laseSrit J ft i p - u 1 I laW-Capltal Joonu.1, Salem, FOR SAU HOUSES DREAM HOME REDUCED TO P. H. A. APPRAISAL You owe It to yourselves to sec thli VIEW HOME. If you arc a qualified buyer, YOU & YOURS may bave this home with only $2,100.00 down full price reduced to tlO.SSO. This home hat bdwd. Art., Iron Fireman forced air oil furnace, fireplace, mahogany paneling and many other Dice features, plua att. garage. JOE HUTCHISON Realtor ' Ph. 4SMS. Sun. 24789. If no aniwer, pleaie call 36950. FOR SALE HOUSES A BUI. cnu at una. Just outside the cltr limits M.S. on tared at. and ml lac beeutlfullr landscaped lot, ml nfcs l-bdrm. home with patio and attached oarage. E. cell MR. metzoeh 4-1116. ZD LCKDJBEAL. REALTOR. 4 N. High. Ph. 3-tflM. W $500 DOWN I bedroom, hardwood noon, attached Mtui. ahruba and berries. Kclsar die- trlct. Phone aim. 1 OI 8456 ON. a RfV 9-ttKDROOM HOUSES. FULL BASEMENT. OUT STATE STREET, t, MILE PAST 4 CORNERS. 5J MOUTH m AT PROJECT. PHONE 48700 aao 111. (Ma. ENGLEWOOD District, 4 rooms. Roman brick, mahoganr paneling. Will ecu lurniaoea w un fumuhad. 1645 Jefferaon. al' COCKT ST. S-BDEM. home cloaa to eap- duplsx posilbiutles. 611.600. (toot will Btsa t. EVA. Wfc ' LUK1NBEAL, REALTOR, S1 M. HIGH, rn. x-eeeu, Booth, near aunnslde aohool. roll price Mass. Ph. 1-6605. Call 1530 Hickory further detf.Ua. eW OLDER TYVS BOMB on Portland Road. 7S-ft. hlshwsr frontage. Prlca din. Terml. 3-0331 eve. . aal a. ROOK HOUSE on lane corner lot, pared atreKC, cloaa to oraaa sooooi, junror hull Would eonalder aoma trada. Pull itnr e7S00. Inaulra At 3305 If. lth. x-sisl evenings, all 1 BEDEOOM, 1V storr home. All spacious rooms, bdwd. firs., manoc. wooawora. firnDlaea. dlnlna araa In kit., basement. automatic heat, covered patio, double esrsie, 1041 M. Hat. XranUm ek eVun- aars. ON1T flMa (or I-rr,-old l-bdrm. ranch jtrla homa with ar Earaaa, dlnlna no, flraplAU, oil heat and Ian a fenced- in rard on print, ana cioea ao ana. ve. call Ed. 1-1704. ED LUKINEEAL, REAL TOR, 431 N. HUh. Ph. 3-Ma0. AH rAIEHOV.NT BILL 1700 John St. 1 bai- roome, dlahwaaher, dlipoaAL full baaa mant Phona 4-1734. a40 Hundreds WILL READ THIS! Only on can bur. Trul? a raptr Taloa tn thlA loralp auburban aetata. Orar 1000 M. ft. fleet, oonat. featuraa 16x34 lir. rnL, 114 din. rm., tea. kit. utll. am.. 4 anacloua bdrma den. 1 flrepla.. Thirmo-mttlo furnace. Orar 1 Ac. wall landtcp., fruit, nuta Aj nenlee. 1 pltrr. hies., stable barn. 4 CHOICE BLDO. bites, oolni tor only 66M. Bair terms. Higglnbotham Heal Estate 1st Hat'l Bank Pldt. Wosdtmm Ph. I Offlca TTlli Ira. list A6I 4-Bedroom Home tma and U battis n H acre. 1 rr. new, and In 630,000 eltr-auburban loca tion. Beautiful LR 13133, DR 11X14, the 4 bdrma. art All larae. Lots of eloa. WVMl Will . , ... yviWU, WM arase. VACANT, mora riant In, and All una as saennoed At onir, 61500 down and 666 par month. JUST TtUNK OP IT. 2-Bedroom Home IN HOOVER BCHOOL SIST. Just north f Center M., and onlr I rra. old. This la a loralr placa for tha amaslnglr low prlca of 44600 with 6M0 down. BKB DAVB LaZXNSY - XVI. PR. 41701 orncz DIAL, OR TRADE, 4 bedroom house near Rich. mono school 17900. 464 B. 31th. a3 A-BEDROOM ROME, baaement and lira place, apaeloua crounds. Bell or trade for entailer home. Ph. 10368. e58 l-ROOM HOUSE for sale reasonable. In quire 026 Columbia. a&8 Immediate Possession SLIGHTLY SUBURBAN EAST. ROOMY HEWER l-bdrm. home, bdwd. lire., di nette, neat kitchen, lane lovelr llr. rm.. ell heat, attached earare. BEST OP ALL, THE PRICE IB ONLY 7K0. POSSIBLE 6)1000 down. PANORAMIC VIEW OF CITY AND THX CASCADBS, A Cnn-KMinil HUM, MVeU 111. tta., flrfplKf). hdwL fir., atpartut din. rra.. brkljt rm., tJolnlni kitchen, t Urge bdrmf. bfttb Pliu ahower all on first fir. 2nd fir. flnlkh4 plywood, Mht1fc . til fir. Pull cement baimt,, U loreed- air heat, sartr rm.. outdoor flrDUca m aecludaMl patio. Brttatway to Soublo flITMt, It TK ABOVI HI ' MRA OOUnSBKS rVK. pH, 3UTI ornci DIAL K 44494,24552 A aIDKO aao ftltCiamoNAL ralus, CandalarlA Hetstita 1 bedroom home. ainim, aitonen, oak. and den. onlr in.eoo. mm Ar, Erie Drlra. Olen Hamilton. NEW XEIZER HOME Bad mi.. UTini room with Fire place, Lot n E 16a, Excellent eot tor wsowero and (taraen. 1 atiocaa w anew sad stores. 6w.600.00. WALTER B. MINI ER REALTOR Phone 1313 - 16444 17616 096 I 000 N. FRONT I Bene 4, Bus. Corner with comfortable 1 a adrav home, tot 7vxisa. rarea oJier- 1 ph. 4sN ror details. I WALTER SCKCCOPBKT ' REAL ESTATE A88 tlLASSIPIED ADTEBTUtrNO Par Ward Per mtr4. Um 10e far Ward. 0 llaaas I6e Par WMd. 1 et 4w. Hs BatwAds Mtarastraa 10 Weraa, aEAOEEOta taewl New. Oat. Oalr " wm urn- w-e. Ta Flaes . B,',, ,. Fsper, rev-nw -www Beforo It I COMPLETED APPHOX- I I IMATELY45 DAYS.j A 44494,24552 I iff MlafHp a-3) AMI! Ore, Monday, March 9, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES 4-BEDBOOM H slssplng porch, basement, oil furnace. Richmond Dial. Ph. -11J0. aaariAL. I.I vine room, dining room, 1 hadrooma. laria lot. 1330 M. Com-!. iTtiA 11.000 down. Call 14043, uw at above addraas. aw LISTEN TO THIS A eon ONE-BDRM. NEW HOME with lovelr lane kitchen, nice bath. oH Arelectrle beat. Extra lot Included ALL FOR A33, with eawr on. COME HOME TH1B EXCELLENT CONSTRUCTED HEW 1-BDRM. HOME with lovslr Una Mr. no.. beautiful kltehan, bdwd. firs., Ttrr clean a neat, lorced-alr all piped fnraaca. attached carait, new lawn U In. Located In 3100 block ol H. tltl) BL Prica tssoo. ph-a. TAiuaa. OH THE ABOVE A EE BARRY VAN HORN - EVE. PH. 417U orncE dial K 0494, 24552 A HO ar AIIIUTRBAlt iivina at its beat in this auburban noma, -1n tn atnra eehoot Ji bUS. I bdnnS. on one floor, fireplace, picture wlndowa, laa. 11t. rm4 din. rm., lovelr kit. at brkf. nook, lie. utllltr rm, oil forcad-air heat, one He. landscaped lot. 1 13, WW. with 13,700 down. Call Fackr MeParland. ' BfOLSWOOD A.Mrm. Tioma With full drT bUmt. fireplace. I barms, up and 1 down. 113,600. Aak for Bob Conklin. UAPLETON A real "bur". Baa two Ire. bdrmt, lea. liv. nnu Ira kltu doobla saraaa. beau, paean firs, welMo-well carpet as drapes Included. 4 rra. tus. r.njt. loan. will take lata model ear as pars pamu, Onlr 66460. Ask tor Bob Conklin. aao A MONTH with onlr 61000 down. Lis. 1-B.R. homa in raiser. 6 rrs. old. 6 int. en nai. Aak for Bob Conklin. Burt Picha rn N. Blah St. Off.: 1-404T Btsa: Fackr MeParland. 14614 AM CLOSE BT THE sfa on Bwr. 101, near Newport, beautiful location, i-oeareom homa and 1 well-built furnished cot taaea. Electric heat, aim W. Whlt weH, Otter Rock, Ores on. a6i ROCK BOTTOM XEDOCTION XN PRICE. WONDERPOL ONE-ACRE SUBURBAN BOMB Ilka new, bdwd. firs.. 1 bdrma., but llr. rm. with cored cetltnf. A kltehan rou will be proud of. Laria closets, extra bdrm. or den over larace. Drilled well as pump hsa. NICE TURP LAWN. Located cloaa In on Monroe. PRICE 68300. EXCEL LENT TERMS TO RIORT PARTY. BEE BEN COLBATB EVE. PR. 30914 orricr, siai. aeo( S-BOOM MODERK homa, 1 Adrma, wired alec., basement. 4 laraaes, 4-unlt apt. hnuaa same lot. 4 larta rooms, nrlvata bath each apt. Oil heat piped each unit. Oood frame bulldtnt. Close in, apiendld income propartr. 613,400 fuU price. Located 1344-60 N. Winter St. Write to all Menbrla Dries, a el em, Ore, FOR SALE FARMS FARMS & ACREAGES 5 ACRES IN CULT. Cloaa In N. E. 10-cow atancbion barn, small 8-room mot rn homa, laraae. Road on 1 aldu. Would snake a food lubdlrlalon. Price 80860 10 ACRES NICE LA YIN OLAND. B mllaa (6JV small home, barn As ate. A BUT FOR 13766. 11000 down. 130 ACRES CLOSE XN. 46 A In cult. Bat In timber At pasture, lane dairy barn, milk house, l-bdrm. home. POSSESSION NOW, Prlre 016,000 with 16000 down or BELL FART. 21 ACRES EARLY SETTLER SPECIAL. No b'.dss. tood sprlni. 8 miles B., PRICE ONLY 63600 with 800 down. ON THE ABOVE BEE T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM EVE. PH. 43714 OFFICE DIAL K 44494,24552 boO 9 A. COONTRT EflTATB 11,400. Mod. home, 9 bdrma., OU heat, ood well ok oleo. pump, poultry houaa. fruit houae, very good bam, family or ctiard. A. berrlea. It A. paaturo (par tnanent), fenced, year 'round atream. 4 JL crop. 94000 dnwn. 971 per mo. 9H tnL to downtown Salem. Call Don. WalL an A. liuutmif iwt-yrrou Willamette A Mewbers aoll. haa S mod. l-bdrm, hometf, one heated with oU, other wood, S poultry houaea. I aheda, 4 A. orchard. 99 A. crow, acme umber, Irritation. 10-lnch walL Plenty water. Onlr 129.90 with ft down, mt Ho. Aatcm. CaU Don WalL 14S .1. DAIRY PARJf Grade a", 17 plua lb. auota bow tn oportatien. 19 A. Irrigated permanent paature. 4-bdrm. Plaatered horn, mod. Oil heat 90x4 barn. lge. capacity hay atoraga. 1Q-U9 alio. 14 ataaoniona, abode. 101 A. bar arooa. etc.. 9 aprlnoa. 1 all-year atream. trc.eoo. Would taka a down. CaU Don Well. Burt Picha 170 H. HIah SL Eres. 44467 Off. 1-4047 b54a FIRST TIME OFFERED sickness forces owner to aell this loo s' ranoh. 00 A. Itrel plow lend, oood aoll. Bal. rolllni, Seeded to paature. Bor dared and ereasad br two streams. Ir ritation easy. Soma timber. Beautiful raneh heme. Ind home for tenant boute. Bern, poultry bourn. Improvements 44494,2-4552 y IJ4J I I'l l A wsmm worth more than asklnt price. About 30 miles N.E. of Salem on eood irav.1 road. Full prlca 6M.0M. WU1 take Salem 1-bdrn,. home es part. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 111 S. NUh Ph. 31476 t-M FOR SALE LOTS ' CHOICE VIEW lata In Elnswood Belahta. uviia water, etc. eanaieir prKvo, " . . Awtiar. Phone 6-6418. aa48 FOR SALE ACREAGE mukCK ftonv Mm an ! KsTitii i.Mm. Bona. luwvimcw a pwas.w. mm kAim nlca aWttlna WllA Via b Ooor. llft.&OO. Era. can rat war XTI.V. fMa a.MM. bbM WANTED REAL ESTATE IU1, ESTATE IS sULLQIO, WB HAVE MORB BUYERS THAN OOOD aoare- nsna. If rour property at worth the atenerf WE CAN SELL IT. orricx dial k 44494,24552 A .. n.nurtT u for sal a rent or exenawe, was all kinds or easn ATATB FINANCE CO, REALTORS 161 a. Hish at. ea WE ABB tn need at J?" rour propertr tor aala. sea . . - wnrus . REALTOR! ""f.;"."".".' . Ph. 1-3471 ca .M OWNE. m h'!?1 home, nrspjaca, s"" vrr i. ... ,.., m.p bus. atora. Must be abarp. 4-4411. caeo WNTEp-i.t. 10 jem, With ood hen cloaa in. ai w - - - If no answsr. 4-1348. . . .'. iseeisnsfisseiisseeefee REAL ESTATE 866661 68688J 66116868 sWM8 iml8868 eW68666 666886666 M68l6t.ll Farms 6666668188688 liu" 361111866666888688886 IW6688886 66 3IM666668 M866 88 W86686A 68686 66 668618 68 SULLIVAN Cltr Location. Bar la. the older roomr house rou're bean looklnl for. 1 bedrooms and a aleeplnt porch. J-uli dry basement, 1 block from ichool. rlce 61SO0 or wU- -"do tor dulex. Shady Brook Trout In tha stream br this 1 bedroom located 0 miles eouth. 30 foot llrtni room la tbli line homa. 10,000. Near Leslie 3 bedrooms and A den In this modern, lane home. Double araie. Separate 10x38 playroom tn back lor the whlldren. Just the place for tha family with children. 615,000. Nob Bill 1 bedrooma, 1(4 blocks from McKlnlsr school. This Is the older borne with plenty of room that rou'ra bean looklni tor. 80,000. Elisabeth Jane Court t.l SUrertan. Ser in unite, all furnished. Nat of 11,100 A Tear. lD?e net in nw hvi.uv.vw 30.000. Tarirn and Restaurant In mill town. Ownar la headlni eaat. 1 Pool tables. Bsar license and card room. Haa Terr substantial return en tna invesvuvu. 10,600. 30 acres must north of Salim. Tha most modern nine room home, built In 1048, that rou will find In the .ll.w. Tf aii are looklna for a country aetata rra don't hare to look any fur ther. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 136 Portland Road Fh. 4-6513 re. Ph.: 1-1131, 1-0071, 4-BS3. 4-1761, 1-1T14. M 471 DOWN 4 rear old 1 room homo on 17 E 183 lot. Shoppins center and bua 8 blocks. Pared street, city water. Price 14,350. FAMILY FARM 36 Acres. Nearly ell In cultivation. Comfortable room home, bam, scod drilled well. Year found stream, famUr orchard. 110,500. r j. ewAjirjnicA ITU Orant at. Realtor Phone 1-4036 CO. WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES LJkJ SEVERIN REALTY SI TEARS OP 8ATIBPACTORT BKRVIC1 IS OB HTLL Thla prawar-butlt homo. Sngllah atyle, tiniiiH ha. iiiat about perfect for a lem ur with achool ehUdren. It la located einaa tn all achoola. Bua and ahopplnc. Urtnff room with flraplaoa. Dining room with built-lne. Den or bedroom and pretty kitchen lit floor. 9 ntca-alie KfAnmi nrwl hath Ind floor. The Mat aut. heat. Oaraao and lovely landaeaoed corner lot. Only 91M00; about l500 win handle. CANDALARLA LOCATIOM PR1CI Ra DUCXD OVXH 93000 Charm and iraclout Uvlnt In thla lovely Colonial homo that you may own tindur Kooraieal value. Largo cheerful roomi. Central ontranca haU laading direct to kitchen, you don't havi to walk thru other rooma to open the front door. DownaUlra alao oontalna laria living rm., ample dining room. Tha kitchen la dttnd to take the drudgery out of teedlng that lovable family or you re. Tea, mere m faat nook. too. Por tha man of the houaa, there la a comfortable den. Extra largo utility room. Upetalra there are 9 largo bedrootm, a nuraery and Con tinental bathe. Cloaeta and atoraga apaco that will delight orery wife. S-car a raao vlth atoraco overhead. If you are looking for a ouallty homo at below today'a market, your Impaction of thla harming homa anould oomt flrat. 919.7M. Ttrma. APARTMENT HOTJSl In ahopptna center. 19 furelshad unite. NeU 13 with exceptional poa- aibtlitlea for future taralnga. 0.OO9 . bandlaa. COUNTRY HOMI Ooa of the better homee, aeldom an the market. Located among lovely trace. Larae living room, dining room, and tha niceat kitchen and nook. Hot point dUh w ether aink. t bedrooma and room for 1 mora U wanted. The eaUio beet men flnUhed. SummeT kitchen. Uundry, bath, and a largo knotty plno recrea tion room with fireplace. Beet of heet. Double lnaulated and weatberetrtpped. 9-oar garago and tool ahed. When you aao It you know that Ji la worth the money. A good buy at 923,604. WAIaNTTT PARK. 4 BKDHOUMa Kngllah architecture. 1 bedrooma and bath down. 9 bedrooma and bath Largo living and dining mm. All floora carpeted with 931.00 per yard carpeting. Plnlahed baaement and 9-ar garage. Hero la a fine homo, built pre war, with beet material. It te yours for under coat 919.M0. BubatanUtl mort gage can be arranged, LITTLV PARM BOMB 1 H acraa or garden, fruit, trapea, duck pond. Well-built homa of 9 rooma. It u located clote in and an ba youra for only 911,000. Term, Severin Realty Co. t3I ft. High 4 -9941 Vrca.l t-5994 Mr. tuant 1-1399 Mr. Mooa J-Wl wmwcs I fjj- rari -i I caoo REAL ESTATE EASTMORELAND InuBwNtUato iMtaaaaaloai cu to had m UiU loraly hotaa Is thla boaaUftil aflutriel of lino twnao. 1 Urto badrooma, Uvtu room with flroplMt, hard wood floor, kltehom aad aook. loalda vtllltf room, laria ante bod varato 14x22), forcod-olr oU furaacaj, beautiful Uo u4 but ahruba. located ooa paved atraol, near Khoal oad oolf ft atopa to d(r boa. Thla homo la pi iced for ulck oaia, ao ael now. IU.1M. Dowa poiBatat la onlr 12050. Call oa. DUPLEX ldo by Vla. One apt. oomplataly furnlataad. Eaoh haa 11t1o room, t bod room, kitchen, bath. Located oa Lao at. with alter at roar. New homaa on both Uoa. W1U brine tin par month rant. Priced at tlS.W0. . 411 laUflOKIC 0UILDINO ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER Baal Batata Inaursnca lfortgaia Loan Phona: S-Mif Bran low: t-410t . - 4 CORNERS DISTRICT ' Cut l-bdrm. homo on H A. Sloe, water haator. Wlsd for range. Low tasae. On bit line. Kalao a gardaa and keep a few hlclcna hera. M.T60. Tanu. HIGHLAND DISTRICT $1,100 down will novo rota Into thla well-bollt S-bdrm. homo. Bal. loft a mo. Haa bdwd- floor. OU floor lorn ace. Conaidar trading Multy oa aereaca on trailer houee. LESLIE DISTRICT Bur owner'a oqultr and taka over 4 loan oa balance. S-bdrm. homa with nnflnlahcd npatalra. Lario lot. aleelr landacapod. On bua Una. Imm. poaaoaaioa. Pull prlca ai.100. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Barelr pre-war Snallah typo bungalow. 4 bdrma. Pull bciemente Maw oU furnace. Lore-y fenced back yard. 911,900. Terme. CLOSE IN, NORTH S bdrma. and den. Larta dining room. Poll baiement, oU furnace, 3-car C oraaa. Loraly landacapod yard. Full prlca 13,700. Terina. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 141 a Bith Phi. 17161 11731 14011 Eras. And Sunday Grabenhorst Specials DRIVE BUYS ECONOMY HOMES 1007 South 13th. 1 bdrma., baamt., WOO down ,,.,.65060 1380 Broadway. 1 bdrms,, oil circulator 6W0 3630 Erenreen. 1 bdrm.. 04 E 160 ft. lot 83760 Route 4, Box 160, 1 ml. eouth of Liberty, 10 acree, 1 bdrms... .86600 CALL PETER H. OEISER, SALESMAN SUBURBAN RANCH TYPE HOME Beautifully landscaped extra toe. lot. 1 bdrms., llr. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. with French doors lesdlni to apaeloua patio, bath, lie. kitchen At nook with plenty of bullt-lns, dbla, araie. Auto, oil hot water radiant heat. Quiet as peaceful lurroundlnu. CALL J X LAW, SALESMAN GROCERY At LOCKERS Grocery buelnies, 00 warm room lockers, build in! 40 ( 100, 3-bdnn. llrlnt euarterr carpeted wall-to-wall. See Fete-Oelser for fuU detail!. ' APARTMENT Excellent location, 4 units plus ownar'a quartan, com pletely furnished. Very sood condition. Terms. For further Information, CALL H. K. LAYMON, SALESMAN PRICE JUST REDUCED on this beautiful CandalarlA home. 1 nice bed rooms., lie. llr. rm. es din. rm. with beautiful new of mountains 4s cltr. Full baamt. with lie. rumpua rm. and fireplace. Xble. plbi,, toe. petlo, corner lot. Hall. llr. and din. rms. carpeted, flee thla home today. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR.. CO-OP. BROKER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty St Ph. 3-371 Erenlnil tj Sundays call H. K. Laymen 1-1450 Peter H. Oelser I BM J. E. Law 1-1111 SALEM'S BEST BUY 9 Features (Count 'em) 1. Large living room 2. Large dining room 3. Breakfast nook 4. Center hallway 6. 3 bedrooms 6. Birch kitchen 7. Huge utility room 8. 2 set of plumbing 9. ALL FOR $14,000 , Lee Ohmart ''lneaTl'bedroom home la lood condition, About 4 rears old, oil heat, plastered throuihout, NEED A BASEMENT? Here's a modern 1-bedroom home with a basement for ONLY 10,600. . Has fireplace and Att, oaraie. Oood ralue. Oood location on N. Hth St. BEAMED CEILINO UNUSUAL FIREPLACE It rou like aomethlni different, aee this home. 1 bedrooms and dan. a fireplaces, redwood trim, 3-car israie. Take A look. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS ' 477 Court St. Era.: Henrr Torrend 11611 Ted Morrison 3504J Loula Lorena 5M TUlnh Maddr 13481 t0000W0000mf REAL ESTATE NELSON OFF SUNNYVIEW $5750 FULL PRICE y.. our o.iaairm. home, nlcelr dec orated, hd'wd. flra. Good garden apot, apsrox. Vb aert. cau a. NORTH Ewt.nriW nrVinJ Hlco, roomy, comiortable, modern home Aru smnditiM. 9 bdrma. (lSWxll) and kitchen (11x10), attractive, reattul living room with f-place. Yea. oleo. diahwataher and garbage disposal goea also, large lot, au ior iu,vvw. Watte, 9-7260. I CROISAN CREEK ROAD HOMESITES Uva on thla quiet canyon road In a occluded getting. City delUarlea, achool v..... War haa via frnm CltV tiled lOU up to -aore tracts, 900 and up. At to aee theee. TWO I l-BEDROOM HOMES Opportunttr to own 1 modern plastered homes on 1 fuU lota. 1 bdrms., dble. arasa, lood slsa lots, IV. bike, to Itlsh land school, one tor 47500; other 68500. NORTH HOOT GARDEN - BERRIKS Hero la an opportunity to own a pro ductive aero with H aero of raapber rtaa. fairly new, neat 4-room home, floor furnace, garage 11x23, all for 98300) 9VS00 completely furnlahed ln aludint TV at. Call Mr. oiOlacher. WANTED ant of ai.t. eouple wanta 10 acres with fair bulldtnaa, WlU par up to 60000. Call Mr. Oallaihsr. NELSON & NELSON Specialising Realtors TM N, High at. - Ph. 9.0t9. CO $53. Per Mo. bur. rour new home. New l-bedroom home being ouut uncer r.n n. iuihcuh). Plenty of eatlna apace for .rewlni family. Te kitchen le an Inspiration for anr cook. AU hardwood floora. forced sir ou heat, lota of iterate. Attached tenia. Fend .trees, aioee te sua una. 750 den, HIGHLAND NEW HOME Larae l-bedroom home. Beautiful fire place In loralr Helm room. Extra lood floor plan. A dream kitchen. AU hard wood twora. Attached Stress- Pared treat. An MUtandlnt bur At 66000 under P H. A. term., $6750 l-bedroom horn, on S-acr. ft oood land close In. Beautiful- lawk Pared street, eloa. to bua. Possible 650 dawn. Bh.wn br .ppetnUnent onlr. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Htthl Street Phone l-OH Phcaui arenlnaa: 4-1471. 1-1454. 1-4474. REAL ESTATE "----- REAL ESTATE J. E. Le Clerc, Realtor A CheaDle 13,750 1 bedrm. within walklnr distance ei State House, oood foundation and oood room. In fair condition. Would make ood rental. Large Family $17,500 Almost new, 4 bedrm.. home in neiier Diss., with lane .toraie end nice aowtnf room over larace. V. bath down and full bath upstaln. This la A real nlca home tor A lane family. Would consider taklni small home as part pay ment. Sportsman's Paradise ..$11,500 RutAt on the santiam nver, appro.. . miles from Salem, with modern 1 bed. room houeo and another smaU 3 room fcniu. which can be rented for 835 per month. 10 acres. The land Is cleared but haa hirer been farmed and would be fine tor paature. Ideal tor partr who wishes to be In seml-retlrement. Oood ilshlni and huntlni. Would take home In trade, Salem or California. 1W6 H. Oapltol St. Ph. 13360 DRIVE Rr Ml COLUMBIA ST. This home with 1 bdrms., basement, fur nace, laraae, onir s77ao, DRIVE BY 160 CUNNINGHAM LANS Thla l-bdrm. noma in excellent condi tion. If. lot. onlr 18340. DRIVE BY 4036 BAILEY RD. This altractlre home with 1 lane bdrms.. att. israie. Is. lo, enlr 86700, DRIVE BY 1160 HOOD BT. ThU home with 8 bdrm., basement. a.d furnace, onlr 87300. 1 ACRE OOOD SOIL 81500 SEE OUR PICTURE GALLERY OP OVER 600 HOMES POR SALE. JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 411 N. Hrah St. Phone 4-1483 Ere. 1-4474, t-5110, 1-701. CM To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PALOOKA y," mm e-asse f 9. C- aiVHcja Vv iaa "oenx ctrnix. err. y al airriweaaawajiV WHAT tiZtt!, KU-A 5. HOW Z uiporteoiW was m.JTmm urs oo on with RO6BE0 f J" fWWfTf lN S S, REAL ESTATE '. mns (erLTalal 1 ,4. fumiahad. Ti- Tana Call Uim Mamma. iri l'.4l j WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES GOOD CATCH ISr r rS FUU pnc. SS,5M LOW DOWN just eutctde city. 1 haet. AttMraae. Serler In .ood cotton- reOeorate Interior. Only 4 "l. eio. NVaTVhool. Full Price 700, 1006 dowa. , VF.RYNEAT And clean. A pleasun te ahow. Wall to tafl clrPeti! Owner HrlM atAtI- rulatet OU heat. Lane utllltr nm. UhM upetalra. 7 frull 1 top atrset. Full price enlr 6.00. TRUE VALUE AND IDEAL TERMS Almost nsw home m St. Vtoeent ret. Forced air OU heat. Sep. utllltr room. iTST 10 Turuw room. Sep. dlnlnl room. Lawn and ahruba. Insulated. FuU price onlr 116,600. A WONDERFUL BUY Kelser Diet. H acre. Spacious ? room. Lovelr td back r"jhJV and berries. Breakfast nook. new. Verr ood weU with lota of water. OU heat, Verr nice fireplace. Lot bulltlna and closet space. It a onlr 11.760. F.H.A. terM If deilred. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. 4-0030 or MR. KIOOINS. EVE. FB. 4-0464. If no answsr caU 4-13M. CHOICE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 400 ft, en 06B and 144 ft. frontaie on Lancaster. ThU Is an Idsal site for -,.,1 ... tru of buslnass. The brpaaa wlU sot Affect this propertr -t.""' war. Ownsr will separate. Win seU or Accept oround lease. INCOME PROPERTY nbtar. Klmaat new. Lot! Of Plato lau. Vary deeiraable location. Income a nor mo. a atorlac. Parking apaco and lot adiotnlna la available for parking apace, even a peaslmUt couldn't to wrong. Terma. Full prlca IM.OOC. BEAUTY SHOP Well aetabalahed. Wall equipped. Reason able rent. Purchase prlca of asooo inc. all fliturw. equipment and lareatory. Terma if desired. BUS. LOT Located north. Hit Mdr. now rented by the mo. Lota of room for expansion. Street frontaee on 8 sides. Apprx. H cltr blk. out of state owner sari aell It. Priced at onlr 85350. CALL FOR PAN IS AAK, EVE. PH. 4-1633. It no answer caU 4-3341. 10 ACRES With good modern bedroom boute. -Machine ahed. Prd. rd. Va mile to achool and town. Ownar will aell one aero and homo for 15,000 or will Ml lthe 10 acre 4.ba4. eTs 1MUI " CLOSE IN DANDY ltt aero plua. Very good modern S bedroom homa built In 1S44. Oarage, fruit house, wel Ikouae. Prd. rd. Beat f aell. 1 acre atrawberrlea under Irriga tion. 900 it. Irrigation pipe. New tele TiHloa aet, tractor, plow, barrow, anrlng tocth cultivator. Thla la a buy for 99,450. SEE THIS TODAY m acre. plus. Close In east. Verr best of aotl. Verr modern 4 bedroom bouse. 30 br 00 barn, chicken house, larais. Lots of fruit. Home has unusually lane rooms. Irritated. Thla la a buy for tO.vM,. wtu excnanie I or rood home in city. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. 1-4736. If no answer 4-3348. MORTGAGE LOANS 10 YEAR MATURITY AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-1111 or 1-7830 1031 PORTLAND ROAD Era. Phones: 1-4715, 4-6404 4-6030 or 1-135I If no answsr phone 4-1141 etie Real Nice 9-bedroom borne, well built, braakfaat bar. Buut-in radio. Large lot. A good buy at M5O0. , Good Family Home Large living room. 2 nice bedrooms. Larae utility room. WlU trade on email acreage. Prke 9450. Denton & Denton, Rltrs, 944 fctate Bt. Phone 9-9009 Kva. 9-0000, 3-4007, 3-4719 c59 iACRinCK, owner anxkruo to sell at leu than P.H-A. appraisal: 3 bedrooma, near achool. atore and bua. fireplace, hard wood floora, 91,300 down. Phone 4-4S37. C59 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE rom BALI OB TBADB by Owner 10-unlt apartment houaa, nit uvlng quarters, good location. Will taka home aa part payment. Terma. Ph. 9-7910. cbSO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RELIABLE MAN WANTED Not Vending Machines Reliable partr to handle whale, dltt. ot world-wide advertlaed repeat Items. Business set up tor rou. Onlr eupsrrlslon needed. Requires 63405. Secured ar con trolled br rou. Oood references ax car. Financial assistance enables rapid ex pansion. An aU cash, profitable, depression-proof bus. High Income starts luimed. Want partr capable eernlni to 610,000 rr. Liberal assistance wlU be granted qualified partr In Sa lem As surrounding towna. Nat'l concern. It cash Is araltable 4s rou can start at once, writ, giving phone for personal Interview with state representative. Write Box 1, Oapttsl JonraaL cd40 FOB RENT or lease, store building llxtl at era h. uncaster. Phone 4-3803. ed Money Back Guarantee 1719 to 43235 Investment glvea you your own Independent bualneee operating a route ot new money-making Oo dis pensers handling new, fast-moving con fections in drug atone, cafes, cluba, bua depota, etc. Route eat up tor you by our expert and protected by fire and theft insurance. You must have car. ref erences and 1719 to 92224, which la pro tected by an Iron-clad 100 lloner Back Guarantee backed by a 10 Million Dollar national Insurance company. De voting a few of your aware houra each week to the bualneae you ebould earn up to 900.00 weeklr spare time. fuU time more. Liberal financing assistance to aid expansion. Por full Information write, giving phone number and ad dress to Bx. T. Capital Journal. .fttMe RABBITS CALIFOBNIA BUCK and does. Phone 43061. 4410 Claxter Rd. .Ml BABBITS WANTED. Anr slsa and auen tltr. alao purebrad breedliut stock for aala. Phone 1-1107. eblt DENNIS the MENACE 40MMMM How gov rr ismt 'ourrs all Renr' whbj EDUCATION TELEVISION NEEDS TRAINED MEN!! ; . PAY $3 TO $5 AN HOUR APPLICATIONS ARB NOW BEINO ACCEPTED FROM MEN IN THIS ,-. . AREA WHO ARE EARNING LESS THAN 88000 A YEAR AND HAVE A SINCERE DESIRE TO MAKE A FRESH START IN THE MULTI MILION DOLLAR TELEVISION FIELD. MEN APPLYING MUST BE BE TWEEN THE AOES OP 17-55. THIS LOW-COST TRAINING PROGRAM WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH YOUR PRESENT JOB. . TV FURNISHED - V WE TRAIN YOU WITH ACTUAL TELEVISION EQUIPMENT. INCLUDINO FINE TV RECEIVER, YOURS TO KEEP. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE TO ASSIST YOU IN LANDING THE JOB OP YOUR CHOICE. IP YOU ARB SINCERE AND AMBITIOUS TO BREAK INTO TODAY'S FASTEST-OROW INC. INDUSTRY WRITE TODAY 1 t WRITE TODAY USE CLIP COUPON " Sure ! I want to enter the high-paying field of Television SERVICING and MAINTENANCE Rush me full information HOURS I WORK. MAIL TO TELEVISION TRAINING,; BOX 11, CAPITAL JOURNAL WANTED FURNITURE!iM!i!TwTa WANTED Oood used furniture And Phone 36001. appliance, da 9000000000 AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM dd68 0000000000000000000000 00000 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOB BALK 4-raar-old Arabian mare, very gentle. Route , box i-b. eao LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEF Whit, face Hereford, 31c. Locker pork. 36c Nothing down, 0 mos. to p.r. Custom klUlng. Trailer loaned free. Sal'm Meat Co, Ull S. 35th. Ph. 34658. ea' PETS r ALAMI.NO MABE, black, 83 cash. Inquln Apartment No. l, cen tral Howell. ac5. HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1638 McCor. one block eaat of N. Capitol, V, blocks north ot Madison. Ph. 3-6107. ec75 MOORE TROPICAL PISH, equipment, supplies, a miles from Lancaster on Maclear road. Phon. 1-7331. Closed Wednesdars. ec63' BOXES Flips A.K.C. champion sired. 750 Hawthorne Phot.. 13833. Olenn Hocbstctler. ecu' CHOICE CANARIES. 1340 Chemekete St. Phone 14345. ee58 FUEL BUY ANDERSON'S hendpkted elabwood. now I eord 414.00. Phone 1-7751 or 4-4363. e13 Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phon. 15111 . toil BroaJwar Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up rour Presto-Loss, Briquets and Wood. ll So. Com'L phone 1-1731. ee Journal Want Ads Pay LisTJ'a.'HI.gaA'l atkar-4T1r 1 ATTjwXTTnl ,;B.LPr,...rivi... rriTTe7TTrrf.-ri t.-nrrr i amwaiaBsWHiaWiEasatHMamaOJ IUMTB6A JtRIWAADI HAD tt tUWTWmL SHARK AT THAT ) A 6RANO TIMS HERS . 1 ..ONLY I CAUt S0l-BOAW STOPPED OFF OUR, J APPHtStnATf fT. rr RIOIN.' - CV7 THE WAR. v -fi rMSOMAO edfT NsCsr V. A8WrT wUvW aSeVERAJ. HOURS tATcrR.. rm boys newt A SWIM AT WAIKIKI BCACM KfOftS TANN1 V 0. CANTON 31AM AAO WJI. sMssBHmM ByKetcham EDUCATION FUEL Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tuba eervlce, all kinds ad wood. Phone 1-6444 WALNUT SHELLS, 30 sacxa tor tL or 63 ton, 83 ton delirereo in town. Morris Klorfsln Packing Co, 460 North Front . Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. srssuuu run ov vbio Planer Ulniminga, 99 load. Phono tTTtl a West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 19 CUBAN IMMEDIATK DELIVERY 2;ud Wood 1829 Edaewatar Phone Salem S-4031 .a.....a.....a. a...... FOR SALE POULTRY FOB SALE Batams. Punbred Butt Cochin. Phone 43383. "e- WANTED Colored fryers, colored end leihorn hens, mineet prices. see Hatcherr, phone 33861. t FOB SALE Twice weeklr. day-old chicks In New Hampshlru, Farm enters, iten. White Leehome, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks, White Wrandottes. P arm enter cockerels. Le. Hatcherr. phone 13861. fa SPECIAL New Hampshire pullets, 16c aa. VaUer Farm Store, Ph. 4W34. no- WHITE LEGHORN, Auitrewblte. and New Hampshire chicks, oil nundrea. rn. 36343. Pslmer'a Poultry Farm, Brooks. no GOLDEN BBOAD and New Hampshire chlclu, hatched every Monday and Thura day. Our chlcfca grow foster. Pox'a Hatchery, 3430 Btate Bt Ph. 14999. f 4-STAB pullorum controlled ehlcka avail able now at ward'a. Heaitny yworoua chicks which are direct derwendantt of podlgreed-alred flocks. An are from VJS. approved pullorum controlled flocka! 100 aa atched New Hampa .417.50 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade as High St. Salem fso PRODUCE ORGANIC OROWN TREE-RIPENED ow Ansae and grapefruit. Potatoes, onions, apple, snd nuts. PHILLIP BROS. PARM MARKET, 1600 Lancaster Drlra. Phone 1-1105. !! OAT and VETCH bar. 635i .heat her, 111. Ph. 41071. f!58" HELP WANTED MALE TIRE BECAP and repair man. Passenger tiraa onlr. Must be experienced. Oood pay for good man. O.K. Rubber Welders, Box 434, Cooe Bay, Oregon. gal8 IS AN excellent chance for mm thoroughly experienced in Interior and window display to become associated with one ot Amerlca'a outstanding de partment atorea. Permanent position. 40 hour, ft day week with vacation prlvl leiee, discount en mdse. purebaaea. Iluat bave aucceaaful record of ability and creatlveneaa In display field. Btate aee. experience and references in letter to Mr. Harvey A. Johnston, Personnel Di rector, TKB BON MiUtCHX. Baattle, Washington, gaSO i PUBLIC B ELATION 9 reprcaenteUvee wanted for Interesting dignified work which wlU give you a better than av erage Income and an excellent oppor tunltr for advancement in an entirely new field. Can 4-4429 March tth and loth from 1 to 4 p.m. ge&4 By Ham Fisher 1 E eaur t .