICE VIEW lots In Klnawood Heights, aewers, water, eto. Sensibly priced, easy terme. Call owner. Phone 3-1411. aaeu FOR SALE ACREAGE BLACK SOIL 814 acrea all cultivated. man. l-bdrm. home, fireplace o, baamt. Oood lie. barn, nice setting with view among the oaks. Pvd. rd., ach. bua by the door. 110,100. Eve. call RAT DAVIS, 4-5017. BD LUKTNBEAL, REALTOR, 433 P7. High. Ph. 1-1810. hhM. FOR SALE FARMS FARMS & ACREAGES 5 ACRES ZlfOULT. Close In N. a. lo-cow atanohlon barn, email S-room modern home, garage. Road on 3 aides. Would make a good subdivision. Price $(19150. 10 ACRES NTCB LAYIN OLAND. I mile, (S 1 1. amall home, barn At etc. A BUY FOR 3750. 11000 down. 130 ACRES .. CLOBB IN. 45 A. In cult. Bal In timber e, psature, large dairy barn, milk houae, 1-bdrm. home. POSSESSION NOW. Price 111,000 wllh tsooo down or SILL PART. 21 ACRES EARLY 8KTTLER SPECIAL. No hlrin . good aprlng. 1 miles S.E. PRICE ONLY ,3Mn wun eeoo oown. ON THE ABOVE SEE T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM BVE. PH. 42714 OFFICE DIAL 44494,2-4552 REAL ESTATE MAKE MONEY WORK fw you with this 4-year-old $-unlt eourt, with room for more courts. All unit furnished. Property shows a good return on 848,000. Call Mr. MrParlane, KYe. 4335. GOOD INVESTMENT 48x343 lot In a Number S business gone oo State atreet. Has old but livable home, returning 880 per month. A good location for a builncns building. Only wm. ian Mr. Mcrariane, Eve. 43348, GROCERY STORE doing IJOO.WO a year volume In gro ceries and meat, one of Salem' but. Listing confidential. For details, see or aii Mr, nourne, arve. pn. 17317, TWO FOR ONE Two homes, plus extra building lots. 1st elaaa location, on bus Hoe and mar shopping facilities. Due to ill health. owner will eacrltlce for quick sale, and give terms. Suburban Acreage Trade A dandy amall euburban acreeae NE with farmlni equipment for aale or trade tor city vropertr. Nice, wry well bnllt 1-bedroom borne with good dry beeement, poultry house, barn, garage and ehop. 111,110. Will trade for home, prefer north or eaat part of Salem. Call Ur. Bourne for details. Bre, ph. 371 It. $5000 That's all for this 1-bedroom home, aat euburban, acre. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 114 N. Capitol Ph. 11311 cll To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 hW REAL ESTATE unit ttuii titittat aaiMii IIHIUIMt IllUIUaa Farms "aSSSSSa1 Homes lltllliltlliliiiiieae IIMUIII II IIIIIMIII iiiiiiii it mill mill it IttHI II M SULLIVAN Convenient City Location. Hera la the older roomy bouse you've been looking for. 3 bedrooms and a seeping pot on. Vull dry baeement. 1 bioec irom gcnooi. Price 11500 or will trad, for dulex. Shear Brook Trout In the etream by this I bedroom located miles geuia. 31 foot living room In tbll fin, borne. Iio.ooo. Near Lealie I bedrooms and a den In thla modern, larae home, uouoia garage. Separata 30x31 playroom In back for the children. Just the plac, for the family with children, iie.ioo. Noo Hill 3 bedrooms, IU Hooks from McKlnley school. Thla la the older borne with plenty of room that you've been looking xor. iv.ooo. BliaabeUi Jane Court In flltverton. Sev. an units, all fum!ir,d. Net of 11,800 a year. 10 net In owner occupied 130,000. Tavern and Restaurant in mill town. Owner la heading cast. 3 pool tablae. Beer license and card room. Has very aubatantiai return on the lnveetment. 110,600. 30 acree V mllee north of Salem. The moit modern type nine room home. built In 1041. that you will find In the valley. If you ar, looking for a country aetata you don't nave to look, any fur ther. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 3111 Portland Road Ph. 4-151 Bre. Ph.: 3-1337, 3-8071, 4-0511, 4-178,. 3-1704. ell $53. Per Mo. buys your new home. New 9 -bedroom home being built under F.H.A. Inspection. Plenty of eating apace for a growing family. The kitchen le an inspiration for any cook. All hardwood floors, forced air oil heat, lots of storage. Attached garage. Paved atreet, cloae to Bus line. $750 down. f HIGHLAND NEW HOME Large 2-bedroom home. Beautiful fire place in lovely living room, Extra good floor plan. A dream kitchen. All hard wood floors. Attached garage. Paved atreet. An outstanding buy at $9500 under P.H.A. terms. $6750 S-bedroom home on H-acre of food land close In. Beautiful lawn. Paved street, close to bus. Posrlble $500 down. Shown by appointment only. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hlght Street Phone 3-0301 Phone evenings: 4-1871, 3-3111, 3-4170, 3-1214 cS' WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES GORGEOUS DEN With one of the most beautiful fireplaces you have ever seen. Plus an extra fireplace on patio and in living room. 3 baths. Lovely kitchen, 3-car att. garage, insulated. Forced-air oil furnace. Paved road. Just like new. Full price $10,000. Shopping Center Area Oood home with fireplace. Full base ment. Furnace. Owner gone back to service. Forced to sell. Very liberal terms. We consider this property has very good future potentials. Full price only 110,400. $700 DOWN Aee. Close In eaat. Modern smaller home only 3 yra. old. Oood well, barn. Lumber to build garage. Priced to aell quick. Only 1500. LARGE LOT In Kelier Diet. On very good at. We consider this a very good bldg. lot and priced to sell. Only $8&0. Lot alze 103 x 308. SWEET BUY Very good home only 3 blks. to Bngle wood aclfOoi. In very good repair. F.HJt. terms arranged. Fruit trees, aerate and tool house. Full price only t,600. OUTSTANDING Oood home with an acre. 3 bedrooms with unfinished flat. Fireplace. Small greenhouse, chicken house. Several fruit ireu. bus oy ooor. uiose to ecnooi. Mliht consider email home as part pay ment. Full price only 811,600. NEAR HOSPITAL This home Is very clean and In the very best or repair. Fireplace. Att. ia Ta.e. Extra bldg. for workshop. Chicken house. Outside fireplace. Grapes and berries. F.H.A. ternu If desired. Full price only s9,0. CAUi MR. FIOOTNS, EVK. PH. 4-84S4, or MH. tKAWrOiUJ, EVK. PH. 4-8030. U no answer, call 4-3348, INCOME $205 PER MO. f-unit apt. Oood location. Business cone. Rents extremely reasonable. Bus by door. Shown by appointment only. Terms. Full price only 113,800. BUSINESS LOT lM)-ft, frontaie. 140 -It, deep. Desirable location. Inside city. Priced to sell quick. Only fftoo. MOTEL Very desirable. Owner reports) Income of 111,000 In 1953, Extremely low overhead. Equipped to accommodate 3 to 10 persons. Owner will accept a small property In valley as part pay ment. Very liberal terms. Established many years. Full price 165,000. CALL FOR DAN ISAAK, EVE. PH. 4-1813. u no answer, cau 4-328. 3 ACRES MINUS Modern 3-bedroom home. Near school, biM and store. Small barn. Oood Mil, Offered for sale to close estate. Oarage. Pvd. rd. Deep well. Price reducd to 87,380. MUST SELL 1 acres, very close In. Select location, north. Extra good soil, some straw, bmles. Several fruit trees. Oood well. Modern 4-bedroom home. 30 by 40 barn, chicken house, fruit house. Let ua show you thla one. Full price 6,350. 40 ACRES No waite lend. 4 acres caneberrlee. Modern 1-bHlroom home built In lose. Oood 40 by 40 barn. Ohkken houae. Oaraee. Tractor, mower, rake. dlae. harrow, garden tractor. Ererrthlng goea CALL POR SIR. LEAV3NS, EVE. PH. -.. w aiuair, cau .-33,1, UORTOAOE LOANS 30 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7130 3031 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phoneai !-;, 1-1404, 4-M30 or S-SUI If no anawer, phone 4-1341 1 SB BOtiaR, basement, furnare, fenced yard, lurnlahed. 17110. Terms. Call Itlll .Tininga. .. nil RIALESTATI SALEM'S Features (Count m) 1. Large living room 2. Large dining room I. Breakfast nook 4. Center hallway 8. t bedrooms , 6. Birch kitchen 1. Huge utility room (. 1 set of plumbing Lei Ohaart 9. ALL, FOR $14,000' Rudy Calebs 1100 BUYS IT " A neat 1-bedroom home Is food condition, about 4 years .Id, oil heat, plastered throuahout. . HEED A BASBUBNTt Herfs modem 3-bedroom home with a baeement for ONLY 110.100. Has fireplace and att. c erase, oood value. Oood location on N. 11th St. BEAMED CBI1JNO UNUSUAL FIREPLACE , If you Ilk. something different, as. this home. 1 bedroom, and don. - S fireplaces, redwood trim, 3-car garage. Take a look. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court lb Phone 31111 - 34111 Etc.: Henry Torvand 3IIS3 Tad Mbrrlion 350M Louie Lorcni 355K Ralph Maddy 33411 cM Grabenhorst Specials BBAT THIS IF YOU CAN New l-bdrm. view home, Uv. rm. with fire place, din. rm., dishwasher, flnlahed rumpus rm., dble. garage, oil heat. Prlca 111,500. CALL PETER H. OEISER, SALESMAN MANBRIN GARDENS When pets and children are welcomed. 3 bdrme., full basmt. Apacoui llv. rm. with fireplace. Din. rm., very convenient kitchen with brkf. area. Lai. beautiful yard. Prlca 112,100, CALL H. K. LATMON, SALESMAN WHAT A VIEWI 1 bdnna. den. with fireplace, Ut. rm.. din. ra, kitchen across the front overlooking city and mountains. Beautifully land scaped lot. A faome you will ba proud to own. For quick sale owner bai put price down to 111,750. CALL J. B. LAW, SALESMAN 3505 STATB STRUT No. 3 bualnaaa gons. Lot 103 z 11, corner lot. Ideal for buetneaa development. House with 1 apts. Prlca 10500. 11000 down. Balance 100 per month. CALL O. R. ORABENBORST, JR., CO-OP. BROKER . AUMSVILLE Two bdrma., S yr,. old, plua rental which bring. $30 per mo. Prlca 17100. S7ALL PETER H. OEISER, SALESMAN GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS , 114 south Liberty St. Ph. 1-1471 Evenlnge ck Sundays call Peter H. Oetaer 1-Ottl J. E. Law 3-5113 H. K. Larmon l-8l BRICK FRONT COUNTRY HOME This new 8-bedroom home or 3-bedroom and den with large living room, raised fireplace, Inside utility, nice workshop In garage, located on corner lot, city water, t block to elty bus, 1300 sq. ft. of floor space, well priced at 111,700. Call Tlbbetts. ENGLEWOOD BUILT BY J. V. EPPING Construction conscious, this lovely new l-bedroom home will aasure you of the best large living room, very nice bath, partly tiled. Natural birch kitchen with loads of built-in, located near school and bus on quiet street, Meal for you and your family. Fairly priced at 813,700. F.H.A. terms. Cell Tlbbctit. NEAT AND TIDY $5750 Tti is 3-bedroom home Is Jn a good spot on paved street. South Salem. School 4 blocks, grocery store dose by, nice large corner lot. Has good din ing room and big handy kitchen. Oood financing to proper party. Call Jim. F.H.A. SPECIAL This home offera lota of good living in 3 bedrooms, largo kitchen, nlca dining room, big Uvlng room, auto, oil heat. Insulation, attached ga rage, good lawn and shrubs, excellent location and best financing. $9500 F.H.A. commitment with 19350 aelllng price. Quick possession. Call Jim. THE BUY OF THE YEAR ' Here's the best opportunity we have had the pleasure of presenting for many a day. A 3-bedroom planned home, with only 3 bedrooms finished, double garage, inside utility, plastered Interior. Buy this home for 11900, finish the Inside of the 3rd bedroom and have a 3-bedroom double-garage home worth much more. Hurry and call Chet. .88 ACRES NORTH ON 99 Here's that farm you have been looking for. 4-bedrooma home, full base ment. Owner Is now specialising In turkeye and beef cattle. Lot of out buildings, 6000 feet of brooding space for turkeys or chickens. 3 wells, good highway frontage, Price only 835,000. Call Chet. Terms, Do You Want Good Income Property? Here Is a 9-unlt apartment house with duplex on rear lot, completely furnished, income $348 per month, close to state buildings and shopping center. This Is a good buy at 833,500. For appointment to aee, contact Dale Raybum. 2-BEDROOM SUBURBAN DE LUXE Well-built home, full dining room, inside utility, wred for dryer and washer, 3 blocks from Washington school. Has good well. 144-H.P. pump. Immediate posseaslon. will be glad to show this fine home any time. Con tact Dale Bayburn, RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT, REALTOR) 1080 N. Capitol . Office phones: 3-4684 or 4-1761 Bvenlng phones Tlbbetts 3-7486 Chet 3-6338 Jim 3-8578 Dale Rayburn 4-6894 REAL ESTATE J. E. Le Clerc, Realtor A Cheapie ',. $3,750 3 bedrm. within walking distance of State House. Oood foundation and good room. In fair condition. Would make a good rental. Large Family $17,500 Almost new, 4 bedrm., home in Kelier Dlst., with large storage space and nice sewing room over garage. V bath down and full bath upstairs. This la a real nice home for a large family. Would consider taking small home as part pay ment. Sportsman's Paradise ..$11,500 Right on the Santlam river, approx. 18 milts from Salem, with modern 3 bed room house and another small 3 room house which can be rented for 836 per month. 30 acres. The land Is cleared but has never been farmed and would be fine for pasture. Ideal for party who wishes to be In semi-retirement. Oood fishing and hunting. Would take home In trade, Salem or California. Slalltl eeawamw 4 NOflTH CAPITOL PV. At. CX. OftCQDN , 1695 N. Capitol St, $150 Down Balance at 836 per month. One bed room home north of city, Mxl86 lot, community water. Hot water heater, stool, sink, shower, concrete founda tion. ENGLEWOOD HOME With basement. 3 bedroom home with dining room, fireplace, forced air heat. ijoitij tiu yam. VIEW LOTS Buy 'em by the foot. These lota have a wonderful view and are ideal for day- Hint basement. Courtesy to bulldera, FHA approved. Trade for Acreage 30 acres of TORY OOOD ground. Will grow corn, beans, suiar beets, etc. 3 bedroom home. 89 complete. 10" Irrl gallon wel and Irrigating equipment. North of oared road, win aoll or trade for 1 or 8 acres with small or old house up to 88000. Oood financing available. RON JONES, Realtor 1S FAIRGROUNDS ROAD Ph. 44491 . Bra. Ph. 11111, 11770 REAL ESTATE BEST BUY REAL ESTATE DRIVE BY 395 COLUMBIA ST. Thla home with 3 bdrnu., basement, fur nace, garage, only 17760. DRIVE BY 860 CUAtUINOS LANE This 1-bdrm. home In eicellent condi tion, lg. lot, only 18750. DRIVE BY 4035 BAILEY RD. This attractive home with 3 large bdrme.. att. garage, lg. lot, only 11700. DRIVE BY 1110 HOOD ST. This home with 3 bdrms., basement, aawduat furnace, only 17300. 1 ACRE OOOD SOIL 11500 ' SEE OUR PICTURE GALLERY OP OVER 300 HOMES POR SALE. JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 411 N. High St. Phone 4-3411 Eve. 1-1471, 3 S310, 3-7401 cSl $5000 $600 DOWN 3 acres 3i 1-bdrm. green shake home. Oood water system A 3 acres of plowed oiacx grouna out bake iablsh war. 1 AC. OLD HOME 930008600 down and 335 month. Old 3-bedrm. houae b large garage tit shop. North about 4 miles. ART MADSEN REALTY Ere. ph. 3-8846, 1-7383, 4-6384, 3-0506 cl WANTED REAL ESTATE SEAL ESTATE IS SELLING. WE HAVE MORE BUYERS THAN OOOD LIST INGS. Xf your property Is worth the money WE CAN SELL rr. OFFICE DIAL k 4-'4194, 24552 A WANTED 6 to 10 acres with good home. c ose In. Al laaak. Kit., pnone 4-3311, It no answer, 4-3246. oa JOE PALOOKA Tn75 SjTMeSAlP Ht rVANTEP " awaeppe lfBRVfT ' 7 VOO TO SEE HIM RIPE J P60TTAT4 A'SOIF-BOARO.- RACK TO THE K' rJ WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICEt If yir property U for aala. rent ar exchange. Uat It with ua. We have Ml kind, of cash .urere. TATE FINANCE CO- RKALTOPJS 113 8. Blah BL ca NEED LISTINGS OF all klnda. If your place la for sale or trade, ceu me. Prompt action. JOE N CONCH ESTER REAL BBTATB lm N. Cottage Ph. 4-3111 day ar nit,. ce' WE ABE In need ol good houaca to sell. In or near Salem, if you wiss to iui your property for sale, sea ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 111 s. Liberty Ph. 3-3171 VBOH OWNER for cash, 1-bedroom home. Flrepiece, nardwooa xioore, saw dust heat. Near bua, store. Must be snap. 4-4113. ciW EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE CLOflB TO Palrarounds, t rooms, btvih. utiuty, lot aoxiw, aooa uwaiion. nice 3,100. Will eachango for small hoxne, one acre more m lese autalde city limit. lame value. General Real estate 1M Oen ter, Phone 3.as. cbe WO SALE OB TRADI by Owner ltVunlt apartment house, nice uvlng auarters. good location. Will take home aa part payment. Terms, rn. a -7910. c RESORT PROPERTIES BetAUTIPTJL MOUNTAIN PJtBOItT LODOI with din. room, seats 40. Bathhouse and it housekeeping eablna all fur nlahed and operating. 1 hydraulic plant and gravity water cyatem. Price 195,000. Will take other property aa cam traae-in. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1147 8. commercial, Salem Ph, 1-0411 cell BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOB LKA8E, a good major OU Co. jervke etation. call 448. cdfli RELIABLE MAN WANTED Not Tending Uachlns IU!.b!c party to handle wule. diet. or worw-wiae aavertuea repeat items. Buslneu set up for you. Only supervision needed. Requires $348$. Scoured fc con trolled by you. Oood references w ear. Financial aaslstanct enables rapid ez panelon. An all cash, profitable, de press lon-proof bus. High income starts Immed. Want party capable earning M.000 to $16,000 yr. Liberal assistance will be granted qualified party in Sa lem 9i am rounding towns. Natl concern. If caah Is available you can start at once, write giving phone for personal interview with state representative. Write Box , Capital Journal, c40 FOB BENT or lease, store building 15x5 ai ev n. isencaeter. pnone 4-2803. moo Money Back Guarantee 3713 to $3335 investment gives you Tour own Independent buslnees operating a route of new money-making 60 dt. pensera handling new, fast-moving con fections In drug atores, cafes, clubs, bua depots, etc. Route eet up for you by our experts and protected by fire and theft insurance, Tou must have car, ref erences and 8713 to $3235, which Is pro tected by an Iron-clad 100 Honey Back Guarantee backed by a 10 Million Dollar national insurance company. De voting a few of your spare houra each week to the buslneaa you should earn up to 880.00 weekly spare time, full time more. Liberal financing assistance to aid expansion. For full information write, giving phone number and ad dress to Bx. 7. Capital Journal. Ani RABBITS CALIFOBNIA BUCKS and does. Phone 08i. 4410 ciaster Rd. abtl BABBITS WANTED. Any alas and quan tity, ao purenred breeding itodt for aale. Phone 3-7107. eb71 WANTED FURNITURE PI FF.f-.8qffwW7WPB LrLl'g,f.TWaV-nrTT7 WANTED Oood used furniture and appliance. Phone 36096. . . da AUCTIONS AUCTION TOMTE, 7:30. Midway Auction, 330 cnerry Ave. Od59 AUCTION TONTTE, 7:30. Midway Auction, 3386 Cherry Ave. ddDB FOR SALE LIVESTOCK MILK COW, due to freehen any day, 1110 Wallace Road. all FOB SALE 4-year-old Arabian mare, very gentle, nouie o, box idi-b. eoo LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Hereford, 36c. isocaer porx, 300. Homing oown, a mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1336 S. 36th, Ph. 34858. ea PETS FOB BALE, Canaries, singers and hens. Some orange singers. Phone 30746. Mrs Geo. Slack. 1459 Hickory. ec61 PALAMINO MABE, black saddle, 6339 cash. Inquire Apartment No. I, Cen tral Howell. ec59 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1638 McCoy. one block east of N. Capitol, VM blocks north of Madison. Pb. 3-6887. cc7B' MOORE TROPICAL F18H, equipment, supplies. 3 miles from Lancaster on Macleay road. Phone 3-7331. Closed Wednesdays. ec63 CHOICE CAN ABIES 1346 Chemeketa Bt, Ph. 34363. ec64a 6-MONTHS-OLD Doberman plnscher. Call 3-1101. ecfli A.K.C. RKG. DALMATIAN puppies. Ph. Monmouth 627J. ec61 BOXER PUPS A.K.C. champion aired. 760 Hawthorne, Phone 33623. Olenn Hochstetler. ec63 FUEL BUY ANDERSON'S handclcked elabwood. now 3 cord 114.00. Phone 1-7711 or 4-4353. ee7l Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST s. & a. (jreen stamps 301T Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Preeto-Logs, Briquets and Wood. 101 So. Com'l, phone 3-1731. .e Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL POR 30 DAYS Planer trimmings, IS load. Phong 37731 da REAL ESTATE MUST BE SOLD NOW! Immll.u wcsacealoii can be had en this lovai, i borne; ' ', .t fine homea. 3 bedrooms, Uvlng room with f " MVn-aS kitchen and dlnett., lnald. utility room, large attached "" "!f ill furnabeautlful lawn and ahruba. LocaWd on Elite St i iwimorelend. near school and city bug. Priced for oulck sal. at 111,110.00. Cau us. MANBRIN GARDENS k Price has been reduced to 110,300 on thle .""elly. J-bdroom " S fireplace, oil furnace, larae Urlng room, dining room, kltcher . bath, utility room. Attached garage. Large lot with beautiful lawn. Can be bought for 1500 down. , ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER f a act aaauueM wrnTf.nni1 411 MASONIC Real Batata Phone 8-8317 insurance Roy Todd Real Estate FAIRMOUNT DISTRICT III. Urlng, Bio dlntng, kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 Stjljjsi, Bath, . utility, basement, basement, u furnace. Oarage Prlca T0. CaU Mr, Ruth, igieeman. LESLIE DISTRICT Only 4 yra. old. Ua. living dining combine. Nicely arranged kitchen. Utility, tlassed-la breeseway with att. garage. FenCMl back yard. Juit 4 bike, to ach. only 16.00. CaU nr. vandervort, aaleaman. WEST SALEM' Nice Uvlng, lie. dtn'sg, kitchen with nook, 4 bdrms. with 1 up A 1 dn. Cloae to Mb, bus by door, I0H0O lot, fenced back yard, fruit, flowera, ' shrubs. 81700. call Mr. Rueh, salesman. JUST COMPLETED New, 1-bedroom horn, with 1110 K. ft. floor apace. Nice entrance hall with eloiet, lge. Uvlng with picture window. Dining, kit., plenty of bullt-lni, utility, Ut. garage, toxloo lot. Only 110,000. CaU Mr. Simpson, salesman. WILL TRADE this beautiful l-rr.-old 3-bdrm. home Including very large living rm. with fireplace, dining, conveniently arranged kitchen. Excellent location. , blk. from ssh. Lot I0H3I. Seller needs 3 or 4-bdrm. houae. ,13,760. CaU Mr. Vandervort, aaleaman. STOCK OR DAERY RANCH 9 acrea, very good soil, It ao. leaded to perm, paeture. Fenced av eross fenced. Nice 3-bdrm. home. 9 chick, haea. 1 brooder hae. Cow barn, stanchions. Complete irrigation system. Some farm machinery. Only $17,000. Consider 3-bdrm. home on trade. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. ROY TODD, REALTOR . SM (tat. Street office phone 3-IMI Eve. Phone: Buck 3-7111; Vandervort 3181; Simpson 1-IJIIl Todd 3-1711 Ml FUEL Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tuba aerrlce, ail kinds of wood. Phone 1-1444. M WALNUT SHELLS, 10 aacla for II, or ti ton. is ton delivered in town. Home BUorfeln Packing Oo., 440 North Front. West Salem Fuel Co. . BLOCKWOOD, 11" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1131 Bdgewatw Phone Salem 3-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY FOB SALE Batams. Purebred Buff Cochin, Phone 483. - IBS WANTED Colored fryers, colored and leghorn hens. Higneat prices, bees Hatchery, phone 32161. f FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire. Parmentere, Red. Whit. Leghorns, Auitra-Whlt,, White Rocks, Whits Wyandottca. Parmenter cockerelg. Leg Batcbery, nhong 338S1. SPECIAL New Hampshire pullets, 16c ce. valley Farm store, pn. eeeae. no- WHITE LEGHORN, Austrawblte, and New Hampsmre cmcss, $io nunorea. rn. 36343. palmer'a Poultry Farm, Brooks. f76 GOLDEN BB9AB and New Hampshire ehleka. hatched every Monday and Thurs day. Our chicks grow faster. Fox's Hatchery, 3830 state St. m. 3w. r e-BTAB puUorum controlled chicks avail able now at Ward's. Healthy vigorous chicks whioh are direct descendants of pedigreed-sired flocks. All are from U.S. approved pullorum controlled flocks! 100 as atched New Hemps 817.60 WARD'S FARM STORE Trad, a High St. Salem fso PRODUCE ORGANIC GBOWN TBEE-BIPENED or anges and grapefruit. Potatoes, onions, apples and nuts. PHILLIP BROS. FARM MARKET, 6030 Lancaater Drive, Phone 3-1105. ft HELP WANTED MALE Interviews One of the f aatest progressing compan ies in thla field will have a representa tive Interviewing men who cold the following qualifications: 1. Ago 9 to 40 years. S. Own automobile In good condition. 5. Willing to travel Monday through Friday, horn every week-end. 4. High achool education. I. Desire for advancement. 6. Able to furnish reliable references. Thorough training given by company vlth guarantee of minimum of 6100 per week during training period CONTACT ' BARL 8VBLA Senator Hotel, Salem Wednesday Thursday, March 11-13 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ga61 HEBB IB AN excellent chance for men thoroughly experienced in Interior and window display to become associated with one of America's outstanding de partment atores. Permanent position, 40 hour, 6 day week with vacation privi leges, discount on mdse. purchases. Must have successful record of ability and creatlvenesa in display field. State age, experience and references In letter to Mr. Harvey A. Johnston, Personnel Di rector, THE BON MARCBE, Seattle, Washington. w HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. gb CAR HOP Woodroffe's San Shop, 3400 Portland R4. No phone calls. gb HOUBEKEE FIR About 36, for man and l hoy. May nava a children. Ph. 3-2608. gb61 WANTED House cleaning, ex p. baby sit ting, pnone xxveo evenings. gb64 HOUBEKEEPEB WANTED Live In, board. room, wagea. Phone 1-6932. gbfll WALNUT BBELLEBB A whole winter's work. Morrte Kiorfetn Packing Co., 460 N. Front, ( OFFICE WORK, short hand required. Best or surround .ngs, auto agency. Refer ences required. Write Box 6, Capital Journal gb59 W ANTED Woman for housework, live In. cecu uoyo, a, a, box xva, rnona 3-6133. gb80- ADDBESS AND MAIL postals. Make over 8 wecx. send 61 for InsUuctlons. LBNDO, Watertown, Mass, fb60 WATCH.. 7 REAL ESTATE BtTILDINO UnrtaTaft-s, fjMna Xvenlnaa 3-4700 WANTED SALESMAN MAN WITH CAR Salem area, to represent a famous na tional concern, excellent opportunity for right man, earnings $60 per week and up. No canvassing. Ph. 30774. ejg60 USES CAR SALESMAN wanted. We arc really in the Deed Car Business. We carry a huge stock of late-model, clean automobiles. This la one of the best, If not the best paying used car job in the country. CORITRUM MOTORS USED CAR LOT NO. 1, 330 South Stephens, Boseburg, Oreapn. ggS6" MEN With or Without ; ' Sales Experience We have openings In our Salem office for men who are Interested in advancing themaelves with a com pany that has the most complete train ing program for new salesmen. We give you 6-7 definite appolntmenta each day. These appointments arc with people who are Interested in enrolling in the finest of hospital and medical plans, which you will be selling. Toil will make average of 114 commission per sale, and should sell 3-1 per day. We will interview between 10 and It a.m. Monday through Friday, Room 306, 616 Hood St., Salem. ggso EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs See us for quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our ex perience In the community, Check our listings Mondays A Wednesdays. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 484 State fit. (Oregon Bldg,) 4-3361 gfBoe WANTED POSITIONS WANTED Child care In my home. Vicinity Bollywood. CaU 1S1I4. h00 BOTO-BOEING, caU after 1:10, 3-0431. hi! CUSTOX Rotary hoc lag 14 aa hour. Phone s-ihb alter o p.m. h!3 PATCH PLASTEBINO, baaements water proofed by plastering. Frank's Service, phone 36045. nil WAKEFIELD LIND Interior decorating. We help you plan. Phone 3-1011. hll PAPEB HANGING, painting, free ani mates. Don Lucero. Ph. I5B33. h73 MRS. MICKXNHAMIf DAY NTJBSERY State licensed and Inspected. Ph. 37101. h07 Garden Plowing Ph 23041 074- OABDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, dlaclng. leveling, ro totlllng. Service Center. Phone 43071. h7l INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason ably. Ph. 30141. hes TAX betobns prepared In your home, reaaonable rates. Ph. 43033. hfl3 WANTED CHILD care. Reaaonable, day or night. Park and Sunnyvlew, 4-4000 hl SECBETABY - STENO. Aptitude figure., meet public, desires responsible con genial position. Phone 3-1004. hot TILLING WITH now M.I. ROTARY TIL. nw. ,-none evening g-aaaj. Jig. LIGHT CRAWLER, doalng, dirt leveling, .mum., riiuuc 4-..JU. n 7 (- LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trim us, Planting, fertilising. Service Cen ter. Phone 43573. h70 PAINTING Let ma live you an aittmata. 31 yeare PHONE 17551 h70e WILL DO CEILING, one wall or antlra uwuaii. v -" uwi vi vainuug, oruari and aprar, furnish references, by hour or contract. Ph. 43944, h!4 CUSTOM WORK nlnaln J ' ji.., ' ruoam leva Blrchwood Dr, h!4 LADY WOULD LIKE to car. for children jn uer nome only, it a day per child. n.ymn noaa, hll BOTOTILLEB WOUK-Now taking order. w. .prior routining in Kelaer dlatrlct. Ph. 44111. hll TREE WOBK. Topping, trimming, ramov. u"ul"u operator. John pays,. Pn. 3MJ1. hn. home ; BUILDING and carpenter work. Phi "" hW CABPENTEB-Cablnat work, home re. 4-I,,, w PLOWING, IMMEDIATE SERVICE. J-lloo! hOO By Ham Fisher 3 ,t,4.: