14 Capital Journal, Salem, rOR SALE HOUSES New Home by Builder IN ENGLEWOOD DIST. I swdiwrat, hardwood floor, larei llvlnt room with fireplace, mehoeeny doore and trim. Modern kitchen with natural finish cupboards, convenient , . utility room. Insulated ud weatherstrlpped. Attached plaatered terete. ; Auto, forced-lit oU heat. Lot ch 95x137. Paved etreet tad eldewelk. ' LOCATED AT 2195 N. I7TH ST. " : ' ' " PRICE $10,900 F.H.A. TERMS PAT JABVUX, BLDR. & CONT., FOR SALE HOUSES GI$450Dn. 25 new 2 -bedroom houiei, with full basement Out State Street, V mile past 4 Corners. $8,899 $52 MONTH Olflce at Project. Phone 45790 a8i tTKKX'S OKI Of thOM TUl family hOBM. r.t. ra. with fireplace, din. ml.. Jet. kit. with soak, I bdnni. dn 1 up. Pull drr burnt., Plt7 room workshop. EbL inut. 11,400. St. Vincent dis trict, Al BU Real Estate, 41101 any time. "" $750 Down TOG.L Ths owner of this dandy l-rdroom home In too Washington echool district has lust reduced the price to 17,600 for quick sale orlrlnaur pricea There u an inside utrlltr room aod t- taehed garaga. NIC Nil" ot. mi home bu spproiuiiatelr 000 oauere feet. Call Mr. Ramsey nowi MURPHY & KENT REALTORS M llorlh Church Phone wwm anrf jannrfav m Ramsey 4V199V MOO DOWN 1 bedroom, hardwood floor, attached terete, shrubs ens semes, cteuer -rlrt Phone 458)1. a5 .nknRrwiH HOME, baeemeut end fire place, epacloui grounds. Sell er-trede for i oh gi aS8 OI 9450 DN. I) NEW f-EEDROOM HOUSES, WITH yfJU, BASEMENT. OUT STATE STREET, MILE PAST 4 CORNERS. 1.S99 4S1 MONTH OrPICX AT PROJECT, PHONE 41700 490 heat 1.BX HOME Pull baamt., lie. rnur., fenced rard. Si, Vincent dutrlet. 4r. Al BeU Real Citate, 41401 tnr time. Lr.wo. ENGLEWOOD Dlitrlct, 4 bed rooma. Roman brick fireplace, mahotanv paneling. Will jell lurnunea or un ' furnlahed. 1949 Jefferson. tl SACRIFICE br owner, t bedroom home, centrally located, 390 W. 31it. t97 COUNTRY UV1NO In town Lovelr ranch trpe 3-bdrm. borne on lot 130 X 370. lav. rm.- wfplace.. din. rm., kf.tch., aook, Oarlliht baamt. ha partr rm. - wfplace., den, extra bdrm. At bath. ' Sacrifice price, 110.000. Al Bell Real Eitate, 41901 anr time. 97 LITTLE OB NOTHING down Clean 3 bedroom house on fraction of acre. South, near sunnalde ochool. Pull price 44,090. Ph. I-9S99. Call 1930 Hickory further detain. aftS BANCH STYLE Ltrst J-B.R. hom. Ut. rm. hu fireplace, din. rm., nice kitchen with brkf. nook. Only 10500. Al Bell Retl BattU. 41601 any time. 61 OLDER TTFE HOME on Pwt.uul Roftd. 1&-tt. hlth way fronUce. Price t7b0. Tertne. I-6S31 eve, si eVBOOM BOUSE on lane corner lot, paved etreet, close to trade echooL Jsnlor i hltb. Would eonsMer come trade. Pull price 17500. Inquire at 3306 V. Vth. 3-5368 eventnra. a61 4-BEDEOOU tk aleeplns porch, baeement. ou lurnaco, mcnmoDci out. rn. j-mo. afli -BOOM HOUSE for aala reasonable. ojutze in Columbia. ' 10 A. BOMB H.W. I MILKS, salem phont Jx mall. Plumbed, wired, l-bdrm. bouae, 940OO. C. W. 8TULLER, Realtor, Salem, Ore. 51 Bdtewiter. Ph. 1-9991 or 4-1793 Slot DOWN and 437.90 par mo Small one bedroom houie, hot water heater and bathroom. 4910 Relmana Road. 17331. a37" PAIEMOUNT HILL-1750 John St. 1 bed room!, dtihwasher, dUpoaaL full baae ment. Phone 4-1734. too Hundreds WILL READ THIS! Only one can bur. Truly a super talue tn this lovely suburban estate. Over 3000 a), tt. ptast, const, features 18x24 llv. rm., 14x18 din. rm., Ige. kit A utlL rm.. 4 epacioua bdrms.. den. 3 ftreoLi.. Thermo-matlc furnace. Over 3 ae. well lanojcp., rruii. nuu s berrlri. 3 pltry. lues., stable bam. 4 CHOICE BLDO. SITES, oolng for only W8M). Easy lerma. Higginbotham Real Estate 1st Natl Bank Bids. Woodburn Ph.: Office 77111 ae. 8151 a 4-Bedroom Home One and H baths en H acre, 1 rr. new, and tn a $30,000 city-suburban loca tion. Beautiful LR 13x23, DR 13x14, the 4 bdrms. are all large. Lota af eioa- t space, large service porch, 3 car araie. VACANT, move Tight n. and all this la sacrificed at only $11, (too, $1500 down and $8$ per month, just Ttunn. or jt. St-Bedroom Home 1 HOOVER SCHOOL DIST. Just north of Center hi., and only 3 vre. eld. This te a lovely place for the amasingly low prwe oi fuv vmn gvoo oown. CUCI DAVE LAZENBT EVE. PH. 41T0I OrFICC DIAL 4194,24552 Oat TBAOE, 4 bedroom house near Rich moad school m0. 444 S. 34th. a3 BNOLtTWOOD. 9 bedrooma, hardwood floors. Itrtt Uvrnt room, flrepltce, atlll tr. 1190 N. ltth. Phone 19313. t57 ;LA8SirlBD AorXRTllINO Per Wert 4o Per PVerd, timet 10. Per Ward, timet Me Per Weed, 1 eaeatk We Ma BefaJta- Mrarmam I Werwa. tKADf as ! tteal Mm tM. Oaly. Pee Ward MJalmaal i Werae T riaea Ad la 8ms Dbj"! .. Paper, PhstM t-MOt Betora M a-na. 50x153 LOT 3 BD. RM ENGLEWOOD a Ore, Saturday. March 7. 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE 1.1 PM. SUNDAY 1440 NORTH FIST Very attractive 1 bedroom home, full ......, nuhie earaee. double fire place. A hlth tuelitr bom m axcelleBt l"etion. raA wum. Ph. 41391, ere. 30(23; 134 North High e7 t BEDROOM, 1ft itorr home. All epacloui rooms, bdvd. lire., menoe. -flroplace, dinint Area In kit., bailment, utAmtta heat, covered patio, double ear an, 1045 N. J let. Bventnti sun-1 if a wrsl a T. rjvlnv room, dlnlne room. S bedrooms, lane lot. wu vu.. i Only 4T4M. 11,000 down. Can MOO, or view t above address. BXCEPTIONAL value, Cendalarla Helehtt S bedroom home, Living, emint, hkhw, i nook, tad den. Only 417,000. SN0 Ar-I via xjnve. uisn numuwa. i MO XETZTA HOMX t Bed rme., Llvlnt room with Plrt- ..i... rit m lea. Excellent aou I or Plowera end Crdon. 1 Blockt to School tad Storea. t,too.oo. WAT.TOTa U1NIEK HULJUW Phone 33130 16484 - 37510 a3 too N. FRONT Zone 4. Bui. Corner with comfortable I S bdrm. home, lot TOiut. ravea eiiir. Ph. I-un for detain. WALTER SOCOLOFSKY REAL ESTATE tit CLOSE BY THE SEA on Hwy. 101, near! Newport, beauUfl locaUon. t-bedroom borne and 3 well-built furnished cot-1 tma-ac Zlectr e heat. H7I0. W. WfiK- weU, Otter Bock, Oregon. aSt I DREAM BOMS REDUCED TO P. H. A. APPRAISAL You owe It to yourselves to see this. VIEW HOME, If you are a qualified buy er you 4b yours may nave this nome with onlr $3,100.00 down full price reduced to $10,350. This home has H.W. PL. Iron Plreman forced air oil furnace fireplace, mahotnay pannel Intr and many other nice features plus tt. carats. JOE HUTCHISON Realtor Fho. 45743 Sun. 34789 If no ans. please Call SM5B a87 FOR SALE LOTS FINE LOTS. i$ down, $15 a month with 1 water and electricity, close to good school and store. General Real Estate, 3ft& Center. Ph. 3-3389. ae67 BT OWNER 04x150 ft. 30 down, 415 aa57 month. Phone 45033. FOR SALE FARMS FIRST TIME OFFERED Blckneit forcti owner to sell this 100 aore rtnoh. 90 A. level plow land. Oood ton. Bal. rolllnt. seeded to pasture. Bor dered and crossed by two streams. Ir rlsatlon easy. Somt timber. Betutlful rtnch home- Ind home for teatnt houit. Barn, poultry houst. Improvements worth more than tsklnt price. About lo awet n.b. oi Btlem on tood trtvel road. Full prlct 930.000. Will takt Salem -bdrm. home as part, A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR ut a. Hith Ph. 19930 b99 xe-A. FARM, S-room modem bouse near Eurent, 110,500, Trade for property near Salem of equal value. Further details on Inoulry. E. J. Tounl, Rt. 1, Bot 90, Junction City, Oreton. b37 REAL ESTATE 94991 9994499 19994919 4)111111119 ttllllltU Wttlllltl ttltlltlll FannsM;r,j:iS:M Homes 999911999944499999999 999999999 9111999999 49999919 99 1999999 449119 99 (99919 9 SULLIVAN Convenient City Location. Hera Is the older roomy house you've been looking for. t bedrooma and a aleeotna norch. Pull dry basement. 1 block from school. nice or wm trade for dulex. Shady Brook Trout tn the stream by wiiate unu uuui iutavvu in net aouvii. 38 foot Uvlng room la this fine home. $10,000. Near Leslie 3 btrdrooma and a den In mi moaern, large noma. tDouble aaraea Separate 30x38 playroom in back for the chiklren. Just the place for the family W)94 UHUINIi flAitVW Nob Hilt 3 twdrooma. 114 hlnoka frm McKlnley school. This Is the oWr home wun plenty or room that you've been looking for. 19,000. ElUabetfl Jane Court tn Silverton. Sev en units, all furnished. Net of $1,800 a year. so net In owner occupied I30.O00, Tavern and Restaurant la mill town Owner Is heading east. S pool tables. Beer license and card room. Has very substantial return en the Investment. $10, M0. 3$ acres t miles north of Salem. The moit modern trpe nine room home built In 1941, that you will find la the taller. It you are looking for a country estate you don't have te look any fur ther. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 1144 Portland Road Ph. 4-4531 Eve. Fh.l 1-1137, 1-407I, 4-4!3, 4-1740. -"' no- Real Nic? -bedroom home, well built, breakfast bar. Built. m radio, Lena lot. a tood hi inv. Good Family Home Lint llvlnt room. 9 alee bedroom. Lane utility room, will trade oa small acreaae. rm eeeoe. Denton & Denton, Rltrs, 44 (Mate St. Pbone 1-1941 Eve. l-OOOl. 1-4007, 1-4714 CM' 9979 DOWN 4 year old room home oa Tf i 191 lot. Shopping center and bua blocks. Paved atreet, city water. Price 9V 350. FAMILY FARM 9 Acre. Nearly ell in cultivation Comfortable room home, barn, tood drilled well. Year round stream, family orchard. 910,900. K i. EWASCHKA 1749 Oraat St. Realtor Phoat 401t ea Journal Want Ads Pay 1 REAL ESTATE WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES LI SEVERIN REALTY 17 TSARS OP SATIBPACTORf SERVICE wrR tmx This prewar-built borne. EnslUh atyle, t h. it taiMiiii Mrfact for a fam ily with school children. It Is located close to an ecnooia. Lit I ay room with fireplace. Dtnine room with pum-ins. md or - pretty kitchen lit floor. 3 bedrooms and bath Snd floor. Tfce beet aut. heat. Oarace and lovely landscaped aorner lot. Only llJ.ew; iwu will handle. CANDALARIA LOCATIOW-JPRICE R- DUCED OVER $3000 Charm and rraelous Urlnf In this lovely Colonial home that you may own under appraisal value. Lane cheerful rrvrmi- Central entrance hall leading .4i..w.e trirvhim. ran don't have walk thru liWieF rooms to open the front door. DowntUlM ao eon.aina t. Tlvlnr rm.. am Die (llOlOC room. The kitchen la desKned to take the drudierr out of feedlnf thatMovable fmiiv Af voura. TtM. there u e oreaa- fait nook. too. for the man of the house, there Is a comfortable den. antra lane utility room. Upstairs there are 3 lane bedrooma, a nursery and con tinental baths. Closets and storaee apace that will deityn. every win. a-r race with storaee overhead. If you are lookini for a quality home at below today's market, your Inspection of this eharmtna- home ahouM come first. $19,750, Term. APARTMENT HOUSS In ih.Vrint center. 13 furnished unite. Nets 12 with exceptional pos sibilities for future earnings. $35,000 bandies. COUNTRY HOME One of the better homes, seldom on the market. Located among lovely trees. Large living room, dining room, and the nicest kitchen ana nooc. not point oisn- washer alnk. bedrooms and room for 1 more If wanted. The entire basement finished, summer xitcnen. uundrr. bath, and a large knotty pine recrea tion room witn urepiace. e or neat. Double insulated and weatherstrlpped. 3-car garage and tool ahed. When you see It you know that It is worth the money. A good buy at $33,500. WALNUT PARK. 4 BEDROOMS English architecture. 3 bedrooma and bath down. 3 bedrooms and bath up. Large living and dining room. All floors carpeted with $35.00 per yard carpeting. Finished basement and 3-car garage. Here is a fine home, built pre war, with best material. It is yours for under cost. $18,500. Substantial mort gage can be arranged. LITTLE PARM BOMB m acres of garden, fruit, grapes, duck pond. Well-built home of V rooms. It is located close In and can be yours for only $11, 500. Terms. Severin Realty Co. US If. High 4-5941 Svtl.e 3 595 Mr. Klang 1-3293 Mr. Moon 3-7603 ess 130 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES GOOD CATCH Only 3 rr. old. Near school and storea. Located north lust outside city. Insu lated. No lawn or ahruba to plant. In aood condition. Spacious lot. May con- alder car a part payment. PuU price 80,100. LOW DOWN Just oatalde city, oil beat. Att. garage. Exterior In good condition. Owner will redecorate Interior. Only 4 yrs. old. Near school. PuU price $7500. $1000 down. VERY NEAT And clean. A pleasure to show. Wall to wall carpets. Owner leaving state. In sulated, oil heat. Large utility room. Unfinished upstairs. 7 fruit trees. Black top atreet. Pull price only $8,900. TRUE VALUE AND IDEAL TERMS Almost new home In St. Vincent Diet. Porced air oil heat. Sep. utility room, 1$ by 30 living room. Sep. dining room. Lawn and ahruba. Insulated. Pull price only $10,800, A WONDERFUL BUY Kelier Dlst 4 acre. Spacious dining room. Lovelr fenced back yard. Prult and berries. Breakfast nook. Just like new. Very good well with lots of water. Oil heat. Very nice fireplace. Lot of bulltlns and closet space. It's priced at only $11,760. P.H.A. terms U dtuired. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, CVE. PH. 4-0020 or MR. KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4-8494. If no answer call 4-334$. CHOICE HIGHWAY FRONTAGE 400 ft. on MS and S44 ft. frontage on Lancaster. This Is an ideal aite for most any type of business. The bypass will not efleet thla property In any war. Owner will separate, Will sell or accept ground lease. INCOME PROPERTY Bldg. almost new. Lots of plate glass. Very deelreable location. Income $030 per mo. 3 stories. Parking space and lot adjoining Is available for parking space. Even a pessimist couldn't go wrong. Terms. PuU price S8S.O00. BEAUTY SHOP Well established. Well equipped. Reason able rent. Purchaee price of $3000 inc. all fixtures, equipment and inventory. ertna u Ofiired BUS. LOT Located north. Has bldg. now rented by the mo. Lots of room for expansion. Street frontage on 8 sides. Apprx. 4 city blk. out of state owner says sell it. Priced at only i2M. CALL POR DAN IrVAAK, EVE. PH. 4-M33. If no answer call 4-334$. 10 ACRES With good modem bedroom bouse. Ma chine ahed. Pvd. rd. V mile to school and town. Owner will sell one acre and home for 95.000 or will sel lthe lo acre tract for $7500. CLOSE IN DANDY It acre plus. Very good modern 3 bedroom home built In 1944. Oarage, frutl house, wel lhouse. Pvd. rd. Rest f sou. I acre strawberries under Irrita tion. 300 ft. Irritation pIpo. New tele- vtaion set. tractor, plow, harrow, spring ooin cultivator, -rms is a ouy for 19.460. SEE THIS TODAY Itt teres plus. Clost in out. Very beat of sou. Very modern 4 bedroom house. 30 by 50 barn, chicken house, ttraee. Lote of fruit. Home haa unusually leree rooms, lrrteated. Thla Is t bur for 99. no. Wld exchange for tood horn. In city. CALL FOR MR. UtAVs-NS, EVE. PH. -4714. If no amwer 4-33t9 MORTOAOE LOANS 10 YEAR MATURITY Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonei: 4-1J11 or l-73 9914 PORTLAND RO ' Eve. Phones: 1-4735, 4-9404 4-9030 or t-3959 It ao answer phone 4-134I BBt HOI RE. bU4TnfnL rurTttar ftetioarl rard, furnished. $79Mt Terms. Call $$188 evenings. .ha m acres sheep, train, fruit larrn, stocl trxl equip. Oood bldga, tood iwauoo, wi.wxi, would consider motel, duplex, or modem home to trade, Rt, l, Boa Set, Dallas, Ore. eT tatajAtaefaM av, 1 I J I I REAL ESTATE EASTMORELAND tmmedl. w poeaeailoa can ae had ma thlt lovelr home ra thu l-eeutlful dlitrlct of fine homea. 3 Ure. bedroom., livin, room with fireplace, rd. w,?0i?. V,y, Jnuto utility room. Una attache due (14JU3). foreed-tlr oil furnace, beautiful lawn and many ah rub.. Located ir;r nno',. i-vru Tit duplex tJ!SJf'efiS;n,?.,orPiJ,?";1,ul? " nu linns room. 1 St.? 5?i"S?I:' 03 L" ""h " home, a both aides. Will brine tiao per month rent. Priced tt 913.900. 411 MASONIC BUTLDINO ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER ,. Imuran Phone: S-I31T ' 4 CORNERS DISTRICT " tw heaur. Wired for raae. tow tojefc On bus Una. Ralae t lardea ud keep a few chieknt here. 4,74. HIGHLAND DISTRICT 01.3M down will novo you into tola weii-buut s-bdrm. home. BaL 960 Icr?i.n totlto hou- " "r CoaMn '41" LESLIE DISTRICT owaer-a ult and take over 4 loan oa balance. 3-bdrm. homo with 1 unfinished upataln. Lart. lot, alcelr landscaped. On bua line. htm. potseuloa. full price 44.700. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT ' Barely pre-war. Bntllsh type kuaialow. 4 bdrms. PuU baaemaat. Maw oil furnace. Lover fenced back yard. 411,000. Terma. CLOSE IN, NORTH I bdrms. tad den. Lane dlnlni mom. run baaement, oil furnace, J-ear trait. Lovely landtctped yard. Tun price 111,700. Terma. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor 111 a Hieh Fhs. 37143 11731 14901 IT el. and Sunday Grabenhorst Specials LIVABLE, LOVELY CANOALABIA HOMES: Wonderful view, dellthtful room arrangement, 1 bdrmi. . Daylltht basement 431.900 All on ont floor 3 bdrms tad dan, double plumblni, double tareee, view $19,900 Three bedrooma, rumpus room, dishwasher, view, double " 113.500 Rente home, breeaeway, 1 bedrooms, nice utility, double tar ate. 413,400 CALL PETES H. OZTSEIt, SjjLESMAN. BUSINESS BLDO. Located on corner lot In excellent bualneas tret. In-" tersectloa of main arteritis, 3-itory bldt., well leased, tpproi. 88x100 ft. lot. Iacome 9091 per month. Price 170,900. CALL C. L. GRABENHORST FOR DETAILS. APARTMENT Excellent locttlon 4 unite plus owner's Qutrters. Com pletely furnished. Very tood condition. Terms. For further Information CALL H. K. LAYUON, SALESMAN. QUIET ORA0IOU8 LTvTNO ON MILL CREEK- Spacious rooms through out. Llr. rm.. din. rm., kitchen, nook, den, 1 bdrms., ltt baths, dble terete. Lee. pttlo with outdoor flrepltce, full basmt., auto-oll hot water heat. Hdwd. lire, up and down. CALL 1. X. LAW, SALESMAN. BE TOUR OWN BOSS Own thla Ice Cream builneas, tood volume, top location. Smart, clean bulldlne. pleesant worklni conditions. Price 410,000. Buy While available. CALL PETER H. OEISER, SALESMAN. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 334 S. Liberty St. ph. 1-3471 Kvenlntt or Sundaya call Peter OeUer 3-99 3. E. l aw REAL ESTATE $150 Down Balance at $38 per month. One bed room home north of city. $9x135 lot, community water. Hot water heater, stool, sink, shower, concrete founda tion. . . ENGLEWOOD HOME With basement, i bedroom home with dining room, fireplace, forced air heat. Lovely rear yard. VIEW LOTS Buy 'em by the foot. These lots have a wonderful view and are Ideal for day light basemen te. Courtesy to builders, FHA approved. Trade for Acreage 30 acres of VERY OOOD ground. Will grow com, beans, sugar beets, etc. 3 bedroom home, 80 complete. 10" Irri gation wel and Irrigating equipment. North of paved road. WU1 seU or trade for 1 or 3 acres with small or old house up to $8000. Oood financing available. RON JONES, Realtor IMS PA1ROROTTND6 ROAD Ph. 4494 Eve. Ph. 19341, 11770 YOUR NEW HOME!!l! I $7M down. Outstanding but Inside " city limits on paved street and close to bus. 3 bedrooms, large dinette, a won derful kitchen. All hardwood floors. $53 month. P.H.A. l Basement with dea with fireplace, t bedrooms, wonderful living room with large fireplace. Large kitchen. All hardwood floors. Highland district. Paved streets, newer, city water. PHA terms. $08 per month. $1500 down for 3-bedroom with won derful view. Large living room, large dining room, double garage, inside city. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 south High street Phone 3-0301 Phont tvet, 4-1971, 1-3955. t-4874, 1-9394 CREEK HOME OOOD sound older 9-bdrm. home on Mill Creek. A tood bur tt 49500. Call MR. METZOER. COAST HOME STTJDRY, attractive 4 -bdrm. home, completely man. Huge living rm. with fireplace, ge. dining rm.. full basmt, with oil piped furn. Beautiful large landscaped lot overlooking the ocean. $17,500. will consider good Income prop erty or farm in trade. Call Id. 2 310 ACRES $986$ buys good 3-bdrni. home In nice getting, eouth. Fireplace, basement tft sawdust heat. Purs., double garage. CaU PECK. RANCH HOME 3,000 sq. ft. of floor space on one floor, consisting of 3 Its. bdrme.. dining rm, ige. Uvtng rm. with fireplace, bath half, hdwd. firs thruout, fuQ basmt. with fireplace. oU air cond. furn. 3-car gar. Auto, doors, 14 acre tract, located close in on pvmt. Truly a spread for onlr $33,500. Will eonMer good farm in trade. Call Ray Davis. Ph. 3-888$ Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 4S1 N. HIOH STREET VKTZO ER 4-171$ ED f -8704 PECF. 3-8413 DAVIS 4-8917 DE LUXE HOME Long, low ranch, 3 bdrms., double plumbing, big partr rm. with fireplace on main floor, 3-car garaie, beautiful comer lot. One of the best views In city. Take a smaller home as part pay ment. APT. HOC8B TRADE 7 apt, all furnished. $ baths, won derful beating srstem. close in location. Ineome over $338 mo, Alwaye rented. Take ho one up to $13,000 in trade. BUSINESS LOCATION 100-ft. frontage on one of the busiest streets in the city. 3-bdrm. Uvable hobse en property. Across st. from a bank. Sacrifice for $4200. Call Ron Clearr. WALTER MUSURAVE REALTORS 13il Edsewater M0$ Eve. 393t 37- Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE ce Morteato Lotnt vealaat: 1-470 3 - 9111 H. K. Lavmon 3-5t cot- REAL ESTATE J. E. Le Clerc, Realtor A Cheapie $3,750 3 bedrm. within walking- distance of State House. Oood foundation and good room. In fair condition. Would make a tood rental. Large Family $17,500 Almost new. 4 bedrm., home In Keller Dlst., with large etorage space and nice sewing room over garage. V bath down and full bath upstairs. This Is a real nice home for a large family. Would consider taking small home as part pay ment. Sportsman's Paradise ..$11,500 Right on the Santiam river, approx. 1$ miles from Salem, with modern 3 bed- room house and another email 3 room house which can be rented for $35 per month. 30 acres. The land is cleared but has never been farmed and would be fine for pasture. Ideal for party who wishes to be In seml-retlrement. Oood xisaing ana nun ting, would take home ia vraae, caiexn or cauiornia. 1905 N. Capitol St. WANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IS 8ELLTNO. WE HAVE MORE BUYERS THAN GOOD LIST INGS. If your property tt worth the money! WE CAN SELL TT. OFFICE DIAL 4-3494,24552 ca0 NOTICE: If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with vs. We nave an kin aa or cash ourers. STATE PINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 8. High St. ca WE ARE in need of good houses to sell. in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale, see GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 8. Liberty - Ph. 3-3471 ci WANTED ft to 10 acres with good home. close In. Al laiiak, Rlt phone 4-3311. If no answer. 4-3348. ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB SALE OB TRADE by Owner 10-unlt apartment house, nice Uvlng quarters, good location. Will take home as part payment. Terms. Ph, $-7310. cb59 RESORT PROPERTIES ' BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN ktBORT LODOE With din. rm. Scale 40. Bathhouse tnd 90 housekeeping ctbins til furnlahed end operetlng. 1 hydraulic plant and gravity water ayttem. Price 999,000. Will tax. other property tt cash trade-In. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1147 S. Commercial .Salem Pn. -,411 97 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTO SUPPLY wholesale route. Very tood buy. Will ehow route. Servlnt service ttttlont tnd taragei. Roy Weitllae, Rt. 4, Boa 149, Salem. Phone 4-301. ed97a JOE PALOOKA om e-eaae ff J. z- euc vj I.MtMIUkT oe W V' m HO-VM c-rvoL tn. J pauim. owiocm Ph. 1335C C5B H 3 f- 1 j fr-f who. I HE MIS rV ARN' A S7RIP6 YOU, A GUV IN A "N I ITS TOO LATE TO yT A V TW POITV - J L V SUI7...60T A REPULSIVE I STRIPE 0 SUIT JUMPED I CATCH HIM,HH08SY k & tf it PHONEY KsM lj BUSINESS a INCOMtv TAVERN ' 915. one. with terma. AD tqulpmeat tad lltturet. Cards and Luaeh counter. Averasa trots. 433.000 per year. Lane eettlae capacity. Don't call See Frank Vlasic WITH McKillop - REAL ESTATE WANTED FURNITURE WANTED farnlturt add appUtaee. Phone 14004. i.'.l a.iii'iwij.u x jar gpc' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Shetland Ponies to Reduce Herd for Sprlnc Colt. Will tell: 1 Brood Maret S Tount Maree 1 Yearling stud Colts ATI tentle, top bred ponies. Come and tee them. CRYSTAL SPRINGS PONY RANCH. Rt. I, Sllem. Ph. 4-1030. miles from Liberty on Ylttt Sprints Road. S7 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Hereford, 10c Locker pore 39c Nothing down, t moa. to par. Cuatom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, 1339 S. 39th. Ph. 34959. RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doea. Phone 43091. 4410 Claxter Rd. ebOl' RABBITS WANTED. Any also and quan tity, also purebred breedluv itock for lale. Phone 3-7107. eb78 PETS PALABflNO MARE, black eaddle, $335 caan. inquire Apartment no. 3, Cen tral HoweU. ec59 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1938 McCoy. one block east of N. Capitol, 1V blocks north or Madison. Ph. 3-6897. ec75 MOORE TROPICAL PISH, equipment, supplies. 3 miles from Lancaster on Maclear road. Phone 3-7331. cinuvi weanesoays. ec83' CHOICE CANARIES. 1340 Chemeketa St. Phone 34385. ec58 PUREBRED TOY POODLE pups. 3310 8 19th. crftT FUEL BUY ANDERSON'S handslcked elabwood. now l cord 914.00. Phont 3-7791 or 4-4353. ee75 Oregon Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phont 15939 1097 Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. rice up your Presto-Loes, Briquets and wood. 198 So. Com'l, phone 3-7731. ee Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube aervlct, all kinds of wood. Phone 1-4444. ee WALNUT SHELLS. 30 II CXI for 11. 43 ton. 43 ton delivered In town. Morrli tuorrein pactlni Co, 490 North Front. ee" Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 90 DAYS Planer trimmings, load. Phont 37731 ee" West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 16" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1539 Edgewttey . Phont Salem 1-4031 FOR SALE POULTRY POR BALK Batams. Purebred Buff Cochin, Phone 43983. f59 WANTED Colored fryers, colored and leghorn hens. Highest prices. Lee's Hatchery, phone 33841. i FOR SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire!, Parm enters. Red, White Lethorns, Austra-White, White Rocks, White Wyandottes. Parmenter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 33881. f SPECIAL New Hampshire pullets, 19c ee. vauey Farm store, fo. 44634. X70" WHITE LEGHORN, Austrawhlte, and New Hampshire chicks, $18 hundred. Ph. 38343. Palmer'a Poultry Farm, Brooks. 179 GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicles, hatched every Monday and Thurs day. Our chicks grow faster. Pox's Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 34909. f ATTENTION, FRYER GROWERS We pay lc over top Portland prices for commercial lots delivered. Orowers aee us for best proposition. Lee's Hatchery, P. O. Box 735, Salem. f57 4-STAR vullorum controlled chicks avail able now at Ward's. Healthy vigorous chicks which are direct descendants of pedigreed-sired flocks. All are frcm U.8. approved pullorum controlled flocks! 100 as etched New Hemps 117.&0 WARD'S FARM STORE Trade 41 Hlth St. Btlem fiiirsrrttr jxjjx J rrrrxr jx j j j"'j PRODUCE ORGANIC GROWN TRF.E -RIPENED or tntet and ertpefrult. Potatoes, onions, apples and nuts. PHILLIP BROS. FARM MARKET, 9900 Lancaater Drive. Phone 1-1109. If OAT AND VETCH hay, 935; cheat hay, 917. Ph. 41071. ftsg APPLES SELLING OUT. LAST WEEKEND. Selection In Rome. Delicious and New tons. Small Newtom, S boxea for 1.50. 791 Edsewater street. West Sslem. Pur itan Cider Works Building. ffS7 HELP WANTED IN GRAND RONDE Educated man or woman with typewriter as part time cor respondent for Capital Journal. Oood pay. Write or contact Mike Forbes, Val ley Editor. g I.RM. TAB. opera tor -super visor at new Eugene nine punch machine installation, also key punch operators. For Interview Ph. collect, Mr. Baker, ATwater 1309. Portland. g5'T Journal Want Ads Pay DENNIS the MENACE I eartA imit iu ucbb Mom's auums -maamw BUSINESS & INCOME HUDKINS RUY-LINES DUPLEX MAKE OFFER $130 mo. Income. 3 blocks to school. Each aide: 3 bdrms., llv. rm., din. rm., kit. ft bath. Basmt. with oU furn., utility. Dble garage. Completely fur nished. $13,900. Easy terms to right party. CaU now. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 150 N. Hltb St. . Ph. 3-4110 HELP WANTED MALE TIRE RECAP and repair man. Passenger tires onlr. Must be experienced. Oood par for good man. O.K. Rubber Welders, Box 434, coos Bay, Oregon. gasu1 PUBLIC RELATIONS representatives wanted for Interesting dignified work which wlU give you a better than av erage income and an excellent oppor- tunlty for advancement In an entirely new field. CaU 4-4823 March 8th and loth from 1 to 4 p.m. ga58 HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER, hours 8 to 8:30, 8 day's week. Monday thru Friday. Phone 3-7894. gM7' CAR HOP Wood r of re's sen Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. gb" WALNtlT 8 HELLERS A whole winter's work. Morria Klorfeln Packing Co., 480 N. Front. OCCASIONALLY Competent reader. Ph. 3-8884. gb58 DENTAL ASSISTANT In Salem Office. 1343 Edgewater atreet. gb58 EXPERIENCED waitress, The Spa, 383 state. gbss- OFFICE WORK, short hand required. Best of surroundings, auto agency. Refer' ences required. Write Box 8, Capital Journal. gb59' WANTED Lady to caU on home owners 8 days a week. 8 houra per day. Salary. Apply 9 a.m. tut 13 noon. WlUamette Valley Roof Co., 1410 Broadway. gb' WANTED SALESMAN USED CAS SALESMAN wanted. We are reaUy In the Used Car Business. We carry a huge stock of late-model, clean automobiles. This la one of the best. If not the best paying used car lob In the country. CORPRUM MOTORS USED CAR LOT NO. 1, 330 South Stephens, Roseburg. Oregon. gg59 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN To Sell Food Plan 1. Hlihest commission. 3. Past bank credit clearances. 8. Best food source. 4. Top freexer Unes. 8. Leads. 7 CALL 48343 FOR APPOINTMENT eg 58 SALESMEN,, does (ISO to 4335 per week Interest you? Apply t.m. to 11:30 t.m., Willamette Valley Roof Co, 1410 Broad way, tt WANTED POSITIONS WILL CARE FOR your children, daya. In clean home, pleeaant aurroundlnts. Fenced-in yard. Call 39997. b59 PATCH PLASTERING, basementt water proofed br plastering. Frank's service, phone 30549. h91 WAKEFIELD LIND Interior decorating. We help you plan.' Phone 1-3931. hoi MINDING CHILDREN or housework br day or hour. Recommendttlona fur nished .Call 41155. h59 PAPER HANGING, palntlnt, tret eitl mttes. Don Lucero. Ph. 35533. h73 MRS. MTCKENHAMTSr DAT NURSERY State licensed tnd Inspected. Ph. 37999. h07 Garden Plowinjr Ph 23041 h7t GARDEN, FLOWER bed tnd lawn pre paration. Plowing, dlaelne. leveling, ro totlltng. Service Center. Phone 41573. h7t INCOME TAX BLANKS prepared reason ably. Ph. 39841. h3 TAX RETURNS prepared In your home, reasonable rates. Ph. 43033. htl LIGHT CRAWLER, doslne, dirt levellne. grading. Phone 1-1330. h77 LAWN MOWING with power mower and earden work. Phone 4-8158. h59 GARDEN PLOWING tnd dlaclnt with Ford trtctor. Ph. 33890. h58 LANDSCAPE mtlntentnce, prunlnt, trim ming, pltntlnt. firtlllxlnt. Service Cen ter. Phone 41573. h7, EXPERIENCED ttenotrtpher deslree typ ing at home. 75c hour. Ph. 48971. h57 HOCSECLEANINO Phont 17870. AND waitress work. h58 BOTOTILLEB WOBK Now taklm ordera for early eprlne rototiutne la Xelaer district. Ph. 44159. h59 WILL GIVE mother'e tart to ont child, my home. Ph. 37750. h97 TREE WOBK. Topping, trlmmlnt, remov ing. Insured operator. Joha Payne. Ph. 194K. h79 ByKetchan ' r TS7 LJ r inn' Fveev nav iv wM3Swwy BUSINESS & INCOME Ph. tvet.: 1-4190 WANTED POSITIONS nune DUIijirxnu ana carpenter wura. -n. 43138. hB5- CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re. modellnt, free estlmatea. Call 3-8411, 4-1833. hso EXPEIENCED DOMESTIC, tood cook, de pendable, honest, refined, capable of management, furnleh references. Pletse at.ra w..a. Ttn. X. rr.nlta! Journal. h&7 PLOWING, IMMEDIATE SERVICE. 3-9300, h80 WILL COMPLETELY overhaul Chevrolet for 475. Free tuneup at 900-mlle check. After 0:30, 1-1977. h9t PRACTICAL nursing. Will to out of town. Phone 1-4454. h2 RADIO TV SERVICE IV ANTENNA apecltlllt. Installed 110.00 plua materlaL Call anytime. Free esti mates. Phone 4-3383. ha50 11-INCH TELEVISION att, tube, too. Ph. 4-1058. picture hl57 10-INCH CONSOLE TV (05. Dodge Radio Service. 3455 Dallas Road. ha57 FOR RENT ROOMS COZY DOWNSTAIRS room, aoma kitchen privileges, no smoking, 755 Marlon. Ik37. 2390 MARKET. 1 ultra-modern rooms. Pri vate bath, tarate. Gentleman. 30580. Jk59 ROOMS FOR tlrls, kitchen prlvlletes, us. entire houss. 449 N. winter. Ph. 34371 or 39480. Jk83 VERY ATTRACTIVE room, netr ahopplnt center, tentlemtn, 435, 1368 center. 37011. JkSS BUSINESS DIST. Hot tnd cold water and heat In nlct sleeping room. 155 Center. Ik57 FOR RENT APARTMENTS WELL FURNISHED 1 bedroom aptrtment, with earaee, yard, laundry xaciiiuee, electric heat. 1070 So. 13th. Jp57 NICE 1 ROOM apartment. 575 Marlon Jpea etreet. BUSINESS DIST. 1-room nicely furn, apt. 355 Center. p57 -ROOM PULLMAN Private entrance. 158 So. Cottate. lp5S NEWER 1 bedroom rental on quiet etreet in west Btlem. Tile btth, rente tnd re frlterttor furnished. 850 per month. RAWLINS REALTY Ph. 41791 Id FURNISHED NEWER 1 bedroom rental. Very nice tnd elean, tile bath. 455 per month. Call Rawlins Realty. Ph. 41741. IP UNFURNISHED APTS. 1 apartments available, 945 tnd 343.50 Etch haa kitchen, llvlnt room, bedroom tnd bath. Rent lncludee auto, oil heat, water and earbaee tervlce. All you pay extra la alec for lights tnd cooklnt. Call 37773. Jp58 S-ROOM partly furnished apartment. 89, so. i3tn. 935. Phone a-7763 after p.m. Jpst PRIVATE THREE-BOOM furnished court tptrtment, eletn. Adult, tso. 1580 Port, land Rd. ip78 CLEAN 1 ROOM, kitchenette, employed lady, Utiutlea furnished, neer capital. Phone 1-7480. jp60 NICELY FURNISHED 1 rooms and bath, very clean, eorofr. closa In. 155. utilities. 44 6. Commerelol. Ph. 36058. Jp80 TWO I.ROOM apartments, private en trance. Adultt, 790 N. Church, 4-1457. )P59 Lee Apts. Salem't Uoit Dlatlstulihed Addrent Followlnt rental! can beshowa bow: 1-Bdrrn. Available Mar. 1 no. 00 1-Bdrm. tvtllabla Mar. 1 79.00 1-Bdrm. available Mar. 1 81.0O For luxury llvlnt at moderate rates call tt 594 N. Winter St. Ph. 41941. Jp SEVERAL furnished apartments, tood lo. cation. Inquire B. L. Still Furniture. Phone 01t5. jp. l-ROOM furnlihed. Prlvete entrance, bath. 409 So. 31st. Ph. 34397. Ip57 NICELY FURNISHED apartment, Ambai aador tptrtmcnts. 450 N. Summer, Jp77 VERY ATTRACTIVE one bedroom un furnished tptrtment, with 1 1 1 c t r I o rente. Ovorlooklni M1U Creek. Come and aet It. Call evenings, Saturdays or Sundari. lto s. 19th. jpso NEWLY DECORATED Ltrtt l-room furnished or unfurnished tptrtment, prlvite btth, close in. on South Cora l. JOE NOONCHESTER REAL ESTATE ro n. vouate. Ph. 41681 dev. nv evenlnte. Jp By Ham Fisher