Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, March 7, ltSS 11 i 9 WLf. 31, . ' 1 It's Death, My Darling! y AMELIA REYNOLD LONG AT iiwbim) g, m aasting jiv .HiiursfiN anfiw n mm i a inirspi a i a.c i tmmmmrnmaimi. mn uiiu asai Jixsr km mi wkijcmi u mmcm i - 1 i ' Chapter U ar the apace t several mc B1Jf AmedeTaioOd perfectly etlll. he cum over and sat down You, at. ukd auietlT. "TVLw t the entire situation, n-j, I aald. I Bad to taig last., Sorter to keep up with my own Mvtnjr thoughts. "A little over Jgo. Tour grandfather make liiOvVry of eome sow.cthlng T. now reason to believe Sme third pereon wee trying to KS from him. Whatever It u, onVwer. tt o tmporum that he sends t once lor nu lawyer ana YlSZi. .Mai and vounaest -rsnd- lin,; apparently to consult with iSSn about It. But before he can SnpSSi that, he die.; but not vTJre he's had time to tel this Sains to one of then-o Claude. A few daya later, uiauae am. -Thst wa what Oracle Raoul eus nected." he aald. "But the autopty Sowed that Claude died of a heart afir all." " i i know. I admitted. "But .the autopsy coma n .v II. nuv Jlu u(v wwaa w- rted fir enough. Suppose that Claude and your erancaaiiwr , far that matter died of aomethlng that could have been mistaken for heart failure as long as no one had any reason to suspect Its true nature. Some poison" poison I" He repeated the word as though he had never heard it k.tnr "nut what " I !.' m finish before we o into that," I lnterruptea. "uncie naoui suspected that there was aomethlng wrong about his father's death even before he talked with Mr. Duval." "Then that was why he went down to the mausoleum that night 1" ... i 1 , mAmj4 hn ha opened Orandpere'a casket. He must (have tnougnl ne couiu una -No'l'dont think so." I dia- T hate to sunest this. Dede, simnose the murderer of your i grandfather was one of us at the 1 table that evening. Suppose Uncle body exhumed and an autopsy per svformed. He decided to prevent that ' Vbv removing or destroying the body; f since without it training couia oe i proved, regardless of what Uncle i Kaoui or anyway cm umjiuv ub- i "He must have waited that night Ittntll ha 41iMiffh vrvhvlv vu "asleep: then he started out to at i tend to it. Only, Uncle Raoul, who as probably sltUng up thinking ", things over, saw him go, and fol- lowed him. He probably picked up . the sword as the nearest weapon to hand in case ne snouia neea one, . but - "You dont need to bo on." Ame ; dee Interrupted again. He atarted i , -i ,m tvii. .T-DtlCUUC UU PIIU QUWH. J-Ct:i, wiw.fc hard he said suddenly. "What Wtiann fa tytmrm that could be mis- ataJren for hMrt failure?" :i I thought until my brain felt -priunva. - "Thmi'i diffitalis vou can nre Jre that without much trouble i from ordinary foxglove." "Thre are no foxslovea on the "place, or anywhere around here that know of," Amedee aald, "so It ;kxk.i as though that's out." , Then all of a sudden I had ' . tufLlnvtmnn "Dedel" I cried excitedly. "Henri . aaia sometning aoout uucie nuuuia h.uino an A nnnur 4niTAnin in his hand when you found him. Did ..lie?" . . "Why. yes." he answered, look- Jng surprised at the question. a. "Then that's It!" I declared. 'Tick must have told him about the withered plants. So when he . was dying, he tore off one of the flowers in the spray and held it in .his hand, hoping that when we found him, we'd understand!" UUWItHIII. KUBVl , r I told him about the dying plant I that Pick and I had discovered down near the carriage house. "And don't you remember?" I t concluded. "Aunt Minerva objected All-Pares Aprnu! With the cur Yent amrihaAls on stvle for a pur .past, them aprons are very much in the llmrltrht! No. 3758. the coverall apron is cut in small, medium, large and extra large sizes. Medium aprons takes JV. yds. 35-ln. No. 3845, party apron Is in one -Jie and requires a mere yard of J5-ln. fabric. (Two other party prons included in this pattern!) ' Patterns reav to ml orders lm awdlately. Far special handling ;f enter via first clan nail loclodc .aa extra ie par patters. Price just 25c Just off the press! The new fprlng-fiununer Fuhlon Book, agog Irom cover to cover with scores of ui latest style trends, all trans lated into delightfully wearable, ea-sv-to-aew pattern designs for every ae, evenr type, all sires, sll occas ions, fiend now for this sewing In spiration ... just 36c . to the oleanders because she'C heard they uve off a nmnnmi u Nona of us paid much attention to ucr n uis ume: probably because we all thought that she was mere ly belllft flULXV. Rill aha K.. . vl.Ut. she must have been I Not about the jur pari, oj course; but about their being noiaonoui. I'm nruin now .Hj11 1 d that aomewbere mjrwu. iou-re sure of that?" Amedee demanded. Now that he under stood what I was talking about, he was aa carried away by the Idee ReasonAhlv BUT T n, r-ru 'But aren't them unu rrtu books about, so we can look it up?" He rose, and catching hold of my hand, drew me up after him. "Coma on." h wn what's in Orandpere'a office." Amedee found the first reference in a cony of the American Dunn. satory. "Here at Is!" he exclaimed, and began to read aloud: "Oleander Naurlitm. A w of'" H ran hi eyes hastily over several parasranhs until he had come to what he wanted. " 'Poison ous Qualities: Similar to digitalis . . . me uuusnn maae irom lour ounces of the root is affirmed to have taken life.'" Four ounces of the root! And It had been the root of the plants in the garden that had been dis turbed t (Te Be Centihued) Keizer Keizer Keizer Garden club will hold A clinic. At the next meeting of the club to be held in the Keizer Fire Hall, Tuesday, March 17, there will be a question and answer hour with memberi of the club answering questions from the group. A. Burr Black, Jack Oudean, Robert Copley and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Claggett will answer questions pertaining to flower, shrubs, vegetable and truck gardening or any subject that may be presented. If the answer ii not known they will endeavor to find the answer. The meeting will be open to the pub lic and anyone interested or who has a problem ii invited to at tend. The meeting will start at 8 p.m. Guests at the home of the Lynn Martins have been Mr. and I Mrs. John Waite of Multnomah I near Portland. Waite plays the! French horn in the Portland' Symphony Orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dugan of Portland formerly of Salem were also guests of the Lynn Martins stopping to see the plant of the Keizer News that is owned by Mr. Martin. The Keizer Ladies Sewing club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Albert Minturn for a day of quilting and a no-host lunch eon at noon. - Memberi present were Mrs. J. H. Jennings, Mrs. C. E. Shidler, Mrs. M. O. Nich ols, Mrs. Otto Yunkers, Mrs. Dora Mason, Mrs. R. B. McClay, I Mrs. J. A. Gardner, Mrs. Wm. Earl, Mrs. Roy Nelson, Mrs. Sam Richards, Mrs. R. I. Kinney, Mrs. J. H. Derrick, Mrs. Arthur Cum- mings. Mr i. J. E. Whitehead, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Fred Bezdik, Miss Ethel Hall, Mrs. Oscar No-I ren. Miss Alta Hall and the host ess, Mrs. Minturn. The next meeting will be held Thursday, March 19, at the home of Mrs. M. O. Nichols at 1935 North 24th St. In Salem. An acre was first defined as the amount of land a yoke of oxen could plow in a day. Carol Curtis Patter n Oeld Trimmed Stole. Crocheted in biff, fast-moving lacy suicn in soft wool light sa a feather and . , tn M ftll. itunimill atole I Is resiiy an eye-c.nrri mil ihu i only 4 ounces of nylon or baby wool. 1 spool goia uireu. ttiiuw i, .miinH fnur dollars. 1 Will Vl. J . . . , 1 Do ii in white and gold, turquolwl ftnd Sliver itulutc ana wwia puu v i itlver nvy with told, red with gold wi.w cdlvsir Prit.f V I Send 25c for the OoW-'ITlnimed Crocheted Stole cPsttern No. 308 p 4.1 UMI PAASV UCkshs - - I InatfllrUmi YOTJRl NTMRADDRESj'ATTTRNl NUMBER to CAKUL luniio. I k.i journal. 62 Mission Street, San Francisco a, vaiu. a m m fin ardera lm ii-.-i. a- aaM-uil handllns all rder via urn cism mu um-i aa extra te per pattern. I y , MIOINS IT FROM y TWH-ANO IHVESTT? . nf eff th mclfolytrd i l i u mj j i . BY CARL ANDERSON WWVOM EAKTH i SOMEONE TTTT MIS TASTi IN v- r Vy JZLL 0 Pf WWtlWWn WOULD A -.)V MAvlV-- FOOTuVrAB J FIFTY BUCKS OkAX SHABPIE ) U avpf qam check v "v I ;XL give vou vooa H a n r w . TAPTDTOi-fisLA rvwmk I VTS55TA ticket and you can j,' Tm aJL- " 8 " ' T cwesx mubspeh? l stop for tvuh- if ' y3Tsr-li V?J I I -A hF A shoes TOMOC80W 7v I F bn U WONOtta hov aav i p '' 1'' . LUwOTAMlNPT3SfvI j&.'W-TMo&POHCCM'irsl- V 1 Ttf F ." o TXATT THI aWJHTMT(oeNA hvvi A TrtOtiJHTC AUcCAxoNy Too ei.oew I PSLfSzyrM'H 1 I s0 " jeo rH mjrmxA rVAV' tx ir "' XucStiSl WCA , L1 r 1 e bsl - L -V I I f KTT AND TSX A -FTWN I ( 0THrJ UKeVTeS ON fl COT- I " 0 R P H A N A N N I E ISf N Five BULLET HOLE! 1 I QOT AQOOD I I HND B5BNSZW I IT COULD LEAK I III TVKrr-BUT NOW 1 A OTJERY 1 THROUGH SB- 1 I CHflNCt NOW, ) LJ AND TOM TWeHKU- OUT flGAW, WITH 1 II I TO (JET OS HOM6-1 TRUCK'O DO rT- . I a- 0m, - BUT HE'S GOING AftNNfi-V tf fV.L WVE II VOU PLUQCJN' 11 MO AMBULANCE I CAREFUL DRIVER- 1 . rOffr i AfflPfC I TO LJVJ? yJlr- J I JL Bl5 V. ' HOLE- V IN FUTIUTY-J HM-M-M- J ! I UMI VoWIICfa I t'-S aicHV AH f TH' NCB.ST THING ABNEPl Ah4' DAISY MAE f BUCSS ITS ONJJORN LIX BONs . I AMXTHETTH' 1 MATKS iX-rS WN DO TO'VOREj IOW-WHILE THJA8YA 'LL PKID A CAVt AN'HIDE i -rs ONIS PEOPLE AH PWUMOt IS S COMIN1. THEV COMT NEED V THAPt-UMTlU ATnUk jfsraETXVl L f'. HTTo)S- SXZLS f AVOID EAl.r J NO HARD IJLK-MEAW.KI' TS BORM -r&"S& Vty "a , J WHITE 6HAPOVV Hiqj6. I WHAT "ViOU VvULXJNT I I HE REALLX 1 1 I FEU. FROM THE I I ABOUT TH'IKNOW HIM-I'M I IB SNOW- J f WH-WHERE'O PLATEAU WITH AN OUTUAJW I I I OUTLAW? I AFRAID HE I BLIND HE - RNi. COiAS ALL NkSHT.I RECOVERED I L HE ? J WHEN HE FELL. I THINdTHIft WJ P l " TT AND BECAME 6NOW-BUND TRVINA Kirn jafw, J GONNA BE 1 A Hi rnlr-i IV TO FIND MY WAV OUT OF THri l KkCLT' w EASIER THAN t " Kl AM law WILDERNE6S. LUCK LED ME HERE. It' ail DTTvS7k V I U I FlaaERED. l r. m Eiar jurists ,? r a,. w i Lhptii fi?i j tv t a Er -rc.rr. ih w f ,j i .. s&7 MsniVKi i raj v .itRf , r i I fsjr5WllLlllESsBJI ATtttZj' I 11:41 9s J J I III ad Swi i '1 war hwii.jj 1 taTf iinitn i i in- ms-i I M -saaeat, uwhatcha v P' ArTTV "sof u I I ALL KINDS OF JUNK l PUTVOO I '"i Voaopd V 0 V OF '"'.11' ) STRING TOO 1 w I I NEVER SEE ANVONt NEVER PAPER BAG f J rrrr( rlnc,st' ; STRING ( OTHfcK r ) !UflDT Trt r' T SAVE SO AtUCH Shgf AN TELL I fs BAfatS I 5 1 BAS? fS.: (.gp J "?,,D',en T V JUNK M WHEN WE T S-- T-1- I -GSVriLr Mocturnal ! J.ii WIGHT II V II r ?d II r I bird BJJSerSJ 1 TT "J llTt. ...memory refflrWEf WMrHfl 1 rH I I B liiar" STi I I If I I riXJ 'va'.v v i"' I M 1 1 1 -s aaf 1 i: 11 111 I 1 . loni num- I mh. 1 minvbird SB. Walk WMr . Ari uwin smu, shsil PMrri&JLARiv ia J I whv i odnt so vy as 1 it's as though M3v've A I p ' ' 3f 7 a " E I njaNga: swys an uNexparrw v he's calliks i I mm soaaesno iww no, . i aiveN w STtNeTl I I I wL v CALL ON SVX MOaiSAM.' f " Is- "" -I ar1 TUi I J TO 60 ON V- , I I I pi wjtf jl7 sr-. " M-uaYV I'm 0 ionbuv.' J A nusbanp-s ) rvJi V V Ja0-. . II .wn I ffl 1 m ss'iS'SJX, rwr- ii 1 1 si ft l. rmMd92kvA 1 1 ii em mmmr wm r D rXlfeviJ PrwL V YTIU TalfeFSL) m FOR wy EXPERTS create f i i ii r- a , . i hi idi nir rv n-i-i p nrncniir -rruanifcrv x i llyTf4 Li I Lttll I I WHY. DOCTOR!.. WWDOVO, I I I U kFE7ri J ( a -a i i r UOM i surprbin.v miitnipar. i -think bribid afrhman to . I a 11 1 1 4JK Jl T- J I aj BWa,v.. '13.! ala'frNa'5Llg. wK rrVWaaaa-V?--- I If TAu n m v LV VYVT: fif W i t7 YT2l tff3 f tyafl UMl.-irA W sVJ .1 U aaw2 III wo n JfJt 1 "-1' i in 11 1 11 V II 1 I 1 " I 30. Prepared M. Building .. 1 - k ai 1 sr . . L""- 31. Utilize addition ji - Y I ponT want to 1 f l'w p-aa so -rornjeeo, "V f 1 NT,t' 10 M "" vou- 1 I tjs .. . hfH'r FSi The March meeting of the Firemen's auxiliary was held In the Jesa Mcllnay home on Tues day evening with Mrs. Mcllnay and Mrs. Dale Jeffries aa co hostesses. Mrs. Lawrence Lee, Mrs. Emery Hendricksoo, Jr., and Mrs. Jack Grove were ap pointed to the nominating com mittee. Highlights of the busi nesa session were the plans for the annual dinner. Others pres ent were Mrs. Andy Etzel, Mrs. Waldo Miller, Mrs. Ivan Brown, Mrs. Richard McKee, Mrs. Leroy Mooers, Mrs. A. E. LaBranche, Mrs. Morris Jones, Mrs. John Fox, Mrs. Robert Fisher, Mrs, David Behm. Mrs. Jesi Mcllnay, president of the Four Corners Woman'a club, opened the business meet ing on Thursday evening in the Community hall. A panel dis cussion on gardening made up the program. Acting as moder ator was Mrs. David Behm and the speakers were Mrs. O. D, Blnegar, tuberous begonias; Mrs, Jess Mcllnay, roses; Mrs. Ernest Walker, chrysanthemums; Mrs. Waldo Miller, gladioli; Mrs. Warren Shrake, dahlia and Mrs. E. N. White, African vio lets. Guest introduced were Mrs William Schaich, Mrs. Lyman Stevens, Mrs. Clifford Etzel, Mrs. Ted Kurrle, Mrs. Stanley Braden, Mrs. C. R. Osborn, Mr. R. L. Stafek. Hostesses were Mrs. Harvey Meyer, Mrs. War ren Shrake, Mrs. Allen Gordon Mrs. E. A. Snook and Mrs. Cecil Snook. Dessert refreshments ACROS 13. Tardy 1. Protuberance qur a in meters f ""J" M. Other 8. Land measure 38. Bent 38. Vender 40. Condensed moiituc 41. Shaft of 'light 42. Exclsmatloa 44. Speiks from memory 48. Exists 50. Paiugc out 52. City In Oklahoma S3. Weary 55. Explosive device 59. Sun 57. Sacred Image 119 were served to 23 members and the guests. ' Visitors In the Rex Nicholson home last week were the Harry Ackerman of Oakland, Calif. He la a brother of Mr. Nichol- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuette of Seattle drove her mother, . Mrs. Mattiw Walker, home this week. Mrs. Walker haa been la Seattle with her daughter fam ily since December, Mr. and Mr. H R. Cnrnlnf are home. They spent several months with relative in Bil lings, Mont., and Blunt, S.D. A bridal ahower for Mist Shurley Gosnell, fiance of Ed win Barnard, waa held on Mon day evening in the Chet Ottosea home with Mr. Ottosen and Mrs. Gladys Beaty aa co-host esses. Complimenting Mis Gos nell were her mother, Mr. Nor wood Gosnell, her sister, Misa ValJean Gosnell and the Misses Bette Kostelecky. Mildred Toombs, Ardlth Miller, Arlen Christy, MaryLu Dunham, Ruth Bischoff, Carol Pearson, Mrs. Leonard Turnbull, Mrs. Marjorl Anderson, Mr. Blaine Veteto, Mrs. Amanda Aderson, Mrs. Alice Jonas. BAND PARENTS MEET Woodburn The monthly . meeting of the Band Parents, of Woodburn high school will be Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. Several musical number will be presented after the business meeting. Light refreshment will be served by Mrs. Howard Quigley, Mrs. Harry Lenton and Mrs. George Springer. Meet ings are held at the high school. iBIElE ItIlIELITIAIDi 1 r m . rAhw a vwft. f a hvirii lEiRisrraoiPisLJi-iiAiiiKi HffilH slutlen f Yesterday's Puzsl . Copper cola DOWN 4. Read I. Large barrel ft, Be in debt 1. Allow 1 Rubber tree S. Expressed incorrectly 7. Northern i aUllatiou g. Russlsn sea . Patnstaktngls 10. Xdg 1L Xaglish cathedral eit, 1. Open hoitilIHa 11. Catch sight el 22. Young cow 22. Egg-shaped 2S. Organ of hearing 27. Existence 2. Wild animal S3. Put forth 35. Springy 27. Female shesa II Before 42. Fibre plsnt 44. Point at which a leaf springs from the stem 45. Container 4. God of wood or l ton. 47. High 4. Metal 4. Dispatched SL Daughter of ' Cadmus 34. Prolan watet 1 1 Gen Aharn DONT HESITATE AT AN TIME, DEAR. COUSIN, TO CALL FOR. MV SENSITIVE NOSE TO AID IN AROMA TESTS 1