Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 07, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Capital i Journal
Pag 6 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, March 7, 195S
4 w:
1 IS ltd1??.- nJaflj U I
Garden "Notebook
grow her. So, row. If you wnt5HBBK9
to add color and shad to your
garden, plant some flowering
tree. They will give lone last
ing beauty, require little care
land what more can on atk?
Clever Designing pack thii email house with luxury fea
ture!. A two-way fireplace la open to both living room and
dining room. A covered garden porch open from both
' living room and master bedroom. A high fence screen an
outdoor living area. Eleven closets, front and rear vestibule,
children' room adjacent to the kitchen and double lava
tories in the bathroom are among other outstanding details.
This is Plan 814-T by Edward R. Tyler, 88S Macon Place,
Unlondale, N.Y. The house cover 1,286 square feet and ha
a basement.
Grnber Bros.
Contract and General
Established 1908
45 Years in Salem
154 S, liberty Phone 36594
i Investigate
j; this "Movable. Wall"
1 " for Your Homo
Block and Supply (o.
1690 Dallas Rd.
Salem, Ore.
Phone M445
or write
PltftM stnd m rrst tllurtrstcd
eolor folder n Modarnfola Doors.
Ctlr . Blow
Easy fo Grow
Would you like to grow the
large, spicy-fragrant carnation
in your own gardenT They are
easy to grow and may be started
from seeds, cutting or by lay
ering. ;
There are two schools of
thought on taking cuttings.
Some say use the ends of the
stems and root In March. Others
say to use the firm, green side
shoots in August So there you
are. you might experiment,
yourself. Seed are usually
sown In February or March.
If you already have some
choice plants, layering Is an easy
method of propagation. Remove
the leaves from the stem
where you expect the cut to be
made, notch the stem near a
node and bury the section to be
rooted one Inch deep. The (tern
should be pegged down. When
root have developed, sever the
new plant from the parent plant.
There are outdoor strains of
carnation that have been de
veloped to rival the greenhouse
type. Purchase seed or original
plant from a specialist to se
cure th larser. flnrUt-tvn rar-l
nation that you have always
admired. These have long stems,
large flowers and a pleasing
spicy fragrance.
Cuttings take about three
week to form satisfactory
roots. The soil should be kept
fairly moist but not wet. You
should pinch back new plants
to Induce development of side
shoots. The excess buds must be
removed, too. Permit no more
than one bud to a stem If you
want large, perfect flower. If
planting in bed or in green
house bench, be prepared to pro
vide support to keep the plants
erect Spraying with a weak so
lution of lime-sulphur will keep
down infestations of red spider.
Spray with Bordeaux mixture.
Nothing In a garden or home
planting attract as much atten
tion as does the flowering tree.
We have touched on this sub
ject at different time, but let
us look at the various tree tht
are usable In this locality.
Pranue Blerlana (flowering
plum) earliest to bloom. A small
tree with fragrant pink double
rosettes that appear before the
leaves. This tree, when bare of
leaves in winter has an exotic
appearance. Leaves are a ma'
hogany red.
Prunus Plssardi (flowering
plum) similar to the first men
tioned but with pale pink flow
Bechtel's Crab (Ioensis Plena)
One of the most popular crabs
locally. It is a round headed
tree with large pale double pink
blossoms with a delicate fragrance.
Kaldo Crab. An upright tree
of pyramidal form that matures
at a height of 8-10 feet. Buds
are rose pink and open to a clear
pink, quite fragrant.
Florlbunda Crab. This is the
most floriferous of trees. Car
mine buds open a rosy pink and
fade to white. Blooms complete
ly cover the tree. Has yellow
crabapple in fall that atay on
all winter. The fruit Is about
the size of a cherry.
Niedzwetr.kyana (or Redvein
Crab) is a large upright tree to
13 to 20 feet It has large
single, reddish flowers followed
by good sized reddish purple
crabapple. The apple make
good Jelly and are excellent
spiced or pickled. Very prolific.
Teacrab (Hupehensls). Grows
to 20 feet has long stiff branches
with short flower producing
spurs. It can be easily espauer-
ed. If desired. Has large, single
flowers, foliage is purplish as is
the fruit.
These are only a few of the
flowering crabapple varieties.
Much work ha been done in
hybridizing in recent year par
ticularly by Arte denBoer, of
Oes Moines. Most crab are
small hardy trees giving a great
profusion of bloom In spring
and blend well Into any land
scape planting.
The Flowering Cherries.
The fame of the Washington,
D. C. cherries has created great
popularity for this field. Here
are some of the good ones.
Pranna Sub Hlrtella. One of
the first to bloom, low branched.
spreading. Grows to 25 feet and
has light pink to white flowers
hiding the branches before the
leaves appear.
Autumnalis (Rosebud Cherry)
This is a variation of the above
and gives a repeat performance
in the autumn and is, thus, very
Rosebud Cherry Penduia. This
is the popular weeping cherry
that gives a delicate, lacy, fountain-like
effect in early spring.
Yosnlno Cherry (Yedoemis).
Clean and fast-growing to 40
feet. Has a profusion of single
pink flowers.
Siebold Cherry (Prunus Sie-
boldi). Slow growth make it a
good lawn specimen. Symmetri
cal, large pendulous clusters of
pale pink flowers.
Kanian Cherry. Stiff, erect
branches covered with large,
double pink blooms, completely
hiding the limbs.
White Pearl. (Prunus Avlnum
Plena). A white form of the
The Magnolias and Dodgood.
We have already discussed
magnolias to some extent in
these columns as we also have
the dogwoods, both of which
have a definite place in the gar
den as background planting or
as lawn specimens.
The Hawthorns (Craetagus).
Hedges, such as: Elwood, Fletcher and Porter Cypress;
English and Jap Yew; Juniper; Arborvttoe, Evonymus;
English and Portugal Laurel. Also many choice shrubs
for planting your home.
4 Miles North on Front Street, turn west at Keiser School,
follow paved road 4 miles to nursery Phone 4-1916
Dick Meyer Lumber Company
ceding 12 (be, M, March 14 OfJr While Onitttf lata
4x7 U" Shop Grade, per ft ,. le
4x1 U" Shop Grade, per ft I 910o
4x1 H" Shop Grade, per ft l4o
Above grade Is superior to reject quality
(modeling and lmprovment loans, 16 months to pay.
jfo down payment Ne mortgage.
Dependable estimating service. Phone S-49S9 for detailed
tnformatioa ee call at our office. I blocks north of ander
n gad x block east of 1711 tana Arena.
This controls fungus diseases
that might attack carnations.
There are two main groups of
carnations of large flowered
forms, the outdoor or border
(Marguerite type) and the flor
ist or greenhouse type. Carna
tions belong to the Dlanthus
family and are known as Dlan
thus Caryophyllus. They are re
lated to Sweet William and
grass pinks as well known in
Grandmother's day. They are
easy to grow and provide an
abundance of cut flowers in col
ors and shades from white
through dark red.
Eagles often attack fishing oi
preys, making them drop fish
they have caught and then selz
ing the food; but sometimes
group of ospreys will attack an
eagle and drive it out of the
These are thorny trees for large
planting or parks, often used
as street trees, too.
Paul's Scarlet la one of the
showiest hawthorns when in
bloom. Clusters of small, stiff
roseattes in a rosy red.
The Washington Thorn Is a
native species good for garden
planting. It has whit flower in
late spring. Grow to 30 feet.
The Redbnd Tree (Cercl
Canadensis). Gives early sorinc
color of purplish pink pea like
nowers in clusters alone the
stems. This tree Is better known
In the Middle West and Call!-
fornia than in our Pacific North-
west but it could well be grown
The Golden Chain Tree (La
burnum Anagyroldes) is a good
little garden tree. Has long,
pendulous clusters of bright vel-
low pea-like flowers in May that
trail gracefully.
The Silk Tree (Albizzia Jull-
brlisin) Is resplendent with fluf
fy, pink, taruel-like flowers with
finely divided, feathery leave.
A grand specimen of this tree
is the one on the post office
grounds on the State street side
Just east of the driveway. A
few years ago there waa some
controversy as to the Identifica
tion of this particular tree, but
since tnat time a number of au
thorities on the subject have
seen and Identified it as Albiz
zla Jullbrlssln or Silk tree.
Japanese Snowball (Styrax
Japonica) ia a tree not seen
locally, aa far aa we knowl It
grow from IS to 30 feet and
ha white flower hanging all
along the branches in June.
The Sorrel Tree (Oxydendron
Arboreum) has white flower
In flat dropping panicle. The
leave turn acarlet In fall Ulti
mate height 1 40 feet, but 1 a
slow grower.
The Frankllnla or Gordonla
wia discovered wild In Georgia
in v 1790 but ha never been
found growing wild since. In
favorable condition It may
reach 30 feet It has cup-shaped
white flowers with gold centers.
The leaves turn crimson before
The Tulip Tree (Llrlodendrom
Tulipeera) ia a large tree often
used In street plantings. It is
quite often classed as a shade
tree, rather than a flowering
tree, yet it flower, green and
yellow tulip shaped blossoms,
are spectacular. In common us
age the magnolia Is often mis
takenly referred to as the tulip
tree. This true Tulip Tree 1 an
other of the south' most used
trees, often reaching a height of
80 feet or more. The blooms do
not appear on young trees. The
writer has one that Is 10 years
old that has not yet bloomed!
Its foliage is interesting in form,
clean looking and a good even
green. It turns brilliant yellow
to red in the fall and the tree,
itself, is upright, pyramidal in
shape and afford good (hade.
The leaf formation are interest
ing to watch develop through the
Empress Tree (Paulownia) Is
another tree often used in the
south but neglected here. It Is
related to the Catalpa and has
large heart-shaped leaves. The
gragrant flowers are bluish-pur
ple in color in upright clusters
before the leaves appear. When
in bloom, it will perfume the
whole garden. It appears to lose
its leaves all at one time. It
makes a good lawn specimen or
shade tree and will reach a
height of BO feet under ideal
The Catalpa la a fast growing
tree to 40 feet with large, light
green heart ihaped leave. The
flower are white with purple
dot and yellow dots within
Bloom May to June.
This is only a partial list of
the flowering trees that we can
Did Ye Know?
That the Douglas Fir Is not
sn Oregon exclusive but extends
well Into Northern California?
That, likewise, the Redwoods
extend from California well Into
Southwest OregonT
In the Western ranges of Ore
gon and Washington are found
pines and Western larchT
Spruce is usually found on
low and moist ground T
The Julpers of Central Oregon
are hardy, long-lived and di
verse of form?
That you can plant Agapan-
thus (Lily of the Nile) in the
Blueberry Elder may grow as
much as 12 feet in one year?
Dusty Zenobia, a 6 foot shrub,
is noted for its excellent gray
ish foliage throughout the year
and 1 related to the blueberry?
The rose Is probably the old
est of the cultivated flowers,
known as early as 1000 B.C.?
That the hybrid tea rose came
into existence In 1867?
The edges of path or walk
should be even to facilitate
Oil DDT spray for control of
flea and file are not alway
safe for garden use? Use a hor
ticultural DDT spray specifically
designed for that purpose. Read
the label on the can or bottle
before using.
The statement that Western
garden can be planted any time
of the year la a myth?
If you lot is narrow - you
should plant low growing shrubs
and flowers along the founda
A tender shrub, tree or vine
can be protected from killing
frost by protecting only the
roots and the lower part of the
The latest average date for
killing frosts in this area is
April IS.
These new "toll condition"
change the texture of the soil
only, and do not add to the fertility?
That lukewarm water for
mixing spray will give far bet
ter results?
Money does not grow on
trees but limbs have a way of
attracting It?
You should prune nothing but
dead wood from Spring bloom
ing trees, shrubs and vines?
That if frosts "heaved" plants
up out of the ground slightly,
you should press back In place
and firm the soil?
Woodburn Plans
For Flower Show
Woodburn Plans for the
annual spring flower show will
be made at the regular meeting
of the Woodburn Garden club
Tuesday, March 10 at 8 p.m. at
the library club rooms. Mrs.
Ray Glatt will be program chair
man. '
Roll call will be answered!
with "My Favorite Border Com
bination," and cup and saucer
flower arrangement will be fea
tured. Horticulture specimens
will be favorite camellias. Host
esses will be Mrs. Mark Thomp
son and Mrs. Howard F. Butter
field. Any one Interested in
flowers Is Invited to attend. .
The home owner, who is now
Dlannln to build a new garage,
a porch, dormer in the attic, or
to make any outer major alter
ation to hi house, I not going
to feel lonesome In tackling the
orolect More than a billion dol
lars was spent this year on this
kind of work additions ana al
terations to non-farm dwellings.
Next yesr this amount plus an
other f SO million, will be spent
on the same kind of work.
This 1 based on a Joint fore
cast by the Department of La
bor and Commerce In Washing
ton. Their estimates make no al
lowances for repairs and minor
improvements such as paint
ing, putting on a new roof, fin
ishing basement playrooms, buy
ing screens or storm windows
and the innumerable other Item
that lure the householder!' dollars.
The forecast Is based on ex
perience with figure shown in
work requiring building per
mits. For this reason the farmer
is left out of the picture. He's a
free man, needing no permit
Anyone planning on buying a
new bouse will probably find
plenty to choose from. The
building boom in general is ex
pected to continue. More .than
million new houses were
built again this year several
years in a row now and this in
spite of restrictions on materials
and mortgage loans. With re
striction now eased, equally as
many new houses are in pros
pect for 1953, even though the
housing shortage Is supposed to
be wiped out In most places.
Various new materials are
coming into the market to make
it easier to Improve our houses.
Kisfner Elected
Fire Chief
Woodburn Karl Klstner
has been elected president of the
Woodburn volunteer fire de
partment, succeeding Jack Bush.
Fred Kinns, Jr., is vice-president
and Ed Krohn, secretary
treasurer. The department will
be represented at the district
fire meeting Wednesday, March
ii, at Keizer.
New members recently taken
into the department are Ed De
Guire, Tom Ostrom, Harold
Llvesay, L. H. Hlldebrandt, Ro
bert Wellman and Albert Well-man.
U. S. President Wilson. Taft
and Theodore Roosevelt were
born in 1836, 1957 and 1858 re
spectively, but served as Presi
dent in the reverse order.
f'i- prx""inne
Standard Sixes in Stock
A complete line of custom
built fireplace screens and
All types, all sizes available
in solid brass or any finish
desired! See our complete
Ph. 34788 355 twirl
We Give JMf Green Stamp
Free Roses 1
We irt giving one Free 1
Ne. 1 Rose Bush with J
every $5.00 purchase. i
OpetJwidJT iM.le J
6 .M. J
Middle Grove 1
Nursery l
f 4920 SHrtrfM 1 A
By Colling at Our Nurttry
Used Garden Tractors
11950 Model 20 Rotary Hoe
11952 Model 20 Rotary Hoe
11950 Model 10 Rotary Hoe
These Machine Have Been Used Very Little
Fe A. Doerfler & Son
sells and Install
wall tile
k it
ee waiii
Passu WJ TH by CfaaMiWW mm'Ut tmt tnaaty
ym all i ,, insry er poirdw room.
i flick of damp doth keeps ta
fwmwo ro yem-rmm mm ai.u.
u ehf foirtMitiaS WAVHVt OSPsajiAseX) lMf)jnBflff4jflfc
H il ii n m.Q it.tkj
(apilol Floor Covering
217 S. High
none 43751
One 1 loin to simplify the fin
ishlng of that extra bathroom I
upstairs. It's a plastic bathtub i
that weighs only 17 pound. The
plastic Is reinforced with fiber
glass to keep the tub from bulg
ing when Uncle Bulgy gets Into
it. It 1 said to be chip-proof,
The manufacturers (Owens
Corning Piberglas Corp., Tole
do) compare the tub's 1? pound
with the real heavyweight that
call for extra strong floor joists.
They cite 180 pounds for enam
eled steel and 350 pounds for
enameled cait iron.
This lightness la expected to
bring about a saving in labor
cost for Installation. At the
same time the tub is designed to
take conventional fittings and
fixtures, so your plumber won't
lose time scratching hi bead;
over how to connect the pipes.
The tub comes in four colors
and white, in standard sizes and
is slated to tell for 10 to 20 per
cent less than the regular types.
They say It's swell for a trall-
EI3 iJHa
On the way loo . . ,
Phone 44624
Aboul special off the
car rates. Discounts
apply for one bag cuj.
lomers as well as loi
3935 Silverion Rd.
All the RE0S
t) The Ever Popular
' Royal
The Big 25" Trimalawn
The Townhouse Elec.
and Ihe The 2,f Wo
Brand New Rolarys The 18" Revojef
The 21" &PORTLAWN Now with Rewind Starter
The New 18" and 20" WHIRLWINDS
. (Both 2 and 4 Cycle Models)
"TORO" Rated Tope in "Consumers Research"
Both Reel and Rotary
Gat or Electric
19S3 Models Will Be
n Hand Shortly
S nfP I
The 11-Inch Mewer that Is
prapeUed by H roller. Baa
downhill ecmprnalen. Mows
within I Inches f obstacle.
The 20-inch KLIPPER
Wat Named
"Best Mower"
By Consumer' Union
Features found en ne other
Mower Include the Weed
Topper tor either the 11
or W Models and cot lerel
height adjustment and
A Xear Factory Gaaraate
1. We (Ire the easiest terms araiUble anywhere.
t. We fir liberal trade-in en year old mower.
Wo oxiend the reftiUr ee-day factory guarantee ie en year.
4. We bare oar ewn service faculties.
i. We sire Fenny Barer Stamp sn cash mrrchaaea, er e ms
atreed' payments.
. We hare the best selection of mowers In this tradlnr area.
7. We ftre free bom demonstrations to bona-flde prospectrr
Phone l-Jl 06
230 N. Lancaster Dr.
Phone 2-2S49
fty ftsi MsBafcsWf of fA9 faffwv 9u0