t Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Saturday, March 7, 19531 In the Valley Eiltci kjr MIKE FORBES Sao Lyons Lyon Lyons Methodist church will feature week't evangelistic miulon under the leadership of Rev. H. W. Dixon f Sbedd, Ore., and will begin with rally for the young peo Vl eat 7:30 p m. Saturday. Rev. Dixon will preach both Sun day at 11 a.m. and at 7:30 pjn. and each evening until the close Friday night. . The meetings will be held at . the Catholic community hall formerly the Lyons school house, and is part of the state wide evangelistic mission of the Methodist church. The Christian Youth Fellow hip of the Lyons Community Methodist church elected olfl cers last Sunday evening, Irvln Thompson was elected president with Hazel Neal, vice president, Claudia Johnson secretary, treasurer; Doris Neal and Don' aid Olmstead were elected charge -of recreation, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith were chos en as counselors. Following the short business meeting and de- . votional period, the group hon ered Mrs. Feenstra on her birth day anniversary by serving ice cream and cake. She was also presented with a gift from the group. - Present were Irvln Thompson, Donald Olmstead. David Neal, Claudia Johnson, Hazel Neal, Doris Neal, Gloria Carr, Marjorie Prlchard, Doro thy Stienfelt, Norma Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith and Rev. and Mrs. Feenstra. . Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Feenstra drove to Cloverdale last Satur day, calling on the Wieger White family, and also visiting on the way with the James Mc Coy family at Sheridan. An all purpose room has just been completed at the Marl-Linn school and 1 now in use, with approximate cost of $10,000. It has 16 tables which will seat 82 pupils. At present It is being used for pre-school, music and cafeteria. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rogers were hosts for a group at their home Sunday, with a pot luck dinner at the noon hour. Most of the time was spent in orches tra practice for the father and on banquet which was held in the all purpose room at the Marl-Linn school Thursday eve ning, March 8, with Johnny Carpenter the guest speaker and alnger. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stout, Mr. and Mrs. John Apple, Mrs. Floyd Bassett and Cecil, Mrs. Xulalla Macbeth and Bruce Sherman Buell, and Mr. ad Mrs. Rogers. Several mem bers of the band were unable WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY PLAYERS to attend due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weidman were hosts for a dinner at their home Saturday evening. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Julian of Scio, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and Glen Jr., Mrs. Inez Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Weld man. Hazel Doris, David and Kathryn. The occasion honored the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Albert Julian and Mr. Weidman. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wal worth and Mrs. Catherine Lyon of Salem visited friends in Ly ons Saturday afternoon. They were callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Miss Norma Miller spent the week end in Eugene at the home of her parents. Miss Miller Is on the teaching staff at the Marl Linn school. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin West. over and Miss Mariiyn Baltzer of Seattle were Saturday night and Sunday guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Baltzer and Richard. Satur day Mr. and Mrs. Baltzer cele brated their 35th wedding an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimery and children of Portland spent the weekend in Lyons. They were guests a tthe home of his mother, Mrs. Minnie Kimery. They also visited at the Art Ay- ers and Bill Kimery homes. Mrs. Percy Hlatt, vice-chair man of th Lyons Extension unit, attended the planning meeting held in Lebanon Thursday. Private George Neal stationed at Fort Lewis spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weld man and family. Mr. and Mrs. Burnelle White, Delorls, Jennifer and Anthony and her mother, Mrs. Averlll of Newport and George Schneider of Coos Bay were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell. Mrs. Martell is the sister of Mrs. White and daughter of Mrs. Averlll. Mrs. Averlll remained for a visit at the Martell home. Harlin Gibson who is with the U.S. Navy and stationed in Cali fornia is at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Culwell, Gibson is on sick leave having broken his leg. Visiting relatives in Lyons Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Meilke and daughter, Carolyn of Eugene. Mrs. Meil ke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lyons. Wednesday luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Alex Bode ker were Mrs. Gust Johnson, Mrs. Gust Edgrln, Mrs. Harold Wood and Scott, Mrs. Norman Johnson, Chris and Kurt of Sa lem, and Mrs. Marvin Berry of Lyons. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Wood Oliver, Mrs. Willard Hart- nell and Mrs. Leland Manning and Richie. Scio Max Moore haa been confined to his home with pneumonia. R. M. Cain and son Clement recently spent several days in Portland at a Northwest Hard ware show. Rev. Bob Johnson of the Maranatha Children's Home in Fairbanks, Alaska, was gueat speaker at the morning service at the Baptist church. ' Freda Thayer of Mill City has been a substitute teacher In the high school, as Miss Snipp waa called to her borne in Omaha, Neb., due to the sudden death of her father. Mrs. Joseph Pinkava and son, Joe, left early Saturday for New Jersey, to attend the funeral of Joseph Pinkava, Sr., who pasted away here from a heart attack Thursday evening. Vi boly was sent to Union, N.Y. where the Pinkavas lived before coming here six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Eather ton and two children of Leba non have moved Into one of the Mazachek apartments here. They hsve leased the Scio Lunch and are now operating it. The children are in the first and second grades at school. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chandler and boys spent Saturday in Salem. Nickolos Nekoe of New, York City was a recent visitor in the John Lower's home. The high school Glee clubs have started to practice for a musical comedy "Gypsy "Rover." Several youngsters partici pated in the "talent tryouts" in Albany Sunday afternoon. Joan Fast could not attend due to a case of measles. Clsy Shepard, Rolla Bhelton and Ralph McDonald will com. pose the program committee for P.T.A. for March 23, which will be men's night. Educational films wlU be shown also. Mothers of the Blue Ribbon Cooking I club were honored at a tea Feb. 25 at the Adams home. Committee members were Philip Hochspeier, Don McMahon and Julia Goin, cleanup; Gloria Bentley, Patricia Ricks and Joan Greeley, refreahmenta; Donna VanCleve and Teddy Cooper, re ception; Reba Branton and Linda Erb, preparation; Sherlll Hoch speier and Glenda Nabors, in vitation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hlgglns of Jefferson announce the en gagement of their daguhter. Shirley, to Dale Wattenbarger, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Watten barger of Jefferson. They are having e June wedding. Jefferson Sublimity O. I. Shaw's Comedy "PYGMALION" March 3,4 and 7 at WALLER HALL StlS P.M. ' CsjN S-IOtt tar Ticket RejerriHeei Fairview Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mlnden and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Welter returned Sunday from a three weeks trip which took them to Lannslng, Mich. They spent two days in De-i trolt, Mich., where they visited Joseph G. Schotthoefer, a broth er of Mrs. Minden. The trip homeward was made through the central route there by escaping the severe storm in the southern states. Much hard work and practice is being done by the students at St. Boniface hlsh in preparation for the operetta "Our Lady of the Terrace ' which will be pre. sented some time after Easter. Tuesday evening a group of the ladles of the parish, together with Rev. Robert O'Hara, drove to Salem where they took part In the rosary program over sta tion KOCO. This project, spon sored by the Haly Names society, will be-taken over by the ladles each Tuesday evening during the coming busy season. 1 Devotions during the Lenten season consist of sermon, rosary and benediction at 7:30 each Wednesday evening and Stations of the Cross and benediction at the same time every Friday evening. Leonard Hendricks, local chairman for the Red Cross, is Mrs. George Mills was hostess for a pinochle party at her home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Roland won high score. Mrs. Al vina Cochran low score, Mrs. Maud Wise received the door prize. Those present were Mrs. Maud Wise. Mrs. Ada McKee, Mrs. Ed na McKee, Mrs. Frances Phelps, Mrs. Alvlna Cochran, Miss Mary Donohue, Mrs. Mary Overholser, Mrs. Lena Townsend, Mrs. Leo la Knight, Mrs. Neva Kester, Mrs. Ethel Roland of Jefferson, and Mrs. Irene Walls and Mrs. Helen Williams and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. James Lynes of Portland visited at the home of Mrs. Earl Lynes. Much interest is taken in the Bible study class at the Metho dist church held montniy. Mrs. Ethel Gulvin Is teacher and the study is history of the Old Testament Mr. ar.d Mrs. George Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Strode and two children enjoyed an evening of pinochle at the C. M. Cochran home Saturday night. Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Evereth Keith of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cochran and children, Monte and Garry spent the eve- nine at the Cochran home. William Seaton Hodges and Miss Enola Grenz. both of Linn county, were married at the home of Judge Marvin Hutchlngt Tuesday night, March 3. And on Feb. 20 Perl Stutzman and uior la Irene Grenz were united In marriage by Judge Hutchinga. Both are of Linn county and the girls are sisters. The ministerial meeting neia in the Christian church by pas tors of the Evangelical United Brethren church was well at tended. The women met in the city hall, with their speaker Mrs. Dean Vermillion. The women of the church served dinner In the Christian church. Dayton Scotts Mills AUMSVIILE PAVIUOH DANCE very Saturda? Nteht 1 ML Sontheaat el Salem Maste by LYLI AND HIS WESTERNAIRES Broadcast KSi.M 7:10-1:0 P. M. Fairview Mrs. W. J. Marley of Fairview accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Donald Marshall and son, Norman, of Grants Pass, who have been guests for two weeks with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. bufy getting helpers for the pres vuMua nirwr u omn Ajicgo, nt drive Mrs. Joe Blelenberg, Mrs. John Splonskl and Miss Bar bara Groshong motored to Ta- mmi. Wash., recently where they attended the wedding of Mary Vreelaud, a former elass mate of Mrs. Splonskl. They also visited relatives during the trio. Mrs. Susie Gunderson and son, Oley, of Plentywood, Mont., vis ited last week at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson, i Mrs. Gunderson is a sister of Mrs. Jackson and this is the sis ter's first meeting in 12 years. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Till and family have moved from Mt. Angel to ranch on Crooked Finger road. The Square Dance club gave their first dance at the IOOF hall Saturday night. Dayton Mrs. Ralph Rufener returned to her home In San Francisco after spending a week here with her husband's mother, Mrs. Blanche Rufener. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Jones and family have moved to Portland where be has employment Mrs. Floyd Willert entertained the McMinnville branch of the AAUW Bridge club Wednesday evening, March 4. There were four tables of bridge at play. Her sister, Mrs. Clare Helder, was a special guest Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pom eroy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coburn visited Mrs. Jack Gell at the Salem General hospital Wednesday evening. i The Walter families of Port land and vicinity came to the home of their aunt, Mrs. Paul Londershausen, last Sunday and helped her care for the outside at her home. The men cleaned the lily pool, piled wood, trim med trees and spaded around her flowers while the ladles helped at other duties. There were 22 in all divided between the Bill Maxwell family and Mrs. Lon dershausen for the dinner. This has been a big help to her as there is much to be done at this time of yesr. H. W. Whitmore of Portland spent the day Wednesday with his sister, Mrs. McCafferty. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hole took her father, Joe Klrkland, to a Tillamook hospital for a few days. He is home now and im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Arne F. Willson were dinner guests of their grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Per ry, in McMinnville on Thursday evening, honoring them on this special occasion. Mr. and Mrs. willson were married Feb. 26, 48 years ago on Mr. Willson's birthday, at Ellen springs, Ark. To them were born six chil dren, two girls and four boys, all of whom live in southern Oregon, except Mrs. Ted (Nola) Perry, who lives at Sweet Home. They have ten grandchildren and: four great-grandchildren. j Mrs. Eva Baxter, who has been. away for several weeks, has been in Tillamook visiting with her! niece, Mrs. Mildred Mellinger. Mrs. Baxter is planning to re turn home in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Palmer and. family visited her mother, Mrs. Mina McFee, and her aunts in Tillamook Sunday to help the mother celebrate her 74th birth-1 day. ! Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Patchet on Sunday were friends, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc Donald of Salem. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Engstrom were her niece and husband, Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Olsen, and daughter, Carol, of Tacoma, Wash. The Dayton Civic club met Monday evening in the Legion hall. Due to the absence of the president nd vice president Mrs. Harold Robinson presided over the meeting. The club vot ed $10 to the Red Cross. For the Drosram Mrs. O. C. Goodrich cava a talk on art and Shirley Pennington and Lois Aebischer sang two duets. Refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. O. C. Goodrich, Mrs. Mil dred Pennington and Mrs. Vedah Willard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coburn had dinner guests Friday eve ning, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves of Salem. Webfoot Webfoot Thirty members of Webfoot grange No. 178 and Juv enile grange attended the grange card party held at tne nau Sat urday evening. Mrs. Archie snaier ana aaugn- ter, Laura Shafer, will receive the first and second Initiation grange degrees at Newberg Tues day evening, me mira ana fourth degrees will be given elsewhere soon. Mrs. Roscoe Roberts of the Webfoot district, who suffered a relapse of pleurisy and taken back to the McMinnville hos pital under care of Dr. Leo Skelley, is making speedy recov ery. Mr. Roberts, her husband, has been ill with fhi at his home since Sunday. There are 4,840 square yards in an acre. Monmouth Mill City Theatre SCXDAT MONDAY All Star Cut O MUlt l TOLL BOCIS NOS TONIGHT, Jh Fun "CABIBBCAN" SIM "Tk D.4. Om Wnt" R. J. Hurst and family of Lyons and Mrs. Rayman Heiple and daughter of Molalla visited visited their mother, Mrs. Gladys Hurst, Sunday. PifrraCTiTrtrTI ENDS TONIGHT Open :00 "BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY" And "NIGHT WITHOUT 8LEEP 8TART8 SUNDAY Cont. 1:45 flMffllA 1 TECHNICOLOR icSillffiWgn A group of relatives gathered at the G. L. Russell home Sun day to celebrate tLt birthdays of Mrs. Russell and her niece, Mrs. Roy Yung of Salem. Mrs. Russell's was Feb. 29 and Mrs. Yung's Feb. 28. Eight children and IS adults attended the din ner and were from Salem, Am ity, Independence and Mon mouth. The children of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Campbell are holding open bouse in honor of their parents 45th wedding anniversary at the EUB church, Sunday, March 18. Friends of the couple are in vited to call from 3 to 8 pjn. The Sunshine Thimble club met with Mrs. James Riddell with 16 members of the 18 membership present They de cided not to sponsor a booth at the Polk county fair this year. The clubs wheel chair was loaned to Mrs. Mary Alderson. The marriage of Miss Wini fred Little Hales and James Tilton, both of Forest Grove, Is being announced by friends of the groom here. The wedding took place at Hood River at the home of the bride's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Tilton are both em ployed at the Forest Grove post office. Tilton was in the post office here before moving to Forest Grove. Rosedale Sponsors Play Rosedale The Salem Civic Player will present the tore, act olay. "The Young Scan. at the school house at 8 o'clock the night of Tuesoay, March la. The production and a candy nu I are being sponsored by th Rosedale Parents club. fHOMl IAIISH IaIDINJ, HWHWAY M pttti Open 6:45 Shew it 7:15 ENDS TONITE (MT.) t Technicolor Hit "STORY OF WILL ROGERS" Plus "SON Of ALI BABA" SUNDAY falsi 6:00- Shea; tJ0 STARTS SUNDAY I Technicolor Hit "AGAINST ALL FLAGS" Errol Flynn Plus "HORIZONS , WEST" Robert Byaa a) Continuous irua wuae In Technicolor TREASURE OF GOLDEN CONDOR Deris Day la Technicolor "APRIL IN PARIS" m CONT. FROM 1 P.M, ENDS TODAY "Carbine Williams" & "Skirts Ahoy" r TOMORROW! Thrills!... And Fun! rt'e i mw... C&M m (M 1M tart. I Ji " B one elc m o nsf B ml ROBERT TAYLOR DENISE DARCEL - HOPE EMERSON JOHN MclNTIRE FUN CO-HIT! ft XXciting songs and daneeal JSXptosive comedy! CSChllaratins romance! EXquisite TECHNICOLOR TxeuseyfyDust RED SKELTON - SALLY FORRES! MACDONALD CAREY returning home. She will spend several days with the Marshall family. Don- 1.1 U.l I 4k. TT O ........ stationed at San Diego, expects to leave March 9 for a new es- ssrur DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO Adm. 80c Tax Inc. Dick Johnson's Orch. tS Court St. Felicitations are being extend ed Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Nlelson (Rosella Heuberger) upon the birth of a son Wednesday morn ing, March 4, at a Salem hospital. Mr. and Mra. John Heuberger and Mr. and Mra. James Nlelson are the grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuber the great-grandparents. Jefferson AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Stubby Mills and Hit land SPECIAL SUNDAY DIOR $100 I CHILDREN 65c POT I OAST WITH POTATO RAttAKES SMt S. COMMERCIAL PHONI 4-3UI Legleaaalrea, Auxiliary and Their Geests Invited IflHN. Commercial yea waieini a vet eatai stare el i? ri v ey KUo People: this la Howard making talk because my uncle Ye Sing who usually talk like everything; Is settlnc well from vitiwuii wi iiocx wnira u ail -fleult lor his moving of )w too much, so I am tell you instead of him to come to our plsra on sec ond floor on Commercial street for best Chines food in United State of America. I am atudy about America In school and work rery hard to get good grades to make my uncle Sing wy proud to be my relsUon. TTien I cone up to restaurant and study till five o'clock then I wig ivr new men 1 go Into kitchen and help cook make rood ChltMM dinner for lota and people each night My uncle new weet wank you. fi;,:i YEESING (that's my name sure) Picture not of me tliis my cousin Frank Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Hutchlngs motored to Eu gene Saturday spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Bowen and family. Mr. Whitttle, father of Albert Whittle, was taken to the Albany General hospital Sunday and is in the iron lung. The Blue Ribbon Cooking II club will entertain their mothers Tuesday, March 10, at the home of their club leader, Mrs. James Adams. Committees appointed are Kar en Evans and Karen Spangler, arrangements; Martha Wynd, June liatmaker and Sandra Ste phenson, refreshments: Marvin Adair, Nancy Bachelder and Delbert Erb, decorations; Carol and Pat Hart and Lyle Adams, entertainment; Brenda Updike, Martha Tiefka -and Carolyn Ad ams, clesnup. FREE! DANCE LESSONS "th sat. am (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional Instruction by Mr. Triplet! and staff of specially trained teachers from the JON NASI STAFF Pins Gala Floor Show Modern and Old Time 74c 74c For Your Sunday Dinner 12 Noon to 8 P. M. SWISS STEAK and ROAST TURKEY All You Can Eat for 0)(0)c 3,(0 2 V Downtown on Statt "WHAT'S COOKIN' " rodie quis 4:30 p.m. Men. rhra Thurs. KSLM Broedcotft at 9:30 p.m. Cont, Shows Sat. ft Bun ENDS TODAY (SAT.) "THE QOWN" i "THE HOAXTEM" Starts Tomorrow! gar ut keep tt ia;GifliP' TURNER DOUGLAS ? Tomtit VicA I " IGl -POWELL 1 v a. CO-HIT! GAT! EXCITING MUSICAL! VERA RALSTON PHILSILVIRS Music in the Moonlight COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL NEWS ENDS TODAY (SAT.) "THUNDER IN EAST "AARON SUCK" MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P.M. Starting Tomorrow? HOT-TEMPERED REDHEAD... FIERY SENCRITA... battle for th lova of a fugitive! MiiWSM hill mam. Color by TECHNICOLOR NOAH BEERY-GRANT embatiraM LEWIS R. FOSTER hM I Ml t ! es 1 StMsSa WITHERS CO-HIT! BLASTING THE RACKETS! ELACKMCK! ( . TlTVTlT? Rafl Cps Inta e VS I 1 WJ . rsT4er-B$"lri! Vn J Color Cartoon Newt