Capital Women . ' ' Edited by MAKIAN LOWBY FI8CBEB Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Monday, March 9, 195S Amaranth Sessions Of Interest. Grand Court Order of the Amaranth, will open It 26th annual session Friday, March 18, in the Weit Side Masonic temple, Portland. Mra. Wlnnl fred K. Dyer, Cannon Beach, grand royal matron, and Fran cis R. Henkle, Gresham, grand royal patron, will preside. The morning session will be devot ed to formal opening and escort and In the afternoon annual re ports will be received. A banquet will be Friday evening In honor of Mrs. Lois Levlne, supreme royal matron, Seattle, Wash. Joe Freck, past grand patron, will be master of ceremonies. Other distinguish ed guests who will be present are Jared Summerhayi, grand master of Masons In Oregon, and Len Fuller, potentate of Al Kader Shrine temple. Dur ing the open part of the Friday evening session the grand mas ter will make a talk, and check will be presented to the potentate for the Amaranth Shrine cast fund. This has been an annual custom since IMS. The election will be Satur day morning, March 14, and in the afternoon the necrology ceremony will bo conducted, with Mrs. Rosa Heinz, grand prelate, in charge. Saturday evening there will be the public Installation of officers. The luncheons on Friday and Sat' Miss Ruth Holtzman and Harold H. Saltzman Are Wed in Portland Rites . An Impressive wedding cere mony was that solemnized in i Portland Sunday evening when r.. ll.i.i.... I Miss Bum Elaine Holtzman, jOme NOZatlOnS . . younger daughter of Mr. and M. L r. Interesting visitor In Salem over Sunday was Mrs, J a k Snellstrem of Eugene who re turned recently from a trip around the world . . . Mrs. Snellstrom has many friends in Salem, her husband, the late Representative Snellstrom, hav ing served several terms in the legislature. . . , ' , Visitor in Oregon this week is Tlllte Lewis, president of Flo- till Products and the "Woman of the Year" in business in the 1951 poll of. Associated Press among the nation's women editors . . . Mrs. Lewis is in Portland on a trip to tell women with weight problems how to lose their ex cess poundage, but not their pa tience . . . Her company is pro ducer of a new line of diet foods that hv been "taking the coun try" eu -ugh so, anyway, to make a 120,000,000 canning bus iness from a girlhood dream for Mrs. Lewis . . . Tuesday after noon the women editors and food page editors in Portland and nearby will be guests at a party honoring Mrs. Lewis at the Multnomah hotel between 4:W and T o'clock. An unusually pretty tea table was the one at the tea for which Mrs. Pan! L. Patterson, Oregon's first lady, was honor guest when Mrs. Wolcott E. Ba- ren, Mrs. Wallace Carson and Mrs. John B. Canghell enter tained Friday afternoon at the Buren home . . . The table was covered with a Chinese embroi dered linen cloth ... The cen Mra David G. Holtzman of Sa lem, was married to Harold H. Saltzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Saltzman, of Portland. An all-white setting was ar ranged for the service solemn ized in the grand ballroom of the Multnomah hotel at 5 o'clock with Rabbi Julius Nodel of Tem ple Beth Israel officiating. For the music, Verne Esch of Salem sang, Abe Bercovitz of Portland played the violin and Mrs. Bercovitz was at the piano. The Bercovitzes also played for the wedding ceremony. Lighting the candles were Mrs. Harry Merin of Salem and Mrs. Albert Gilbert of Portland. They wore aqua tulle frocks de signed with halter necklines and worn with matching stoles. Their flowers and shoes were In pink. Wears Satin and Lace : The attractive brunette bride wore a handsome gown of ivory satin, lace and tulle. The bodice was of handcut appliqued lace and nylon tulle over the satin, irridescent pearls being sprin kled on the lace. The dress was fashioned in drop-shoulder line effect, an illusion yoke forming urday will be served by Colon- piece was a large tiered arrange- ial and Mt. Hood courts, and the' Friday night banquet by Parkrose court, ' Delegates and visitors will at tend from Astoria, Seaside, Can non Beach, Newport, Bend, Kla math Falls, Medford, Roseburg, Eugene, Salem. Orea-on Citv. Mllwaukie, McMinnville, Forest urove, Kills boro, Greaham, rararose, and Portland. Grand officers from Salem who win attend are: Donald Patton, grand associate patron; Mrs. Maude Lester, grand faith; Mrs. James Tlndall, grand repre sentative; Stanley Dllatush (rand representative; Flynn Faught, grand representative; Mrs. Flynn Faught, grand repre-entativ. Official delegates from Salem, who will attend are: Hanna Rosa Court Mrs. Donald Patton, royal matron; Joseph Johnston, royal patron; Mrs. Brownie Ban- gert, associate matron; Paul Gil mer, associate patron. Cherry Court Mrs. Carl Guenther, royal matron; Elmer T. Boyer, royal patron; Mrs. Charles Mc Cabe, associate matron; Robert Nlckens, associate patron. Duo Engaged Announcement Is made by Mr. nd Mrs. Chester G. Parke of the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Mary Evelyn Parke, to Lt Robert Elwood Graf, U. S. army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben D. Graf of Portland. A June wedding is planned. Miss Parke Is studying voice In Pasadena, Calif. Lt. Graf attended Oregon State college where he is a mem ber of Phi Sigma Kappa. He is graduate of West Point and is BOW dOlnff TraHnafat wnvlr California Institute of Technol gy following his return from two and one-half years duty in we rnuippines. MILITARY ORDER of the Purple Heart auxiliary Is meet- ing witn Mrs. Elmer Byer, 2410 North Fourth, at 8 o'clock on Wednesday for a business and social time. Today's Menu FAMILY DINNER1"41" Boneless Pork Shoulder Butt Lemon-Glazed Carrots Baked Potatoes Creamed Spinach Bread and Butter Cookies Beverage Lemon-Glased Carrots Ingredients: 1 bunch (7 to 10) meaium-size carrots, cup boiling water, ft teaspoon salt, cup lemon juice (1 large lenv on), 4 tablespoons sugar. 2 ta blespoons butter or margarine. Method: Pare or scrape car rots and cut into coin-shaped slices about K -inch thick. Put In small saucepan and pour wa tor over them; add aalt, cover and cook rapidly until barely tender about o minutes. Re move carrots with slotted spoon. To liquid remaining In sauce pan, add lemon Juice, sugar and butter; stir until sugar la dis solved. Boil gently, stirring sev eral times, until sauce is reduc ed to about cup. Add cooked carrots and reheat rapidly, watching carefully, until sauce is almost entirely reduced and arrets are glazed; this will take only few minutes. Makes I to 4 servings. ment of violets, pink andromeda, roses and greenery In antique crystal compotes, little fluffs of pink tulle arranged among the blooms ... At either side of the centerpiece, to the front, were crystal goblets with the same flowers, violet ribbons leading from the center arrangement Flanking the centerpiece were mulberry candles . . . Spring blooms in the same colors snap dragons, tulips, heather and ane mones were arranged in bou quets In the living room. . . . The tea was one of the large ones of the early spring, many town women calling to meet and greet Mrs. Patterson. . . . Set for March 28 and 29 in Salem is the annual apring work shop for Oregon Press Women . . . Headquarters will be at the Senator hotel . . . Marraret mom peon Hill, publisher of the Parkrose Enterprise, Portland, is president of the group . . . The morning and afternoon sessions on that Saturday will be given over to workshops dealing with various phases of newspaper, ad vertising and other Journalistic fields ... At the banquet that evening, awards in the annual contest of the group among dal lies and weekly newspapers will De given ... Known as the "world's lariest knitting program" is the project undertaken by the American Le gion auxiliary through its na tional child welfare committee. The project is to crovlde help for Korean war orphans . . . Mrs. Percy A. Lainson of Fort Madison, Iowa, child welfare chairman for the auxiliary, has launcnea a movement that will put the million women members in 14,000 unite of the auxiliary to work on knitting sweaters and gloves ... aU to go to the youngsters who are victims of we communist war in Korea. . , Wedding Tuesday A wedding for Tuesdav eve. ning will be that of Miss Lee snepard and David Chamber lain, the service to be at 7:30 o'clock In the First Christian church. The reception following also will be at the church. The bride-elect is the daushter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shepard, and Mr. Chamberlain la the son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Chamberlain. Dr. Will J. Thompson Off to at Rtrerdsle Examination in Afternoon or Eva. by Appointment Nr ApptlnhMiil PlMfM 4-4057 the high neckline. The full skirt and court train were trimmed with appliqued diamond shaped medallions of the lace, shimmer ing with lrridescents. The court length illusion veil was arrang ed from a pillbox headpiece trimmed with the irridescent pearls. The bride carried a white Bible with two white orchids. Mr. Holtzman presented his daughter in marriage. Adding contrast to the all- white setting were the orchid and pink dresses of the attend ants. Five Attendants Mrs. Herbert Adler was ma tron of honor for her sister. She wore a floor length frock of orchid tulle over taffeta, fash ioned wth halter neckline .and bouffant skirt, a matching stole attached to the waist in poufs. With the dress she wore pink slippers and her flowers were a cascading cluster of partially opened pinx roses. Mrs. Jerome Blum of Salem. Mrs. Jack Saltzman of Portland. sister-in-law of the bridegroom, Mrs. Harold Schnitzer and Mrs. Arnold Sherman, both of Port land, were the bridesmaids. All four wore dresses styled Identi cally to that of the matron of honor, but in pink, and their flowers were cascading clusters of orchid roses. All five attend ants wore coronets wound in taffeta matching their dresses. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Holtzman wore a powder blue crepe dress with matching short jacket, the bodice trimmed in Battenburg lace and rhlne stones. The bridegroom's mother wore a gold crepe dress trimmed in bugle beads of gold and gold thread embroidery. Jack Saltzman was best man for his brother. The ushers were Herbert Ad ler, brother-in-law of the bride; Jerome Blum of Salem, Harry Glickman of Portland, Dr. Al Lebenson of San Francisco, Isaac Benvenlste of Portland. To Live in Portland A dinner in the Rose Bowl of the Multnomah followed the service, and later there was a dance in the grand ballroom of the hotel, Joe Dardis' orchestra playing. Decorations for the dinner and dance carried out the pink and orchid theme featured in the frocks of the wedding party. The couple left on a trip to Reno, Los Angeles. Lacuna Beach and Mexico. For traveling the bride wore a powder blue tailored suit with cardigan jack et that was styled with three- quarters length sleeves and white pearl buttons for trim. With the suit the bride wore a stole that had wide . cut f rinse, a hat matching the suit and trimmed with lrrisdescent nearls. naw blue accessories and white gloves. The couple will be at home at ou a. w. Barbour boulevard, ruruiina, . i ii " '11 .1 ' li " ii i ii Monthly Recital Wednesday Evening Fourth In toe series of month ly recitals presented by the Sa lem Federated Music clubs will be Wednesday, Marcit 11 at ?:au p.m. at the Willamette univer sity music nau. Students appearing are: Cher- vl rielschman. Jane forter. eu- san Humphreys, Jo Anna Hicks, Linda McClaughry, Rollin Beav- Jler, Opal Vaughn, Mary Jane F ,17;! C .4 rAMl. Valori Green, Diana Cooley, Manetta Moore, John Gibbens, Jacqueline Doerfler, Ronnla Potts, Barter. Anderson, Kamn Johnson tad Betty Fagg. Counsellors represented ar Mrs. Alice Arnold, Miss Ratk Bedford, Miss Gladys Blue W Ronald Craven. The CrewvZ? Club, Mrs. David Easoa, Mrti N. Francis, Mrs. C. C Gilbert Mrs. Harvey Gibbens, Mrs. Da bert Jepsen, Victor PaW son, Mrs. Frank Parehtr Mrs. Fred Rawlins, Jean Hobsoa Rich. Lois Plummer Schmidt T cred Heart Academy, Miss Ltaa Belle Tartar, and Mrs. P Thomas. Recent Bride Mrs. David L. DezoteU (Beverly Roberts) was a bride In mid-February. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Roberts and Mr. Dezotell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dezotell. (Artz studio picture) Initiation Event New members initiated into the Ladies Encampment auxili ary on Friday evening were Mrs. Glen Scherick, Mrs. Floyd West and Mrs. Clyde Moore. Grand patriarch Hugh Lewis of the grand encampment of Oregon visited the group and Mrs. Helen McLeod presented him with a gift. Other guests were Mrs. Elsie Townsend, vice president of the Ladles Auxil iary Patriarchs Militant of Ore gon; Lynn Hill, district deputy grand patriarch of the Ladies Encampment auxiliary of Wil lamette encampment No. 2; George Naderman, grand high priest of the grand encampment of Oregon; Arthur Tucker, dis trict deputy grand patriarch of Willamette encampment No, 2. Refreshments were served fol lowing the business session. Committee for the no-host dinner to be on March 20 are Mrs. Pearl Harland, Mrs. Wil liam Cladek and Mrs. Lora Groves. To Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Byrd will be leaving on Thurs day for Wyoming to attend the wedding of their son, William Henry Byrd, and Miss JoAnn Young, the ceremony to be on March 18 at Jackson Hole. The young couple are to live in Moro following their mar riage, Mr. Byrd teaching there. HOSTESS to the Drama class on Tuesday will be Mrs. Merrill D. Ohllng, entertaining the group for luncheon and afternoon. Betrothal Told Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kuhns an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margaret Ada Kuhns, to Joe M. Mapes, son of Mrs. Frank Bolton, on February to in neno. nevaaa. NAMED as offteeri fnr h TI1 llcum dancing club at the Broun'. pany mis weeK-end were Har ry wenderoth. president- A. McCafferty, secretary-treasurer. Henry A. Simmons has been president the past year; Carroll roro, tne secretary-tresaurer. Birthday Celebration Pioneer post of American Le gion, all-woman post, celebrated its seventh birthday anniversary at a dinner at the American Le gion club on Friday evening. Members and their guests were introduced by Mrs. J. L. Perry, chairman of the affair. Capt. Wallace S. Wharton, di rector- of civil defense, was the guest speaker. Attending the X. V. organi zational meeting in Eugene on Sunday were Mrs. Velma Dfvls and Miss Mildred Christenson. The group assembled to dis cuss changes in the constitution and election of officers. This as sociation honors women who have done outstanding work within the legion. WORK BASKET club is to meet for all-day sewing Tues day, March 10, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Johns, 3790 Monroe street. A buffet luncheon will be served at noon. Wins Oscar Winning the oscar at Che meketa Toastmistress club on Thursday evening was Miss Nan cy Stuart. Mrs. Edith Swartsley was table topics chairman. Guests attending the dinner meeting were Mrs. Paul Riffey, Mrs. Marvin Miller and Mrs. J. V. Fryberger. MRS. WILLIAM L. PHIL LIPS, SR. is to be hostess to her bridge club on Thursday after- inoon. immnmNmwmmmMm-mmwmmtMm I i iiiiisistwsanaJa APPLIANCE REPAIR Can as for prompt and expert work en aU appliances Mayes Appliance Repair Phone 4-5911 6 State St RvesllEfir:CIIEPain m AsnaM at in mst II MM fc.M TsMetj At-M taMth Ik "Hot flashes" of change of life stopped or strikingly relivtd In 63-80 of th cats in doctors' HtH Those suffocating "heat waves alternating with nervous, clammy feelings and accom panied often by restless Irri tability and nervousness are well-known to women suffering the functionally-caused distress of middle life "change"! Ton want relief from such suf fering. And chance are you can get Ik Thrilling rellefl Thmki to (too tamo Lydte Hnkhttm wiadicfnas In dorter torts. Lydla Plnkhaml OmrtpouDd and Tablet broufht relief from such distress in fi and 10 (respectlrely) of the eaaes tested. Complttt or ttriking rtlutl Amaslng, yon sayf Not to the many thousands of women who know from experience what these Lydla Pinkham mrdldnos eaa dol Their action actually Is very awdem. They exert a adonUfleaUr turning, toothing eOectl Try Lydla Pinkham on the but of medical erldencwl See if soa, too. dont stln bleued relief tnm thone terrible "hot Dashes" and weakness so onrmnon in "change of ttta," til mm mm tow lyala W.lta.i', nrki ft met tArrmfffc I woman', ty-i-pmthttit wrM twtlrm to fire nrl from M -dot nS tlhtr VMtKxwJir-caurS Slf tram 0 -aftaaf Dont put tt oft CA Lydla Pink ham 's Vegetable Compound or new, improved TaMete with added iron (trial tut only Wonderid too for the func tional pains, cram pa, "drarsed-out" feelings ud other discomfort Of Boothly maiuuual perlodsl iWaTrwiiittWiW IT'S NEW! Shell Be Your Slave for Life in This New Dog-Collar Leather ANKLET See It at Miller's This Week Only Oe 39c S ,X;U. Sock Collar on Straggler HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Pert and Polka Dotted an Im&adSado fyukionl originai With the new spring spirit of youthful simplic ity: Dot on detachable linen collar and pep lum tob. Two-piece effect. Of fine rayon masterpiece. Navy Black, .12V&-24J4. Youthful Elegance SUBTLE FIGURE FLATTERY BY That two-way, all-purpose ensemble of fine rayon masterpiece. A complete dress, smart end youthful for every occasion. With its own bolero, it's a complete ensemble. Con trasting men trim on jacket and dress. Navy and block, 2Vi-2AVi. IN SALEM, IT'S FOR READY-TO-WEAR