3d 1 !3 Tele-Views a Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMER Q RADIO PROG RAM S i WWWW?Jt.-qprr9c-v Ipjfi ( mj pan llj'Hpaji i fei- ' A it George Jessel ' The American Broadcastimr comuanv has rivneA inner. term contract with George Jesael covering his exclusive serv ices as a performer and producer for the ABC Radio and Atsu xeievision isetworKs, Hubert E. Kintner, ABC presi dent, announced today. Jessel joins ABC on June 1, 1953, under the terms of the contract negotiated with - him by Robert M. Weitman, ABC vice-president in charge of programs and talent. In addition to his exclusive services aa a performer and producer in radio and televi sion for ABC, Jessel also will represent the network as a "goodwill ambassador" at public and private functions. Terms of the contract, which will permit Jessel to continue his motion picture work', were not disclosed by either Jessel or ABC. Affectionately known as the "Toastmaster General of "the United States," in recog nition of the countless din ners and benefits at which he has spoken, Jessel is ac knowledged by the entertainment world to possess one of the most active and brilliant minds in show business. As boys, Jessel and Walter Winchell were Dart of the Imperial Trio which sang and collected tickets at the Im perial Theater in New York City. Now, both Jessel and Winchell find themselves together again under radio arid television long-term contracts with the American Broad casting company. Winchell and ABC signed their contract in October, 1951. Third voice on the Imperial Trio was Eddie Cantor. A raconteur and showman without peer, Jessel has made ! his mark in the three top branches of the entertainment: world vaudeville and musical revues, motion pictures and television. , "In additon to being featured on his own programs in ABC radio and ABG Television, Jessel's diversified talents will be available for other strategic program planning now going forward for the fall," Kintner said in announcing the contract. Weitman, who has discovered many of the top stars of the day, and who negotiated the ABC contract with Jessel, said, "The ABC Radio and Television Networks are in a most enviable position through having secured this ex clusive contract with George Jessel, the premier showman of the entertainment world. His talents, vision and lead ership bring to ABC a truly uncalculable wealth of pro graming inspiration and know-how.'" Jessel's keen and active mind imparts to his well-known humor a depth which brings a new dimension to comedy on radio and television. The scope of Jessel's humor, which runs from his world-famous telephone skit to his witty ramblings about the contemporary scene, will be given full range in the new program vehicles we are now discussing with him for fall showing, Weitman added Jessel's fame in the entertainment world is based on his penetrating humor aimed at the mind rather than the slap stick approach to comedy. It is in this direction that plan are being shaped for his appearance before the ABC mio rophones and television cameras this fall. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING Fireside Theater at 9. "Money Under the Tree." Would be gangster offered large sum of money to go in hiding with proceeds of bank robbery, marries and becomes an honest farmer. When robber dies, he is faced with the de cision of keeping the money or returning it. Madge Mere dith stars. Circle Theater at 9 :30. A salty tale of four retired sea captains whose life of contentment is threatened by a dom .ineering widow in "The Anchorage." Alan Young Show at 10. A lion loose and pandemonium in a circus crowd make up contents of this week's show. Nite Owl Theater at 11:30. "Fangs of the Wild"; Rin Tin, Tin, Jr., Dennis Moore. WEDNESDAY P.M. "kgw koin kex kslm kgae koco l 0 7 CB UM ABO 1!W MHO 14M Ka. MM LB1 iV.Vr ,wl N,wt " To Trade. Raider Nwii jf.il til. OmOHH Km Miliar Newa Spider Da Vel ' ft Iim Parlr Jaek Oereae Oar Wt Balder Dt Val , MjZ2. Haaalaeea h... farlr Jaea Qweae Qardaa Cda Sailer mieale J Bkftic Wlfa IHIIII.a Baa III Waal Ilraaead Balder Mai Meladr Alalia Dallaa Aaal Jaailaii Ka aal Klrawaed Satan Mai Meladr ;J7 Brawa Neweaaae Bar Keel Laear V Balder Ha. Maledr ,! Weiaaa la Ha Neweaaaer Bar Weal aae Spider Mai eleledr j:J rial! Bill Srerklea Oal Tlaaer Mail. ITeeerda MtTiiiiiij in ' r" T"u Oedlrer c" Tlaaar Mull. Hecerda Mai Meladr J.r... i -..direr lira Ua Mgila Becerde MaiHtlaO Daa'a Wile Oedlrer MlUleaalre Baeaaer Breerde Mai Meladr :M tYeleeaae Gedtrer Marie Baraa OarTawa Jlai Deadr Meale MeL, :!5 Tratalara Gadlrer Bla Shew Sllrerlaa 8b.w Macla MaU J:M Dt. P.al Gadlrer r" "' Maala Jlaa Daair Maila Mat S:V DaraOrrwr Cat! Maaeer Far ka Girl. Mae afeOalri Bhow Maala Mai. d:y III. Braatllal Klrkbaaa Tlar Taaaa Fallaa Lewie Bria. Trala VVarll Nan 1:15 Mualc Baa BathAablaa Raalrri' Cai llanlarvar Maala 8tarTlma 4:Sf Mualr Baa JlmWakalr Naalrral Cia Maala Muale Saeaad Laak a:4S Maala Ba Tanrlallr Haaar Tlma Baai Maraa , Haala Marl Wemaa'a Pi. !:H Nawa Marraw Nawt Uaah Bab Ba ma at MaalcMart ' Rkaweaaa :1& Nawa Saltaa Nawa Stars Bar B Maala Mart Bhawraaa V U MeCall Warld Tadaj Cbal Baatlar Wild Bill Uaala Marl Val'r Baaart 8:4.r E. rataraaa Nawa Bab Oarrat Ulckak Mualc Mart Beateaabar :MKalai wllh PM Wcatkaraiaa GabrlHaaUr Maala Marl Candlailibl I:1S Haala Plarhaaaa Baaia Bd. NW Nawa SlanOlt UO Caaabat (:B Mr Baa Jaaa Wbat'a Mr naad LlaL Aaawar Maa aa B:4 Mr Baa Jaaa Uaa Gead Llat. Maaa Baraa W Kara 7:00 Bab Haaa p,laaaa Laos Baniar Maala '. IRaaarr ;5 Bab Uaaa Uacaa Lana Baniar Haala Rtara Blar ' :Sn Walk a Mil warat Allalr Mratarr Dr. Klldara U al O Caaak 7:45 Walk a Ml Paraaa Tbaatar Dr. Btldaia Sa.rH B:M Haa'a Faal Nawa Brraabaaatla Naaa S.n7 Track IIM !:1S Nawa Oa Baal Brraabanalta Naaaa Baai Track 14M :10 Oraal Dr.Cbrlillaa Mr. Praaldant Baraaaalaa Track l.M :Vt alldaralaara Dr. Cbrlillaa Mr. rraaldaat Maala Track HW t:MGraacba F. B. I. laaarna Ta Ulaa Bardr Track 14b -.1.4 Mara Paaaa War NrwaTaaaar. Faltaa Lcwli Track KM :M Nana That Ja Hl.ll.rd Maala la What Coaka Track ln a: 45 Tuna Janlar Mlaa Mr Bualnat Maala Ncwa 10:00 llaaaraar S Star Final Final Edlllaa Behind Starr Mailt Eatic 10 :1K Sparta Final Intarrlewa Danca Time Vawarcal Nlchl Sam li:Sfl Maile Hoar Muala Daaea Time Nawa - Mu.la Yaa 10:45 Matla Hour Mualc Dance Time Dar Marar Waat 11 :CW' Mailc Haar Orian Mel. Danca Time Ita Mardar Nactarna 11:15 Maila Haar Ori.Meltdlaa Daaoe Tlma Meladlee Nactarna II :S0 Cllr Caancll Trcaaarr Danca Tleae Maledlea Nactarna ll:4f C'ltr Caancll Bandatand Danca Time Melodlec Nactarna 18:1k' I'Iiti Oil lillenl 1 lilm Oil I IDanccParlr Don't fret ever o down payment. We take moot anything en a trade for a beautiful Raytheon Set. See Us First tor the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 38558 Open Monday and Friday Evenings T A ... WanU Tax Write-Oft Bet- ta St. John, ' a dancer and tilm actress, thinks movie stars, models and other pel formers should be granted a tax write-off on the theory that they, like machinery, de preciate in value with time. Because they have a limited period of years in which to earn money, they fhouldn't be taxed the same as doctors and businessmen, she con tends. (AP Wirephoto.) . Stayfon Union Hi To Present Comedy Stayton "An Old-Fashion-ed Charm," a two-act musical comedy, directed by Mr. Burgess and Mrs. White, will be present ed by the Glee clubs at the Stay ton Union high school gym March 12 and 13 at 8 p.m. The plot is concerned with the way I Lois Williams, played by Sharon Poole, overcomes the, wary at tempts of Leonard Darcy (Gene Small), casting director for Max imum Films, to sidestep women. The cast has been practicing diligently and is enthusiastic about results. Students in the cast are Mack Williams, Cheryl Morgan, Claudia Johnson, Gene Small, Nancy Frye, Sharon Poole, Ed Small, Merle Boedig- heimer, Almeta Coffman, Jimmy Frichti, Ronnie Adams, Thomas Pietrok, Ken Yargun, and the Glee chorus. Order of Rainbows Meets for Supper Woodburn Members of Ev ergreen assembly No. 12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, for a no-host supper. During the business session plans will be made for the trip to the grand assembly meeting at Tillamook, March 26-28. A bus has been chartered from Salem to provide transportation and 32 girls are planning to at tend from the Woodburn group. Mrs. Torn DeArmond, mother ad viser, will be chaperone for the trip. After the business session Wednesday night, "stunt night" will be presented with prizes awarded for the best perform' ances. THURSDAY 6 A.M. T0 1 1 :45 A.M. '00 Maala Tlma INawa pre. Farm Nawa Brcaklaat W. Heladlea I 'IS Muala Tlma B.F.D. Ora Dra. Faraa Farm Nan Nook ' W. Maledlea i 'SO Maala Tlma S.01N Black Ora. Farm Newa - Brcaklaat Farm Nawa fjd.a. Farm Tlma KOIN Bleak Ore. Farm March Tlma Koak Newa VtM Caanlrr Kd. KOIN Blab Flrat Edltlan Hammtanrwar Brcaklaat Meditation. 4 ."TX Jchnnr WUle Nawa M. Airanakr Brcaklaat Nook KOCO Klack 4 -to Nawa Newa Bab Garred Breaklaal Breakfaat KOCO Klack 7':4J K. Maanlni H. Babbitt Bab Baicn Sam Baraa Nook KOCO Klack ..M Old Sanaa Carala Breaklaet Caell Brawa Jim Dandr Newa S:ii Old Sanie Newa Braaklaat Fam. Altar Jim Dandr KOCO Klack atin Maala Baa Grnd Slam Braaklaat HarcnalB Jim Dandr KOCO Klack jjj'e, Maale Baa Roeemarr Braaklaat Baren al E Jim Dandr Newa -.-a Ncwa W. Warren I am Edlta Ncwa Back fanca Happlneea S'la Made Boa AantJcnnr Todar Stra Melody Mam Matinee Tuoetlme t 'SO Maale Box Helen Trent Break Bank Faatar'a Call Back fenea Piano Pat. ;4r, V. Llndlabr Oar Gal Ban Break Bank Bar. Connie, Matlnea Dinah Share iin5 B. Kernalda Road at Ula Dan O'rdn'r Glen Bardr Back lenca Rare It'lK B. Rernalda Ma Prklaa C. Bantler Tela Teet Matlnea . Recarda a .'an strike It rich DrMalaaa Trap Storr Anawar Man Back tenco Ra,a it-if Striae It rich Paid tliht Trap Starr Maalo Mallnea Bccorda ii. an DM ar Natb Mca Bartaa Whlaaarlni Ladlce Fair Back fcaca Rare U'15 DblarNalh P. Maaaa GlrlMarrlea Ladlea Fair Matlnea Bccorda 11 '.10 Bob Bar Nara Drake V. Llndlabr Qa. lar Day Back lenca Bare jl:A Bab Bopa llrlahter Pay Barnar Keep Q. -far Par Mallnea Bccorda Health Problems Talk Given Hubbard Progress in health problems by medical and scien tific sources was given by Mrs. Floyd Dominlck, and . informa tion about the Hubbard Exten FM Mai.i KOIN la 1.1, a.m. la It l a. KEX PB.S, S la t p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC, 558 koac rr.. iy v. m. S:M, Ort- sTn Bcvarttr: 1:1B. Umtlt tf Ui MMlem 4:06, Scrm. In Blaei Cbll4rB'a Thtklcri 5:M, Chlew nd Ubtei 6:00, Newt mat Weather; :48, Ore tan Utlilatvrat 7:15, Enln Farn Heart j S:00, Radl Shartbandt 8:46, Newi, Wealh- n 1:40, MadltalUm !:, Sim Off. i KOAC Thuradar a.m. 10:00. Nawai 10:15, Eapeclallr tar Wamaai 11:00, School of Aln 11:15, Caacarl Ball lt:M. Ncwai 11:15. Naan Farm Baari t:M, Far Woment S:SO, lnaalrlni Maalclan t:45, Ore. Seboel af Air; .1:00, Oraion Re porter! 4:00. Unlreralty Boar. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) OnlT protranu chedulcr) In advance) 9:S0 p.m. This Is Your lifts 10:00 p.m. Kraft Theater 11:00 p.m. March of Time 11:30 p.m. Nite Owl Theater 13:16 p.m. (Appro. ) Sign Off Dallas Merchants Plan Dollar Days Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, March 10 -17 K i : : " T S r:v.r'--. Herald Stalin's Death The Russian flags are flown at half-staff at the Russian embassy in Washington (left) and at the United Nations building in New York (right). (UP Telephoto) Measles Break Up Eighth Grade Show Lebanon When the eighth grade of Crowfoot school pre sented "Rip Van Winkle" last week the performance drew such a crowd that many were turned away and - a second showing was scheduled. Now all plans for a second performance are abandoned because five members of the cast are down with measles. They barely made It through their first appearance, for the first day the first measles ease was put to bed. Last year the school's upper class put on "Tom Sawyer," playing also to such a crowd that another performance was scheduled. But things did not go well the second night. Both cast and audience were em barrassed because the student property committee forgot to put Huck Finn's dead cat in cold storage. Three directors for three years will be elected, the terms of Mrs. Al Lulay, Mrs. Fred Lucht and Albert Dicker expiring. . , The groups will discuss and decide local welfare problems and seek a cross-section opinion on Important issues. Mrs. Ernest Crowder, welfare chairman, will give her report of last year's business, and work accomplished by the organiza tion during the year will be re viewed. - committees of the unit, made v.p the program for the Hubbard Woman's club meeting Wednes day afternoon in the home of Mrs. Harry Schei, president. An nounced was the state confer' ence of the GFWC in Salem April 8. Mrs. E. T. Rose, TB seal chairman for 3 years, reported $231.50 for the Hubbard area this year, and asked to be re lieved of the committee. Mrs. N. A. Mann volunteered to take it. Mrs. Schei appointed Mrs. A. L. Murphy, Mrs. Rose and Mrs, Le- nore Schoor on the nominating committee. Mrs. Robert Aldrlch was a guest. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Elton McLaughlin .and Mrs. Sadie Rich. Dallas The city's merchants are joining together to offer a special merchandising event for the public. Dollar Days will be an. event of Friday , and Satur day, March 13 and 14. All stores which are participating will of fer special bargains to their cus- tomcrs on those days. It was announced also that the merchants committee of the Chamber of Commerce is spon- A general meeting of the Mt soring the annual Easter ese Ansel Community Chest -will hunt and parade for the children be held Thursday, March 12 at oi xne community on April 4. 18 p.m. in the City hall. Community Chest to Elect at Mt. Angel Dr. Fred Schwartz Woodburn Church Woodburn Monday night the) people of Woodburn will have the privilege of hearing Dr. Fred Schwarz, internationally known lay preacher and lectur er from Sidney, Australia; who will speak at . the Woodburn Foursquare church at 7:45. Dr. Schwarz is flying directly from a lecture engagement in Wash ington, D. C, for a week of serv ices in Portland and will give one night to Woodburn, his only appearance in this area. His topic will be "The Heart, Soul and Mind of Communism," ap proaching the subject from the standpoint of ' medicine ana psychology. Everyone is Invited ito attend. 1 -i J Union Hill Club Donates to Funds Union Hill The members of the Union Hill Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. Roy King on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Helen Stromsmoe was a visitor. gt ine ciuo voiea io sena ia.uu '"' to the new hospital in Stayton toward the purchase of curtains ' and $5.00 to the Red Cross cam paign fund. Attending were Mrs. W. M. Tate, Mrs. Henry Tate, Mrs. Verny Scott, Mrs. Howard Rog ers, Florence Pottorff, Mrs. Hen ry Peters, Mrs. Donald Peters, ' Mrs. W. J. Lcnsman, Mrs. A. L. Kostenborder, Mrs. Ray John son, Mrs. Donald Jaquet, Mrs. Dolph Heater, Mrs. Maurice , Heater. Mrs. L. W. Cooper ana . Mrs. King. Mrs. C. E. Heater, Mrs. Joanna Speed and Mrs. John Berhorst. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Henry Peters in two weeks. Mrs. Adolph heater is a pat ient in a Salem hospital. Mrs. Heater has had influenza and has entered the hospital for treatment. Kelly Family Moves' Mill City Miss Freda Thayer has been doing substitute teach ing in the Scio schools. Lynn Smith was home over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith, from the Blind school in Salem where she entered about 6 weeks ago. Lynn is a 6th grader. Sgt. and Mrs. Max Kelly and 3 children have moved to Barstow, Calif, where he has been stationed. Sgt. Kelly re turned the latter part of Janu ary from Korea. MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. Salem's Most Complete Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 11:15 12:00 12:30 1:00 2:0O 1:15 2:30 1:00 4:15 4:M COO 0 00 6:30 :5 1:00 1:10 1:45 1:00 9:00 0:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:10 12:15 j TUESDAY Freedom RlntJ The Biz Piyotl -Welcome Traveler , Kate Smith BettT Furneni .Arthur Godfrey Strike It Rich Matinee Theater ..Search for Tomorrow Love of Life .Howdy Doody .Name the flame Douk Rdwardi . Time tor Beany .Two tor the Money Dinah Bbort , News Caravan Circuit Hour rireitde Theater .Circle Theater . Alan Young , Acott Muilc Hall Mr Little Mania .Nite Owl Theater (Approx.) aim Oft The Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Raytheon Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa Ph. 3-4311 Open Wed.-Fri. Til 9 P.M. Visit Our TV Theater MT. ANGEL COWS TESTED Five registered Jersey cows owned by Rex Ross, Mount An gel, Ore., completed 305-day re cods on Herd Improvement Reg istry test during the past two months which entitles them to special recognition from The American Jersey Cattle club. Arranwannah Club At Boulden Home Unionvnle The Arrawan nan Needle club was entertained: at a one o'clock luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Boulden, Wednesday. Mrs. I Miles Maxwell of Portland and j Mrs, Charles Stoller of Salem,: former members, were special j guests. Other attending were j Mrs. John Al.ison, Mrs. Stephen Benedict, Mrs. Fred Finnicum, i Mrs. Ersel Gubser, Mrs. Ivan Gubser, Mrs. John Hcffley. Mrs. ! Glen McFarlane, Mrs. Raymond ; Palmer, Mrs. James Penland, j Mrs. Carl Wood and Mrs. Mar- ; ion Boulden. Various card games were enjoyed. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Allison. Mrs. Clarence L. Fowler of Unionvale accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nichols and Miss : Esther Nichols to Portland j Thursday afternoon. They wentj to see Mr. William Moerke at ' the General hospital, Portland, j PHILCO First in Public Demand! ntl,',r-...LJ , ' i fTV Center Open to 9 p.m. II 1120 CENTER II 30 yrn. In Salem jo WEDNESDAY 11:41 a m. Oarrr Moore 13:00 p.m. The Bit paroir 1310 p.m. Welcome Traveler 1:00 p.m. Kate smitn 9:00 p.m. Double or Notblnc 3 30 p.m. Strike It Rich S.00 p.m. Matinee Theater 4:15 p.m. Search for Tomorrow 4:30 p.m. Lot of Life 4:4a p.m. Peter Pan 1:00 p.m. Howdy Doody 190 p.m. Toot le Hippodrome 00 p.m. BUiks U Rich 4:30 p.m Dout Edward 45 p.m. Time for Beany TOO p.m. rttht :4& p.m. Newi Caravan IN p.m. Hollywood Openlni Hie hi 1:10 p.m. Arthur Oodfrer :M p a. I Married Jeaa DUMOfJT NOW QUALITY TELEVISION Offers First With the Finest in TV See the Sensational NEW DUMONT. All Channel Tuner GUARANTEED TO HAVE: Less "Snow" than all other models Clarity, clearer picture Tone Unsurpassed Installed in Your Home for as Low as 2.95 per week Valley Television Center "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and installation. All sets sold and Installed carry full 90-day service. IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 231 S Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 IN WOODBURN 171 Grant St. Phono 3611 TOP Trader Louie will give you top trade on your radio, furniture, tools, guns, in fact most anything. Just phone 3-8558 and he'll dash out to your home and give you the fairest offer in town. Trader Louie's Huge Trade-in Allowance Applies ot Partial or Full Down Payment which may mean II' II Two Convenient Locations TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 38558 OPEN MONDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS VISTA VARIETY 3025 S. Commercial St. Phone 45103 OPEN EVERY EVENING V I - ' . v , . ' " ' : ... -