Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 07, 1953, Page 8-9, Image 21

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    Dance Clubs
List Parties
Next Week-end
Several dancing partiei are on the
calendar tor next Friday and Saturday
Wisteria Group
Wisteria club's March party will be
on Friday evening at the Veterans of
Foreign Wars hall, dancing starting at
8 o'clock. Bob Cross' orchestra will play.
- On the committee for the evening are
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rossner, Mr. and
Mrs. Harmon Garrett, Mrs. Joseph Hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gahlsdorl.
Trotters Event
Trotters club's monthly dance is slat
ed for next Friday evening at the Sena
tor hotel, dancing to be between 10
and 1 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McCafferty arc
Chairmen for the committee.
Cama Club Party
The regular monthly dance for Cama
club is scheduled for next Saturday eve
ning, March 14, at Knights of Columbus
hall, dancing to be between 10 p.m. and
1 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard head
the committee in charge. Serving with
them are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Walker
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith.
Easter Bonnet
Bridge of Club
An event of Thursday evening, March
19, will be the annual Salem Junior
Woman's club Easter Bonnet bridge to
be in the Capitol room of the Senator
hotel at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Calvin Kent
is chairman of the affair.
Children's Easter outfits from Marg
, wen's will be modeled as well as hats
from Miller's. A special feature of the
show will be the modeling of hats from
the YWCA-millinery class which Miss
Marie Baker teaches. Commentator for
the show will be Mrs. James T. Brand.
Floral arrangements for the show will
be from Jary's.
Modeling in the show will be Mrs.
Bill Clabaugh, Mrs. Virgil Ekstrand,
Mrs. Robert Price, Mrs. Terry Randall,
Mrs. Orvllle Kannier, Jr., Mrs. Frank D.
Ward, Mrs. George W. Dewey, Jr., Mrs.
Sam Campbell, Mrs. Fred Joenke, Mrs.
Harry Swing, Mrs. Albert C. Gragg,
Mm. Miller Hayden, Mrs. Sue Syring,
Marcia Jenny, Sally Clabaugh, Denise
Ward, Karen Joenke and Judy Atwood.
Dessert will be served before the
show and cards In play following. Those
playing cards are asked to bring their
own table accessories. Tickets will be
on sale at the door. The Interested pub
lic is invited.'
Serving on the committee with Mrs.
Kent are Mrs. Charles Wlnkenwerder,
Mrs. Wallace Wilson, Mrs. Douglas Hay,
Mrs. Ralph W. Atwood, Miss Donna Bush
and Mrs. Jack Muller.
Wed at a simple service Friday eve
ning in St. John's church in Seattle were
Miss Martha McNary Marshall, elder
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Mar
shall of Salem, and Gerald C. Evanson,
son of Mrs. Alfred C. Evanson of Seat
tle and the late Mr. Evanson,
The service was at 7 o'clock, only
members of the families attending. The
Marshalls and their younger daughter,
Julia, went north for the ceremony.
The couple will be at home at 1527
Market street, Seattle. Both will attend
University of Washington.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae are meeting next
Thursday evening, at the home of Mrs.
Wolcott E. Buren, dessert to be at 7:30
For the special program, Mrs. Charles
A. Sprague, an alumna of the sorority,
will highlight her observations of United
Nations, she having gone east for the
UN session during the time Mr. Sprague
' was serving as alternate delegate.
At the business meeting new officers
will be chosen. Co-hostesses for the
meeting will be Mrs. Don Dawson, Mrs.
Marlon Mulcahy, Mrs. Don Wilson, Mrs.
Ervln W. Potter, Mrs. Jack Fltzmaurlce,
Mrs. Cornelius Bateson.
Salem Sojourners club has planned
Its eighth birthday party for next
Thursday afternoon, the event to be at
the Salem Woman's club. Dessert will
be at 1 o'clock.
On the committee are Mrs. Bernard
Brown, chairman, Mrs. Wendell Munson,
Mrs. Charles Stirling, Mrs. Frank
Bishop, Mrs. Jason Lee, Mrs. Loren
. Alpha XI Delta alumnae are to meet
next Tuesday evening at the home
of Miss Eleanor Stephens, 27S North
20th, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock. Miss
Ellse Schroerier is to be co-hostess.
There will be election of officers
nd white elephant sale is planned.
Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood la
meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Irene Adam
at 307 Shelton street, Dallas. Mrs. Mol
lis Ottaway is to be co-hostess.
Mrs. Charles L. Layport and Mrs. E.
A. Brown will be hostesses to the mem
bers of Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood
for their meeting on Tuesday afternoon
t 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Lay-
Port- m
Xappa Alpha Thcta sorority alumnae
of Salem are planning a buffet dinner
on the evening of March 10 to honor
State Treasurer and Mrs. Sigfrld B.
Unander, the party to be at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone. Mrs.
Unander If n flumnt of the group.
Chapter AB of P.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting on Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. David B. Re.vis. 2043
Chemeketf, Mrs. M. K. Peck is co-kOfttsf.
- i '
WOMEN OF THE community are taking the lead In conducting the annual
American Red Cross fund campaign In Marion count; this year, March being Red
Cross month. Heading, the professional division are these two above, Mrs. Terry Randall,
at left, and Mrs. Claybourne Dyer.
PROMINENT on the calendar for
late March is the wedding of
Miss Betty Cooley and William
E. Kaer, Jr., of Olympla, Wash., the
ceremony to be solemnized the after
noon of Sunday, March 22.
Miss Cooley is announcing members
of her wedding party this week-end.
The service will be at 4 o'clock in
the First Presbyterian church, Dr. Paul
N. Poling officiating. Lois Anne Peck
of Portland Is to be soloist, Mrs. Ralph
Dobbs to play the organ.
Candlellghters will be Miss Joan
Hobart of Portland,, Mrs. James Zwas
chka, Miss Alice Girod and Mis Gwen
dolyn Fry.
Miss Anne Forristel is to be honor
attendant for the bride and the brides
maids will be Miss Karen Kaer and
Miss Katherine Kaer, Olympla, sisters
of the bridegroom.
Sharon Lee of Portland, a cousin of
the bridegroom, is to be flower girl and
the ring bearers will be Henry Becker,
Jr., of Portland, a cousin of the bride,
and Douglas Kaer of Olympla, young
brother of the bridegroom.
Robert Oringdolf of Portland is to be
best man. Ushers will include James
Goldringer, Kenneth Kilbourn, both of
Portland, Donald Morrison of Yakima,
Richard Lauer, Portlmd.
The reception following will be at
the Pi Beta Phi sorority house on Wil
lamette university campus.
The bride-elect is the daughter of
Mrs. Robert W. Prentiss of Salem and
Mr. Kaer is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
William E. Kaer of Olympla.
Alpha Phi alumnae are to meet on
Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. John A. Heltzel.
ICronlit itudlo plcturt)
Bfrkm.n. b. en.mni W J.rk w
L v A.
- . " I
(Jeiten-MiUe- atudlo picture)
gO EVERAL Salem friends will be in
the wedding party when Miss Vir
ginia Johnson of Corvallis and
Earl W. McFarlan of Sweet Home are
married on Saturday, March 21. Miss
Johnson is announcing members of her
wedding party this week-end.
The ceremony will be solemnized at
8 o'clock that evening in the First
Methodist church at Corvallis, the Rev.
Daniel W. Walker, pastor, officiating.
Soloist will be Miss Nancy Allworth of
Corvallis and Mrs. Albert Marsh will
be organist.
Lighting the candles will be Mrs.
Kenneth Lenaburg and Mrs. James
Armson, both of Salem.
Miss Barbara Johnson is to be maid
of honor for her sister. The brides
maids will be Miss Gayle Juve, Miss
Merle Rhoten and Miss Beverly Hof
stetter, all of Salem, and Miss Bette
Gathercoal of Corvallis and Albany.
Wendell Gronso of Lebanon is to be
best man. Ushers will be Dale McFar- .
Ian of Forest Grove, brother of Mr.
McFarlan; Burton Amos of Sweet
Home, Robert Brandt of Sweet Home,
Robert Hollis of Salem, Daniel Poling
of Sweet Home and Fred Gleeson of
The reception following also will be
at the church.
The bride-elect, who was in Salem
this past year on the staff of the Capi
tal Journal, is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Tracy W. Johnson of Corvallis.
Mr. McFarlan is the son of Mrs. C.
R. McFarlan of Forest Grove.
Zcta Tau Alpha alumnae are meeting
on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.
Charles W. Marshall, 1180 North 23th
street. The meeting is at 8 o'clock. All
alumnae of the sorority in Salem and
vicinity are Invited.
(Jtrn-Milln itudlo plcturtl
ri"1 " of Mr. and Mr,. A. J.
It's Up To
For Marion
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HEADING THE women's reridentiU division in the Red Cross campaign is Mm. E. H. Kennedy, second from
left, shown here helping to dUtrlbute suppliea for her captains. Left to right: Mrs. Brazier C. Small, Mrs. Ken
nedy, Mrs, Paul A. Lardon, Mrs. E. F. Kirkwood.
Tana Bawden
In Piano Event
Here on Monday
A musical event of interest for Mon
day evening, March 9, will be the piano
concert to be presented by Tana Bawden
of Portland, under auspices of the Salem
Federated Music Clubs.
The program will be at 8 o'clock in
Waller hall. The interested public is in
vited and tickets may be obtained at the
door with Miss Aice Arnold and Miss
Dorothy Pearce in charge.
Proceeds from the concert will go to
the Mrs. Walter A. Denton memorial
fund maintained by the Salem Federat
ed Music clubs for scholarships.
Immediately following the program
there will be an informal reception in
Lausanne hall to which all friends are
invited to come and meet Miss Bawden,
an outstanding junior artist of the north
west. In the receiving line at the reception
will be Mrs. David Eason, Miss Bawden,
Miss Nellie Tholen, teacher of Miss Baw
den, Mrs. Monte Bawden, mother of the
young pianist, and Mrs. F. R. Hunter,
president of the State Federated Music
clubs, all of Portland; Dean and Mrs.
Melvin H. Geist, Mrs. Clyde C. Gilbert
On the hostess committee are Mrs.
Harvey W. Gibbens, Mrs. Nettie Larson,
Mrs. Dalbert Jepsen, Mrs. Kenneth Rich,
Miss Margaret Hogg, Miss Lena Belle
Light refreshments will be served with
group of Miss Bawden's Salem friends
assisting, Mrs. J. M. Lamb in charge.
Miss Jane Gray, newly elected presi
dent of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music
honor society at Willamette, will be in
charge of ushering at the concert, as
sisted by other members of the organi
zation. The program for the Monday event if
as follows: .
Prelude and Fugue No. XXII Bk. I Bach
Italian Concerto Bach
Sonata Op. 31, No. 2 : Beethoven
The White Peacock Griffes
L'Isle Joyeuse Debussy
Etude Op. 10, No. 3 Chopin
Etude Op. 25, No. 1 Chopin
Nocturne Op. 27, No. 2 Chopin
Nocturne Op. 27, No. 1 Chopin
Nocturne Op. 15, No. 2 Chopin
Ballade in G-Minor Chopin
Pi Beta Phi Mothers club is meeting
at the chapter house Tuesday at 2
A musical program is planned for the
pleasure of the mothers, Miss Alice
Girod to play piano numbers, Miss Cora
lie Doughton to sing. Hostesses for the
lea will be Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and
Mrs. Blanche Proctor.
Jimmy Randall, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hal Randall, observed his ninth birthday
today. Mrs. Randall entertained at their
home with a cowboy luncheon for her
son, the group later going to the show.
Jimmy's guests included Steve Anderson,
Steve Stewart. Douglas and Larry Mor
gan, Mike McCortnick, Bobby Keudell,
Lawrence Ward, Denny Nelson, Ricky
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bogardus and Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Barnick are entertain
ing thik evening at the Bogardus home.
A group of 34 friends has been bidden
for an informal evening and late supper.
Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson
will be in Portland next Sunday eve
ning. March 15, as special guests at the
banquet of the Archdiocesan Council of
Catholic Women at the Multnomah ho
tel. Ooveroer Pattonoa it to apeak.
The Women
County's Share In Annu'k A
THE engagement of Miss Betty
Lou Beckman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert J. Beckman, to
' Jack W. Grimes, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Grimes of Jefferson, was an
nounced last evening at a dessert party
given by Miss Kay Scherrer, at the
Beckman home.
The supper table was set with an em
broidered Chinese linen cloth. The
centerpiece was large nosegay of
spring blooms from which streameri
of varied colors led to each place. At
tached to the ribbons were miniature
nosegays and envelopes inclosing the
' No date is set for the wedding. The
bride-elect is a senior at Salem high
school. Mr. Grimes is a graduate of
Jefferson high school and attended
University of Oregon before going into
the navy. He is now employed at the
Western Veneer Plywood company at
. Attending the announcement party
were Miss Beckman, her mother and
her sister, Miss Lee Al Beckman; Miss
Louise Owens, Miss Gloria Stolk, Miss
Joann Brown, Miss Judith Carlson, Miss
Charlyn Ogle, Miss Coralie Roseberry,
Miss Michelle Edwards, Miss Dorothy
MacGregor and the hostess.
Chapter BQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood is
meeting on Monday evening at the home
of Mrs. Charles Mills at 7:45 o'clock,
ivirs. oeorge L,. bears as co-hostess,
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This Year ToWrin
(Jeiten-lfilter itudlo alcturo)
Mrs. Smith to
Be Tea Hostess
Among the teas for next week is tht
one for which Mrs. G. Herbert Smith is
to entertain on Saturday afternoon to
honor Mrs. Edwin Franklin Snider, a
newcomer here. Guests have been invrf.
ed to call between 3 and 5 o'clock.
Greeting at the door for the first hour
will be Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Jr. Assist
ing in the living room will be Mrs. Ralph
E. Purvine, Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod,
Mrs. Charles W. Mills, Mrs. Otto J. Wil
son. Introducing to the line will bt
Mrs. Wheeler English.
Pouring during the first hour will bt
Mrs. H. H. Brooks and Mrs. Robert F.
Wulf and assisting in the dining room
will be Mrs. Robert Siddoway, Mrs. Rich
ard P. Embick, Mrs. A. Terrence King,
Mrs. George C. Alexander.
During the second hour, Mrs. Harmon
T. Harvey will greet at the door. Assist
ing in the living room will be Mrs. Peter
M. Gunnar, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen,
Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, Mrs. Horace Mc
Gee. Mrs. James T. Brand and Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons are to pour during the sec
ond hour and assisting in the dining
room will be Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs.
Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Ralph Schlesinger,
juts. noDeri r . Anaerson.
(Lrn.B'a audio picture, Dtllti)
'g In That Goal Of
MRS. JACK EYERLY, center, U general chairman for the Marion county Red Cross drive this year, the
first time a woman has headed the campaign hers. Mrs. Eyerly Is shown giving sunestlons to two of her key chair
men, Mrs. Abner K. Kline, at left, advanced gifts chairman; Mrs. Mike Steinbock, at right, special gifts chairman.
J" ENTRAL Willamette spring con-,
ference for Business and Profes-
S sional Women's clubs will convene
Salem on aunday, March 15. Mrs.
l.ilcille Borigo of Taft is district chair-
in for the event which is to take
:.ce at the Marion hotel. Registration
i SKI be irora 8:30 to 9 o'clock: with
kftakfast following at 9:30 a.m.
'State Representative Edward Card-
ill of Linn county will be the prin-
"slal speaker and will talk on "Current
-.legislation , Before the State Legisla
te, with a question and answer pe-
id following his address.
Various aspects of district conferences
the state convention will be dis
used by Miss Laura York of M'dford,
Ite first vice-president, and club presi-
'-snts will give reports.
le Salem club will be hostess to the
Iter groups of the district and Miss
lldred Yetter, president, has invited
business and professional women to
i' Zt. Mary's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
irch is meeting Monday afternoon at
clock at the home of Mrs. Charles
Mills, 685 Boice, Mrs. Woodson Ben-
as co-hostess.
: elta Gamma Mothers club is to meet
J. luncheon at 1 o'clock at the home
Mrs. G. G. Polales, 825 North Win
. r. All town Delta Gamma mothers art
i Urited.
Indeoendence Mr. and Mrs. A. R. El-
(n are announcing the engagement of
heir daughter. Miss Cora Mae Elvin, to
Urroy F. Weaver, son of Mrs. Lidwine
tf Weaver of Independence.
The couple Is planning a summer
eMarion post and auxiliary, No. 661,
... veterans of Foreign Wars, will enter--4ln
districts 19 and 20 at a no-host
:. fkicheon on Sunday, March 8. The
-Sent will be at the Veterans of Foreign
,fars hall, beginning at 3 p.m.
jMembers of the Horizon club led by
Robert w. uormsen wm eniermm
6 PufriMr'a rlanre next Saturday
-Ttening at the Gormsen home. Miss
Jlyce Randall is president oi me ciud.
The group met this week at the nome
Mrs. Gormsen. U u e s t s were inree
n,K.H Waciminditr ffnilrl nf the
first Presbyterian church, sponsors of
tic club, the guests including mrs. uiiu
Wilson, Mrs. William cusn, mrs. iura
Jr. The group put on a white ele-
scant sale.
Circles of the Woman's Society of
Christian Service of the First Methodist
church will meet at 1:15 p.m. on Wed-
isday for dessert, with the exception
Circle 7 which will meet a week from
Wednesday, March 18, at 8 p.m. Mect
jig places next Wednesday are as fol
liws: j Circle 1, with Mrs. E. O. Welling,
1333 Boone Road, Mrs. Walter L. Spaul
ding and Mrs. Cora Hartzell assisting.
i Circle 2, Mrs. M. C. Woods, 260 So.
14th, Mrs. W. L. Robins and Mrs. Hugh
Stevens assisting.
: ' Circle 3, Mrs. Glenn Barge, 290 W.
Luthpr Mr. F.. F.. Gilbert and Mrs. D.
: at. Mclntire assisting.
Circle 4. Mrs. J. F. Cook, 1444 Ferry,
, Mrs. Pearl Upson and Miss Adona Coch
rane assisting.
'' Circle 5, Mrs. Edna Waterman. 465
, . forth Cottage, Mrs. George Moore and
' Mrs. D. W. Pugh assisting.
Circle 6, Mrs. R. D. Taylor, 3915 Lib
erty Road, Mrs. Rena Waterman assist-
- Circle 7, meeting will be Wednesday,
March 18 at 8:00 p.m. at the home of
Mn. Olen Williams, 995 North Capital.
Assisting will be Mrs. Thad Moreland
arid Mrs. Nick Schweigcrt. Devotions
..will be led by Mrs. Lakin Wcstphal.
nf -
Red Cross Campaign
Miss Meyer, Mr. Burger Wed Today
At Ceremony in St.
St. Mark's Lutheran church was the
scene for a wedding this afternoon
when Miss Arlene Betty Meyer, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph B. Meyer,
was married to Thomas William Bur
ger, son of Dr. and Mrs. Fred W. Bur
ger. The Rev. John L. Cauble and the
Rev. Mark Getzendaner officiated at -the
4 o'clock service.
Baskets of pink snapdragons, white
stock tied with navy blue ribbon, palms
and ferns, together with lighted candles
in ivy entwined holders, decorated the
church for the wedding. The alternate
pews down the white carpeted aisle
were marked with clusters of white
blooms and ribbons. Dale Meyer, broth
er of the bride, and Jerry Burger,
brother of the bridegroom, lighted the
candles. Soloist was Mrs. Helen Ham
ann. Miss Ruth Bedford played the or
gan. Mr. Meyer gave his daughter in mar
riage. She wore a dress of satin and
lace. The lace of the bodice extended
in a panel down the front and on into
the long train in back. A stand-up col
lar of the lace extended from the yoke
of net, and the long sleeves were of
the lace. The fingertip veil was ar
ranged from a sweetheart crown. For
her flowers the bride carried a cascade
of red roses and stephanotis.
Mrs. Jack Merrick, Forks, Wash., sis
ter of the bride, was honor attendant.
She wore a. floor length navy blue
faille frock and a white lace sweetheart
cap trimmed with pink rosebuds. Her
flowers were pink carnations on a
white net fan.
Mrs. John Wolf, Portland, sister of
yw-'"4mr -n"v
An event for next Thursday will be
the luncheon for a delegation from the
Opti-Mrs. club of Portland, at the Ma
rion hotel.
Representative M a u r 1 n e Neuberger
(Mrs. Richard Neuberger) is to talk to
the group on women in the legislature,
and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of Ore
gon's governor, is to give highlights on
the inauguration which she attended in
the national capital. The visiting women
will visit the State House during the
Laurel Social Hour club is meeting
Tuesday for dessert at 1:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. H. J. Clements, 1595
Glen Creek, Mrs. Carl L. Morrison as
sisting. General meeting of the Woman's So
ciety of Christian Service of Jason Lee
Methodist church will be in the Kirty
room at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday.
Luncheon will be served by the March
September circle and at 1:30 there will
be a devotional service.
For the program, Mrs. C. W. Stacey
will tell about her recent trip through
the eastern and southern states and spe
cial music is planned.
Honored guests will be members of
the Woman's Society of Christian Serv
ice from Turner, and girls from the
Chemawa Indian school who will speak
to the group.
Social meeting for Salem c'.'jh of
Zonta International will be next Thurs
day evening at the home of Miss Nellie
Schwab, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, Miss Maxine
Buren and Miss Josephine Baumgartner
are co-hostesses.
Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary
plans its regular meeting for Monday
morning at 10 o'clock in the hospital an
nex. , .
The group will talk over plans for the
annual spring silver tea on April 23 at
tht home of Mrs. Louis Lachmund.
$51 j
(Juten-MlUr studio plctun)
Mark s Church
the bride, and Mrs. Frank Meier, sister
of the bridegroom, were dressed iden
tically to the honor attendant, but their
flowers were white carnations on pink
net fans.
Cynthia Wolf, niece of the bride, and
Judith Burger, niece ot the bridegrqom,
' were flower girls, both wearing pink
frocks and carrying pink camellias.
Fred Burger, nephew of the bride
groom, was ring bearer.
Dr. Paul Burger was best man for
his brother. Ushering were Milton Bur
ger and Donald Burger, both brothers
of the bridegroom, and John Wolf,
brother-in-law of the bride.
The bride's mother wore a dusty rose
dress with navy blue accessories and a
corsage of cymbidium orchids. The
bridegroom's mother wore an orchid
dress with white accessories and cor
sage of the cymbidium orchids.
The reception was in the church par
lors. Pink camellias were used in pro
fusion in decorating for the affair. Mrs.
Paul Burger and Mrs. Donald Burger
cut the cake. Mrs. Herman Meyer, aunt
of the bride, Mrs. L. A. Clinker and
Mrs. Milton Burger poured. Others as
sisting were Mrs. Millard Bates, Mrs.
Carl Beals, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs.
Harold Lewis, Miss Sally Anderson,
Miss Eva Miller, Miss Lois Sorenson,
Miss LUa Burger, Miss Patricia Morris,
Miss Margery Hansen.
For going away the bride wore a
champaigne faille suit trimmed in
brown velvet, velvet accessories and
corsage of red roses.
The couple will be at home at 132
Northeast Ainsworth, Portland.
fliw r-- -w w
Two new members were initiated into
the Salem chapter of American Gold
Star Mothers on Thursday evening. They
are Mrs. James Morley and Mrs. Wini
fred Butler. Reports were given by the
hospital chairman, Mrs.' Henry E. Lichty,
who sent afghans and slippers to the
veterans hospital in Roseburg and the
Camp White facility, and by Mrs. George
Pro and Mrs. Fred Birch who are in
charge of the rummage sale to be March
Mrs. George Pro, second vice presi
dent, accompanied Mrs. Carl Gimpl of
Eugene, department president; Mrs.
Leona Baker of Eugene, department sec
retary; and Mrs. P. L. Wheeler of Leba
non to Astoria recently where the group
made plans for establishing a new chap
ter of Gold Star Mothers. Paul Aber
crombie post and auxiliary of Veterans
of Foreign Wars entertained the depart
ment officers and members of the pros
pective new chapter.
Social meeting of the chapter will be
on March 19 at the home of Mrs Clar
ence Brown. She will be assisted by Mrs.
C. T. Harrington and Mrs. J. B. Van
Mrs. Joe Mozcna and Mrs. Francis
Davis will be hostess to the Accent club
when it meets on Thursday evening.
The group will assemble at the Mozena
home, 1945 Hazel avenue, at 8 o'clock.
The preschool group of the American
Association of University Women is
meeting next Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Skinner, 560 North 21st. Dr. Martha
Hocking is to be the speaker on the
topic: "Early Emotional Patterns in
Children." Mrs. Martin Preissler and
Mrs. Robert H. Miller are co-hostesses.
Nomination and election of officers
will be the principal business at the
Monday evening meeting of Veterans
of Foreign Wars auxiliary. The group
will matt at the hall at I p.m.
i EVERAL parties are on the social
Two Plan Parties
Mrs. Abner K. Kline and Mrs. Mar
jorie Charboneau are entertaining at
two parties, planning luncheon and
bridge affairs on Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons at the home of Mrs. Kline.
Mrs. Thomas Gabriel, Jr., daughter of
Mrs. Charboneau, will i;:t in serving
at both affairs.
Bidden for Tuesday are Mrs. Gene
Vandeneynde. Mrs. J. N. Chambers, Mrs.
E. A. Linden, Mrs. Howard R. Pickett,
Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mrs. A. F. Mar
cus, Mrs. L. L. Laws, Mrs. Fred Keeler,
Mrs. Florence Purvine, Mrs. J. L. Fran
zen, Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs. Lynn
Guests invited for Thursday include
Mrs. George L. Arbuckle, Mrs. Charles
Fowler, Mrs. Arnold Davis, Mrs. Carl
W. Chambers, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy. Mrs.
G. E. McCormick, Mrs. Walter L. Spaul
ding, Mrs. Henry M. Hanzen, Mrs. Hom
er Smith, Jr., Mrs. Paul Van Scoy of
Jefferson, Mrs. Charles Bingner, who is
here from LaGrande during the legis
lature, Mrs. William C. Perry, Mrs. E.
B. Gabriel, Mrs. James H. Nicholson,
Sr., Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee, Mrs. Wal
lace Bonesteele.
Evening Parties
Mrs. Leland Shinn and Mrs. John
Kolb are entertaining at the Shinn home
at two parties next week, inviting guests
for bridge on Tuesday and Wednesday
Tuesday Party
Mrs. Richard B. Jemiing Is to be
hostess on Tuesday evening at a party
at her home to honor Mrs. George C.
Huggins, Jr. The group will honor Mrs.
Huggins at a shower. Bridge will be
played, a late supper to be served. Guests
will include Mrs. Jenning, Mrs. George
W. Dewey, Jr., Mrs. Richard Lankow,
Mrs. Jack Schoonover, Mrs. Sidney
Boise, Mrs. Bill Clabaugh, Mrs. Edwin
H. Armstrong, Mrs. Lloyd Ramey, Mrs.
Jack McLaughlin, Mrs. Lloyd Hammel,
Mrs. Richard Embick.
.Luncheon Hostess
Mrs. Howard Wicklund has invited
guests for a luncheon and bridge party
on Wednesday, the affair to be at Sa
lem Golf club.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church is meeting for salad luncheon
Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the parish hall.
Mrs. Louise Muller, chairman; Mrs. '
John Graham, Mrs. Lawrence Oster
man, Mrs. John S. Tyler, Jr., Mrs.
David Eason and Mrs. Gerald Fisher
are on the committee.
Mrs. A. D. Brown will lead devo
tions. Mrs. Richard D. Barton will give
the special music, accompanied by Miss
Ruth Bedford. Members are asked to
take their rummage sale articles to
the meeting. The sale is to be March
12 and 13 at the parish house with Mrs.
Leon Gleason as chairman.
In celebration of the 34th birthday
anniversary of the American Legion this
month, the auxiliary to Salem post. No.
136, will entertain for the men at their
regular business meeting next Tuesday
evening at the American Legion club.
Mrs. Carroll Robinson is in charge ot
the program which will Include skits
by auxiliary members and accordion mu
sic by Judson Bressler. Mrs. Harlan Judd
will show colored slides of Korea.
Mrs. Clarence Cox is chairman of
refreshments, and serving the birthday
cake and coffee will be Mrs. Leslie
Beard, Mrs. Donald Rasmussen and Mrs.
William Bauer.
State Representative Dorothy Wal
lace, Portland, will be guest speak
er at the legislative meeting of the
Junior Woman's club set for Monday
night at the Woman's club house.
Mrs. Calvin Kent is chairman of the
legislative committee and is arranging
the program. Mrs. Donald Barrick is in
charge of refreshments. The executive
board will meet at 7 p.m.
Salem unit, American Legion auxili
ary, will meet Thursday at 8 p.m. at the
Woman's club house for a business
meeting. Hostesses for the coffee hour
will be Mrs. Mildred DeArmond and
Mrs. Rosemary Henningsgard.
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MED LAST Hundajr evening at a ceremony In F.ujrne wrre Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
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Chi Omega Style Show on Tuesday
To Feature Fashions for Children ;
A major event for the coming week
will be the annual children's style show
to be sponsored by Salem alumnae of
Chi Omega on Tuesday afternoon at the ,
American Legion club. The event is ar-
ranged for 2:30 o'clock.
This is an occasion for the young fry
to show off the Easter parade styles.
Also, adult fashions are to be shown.
Proceeds go to philanthropic projects
sponsored by the alumnae, one of which
is a children's ward at Salem General
- Members of the active chapter at Chi
Omega at Willamette will conduct
baby-sitting service during the after
noon for young mothers wishing to at
tend the show.
Tickets may be obtained at the door
at the time of the show, or from Marg
wen's shop.
Models for the children's part of the
show will be Kim Arbuckle, Tad Ar
buckle, Dana Grabenhorst, Christopher
Barker, Nancy Wiles, Kathy Compton,
Kevin and Kent Pratt, Pamela Denton,
OVERNOR Paul L. Patterson is to
be speaker for the March meet
ing of Salem unit of the Oregon
Federation of Republican Women, Mon
day afternoon at the Senator hotel.
"The Oregon Constitution" is to be the
topic for the governor's talk.
The meeting will be at 2 o'clock and
an invitation is extended to the inter
ested public to attend.
The usual white elephant sale will
follow the meeting.
Rotana club Is to be entertained
Monday evening at the home of Mrs.
Henry Mattson, 4020 North River road,
at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Emma Drinnon as
New officers are to be elected and
there will be initiation of new members.
Articles for the rummage sale also are
to be brought to the meeting, Miss Ju
ana Holmes to be in charge of the ar
ticles brought.
- Spending the week-end in Waldport
and Newport are Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Forster. Other Salem people at the coast
over Saturday and Sunday are Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Burke and their daughter,
Janice, who are visiting in Yachats with
Mrs. Burke's brother and his family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Solie.
Mrs. Irl Robinson will entertain mem
bers of the Hollywood Lions club auxil
iary at 8 p.m. on Wednesday at her
home, 2685 Englewood avenue. Co- host
esses will be Mrs. J. E. Van Wyngarden
and Mrs. Fred Rowe.
An informal business meeting will be
conducted by officers of Order of Rain
bow for Girls on Tuesday evening. The
group will make final arrangements to
attend the grand assembly to be in
Tillamook March 26 and there will be
reports on visitations. Girls are to bring
rummage to the meeting for the sale
which is to take place March 13 and
Mothers club will also meet at 7:30
and will serve refreshments to the girls
following their meeting.
Meeting for a no-host dinner on Wed
nesday, March 11, will be Cherry court,
Order of Amaranth. The group will
meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Scottish Rite
temple and hereafter will meet on Wed
nesday rather than Tuesday. Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Parker will be chairman
for the evening.
Woman' Society of World Service of
the Englewood, Evangelical United
Brethren church, will meet for dessert
at 1:15 on Thursday. Mrs. John W.
Koerner, 965 North 20th, will be hostess
to the group at her home. Mrs. Morris
Goodrich is the leader.
Sally Herron, Ronald and Johnny Moe,
John Martin, Douglas and Scott Corey,
Stacey Graham, Jane Vroom, Stafford.
Hazelett, Bobby Anderson, Marcia and
Marilee Denton, Shannon Dyer, Diane
Martin, Carl David and Kirk Jonasson,
Allan and Jean Brown, Jerry Johnson,
Pamela Tiano, Beverly, Barbara and
Lynda Carpenter, David Lawrence,
Claudia Gray.
Modeling the women's fashions will
be Mrs. George A. Arbuckle, Mrs. S. D.
Wiles, Mrs. Richard Denton, Mrs. Ed
Lewis, Mis. Charles Darou, Mra. John
Martin, Mrs. Robert Corey, Mrs. Fidel
Vroom, Mrs. Fred Graham, Tin. Bill -Martin,
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs.
Roger Dasch, Mrs. Wilson Wilt, Mrs.
Fred Davis.
Mrs. Robert Carey Is to be the com
mentator. Articles In the show are be
ing furnished from Margwen's, the Boys
shop, Rohland's, Esther Foster shop,
Towne shop, Kalles, the Little French
shop, Howard's shop and Arbuckles.
Woman's Club
Benefit Party
Next Friday
To help realize their goal of $500 for
the Salem YWCA, members of Salem
Woman's club are sponsoring a benefit
card party and hair style show next
Friday March 13. - -
The event will be at the club house. '
Dessert will be served at 1 o'clock,
the hair style show and the card games
te follow. The Candalarla Beauty sa
lon is presenting the hair styles, Mrs.
Val Sloper as the commentator.
Also featuring the program will be
a display ot hats from Mack Dress shop
in Portland, the display including rep
licas of hats worn at the inauguration
and made up by Mrs. Deena Mack, for
merly of Salem.
Mrs. Henry M. Hanzen is program
chairman for the event Mrs. Clay ;
Cochran and. Mrs. Arthur A. Atherton
are in charge of refreshments. Mrs. Vir
gil O'Malley and Mrs. Ralph E. Moody
are in charge of tickets.
Reservations should be telephoned to
either Mrs. Albert C. Gragg or Mrs.
William F. Leary. Mrs. Philip Bouf
fleur la in charge of prizes. Mrs. John
Carr and Mrs. Walter Sieber are In
charge of tables.
Each group attending is to take Its
own table accessories. .
Guests are invited both for the des
sert and program.
The travel study group ot the Sa-
University Women, plans its meeting
for next Tuesday at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. E. E. Batterman, 2880
South 12th street. Mrs. Charles Derth
ick, Mrs. George Martin, Mrs. Frederick
Leupold will be co-hostesses. For the
program, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Madi
son are to show pictures of their South
American trip.
Meeting on Tuesday evening will be
St. Cecilia's guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, at the home of Miss Betty Byre,
1287 Chemeketa, at 8 o'clock.
St. Vincent de Paul's Mothers club
will meet at 8 p.m. on Monday in the
parish hall.
St. John's Lutheran Ladles guild will
meet on Thursday at the parish halt
at 7:30 p.m. for dessert. Hostesses are
Mrs. Albert Saul, Mrs. Don Schaefer,
Mrs. Jay Schaefer and Mrs. A. C. Schaf-fer.
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