1 i J f I If i ; ; I ; t i i . a ' I ! 14 Capital Jomml, Slem, Ore, Monday, March , 1953 Death Penalty for Girl Commuted to Life ' Singapore CJJ9 The death sentence imposed on a Malayan girl communist tot whom Hun gary offered to trade an impris oned British butlneiiman was commuted today to Ufa lmprU ' onment The Sultan of Perak, of one of the federated Malay states, granted the clemency appeal of Lee Mens, 23, sentenced to die Armed Boat Rumor Sifted Mexico City ) The U. S. Embassy says it has no confirm' atlon of reports that North American and Cuban shrimp boats have carried arms while fishing off Mexico's coast. Published reports have said the foreign boats were armed, some with machine guns, and that Mexican fishermen have asked permission to arm them' selves as a protective measure. Charge d'affaires Paul Cul bertson of the U. S. Embassy aid he has received no confirm ation at all of the reports, and added that the IS North Amer ican boats seized last week off Campeche were certainly un armed. Meanwhile the Campeche case continued to simmer Saturday In the wake of Culbertson'a con ference with tiie Mexican minis ter of foreign relations on the subject Culbertson told a news con ference that the case centers around whether the shrimp boats were fishing when captured by a Mexican gunboat, and not where they were captured. last September for carrying weapons and "consorting with bandits." She was acquitted In a previous trial. An official announcement said the sultan acted "on the advice of the state executive council." Prime Minister Winston Churchill last week rejected a Hungarian government proposal to exchange Edgar Sanders, 48, for Lee Meiig. Sanders ' was sentenced to 13 years in prison by Hungary In 1950 on spy charges at a trial with his American chief, Robert A. Vogeler. Vogeler was re leased from a 13-year sentence in April, 1031, after the U. S. granted Hungary certain conces sions. Churchill told the house of; commons last Monday: "There can be no question ol bartering a human life or de flecting the course of justice or ' mercy in Malaya for the sake of obtaining the release of a Brit ish subject unjustly Imprisoned in Hungary." Lee Meng insisted at her trial that she was not a communist bandit Various local appeals for clemency were made on human itarian grounds and in protest against the legal system that permitted her to be iried twice for the same crime. Central High Band Schedules Concert Independence The spring concert of the Central High School Band, will be held on March 13 In the high school gymnasium. The boys double quartette and the girls sextette will par ticipate in this program. Aberdeen-Angus Auction At Fairgrounds Tuesday By CLAUDE STECSLOFF A distinguished group of Aberdeen-Angus breeding cattle con signed by 22 cattlemen from ev ery section of Oregon will be old tomorrow at the State Fair grounds In the second annual Oregon Aberdeen-Angus associ ation sale. There will be IS registered bulls, 29 registered females, three registered baby calves and 42 commercial cattle. Entry 13, a senior yearling bull consigned by Gerald West o' Klamath Falls, Is scratched. He died of bloat last week. Joe Johnson and James Elllngs of Oregon State college animal husbandry department are grad ing the cattle this afternoon. - Consignors of registered cattle Include: Mrs. Frank Binder, Elk ton; Alvin & Charles Cheyne, Klamath FaUs; James Coffleld, Eagle Creek; Thomas Densley, Baker; Lazy T Ranch, Medford; J. Q. Freeman, Baker; Fred Gassner, Klmberly; Hawthorn Farms, Hillsboro; Ben Hil ton, Grants Pan; Harold Ran kin, Hermlston; C. R. and Rob ert Smith, Pendleton; Don Sna bel, Powell Butte; E. J. Soder burg, Enterprise; Spring Meadow Farm, Corvallls; Gerald West, Klamath Falls and Edith and Earl Wilson, Malin. Commercial cattle are all heif ers, mosty purebreds but not re gistered. They are offered for cattlemen not interested in pure breds. Consignors are: Hawthorn Farm; Kesl and Wedman, Haines; William Llppencott, Williams; Archie Rlekkola, As toria; Don Snabcl and Carl Wil liams, Salem. Walter Palmer of Lot Angeles, who sold the cattle last year, will again be on the block. Ring as sistants are: Walter H. Smith, American Aberdeen-Angus asso ciation; Sherm Guttrldge, West ern Livestock Journal; Jiggt Jesse, pacific Stockman: and SI Williams, Western Livestock Re porter. Gerald West is chairman of the sale committee. Don Snabel, Dr. Frank Freeburger, Medford and Carl Williams are commit tee members. Ben Hilton, president of the association, announced that the annual Aberdeen-Angus banquet will be held this evening at the Senator hotel. A social hour Is set for 6:30 p.m. to be followed by a program and meal at 7:30. Cattle selling will start at 1 p.m. tomorrow. FLY UNITED'S MAINLINE AIRWAY NrtribanS RMnllfMfS Imv at 8:55 A.M.; 1:15 P. L ind 7:30 P. M. PORTLAND . . aOmln. MATTU . . . iy4hrs. tvrtibnS NMnliiMn ken at 10:10 A.M.; 4 P. Mi and 8:00 P.M. MID FORD . . . 1 hr. IAN FRANCISCO 4 hrs. LOS ANOIUS . 74 hrs Airport Txulnal. Call 1 1455 r on avthorlnd travel egcrtt. United AIR UtlEO COMPASS fNf FAM ANO rovu oo ir ai C4 ditfiiCyerteiice Otguiisli tni Congregations, fUjing tni lilltning lo lb BulJuin ViicUonic Organ, shsr let ins (Hilton tttitti bj ibis snftrb mslrumtnU, The BALDWIN ELECTRONIC ORGAN 1280 SM SI f.lata Pcnncy's your headquarters for that boy's Eoster Outfit! WOOL FLANNEL SUITS IN RICH COLORS Versatile, good-looking . . . and a real value! Deluxe dress parade fashion. Softly blended shadings of blue, grey and tan. Penney-tai-lored for fast growing boys. Fully lined coat. Sizes 10 to 18. i Other Suit. .....19.75 WHITE DRESS OR SPORT SHIRTS No wardrobe complete without a white dress shirt or a soft collar sport shirt. Sanforized for lasting fit in sizes 2 to 18. Buy several now! SELECTION OF BOYS' SPORT COATS ASSORTED FABRK2 AND PATTERNS WASHABLE RAYON and NYLON GABARDINE SLACKS 398 398 Sliest to 10 . . , 10 to 18 Preshrunk, crease-resistant! Full-bodied! Everything he needs in slacks and thrifty, too! Continuous waistband, new colors. Sizes 2 to 1 6, the real-easy slack for mothers to take care of. MAIN FLOOR DejmeiBJ 160 THAT H0.UKxIY.Sa1IM.ML .--.pefOR 100 WOOL PATTERN TOPCOAT AND HAT Handsome, all-wool donegal tweed coat with full rayon and acetate lining. Brown or blue tones. Leather buttons. Match ing Eaton cap. Sizes 3 to 8. WASHABLE RAYON GABARDINE SHIRTS Looks smart on oil boys from high school on down. Secret Is In the dress-up styling and handsome pre-shrunk royon gabar dine. Light or dark tones. Sizes 2 to 16. MAIN FLOOR I' V 'i . ! n 1 i Y ONE PART GLAMOUR, ONE PART THRIFT 1 1 , Y?t 90 l "mmmmm suem t Wty -Wiiii LT ttlGvCOLOR CHOICE! BOYS' POPULAR "GAUCH0S" SHIRTS SOYS' AND JR. BOYS' RAYON AND NYLON BLEND GABARDINE JACKETS Taney trimmed cotton knit shirts. Popular two-tone, heather tones and plain col ors. Comfortable short sleeves in sizes 4 to 16. Washable. MAIN FLOOR II 49 Handsomely styled in those popular dark-toned colors. Zipper front, slit' pocket, elastic side bands . Shrink proof, quick drying. Sizes to 18. MAIN FLOOR 6 90 NO-IRON 100 NYLON PLISSE Another wonder fabric! Luxury crinkly nylon plisse cool, easy to wash, never need ironing. They're handsomely styled, with comfortable short sleeves. Choice of colors. Sizes 4 to 16. MAIN FLOOR 298 LEATHER ZIP JACKETS Soft, supple suede . , . he man tailored with slash pockets, knit collar, cuffs and waistband. Smart and casual-looking. Rust, red, freen, navy and beige, izes 8 to 18. Horsehlde night Jackets 14.75 STORE HOURS 9:30 TO 5:30-FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9:00 P.M. MAIN FLOOR A3 V O75