1 fcf III, en . 1 ' RINTATARTMINTS BOOM spsrtsuaL stala Hear, ess Church- Phpae 31743. Jps, ILT rCBNIBBED I-room apartment lire.lsce, private eatraaee, low la. ela P"QD. M Marloa. jptT (BOOM MOBEBN apartment with kal- east ana lirepiefle. nut leieptMae e! Ho, tt It suUdinss end shepptns cen ter, tad Pleait of hot water. 441 h. Winter. IPS7" Eantid aewlp named couple for turn- lines spar., otdvbir sri.eie, SUM M ar.e.p. 3M Broost. lpT ODSBN 3 bedroom bonit. almost aew a Belter diitrlct. call 3-T303, una- iU. nVI BOOM unfurnlahed apartmaat, Adults wr. !' uu. an l rnone Illle. IHf iOH RENT HOUSES fcrW BOOM (urnlahed bouse. Yard feaoea. rnone aeaie. jmtT frlBT KICI 1 bedroom tottate. ualurnlaa- ad. weuuas alliance, net so. Ltbcrtr. KlW t BCDBOOM. Ilrw, StUltJ, all Iran nasi, eue. eve mworr. & BOOM HOl'SS, all par month. Clou to atoro and bua. Ph. 33153. lalf UlCt i BEOBOOM. llvlnt room, kitchen, dlnatu, utllltr. Partly lurniahoO. Oar den apot. 31833. Jml ll-BOOH COTTAGE, 111. Inquire I3T R. I Liberty. Apt. No. 7. jmsi BOB BUNT Several Boueee, 159 par montn. Aiao a mn concrete ware- bouaa witn aiaetrie elevator, stoie room on rarrr Street, STATE PZNAFIC! CO., Phone 14111. )m. JjiSW ONI-BEDBOOM home, atove, refrle- arator. terete, uaai jor couple. Ph, 3IITI. )ml". BXTBA NICE s-bedreom, unfurnished du plex. Harawooa noor. venetlane, Inalde ntuitf taraie. nice Tarn, all electric, re- frttarator and ranee furnlihed. Baa. 3(1 Trten Avenue. Ph. 11101. iml7 CLOSE IN 3-bedroom unfurnUaed cot- tale, an electric, eaa h. unqren. WH1 ONE-BEDBOOM furnlahed bouaa for em ployed couple, lea per monad, no pete, on bua Una. lit 4th. phone 1-tMi. lmS7 SSVBBAL ONE-BEDBOOM dwelllnca now evtusois. Ksase ana reiruerttor fur alehed. Call Pioneer Truat Co, lllll. irast J-BEOBOOM modern home with garden apot, in vrooaa, tea. rnone e-aeaT. lmt7 BOOM POBNISHED duplex, hardwood floora, coved linoleum, laundrr faculties. Verr nice. Adulta. 1S N. Capitol. Phone 1-1771. )mS7 EAB STATE HOSPITAL 1 bedroom, fur- nlebed duplex. aU-eloetrle. laundrr, sa. race. Ph. 44615. Jm57 CLEAN, 1-BEDBOOM (urnlahed oottaia, . laundrr. saraaa. Inquire Mas Portland Road. JmS7' BOOM HOl'iE, cloaa In, cheap, furniture. Ph. Itltt. , Soma Jn7 SMALL COONTBT home, t rooms with abower. 4 mllaa eoutn on Ubertr Bd. 413 Hrubeta Dr. fmsl c LHOST NEW 1 bedroom houee, electric rantc, hardwood floora, automatic heat, lneulated. 3311 IJaple Ave. ImSl- B-BEDBOOM BOUSE, north aalem. in.ao. $ Automatic waaher, water furnlehed. X-73M. Jm57 BMALL VEWLT reflnlabed houae In coun k try. suitable for couple, saa ranee and f heat, sarden plot. Oecaalonal work on t farm available. Ph. 3U73. te7 ROOM & BOARD BOOM AND BOABD, family aUle. Phone I 3-7130. J117- VberbablT MEN, lira Colonial Ate. 1111' OFFICE FOR RENT k OB s-BOOM SUITE. alnila. Oreton .- Bulldlnc. Phone 14114. )o :43BOUND floor office or store apses for A rent. Call at Pitta Market So MISCELLANEOUS i SPECIAL VALUE Coupon offer on pase 13, todars Oep- Ital Journal. m '. BEE-HIVE 1 rt, TRTJCKB D-DRITB MOVE TOUR8ELP 1 PICFTJP8 . BTAKE8 TANS X TEXACO STATION U COURT ST. PHONB 1-IU1 PAOE STEVENSON and AX MET FORD m av " SALEM SAND At ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Boad Clearlnc - Dltehlns Sewer and Baeement Equipment Rental , Dltenlns bp the Pool Phone Dara 1-1401 Tree. 3-4417 or 1-7411 Salem, Oreton ' at DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASTS DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST adolpb Eids.. State St Commercial SU SALEM Ph. 3-3111 AUCTION TONIGHT, 1:10 P.M. Auction. 1S3 Cherry Are. Midway mil SPECIAL VALUE Coupon offer ont pate 13, today's Cap. Ital Journal. m BUILDING MATERIALS GARAGE 14i31 complete on your lot, UtJI per month, no dnwa payment. Ton can tlx that den or add that extra bedroom the eame way. wialt with na aeon) Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY 1141 Portland Rd. Phone 44411 SI' BUILDING? No. t cedar ahlntlea ., I IH No. 1 cedar ahlncle 1 111 . No. 1 cedar ehlnalee 1 1-35 1 tab composition rooflnt 1 1-P5 Roll rooitnt 3 35 Hew toilet! complete -' New waab baalna complete II7.N Malle. ner kec 110.76 New ehosrer cabinets 141.00 New weather atrlpped windows ....114.30 Uead Camp Adair wlndowa 1 1.10 Painted Cedar eh area 111.10 New doora, 3'1"C1" 1 I SO Water proof wall board 4x1 ll.to Orerheed Oarate Hardware Ill M New Olaaa Door 110.50 Steel Oarata Doora. complete ....157.10 BARGAIN Kitchen ilfiki. bath tubs, water beat tra, pipe, atptic tanki. C. G, Long & Sons One ml. north of Kelaer. Ph. 45061 aal4' Materials Galore!! Oesh "li e" here somewhere!! Panelist ererrwhere. Knottr Pla 131.10, Clear Cedar 330.M, lil Hemlock Clear 111 40 Walllboarda 1.40 sheet, sbeetroek. Int. Boarda, CIt. tile, and wall plank. Hard board st 1 411. Sldlnta from 1100 to 141.00. Shakes, too, snd they're nice! Neerlr tot sejuathed under tome plywood letelr no place to put It. Lota of e""d 4il aheeu. BeTtral tbouaand pea. of mlU enda Ve low aa Ic. K 10c. Sea It slat will cut to tour site! Oak Ploorlnt low aa 111 50 aU ta heated room. Pir fits, sll tradea. "D" tit St to. Doors. Birch, llahot, Plr Slaba, and paaall all at low eierrder prlcaa. asoatblr parmenu eaillr arranted ritht In sur atora. Pree altlmawe dellrerr. No order toe email It'a appreciated. Portland Rd. Lumber Yard OPEN AU. DAT SATURDAY M4I Portland Rd. Phoat 44411 ma BOOPINO complete line. Cell Wee tern Auto. 3-1177. for free eetlmete. Oam- ble'e Western Aela Suva IT Co. Ill N. tfesuMftlae, vl... : ,V . , - , , , -m;M0m&j- " .'' 'rr-rr- , , ------. V .. . na, . ,":- v.. - - - - ..... ' aieaa "-"i--a 1'J-iwea ea' 1 . "fa"'Pa. .- .. automoiil.es WHY? YES, WHY SHOULD YOU LOOK BEFORE YOU BUY? . . . WHETHER IT'S USED CARS OR ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANT OR NEED LOOK FIRST, THEN BUY ! DON'T MISS CHECKING THESF TOP USED CAR VALUES LISTED BELOW. SEE THESE AND MANY OTHERS OFFERED AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. LOOK THIS WEEKEND LEISURELY WITH THE FAMILY THEN SEE THE DEALER MONDAY AND GET THE USED CAR BUY OF THE YEAR. '47 NASH . .; S695 edaa. aew palst. sew test eeteri, ruaa err cood. 80 NASH Pordor Btataimaa aadaa.' OD, one pant, nice seat carere. .1S9! U8. t "51 NASH ...$1895 brdraaatle, l-tsaa Aatkaaaador aadan, pant, Terr clean., MARION MOTORS BAFFLED? CAN'T FIND THE CAR YOU WANT? Look this weekend at the .large selection of guaranteed used can in any color, make, or model you want See for yourself . . . then buy! DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. sll H. COMMERCIAL ST. PHONB 1-1171 BUILDING MATERIALS COAST OR MOUNTAIN CEDAR SHINGLES No. ta. It Inehei cr. $5: Mo. 3. Inches clear, $4. Mo up wood or cull. Com and tet to em. Ted MuUen, Salm Independe&c road. Ph. ftalm ma SAVE $$$ Ho. 1 Cedar Sblntlct, allTtre4..M.4t No. 1 Bhakea, four colore t.et t-pleee bathroom ensemble ...1114 41-iallon water heater ITI.&4 Campbell Bldg. Supply. eat on Center St. Ph. 1-1134 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED! $10 per day until sold. USED ONE INCH DRUM TTPI PLOOR SANDER. KO SHEEVS OP SPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IS WORTH 1M. Starting price Feb. 28, $578 MARCH 9, $488 . , Keith 'Brown Lbr. Yard PROMT at COURT STB., PHONB 31111 (We Olre BatH Oreen stampa) n WATCHMAKEB'S BENCH, lathe, took) auoplles. Value 41.000. antes sale SM. JH1 State. nt4 TABLEIOP t-BUBNEB tea rente, clean, excellent oven, 131; aleo 3-burner tat Plate oa atand. IS. 3-1M1. nt S-H.P. WISCONSIN entlne. rood condl tlon. 144. call lt!71. nil mi SALE OB TBASE Houee. to bo torn down or moved. Will trade for email houas trailer In sood condition. L. D Bine, abal Monroe Are. Ph. 30041. all1 OWABD (-foot trend plans, toed con dltlen. 1400. Ph. lllll sreninta. est' ill T.A.C. lltht slant. 1.0O0 watt, too Ph. 4-1654. nei- CPBIOHT PIANO Ml.M. Dodta Badlo Service, 3490 Dallas Road. bot- SEWINO. MACHINE Contois electric, allthtly need, round bobbin, aood aewtnt condition and tuar snteed. Special 131.50. Sinter Bewlnt Center. 110 N. Commercial. all WHEEL TBAILEB, aa tteel bos and canopy, phono 3-3717. asr WDfl davenpobt snd chair. Ph. 3-rt nee" CUILD'a LARGE wardrobe cheat. Can 3-6253. nS7 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES BEDUCID. Weerlni atudlo In Her is. rarmer neraware o.. v.p Sllverton Rd. Oppoalte Stole Palr trouade. ntT LUOOAOE Odd Piece, of Samoeonlta and Skyway. Reduced for quick clear ante, set H. L. stiff. 410 Court. aW' GIRLS 3 INCH bicycle. Oood condition Phone 4610S. nee- CLEARANCE SALE Sinter electric portable aewlnt at chine, new motor, lltht and foot con trol. retular eet of attachmenta snd new leather carrytnt caae. bartaln 141.10. Sinter Sewtnt Center, 110 N. Commer claL nl7 PBBTILIZEB Pulverised, rotted manure. delivered anywhere, l-ont or l-7i. net TOP SOIL Blvar allt snd fill dirt, prompt delivery Phone 1-1741. nTa- eje ALLOWED for your Old water heetar on thla new et-taiion autometie eiec trls water heater, feeler Appliance 371 Chemeteta. Ph. 14111. a DEEPPBEEZK home Ireeaera. T EATER AP PUANCS CO.. 171 cnemetets n- FARM HOME GARDEN Betted fssaare, tompoeu, the same auauty aa laet year, tor home end sar den. Platetonaa, red lava atone and other types lor walla or tardena. ftuatie cedar fenclnt and Irtuie wort. Phllllpe Iroa, RL I. Bos 411. sslara. Ph. 4-1041. POP SALE 1 PAIR CUSTOM MADS DRAPERIES. FULLT UHeu, wlin TAILORED CORNICE BOARDS. 1 PAIR OOLO AND 1 PAIR TURQUOISE. PH. 14711. " Gravel and Sand Anythlnt la trevel. wholeeale sad retsiL VALLET sand a oravel ro.. Pa. 14001 GLENN WOODBT'S Para. Mkt, IMS N. Summer, open Friday anIU p.s. "' rinia tslepbons snd eleetrls polea, fence soeta. seaa poeva ana PniUlpo Sroe, Rt. I, Boa 411. I miles eeat of 4 Cornere. Ph. 41011 V eievvien naTiuiXB. ll.to yard. Canaan Peed LOU. one mils stata eX AirfpoTt, Tarsst M PttlL. AUTOMOIILtS CLUB COUPES 4B FORD $1093 Radio, heater, tip top eh ape. 4 PLYMOUTH $999 sdls, heater, aew eeiat. Bellere It when ps eee It 47 CHEVROLET ...$885 bare aim neater, Bias clean. ARROW USED CARS 80 PLYMOUTH TTtT Special deluxe ford or eeden. only 1411 down. '49 PONTIAC Deluxe ealeftala Ttt Only 4-eoer aadan. '42 CHRYSLER .TTTT Windsor club souse. A teal buy for only ties down. Salem ' Automobile Co. CM . Cornl, Phone 1-lllT BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember! NO SUNDAY SALES! Th Weekend Specials and Message Above Are Brought to You so You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Later AUTOMOBILES Guaranteed Used Cars Priced Far Below Actual Value 1951 Chrysler Windsor De Luxe Club Coupe Only $498 Down and $72.88 per Month 1950 Plymouth Special De Luxe 4-Dr. Sedan 1 $380 DOWN and $58.10 per Month 1949 Pontiac De Luxe Chieftain 4-Dr. Sedan $395 Down and $88.91 per Month 1949 Plymouth De Luxe 4-Dr. Sedan $298 Down and $50.88 per Month 1948 Plymouth Special De Luxe Club Coupe $210 Down and $49.82 per Month 1942 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe $150 Down and $45.37 per Month 1947 Studebaker 4-Door Sedan $195 Down and $41.89 per Month The above prices Include Insurance and Interest 50 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 50 Chrysler Home of Plymouth Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER (Your Dealer) PLYMOUTH 438 North Commercial Phone 3-4117 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MeCDLLoca CBAIN SAWS, SOS Idieweter, Weat Salesa. Salem Lotslas supply Ph. 1-1141. s OSBD Weatlnthoute sutometlo laundromat, only lin ts. Teeter Appliance Co 171 Chemekete. a OSPITAL BSD for sale sr rent Stiff Pnrnlture Co. Phone lull. USED waahlnt machines, ti ll snd as. TIATBR APPLIANCE CO, 171 Chemoe eta. n SPANISH OCITAB with oaaa and muale tend. all. 1173 Chemekete, aide door. 3IHI. nil WS BUT need furniture. We pay epol eaeh. Alee want tood appllancee. Bute, baby Itema, etc. Pb. 1-3110 or brlnt to Oltna Woodry, 1404 N. Summer. nil OLE tfN WOODBT'S Purn. Mat., IMS N. Summer, open Prldar unlU I p.m. nil GLENN WOODBT'S Purn. Met , 1401 N. Summer, epen Prldar nnltl I p.m. nil OBOANIC PEBTILIZEB. Pree of weed aeada. end bdorleal. Sect or bulk erdere delivered. Phone 1-1137. nil PLASTI-B' - requlrea oo waxlnt. For your floora or linoleum TESTER AP' PLIANCE CO., 171 Chemekete ' n' BBPBIOEBATOB a, aew and teed TEATER APPLIANCE OO. 171 Chemek- cu. o NOW IS the time ta bar yoar ml Wait rnahouae automatle dryer st only 1301.11. TEATER APPLIANCE CO, 171 Chemek ete. TBS IDEAL fertlllrer It'e ertenla paatstoas, with poultry dropplnsa, only toe s tact, valley rana atora, rn. eeev n70" SALEM DEISEL Roller tad ball bearlnte for trucka and tree tori. 377b Bllvertoa Road. EXCELLENT bera yard feruuter. 41107 or 11400. Phone nil' PBXE WeeU&ahauaa aawtns maehmaa on an flnnr Aemplee. aave sp to 0 TEATER APPLIANCE CO, 171 Chemet- ete. Organic Fertilizer Free of weed eeeda, snd odorlaaa. Sack sr balk erdere delivered, rnone a-eui. BALDWIN blond spinet, save 13M, term, teat. Ph. 4-lilt. ai7 JANASEN OBOANO, plano-orraa eomw nS7' aatlon. Terme. Ph. 4-lllt. MW BADIO COMBINATION. Oood con' dittos, xasutrt loot V Church st phone t-ajsi. awl AUTOMOIILES 51 HUDSON, special at . .$"245 Commodore s tordor. 1-teae. eeerdrlee. BaaH. Thla to Uka aew. 81 STUPEBAKER ...... $1835 SUrlKht coupe. BeM. OD. sal? U,SM 'SO MERCURY $1498 ouib acupe, BaUL CO, tata ran ale. Lea. No. n-oa. SHROCK'S Where CbemUeta Ooaa to Chares 81 FORD VICTORIA ...11898 Radio, heater, Periometie arret. Vary claaa. One-owner. Oriental two-lone, alack tap. lltht trsaa bottom.. '81 CHEVROLET . .....$1498 Style line. Special aadan. Heater, froetsr, sat owner. 50 DESOTO $1668 Custom club coupe. Really s alee 4 Pully equipped, sly conditioner, seat severs, nlcetlrea, 1 owner, low atUeaee- WESTERN MOTORS AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PRINTING Special Business cards, 800 for $4.93, 1000 for $7.50 Economy Printers Best oa Center at. ra. 1-1314 all KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Retular Special IS" Oval Caalnt D 01 SIVe Mouldlnt Short. 4' to r U Price all RL Clear A Cedar Sldlnt 300.00 10 00 Plate - Boiee t"al"sll" ... Mil (Perfect for plant etarter sexes) Petal Buntalow Houee Paint - white .... 3 SB Pabeo Masonry and Skae Paint... Ill Teaollle let 1.00 Leutex Texture Paint Sand Ptnteh 10 DUeount. Received new shipment Rotary Lawn mowere. elaetrle ea tss. Oarden Carte. Lock Sete ll.M M Peatatt SeU 4 40 1.N Few Doore Left 3-0xl-ll I Panel lot 1-Oit-oxlS 1 Panel 1.70 1-oxl-lxlH t Panel ' 1.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd, Phone 1-1111 Proat a Court St. we oive a a a. creen stamps PIANO BARGAINS Stone Piano Co. USED TJPRIOMlS New Entlsnd llll NWley Ilea Smith and Esrnea 1371 Eater 111! KMnsebury 1331 Spinet Styled Plans till Spinet abort keyboard ..,... 1.1! BAST TERMS FREE DELIVERY Stone Piano Co. 13N SUts St. Salem not lilt cameba for 1100, new. Voitisader TUeeee wiia PJ Uaea, ete, l-estl. ass POX SALE MISCELLANEOUS JCBT BECEITEDI1I A BHXPMBMT OP HIKOB JOINT KTOCr PENS I IN ALL aizxs. CMvae under atraln. want bend or etretch out at abapal Made of fln aat eualllr eal. ateal. adluiu to eon lour at land, n by, t Ua wins, bate 1 1 M BOD BALE Ala.tS WARD'S FARM STORE TBAlS AMD BIUB T. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTBDWalnut ssaata, sad walnuU ta aaait. aucnaat caeb price oa aauret. MOHBU BXOtlPBTN PAOKINO CO. 440 M. proat at, Balaai Pa. 17IU aa WOODBT WANTS Plaaoa. Phone 1-slle. as ALEM BIBBCTOBT Lataal Polk edition. tata reur prtca. sex eaa, capital Jour el. aaaa LOGS WANTED .Btttd MLU. Ltutha r 4" of ir f. Dt wvautar r to 18". Sawmill. Ltncthi ir ud loot tr. DUattu I" to M". Top vflcts pavid. Burkland Lumber Co. Tw&tr. On, ELECTBIO BANOEa. WaMrfa. Pa. Mil. as PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Group No. I, aaaa a. commercial, pa. 3-1411 at I-4B1T. AND-PAINTED PorcUlte. eno peraea. SU". Band anapahot with tl.aa dapoelt. Balaaoe ti ll. J. Daakar. 1141 Oak. aeiaae. tTrecon. ueuearp a weeks. SECUEITT DETECTIVE Atancy, prlTete m vaiua en oca. tea result Bids. Phone HAS. pes WILL MOT aa taessasrele far- sat SVekta eioer kbaa air swa, WUlsM Altos Ros- PST MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Uei BABLET-DAVID80N, modal 131. Ex ceiunl ooad. slat. WU1 Uke car up to til on purenaae price, call after s p.m. Ph. 34414. til N. ltth. qaM- AUTOMOBILES ISM CaaTtLSB Maw Yorker 4-door ae- Saa. folly equipped, tleaa aad aeotor perleet 11.446. Ph. 1041 area, til II CBST., sr prlrata ptrtr. Ill Oslaea. SU rn. aeaaj. BY OWNS S 'II Chen, delate l-oocr Pwwertlede, A-l soadltloa, aew rabber. line, see si coerroo atsuoa. roeta. Oreton, or phoae 1-4133. qlT FOB SALS lll Poatlso, sM. 1131 Modal A status, sm. ataiTia bmiiol bos Warton. Ore. sit ltel POBD COOPS No atoter, aew tires lasdet, rsir soar. pn. sent. tn S PACBASD CUpoer. reeenUr orer hauled, sood Urea, mult sail, IHf. Ml allialoa. I-IMI. alT WANTED MODEL Porda. Contact Bar Sslara, Ore. 1T Huthea, 1131 Leslie St., Phoat 17311. ISM POBD POBDOB euatom, ll.OM mllee. wim racuo, neater, OTarariee. pooae l-atio. sii at CBST. t-DOOB, tood soadlUsa, llll. rnone a-aoe I. sat" 1144 sTODBOM Commodor Sedan, ex cellent eondlttoa, 1100. Ul Bleenrlaw DrlTQ, 4-1304. sl7 4C POBD Oat ol tha seit. Ph. sll 41117. '52 FORD RANCH WAOOM ' LSI MEW Charles Musser TJSID CAM HIOH at MARION 4-4SOI St '49 OLDS SKDAitrm FDIsLT XQUIPPCD ...$1M5 Charles Musser OSBD CARS MARION 4-4101 St MUST SILL US0 Olda II. 4-door sedan, 31.000 mnee. eat sr. srwald. a FARM EQUIPMENT SEE WARD'S NEW LINE OP OARDEN TRACTORS FOR lllll PRICED RIOHTI 101.10 to 143.10 ... 114 HP to I HP. Ward tractors are priced to suit tour Pocaetboos. Coma la snd aee them to ner. WARD'S FARM STORE TRADE AND HIGH ST. SALEM floss iest POBD Countrr Squire (station V Ae on), low mlleate, overdrive, radio, heat er, all metal, under coated, food rubber. 33011. Ill N. time It Corners!. 067 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AVINO BADIATOB TBOUBLET Valler Motor Co. etperta will aolve tour prob leme snd eave ton money, pree eetl mates, apeedr eervlce. center st Liberty. se FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONET Special Retaa snd Tersat Oa Letter Loans Loas snd Short Tims Paymente ROT H. SIMMONS III a Commercial st Ph l-llll 5 Interest If you hift tdlt fuDtli Mtklnc toTHt- m.t, then you are th trtx of ptrtos to whom wo can b of wrrlco. For oftr Twtntr-flTt Tort wo hart bHn helping people In thli community find profitable work for their money. Darin this period we have promptly paid M Mtvl-ann-al In (treat f armenti totalltni many Thou and of Dollan. We are currently paying INTEREST oa fundi froa 1500 to $3000. General Finance Corporation 114 . COMMERCIAL AT. aalam, Oregon Phone Mill f AUTO LOANS wnAAwrrra credit co. isa South Church Parking a-Plenty Ph. 1-S48T LlO. Ko. M-1M, S-1&4 SEt US POR FARM, CITY or ACREAOI LOANS BEST OP TERMS Wl BUT ea) attato mortgage eon tract. State Finance Co. lit a. High at. Ph. i4iii STATE FINANCE CO. NEED CASH? If o, act ja today. ConaolVdata your debu Into ONI payment monthly with mailer pa menu. Ott la touch with di CASH FOR TAXES LOANS UP TO $1500 ea aignatnrt, Ptirnltare, Car AT PKR80NAL if "yea" promptly to em- ployed men or women. 1-ftiit loan . . . phone firtrt. Ton aeleet beat payment data. ' Betweeo payslay loam. Phone, writ or eomt la TODATI Personal Finance Co 1M 4V RIOH WTH SALaTM Mate Ucenag Noa. aVm. M-1W Loans orer 1)00 up to tlftOO and up to 30 monthi to repay made by Peraonal Finance CO. of Marlon County tinder tha lndiu trial Isoaa Cotapalas ict ol Ovagetk m .aVr' i-)H Mir One-Arm Bsodits Chief Criminal Deputy Sheriff Larry Wright looks over part of the 30-odd slot machines and parts taken in s county-city raid of a Silver ton amusement com pany warehouse. Led by Sheriff Denver Young snd Silver ton Police Chief Hell R. Main, a group of five officers con fiscated the illegal gambling machines and, with the aid of two other deputies and a truck, moved them to Salem for storage, pending the disposition of an Illegal possession charge against the proprietor of the amusement company and the warehouse. Lot of Slot Machines Confiscated by Officers By VIC A raiding party of Marlon' county and Silverton officers found a bigger Job than they ex pected Friday evening when house and confiscated 44 sM ma chines and parts oi seven others. Led vr Sheriff Denver Young snd Silverton Police Chief R. R. Main, the party descended on the warehouse of Victor David, pro prietor of a coin-operated amuse ment machine company, where they discovered the Illegal ma chines. A call back to Salem brought two more deputies and a van truck to transport the machines to Salem for storage at the Capi tal Transfer company warehouse pending disposition of the case. Two trips were required to move the machines with the of' fleers working from sbout 6 p.m. to midnight to complete the Job David appeared in district court Saturday morning to an swer to a charge of Ulegal poses- lion of a slot machine and was granted continuance to Monday to. consult counsel. The machines had been stored in the warehouse for some time. Their discovery was made after officers spotted parts of some of FINANCIAL a's' PMOieS 14131 M-3J3 187 So. High St., Salem, Ore. rll Us. S-III sad M-I3I sad ROT B. SIMMONS DISURANCt AND LOANS Hear "Top rrsdee" 11:01 DsUy KSLM - 1110 Bs, OINBRAL PINANCB CO. LOANS a Commercial SL TsL Hill HOUSE TRAILERS TV ILL TBADB luraltnre a aaeh lor trallor houae. Antwer r mall, lew Werner bi. tall tl.PT. ZIMMEE, lltl special, till down. Lena Trailer Plata. tan; WILL IELL taooo It-ft Liberty houee trailer lor II7M. ra- aaiia. eeu ?aroin Road. tall Buy . . . Bartalna . . . SeU LAN A LANS TRAILER PLAZA Trade . 1141 Ltnoeatar Aee. , Rental lalT CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING SMCHINIS All makes used machines sold, rented, repelred. Roen. 411 court. Ph. s-ITII. o BULLDOZING Bulldoatnt road, elearlne teeth. VlrtU Huekey. 1010 Palrrlaw, Ph. 3-3141. otl CAIB BBOISTSBS lastsnt delivery sf aew RCA sash ret l.tere. All makes. aoM, rented, repaired. Roen. 4M Court Ph. 1-mi. o DBBSBMAKINO Alterstlons, hematltchlnt. b u 1 1 o a a , bucklea covered, buttonhole!. Mra. B. M. Allender, 1-1111. olO DBIVINO INSTBOCTION ijiarn to drive the "Bear Drive" way. CaU or aee Mr. Rlckard. Teller Motor Co.. Salem, phone lllll or 41171. o EXCAVATINO Ben Otlen a Son. Kxcavatlns, tradlnt. land elearlne. Phont 1-3010 otO" INDURTBIAL TBVCBS Pork-Utt trucU. lnilda end ouUide work. Hrater, Clark. Mobile lilt. 3000 and 4000 lb. maehlr.ee. Br day. week or month. Ph. 33411. Caoltal CIt; Tren" ler. o INSULATION Inaulatton, weatheratrlpa, erteni. Free ettlmaiea. T. Pullman. Phona J-W4. oM MATTRCH8EB Capitol Bedding, rtnoratea. new aattreaieg. Ph. ItO-Jt. line o OFFICE ITItNITfJBI A IDPFLIBI Deak ehalra, fllea, filing auppllea, aafea, dupulleatort, auppllea, deak lam pa, type writer atandi. Roen, 45 Court. o SEPTIC TANKi Haml'a aeptie tanks cleaned, Una aerr let. Ouaranteed work. Phona 11404. oTS Hikt'i aiptlo Sartlca. Tank iaad. O'rootar oleang atwam, dralaa. Phone Sewer, aeptie Uaka, dralaa gleaned. Ro ut-Hooter sewar aernea. rnone g-uzT. o TV Salea, Rerrlee, Antenna. Ae. Phone 4-W33. WINDOW CLE A NINO "R a. Z" Window Cleaneri, paint acrap tng, floor waxing and general eervlce. Realdentlala our pedal ty, Oo anywhere Ph. t-Ttai. osi Aema Window Cleaner. Induatrlal floor waxing, boiMMloanlnc. Phong $-1117. 141 court. TYPEWRITERS m 1th, Corona. Remington. Royal, Un derwood portables. All makes ivaed ma ehlnea. lUpaira rant. Rooa. Cwart Capital Journal, Salem, Or, FRYER the machines In the warehouse shop where they spparenUy were being worked oh. David's concern operates Juke boxes, shufileboards, electric (un devices srd other amusment machines. Accompanying Young and Main on the raid were Chief Criminal Deputy Sheriff Larry Wright, Deputy Wayne Steven on and Silverton Police Officer Kotsebaum. Another 70-odd slot machines e also stored . in the Salem warehouse that were picked up recently by state police in a raid at Oceanlake. Both groups of ma chines will be kept in storage until court orders direct their disposition. KITCHEN FIDDLERS MEET The Kitchen Fiddlers met re cently at the home of Mrs. Al bert Fabry, 1429 N. 18th St. The four girls in the group who made breakfast were Lois Shafer, Beverly Kenyon, Judie Sanders ana Juay bcherren, MA RKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PRODUCE LIST Betterfat Tentativa. subject to trnmedl- ata ehange: Premium Quality, maximum .15 to one per cent acidity delivered In Portland g730 id.; iirai quaii.x Q4-iw, seoond quality, 64-870. Valley routes 'and country points. 3 cenu less. Batter whoieaaie r.o.o. duik .euon co whole a I ere grade AA M acora. 7 A grade. M score, eae; B, 10 acora, 14m O, M score 64e. Above prices strictly nominal. Cheeae Selling price to Portland whole- aalers, Oregon ainglea. 43 "-4 8c. Oregon I lb, loaf, 4BW-Sltte. triplets. lVifl less than singles. Esaa U Wholesalers. Candled sgs con taining no loss, cases inc.iraea r, v. a, Portland, A. grade large, 50',4-5aVic; A grade medium, &0Vi-91tic. B grade large, -41Ae. Partland Dairy Market Ratter Price to reiannra: oraaa aa print. Tic; A carton, 73c; A prints, TJot carton, TJci B prinU, We. Eggs To retailers, u?aje aa targe, aioi A lane, 84-65c; AA medium, 65c; A medi um, Mc: A small, nominal. Cartons, Ic additional. o Price to retaners. Portland, Oregon singles, 46-V80ci 8 -lb. loaves. M.AiV4a lb.: triolets. lWe leas than sin gles. Premium brands singles, Mej loaf, Ae. Procoued American cneeae, , loavaa to retail, iW-W.to lb. i Peallry Llv Cbiekene fno, 1 quality, r. o. m. planU.) Fryers. 34-J lb, I0-31C! J-4 lbs., 10-llci roasters, 4 lbs., and over, 10-Jle; heavy hens, aU weights. 35o; light hen, all weights, 32c; old roosters. 14-iSc. Dreasea cnieaena rryers, ids., oi roaattra. 3-44c; light hens, II-J Jo: heavy hens, S6-31ci cut up fryers, all weights, 41 -44c. Rabbits Average to gro;s: uva Whites, 4-1 lbs.. 23-2Sc; 6-6 IbJ.. t0-34c lb.i old does, 10-1 He, few higher. Freeh dressed fryers to retailers, I9-I2ci gut up, Sl-sic. Ceanlry Killed Meata Veal Top quality. -tte D.t rough heavies, 38-40c. Begs Lean blockers. io-n sow, ugni 2S-.Sc Lamba Top grade springers, q-Mi other aradea. according to Quality. Mattes Beit awes and wethers ic-isc lb. Reef Utility cows, 31-J-c lb. I emnner- cutters, 2V27C, Freah Dressed Meata (Wholesalers to retailer. Declare par ewt.l Beef-teers choice, 100-700 lbs, 131.43 1 good, I3S-41; commercial, 134-31; utuity, 133-31. Caws commercial, HO-st; utuity, sis- 22: canner. S3S-I1. Reef Cata (choice steerai Bind quar ters, 147-11: rounds, 145-W; full loini trimmed. 4-7B; triangles, 131-3; fore quarters, 136-39; chucks, -; rloa, S-63. Veal oooo. gw-5s; commercials, sw-m. Calves Choice, t44-H; commercial. 40-sc. Lama Prime springers, 0-0 lbs. 141-46: good, S40-44. Hetten oood c notes, gzo-gt. Perk Cats Loins, No. 1, 1-13 lbs., 153 shoulders. II lbs., $35-33 0; sparerlbs. $45-43: freah hams, 10-14 lbs., tM-tf-.M. naked Hawa klncd, ll-Mi Slab bacon, $43-51. Refined lard la drums, $17- lig.bo; aiett oacon, sig-$4g, Portland Miseellaneeas Celery-Cal. flat crate. 1-3 doc. 1 3. Sa lt. as. pew to H.w. ore.. iz.zft-iz.M Onlane o lb, a arks Weal Oregon yel lows, medium. 14-4.50; 3 -Inch.. 14. SO -4: No ts. $3 00-35c: boilers. 16 1M sarka, 4-41e; Idaho yellows, larse, $3 50-1.71; No. 1 larse, 93.3S-t.75: whits med. laris. 4 3J 4.50; large, $4-4 31. Fetataea ore.-wasn. ruaseta, no. i, 1 4.00-50; nam brand to 4.95; bakers, 5,00-35; 3ft lbs., slse A, 1.15-JO: 10 lb, mesh, i SO-55c: paper, 50-5ftc; No. 2, M lbi . i.oo 1.40; Idaho ruaseU, balea, 1-10 lbs., 100- 35; 100-lb. sack. .00-35 ; 3$ lb. NO. 1. 1 40. M, I Bay U. fl. No. I gr?n alfalfa, deliver-; ed ear lots F O B. Portland, nominally 1 132-3 ton; Seattle, 340-41. Weal Willamette valley mostly nomin al at 45e lb creaae but. Bid Calve, 11-14 lb. according to weights; green kips, 10-13ci beef, 10-1 3c lb ; bulls, 3-4 -4 ei green butcher ow hide. Filbert Wholesale selling price No, t Urge Rarcelonaa, 34-36 lb.; grower prices, orchard run. 14-15 lb. Wstnata Wholesale gelling price, first quality large Pranquettaa. 33-33s Ib.t grower price, ortUsard run, U-14C lb, lew be t it. Satuday, Uarck SALEM MARKETS OesassM uses lateral et Saeeaa iialnrt taw Ike twtssnao s( Caprtal Jaejtnsl readers. tasTstaa mxuj.i , Batkll PeBoee-MSS (SO-Bv. halt. 14. aS. M llto-la. sat). Bit Meeh II 31-M.4S. Dairy PeeS M.as-MS (SS St. SaSre I4.u-s.u not trt.i. SOei old rooetere, isa; swlaras fewl. Ban leiaont xowl jaoi toasasra, sis. Etta Bartas Prtews arts. AA. eesi Istss A, 4S14HI medlnaa AA, etol aaedlam A, law. tie; small, i saaeralhr I -fa Mehcr ataa the a bore. Lane trade a ssastsltp tatted si atei medlnaa, tss. Batterfat Baylas prtet: Pi erst f. ft Tie: No, L st-Toe: No. s. 17a. Batter Wholeeale erode a Tie la.i retail, its. DEATHS smmett Sllaisa. lata resident af Brooks, st SUrarton hoapltal Mareh a. SutItssI bp wile. Ethel stlnsoa, Brooss; sons. Bat. met! Vernon attnsoa aad W. B. asraata, both of Loa Antelea, Osllt., sad MeepB Stlnaoa, Brooks; a brother, Brattt But ens Stlnson, Los Aasalas, Caiil, and tws traadehudrea. Semeas win be held Meat. day, Mareh s at I0; a-m. ta tha Gloat a . Barries Chapel with Hey. itstpa uwranew slllelstlns. Interment ha Balerstt Mana orlal Park. hv no XkMiaTa. Lake resident at B4. 4 Bos 3 it, la loeal hoepttal Mareh I. Sur vived by parents., sir. ana asm, .oaunwj Bouga of Salem. Announcement af srv Ices later by Clougb-Barrlca; ehapeL Qear ga afaaaa WUppto Goorg Mason Whipple, at in raswcnaqi 4719 Auburn Rd., lafcrch at th ace ( 85 years. Survived by sister, Mra. Praziies Demmlngs, sad brothar, Clarence Whipple. notn oi new zors. aaemoer aaaawwgti church. Ajmouncemsat at servleas later ar BowU-Bdwards Oo. Lewie A. MeCUatoek Lewie a. sicciintoct, lormer reaioent cc Pendleton, In thla city Much I at the as of n years. Survived by wife, Mra. Oeor gla L. MeCUntock, Pondleton; two daushw tera, Mrs. Fathieen suiaaoeui carrou. Pendleton, Mrs. Thalma Temple, Pendle ton. uem&er unighu or rytniaa; aaatoniq Lodge, FeivUeton; Al Kaoer shrine, port- land. Shipment vu a-e mwoa to jraMueiaa by Howell-Edwards Funeral Borne for services and interment. Jereaa Rebar Jerome Bobsr, -ta this dtp March t Announcement bt services later by W. X. Rlcdoa Co, Samael Tharstoa Rklia ra - Samuel Thurston Richards, at th fatal ly residence S9& W. Chemawa Rd. Marcls 0 at th ase of 77 pears. Survived by wife, Nellie Richards. Salem; two broth- era, .John Franklin Richards, Slblr, Iowa, . Vera Ricoarda, Ooidllekt Iowa; two si ters, Mrs. Ida J. Luea. Spokane, Wash, Mrs. NeUle Miller. Erie. HI. Member of :al Hlbbard Camp $, Spaalah-Amerlcan Wa7 . Veterans. Service will be held Wednesday. March 11 at 1:20 p.m. In th Howell-E4 wards Chapel. Rev. Is Weln fnclatlaB. OBITUARY Mra. Anna C. I Silverton Mrs. Anns C. ooodmJL m died Saturday morning at th Silmtwa hospital following a yeara illness. Bora ba Chicago Jaa. 19. 1193, tha daughtar cf Anton and Jfikoiin Larson, ana marriaq, Henry Ooodman la North Dakota te 1MB. Besides 12 years la Alberta, Canada, thw family ha lived In Hubbard and Silver ton. The family residence Is on Bobart road. Survived by husband. Henry; soa, Llord of Saa Franc 1 too and Wilfred eg Stockton; daughter, Viola Crockett f verton ; all grandchildren, eight greaa grandchildren and two brother, la Brl tlah Columbia. Funeral arrangenuata ta charge af th Bkman funeral noma. tJlraaea Grant affler independenec Ulysses Orant Hefner. aged SS yeara, passed away at Por4lan Wedneaday evening, after a short 11 in eaa. He was born at Wolcott, Indiana, May 14, iHoe, ana mova to stonmouin, oroson na 1900. whsr fa fargaed for 90 years, ra tiring ta 1030. He is survived by thrw daughters. Miss Florence Heffley f port land; Mrs. Velma V. Riley of Mbnmonthl -and Mra. Oer trade DeBoer of Salem; aleo four grandchildren and ten great naat ehltdren. Funeral ecrvicao war held un der th direction of th Smith Mortuary, Saturday, March 7th, at 10:90 a.m. al in aaonmoita Strang eucai u. B. ehureav Inwrment was la Plr Crest cemetery. Orville Deaata Kiper Jr. Wlilamlna Funeral aenices for Or Tllle Dennis Klper Jr 19, of Wlilamlna, were held March B from th Sheridaa Funeral home, with interment In Ever green Memorial park la McMlnnviU. Rev. Wesley Oravaa read th service, and Jam Kaaslar wag soloist. Klper was bora Juno 17. l39 at Haasrman. N. M , the aon at Mr. and Mra. O. D. Klpr Sr., who surv ive. He passed away In Dallaa follow lag and emergency appendectomy. Be wag married to MUa O old la Hamilton Nor, I. 1951. survtror Include his wife, an la fant daughter, Leon a; his parents; threw alaUis, Bol, Z Asd Sail,, mil of WU lamlna; grandparents, Mr. and Mra. P. B Klper of Hagcrman, B. M, and Mra. Min nie Lattion of M las our 1. Journal Want Ads Pay Flnwart a tribute of respect IIUiTCU for the departed, an expression of comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST 321 Court Or t I Lars. R D Or O Chaa kjj DR.4 CHAN . . . LAM CUINKSE NArCKUFAl'US Dpsutrs. tl North Libert oines open Baumlay unit 10 ajn. to l pjn to 7 pjn. Con ultation. blood preuurs amt urine testa art tree of eharcs. PracUced since It 17 Write for ittracups (ilk no oOUfSUon f i i i III il f fi '1 I1