y Tele-Views Radio-Television By DAVE BtACKMEH RADIO PROGRAMS TUESDAY P. M. Of interest to many readers is that KSLM is startinir daily operation till 1 a.m. every night except Sunday. There are many shift worker, teen-agers, party-givers, etc., who want good music after midnight when most other stations are off the air. KSLM is Salem's only fulltime, 1,000 watts network station. They atarted operating un til 1 o'clock last Friday night, : . . I Love Lucy The most talked-about program on television. Lucy and her zannie antics keep Desi, her husband, in a con tinual whirl. They are seen on Monday nights at 9. . "CBS Radio and Television rrtlKCfCnn .ToMr Rannu will play a three-week engage- ILoveLuev ment at the Curran Theater, San Francisco, starting April 21. Benny and Louis R. Lurie, owner of the theater, signed contracts over the week-end for the comedian to take over the theater on a four-wall deal, with Benny furnishing the entire bill and equipment for the engagement. The Will Mastin Trio, starring Sammy Davis, Jr., has already been signed for the engagement, and four other top variety acts will be set to round out the show. - Congressman Donald Jackson has authorized television coverage of the House un-American Activities Committee hearings scheduled to begin in Los Angeles Monday, March 23. Jackson vill be chairman of the subcommittee which .will hold hearings on communism in the entertainment in dustries in Hollywood. . YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING Theater at 8: "Letter for the Queen." Soldier intercepts a letter which incriminates Queen of France as a traitor. Queen's adversaries plot against him and while he fights valiantly for the Queen's name he plays right into the en emies' hands. Voice of Firestone at 8.30. Hilde Gueden, Vienese colora tura soprano will be guest. She will sing "I Give My Heart", "Quel iuardo II Cavaliere" and "Yesterdays". - I Love Lucy at 9. Ricky accidentally gives Lucy a shiner and Fred and Ethel think they are having a family "tiff", and intercede with black-eyed results. Robert Montgomery Playhouse at 10 stars Diana Lynn in "Dinah, Kip and Mr. Barlow" story of three people try ing for the same job in an advertising agency and how love complicates things. ' Nite Owl Theater at 11:30. "Larceny on the Air". Rob ert Livingston, Grace Bradley, Wiliard Robertson. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only procrtnu icliwJulea in tdrtMt) MARR RADIO and TELEVISION INC. SoUm's Most Compltt Television Center 2140S.Com'l . Phone Day or Nlfht 2-1611 or 2-4728 MOKDAT II ' DMA Tht Biff ?jMf 1J:J0 p.m. Wtlcomt TravtUtr 1:M p.m. Ku mith 1 oo p.m. Doubto or Nothing J 10 p.m. uiki It Rich 1 p.m. Matlnet The Mr 4:1 m.rtb for Tomorrow 4 S0 p.m. Love of Lift fl: p.m.-rWIKl Bill Hlckok ft:19 p.m. Hopftlonf ClMr 30 p.m. Teltntwi ?.5 p,m. Ttm tor Ettny 00 p.m. chinct ot Liftttont 1:10 p.mv Short Dramt ?: p.m. Ntwi Ct-rrma :00 p.m.-tTron Thcttor JO p.m. Voleo ot Plrwtono :0O p.m. 1 Lot Lucy :S0 p.m. Brd Button 10:00 p.m. Robert Montfomiry F.ayhouit 11:00 p.m. CtnOld Cmtr J1:I0 p.m. Nitt Owl Tttttwr i0& Motorola TV Mitchell's RADIO TELEVISION ISM State . Phone 17577 PHILCO First In Public Demand! F TV Center f I Open to p.m. E 1 111 CENTER I 130 yn. in Salem ff TUESDAY 11:00 p.m.-Th Bl Ttittt -12:10 p.m. Wtlcomt Travtltr 1:00 p.m.-Kttt emlth 3:04 p.m. Btty rurniu Sill p.m. A. Ootffrtr 1:10 p.m.-trlkt It Rich 1:00 .. Mtln Tbtattr 4:1ft p.m. orch for Tomorrow 4:10 p.m-LOVO Of Lit 1:00 p.m. Howdy Doody 1:00 p.m. Nomt't tht Btmo 1:30 p.m. Dout Bdwtrdi :4ft p.m. Timo tor Bttnr 7:00 p.mv Two for tht Monty 1:10 p.m. Dlntb Abort 7:45 p.m. Newt Car ft van 1:00 p.m. Clrcua Hour 0:00 p.m. Pirtakk Thtator 0:0 p.m. Clrdt Thcattr 10:00 p.m. Alan Touna Show 10:10 p.m. Arott Wiuic Hall 11:00 p.m.-uy Unit Marait 11:30 p.m.- Nitt owl Tbtator PACKARD-BELL 21" end 24" Television Built Best for the West Eddie Lewis . TELEVISION Sales and Service -493 Ferry St. Salem .. 'j. V (htt iB .Mf-I I . rf a.ri 1 , Installed in Your Home for as Low as $2.95 Per Week Valley Television Center 1 'TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, senrlco and Installation. All sets sold and Installed carry (all 90-day service. Factory-trained Technician IN SALEM ; Baigley Bros. Furniture 2315 Foiraroundt U. Phono 2-5491 IN WOODIURN 171 Grant St. Phono 3611 1:8 4:M 4:15 4: KGW HBO Naara bU 1 LMi raaaar I'm Bapalaaaa Km Caaaa Oat U Bataa Part, nun D<u Wl. ar... War la BM. BUUMt oh, ritkw Kirkbsa KUkaui rtala Bill r. . ai-lt DW. Wilt TrtTthw Or. O. Oarraway Valla Baa ! Bal MMI' Bal Maaia S Ntwa rmt h. HaCall B. raianaa KOIN tW CBS tar Wait Ear Wert Bar Watt Bar Waal Maa. Saala. L OXIr.r A. Oathar la. aartr Oaafrar jG.dlrtr Birkkaa atk Aaktaa Waktli TaaataUr t Marra Nawa WarW Tatar rraaa aaaa KEX lit aac M MlUaa Jaefc Owaaa Jack Owaaa FTaa Traaaa Nan tea? tea H.rr'a Maall lark Blrkwaa U. raaillaa alia Cat Tlaaar Tal Ttaaaa Ura Uka a Hlltlaaalra Bavaa Maala BUI Blaa far tka OMa Taaaa aalrral Care hlaaar Tlai. Marrla Ctrak rtaklar C. Baaltar Bak Garni KSLM Pi.wi tlaala Maala kaaaar kar Taa iBdraaaelaoetj N.wi Paala lint (Tallaa Lack) IHcailhcwar Cmtt Minn iaaj Baraa Kat. rraataa Sat. rraataa Rkr Klaa s Klaa KGAE RaMar KaMar Srlarr Kan Da Tal Da Val jBl.kla alaar kMaar alaar ha-aata Mak Malta Hat. 'Mm Xttear alaar alaar Ulaa Caaar Skav lis Daaar HtMMa Brar Maala Mart. Malta Mart Maala Mart Maala Mart Maala Mart Maala Mart Maala Mart KOCO Maala Malaa Marl' Maala Mat, Maala Mat, Maria Mat. Maala MaL Warti N.va Bara'tla Vati karaai laak Waaiaaa ft itkaataaaa akawraaa frallaa Tlaaa Aalai Maala K.lal Maala riakar Mali? rk Ikrlaar BarkSkrlaar laaa tlekant Jaaa riakana li l:r l:ir IS:jlr II:" 11:111 il:f Ufa wllk LaM Mr mart Inaa Paaala An raaar Maala Ball Maala Ball Maa'a VaaiU WarK Naaw Calralaata al AaHrtaa L. Tkaiaaa Oa Saat r. aa Mr iraru Martla A Laarta .. Xtilt SUIIarS fraaaaai VA Baaartar aarU Flaal Tka Ckaaa Tka Ckaaa Ntwt L. MaCaU Maaaaai ISIas Off Darla Dar Bar laalar Mlaa It Star riaal Uaa Intarrlm Rarr Ska Oraaa MalaaHaa Traatarr Baas Ilia 0(1 Waatkaraaaa aaaa . OaaS Uataalar Kak. Baattar INW N.aa -aaawar Mas Isaai Baraa Sllrar tail. Sllrar (war Mlaknal Skaraa Baaartar Eaaaaaa W Caaaf Bamblrra iFAkkaaatta raaakaaalla Matt Taar Malakbar Tan Martini T..a Maak Maaiiar n. Haal It. Daaca Tlaaa Daaaa Tlaaa haaaa Tlaaa Daaaa Tlaia Uaaaa Tlaia Daaaa Tlaaa Daaca Tlaaa 'Daaea Tlaia Maala Mart Situ 0(1 Hiak Adraalara Maala Maala Glaa Barli rallaa Law la wkat'a Caak iMaal. BeklaA Slargl Nmraal Nm Baauaar Oasl Haanmar JdaH Mlaaltkt MalaSlaa Malaalaa Xtra Baar ICaaaaallakt IcaatlaUlbt Nm laaaaw tat Waaarr MuraSlM: Maala Saarta Traak KM hcraak MM muk uaa Traak MM Traak MM Traak I4M Krark ltM WarM Nm NUM Saat NUkt Sax Maala laa Waal Naalaraa Naatara Naataraa Nactaraa Slra Of. Don't frot evtr a down poyment. Wo toko most anything on trod for beautiful , Set. See Vs First for the Finest! TRADER LOUIE TV 1S10 Lena Ave. ' Phone 31561 OpB Monday aod Friday Brenlnfs Reed Says He Really Was Horrified Lon( Beach, Calif. WV-Police were skeptical of Ray E. Reed's stotry that a woman held him at gunpoint, then danced in the nude among the tombstones of a grave yard in the moonlight. - But, checking on Reed's in formation, they found It was all too true. . Reed saw a pretty brunette In stalled car and went to her rescue. But rhe displayed a gun and advised him: "Be a good little boy and you won't be hurt." She marched him to the Loma Vista cemetery and there did her dance. When she finished she told the 24-year-old Reed he could leave. "I was horrified, and I left hurriedly." : Officers traced the car's owner through license plates but Reed declined to prose cute. The woman said only that she was "celebrating." WEDNESDAY 4 A.M. TO 1 1 :45 A.M. .Baa Maala Tlaaa Maala Tlaia Maala Tlaaa fara Tlaaa m Caaatrr ES. I. Ik WUla Naara Baai Maa. ' S:H III S:a 014 Saaaa OK Saaaa Maala Bai Maala Bal II :4' 1S:N 10:15 IS:M i:a' 11: li! Nm Bro Oratat KOIN Black KOIN Black Orrian faraj Baar Ora. Varai O. raraa Br. KOIN Black 'Naara N.wa ' B. Bakkllt C.a. Naara Naur Oraa Slaaa raaarr Maala Baa Maala Baa Aaicr. Trail V. Llnllibr laataaa Baa. Haataaa Baa, Strlka II Kick Daaala ar Natklai Bak aa4 Bar Bak Baaa iNawa Airaaakrl ak oarrM Bak Baaca Braakfatt Clak Braakfaat Clak, W. Warraa aaat Jaaar Bclca Trial Oal Saadar Baa III. Ma rarataa Dr. Malaaa Qali. Llikt Mra. Bartaa Parrr Maaam Nara Draka Brliklcr Dail yw Naara Tlaaakaapar NCWB Marck Tlaia Braalncwar Breaklatt Gaaa Sam Marra IH I ITaAar'a Start Braak Baak Braak Baak IBraaafart Naak Braaklaat Naak IBraakfait Naak Braakfaat ' Naak Cecil Brava Fiaallr Allarillaa Daadr Danar Dandr Harca af Baat Dr. SararS Call Caaatrr Bta. Caaaltrj Oareaer Ckat HaoUerl Mr Traa Starr Qlta BarSr T.la Taat Aacwar Maa Maala WkuaarlBv otrl Marrlaa LlaAlakr Baracr Kaas Laitaa Fair Laalaa Fair Qataa rat Dar Maladlu Maladlaa raraa Naara Nat. Naara Baak ranca Mallaaa Paatar'i callBack rcaea Mallaaa Baak Faaaa Matlaca Back rcoaa Mallaaa Back Faaca Matlaca (Sack Fcaaa Mallaca Ml. Angel Garden Club Meets March 11 Mt. Angel Mount Angel Garden club will meet Wednes day, March 11, at 8 p.m. in the City hall, for regular monthly I business. I Plana will be discussed - and committees appointed for the annual Primrose show, which Is slated for April. Mrs, Roy : Palmer has been named general .show chairman. Through' the courtesy of the Schmitt Feed and Seed com pany, a film from the Lilly Seed company on bulbs and soil conditioner, will be shown at the meeting. Mrs. Wllbert Aman and Mrs. Josheph Wagner are In charge of the program for the evening. H..s Women's Club Donations Salem Heights Mrs. Tred Browning and Mrs. John Doug las were hostesses to the Salem Heights Womans club on Friday afternoon. , The (roup voted to support the carnival to be sponsored by the South Salem Suburban Chamber ot Commerce in May. Named on the committee were Mrs. Ralph Maud" and Mrs. Lyle Bayne. DonaO'.u were made to the Red Cross and the Heart Fund. The (roup will serve re freshments at the Chamber of Commerce meeting on March 18. at the hall. Serving will be Mrs. Ralph Maude and Mrs. Fred Browning. Mrs. Harold Roaebraugb gave a book review on - me vurve and the Tusk," by Stuart Cloete, Mrs. R. H. Dobell of Tacoma, Wash., is visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Raymond on W, Madronna Ave. Square Dancing at Salem Heights Salem Heights The Salem Heights Community club will meet on Wednesday, March 11, at 8:00 p.m. at the Community hall. New officers wilt take charge of the business meeting, and a social evening Is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Allen wUl call square dancing, for the. adults, and Bill Allen, 11 years old will call for the youngsters. The fourth, fifth and sixth grade stu dents of the Salem Heights School have been invited to at tend. There will also be music for modern dancing, cards for those -who want to- play, and games for the small fry. Mrs. Jay Morris will take charge of the refreshment, Capital Journal. Satem, Ore., Monday, Karth t. i:;.tii Malllatlaaa KOCO Klaak KOCO Black KOCO Blaak Naara KOCO Klaak KOCO Klaak Naara Haaalnaaa rraaa Tlaaa Iriaaa Pta ralrai K. hall. They were Instructed is making and cutting, multiple. versatile and permanent stencils and saw the um of onstrated at the all-day bunW in. . ' m of ncLUiDLn t7ic::: klBBa byr.M. ttM7,ttH4 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5655 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIIIKTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on - - Large Appliances Ivan Roys and Walt Claua, Owners APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING I APPLIANCE CO., 113 N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIOHT" New Store In Court House Square , Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph. 2-1C01 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 190 S. 12k NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT C H. "CLIFF ERICKSON We Specialize in Wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair. Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Us for Estimates or v Pickup and Delivery ,. ; . AWNINGS - TENTS - TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT t AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY Csnvas Goods ot Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER BRICKWORK Ph. 26545 FRANK'S SERYICE INSIDE nd OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch plastering. Chimney tops., ALL WORK GUARANTEED ' CHINESE FOODS Hubbard Women Paint Hubbard Twenty women were present for the second day ot "Textile Painting" instruc tion, Thursday at the Rebekah Four Corners News CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 3-7324 Bara Braarla Kara Kacaraa Bara Baaaria Bara 1 Baaaraa nt Maa.i KOIN 1 1.1. S .a. la U a.a. BIX tt.t, I ial a.aj. DIAL LISTING, KOAC, fitt Iff Af Taaaaar P. M. UiM, Naval rWMV U:Ui pUl CMtr jiaaat. 1:W. BKa 'Ial Cawkarl t:M, Baaaalallr far Waaicai traa, Warlt Barlaart (:. Cklldrcn'a Tkcalrri t:N. Naara and .Wcattacri 9-.U, Oraaaa Latlalalarci ):15. IfTiAP r.iacaaar A.M. 1:H. ha aaa ar.aikan lltla. BaaaaMI Ir far Wamrni ll:aa, Oraaaa Sckaal af Air: :I8, Naaa raraa Baar. Ercniar Farar lM, Slra Off. Baan SilS, MaSltallaai New School or Double Shift Willamina Wlllamina Union high school will be faced with the possibility of operating on a doube shift basis in the near future, If the $260,000 bond is sue, set for election Monday, March 9, falls to carry, accord ing ot high school principal War ren Cook. The high school will have a probable enrollment of partment, 400 students in 19ST-8 and ac cording to the school census, a possible enrollment of 800 in '57 '58. The structure, built in 1939 to accommodate 120 students, has a current enrollment of 300. In reviewing the current crowded condition of the school, the principal states that only two classrooms are being used as Intended. As an indication of the seriousness of the situa tion, health classes are being taught in dressing rooms and on the stage ot the gymnasium. The crowded conditions in some of the classrooms have created a definite fire hazard, and in many Instances, three students are forced to share lockers Intended for one pupil. Cook also stated that rest room facilities are in adequate and pose a health and sanitation problem. The State Department of Edu cation has been making repeat ed recommendations to the high school district for improvements. The department has not yet in dicated they will withhold state aid funds, but school district of ficials feel this may come in the future unless the improvements in facilities are authorized in the Immediate future. The high school has a large enrollment because of the ex tensive territory the district Salem's Finest Picture Trader Louie 1870 Land Ave. HONE 31351 comprises. The district's valua tion is $3,106,839. The bond is sue would mean an additional levy of approximately five mills. Improvements which would come under the bond issue auth orization Include principally: five additional classrooms, spec ial music room for band and chorus, new library, new toilet facilities, addition of the voca tional agriculture course with shop facilities, remodeling and enlarging the homemaking de- a cafetorlum which would be a combination cafe teria and auditorium. The audi torium would seat approximate ly 700. Under the project the seating capacity of the gymnas ium would be doubled. Balloting on the bond issue is set between 2 and 8 p.m. at the high school, March 9. COMMUNITY CLUB MEETS Dallas The Dallas Commun ity club will hold its monthly meeting at the Christian and Missionary- Alliance church on Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. The program will be announced later. Refreshments will be served. All men in the commun ity are invited to attend. Gloversville, N. Y., was so nsmed because a group of glove makers from Scottland es tablished a glove Industry there before the Revolutionary War. Four Corners The Lincoln school Mothers club held its March meeting Friday afternoon in the multipurpose room ot the school. Mrs. Everett Clark presided at the business session. She appoint ed the following members on the nominating committee tor the coming election of officers: Mrs. Lawrence Lee, Mrs. Claude Kil gore, Mrs. David Gentry. The club will sponsor a carni val the latter part of April, Tieing for top place in the m.thers' room count were Mrs, Emily Van Santen and Miss Joan Aitken s rooms. Guest speaker for the April meeting will be Walter Snyder, superintendent of Salem schools. D. Virgil Lamb, principal, in troduced Miss Gretchen Kream- er, supervisor of music for Sa lem schools, who spoke on music appreciation. Hostesses were the room moth ers from Miss Joan Aitken's room. The second grade room, with Mrs. Kathleen Toycen, teacher, went on a field trip to the United Air Lines. They were accompa nied, by Mrs. Roy Thayer and Mrs. Frank Ferrln. A special singing assembly was held on Thursday with the entire student body and faculty participating. Butch Kleen led the flag sa lute. Janis Decker, first grade student, sang "God Bless Ameri ca." Patriotic numbers and rounds concluded the program with Mrs. Emily Van Santen di recting and Miss Hazel Rleke, accompanist. - The shsdow box display last week wss by the fifth grade students. Soap carving, sewing, ceramics and textile painting were some ot the arts displayed. The Well Child Conference will be March 11 in the Com munity house from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Immunizations at 12:30. Examinations 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Call Marlon County Health De partment for appointments. All infants and pre-school children are eligible. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hopkins were hosts to the Home Build ers class of the Baptist church for their March meeting. Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAPE - 205S FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chines & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" . Bring th. Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties Mrs. Bob Wright was co-host ess. Elected to office for the com ing year was president Vernon Forest;- vice-president, Bob Wright; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Wendell Miller; assistant secre tary-treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Snook; social . chairman, Mrs. Paul Zook, assistants Mrs. George VanLeeuwen and Mrs. Harold Holler. Others pres rmt were Mrs. Vernon Forest, Paul Zook, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haytack, Rev. and Mrs. Victor Loucks and Miss Janet Loucks. Mrs, Noel Schaberg honored her son, Paul, on his 11th birth day anniversary. Following the social hour dessert refreshments I were served to Jimmy, Donnie and Dale Schaberg, Linda Capps, Marsha and Richard Lee, Dar lene and Ronnie Schaberg, Su san Swearlngen, Sherlll White, Ona Schaberg, Jeanne and Jerry Wymore, Wayne Murray, Gary Nieland, Margo Wing, Roy and Ray Gordon, Robin, Aaron, Gar net and Leta Thayer, Sherman Morgan, Kenneth Brant, Lonny and Jeanne Dockter, Larry Grel der, Eileen Beaty, The inspiration for a party was Leta Thayer's 13th birthday an niversary on March 7. Mrs. Roy Thayer was hostess for her daughter. Dessert refreshments were passed to Margo and Su san Wing, Kathy Snook, Connie Chambers, Rita Gordon, Adele Brown, Marjorie Wolfe, Sharon Dlllard, Marilyn Corbett, Mar sha Lee, Joyce Meyer, Garnet, Aaron and Robin Thayer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker were hosts to the Krazy Kard Klub on Saturday evening. Pi nochle was in play and the guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Os born, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bra den, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr. and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker, Miss Jeanle Chrisman. MORTARLESS ILOCK CO. 1 4th I L HOYT Approved- ReinforcM Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers ot Motor Blocks Interlocking Block In Pumice or Concrete Alto Chimney Blocks - Equipment Soles-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. 1183 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers Air Compresses, t Dancers riumoing Tools - rower ana Hand Mower obarpenlng Repair on All Small Gas Engines - V mac tzzTii aaaaaaaW II FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS -21 7 $. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphelt and Rubber Tfls Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! ' OFFICE MACHINES You can count on for Your quick S CASH LOAN lor has a loan plan for everyone i MALL K LA1CI AMOCUTI I $25 to $1500 aavm laA B Reern 300 317 Court It. Pttetr 4-J36 l . WAUUB, Mr- IRRIGATION -PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 UNA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe ; . Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES Ph.2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND RO. American & British Motorcycles Indian, BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters "If it has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY SELL or FIX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service'' Office 1120 N. Liberty .. Whs.. 290 S. Liberty Ph.3-5584 Typewriters. Adding Machines, Cslculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., S31 Court R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater SL OILING ' WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR3-37C9 ROAD OILING PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph. 3-4783 F. 0. REPINE CO 2S8S PORTLAND ROAD Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brush : WE GO ANYWHERE . . . ANY SIZE JOB Csll ITs for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERYICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMBINQ t HEATINO Repairing Residential 395 Chemeketa Commercial Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOW KKVK! We Give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISINBIRRY PHARMACIES Pk. 2-11 57 1)0 f. Ubsrtf 310 Ctwt. Dsmtswa 2440 tmr. Ms, Csstst 24-HOUR SERVICE ' Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally. -8:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. and 8:00 Pitt to :oo P. M. All Sundays and Holidays RADIO REPAIRS,;. .SPh. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S -Radio-Television 1880 Start Motorola Dealers for General Eltjctrli " Pick up and Delivery i , - TELEVISION Ph. 4-227! HEIDER'S RADIO I TELEVISION - 393 N. HIGH . Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE INSTALLATION SALES Borne and Auto Radio and Television Specialists la the