Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 10, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    Drivers in
!ourt Line-up
A number of drivers appear
ed in municipal and district
courts Monday on reckless and
drunk driving charges.
Roy Clinton Hudspeth. St.
Paul, pleaded innocent in dis
trict court to a charge ot drunk
driving and was held in lieu of
$350 bail. Lynn D. Thomas,
Portland, pleaded guilty to a
similar charge and was fined
He was arrested after he ran
into a telephone pole on Port
land road Saturday. His pas-1
senger, James C. Bradford,
pleaded guilty to being drunk
on a puouc nignway ana was
fined $50. Both were held in
lieu of payment ot the fines.
Jeff Davis Frye, Station A,
was arrested by city police for
drunk driving early Monday
morning and was fined $250 and
sentenced to 30 days in Jail in
municipal court Monday after
pleading guilty. The sentence
was suspended-on condition of
payment of the fine.
Donald G. Brassfield, 845
Bellevue, and Gerald D. Bullock,
3910 Center street,' were arrest
ed by city officers and charged
with reckless driving for drag
racing on North Liberty. Bul
lock pleaded guilty and was
fined $25. Brassfield's bail was
set at $50.
Salem Height
Salem Httivhta rwm - .
tlce in the field was given to
the South Salem Junior Saddle
club on Saturday afternoon.
. JJftfn Ward, captain of the
drill team of the Salem Saddle
- , ., u una giving ine
Juniors Instructions, explained
how to properly saddle a horse
and demonstrated it. He gave
drills and stressed the points for
good drilling, and told of the
Dick. MIVz. ...a iu
. kcu racnji-
Jopwerejioit to the group.
Monmouth Fire
Survey Made
Monmouth A survey ot the
Southeast Rural Fire Protec
tion District has been made by
Clear Lake
Clear Lake It was standing
room only and not much of that
at Clear Lake school Friday eve
ning, when the three-act play,
"Look Me in the Eye," was pre
sented. The play committee was
composed of Mrs. Arthur Evans,
Nick Eichelberger, and T. C. Ma
son, who selected the play and
cast and furnished stage proper
ties. It will be presented on March
SO at Popcorn School.
Following the play Mrs. Virgil
Hulser, Mrs. John Guy, Mrs.
John Lepper, and Mrs. Bert
Murphy served coffee and dough
nuts. Robert Miller, son of the Arch
ie Galllhughs, has returned from
Germanay after spending 19
months there with the army. He
was a sergeant with an artillery
unit. He has been discharged
and will return to his position!
aa a plasterer with Louis Bean. !
His wife is the former Lois Pun- j
zel, and the couple is building a
home adjoining Arthur Punzel's. i
Howard Johnson, whose leg
was broken in an auto-bicycle:
collision Jan. 27, is expected to
return home from the hospital;
next week. His leg has been In
traction. He will now wear a cast i
and be in bed for six weeks.)
Howard is a seventh grader and
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd
Zeeb. !
Marvin, Martha, Shelby, and!
Linda Dutton are new students '
at Clear Lake. They live with
their parents on the Kerr Hop
Ranch. This brings the total en- j
rollment to 61. -
Mrs. Arthur Sorenson was
taken to the hospital for an
emergency appendectomy Fri
day. She is reported in good
Others attending were Mitchel
Murdock, Judy Baker, - Lynne
Hammerstad, Marvin Murdock,
Cheryl Lee Kurth, Karla An
derson, Mary 1 Wilbur Jeanne
Rue, Clark Jackson, Bonnie
Jean Kurth, Phil Jackson, and
Gerald Kurth.
Mrs. Sidney .Howard, who re-
Dorts she made approximately
750 calls on occupants of rural
property in tthe district
when organized five years
ago the district was bounded
by Camp Adair on the south
and southwest; Mistletoe road
to Clow Corners road; Green
wood road to Da 11 as-Salem
highway, to Eola Inn, at east
end of Eola; and Willamette
river on the east.
A year ago the district was
extended to Include some Camp
Adair acreage to the Polk
Benton county line south of
Suver and one and one-fourth
mile west of Airlie to Fishback
Hill road.
Several hundred acres were
also added east ot the Willa
mette river across the new
bridge at Independence extend
ing from the river to the Ore
gon Electric railroad with
about 20 property owners in
that area. . -
The rural district owns four
fire trucks, stationed at Mon
mouth, Independence, Buena
Vista and Suver. -
John Schirman is in charge
of the truck at Buena Vista
and Ralph Richards at Suver.
Each piece of property in the
district is numbered and each
horn has card showing the,
farm fire number and telephone
number of eacn lire siauon
and the fireman have tiles
showing name; farm numbers
and directions to reacn eacn
triaee. thus in reporting a tire
one need only give name and
farm tire number.
The tax millage levy is 3.7
and tire Insurance credit is
given in the district
Charles Ray is president of
the board or dirtctors and
George Stapletoa Is secretary,
Other members of the board
are; R. It DeArmond, L. V,
Seeley, and Paul Dodele.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday; itarcsi'li,'' 1WS11
W. A. WIest is attorney for
the board. Mrs. Howard is now
making a similar survey in the
southwest d is t r lc t located
around Dallas, Riekerall and
Falls City, with trucks located
in Dallas and Falls City. -
Sacramento, Calif. VH The
California assembly yesterday
passed a bill providing a year
in Jail and a. $1,000 fine for
making an unprovoked attack
on a news reporter or photog
rapher on toe Job in a public
place. ; , .
Supreme Cot b
Hear Bridges Apped
'Washington U. The su
preme court agreed Monday to
hear the appeal of Union Lead
er Harry Bridges, convicted of
lying to obtain U.S. citizenship
by denying he ever was a com
munist. (. ; r. . - v
The court will schedule argu
ments soon on the appeal of the
west coast longshoremen' un
ion leader, and then hand dowa
a written opinion later. . -
ft 1
i I
Reservists to Give
Blood Here Thursday
Reservists of the armed forces
are going to have their day for
'blood donations to the Red
Cross, but they are not excluding
civilians, either.
The bloodmobile is slated to
visit the Salem naval and ma
rine corps reserve training cen
ter Thursday evening from 5 to
10 o'clock. Reservists have been
notified through their units. Any
reservists who have not been no
tified, along with civilians want
ing to make blood donations
may do it by going to the train
ing center.
Miami Beach. Fla.. has no
nAiM.lMw rtn oirnnrt. nO rail
road and'is not believed to have
any manufacturing plants.
i So smooth
Jt leaves you
5te. Fief re Simmon r.
r a-
1-2. -
GiveBlodd Mow!
Phone 2-6576 or 3-6401
f i
a ior uppoimmem
Sponsored in the interest of your freedom by the
following listed firms ...
Barb's Sporting Goods
175 S. High Phone 34555
Capital Drug Store
405 State St. Phone 33119
Jayson's Sears Roebuck & Co.
Liberty at Court Phone 33400 550 N. Capitol Phone 39191
Motorola TV
The Standout Picture Set
Senator Hotel
515 Court St.
Phone 34151
Commercial Book Store The Pike Ice Creamery Television Assn of Salem
141 N. Commercial St. Ph. 34534 138 S. Liberty Phone 36828 "Buy With Confidence"
Hamilton Furniture Co.
230 Chemekefa Phone 33169
Roberts Bros. Court St.
Vacuum Cleaner Clinic
445 Court Phono 45502
Hogg Bros. Appliances Salem Hardware Co. Western Auto Supply Co.
Cor. Stat & Commercial Ph. 39148 120 N. Commercial Phono 34906 201 N. Commercial Phone 37177
White's Lunch and Drive Inn Willamette Valley Bank
1138 S. Commercial Phon 33267 1990 Fairgrounds Rd. 1310 Stat St.
it's Time to Roll Up Your Sleeve!"
Your Blood Is Needed!
Again, Hit Mootl f frw mm fcm lam
hd WpOH tfltt bflrtflf)M aassssi (0 fMMf
and aroroct your way d life.
And new . . YOUR HOOD
IS NEEDED for freedom's right, h
your fight, fool A pint af blood h
little enough to ask of you . . to aava
lha lives of those who bev already
- given much, much mora.
53 "v
MARCH 12, 1953
'f" X f 1