Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    iks Qualify
! P T vs r n Q ' J
aasar a m. am ts am ear si vs. s n am. s . a & i .sai
Larsens Meet
In Too Team
, - J w ee
One of the most colorful
(almost literally) tar team
matches in recent yean is due
at the Salem armory tonight
when the jean-clad Larsen
brother, Elmer and Logger,
take on the brown bombers,
Don Kindred and Frank James.
The Larsen brothers defeated
James and Bed Vagnone in a
tag team match last week.
James was so disgusted over the
lack of cooperation shown him
by Vagnone that he asked to be
Snatched against the Larsons
gain, with Kindred his partner
Gates Girls
Start Softball
Gates high girls did various
relay races to help them acquire
better and faster control of the
ball. -
Lois Evans was captain of one
team and Elda Webster of the
other team. Lois Evans' team
was victorious in every relay
but one and that one was a tie.
Thursday the sunshine tempt
ed us so we played Softball.
Since we were a little rusty
from not playing all winter, we
played work-up.
Virginia Bilyeu stayed up to
bat the longest. Most of the girls
. were back in the field after the
first or second hit. '
Jeff Lions Play Knappa
Or Garibaldi Thursday
The Jefferson Lions, host
las B high school' basketball tournament, still don't know
whom they'll play in' the opening round of the state elassie
Thursday at Willamette university in Salem. -
Jefferson, champion of district 2, is slated to meet the
district 1 champion at t o'clock Thursday night. Bnt the
- district 1 championship has not yet been determined.
' It'll be either Garibaldi or Knappa. Garibaldi had an
Inside track to the title np until last night, when Garibaldi
. lost to Knappa -(9, forcing the district 1 tourney into, an
. extra game.
Garibaldi and Knappa will clash tonight to decide the
district championship. The field for the class B state tourna
ment will then be complete.
All fenr opening-round games will be played at Willam
ette university Thursday.
Echo and Drain, regarded as two of the toughest teams
in the tournament, meet at 1:30 Thursday. Echo, the only
school in the tournament that was also represented in the
state tourney last year, is considered favorite to win the
. state class B championship.
Chlloquln face Heppner in the second game Thursday
, Thursday night games, Elgin faces Brownsville at 7:30,
and Jefferson meets the Garibaldi-Knappa winner at 9 o'clock.
A few season tickets are still available at Wlcklund's
sporting goods store for $3.80. Tickets for individual sessions
may be purchased at the Willamette athletic office.
Molalla Faces
Milwaukie in
District Finals
' Molalla Coach Budd Gron
qulst'a Molalla Indians tonight
made a bid for a berth in the
Oregon state class A basketball
tournament at Eugene next
week. -
Molalla meets Milwaukie in
' the final game of a six-team,
ingle-elimination district 12
basketball tournament.
. The game will be played on
frefeeeleiiel wreetllnc: Salem ennorr,
natch, Bmir and Logger Larsen vs. Don
nu reaerson yt. Ai rrweu ana 'ror xemaio vs. ukk nerca.
Oregea elate dan B kasketbell tearnamenlt Willamette unlversltr. Two lames
rn afternoon, starting at 3:30. two aamea as mem alanine ac i:jo.
Otmi etato elate B tearaameut: Willamette unlreraltr. Two eoneolatlon lamel
la afternoon, atartlne at 3:30. Two eeml-flnal tamea at nieht, atertinv ai 7:10.
Weelm rerienal NCAA kaaaethall wlaretfai Onion State aolleto, COTTallli. Twa
anea, atartins at 7:io.
" Oram atal alaae B laeketball taarnenent: Willamette tuleeraltr. Plarott (or
. yu, aiaj-A. i:lA. Playoff for third place. 7:S0. Chemplonehls aame.- o'clock.
Weetara realesal NOAA baeketball Hereffn Oreton atate eolleee, CorraUli. Two
taaae, atartins at 7:so.
Loons up to $1500 on
Signature, Furniture, of C
Mym eoA
Ground Floor, Oregon Bldg., 105 S. HIGH ST SALEM
PhoiMi 2-24(4 e Rn E. Doylt, YES MANager
Uoiu ortf $300 node by rerwnol fioonte Co. of Marlon County under Mi
Industrial loan Companlei Ad ol Oregon.
to teooi to miewHi el ell aniewla Wwet Stole Ikawe Set. HM, S IM
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, March 10, 1953
Negro Duo
Mntrli Tnml
a, sswwej wsrBU Bear
this time. Kindred is an ex
pert with the piledriver.
The Larsen brothers made a
big hit with the crowd last
week with their mule kicks and
good teamwork.
Eric (The-Great) .Pederson,
back in shape after his broken
nose has healed, will meet Al
Fridell of Olympia, Wash., in a
semL'inal match. Frjdell Is an
ex-amateur who can move fast.
But he'll be up against tough
competition in Eric.
In the opener, slated for 8:30,
Toi Yamato of Singapore meets
Dick Hayes of Seattle. Yamata,
whose apologietic bows certain
ly don't add to his popularity,
likes to wrestle in Oregon be
cause it is one of the very few
states that permits the use of
his favorite hold, the sleeper.
fights Last Wight
(Br Tht AuocUted Pru
Naltlarhftm. EnrUni Don Cockll,
104, England, ..topped Tommy Fair, 304,
Wales, 7.
Comas Chriitl, Tex. Bobby Dykti,
1M, San Antonio, stopped Dfck Vesi, 151,
Dayton, O., 6.
BrMklyn Llfio Ulnilll, 184, Italy,
outpoints Charity aplcar, 148, Phila
delphia. 10.
Trent., N. J. Ike WUllani, 1W,
Trenton, outpointed Claude Hammond,
Cllffild Park, N. J 10.
Chleaco Rocky CaalUo, Chicago, out
poiniM uano Mareno, mw rone. I.
Bunr, Me. fimttty Hlcki, let, Port,
land, outpointed Stanley KetcbeU, 111,
Banior, f.
team for the 19SS Oregon state
the Molalla high school floor,
beginning at 8 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist
Wins A Leaguer
Calvary Baptist, led by Dick
Grenz' 21 points, defeated First
Christian, 51-45 in a Salem
church league class A game at
Farrish Junior high school Jast
That was the only game
played. Chemawa forfeited to
First Presbyterian in another
scheduled contest. - .
card starts at S:S0. Main .vent, tag teem
Kindred and Frank Jamea. Other match m,
Jbuannt nukati foaita fmit to bwlp you
meet tana or for any worthy purpoao. If
"YES" to 4 out of 5 wmployed men and
women, marriad or aingl. For a loon mad
your war In a friendly way, tt in touch
with as today. Phona fint for a town in on
with. Com in today or writ.
Loans pt $1500
Takt ip to
24 months to row
ffoir ;iste Tourney
Page 13
Faces Loggers ;
well-built Negro wrestler,
will be seen in action at the
Salem armory tonight. He will
team np with Don Kindred in
a tag team match against, the
wrestling loggers, the Larsen
brothers. The tag team teamer
highlights a mat card starting
at s:30.
Santa Clara Plays
For NCAA Berth
Palo Alto; Calif. () The
Santa Clara Broncos battle the
Hardin-Sinunons Cowboys at
Stanford Tuesday night for a
berth in the Western Regional
NCAA basketball tournament
at Corvallis, Ore.
Santa Clara is eo-chompion
of the California Basketball
Association and defending NC
AA Western regional champs.
Hardin-Sinunons won the Bor
der Conference title.
i r', K. a
...caifo yeu no mere to
ome op-
Bellowi Club Bourbon represent! the ruperlor
quality alwayi aitociated with this famoui
123.yeW)Id name. For those who seek Kentucky
Bourbon at its Bnett, Bellows oHeri superb
lightnen and generosity of flavor. Thai's why
It has long been a popular member of America's
fineit clubs. Isn't it time you tried it?
Salem Dawns
In District 11
The Salem high school Vik
ings downed a hard fighting
Stayton team here Monday night
57-37 to gain the right to enter
the State Class "A" basketball
tourney at Eugene next week.
Salem represents District II..
- Dave Johnson was the indi
vidual star for ' the Vikings,
coached by Harold Hauk, as he
poured eight . field goals and
four free throws through the
basket for 20 points. Jim Knapp
was the game's defensive stand
out and did a firie job of ball
Dave Johnson opened up the
game with a push shot to send
the Vikings out in front, with
almost a minute and a half
played. Thirty - five seconds
later Dave Nietling tied the
game up with a field goal for
the Eagles but Jim Knapp put
Salem ahead once again with a
set shot. ' Nettling added two
more field goals and Gordy
Domogolla threw in a free
throw and the Stayton Eagles
led 6-9 with a little over four
minutes gone in the opening
In the next two minutes
Dave Johnson of the Vikings
and Clarence Hinrichs of Stay
ton, coached by Joe Boyle,
each made a field goal and
the quarter ended with Stay
ton holding a slim one-point
lead, 8-7.
' Ed Small and Hinrichs added
free throws and Stayton ' led
10-7 with one minute gone in
the second period. Johnson and
Knapp combined to give Salem
11-10 lead with one minute
and 20 seconds gone. Wade Mia
ton's long set shot and Gene
Small's beautiful fake and lay
in went the Eagles out Into a 14'
11 lead with less ' than three
minutes played in the second
Salem moved ahead of the
Eagles of Stayton as Jack Bish
op added three points, and Jim
Knapp ana Jim Rice had one
field goal apiece to send the
Vlks out into a four-point
spread, 18-14. This came with
four and a half minutes played
in the period. . ,
Salem retained this lead the
rest of the half and led at half'
time 24-22. Dave Nietling put
Stayton within two points with
a last second field goal from
about 40 feet out.' He was the
high scorer in the Initial half
with 12 points on six field goals,
Dave Johnson had nine for the
Salem team.
Stayton's offensive punch
failed in the third period as
the Salem defense held them
to five free throws and no
field shots which were good.
Meanwhile the Vikings were
scoring IS points to lead 37
27 with three-fourths of the
game played. Jim Rice was
the high scorer in the third
Staytan 57-37
-A Finals
period for the Viking with
four points.
The Stayton free throws
were made by Hinrichs, Nietling,
Minton, and two by Gene Small.
Salem went on a scoring spree
in the last quarter as they tal
lied 20 points to 10 for the los
ing Eagles. Dave Johnson had
eight of these before leaving the
game to be replaced by substi
tutes., ... .. .. . ,. '.. ;.
In the first three and a. half
minutes of the last period the
Vikings .' increased their lead
from 10 points to 20 points and
then coasted in to victory. Stay
ton never was any closed than
10 points in the final period.
Dave Nietling was the stand
out for the losing Stayton
teanf as he had 18 point to be
the . second highest scorer In
the game. Dave Johnson was
high with 20. Jack Bishop,
Salem team captain and cen
ter, had seven, while Gen
Small of Stayton and Jim
Knapp and Jim Rice, both of
Salem, came through with a
halt dosen tallies. '
Salem in going through this!
double elimination tourney un
defeated dropped North Marion,
Woodburn, and Stayton twice,
in that - order. Salem defeated
Stayton earlier in the tourney
Stayton received the second
place trophy and Salem the
first place trophy in after the
game ceremonies. Ed Small is
the Stayton captain and Jack
Bishop the Salem team captain.
Salem (57) 7 Stariew
It ft pt tp ft ft pi tp
Johtnon.f a 4 J JO Iflntcn.f 1 s S
Plckena.t 1 0 1 S Innrlch.t 1 I 1 I
Blshop.o I 1 7 OJBmall, 1 4 4 f
Knapp, 1 1 Helthu, t 1 II
Domcle.c 1111 lamall, S 3
Walker,r 1 1 3 wainn.f 1 0
Rlce.l 1 3 1 i Mlelaoo, sill
Pateran,t till
aprlntr.f (111
Ulller.o 314
Cohh, e 1 0
Trlplett.a 111
Totall 13 U IT i Total! 11 H 1 IT
Btajton I 14 I l-37
Salem ..1 11 II 30 el
free throws mlaied: Balem I. Sttrtoa 14.
Officials: BUI Beard and John Xolk.
Basketball Scores
(By The Associated Fraea) :
Niagara 13, Brlgham Tonne Tf (orer-
time) (first roundl.
at. John's (Bin.) M, La Call 74 (war-
terftnals). '
Manhattan 71. Loulirllle S (wnarter-
' finale).
NAIA TODBNAMXNT (tint fwnw)'
Intern nnnou Stat 14, Morris Bar
Tey 7.
Plndlar (O) M, Adams Stat (Oolo.) S3.
Mlsauslppl Southern 101, Hirer Falls
nu is.
Indiana Btate 100. Midwestern (Tex.t 71.
. Pasadena Maiarene 107. Blcka (Ida.) Tl.
at. jjeneaicrs (Atenuon, Kaej , Horui
Dakota 00.
Penn 77, . Harrard 40. .
Princeton 70, Columbia U.
Kansas , Missouri 10.
Iowa Stat . Columbia 41.
Indiana , Iowa 1.
Wisconsin 84, Northwestern 71.
Wisconsin II, mention etato II.
Ohio Stat IS, Michigan 71.
(Br The Aasoclated Press)
Ulsbor N, Bearerton 44 (title).
District 11 . .
Balem 17, etayton 11 (title).
District 1-B
Knappa el, Oorlbaldt 41.
HlOwi 01 M'
They'll Backstop Rainiers
; wiT com' from, this qnlntet of backstop en hand at th
-club's Sprinj training camp at Palm Springs, Calif., ander
7 Manager' BUI Sweeney. . Left to right: Claude Christie,
. who caught 44 games for the team last season; Jack John
son, rookie signed as a free agent; Don Lundberg, np from
Lewlston, Idaho; Ray Ortelg, the San Francisco Seals regu
lar backstop In 1952, and Sam Hairston, obtained from
Colorado Springs, Colo., where he hit .SIS. (AP Wlrephoto)
Porland U Loses, 66-64,
In NAI A Tournament Start
Kansas City W Jerry Chad-
wlok's tipin with two seconds re
maining gave Loyola University
of Baltimore a 66-64 victory over
Portland (Ore.) University in the
tint of Tuesday's nine-game card
in . the National Intercollegiate
NAIA basketball tournament.
Chadwick's goal climaxed , a
vigorous uphill climb that wiped
out a 7-point Portland lead. The
Baltimore team gained a 64-64
tie .with 40 seconds remaining.
Loyola got the ball on a rebound
and controlled it until the win
ning tip. Joel. Hittleman : of
Loyola led the scoring with 19
points. -i . ..' '! -- .
The tallest man might still be
getting the most points individ
ually, 'but. team height hasn't
been working out as an advan
tage in first round games of the
National Intercollegiate basket
ball tournament thus far.
Three of the winnlne teams In
Monday's opening set of seven
games hit 100 or more ooints and
two of the winner gave height
to tneir opponents.
Nine first round games were
Only G2) down
-- !; ' - ' ,'(."! ." ; ' " '' ' '"'.''- ';''"' '' "
buys this new Dodge V2-Ton Pick-up Truck
Come insee how
easy it is to buy
this Dodge "Job-
Rated" Pickup.
For a Better Deal Always -Your Friendly Dodge'
Truck Dealer :; J
stan mmi mmc
(hcmekela and High SI. Phone 22463
Th Seattle Rainier
195 J catching staff
scheduled Tuesday.'
First On the floor was Port
land (Ore.) University - a a d
Loyola of Baltimore. ' "."',
- Defending champion . South
west (Mo.) State will' start its
campaign for another title Tues
day night against' formidable
Gonzaga university of Spokane.
- Mississippi' Southern Univers
ity, whose tallest man stands 6
feet 4 inches, wrapped up the
taller River Falls (Wis.) Teach
ers, 106-72 Monday. .'. '. , 1
Pasadena (Calif.)' Nasaren
College, without a "giant" in
its lineup, defeated Rick Col
lege of Rexburg, Idaho, 107-
72. -;"'
Indiana State of Terre Haute,
another fast breaking dub,
whipped Midwestern of Wichita
Falls, Texas, 100 to 76.
. Bulk as well as ability,
showed to advantage, howev
er, as 235-pound 6-foot 7-inch
Harold Wolfe popped In 81
points to lead Findley (O.)
College to a 80-6S victory over -Adams
State of Alamoso, Colo.
In other first round games,
Willamette U
Baseball Sched
Lists 21 Games ;
The Willamette university
baseball team will play 21 game
during the upcoming season, be
ginning with a garnet with fb
Oregon Stats Penitentiary Grey
March 28. i
Twelve games will be clayed
on the Bearcats' home field in
Bush's pasture. ,' '. '''r':'.
After the Prison game, coach
John' Lewis' : team runs Into .
some .rugged competition, : with
home - and - home series with
Oregon State and Oregon in the
first part of April. , v :
The schedule: ' ' ' -;
March le-oncon Met FwnttwtlarT
Prlioni April a Or mod State at corral-
llei April 7 oreeon But at aalem: Apm
10-JDnlveroltr of Oregon t luiene; April
IS Tjntverilty of Oreaon ni Saleml April
Id Oregon Oolleg of Bdocatlon at Mob
moutiti AprU 17 Paclflo at Poreet Orrovet
April II Pacific at Salem; Apm 30
Unlveraltr of Portland t Portland! ' Aprfl
34 Unfleld at Salem: April II Lffltlelel
t laoMlnnelUei April It rortlaad SUU
at Salem; Mar 1 lawla and Olark at
Portlandi Mar S Uwla nd Clark at t
lent: . Mar Dnrrtrilt, of Portland 4
Saleml Mar Portland Bute at Port
land: Mar Whitman at aalem (double
header): Max 11 Oouesa of Idaho at
Salem (doubleheader); Mar 13 Ore eat
College f Bdocatlon at aalem. '
Rhinoceros horn was long used
for medicinal purposes in China.
Eastern Illinois ' of Charleston
trimmed Morris Harvey; of
Charleston, W. Va., 84-67; St
Benedict's of Atchison,. Kan,
edged North Dakota University,
69-66, and Nebraska Wesleyan
yt Lincoln beat Arnold College
of Milford, Conn., 81-62.
per month
Plenty of Power! 100-HP. "Job RatetT !
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Plenty of Load Space! cioic. i Wo'
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Available with gyrol Fluid Drive . .
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lower upkeep costs ... longer; truck life.