i 1 14 CplUl Journal, Salem, Ort., Tuesday, March 10, 1951 The Dalles with 24-0 Mark Leads Oregon Hoop Poll IMr The Associated freed Undefeated, The Dalles, with It Ylctorten, continue to top the Associated Frees Oregon hlfh school basketball poll this week. But Marehfleld, which h been second to The Dalles ilnce the poll started, picked up two first-place votes and narrowed the margin. The Dalles got ight lint-place votes. Medlord was third choice of the aportswrlters and aportscasters who vote In the , poll. Eugene, tied with Med lord last week, dropped to fifth. Hlllsboro retained No. 8 spot, while Clevelsnd, the new Port land league champion, replaced Jefferson of Portland In sixth position. Greiham Jumped from No. 8 to No. 7, replacing Redmond, which dropped from the top 10. Albany rose from 10th to No. 8, while Jefferson slumped to ninth. Clatskanle and Salem, which tied for tenth, made their first appearance in the top group. The poll is next to the last one before the state tourna ment at Eugene March 17-21 Idaho State, Seattle Play For Riaht to Enter NCAA Heattle ) Either Idaho State or Seattle university comes to the end of the sea- eon's basketball trail Tuesday night, while the winner gets chance at further glory in the NCAA western reglonals at Corvallls, Ore., this week-end. But the glory road may be . short, because the survivor faces the tough Job of getting by the Pacific Coast Conference champions from Washington In In the opening night of the Cor vallls playoffs Friday. Even the thought, though, it raw meat for the hungry Chiefs, who've been beating in vain for years on the Wash ington door in an effort to ar range a game. Idaho State and Coach Steve The Dalles, Marthfleld, Med ford, Hlllsboro, Salem, Cleve land and Clatskanle ail nave won places In the tournament The others In the top group are favored to win tourney berths. The poll, with seaion record for each team: 1. The Del'M M I. MsrshfleK (34-3) 84 I. Medio (11-J) J 4. Surras 116-6) I, HUUboro (31-61 .... , Cleveland (16-4) 7. Oreeham 190-4) I. Albanr 16-8 a. Jellereon 114.41 10. clatskanle (14-31 , II M. sain Othtn: ontene is. vi i" o.au Af part nd a. Astoria ana utnln I Meb, 011m and Redmond 1 eaeh. TRAINING CAMP NOTES IOBOE 301 Olympic Downs PST in Junior College Finals Bremerton. Wash. () Olym- Belko. meanwhile. keDt tieht- Die of Bremerton led all the way lipped silence and weren't con- Monday night in defeating Port ceding anything to the favored land State, 71-88, for the Region Chiefs and their one-two punch 3 junior couege DameiDau cnam- Lyons Town Team Ends Season With 114-103 Victory Lyons The Lyons town team ended its basketball season last week with a 114-103 victory over Western Veneer of Lebanon in an overtime. The score at the end of the third quarter favored the Leb anon club 71-64. Lyons scored 81 points in the fourth period to tie the score at 05-08 at the end of regular playing time, Lyons scored 10 points in the five-minute overtime. Top scorer for the season for the Lyons team was Don Carey, who had 383 points, averaging 22.0 pet game. He had 33 against Lebanon. OIlie Muise led Lyons' win with 40. Irene (lit) (1M Lebanon Mtilse 40 r 14 Propel laleck U r U MKMleatet O. Carey 14 O. ...... 10. Remmtlert p. Carey 33 o 18 Halfield Wolford la a 13 smith aubi: Lyoni cruaon 4, Anderson: Leba bod Maion 4. Keem 8, Shaffer 4, Setlmer. of All-America Johnny O'Brien and his twin brother, Eddie, The Bengals from Pocatello, Idaho, winners of the Rocky Mountain Conference, have a young starting lineup of three sophomores and two Juniors, led by 8-foot Les Roh and his 18.8 game average. By con trast, the Chiefs' Johnny-O, the nation's leading major college scorers,, has averaged 28.24 for the season. Seattle has a 27-8 season's record, Idaho State 18-6. nlonihlD. Ken Fuhrer was high for the winners with 28 points and was named the region's most valua ble player. Jim McLean led Portland State with 20. Olympic, as regional winner. would have been eligible for the National Jaycee championships at Hutchinson, Kan., except for a rule adopted this season oy tne Washington J. C. Conference bar ring post-season games. Portland State said n might make the Hutchinson trip It fi nances could be arranged. SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys LADIKB' MINOR LEA QUE lee'e Vina Cara (1) L. rallen 411, J. oreenlee 141, 1. Aaron 418, L. Retake 371, Tea Hal Cafe II) D. ooon 438, J. Hew ton 290. D. Frederick 498. A. Johnston 131. A. A. Ureal, Bealtar a. Hllli Ml, O. Davlea 331. N. Maddlna 340. H. Prlt- ohett 351. Bollrweed Merehenle (4) K. Hlllerleh 7, II. Heller lot, U Herman 181, ft, lekatrom 881, western Taper Convertlna Ca. fl V. Pearson 383, V. Johnaon 388, B. Coaa- wail 307. M. spperir 380. BeaeKa Shaw ttl 8. Arthur no, D. Koanlc 148, 8. Hoxle 80S, a. Battlaa 987. Nehl Bereraae (8) I. Merta 318. J. Oannon 303, J. Fallen 333, K. Llndeey 876, naro-e Bporllnt Good, (1) V. Gannon 405. P. Wendt 387. W. Valdaa 147. it. Curtis 134. Blah team rtmi and series Ton Yr.t Oafa. 888 and 1011. Win tad. asms and aerlaa D, Frederick, 81 anil 4(8. Hillsboro Earns to Tourney; Viks Wed. Way Play (Br The Aeaoetated Praia) Two more teams won entry Monday Into the state high school basketball tournament at Xugene, March 17-21. They will play each other in opening-round play Wednesday. Hillsboro, No. 8 in the Asso ciated Press poll, won the Dis trict 0 championship by defeat ing Beaverton 53-40. Salem, tied with Clatskanle for the No. 10 pot, won the District 11 title by mothering Stayton 57-37. That leaves only four more . tournament vacancies and they are to be filled this week. Three titles are to be decided Tuesday night when Mllwaukie and Molalla meet for the Dis trict 12 berth, Central Catholic and Sandy clash for the District 13 title, and Roosevelt and Jef ferson of Portland clash for the District 16 championship. Oakrldge and Eugene will play Wednesday night and it Eugene wins it will complete the lineup wnn tne uiatrict o title. The district champions to date Include: District 1, Ontario; 2, The Dalles; 8, Lakevlew; 4, Medford; I, Marshfleld; 7, Albany: 8. Dal las; , Hillsboro; 10, Astoria; 11 Salem; 14, Clatskanle; IB, Clevo tana. Seton Hall, West Kentucky in NIT CLASSIC IKAOUE Vrenk'a Prodnea (0) Junta 483. Thomn- aon 808, Rose 476, Jackeon 531, Evana 808; Vlttone'a Meal Market 141 Oreearr 114. Paia 581, sillier oil, Poulin 883, Vlttona e.e. Spadaat (1) Bradan 838, Parley 111, Llndsey 833, Vellupek 480, Prlesen 444; Cupboard Cafa (8) Henderson 603, Blind 367. Brauaht 636, McCluekey 807, Olodt 671, Salem Bardwata (4) Wait 616, Morris 176, Pearl 861, Losen 663, Thede 4631 Barka Sparllna Oeede (81 B. Valdei 811, W. Valdai 856, Stettler 410, Nuber 140, H. Valdea 517. mailer Oil Ca. (8) Prudente 808, HU lerlch 636, Malson 464, Youni 480. Le- Tourneui 617: Valley 0!1 Ca. 1 Morris soi, ueuow 415, Jack DeBow 503, Comatock 038. Wllkalla 608. TeaUwaya Cafa (t) McNeil 40, Klte mlller 608, TJpeton 634, Luta 673, Riches 473; Albany Lanes (8) 8oeena 488, Bun nell 447, Wicket 810, Gilchrist 531, Manaa 513. Thrlflway Cleaneri (o) Bluer 841, Cau aay 463, Slmona 463, Eckstrom 447, Hart wall 808; Bay a Wllma'a 4 Bona ST1, Price 648, Overman 610, MacFarlane 476, Straw 646. Hlah lnd. same, T. Vlttona (Vlttone'a Meat Market), 18i hlth lnd. scries, T. Pru dente and P. Hartwell. 408; hlah team aerlae, Vlttone'e Meat Market. 37141 hlth team same, Ray Si Wllmn'e, s8. Capitol Alleys COMMERCIAL HO, 1 Oeldloe ef Hirer ten (4) 1. Han 487, 9. Prank 418. C. O. Howell 481. B. Camp- hell 643, O. BenUon 648. WlekraaA'a () D. Hendrlo 483, O. Morrla 636, 1 Harra 381, T. Oannon 454, B. Lawleea 416. Nlehalaan'a Insaranea Ca. (81 vmar 341, Zcker 448, Bertram 481, Oarr (08, Bol ton 41. Waadri'a 8) H, Ollnlar Ml. D. woodrr 434, C. Foreman 638, R. Adolph 501, V. perry 401. w ..a. i, t.irfM. an n Leniren 531, V. Walla 500, S. OuHua 543, B. Leneholf 136. Orral'e (1) Kltah en 616, McClary 887, Lama 811, Wllkar aon 800, Cllna Jr. 408. Knlihl'e el Calambaa (4) Koutney 450, T. Bleiler 460, Link 466, Frame 476, B. Bleiler 048. Salem Title Ca, (0) B. Owen 455. P. Delaney 408. V. McMuUen (03, P. Ojerln 868, E. H1U 118. Bawllneaa'a Capital City Laudry (4) Kelson 554, Rlniland 468, Sprites 818, Oallaihar 504, Meflert 407. Harlan Cream err 0 Darerport 436, Pekar 618, Al len 638, Kenron 446, Klni 838. Hlih team lame and .aeries Starr Foods, 831 and 3618. Hlih lnd. asms Frank auerln, 333. Hlih lnd. aerlee Harold Ollnier, 083. r Ploy New York MV-Seton Hall and Western Kentucky, seeded first and third, make their first ap pearances in the National Invl t a 1 1 o n basketball tournament Tuesday night with defending champion LaSalle already on the sidelines. LaSalle was nipped, 78-74, by ft. John's ef Brooklyn Monday Bight Exhibition Bosebal (Br The Aetoeleled Press) , (faaavarl Senile 3)a Tnrk (A) S. Boston (A) 4. Zketnlt (A) CInolnnatI (HI I OaraluS (A) IS, chlcaao (A) T. COMMERCIAL NO. S Weetbarn (3) M. Perd 478, H. Austin 848, J. Dewan 4)6, H. Wadiworth 680, B. Micks 408. trleksana (1) O. Ool 418, H. Nelaon 387, C. Tyndall 464, P. Barker 413, K. Voeum 371. Tba Bnia (I) A. MaoPharacn S37. J. Peppla 804, D. rnox 411, B. Hlatt 478, J. Feel 487. Harlman'a Cheerelet (1) O. Truman 476, 8. Campbell 448, H. Peteraon 468, D. Hattebert 630, C Howell 10. Cluett and Kenyan (8) E. Kay 666. L. Harra 383. J. Reese 488. M. Pekar 487. B. Hayna 586. The Jewel Bal (1) a. cowan 010. A. Bauers 416. B. Leaeh 484. W. Walla 464, D. Letofsky 568. Terminal lea (I) J. Mcllney Ml. J. Sousa 533, B. Straw 434, A. Brant 467, R. Ounn 533. Hammeade Bady Shep W, Oerdner 478, J. Hopflneer 414, M. Hammond 474, K. Nelson 437, K. Hayes 833. Merlin Bralhara (IV B. Amen 473. T. Oannon 606, B. Dyer 416, H, Heuen 640, B. Ryan 633. Mam Tarara (8) R. Mll letta 484, E. Keeper 436, O. Wymara 860, O. Nolan 433, C. Koloum 437. Hlih lnd. lama and series Adam Mae- Pherson, 333 and 637. High team lama Terminal Ice, 800. Hlrh team aerlee Cluett and Kenyan, 9500. Plan your Ikcstion Glendale, Calif. () With Manager Clay Hopper looking on for the first time, the Port land Beavers nui.ril alt against the San Francisco Seals In a Pacific Coast League ex hibition baseball nmi hers Tuesday. HODDCr. Who linrUruiAnt major operation last month, ar rived at the Beaver rnmn Mnn. day. Glendale, Calif. UP) Third by UNION PACIFIC Trarel comfortably in the coach or Pullman accommo dation of your choice . . . relax In the homelike lounges 1 1 enjoy wonderful meals in the dining car i i arrirc at your destination refreshed. Liberal stopover privileges permit you to visit ea route, including Sun Valley, Silt Lake City, Las Vegas Hooter Dtm...and during the regular season, the scenic Western WonderUnds: Ytllouittmt-GmJ Ttltn Salmntl Parks, Jacksm Holt, Zion-Bryct CsnyottGrtnJ Canyon fialhnal Parks and tht CthraJt Rockitt. THREI TRAINS DAIIY TO AND MOM THI IAST Staamttia. cmr or portianoh "PORTLAND ROSI" "IDAHON" CONVSNItNT iCHlDUltS . . . IOW MH Lrr kelp flan jtmr rrr Ask for beautifully illustrated booklet oa ''VACATIONS BAST" 88N8Al MUMajtl StPT, Room 7)1 Pittock Block Portland 1, Orafoe Mt MPHtMll TtANSSOkTATION.. 8, 5a.,5aWNI48l tktmt Baseman Reno Cheso of San Francisco seeks to boost his al ready impressive exhibition game batting average Tuesday when the Seals meet the Port land Beavers here. Cheso had one for two Mon day as San Francisco beat Seat tle 10-8 at Riverside. That left him with a .883 mark with 14 hits in 24 trips. Shortstop Dave Melton's bases loaded homer in the sixth was the big blow for the Seals. FAN FARE lyWoH Dltxetp. - tidi tail! I " ..is ; a siasE-a M iisss a JrrielL'T-.; 3 K !S t 1! " iiS S 8 11 10-37 a.m. 6.6 4:31 a.m. IS IS 17 a.m. 7.8 11 31 m 8.1 118 P.m. 4.4 8:03 p.m. 1.6 , 14 II n i.i l.t 1:31 a.. 1.1 JiM . .l 1:84 p.m. :01 p.m, l. ia h m a.m. 4 T 6:14 a w. e.4 SS 3:0 a.m. I.S 8.7 6:31 p.m. 6.11 6:U p.m. 4.T (Oaeastlael ay C. S. 4aaa4 a OeedeHa array, rain, wi.., Ira Weure Law Wa4ees March Time Helihl Tlmo Heiaht If t:bt a.m. a.a ss:ei am. 6:16 p.m. 4.7 3:61 p.m. 8.6 13:00 a.m. 13:18 p.m. 1108 a.m. -o.l 1:1 p.m. 0.6 1:58 a.m. -0.4 1:61 p.m. 11 8:47 a.m. -0.6" 8:11 p.m. 1.8 S:43 a.m. -0.6 8:15 p.m, 3.4" 10:46 a.m. -OS 10:08 p.m. 3.1 m Entire surplus stock of well-known wholesale house. A chance to buy at tremendous savings. Get ready for the trout season (only 39 days till opening day) with these once in a lifetime values. All first quality merchandise at less than original cost. Check these values! GLASS BOAT You are Invited to impact tht new C-Croft fibre floss boot. 15-ft. length, 4-irvth beam and extra , deep. A safe boat for all waters. Takes all motors, including. 23 hp. LINE II Wl Famous da Pont type 4 limp. 1 $M Si O Guaranteed fresh stock i Z$MS 1 1 100-yard colls A A QlC jjplfflm II Famous Weber quality KjM jj MMm M Stock up now SP Tour choice of sixes: Per Coll &MMffi IL. -S'4-5-6-g-10-l of 100 Yds. im0 felSr-w AlsoPIatylWne JmSM ASTINGiJ jtjjjjjlW Famous Aetlonglaa Wffl Solid glass shaft 65 Locking, offset reel seat f . V, SUInless guides and Hp Current 15.95 I . BW-foot length Model 1 CASTING ROD . M 1 I Famou rue TenPr brand sl J f sfllf I Steel shaft ll Q E&m W& t Lechlng, offset reel seat II gM&p WB """l' VHousUngths asf Absolutely free, o hollow glass Monto- fiiiif 111 'u ea,,in9 ro worth $9.95 with the Sm l purchase of an Ocean City No. 1850 SpJsf3 feMl casting reel at the regular price of Mm3s l$9.95; both for tho price of tht ',-wa?Sw?91TO8-tr?. AUTOMATIC Famous brand Free stripping Aluminum finish 50-yard capacity A real buy WORTH TWICE THE PRICE TAPERED FLY LINE HCH or HDH siies Oil tempered nylon Buy now at tho prlca of level lino Slight irregulars of lines costing up to $1 2 2 TENTS At Early Season Law-Low Prices Vie Our Lay-Away Plan Now Res:. $47.50 9x Umbrella Tent, now $2t.SO Re. $59.50 9x11 Umbrella Tent, now $34.80 Reg. $89.50 lOxltVi Rear Room Umbrella Tent, now . .$S7.SO Reg. $17.95 7x7 Umbrella Tent, a swell bsckyard tent, now 10.tS All stirs ef Wall Tents, Tare la alook at Lew-Low rrieet. LANDING 4 feet overall length Deep mesh net Perfect lake net o Big enough for all -trout Floats if dropped overboard Kog. Price $5.00 W7 OUTFIT C;, A beautiful, balanced, money-saving outfit Ep' Here'f what you get: rsl1-' W Famous BRADCO Spinning Reel, reg. $17.50 tkm WJ Montagae Glass Spinning Bod, reg. ...111.50 f'r I 100 Tarda Limp Line, yonr choice, reg. $ 1.75 sMM 11 Begular Prlee 9S0.7I SmM I Now Only 11 f-S&L All other makes of reels at pro- isS'aw W-REELS VI MP CHOICt MP Wstf Several different makes, M Monti-Super, Aire Spin- (5)95 1 B M iter, Salmo Sport, Swiss- H fix,Nottuno. vto J SNELLED HOOKS 1 1 Sil" 2' 4' ' 8' 9' 45e ttmk I Dotrblo licd hook, KWl ml nylon snell f lp - M !'Sjk I Guaranteed froth stock II JfA I W I 6 hooks par package II jl gjC il Stock up now EjjVt.- $ YRODP IS Hollow glass rod , l'lp ijjl O BeauUful acUon, yet 7 Q C Ifl j.l plenty of backbone jl J J 1 o Fully guaranteed II " ll 1 'M:ku' reel seat fl!fcSl JljO Don't pass thU by lUg. llt.SOa TACKLE SPECIALS Reg. $1.10 Laxy Ike Lures S Reg. 30c Colls of Leader 10 Rer. SOc Red and White Daredevil Type Lures Its) Reg. $6.60 Shakespeare Level wind Reel $4.8)1 Reg. SSc Knotless Tapered Leaders ISO Reg. SSc Pkg. of Bait Hooks I Reg. $3.45 Red Head Grand Canvas Creel $1.40 Reg. 11.15 Aluminum Trout Net 99 Reg. $31.50 Spln-Flyte Large Spinning Reel Bll.tf Reg. $4.50 Polished Hardwood Trout Net. 91.40 Reg. t5e Steelcore, Nylon Covered Cable Leader 10 Reg. $$9.50 Actionglas $V4-loot Glass Fly Rod 914.99 Reg. $11.00 Glass Spinning Rod $9.99 Reg. 65e Reflecto Minnow Spinning Lure 19 Bulk Spinning Line Famous du Pent type 4 Limp Spinning Line In the bulk. We wind It on for you! Ton buy it by the yard, only what you ac tually need. Bring in your spool now, get ready for the trout sea son. Costs yon less money and no bother. Open Evenings 'Til 9 re 1405 N. CHURCH ST. Open Even Til ings -V S. . 4