???? JouniJJmlem, Ore, Monday, March t, 1953 In the Valley B4tte4 by MIKI FORBES Legion Groups Meet at Dallas Dallas The American Legion and auxiliary held their joint no hoit dinner Thursday to com memorate - the March birthday of the legion. A large birthday cake was presented for the cele bration. Hostesses for the event included: Mrs. Del Reinemer, Mrs. A. J. Kracher, Mrs. Martin Burlbach. and Mrs. Delbert Hunter. Following the dinner the legion members retired to ad joining rooms for their business meeting and the auxiliary pro ceeded with their initiation of new members, initiated were: Mrs. Tom New and Mrs. Wen dell Bunnell. During the business melitig a report was given by Elmer Masker who is in charge of the .hospital equipment which is available to the community for loan. The organization voted to tnake contributions to Bed Cross and the Heart Fund and to co operate with the Blood Recruit ment Committee. The group also voted to send two girls to the Girls State outing. ; Plans were made for prises to be given at the annual essay and Poppy Poster contests which will be under way in the schools soon. It was announced that the Key to Peace books had arrived and were being placed in the high school library. The members of the auxiliary are at present knitting sweat ers to be sent to Korea, and have been asked to participate in the - cancer program in this area by stuffing envelops which will aoon be going out ' Plans were also made for the style show in which the mem bers participate, some time In May. Costumes for the show are supplied by J. C Penney com pany and Crlder's Department store. Hair styling is done by a local hair stylist Next meeting of the auxiliary will be on April 2. The annual crab teed will be held at the home of Mrs. Betty Card on April 18. Donald Sheridan Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. 8orty Vogelsang of Rlverton, Wyoming, art visiting with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Al Brea ks t. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore and Alan left this week for a vaca tion in Texas. jimmy Kilmer celebrated his birthday this week with a din ner given by hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kara Kilmer. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Black of Dallas, Virginia and Vicky Black and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whitney. Lt and Mrs. B. 3. Miller and sons have moved from Sheridan to San Diego. Calif., where Lt Miller has been stationed in the navy. The local dentist was re cently called back to military duty. Robert L. Brown has resigned as principal of Chapman grade school, to become effective at the end of the current term. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Xisele cel ebrated their son Jerry's birth day this week with a dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rogers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ervln Severn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Mckin ley have returned home from a three weeks vacation trip which took them to Detroit, Mich. Florida, alonr the gulf states to California, where they visited at Los Alamitos. J. H. Williams of Westhope, N. D., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wsde. Guy Bradley, well known Sheridan man and a former may or, suffered a heart attack this week. After spending- several days In a McMinnville hospital, he is now recovering at home. Local ground observation corps officials announced last week that in the future, local citizens will not be needed to nan the observation post at Chapman grade school. Luther Hyde, announced that planes will be reported by Taylor Lunv ber Sales on a 24-hour basis. Kenneth Frack of Sheridan ' appeared with OSC symphony orchestra on March I for its an nual home concert Frack la a sophomore in pharmacy and is . the son of Mr. and Mrs. Xrnest Frack of Sheridan. He plays the. tenor saxophone. Discussion Group Will Meet Monday Independence The next meeting of the elementary PTA discussion group will be held Monday, March 9, at p.m. hi the elementary school There will be a continuation of the dis cussion held on Feb. . at which time the talk centered on gradua tion and th problems of the adolescent age. Miss Jessie Blackburn, girls adviser of the Central high school, win lead the discussion. Donald Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wilson were callers in the Lin Cromwell homo last week. Wil son was recently Inducted into the service and is now stationed at Ft Lewis, Wash. Mr. . and Mrs. Lin Cromwell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Emler of Portland Sunday after noon and evening. Mr. Emler used to work for Mr. Cromwell some years sgo. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knlxley were in Donald last week to get the balance of their furnishings. They are now living in Golden dale, Wash. Grant Brb, Alvin Peterson and Victor Madison are building a new brick garage for Lin Crom well in Donald. The brick build ing is being put up Immediately behind the present building. Cheryl Lytic, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lytle. fell in front of the post office last Friday and cracked the bone fa her right arm. Mrs. Ben Keutfman reports that her son, Maurice, who is in sn iron lung In Providence hos pital m Portland, is slowly im proving, but has a long way to go yet. Gordon Hagan, grandson of Al Feller, was a Donald visitor over the week end, visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herlln, and daughter Nancy of Astoria, snent the week end with Mn Herlln 's father, John Pelto. Theyi brought some salted salmon for Mr. Pelto, but friends dont know whether John got any of it or not, as the fish disappeared temporarily. j Bus Tergen has returned to his duties in the navy. He was given 10 days additional leave when bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lye 11 Tergen were in an auto mobile accident New Tear's day. His mother is home from the hospital now and is slowly im proving, after having spent over a month In the hospital in Portland. Recently members of the up per grades of the Donald school and some of the freshmen from North Marion Union H;h School had skating party at Newberg. Those driving or taking cars were Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. John Orvold, Mrs. C A. BUke, Mr. and Mrs. Scrogglns, Mrs. Tom Huffman and Miss Mamie Vin cent. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hendricks spent Friday, Saturday and Sun day with hia brother, E. G. Hendricks of Redmond. Mr. Hendricks has fust recently pur chased a ranch at Redmond. Mrs. Warren Feller is chair- man of the Red Cross Drive for the Donald school district She is being assisted by Mrs. W. H. Kruse who is covering the town of Donald, and Mrs. Sid Hen dricks Is covering the commu nity around Donald. Delbert Haener was confined to his home last week with the flu and was under the doctor's care.. However, he Is able to be up and about now. Bethel Park Varied Program Silverfon PTA Silverton A varied program was presented Thursday during the monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher association. Mrs. Wllbert Peron, publications chairman, suggested "Inter national Night" for the general theme. Mrs. Ralph Schmidt presi dent was in charge. The Rev. Douglas Harrell gave the invo cation. The flag was presented by Troop 103, Girl Scouts, troop leaders, Mrs. Alien Brown and Mrs. Jonas Byberg, directing. Miss Hannah Olson, faculty member of the Eugene Field grades, arranged and announ ced the program. Ms. Ursula Glaiser, a hos pitality scholarship student at Willamette university, told of 2E " ..Si. r ..-"ri. . Munson. Mrs. Munson has been minuter, making their home in m the P" twoweexs. the town of Una, 'Attends Faaeral Giving talks on Chemawa' Aurora Mr. and Mrs school life were Rebecca Vielle' Georee Aakin will attend Bethel Park Miss Ethel Berg lund is on a vacation from her office duties. Rev. and Mrs. Ray Cather and family were Sunday dinner guests In the Edward Edmond home. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Beaty of Vonealla were recent visitors in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gardner Johnson. Miss Becky Young is on the sick list this week. A group of Park folks attend ed the missionary convention at the First Baptist church in Sa lem Monday night Among those attending were Rev. and Mrs. Ray Cather, Bert and Doro thy, Mrs. Edward Edmond and children. Donna and Duane, Mrs. Laura Goffrier, Miss Mary Gof- frier, Mrs. Amy Fite and daugh ter. April. Rev. and Mrs. George Bacon motored to Myrtle Point to visit Mrs. Bacon's sister. Mrs. Belle from Northern Idaho, and Bar bara Davis, Navajo, from North ern California. Egan Finger, displaced local resident and Mrs. George Park, both from Germany, gave abort talks of their native land as it is now. Judge Alt O. Nelson, gave an account of "close to the people I Miller, Beaverton. and their home life" in the num-1 Mrs. Ryan passed away Tues- erous countries of Europe 'day. Burial will be in Lincoln through which he and Mrs. Net" Memorial Park, Portland, son made a recent educational' tour. CHAIRMAN WORKS ALONE s..noi.n..nt.i Wheatland Mrs. J. S. Gil- furnished by the PTA Mother funeral services Saturday morning. March 7, at the Ed ward Hoknan and Son chapel, Portland, for Mrs. Catherine May Ryan 14036 N E Glisan, widow of the late James A. Ryan, and grandmother of Dale M. Miller of Beaverton, creat-crandmother of Craig A. Singers directed by Miss Gerald- ine French, Mrs. John Dennison, as accompanist With Mrs. Lloyd Taylor aa hospitality chairman, the fifth grade mothers were social hour hostesses. key of Whestland is chairman for the Red Cross drive and has been unable to secure assistants and will, unassisted, contact 30 families. Circle 8 Honors Mrs. John Cerny Dallas Circle B of the Pres byterian church met at the home of Mrs. John Cerny Wednesday. The feature of the afternoon was a handkerchief shower given for Mrs. Verne Smith, a long time member of the group, who has sold her home in this community and is planning to move to Fort Stevena to make her home wltn her .daughter, Mrs. William Owens. During the afternoon the mem bers made plans for a rummage sale. Mrs. John Cerny was in charge of the devotions. Guests for the afternoon were Mesdames Doris Coade, Charles Zemanek, Agnes Tharpe. Members present besides the guests and hostess dams Emil Febvet, Fred Jack .n fnrm MrftM. Harriet En- stesd, Roy Phillips, Fred Rosen- kranx, Conrad Stairin, w. v. Fuller. BJanche Hamilton, Carl Gerlinaer. Sr.. Claude Allen, and George Kurre. The next meeting on March is will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Zemanek. Macleav Home Ec Club Meets Tuesday Macleay Mrs. Sherman Barry and Mrs. Leonard Lee will be hostesses to members of the Grange Home Economics club at the Orange hall Tuesday after noon, March 10. The study project win be "Spring Cleaning" and "House bold Aids." The leader will be Mrs. Lloyd Keene. Power Utility Asks Franchise ' Lebanon The dry council this week received application from the Mountain States Power company for a telephone Iran chiae, asked for in the name of the Linn County Teiepnone company which was recently purchased by the power com pany. The franchise would be for ten years. , First and second readings of the ordinance were approved with final reading held op until April 7, as the city charter pro vides for advertising of the franchise at least twice before lt can be granted. - Under its provisions the city would collect two per cent of the gross local - exchange re ceipts. In addition the company agreed to furnish free telephone service for city offices. Narse Tuts Heme " . Mt Ansel Mia ir.th-,.. Gores. R.N a nun al th t . view. Wash., hospital for thl oast four veara. U nnrfi.. - - . ma I week here at the home of her parous, nr. ana Mrs. Peter T Gores. On Bunrisv mi.- n ' left for Montgomery, Ala, to en. w we uniiea states Air Force with the rank of first lieutenant New Shewing - Open t:U Alaa Lads Virginia Mays "IRON MISTRESS" - - ALSO 1 ' Tony Cartias Piper Laaria ' "SON OF ALIBABA" - were ases-i ... Safeway sells only "U. S. CHOICE" and U. S. GOOD" beef, lamb and veal because these top Government grades offer greatest value. They have a high percentage of well-marbled meat and provide the eating satisfaction we know our customers demand. Sodality Group Plans Activities Methodists Move To New Building Sheridan The Method lit church will have a brief decom missioning service of the old sanctuary following the moraine service on March IS. After this. the congregation will move as a body into the new buildine. where the benediction will be pronounced. The new building has been under construction over ' a year. 1 March JJ will be the first' service in the new sanctuary. There will be baptisms, both! adult and babies, at the morning ; service. unMsrcnsn at 11 a.m.,i Dr. George Roseberry. district superintendent will be guest preacher. April g is Easter, and on April 12 in the evening, the Llnfleld college chorus will pre sent a concert at the church. During the past two years 64 new members have been re ceived into the church. General Extension Classes, Willamina Willamlna State-wide clas ses of the general extension di vision, state system of higher education, are now being plan ned for the spring term. Foun dations of Physical Science will begin March 8 with the third term of work in the course. Toe class will be held at the Willamina grade school, begin ning at 7 p.m. The course pro vides three hours of lower divis ion approved college credit. Anyone interested may enroll. Present day importance of such sciences as astronomy, chemistry, geology, meteorology and physics will be traced through their developments from earliest historical beginnings by Dr. R. G. Bailey, Lintield col lege, who will Instruct the class Mt. Angel At the meeting of the Voung People's Soda lity held Tuesday evening. members were asked to cor respond with boys and girls in the service, who are active members of the Sodality. Ad dresses may be obtained from the officers. Guest speaker at the meeting was the Rev. Clement Frank, O.S.B., soda-; lity moderator. Sodality members voted to sponsor the free showing of a. religious film to wmcn tne; nDlwi- sai TUCflTDC public wiU be Invited, onccl UKsVfc-IN I HEM IKE every three monins, 10 oe shown in tthe school auditori um following the Sunday even ing holy hour service in church. Thomas Schwab reed a section of the sodality consti tution, and Beth Relter was named to read at the next meet ing. Committee chairman re porting Included Anita Wilde, social committee, Patricia and Lenora Plata, dance commit tee. Members voted to give a cash donation to the Red Cross. During the social hour which followed, the film, "The Babe Ruth Story," was shown. USIHt MIMNiWCNWaT ft M Galea Open 1:41 I N aksw at 7:11 M 1 tNPg TP1SDAT1 i il t Tetanic saw Hits I 1 "AGAINST ALL M N FLAGS SStJ H OKI IONS JL n A PLEASANT FOAM Of TREATMENT FOft THC OVERWEIGHT NOIUM "MELOZETS" WAFERS NOW YOU CAN $1 3C IAT ANO REDUCE B-oz. pkfl. 1, 3D MELOZCTS after aa effective mechanical saeaaa ef satle fymg the feellag ef" haager aad ematteaas . . . beeaeae eae wafer taken aamalaa aerate sneals with adeejaate water aaaaatfatUaea the atse ef the wafer, predaemg a Trad Nay ar Drum ot fNtisrv IVVIlt W aaV 141 North Liberty Canttnaeas Tai aw Opea(:tI Laaa KM Daufias "THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL" e Vera RaMan "Made la Maonhfht" Open S:45 CenUnaaes anaia Keacan Rhanda Fleming In TechnlcoUr "TROPIC ZONE Geargc Raft "LOAN SHARK" - MOHS a-S72i OPEN (:5 Rabert Taylor -WESTWARD THE WOMEN Red fckelton la Techaleelar -EXCUSE MT DUST Mat. Daily Fram 1 fM. ENDS TODAY. "TREASURE OF GOLDEN CONDOR and "APRIL IN PARIS" TOMORROW! AT BARGAIN PRICES! wimrniHOM! "f0P; C3 ww eanoN an Nam FON CO-HIT! VCOIMCIS D.EBUBrtU3 -isU-fcrt-irni CARTOON NEWS PORK LIVER From fi4wtf fltw4 flffrorfvl Per Pound SKINLESS WIENERS Serve 'em piping hot with lots of kraut ... Here's too quality ot realty thrifty price 1-lb. Pkg. U AS 6l(P)c "FARM-FA1SH" PRODUCE Potatoes U.S. No. 1 Netted Gems Deschutes Economy EffiV "A" Size 0 25-lb. lack U 10-lb.sack 25-lb.sack Apples 5 lb. 59' Oranges 539' MORE MEAT VALUES flBIAIH CTClirC VS. Choice JIKWin JILMID rj.S. t.S. Good T.RAIAE CTCltfC V.B. Choice i-Hvm, jilmiw rj.i 3.8. Good BEEF SHORT RIBS Si & LUKCHEON MEAT Assorted SLICED BACON ft 55c BACON SQUARES Seasoning HALIBUT SLICES Thick FILLET OF SOLE Boneless FRESH OYSTERS Select DRESSED WHIT1X6 .w,d Fancy lb. 79c lb. 95c lb. 3Sc ; lb. 59c: lb. 69c: lb. 23c lb. 59c: lb. 63c Pint 59C; lb. 29c; RATH Lunch Meat 12-os. can 46c SUNSHINE Cheez-its 6-os. pkg. 19c PLANTER'S Mixed Nuts 7-ox. can 59c PLANTER'S COCKTAIL Peanuts t-oz. CSS) 35c ON Olive Oil 24c PLANTER'S Peanut Oil ot.89c K WITH THIS COUPON ONLY DELRICH MARGARINE ill I OLBS. TT ' I fQ A 90C VAIUI . I llSAFEWAY j l-V!LJ'""'e"tTsT"eT77aM BORENE SOAP Granulated Soap 23-oz. Pkg. DOG FOOD 15' Beg More Brand Per Caa CAT FOOD Piss '. Boots teVcz. Brasd Caa RATH BREAKFAST Sausage S-oz. cast 35c BILTMORE SEASONED Tuna Fish 35c No. Vi con BRADS HAW Spun Honey 16-ox. carton 32c COLUMBIA KOSHER Dill Pickles 39c RUTH ASH BROOK Coffee Cakes pkt.30c CRISP ANO FRESH Hi-Ho Crackers 33c Prices In this oae ra ef-! fectiva through Wed net-; stay, March 11 t