Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 09, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Directs, Kuske
, Arrct Salem
: Crc!rfsxt Club
WUluMtU university 4
Dalles high scheel were lea
.- e4 this mental's meet
ing f the Salem Breakfast
.., Muft u the Rama tor hotel.
Coach John Law hi tntre
- dueed several aoembers ( his
, Willamette Bearcat sankatbaU
team, which t inlshed second la
the Northwest eonfarenee race
. this year.
Bearcats en hand war Bob
Shepard, Jack Scrivens, Jerry
Mecaiitster, Jim Henalee
Fete Bead, Dick Hoy, Dnaa
Shield, Dare Gray and BUI
Dick Maae, Willamette play
er who was named to the
i Morthwest eoaiereaee U
was not present. He is In the
Willamette Infirmary with
Dallas high anhaol coach
Gordy Xnnke, whose Drag
ens won the district I eham
vrfonshlp Saturday night, of-
: fared as Informal talk.
- Konks said his Dallas team
' Is small. The tallest man Is
only 1-1, and that is sopho
more Bos Domaschefiky. Oth
or members of the Dallas first
five are Herb Brandli, G aorta
Cart las. Bob Olson and John
Dallas high school is to ac
quire s new fymnastiim before
stext season, replaeinf the fa
tnons "black hole."
Salem hlfh school coach
Harold Hank said a few words
rofardinf tonight's district 11
gam with Stayton. Bank has
a lot of respect for the Stay
. ton team, and Isn't looking for
ward to tonlg tt's same lightly.
Kansas, Penn
Attempt to Grab
Crowns Tonight
New York, OMD Kansas will
try to wrap up the Big Seven
championships and Pennsylvania
i will attempt to clinch the Ivy
' League titls tonight to complete
the field for the NCAA basket-
ball tournament
Play also begins tonight In
- the NAIA tournament In Kansas
City with almost half of the
huge 32-team field competing In
seven first-round games.
Kansas, last year's NCAA
champion, can win its second
straight Big Seven crown by
concludllng its season with a
triumph over Missouri. However,
If Missouri srlngt an upset, Kan
ass State still can gain a title tie
and force a playoff by beating
Nebraska tomorrow nllht.
Pennsylvania can put the Ivy
League crown under lock and
; key by completing lts season
with a victory at Havard.
Penn clinched at least a tie
for the title by beating Cornell,
68 to SO on Saturday as All
American Ernie Beck set the
: pace with 26 points,
The big surprise of the week
end was Wske Forest's capture
of the Southern Conference title
by upsetting regular -season
champion North Carolina State
11 to 70.
Washington won the playoff
for the Pacific Coast Conference
crown, two games to none, by
beating Californa, 80 to 57, as
Bob Houbregs tallied II points.
Indiana suffered its first Big
Ten loss of the season, 65 to 03,
Minnesota on Chuck Men eel's
last-second Jump shot
Wynn, Doby Ink Pacts
Tucson, Ariz. U.F0 General
Manager Hank Greenberg of the
Cleveland Indians signed pitcher
Early Wynn and outfielder
Larry Doby to 19S3 contracts
early today. Capitulation of the
two Cleveland stars left only
Bob A vlla of the regulars un
Salem Finishes Fourth in
State Wrestling Tourney
Corvallls OJANewberg high
school reigns as the Oregon state
- prep wrestling champions today
after capturing the title by win
ning four of the 12 weight classi
fications in the state tourney
held on the Oregon State col
lege campus during the week
end. Klamath Falls' Pelicans
wound up In second spot at the
lose annual affair Saturday
night, with a team total of 30
points, eight less than the win
ning Tigers.
In third place was Parkrose
with 20 points, followed by Sa
lem, 17, and Canby, 14. Hills
boro high, defending champs,
finished In a tie with Dayton
for sixth plac with 13 points.
Other teams which scored
C,WOr'tal3ijB yTauIuatWaTlSTJ fNCVT THT
Viking, Stayton Meet
At 8 O'Clock at SHS
Salem Ugh school, which has
been represented in the state
class A basketball tournament
more than any other school, to
night tries to gain a berth In
the ItSi tournament, slated for
Engene next week.
The Salem Vikings face Stay
ton high school at o'clock to
night at Salem high school.
A win for Salem would send
coach Harold Hauk's Vlks to the
state tournament. In the event
Stayton wins, Salem and Stay-
ton would play again tomorrow
niht for the district champion
Salem is andefeated in dis
trict 11 play, while Stayton
has lost on a game. The Ion
game that Stayton lost wss at
the hands of Salem, Si-.l, Fri
day night
8tayton won the right to play
Salem tonight by taking a 56-43
victory over Cascade Saturday
(al) (ta startaa
it tips 10 XV It PI tp
.f S at Mtntaef S I S S
Waldraa.1 S S S Hlnrtcha,f I t I
Wlppar.a a t 1 OStnalU T T I II
Chadlok.t t 1 S 1 MMUlnt.t I 1 111
Matall,o I I 110 BSmall.o 1 0 1 11
Klnloa.1 S S Willm.t (til
apwr,f a s t I KitiM.1 lass
BfvvB.s a 4 s a
Tom 111! Mil Totals IS M SI M
atartoa mi) io-m
Cascada IS II It 11 S
rm throws mlasad: Burton is, CMU)
Officials: OUis Williams and Boa Voa-
(Br Tha Anoclatad Prtsst
Eight more teams, led by
The Dallas, Marshfield and
Medf ord, fought their way Sat-
Harvey Storey
New Manager
Vancouver Caps
Vancouver, B. C.'fUJB Har
vey Storey, veteran Pacific
Coast leaga third baseman.
has been named playing man
ager of the Vancouver Capil
anos of the Western Interna
tional league, General Man
ager Dewey Soriano an
nounced today. .
atty Berg
Wins Golf Event
At Jacksonville
Jacksonville, Fla. 01.(0 The
veterans who have dominated
women's professional golf for
the last few years appeared
ready to make strong bids for
1983 honors today as Patty Berg
captured the S4-hole Jackson
ville open with a one-under-men's
par 214.
Babe Dldrikson Zaharias, Miss
Berg's long-time rival and win
ner of last week's Sarasota open,
tied another veteran, Louise
Suggs, for second place. Each
wound up with a 216. Miss Suggs
finished third at Sarasota.
Betty Jameson, last year's
runner-up from Dallas, Tex.,
finished with a 74-221 for fourth
Betsy Rawls of Spartanburg,
S. C, was fifth With 73-222.
Jackie Pung of Honolulu shot a!
75-226 to tie Betty Dodd of San
Antonio, Tex., 74-226, for sixth.
Beverly Hanson of Indlo,
Calif., and Marilyn Smlt of
Wichita, Kans., were next with
229's. Betty MacKinnan of Dal
las finished with a 232 and Alice
Bauer Hagge of Sarasota had a
234. Peggy Kirk of Findlay. O.,
had a 237, and Marlene Bauer of
Sarasota, a 241.
Mary Ann Villegas of New
Orleans was the top amateur
with a 36-hole total of 163.
were: Oregon City, 1Z; McMinn
vllle, 12: Albany, 8; Molalla, 8;
Grant Pass, 7; Springfield, 5;
Roseburg, 5; Medford, 5; Bend,
5; Lebanon, 4; Tigard, 2; Beav
erton, 2, and Corvallls, 1.
Results of the final matches:
SS tauaa-loa Kim, Oaaar, dM. ft or
arnaa, Oraaaa citr
us Null Dout DallML Mafa.r.
oaa. John Ovnua, Caabr.
m roaaaa n.r ortaa, Hanaro, aaa.
Don Poatar. af.Mlnanua.
tat oaaaaa Tom OUan. Parkraaa, daa.
rma aaiuia, oranu Paaa.
100 aavad. Rao Carina. Klamath
niia, daa. jooa Sanaa. Parkraaa
141 oMada PrM ataaaar, Mlaa. daa.
boaia Taainar, Klaiaaui palla.
lao ma raa Jarinaaa, nuutk
niia, at. ao Caaaala, Parbrwa.
107 paaada Oaoraa KniMra, afaiaUa,
Btanad Son Xanaaamb. ba-dfard.
MS aaada-Oaaa Bahama, Oartaa. daa.
Laula Baaanaa. Band,
in oaaaaa Ralph atalar, Navkara, daa.
mwmv vrawiar, uanan.
aaTTwalahb-aliia cloak, Xaarbaro. aaa.
-r -wowh. nawaaro.
arday night into the Oregon
Class A high school basketball
tournament at Engene, March
Undefeated The Dalles com
pleted a sweep of a District 2
Dlayoff series with Pendleton.
The Indians ware hard pressed
but won, 44-43, for their 24th
consecutive victory.
Marshfield gained a state tour
ney berth for the seventh straight
year. The Pirates slashed Heeas
port, 90-55, to win tb District 5
title and their 25th game in 27
starts this season.
Medford flattened little Cra
ter of Central Feint for the
second night, 67-42, to take the
District 4 championship. It
was Medford's (1st victory
against three defeats.
The Dalles and Marshfield
have ranked one-two, in that or
der, in all Oregon Assoclsted
Press Dree colls this year. Med.
ford was tied with Eugene for
third in last week's Poll.
Five other teams Albany,
Ontario, Astoria, Lakeview and
Dallas also . clinched tourna
ment places. Two others Clst
skanle snd Cleveland of Port
landhad won berths earlier.
That leaves only six tournament
vacancies, and these will be lin
ed this week.
Lakeview and Dallas were sur
prise winners.
Lakeview upset Redmond,
the latter ranked No. 7 to the
state, 56-55, In the District t
play-off final. Little Dallas
surprised McMinnvllle, the de
fending district champion, 56
41, to win the District t tour
nament Ontario won the second of two
close games from Baker, 43-40,
to take the District l cnampion-
Astoria retained Its District 10
title by downing Seaside, 51-44.
Hillsboro. ranked no. s in tne
state, will meet Beaver ton Mon
day night in a bid to retains its
District 9 championship. The
Spartans whipped Beaverton
Saturday, 60-43, to avenge an
earlier play-off defeat
Milwaukie. the defending dis
trict champion, and Molalla will
clash Tuesday night for the Dis
trict 12 tourney berth.
Central Catholic and Sandy
will meet Tuesday for the right
to meet Ore ah am for the Dis
trict 13 title. Gresham, No.
I In the poll, Is unbeaten In the
district tournament Central
and Sandy each has lost onee.
Oakrldge retained a chance for
the District 6 title when it down
ed Springfield. 62-53. Oakrldge
meets Eugene Wednesday night
Eugene can take the title by win
ning. An Oakrldge victory would
make another game necessary.
Jefferson, ranked No. 6 In
the state, and Booeevelt clash
Tuesday night for Portland's
District 16 berth In the tour
First round pairings for the
Class A tournament were an
nounced Saturday. Her is how
the teams will line up:
Tuesday night March 17
Clatskanle vs. Mars h f 1 1 d;
Roosevelt or Jefferson vs. Gresh
am, central catholic or sandy.
Wednesday morning, March 18
The Dalles vs. Ontario; Albany
vs. Medford.
Wednesday afternoon, March
18 Hillsboro or Beaverton
Salem or Stayton; Eugene or
Oakrldge vs. Milwaukie or Mo
Wednesday night. March 18
Lakeview vs. Cleveland; Astoria
vs. Dallas.
Basketball Scores
(By Tha Aaaaalatad Praaa)
Batardav Oaaaaa
outnot 1
Ontario 41, Bakar 40, final.
DUtrlct t
Tha DaUtt 44, ptnaUton 41. final.
District 1
Lakatlrw to. Badmaad at. final.
Bnd 17. Uadraa at. aaaaalatlaa.
DUtrlct 4
Mtdford 0T, Ctntral Point 4S, final.
DUtrlat 0
Warahflald 00, Raadaport M, final.
DKttkt 0
Oakrldt. OS. BaTlnotltld IS, UmlnaWd.
DUIrlcl 1
Albanr rt. CorrallU 00, final.
Mawport 40, Tolaa 41, aanaalatlaa.
CUtrwt I
Dallai 00, BtaallaaTUlO 41. llaaL
DUIrMt 0
RllUboro fro, BaaTartaa 4t.
DUtrlct 10
AHorla 01, Saaalda 44. nnal.
Dutnct it
Startaa M, caaaada Daloa 4. otk
Claaa B
Dutrtct 1
Knappa M. oaalaa at, oliaiiaalad.
Dtatrtct t
Jfltrra do. Sublimit. 40. final
Mill Ctl. It, valMts 00, aanaaiauyia.
Dt.trkl 4
mala 40. Sraeklnat 44, final.
Powart at, Olandala 10, aaaaolatloa.
Dtatrlct 0
Ohllaaola 40. JackaoaTUla 41, final.
DUtrlct 0
H.ppnar It, Oaanda Loakj 00. final.
Rulua 00. Artlnttaai 00, aonioUUoa.
DUtrlct S
E.ln W. Wallowa OS, final.
Union to, InMar 41, aonaolaUaa.
y Wok Dirsen
Jefferson Wins B-2
This Time Unanimous
Billy Graham, New York welterweight, mix It np during
their 13-roand boat In New York. Graham won the scrap
via a anaaimous decision. It was his first win in tare
meetings. (UP Telephoto)
Pay 8
Dallas Dragons Qualify
For State
McMlnnvUls Dallas high
school's Dragons will represent
district 8 in the state class A
high school basketball tourna
ment at Eugene next week.
Coach Gordy Kunke's Dallas
club won the district champion
ship here Saturday night, defeat
ing McMinnvllle 60-41 in the
finals of an eight-team, single-
elimination tournament.
Dallas got off to a 5-0 lead
early in the first quarter, and
maintained the advantage all the
way. It was 23-14 at halftime.
McMinnvllle threat ened
strongly In the fourth period
when the Bears cam up to
within three points of Dallas,
at 43-39, but Dallas slowed it
down and autseored Mae 8-8
In the final few minutes of
the game.
Herb Brandli led Dallas with
13 points. George Curtiss had 10,
Rob Olson 9 and Rex Domes-
chofsky 8. Harold John's 15
counters topped McMinnvllle,
while teammate Jerry Luoto had
Snead Wins
first Place
At Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge, La. " Sam
my Snead headed for Florida's
gold dust trail today after tak
ing $2,000 top money, his first
this winter, in the successful
810.000 Baton Rouge Open
The old pro from white Sul
phur Springs, W. Vs., rode in
on a one-under-par 71 in the
final round yesterday to beat
out his nearest rival, youthful
Dick Mayer of St Petersburg,
Fla., by three strokes for his
first tournament win this year.
Yesterday s score with his
first three rounds of 69-68-87
gave the long-ball hitter a 13
under-par-275 for the 72-hole
tournament, played over the
tricky, bayou-slashed 6411
yard Baton Rouge Country club
Back In third spot with 280s
were Freddie Hsas of New Or
leans, Fred Kroll of New Hart
ford, N.Y., and Walter Bur
kemo of FrankUn, Mich.
Although many westerners
think that Moslems fase east
when they pray, they actually,
face toward Mecca, and when
they are east of the city, they:
face west.
tt no bo
PHONE 3-112
' t
: i i
'"f if
' " J
Joey GlardslI (right), Phil
adelphia middleweight, and
Salem, Ore., Monday, March
Hoop Tourney
Newberg downed Dayton 84
53 in a playoff for third place in
the district. Pidge Riley led
Newberg with 17.
Lloyd Olson, McMinnvllle
center, was the lone unaminous
choice for the tournament all
star team.
Named to the all-star team
at forward was Rob Olson of
Dallas. The voting for the eth
er forward position was a
three-way tie between Ruben
Rosen of Newberg, George
Curtiss of Dallas and Harold
Hedgeeook of Dayton.
Herb Brandli of Dallas wss
named to one of the guard slots.
La Salle Moots St. John's;
Alanhatten vs. Louisville
New York OJJO La Salle, de
spite the Illness of two et Its
stars, was a solid favorite to beat
St John's and Manhattan was a
narrow choice to beat Louisville
tonight tn the quarter-final
round of the National Invitation
Basketball Tournament
In the first game of the triple-
header at Madison Square Gar
den, Brigham Young was a
slight favorite to beat Niagara
in the only remaining first-
round game. 1
Ken Loeffler, coach of de
fending champion La Salle, said
he would probably "gamble
with, two subs in the starting
lineup because all-American
center Tom Gola still is bothered
by an ankle he sprained last
week and ace rebounder Jackie
Moore is weak from a session of
the grippe.
Bill Katheder will start In
place of Golds and Frank
O'Hara In place of Moore,
Loeffler Indicated.
St. John's coach Dusty Do
Stcfano wasn't tipping his hand
on how he plans to set up his
strategy for the Explorers. He
did say, though, that Jim Walsh,
the six-foot-fiv sub who came
off the bench to score 24 points
and led the Broklyn Redmen to
Federal and Stale
5M Nt, 41k SI keM 3-5215
Lions Defeat Sublimity
49-40 in Title Contest
Jefferson high school, ruing
Its starting five all the way,
scored a 4-46 victory over
Sublimity In the finals of the
district B-t basketball tourna
ment at Willamette university
Saturday night
The victory puts Coach Fred
Graham's Lions into tbs state
class B basketball tournament
opening at Willamette univer
sity Thursday.
Jeffs 49-40 win over the
Saints was a lot closer than the
score might Indicate. The
nine-point margin at the finish
was the biggest lesd of the ball
The score was tied seven
times and the lead changed
hands 11 times during the
course of the ball game.
Both teams were hot in the
first quarter, a see-saw affslr
that ended in a 10-10 tie.
Jefferson built bp a 16-13
lead early In the second quar
ter, but Sublimity bounced
back to rack up nine straight
points and take a 21-16 lead.
John Wright scored for Jeff
, 195S
while Harold John of McMinn
vllle and Pldge Riley of New
berg tied for the other guard
Dili! w
Cartlu 10 ....
OlHD t
.... 11 LuoM
.... 1 Browa
.... S OUoa
Brindll 13 ...
.... II John
KlUmlller 4
.. 1 Howard
auba: Dallaa Harra S. Holdorf it alo-
aUnoTUla Millar s, Boon). waaUraaa.
OlllcleU: Baard aM O'MtU.
Nawaarc M)
Raatn II
TrlabaU T ...
auT it
(Ml Darta
10 Htdtaeaak
I Dauanhaaar
11 Dodta
.... II Rm
Bannelt 10
IS Harrauoa
Saba, rfcaban Araiitrotif I KUlani
Dartoo Plomoum.
OftklaU: o-Nail and Baard.
their opening round win over
St Louis, would not start
Brigham Young, runner-ao
In the Skyline Conference,
acmes back to New York with
two members of the Cougsr
team that won the NIT in 1851
Joe Bickey and Hal Chris
ten sen. A fast-breaking game
Is In prospect with Larry Cos
tello leading the Niagara at
tack. The winner of this game
will meet Seton Hall in the
quarter-final round tomorrow
night when Western 'Ken- '
tucky also clashes with Du
quesne. Duquesne was being regarded
as a powerful "dark-horse" to
day. The Iron Dukes were tre
mendously impressive in their
88 to 69 rout of Tulsa in the
opening round, a showing far
better than any they turned in
during last year's tourney when
they failed as the No. 1 seeded
I 1
ifegr si
, Vt imnitt I Pi
! So smooth mSSsr
it leaves you KfjM
t:reof Miiib.ia 10041 arain ajMwlawTtat
im. tmn SmiraaS fh. Inc. Harriord. Caaa.
, I i -
Just before the halftime hus
sar to break the Saint rally.
Sublimity led 21-18 at (the
half. .
Ron Bents of Sublimity scor
ed on s rebound at the outset
of the third period to give his
team a 23-18 advantage. Jef
ferson then opened up with the
biggest rally of the game. The
Lions scored 12 straight points
to move into a 30-23 lead.
Those 13 points came on a
-backet from the left of the
keyhole circle by Jim Black
well, a rebound by Dale Wat
tenbarger, a free throw by
John Caughell, a gifter by
Lee Cameron, a two-pointer
from the key by Cameron, a
layln by Blaekwell, who took
a nice pass from Blaekwell,
and a push shot by Black,
well. There were four min
utes left In the third quarter.
It was then Sublimity's turn
to rally. From Jeffs 30-23 lead,
Sublimity scored eight straight
points to take a 31-30 advan
tage. The eight points came
like this:
Ron Ruef hit a Jump shot. Joe
Steinkamp took a pan from
Bentz and jumped in two points.
Steinkamp reached up through
congestion of elbows around
the basket to drop In two more
points. And Bentz sunk-a 20-
foot shot to put the Saints out
front by one point with 30 sec
onds to go in the third quarter.
wrignt of Jefferson tied it
np with a free throw, and
Watteabarger added another
one-pointer for the Lions be
fore the third quarter ended,
giving Jeferson a 33-81 lead
as the final period got under
way. By that time, the 1500 fans
were almost out of breath from
Wright gave the Jefferson
fans something more to yell
about when he sparked a quick
rally that carried Jeff into a
39-34 lead about three minutes
into the fourth period. Sublimity
never caught up after that The
closest the Saints came was
four points, at 44-40, with two
minutes to go.
Tom Fendergast, Sublimity
coach, showed a gesture of
sportsmanship when he sent in
his substitutes in the final half
minute of play.
Mill City's Timberwolves.
tournament favorites who were
beaten by Jefferson In the semi
final round, defeated Valsetz
74-40 in a playoff for third
place Saturday night.
Jaff.raaa (41)
(44) SabllaiUr
ft It alto
f I ft f to
Wrliht 0 1 I 10 Bants
1 I S I
Blaeka-.n 0
Watnbrar 3
CaaohaU a
Cameron t
1 it D.Piubrar
1 10 Btlnkama
I I Rtf
4 11 Bradelr
0 S Prank
0 0 rUlilarar
0 0 Klnts
a a L Habrtr
4 1 10
umti a
went o
Cotman a
afarleu a
Total! 10 11 11 40
II I is to
.10 10 11 to
.10 11 31 40
Prea throw! mused:
Jcffsrson 0. flub-
llmltr T.
Officials: Mslaaa sad DaLortUa.
Vaknts (40) (11) Milt ctlr
f ft st to ft ft of to
Koloan 0 0 0 0 Chat. 4 4 I 11
Kino 4 I 1 14 Brra.r 4 t 1 II
Pouralar 1 4 S 0 Oresorr 0 I 3 13 1
Hclmcr 1 S S I Kanoff 1114'
J. Cowan 0 14 1 Hotman 1111
D. Cowan 110 1 carer 1110
Colllni 111! ward loll
bfecauter o a a o biuncr a o a o
Bantad a a a 0 M.ltlno laid
Varback 1 0 S 4
Totals 11 II 14 40 Totals
11 10 u 14
I II IS 40
SO 14 01 14
Orova and Dm.
Mill citr
Have time to spare! No extra fare I
Daily from SALEM
$ 4.60
Seattle . . . . 8 . ,
Portland . . . 8 . ,
Sacramento . . 5 . ,
Fresno ....)..
irw Tn X LBSS
J. L Walls, Agent 430 N. Church fhon 2-2421
tim'i CnjbjAft AIobt raj
Washington Wins
PCC Championship
With 80-57 Victory
Seattle University f
Washington wen tha FaaUs
Coast eanferene basketball
championship bar Saturday
night with a convincing 86-17
victory ever California.
The win was the second
stra.'flfit ' over the Bears for
Washington. , Friday night's
gams wss won by the Huskies
Senastional Bobby Houbregs
and his pet hook shot led
Washington to victory Satur
day night Houbregs scored 31
A crowd of 11,000 people
watched as Houbregs hit 12
shots out of 18 attempts.
By winning the PCC title,
Washington qualifies for the
regional NCAA playoffs st Cor
vallls, Ore., next week-end.
Calllarala (oil (SO) Waaktaotaa
to ft of tp ta ft af to
J.ltlokan.f J 1 4 0 V'Oiritr ft S I 10
Albo.f s
McKaan.0 0
s u licciarr,! l
S SI Hatiboa 11
I 0 Koaa.0 1
4 14
0 11
1 0
5 IS
S 0
t 0
I s
I i
a t
RRtkan.o S
Hauiar.s 1
4 S Clprano.o 4
Taubro.t 0
tndraa.a 0
Ornlaafj 0
blowr.o a
1 1 Roaka,f 0
0 I Ward.f a
0 1 Pf.noni.o t
S 1 llllott.a t
t S Btlla.1 .
Totala to n SI If Tvtala SO SS St 10
Tcebnloal fouL' BtcClarv. faaa aaardlna.
Calif arnla 11 11 11 It tT
waihlatloa 10 11 11 11-00
Pre. throws mlsaad: McKaoa 1, Aadar
m. Orar, R. Rlcktaa, Oraenlaaf, lfoonu
than, Houbraaa. Koan. Ballot! s.
Bbott attaauUd: California H. Waah.
tatton OS.
Offletaus Al Llantnar and Tim MtCuI.
NAIA Basket
Tourney Starts
Kansas City (UJD The 16th
annual NAIA Basketball tourna
ment opened Its weeklonf stand
today with Illinois snd West
Virginia represented in the first
Eastern Illinois opposed Mor
ris Harvey of Charleston. W.
Va., to start the basketball mar
athon. Originally, Loyola Universi
ty of Baltimore, Md.. was pair
ed with the University of Port
land in the tourney opened, but
Loyola encountered weather dif
ficulties on the trip her and
wired officials the team would
be unable to arrive on time.
Officials said last night that
Portland and Loyola would new
play . tomorrow morning and
there would be nine games to
morrow Instead of eight.
Other first round games to
day included:
Findlay, Ohio vs. Adams, Co
lo. State; Mississippi Southern
vs. River Falls Teachers, Wis.;
Indiana State vs. Mldeastern of
Wichita Falls, Tex.; Pasadena
College vs. Ricks of Rexburg.
Ida.; St. Benedict's Kans. vs.
North Dakota University; and
Nebraska Wesleyan vs. Arnold
of Mllford, Conn.
Huskies, Gophers
Slate Grid Series
Seattle VP) Washington and
Minnesota will meet again in a
home-and-home football series
in 1935-68, Harvey CassUl,
Washington athletic director,
announced Friday. In 10 meet
ings since 1836, Minnesota won
the first seven and Washington
the last three.
Elmer at tVofftr Lanen vs.
Dan Kindred dt Frank Janes
Erie Pederoen vs. Al Fridell
Tat Yamale vs. Dick Hayes
salem armory
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Los Angeles . J . . $15.40
San Francisco . J . . 10.9
Oakland . . . 5 . . 10.95
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