..i awwi iir" -rrr ' , n- 1 I BY CARL ANDERSON Henry 10 Capital Journal, Salem. Ore Monday. March 9, 1953 Ht'oBcath, My Darling! - ly AMELIA REYNOLDS LONG ... (AT wafMtarte) Cbapter V s .coyer to almost In place, Amedee W looked at each other with Jerked It off again. m.. . "Than ami - wmv h OOUld have "'"n7,' " U hTWt.- hVaa OAUetly. "I "ItouroUceTk a good bit to get dklnt mention it to the aheriff. be lwS oi aftiT all at once with- cause I thought then that Lee ac oWhli knowing- I said a little tually committed ulcWe.'' SoifctfuflydTf It bad been given "What waa ltT I breathed, a!- SUrThav. SpUTthMnh.0 he replied. - Soukl ht begtm to Wup be-l-errTh. war you and Bob- 'or he'd sot enowh to prove oy got m snai mnmu been to New Orleans, and Aunt ."J?"? J!""?".!. KLCTSJ oS' wodool'of course! I had tnt7 tSiEfbooVasId. and pfc- when ahe told the .sheriff ahe-dae.ii Tmnnther someone come in tnrougu u wmu. -iXnSenU there arent any." he Only none of us would pay any at- SSSnl: ass igrs.? Kldenly ana wi wa- - rj-v "i for . lew at'habeen. anla-Irrte. In aUence. SfSrTbelTevri to" to admit ttiaT It ell fit. together LWauMd andpert Uectlyr But In apt of every- were pipe faejmel, ddenly What was his motive? I mean, why "?hJlrl raShige Pipe and should he have killed Orandpere to me Scttoathad utoen the first place? What could Orand nngodly odors mat naa a have found out about him that o.t.r t heUev we're getting was bad enough to make him com S hCa'ocSSd Thad been thinking about that f, TT Sui told him something tow us wnat ne naa n H. . viVtat tSl tS? rest of Mr. Duval that afternoon, you re- ' forgotten temporarily about JWeJSi S&M . the, that.- I said slowly, 'or 1-!? ntn I stopped as I realised where P-" hav. the answer to 3S&rAaXm prompted "1 a feel tt not t Aitnt m n crasy at mat," ne repuro wow- HHHr1 1 ,ln- rfo ass T?o Vr" Anisdee said. 1 cant both trying to think of some logical ..ZS E'thirSn than explanation of why Henri, the Sh?wCS. Sn, nK? M.i ft. - ua.u Ainmrt tMi.V u. VMUU . . w - ' thirl ng the night without your know ing I stopped with the sudden, tarring feeling that I had stepped from solid earth Into an open man hole; and that to make lt worm, somebody was about to slap the cover on. Oh I" I said in voice that sounded as though lt had been drop ped down the manhole too. "I for got. The house was locked and bolted; he couldnt have got In. That that was why we all decided that Tjee's death had to be suicide in the first place." And then, Just as the manbote - -fci ii nr. AS & UiMTU W Uliai a Ithe pocketo of my Wrt. I wu wear- the ftftcrnoon of the old man fu neral; and now my fingers encoun- that Aunt Delphlne had given me, and which I had put there after the interlude with Claude, and for gotten. I broueht them out, and began to twist them absently. iuneoee guuicea wn w, won "Whcm In the world did vou ret those?" he inquired. I told him. "Aunt Ttelrihln WMnM ftA think they were important," I finished. "And so, I believe, did Claude, for he tried to make me give them to . , . . , T Bd,.t rum. 1 asaca ucwjs xwyi wni. they were, but ne sata ne naa no IH no vau know?" An odd exDreeslon had come mto his face. "Know what they are?" he re peated. "Yes, Peter, I know what tney are. ineyTe u expunaMon of the thing Orandpere heard, and uj ,A KaIIava vu -t alliwtn. jtlon. They're the reason Orandpere senc xor xienri, kiiu fiio iwwi wiij DO onjy XIV, UUk iwjuo nt nnr.l Raoul aa well were mur- deredl" I (T ne tonunaeoi Cerro Curtis Pattern 2207 srzts u Bomething ta Sew Abeutt New ex, nreulan at the easv-to-make shirt' waist I It'a a caD sleeved basks with skirt flare, wing revers and pocket cuffs. Use casual cotton plaid or stripes, pique; or adapt It to town wear in linen snarmingi No. 22OT is cut In sizes 11, 14, 16, 18. 20. 36, 88 and 40. Slae 16: 3 yds. 36-ln. Patlrrna ml ta ftD arders tm- nriltrl.. Vnr inerlsl handUns sf rder via first class mall include aa extra Se per pattern, price Just 2&c Juxt off the press! The hew Spring-Summer Fashion Book, agog from cover to cover with soores of the latest style trends, all trans lated into delightfully wearable, ea-ay-to-sew pattern designs for every age, every type, all ilses, all occas ions. Send now for this sewing in- snlration . . . net k. fAffTEl- Nararrv Rax Formal Rag. Two laundenble, cotton yarn rugs oi mxi alar, lntereatliur deslsn and easy-to-make praoticaUty are given in this pattern. urocneHu on wa needles; the cowboy and Indian design rug for a child's room la done In ecru and brown (or any jiM twn deMired colora) and meas ures 34 by 36 inches. Trie lormausea modern "slg-iag rug for living or bedroom is knitted, measures 24 by 40 inches and is completely hand im In dark sreen. salmon, whit and Hunter's green or m any four color combination. Knitting is done in hwvka ami men roinea. Send 30o for the ckouhkiteu NUR8FRY RUO and the DIAGO NAL STRIPED KNTTTEU KUg trn No. M7) all deslsn charts, working instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Journal, 639 Mission street, ean rrancisoo a Oauf. Vatterna ready to fill arders In) mediately. Far special handling ef rder via first class mail tnclede an extra V per pattern. fcaap a packag handy as p-il vT- , f f ! r r- If iMY OUT A letCAi nonjury - dkwn ikuvisk . ravw. y a miwn yva nwara rwier toy' w. ("'. ' omvt i t ( tr tfmtfttsLif MmxsmLAssi mmELLjnw-M I . I 1 1 tLJ rlcl!StprsTVraTsV N m i intra m Jva',n i i ini ii i iii vi (fln? isi&i i c I' I IIW LkSLS n A II it i ii irrriTSK r ikiz i cave-j "?. kp strrni ihj i 7 I W WBV THET CHIUt-V II 1 , " 1 1 VlzX?il!?!r'm J 1 1 HI IV fTT'llH fin in : , i . . ,.' . 5 i r V3 S35cwr-J THE PlL-ATEAU PD lWTHt3UT BETWEEN HERE AND THE I u -TVT. 1 IrZJhFlzrri vSSSiijrVSS I I mumtie -station at i U CASSE7 ) lic'Z.rS THE ;EHN' THUNDER VALLEY.WE'Re I" . 'uocVVT 7ml I TRAIL. 'EM, THE" I N DOUBLING BACK. I t Jr" " 'uSSve BEEN 'crvSrF DIDN'T. I , ' iii3w. raccs-s.io ra r zv stw4t. w-tjyAW I ItXtTT? L I ZTIREEeeR.vooTou )are no, ingoing JKfcWUCfc when r fire voo I liSUrT.JXf. M r" ' , 1 ME TO PAV VOU SOU Vjl TO REDUCE IT? BUT j VOO'LU. ONLV BE OUT )j I MKV CWJ'. U S VrST y S W H AT "HAT t TH0O6HT I GONNA fc--!T( THATS NO. I K HALF A9 WUC-ri jrJvJTiJPK I r ogv sum fMfjAKLrnij, wnww ATi llr . Hmj kxown bach otveh fo j-ir w2rf w'ro'SNOw'r 5QM8 1 rm 1 if m rnr i i ; .i " iji & sa, ii u-ii 3 1 I . - a a- xaaw MSsaw-aaw-y--aaaxaxa iiajaawaaaM.saaw IT-"Hrl .. i PnL. 1 jfcv-jiiOW ra i u. .mot mure!., im a wtu.r j - -I A TAKlMlA10THt- U "K,J,5'"'1,; ' I-1 Y LiV' Von FOUND vfl tv " ejaw. fa. on sWAWTawl msMTaim fct. wm UUIIt tratSfSja aWawMavl East Salem 4-H Clubs Plan Exhibitions of Handicraft East Salem East Salem Na tional 4-H Club week will be observed by all East Salem clubs In some special way. The three clubs of Washing ton school community will have exhibits at the Mangui variety store on Portland road. The following" girls will have exhibits of something they have made this year from lessons giv en them at 4-H club meetings. Exhibiting for the "Sew and Sew" club, Sewing I and III, will be Wyetta Capps, Gay Lee Keppinger, Sherilyn Filer, De- lores Watklns and Joyce Capps. Exhibiting for the 'Tee Wee Thimble" club will be Sharon Suran, Janice Pah, Joyce Guth rie, Darlene Clark, Marilyn Page, Ruth Bowers, Jackie Smalley. "The Kooky Kutups" Cooking club members exhibiting are Ruth Bowers, Sharon Suran, Ei leen Smalley, Jackie Smalley, Elizabeth Mets. Sharon Mulling, Patricia Stubfield, Marilyn Page, Darlene Clark and Mari etta Pendergast. Leaders of these clubs are Mrs. Cleo Keppinger, Mrs. Har vey Page, Mrs. Samuel' Pahl, Mrs. Fred Smalley and Mrs. Al bert Suran. The first home extension meeting for East Salem units in March was held Friday in the home of Mrs. Robert Fromm on Silverton road. Lancaster unit had the pro ect, "Becoming a Good Buyer." County Extension Agent Pau line Schaplowsky was leader, r? IFILIEIX L pFSlElLlLlfelRl ACROSS II Military 1. Crackles suUtant 6. Watch pocket T. MaatachuMtts (.Salamander . cape sb. Aiieciea wnn 12. Of the feet 13. Small nan 14. River: SDa man IS. Humble 16. Grating 18. Company ot slayers 20. Food from heaven 21. Saturates 24. Ever: contr. 2i. Leaping amoniDian 24. Tropical fruit 31, Transgress 3J. Restrain 13. Regret 34. Rover vapor 40. Separate 43. Confined 44. Parisian fortress 46. Above: prefix 50. Silkworm 51. Born 62. Day'a march S3. Afternoon party M. Orxan of bearing IS. tend payment DOWN L Mineral spring elutlen sf aturday'a Puszle 1 Bird's beak I. Feminine name 4. Clued 5. Slumber g Business house 9I I m, S"-!8" " -ir-A "'mir mrr j-r T. Room In a harem -I. Besmirch . Ireland 10. Native of Finland 1L Roman garment IT. Young salmoa lt. In the rear 21. Cook slowly in water 22. North African antelope 23. Acquire by labor 24. Com forth 27. Devoured . 28. Part ot the ' 29. Unclothed 30. Act 32. Covering ot the teeth IS. Arrow 38. Crafty 3D. Oenul ot gees 40. Encourage . 41. Peel 42. Largert continent 41. Nobleman 4S. Pasture 47. Old card gam 41. Slender On la it. Soak up president, Mrs. Bert Hulst an nounced that the unit will ex hibit "Gifts from Cloth" and be auditorium hostesses in the morning at the spring festival. Another workshop for textile painting will b held by this unit's members at the Mayflow er hall March 13. The unit will name one girl who is interested in attending - Oregon State College, and want to stay at Azelea house to be considered by the county com mission which will chose three for Marion county. The 4-H chairman, Mrs. AI- bery Fabry, reported on plans for the Washington school clubs exhibits this week. Hostesses for the social hour were Mrs. Claude Talmadge. Mrs. Harvey Page and Mrs. Flor ence Van Cleave. Other members attending were Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mrs. Ernest Butler, Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs. Wade Carter, Mrs. L, A. Grimes, Mrs. Fabry, Mrs. Fromm, Mrs. L. L. Hansen, Mrs. Charles Hag an, Mrs. Hulst, Mrs. J. A. Jack son, Mrs. Anna Jess, Mrs. Frank Neiswander, Mrs. Harvey Page, Mrs. R. Gordon S. Scott, Mrs. Ben Schmoker, Mrs. Joe Slimak, Mrs. Claude Talmadge and J. Irving Wagels. Fruitland Unit Meeting Frultland Home Extension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. George Van Tuesday, March 10, at 10:30 a.m. The project will be "Herbs for Variety and Accent" Mrs. Arthur Dalke is chairman At the business meeting the of this unit. .i ROOM l BOARD By Germ Ahtrn r WHATS THAT QUEER. ODOR OUT HERE IN THE HALL?... SWELLS LIKE A MIXTURE Of SHOE POLISH AND FLY SPRAt7..H0PE IT ISNT SOMETHING WELL HAVE FOR. SUPPER THE JUDGE tS IN THE PERRJWE BUSINESS AND USES HIS ROOM FDR THE LABORATORY. , JLL WARM HIM TO LEAVE A WINDOW OPEN, Oft., THE AMBULANCE ATTENDANTS WILL HAVE A TOUGH TIME TRYING TO CARRY HIS BULK ABOUND THAT. SHARP TURN ON THE STAIRS " y . in purs or peKr wntiiir WMttofeeHPP' She JUDGE'S FIRST cLEMD . KflML t f lIHM II sr it, i r I LLl iTaJliT,W-