Questions BY MARE Question Ii U true tht when letting out everbearing straw berries, the fiist year they ihould be transplanted at least twice? L. M. Answer No, this is not neces sary. Note how the runners take root, however, and as the bed is filled with new plants, start sev ering the new runners as they are formed. The purpose of transplanting would be to build up a root system but this should have been done already by the grower from whom you pur chased the plants. For details on strawberry culture, consult your County Agent and Oregon State College has a fine pamphlet available on the subject. Question Is it true that an aspirin In the water will prolong the life of cut flowers? Mrs. M. . Answer Yes, this seems to help. There are also preparations under manufacturers names also available that come highly rec ommended. Here Is another idea that has come to my attention: Use a teaspoon of ST 37 (yes. the mouthwash!) in a pint of water to prolong life of cut car nations or roses. Question Should I do any pruning on trees that are to bloom this Spring N. E. Answer Prune out only dead or diseased wood. Question What is the Cobra Orchid? I have read of this and would like to know more about it Mrs. N. H. Answer The Cobra Orchid belongs to the Sarra Ceallia fam ily. It gets its name from the odd bloom appearing like a miniature cobra. It attracts insects which are trapped in its liquid and then gradually absorbed by the plant as food. It Is an oddity and easily cultivated. Question The tips of some of my camellia buds are brown, what causes this? Mrs. F. L. Answer Probably due to moisture on the bud, or it might be a result of recent frosts. Question How many varieties of camellias are there? N. G. Answer There are probably several hundred although no complete lists are available. . Question Are all camellias adapted to growing locally? N. G. Answer Most of them are. Some varieties do better in a greenhouse but our climate per mits us to grow nearly all vari eties, at least with a little pro tection in extremes of weather. " Question Should roses be Cherry City Electric SS9 Chemeketa Phone 2-6762 SAVES SEED ...AND HOW! One for the Cutworm One for the Crow One for the Gopher And One for to Grow.. so uid ttit old Indian while planting his four seeds of corn hi each hill. Modern gardeners need not mike such allowances In seed for pests consumption when planting his gar den, because scientific methods pre ent pest damage. SOIIQUSTO, applied to the soil when planting seeds of Corn. Radish, Bulbs or plants and shrubs, protects the garden against injury from soil Insects. A light application of SOILDIBTO (one pound to 800 sq. ft.) is sufficient to control Wireworms, Cutworms, Mag gots, Strawberry Root Weeils, and many other destruction soil pests. Thus S0ILDUS10 not only saves seeds but affords protection for the growing season. Miller's S0IIDUST0 available at VALLEY FARM STORE 3935 Silvertora Rd. Hove Beautiful Pl.atlf NORRIS-WALKER PAINT MANtFACTlREBS 1711 N. Front Answered M. TAYLOR prayed at early Spring pruning time? Mrs. J. P. i Answer Yes. Use a combina tion fungicide and Insecticide at that time and keep the good work up all season for healthier roses. , Qaestioa Will you please recommend a good yellow rose? Mrs. L. R. Answer McCredy's Yellow Is one of my favorites. It is a strong grower, clean and vigorous. The blooms are pure yellow, unfad ing and fragrant The buds are Pointed and of good form. The foliage it clean, glossy and dark green. Question Please recommend a good soil mixture for potting and starting plants N. PL Answer One part peat moss or leaf mold, one part good gar den soil, one part sand, part manure. Mix thoroughly. Question la there such a thing as a climbing lily? Mrs. S. . ' Answer Yes, it is called Glo riosa or Glory Lily and has bright red and yellow lilylike flowers. It grows to two or three feet and produces a dozen flow ers. Propagation is by tuber di vision. Question Should we start vegetable seeds indoors now? N. E. R. Answer Yes, this can be done now. Sow In flats in greenhouse, hotbed or containers such as you may prefer. Sow the hardier types now save tomatoes until later. Question The advertisements say to plant roses now for sum mer bloom you say "prune for June bloom." I want to be sure to have good roses in the Fall. When should I plant or prune for Fall bloom? Mrs. N. S. Answer Most varieties are repeat bloomers or called ever blooming, so plant or prune now. When cutting flowers if you al ways cut back to an outside eye, you will insure a continuation of bloom well into Fall, or even Winter. Annual Glee Set March 21 The Freshman Glee of Willa university, outstanding musical of the year on the local campus, was given impetus this week with the naming of committee by the individual classes. The unique event will be giv en the night of March 21 when each class will present an alma mater song, with original words and music. Dave Weeks of Salem has been named to manage the freshman class. He will be as sisted by Page Bailey, Portland, song leader; Bill Fair, Portland, formation; Amy Girod, Salem and Donald Hershberger, Kla math Falls, accompanists. The sophomore group will be managed by Bob Alfred, Port' land, who will also be in charge of the formation; Keith Mirick, Medford, has been named, song leader and Dorothea Church, Lake Grove, and Mirick, accom panists. Gay Weeks, Salem, will man age the juniors. Assisting will be Don Morrison, Wenatchee, Wash., song leader; Jim Hitch man. Balboa Island and Carol Emerson, Corbett, accompanists, Senior manager is Bob Miller, Vancouver, Wash. His staff will include Bill Covert, Stayton, song leader; Dick Ruff, San Francisco, formation; Jane Foo shee. San Leandro, Cal. and Harriet Aller, Yakima, accom panists. In the early days of arithme tic calculation, a dust-covered table was used on which figures in each column were represent ed by a corresponding number of marks. Large Selection of CAMELLIAS Now in Bloom Visitors Welcome MILLARD HENNY HEN NY CAMELLIAS AND AZALEAS BROOKS, OREGON Follow signs t ml. N. of Brooks on Hwy. 99 We Offered a Bargain Like This tieiore Wall Tile In 7 Fastel Shades Now only S'ic per Tile 4'4'4" Ton can remodel that problem Bath tub. Roono for a, little aa, complet ma terial. Baaed oa te-foot reeea. Or yB may ham .tandard receaa Installed Or wwr - " FHWltsmrOB ESTIMATES MX f 8888 Blood Program In Jeopardy Marion county may be with out a Red Cross blood program after June 30, Frank Parcher, chapter manager said today. According to Parcher, the pro gram might have to be discon tinued, if the 19S3 fund cam palgn. which started March 1, I does not reach its $51,000 goal. With the exception ol none service, which it an obligatory service under the national Red Cross charter, the blood pro gram is the moat expensive lo cal program of the Red Cross and, since it is not required un der the charter, it would be one service to curtail, Parcher ex plained. Last year the blood program cost the local chapter over $4,- ooo and continuation of the pro gram this year will cost still more money due to the new gamma globulin program. Between 200 and 290 pints of blood were used monthly by Marlon county hospital during 1832. Another 200 or more pints of blood went to the armed services. Each pint of blood. Parcher explained, costs about $5 to draw and process. In the blood drawing Thurs day 181 pints of blood were col lected in Salem. Charles W. Toberts. 4110 Sha- fer avenue, gave his 24th pint and Stearns Cushlng, 1479 Sag inaw made a start on bis third gallon. Making the Gallon club were Senator Phil Hitchcock of Klamath Falls, and Edna Tal mage, Donald Codes and Daryl Utjen, all of Salem. Thirteen persons appeared at the armory Thursday to give do nations to replace blood used by Glen Looney, who underwent surgery recently at a local hos pital. The next visit of the blood- mobile to Salem will be next Thursday when it will be at the Naval and Marine Corps Re serve training center. Civilians, as well as reservists, may give Diood donations at that time. The final visit here for the month will be March 30 when the inmates of the Oregon state prison will be the donors. Marine Corps Officer Visits A Marine Corps officer visit ing In Salem after duty in Korea is Lt. Col. Charles Earl War ren, who was accompanied here by Mrs. Warren and their son, sence overseas have been living at raim city, calif. The Warrens are here until next Tuesday, when they leave for quantico, va., where the col onel will attend the amphibious warfare school. They are visit ing with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Warren and Mrs. Warren'a mother, Mrs. Billie Herbster. A veteran of 13 years with the Marine Corps, Col. Warren just recently returned from his see ond tour of duty in Korea. On first going to Korea for his sec ond tour he commanded the first service battalion. The first of October, 19S2, he was given com mand of the second battalion of the First Marine Infantry divi sion. He commanded this at the time he was returned to the States. New Court House For Lincoln County Toledo, Ore., VP) Construc tion of a new Lincoln County courthouse, at the newly ap proved county seat of Newport, will start by July 1, 1954. if voters approve the county court's plans. The court which last week laid tentative plans, this week ordered a public hearing here April 8 on a tax levy to raise the construction funds. A spe cial election will then be called. REPAIRS RENTALS I nn,i On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Oalr Braareau hMm k itnM) MARR RADIO and TELEVISION IIIC. Salem's Moat Complete Television Center 2140 S. Com! Phene Day er Night 2-1411 ec 2-4728 utubdat 1I:W Kidi an. Co. 1:0 Tmltoi rum l:io Mr Bin J :M YWUn si 8m 1:00 Baauer J:! Artflor Oodfrtr , 4:00 TV TM Cluk t-.m auho alma 10 all OUT IUTM S:oo abow f ehowa 1:10 Bit PnMi S:00 Jookla olaaaaa 00 Cunna Aulnant :30 WTMU1M Raadlbaea 10:00 BaUaea You Budaet !: ota.r Kino 11:00 Boalaa aioeklo 11:00 Kuk Theater 1MB Oil PHILCO First in Pnblle Demand! SUNDAY 10:11 Frontier! ot rUn 11:00 a.m. C truly Carnival 13:00 p.m. TW u in wie 13:10 p.m. Lilt Btftft at W 1:00 To m Announce 1:1ft Hour of Dtelaloa 1:30 OmntbUJ 3:00 Thra Ouwmi 3:1ft Madison Sooara Oardta J:30 It Now 4:00 Kukla. Fran and OiUt :M Prlvata Secretary 1:00 Comedy Hour :00 Pred Waring :10 Mr. Peeper 7:00 Red Bkeltoo 7:S0 What'a Ur Line? :00 atttdlo One i:00 TV FlarhouM 10:00 The Doctor 10: JO The Web 11:00 Wtaat'i Tour Bid 11:10 Wai Chicken DellfM 13:00 Racquet 6Qua4 13:1ft (Appro.) sun Oft HON DAI 11:00 p.m. Bl Proff 11-.19 p.m-inu ami 13:10 p.m. Welcome Trele 1:00 p.m. Kate smim 1:00 or Nothing 1:30 pm Btrlkt It Rich 1:00 pm -Matinee Theater 4:1ft pm Aeareh Tomorrow 4:10 pm Love Life :00 p.m. Wild BUI Hlckock ft:10 p.m. H opal otic Cateidy 0:30 p.m. Telenewe :4ft p.m. Time tor Beany 1:00 p.m. Chanee of Lifetime 1:30 p.m. fliiort Drama 1:00 p.m. Caravan Newe 1:00 p.m. Chevron Theater ft: I p.m. Voice of Pirn tone , :00 p.m. 1 Love Lucy 9:30 p.m. Red Button Shew lft:0ft p.m. Robert Montgomery 11:00 p.m. Candid Camera 11:10 P.m. Nlte Owl 13:00 p.m. (Approx.t Sign Off Martin Schmaltz Passes at 87 Mt. Angel Martin Schmaltz, 87 years of age, a resident of Mount Angel since 1919, died in Portland Thursday, March S. He had been staying at the1 Mount Saint Joseph Home for the aged for the past six years. Funeral services will be held Monday morning, March 9, at 8:13 olclock, with a Re quiem High Mass in St Mary's Catholic church. Interment will be In Calvary cemetery here, Recitation of the parish ro sary will be Sunday evening at 8 olclock in St. Mary's church. Mr. Schmaltz was born Dec ember 3, 1865 in Russia, and married Miss Ludvena Lind gohr on October 20, 1888. They came to the United States March, 1902, and lived In Ber wick, North Dakota, until Oct ober, 1919, when the family moved to Mount Angel. His wife died here March 19, 1948. He is survived by four child- mm fw Center! I Open to 9 p.m. I 1 1139 CENTER I 4I yrs. la Salemff We Sell, Rent, Service Mowers, Rto, Jocobton Tractors, Howord, Win slolph Merry Tiller, Chore Maker Howser Bros. RADIO PROGRAMS Don't Wo toko tor a boautitui 2j K.L See TRADER LOUIE TV 111 Lana Ave. . Meae SS55S Open Moaaay and Friday Erenliifs MONDAY KGW KOIN no cbs KEX IS :. .t Lit, l'SiDPea. Inm mite-- Uaau Oat tlWeea SWIM rr i.rk Owl (B.OM r.rty Jack Owa epefcitn Wife TSUilf an. ) "t :itBtua DftDu Bar Wait mivm. aWwwa Klrkkoa lau Wart 6woi Klrkkui Bar Wnt :Oorui sin :J5 n. rw. ru :So U Jm. :Bpw. wif. link TtaL T1. Oaalrar Oaatrar Oaalmr Cal Tlaaar LIB. BUMaaaln Oaofrar Mail. Ban KMtrar Ot. ral Far Ik p. Oftrrawa? Cart Mum Far Ik OlrUI 111. BMk Bltkkaai Mala Mail. Bu Mula a.i Bath Mhtaa Saalrral Caid Salrra Taa.fallr Haaar Tl f:M III 1:4 SO Sum lw N.wfl Warla Tatar Fraak O.w piarrl. Clrcla T. riakl.j Ca.t Raattr iBak OarraO Balaa M..I. Bala Baila Baala rVaatkaraiaa O. Ha Haia. EaltlailNawa Tkaalar Bak aaO Bar Bak aaO Bar Baa Tkaatar Uilaalaa MarrUI Bak Haak Laaa Baata Laaa Baaa Wllaaa Bak Bawk Swaraa c ... Haarr Tarla OaaOaiam Thcalar Hall at Faairf Maa'a Faaill Tkaaiaa Srk.aU aH4 Nan BaUraat Oa Saat Sraiakaaalla Talaal Scaai Talea f aar Talaal kni Tanarraw a T.l.akaaa Saiaaaaa ISaaaaaaa J. StatfarS Jaalar Ml. Obawllaw ii aar rawarlaai Alaa faaaa Nrwa tlaa faaaa Mail 10:0 0:1S :J SUr Final Final Ealtlai SaarU rtaal lnt.rvl.wa Daaea TIbm Caanoaatlal Ckaaiaar Daa Ttai. Iaraallcatar Faraai Daaa. Tlaaa Mawa Baliwla Baliwla Daaa TIbm Daaa. TIBM Daaa. TIBM air C.uel! Cltr CaaaU tTrcaiarr BaaO Daaa TtBM B:e Snaal Daaa Tlaaa FBI Sa.i Bom 10 LI. 0 aa IS KBZ OOJ. a to B.a TUESDAY A.M. TO 1 1 :4S A.M. in iMaala Tlaa CM Km Faraa Baar Maala Tlai. BFD OraB Farm Baara Maala Tli BOIN Ktk BOIM Black Faraa Faras Uaar Basr Caaalrr (4. Jakaar Will BOIN Blaak !n.wb 'Nawa Flral lalllaa M. airaaaki Nawa B Maanlno Bak Oarra H. Bakkltt Old Sanaa Old Sani C.B. N.w. . Braakfaal Braaklaal Is pan (alto Maala Baa Maala Baa Orano Slaaa Breaklaal RoMra.rr Clak N.w. Maala Baa Maala Baa Warraa 0 a.aa. BOIL 8lare Teaar Abb! Jaanf Helen Traat Oar Gal Break Bank Break Bank f.V, Ltnalakr 10 :M 10:1 10:10 11:4.1 Bra Bae Lll. GarOacr lata F.rklaa IDr. Malaea Cket SanU'r Slrlka It air xraa Blik lOalla. Llkt Starr 11 :M IDaakla a. Mra. Bartaa U:1S H.lkla, Farr, Maaaa Hi! Bak an4 BarlN.rak Draka Uadlafca . ! Bak Heaa Brliklar Deri Banter DIAL L1STLNQ KOAC. IIS tffkf Mandar A. M.t 10:00, New ixwa-taj W.alkeri 10:10 Baaaelallr al .rs tTi""! ren. Two Sigmund daughters are Mrs. (Magdalena) Back- meier of Wibaux, Mont., and Mrs. Joseph (Johanna) Back- meier of Mount Angel. Two sons, Ralph Schmaltz, Portland, and Conrad Schmaltz, Mount Angel. Abo 13 grandchildren survive. Unser Funeral Home is In charge of the arrangements. Fail to Agree On T-H Revision Washington VP) The Eisen hower administration's efforts to get labor-management agree- Jment on revising the Taft-Hart ley law ocllapsed Friday. A 15-member advisory com mittee, called to get views of organized labor, management and the public, broke up in dis agreement after industry mem bers balked at voting on vari ous proposals to change the law. The advisory group, named by Secretary of Labor Durkin at thia aiiffcpBtinn of President Eisenhower, is composed of fivejli6ld- members each representing the public, unions and industry. Public and labor members teamed up Friday behind a mo tion proposed by labor mem bers to bind the advisory group of various T-H changes. Industry members replied they were willing to exchange views on revising the law, but were unwilling to "submerge our individual view in ma jority votes of a committee whose members ' represent di verse interests, but by no means all the people having legiti mate Interests In labor legisla tion." Duke of Windsor Levaes for England New York (If) The Duke of Windsor and his sister, Princess Mary, left for England Friday because of the illness of their mother, the 86-year-old dowager Queen Mary. The Dutchess of Windsor ac companied her husband abroad the British liner Queen Eliza beth, but went ashore before it sailed. She has never been re ceived by the royal family since the Duke abdicated the throne to marry her. The Duke said the last word he had was that his mother was "a little improved." She is suf fering with s gastric ailment. fret ore down peyment. moot nythina on' a trade Vf First for the Finest! P.M. KSLM KGAE K0C0 lira ua Tar TraON WrUar Mail Nawa wa Oar OOo Maala SalM Haioar DaVal OalOar r. DaTal Klrk OalOar OalOar Blrkwaaa Lackr O Nawa Mart. Mai. Km Bw-r4Bi Baa'rO Imb Baa-rO Baaal lB.-raBa Marl Mat. Maala Mai. Marie Mat Maala MaL Maala Mail. Malta UUa Daaar Maala Mai. Maala MaL Maala Mat. Maala Mai Maala OlrWN.w. Maa MaOaH Ska r.ll.a Lawbl Klaa Kara. orarkl Nwa Bmlaxvar Maala Marl CaieXaM Maaaar Maala Marl taaUak Maala Mart W.aiea Ft. Bak Baaaaa Mail. Marl Maala Mart Mla Marl 'Maala Mart Bhawaaaa Skawaaaa VaUar Bori Maala Ma.M Mail. aiaa oil IBaaarr hv.rl. Vvwa 00 Bar CaalO Tkla i Taw SUra a la, IVIataa Mal Lt oaaroa SaartaBaaarl m.l. TmMI Oa II M..U pUlrtal Maala Taaraap r.lm BarSr DIltrtM paltB Lawta TBrar tWkat Caaka Dial. Lara: BaklaO StarH Caaiaaa Cal Mataal N.w.l Nlfkl aai Nawa Ball Maala .. Want Faataar Hlokt I MlaalU Hlf! I IMItkl I MUnt i Malaalaa lain on iBraakfaat IWaal. MalaOr Waaa. Meaaea Naak 'Nawa a Ba Haraa'ar SarjHaal Nawa Nawa . Braaklaal Mealtatleaa Km. Blaak BaKlak Kaea Black Ureakiaat Qaac Braaktaat Weak Saai Rara. Cell Brawn Jlaa DaaOr Baaa Black Faaallr Altar Dandr Black Uarea el Jim Dandr Baea Blaak New. Jlaa DanOr Nawa MelaO, Back ramaa RaFFtaeaa Taaa Tlaaa Parana raatare Can Back Flaaa Fat Bib. CeBBtemereneaa MIb. Caraam Olea HarOr Tela Teel Back Feaea Bare Serenade Aa. ar Mas Beak Fen Bare Maaaa raaada Beearda WMaaerln, Ladlaa Fair Back TeBa Olrl Marrtea Ladlaa Fair Baranaa. Bare Beearla Bare IQaean far Aaek ran Bee Dar trna0a a, Weaaeai l:e. Orat. Baaariarei l:U Mejala I:Mi children'. Tk.aleri S:H, Baaka avui I.e. o. . or.., o:. M Maala. New Complaint On Surcharge The second of three complaints against the surcharge being as sessed by power companies was filed Friday with Public Utili ties Commissioner Charles W. Heitzel. The new complaint Is directed against the Mountain States Power Co. The first one was against Portland General Elec tric Co. State Rep. Monroe Sweetland, Milwaukie democrat who is lead ing the fight against the sur charge, said the third complaint, against Pacific Power & Light Co., will he filed next week. The complaint against the Mountain States Power compa ny is the same as the one against PGE, except that one additional point is raised. This additional point is that Mountain States shouldn't be allowed to lower its rates In the Springfield area in order to meet the competition of the city owned power system in Spring- Ike Plans Jobs For Republicans ' Washington WV President El senhower has moved to lift sev eral hundred policy-making jobs out of the civil service class so his administration can fill the posts with now appointees. A White House announcement Thursday said Eisenhower or dered the drafting of a directive "to provide the heads of agen cies with greater freedom In de termining" who should occupy top Jobs now under civil serv ice. The announcement said the ac tion "will not involve more than several hundred positions." It was not clear how many persons will be fired outright, If any are. Some affected hold overs from the Truman admin istration might revert to jobs they held earlier under civil service of be switched to other duties In the government The whole question of em ployes In "schedule A" that Is, jobs of a policy-making nature was tabbed for review in El senhower's order. Christianity was introduced into Ethlopio about 339 A D. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore Tele -Views Radio-Television By DAVE BLACKMKS FORMER SALEM MAN KPTV TECHNICIAN Bernard Crane, former Salem resident, now now living in Portland has been employed by KPTV, Channel 27, at a technician. Crane went to Salem high achool, finishing In 1946 when he went into the air force. Upon discharge from the service in January of 1950 he enrolled In Multnomah college in Portland. KOCO in Salem employed Bernle as an announcer technician on completion of the course at Multnomah eoU lege. . Crane is married to a former Stayton girl, Donna Trask. His mother is still residing in street. KPTV, Sunday, 5:00 p.m. For O Connor s production musical favorite "The Continental," imagining: himself at x an embassy ball. Scatman finale with 0 Connoi. Other guests include Hedy Irvnarr, Cecil Kellaway and Sid Miller. YOURS FOR THE LISTENING: Warwick Radio Theater, Salem's first and only radio thea ter will present an original comedy, "A Penny for Your Thoughts" on Sunday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m. on KOCO. The group is planning a complete presentation of Shakespeare' "Anthony and Cleopatra" at the end of the season. Jack Benny and the gang Snows of Kilimanjaro" on KOIN-CBS Radio's "Jack Benny Program" Sunday, March 8. A wierd native chant in the marrow of Benny's little safari, but it turns out to be the Sportsmen singing the commercial. YOITRS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING: SUNDAY Private Secretary at 4:80. cal withdrew his backing suddenly, Susie (Ann Sothern) poses as housemaid to find out the reason for his change oi heart. Comedy Hour 5:00. Donald O'Connor, with truest stars. Hedy Lammar, Marily Maxwell, Cecil Kellaway, Sid Miller and "Scatman" Crothers. Fred Waring Show at 6:00 will originate from Kansas City, i . minstrel production will highlight the second "road" telecast during their tour, . . - . . Red Skelton at 7:00. Mills Brothers will be guest. Red turns tennis tutor into comedy sketch. 1 Studio One at 8:00 stars Jimmy Dunn in The Show Piece," story of a teen-age boy, idolized by chums and parents to the point where he comes to believe himself a hero, only to suffer the consequences of a showoff. ' MEMBERS INITIATED Woodburn Ten new mem bers are scheduled to be initiat ed Into St. Michael's Circle of Columbian Squires here Monday! II II aa"" III worn in QUALITY TELEVISION Offers First With the Finest in TV See the Sensational NEW DUMONT All Channel Tuner GUARANTEED TO HAVE: Less "Snow" than all other models Clarity, clearer picture e Tone Unsurpassed Installed in Your Home for as Low as 2.95 per week Valley Television Center "TWO VALLEY STORES" Complete sales, service and Installed carry full So-day IN SALEM Baigley Bros. Furniture 231$ Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-5491 Saturday, Mardi 7, KIO 7 Salem, at 1656 South Liberty TOPS IN TV CANDY CARNIVAL Action -packed half hoar of carnival capers with merry-go-rounds, funny stunts, real circus clowns and acro bats. Barker is Gene Crane, Dave Stephens directs the circus band and other star attractions are Candy, the Clown, and his pal the Tramp. Sunday, 11 Lovely Marilyn Maxwell Is the latest addition to the Donald O'Connor show oa the "Colgate Comedy Hour, finale, he will dance to the Crothers will appear in the present his version of The the African jungle night chills When "angel" her boss musi night, March at pjn. during the regular meeting of the group at St, Luke's hall. The initiation first set for March 1. was postponed. 25 (WW Installation. service. All sets sold sad IN WOODBURN 171 Grant St. Phene 361! i i s X V .5 i j f k t. ilk 14 : I.