Leslie Church United Mission Lull Methodist church, tu. tlclpatlnf In the United Evan, elical mission to be held dur inf the week March S-1S by the churcbe of the Oregon confer ence of the denomination, will have af lie fiiest pastor, Rev. M. T. Larson of The Dalles. He is pastor of the Methodist church of that city. Rev. Larson will preach Sun day morning at the regular hour of worship. Sunday afternoon and each evening at 6 o'clock from Monday through Friday, he will conduct a school of vis itation evengelbrj for lay visi tors who will be calling throughout the week in the homes of people in the com munity. At 8:00 o'clock each evening he will preach in pub lic service in the church. The several organizations of the church, designated as "The Group of Distinction" for spe cific evenings, will emphasize attendance front their group and furnish special music. The "Group of Distinction" will serve as follows: Sunday eve ning, the Methodist Youth fel lowship; Monday, The Men's fellowship; Tuesday, the Wom en's Society of Christian Serv ice; Wednesday, the choir; Thursday, the Wesleyan Service Guild; Friday, the Sunday school. The public is invited to each and all of these services. Satan Subject of Sunday Sermon Aurora "Possessed by Satan" will be the subject of the Rev. L. C. Lelkauf's sermon during morning services March 8 at Christ Lutheran church, Aurora. During midweek services Wednesday night, March 11, Pastor Leikauf will continue his aeries of Lenten sermons, and his subject next week will be "Envy and Slander," describing the part which these emotions played In the crucifixion. Following the midweek serv ices. Rev. Leikauf will give the ; fourth of his series of lectures I on Christian doctrine. I In Barlow Rev. John Thles- 1 general . conference Mennonite i Mission board will continue at Calvary Mennonite through this week and end with the eve ning meeting Sunday, March 8. jLenten Services Xalvary Lutheran 1 Silverton Lenten service. (Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock 'March 11, is announced by Rev. - A.tJ T T Y 1 -. . j Lutheran church. "Great Oppo ' aition," is the Sunday, March 8, morning worship hour sermon theme. Mrs. T. Filing is to be , hostess for the Ladies Aid at the .church parlors, Wednesday, Karen 11 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Confirmation class meets Saturday forenoon at 10 . : O'clock. ... Local Lutheran events for the near future include the three- day Bible Conference for Trin . ity, Immanuel and Calvary X Lutheran churches of March 22- Tfca IllMtlM aM-At BtAftb a la n u.u " u ateeua I J M- Weas L""- OWMu, 1:M K. Tkuradar. nm riu, imih i m. ana rut creka. luMu, "I. MMtUX t 4, I a. M CxMU aa fnnnm, t:M rat. H. are. .u- i..7TL JulM BMtliw Sft. Wfkt MTTUH II -- aaa -as. tu, a. weikora. Aikeni. Or Llkaa nun ... 181 I1IBML Bun .Lul . .ft Dlrln imkli 11 aas. Latker Leacue l em . BratiwitMoa s r-m. lunt a iii siwbe, paator, Vet Breaaesleel Itaibi it. floa ant Ium. A, a. Janleeea. II A. lOlfUr. Band HbMt t'U. W ,,,., Vm rate 14. itaw br Dr. Clrdr W. Tar tar, aiulln lrtle Bnawieal hMa MIMaa eaaeelatloa. Totnh r-ll3hl J7-. "eeuaise eernc 1:30. Hassan utibi Miter. " ft ftKa H.lnM tkeelr ll a.m. oaeat preacher, tna Bar. am ram f rmt uetkeeurt cauca. mn B- HNrt aalauter. Sakst BaaTa IriMMl rjfcurek ai Cheauketa itnw Re, own B. aau't. D- etr. Heir Ceaamaaloa 1:M a m. Pwllr eeme taa elftiifts u. Mar aarr ackMl la aarltk ban U am Frirar errle aad aerates 11 aft. Woodburn Churches SL Last CallaB. T. L. atatteaketsr. uutr aUtrlaea ailalaa Sat mat 4tk. ruaaa Mil aanr aarrkaa T l.a, I 4 am, M:M am. Weekdet Baa (at a-aa. Mata B. Uaaee aa Dnai Btt. II aja. C. a. 1 - Braala aattlaa s B akiil Okatak af Maaa Ckrlat al La'aar Oar Salata-anaataaalk aaa Cka " atraata. Oaana W. apaal. aaatar. Ckank arkaal 1 11 Mania varakla 11. Oaa. w. aaaaA aaaakar. Baaala wanbla i. WUllaai c. Baala. aaaakat. Saba Tratk Caatar Ml ciMauketa. Svadan Mbaal It. Sarrlea 11. Tairto; -Uli- juv. ouv a Buvaaa. Methodists oi Silverton Plan Rev. Walter Warner, pastor of The Methodist Church of Coos Bay, will arrive in Silverton Sat urday afternoon to make final Istlc Mission at to Silverton plam for next week's Evangel Methodist Church. Mr. Warner, a native Oregon- laa who has been pastor of The Methodist Church at Madras and for two years of the First Church Coos Bay, is a graduate of Willamette University and Yale Divinity School. He Is an effective evangelistic preacher. In Silverton, Mr. Warner will stay at The Silver Falls Guest House. Rev. Douglas Harrell, pastor of the local church and his guest, Mr. Warner will com' mute dally to Portland for sei- sions of the training program of the United Evangelistic Mission. The following list of subjects ViU lie iuc basis Xtai ths ZvS gelistic preaching of the week's Mission. The General Title of the Ser ies of Sermons is "Will You Be Loval to the Church?" The en- : will k. timmA AM M. I Ihmk TlM! I, I ll kT&Mt TtTO I . m 1? Zi ZZYJl7. T J bla. paatar Worship 11 a m. C.B. lain oi uie parauica jnua aim aaadar aabaat 1 a -aft. the vows ox wnurcn Memoer-ship. fWaaaara UST B. Llacata at attbar Oakla, aaiter, abaa Mia aa. : a ". ttaraala 11 aak aaa i:ia aja. 1. r. :U k-ai. 4 lllii avaaar aaaaal M a 11 l a Taaaa aaoalfa aiaallnl t raft. Bvaaia aamaaa i:M aja. taakn tataaraa Tv mllaa anth al Maaltar ( MMaaarl Btb4) Jaba H. Wrrtb. ftaaay ataaai w.m mm. a akla 14:m a-aa. lauuaaaa laahaaaa Da4 aa4 OavaM Bta. J. w. Oailaaa. paaaat. Baaaar arkaal IS k-au aanaaa 11 aja. . Vna latbailal Tanas aa4 Oalak Sta. Oasrw Barawarthr, aaatar. Baaaar tabaal I II am riaaiklaa ll aaa. aaa 1:4a am "- at OaB aaeaae BU. Xraait Dluai, caatar. Suaaar aaaaal l:U a.at. Praackla 11 am aad T:M m Taaas aaaal t u a.m BaUa HaaUat Old Waaklaataa aabaal -Oatah at. katvaaa Uoaobi an Yaaa at. sun. Batabaw Braaaiar. jaaiar. aar araaei a Baabal rnakrtarlaa S BBaa (art Valaa Bcbaal raa Bart K raataa. aaa- tr. warakia ft M:U am '- r Ttes. 1! Caarak al Jaftaa CkrM af lattar Dar Salau (Maraaaa) ratb an Mat! aaa Sta. Jaba B. BalUavr. klabra. Prtaalba Mtla I am Baataf aabal lt:M am Baeraaxat mc l:N am Balrkl Maaaarial Caairaaallaaal .Lwrla B. Walta, aalalatar. Bandar aabaal altb claaaa far aU aaaft l:u am Marnta varabia 11 m-m. aanaaa M tba alalitar. Laala X. Whlta. Tba Oo4 ahaaaar. nujrtai Faumbt snap far roua paa ait cm m Maaltar Caaftaaaltr raB Cuaal Bar. Saarnal bforaack, paatar. Baadar acbaal 1 ft ai. Maratnt aarahlp 11. Tanas pao pla 1 pm XrantaUatl T:M p.m. nm Caarak af Cbrbt. aalaaUat Uk rtr aad Cbamtketa atraata. Bandar Mboal at 11 am Mornlnc aarrlea at 11. Laftfton-ftftrmon aubltct: "Man." Maraarr lor eblldraa aadtr 3 during tba aftarntac aamea. Braabu aarrlea al . laaaaa-aaf. Search for God Sermon Subject "The Search for God" will be the topic discussed by Dr. Charles H. Derthick, professor of psychology at Willamette university, at the service of the Salem Unitarian Fellowship at 10:45 a. m. - Sunday In the Woman's clubhouse. Mrs. Wallace S. Wharton, president of Fellowship has ap pointed Allen B. Berg, Dr. Der thick and Carlisle B. Roberts members of the' executive board for the church school. Maaltar Caaaaaialtr rafl Oaaaal Ckarak Monitor. Bar. B. A. Mraif, pa.tor. Suaaar acnom la am aarain wonhip 11 am Taaaa aaanu'i 1 m BTaniclifU I pa. Caatral tatkana Martk Capital aad Omlna 8t. O. a. Roads trom, paatar. Caa tral Latbaran Hour KOCO 1:34. raallr aandar achool 1:41. MarDtns awabla 11. Frarar Tftllawshlp 1:11. BraBla arrrte Ml Paatar Matrla Vtttraa will laaak. 26, the Rev. Robert Rismiller of Seattle, the conference speaker. St. Vlaeaal da raal Catk.llo Colombia and Mjrtla ititau. Maaict at t, 1:10, l it 14 and 11:11 a.a. Conieaalonj aaturdar. 4:N to l: and 1 to l:M p.m., and befora aawa. Jaaaa la Maaarlal Matkadbt Brnaat Praaton Ooolder, minister. Cbarcb achoal 1:41 a.a. Dlrlna warablp aarvla It am aaraoo. "Jaauf. tba Maa la Ba roared.' Maraarr for small ehlldren. PamUr alabt praaraa :3d to pm Bacraatlon, blta-a-alt. atadr elaaaaa. lataraadlala aad atnlflf MTT and flrulda warsbip. Weabrea kfatkadlaa eirtamtb and MU atraata. Serrleea at 11 a.m. and 1:44 p.m. Rar. and Mra. McCartr, aualooartta to Afrtaa. rairba BaBaaa Ckarak Avar Bar. Briar Ckaaikarlala, paatar. Bandar abaal M am. aaalas aarrlea U. Bra alat aarrlcaa 1:44 pm I Jaaaa Chrbi af L.B.B. Paaal Mbaal bcuas. Baadar Mbaal Saerajaaat aartlas l:a am Tka Baaraaabad Cbarek af las a Ckrlat mi uuh Da aainfte Second and Oar- field. Oeorsft B. Oaana. paatar. Cbarek achool am rreacbtnt 11 am aad S u Zloa Leaiuo 1 am. Nldaraa Lalktraa. Monitor Buadar school 1:41 am worship aarrlea 11 aa. tba flrat Bandar af aaab awntb. L Marr'a BplMeaal I. Lincoln at Caald'a Court Bee. T. M. Baxter, rlear. The third Buadar la Lent, March 4. Holr Communion 7:3 a.a. Cfeurch achool 1:41 am Morulas prayer, utaar aaa aanaaa 11 am tire! Cbrbtlaa Marlon and Cottaia. Dudler Strain, minister. Donald Perne, mlntster of Chrbtlan education. Church achool 1:41 a.m. Mornlns worship and Communion 10:41 a.m. Sermon by Dudler Strain. Youth Fellowship period 5:10 p.m. Snack time 1:11 p.m. Youth troup meet lnia 1:30 pm Brenlnr worship aerrlce T:3 p.a. Beraoa kr Dudler strala. ap- elal aaal. Immanuel Lutheran Lenten Program silverton immanuel Luth eran observance of mid-week Lenten service, Thursday, March 1Z, at 8 o'clock, the Rev. A. W. nelson rurecung, the sermon topic will be: "Again and Again, But Not Always," based on Hebrews 3:7-8. This is the fourth in the series for Lenten medita tion in sermon the general theme: "Come into My Heart, Lord Jesus." Sunday, March 8, morning sermon: Thy Kingdom Come: is at the 11 o'clock worship hour. Luther League meets at 7:30 o'clock. Mitkadlat Toon and B Btl. Ormal B. Trick, pastor. Cbarek acbaal la am Worship 11 am Cbarek at Oad Third and Orant Bta. rhurch aehaal 10 a.a. Worahla 11 a.a. and I p.a. T.F. 1 m Bar Bdward H Baldwin, Cclvcry E:;ti: Melody Ki;ht Next Sunday at Calvary Bap tist church, 8. Liberty and Miller Sta., baa been designated aa "Melody Might." at which time the ten favorite hymns of the congregation will be pre sented in song, story drama. The "top ten" were established by vote of those attending the evening sarvleea. Special features will include the dramatization or narration of the stories behind the hymns or the hymn-tunes. A number of additional musical high' llghta have been scheduled, in cluding singing by the choirs, ora ma tie-narrative, a string quartet, girl's trio plus several solos and duets. The top ten hymns will not be named until the night of the program. Second feature of the evening will be the awarding of the grand prize to the 'winner of the Hymn Recognition Contest . In the morning worship serv ice, the pastor. Rev. Omar N. Berth, will continue the audi tions of the last week speaking this Sunday on Judas' Ques tion, -Master, is It IT." Rev. Anderson to Speak on Stalin A special service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the First Baptist church when Lloyd Anderson, raster of the church, will speak on the subject, "Will Joe Stalin Be Saved?" Dr. Anderson will answer ques tions that have been asked ier tainlng to the possiblity of a man of Stalin's position to enter Heaven. John Schmidt, Jr. will sing a tenor solo during the morning worship service and will be accompanied by his wife, Lais nummer scnmidt, 0n the eiectnc organ. An afternoon missionary ral ly will be conducted at 3:00 oldock to climax and close the current city -wide missionary conference. Dr. Vincent Bruih wyler will be the speaker. Tramttr lalbaraa III Ween taste. Jehn Frapp, paster. Worahla aarrlea baadar 11 BSftMftj aaaaaa a a Viral Freak rtertaa Crarl street, Bart w. Beaaov, atlajet earns u am aaaaaar a keel 1:43. Dallas Churches Capital Journal, BattW, Oregrm, Friday, Martfe ft, 13.38 Aurora Church rwaaS Has New Pulpit 1 ft Aft . 1 M1B I tree 1. J. Wonhip eerrtc :U am Jtekol Weaaat, abanr. Weblp aarrlea It.'tt l l 1:41 am . Blab Ma. Vtret CkrtatUa Jfttlereoa aad Clftr. Or. eiua P. (awe, paatar. Waiabtp aarrlea u am aaa as eeaeei 1.44 am Tka Paajeataara Quest IPS Millar Aaa. Bar. Cka. OalL paatar, Worakla aemee 11 am aaaaa aaboal l:tt am Sajaatar acbaal l:U aa Jerlersea, Bar! a. 11 am aaraaak Bar Adiaaabl Waakiaalea St. Ider Baaald Sealer, paatar. Wwaklp aarrlea It am aaaaa ta acaaa a am ill Mill at. awadar eerrtc 11 aa eundar Mbaal 1:44 am aaeaaktr af Bid Blrak aad Stamp St. Lalaad W. Mosee. patter. Meralna wanblp U am aaadar achoal s:s am ha I lib are Ckarak SbeHeei at Mill SI. O. B. MeOarrer. a muter. Marnlpa venbia u am Biaat aaaaal im a-w. Aaaatak rattk cbarek aad Ceort at. Marala waeblp 11 am aaadar ahael J am . Fleet Metkedat S3S MU Paab alalater. Merata Saaaar aaaaal l:U am Ckarak af Oe MJ1I Aak SI, Bear O. Loerftn, amlstar. Manbas waalp 11 am Baadar achool l:tl am Ckarak af Jaaaa Carta af Ullaf Bar Salala Baiaaeat f Cltr LBftrarr W:3 Bt Tkaaea BHissaal Motalas warship 11 am Church acbaal U am tpailab kaUi. Charek t Ckrtaft Krftaa aad MID St, J. P. Brenta, a tauter, atsralaa warftMp 11 1 am Pant Baptist Italabow arena, mar Braaatetter, paatar. Manias venbia 11 . Cbarek eebaal I 44 am Hopewell Churches mw-4I l)-HT. H. B. WltfMtr, im. Ut, uftdav ehoel 1 n. MorolBf vor 11 u Twth lrTnha 1 Brt- BlA wwTNlip Pm. t AtrBM Oftt-tvlto (Hubbtrtl) Altrad d br Woodburn ptrUb prMiu. biihi 1:30 ftaata Cwrl ItmI CfcHitliw Court ti at 17U. itmt. W. Harsid Lymaa and O. Philip Burd. minuter. Bible school t ictnblr $:3Q a m. Mornlac worship 10:U o'clock. Hermon br Mr. Lyman, "Orcr comen.M Youth hour 30 p.m. Svonlng worship T:30 o'clock. 8rmon In music. rtimun Church 4M K. ltth 41. Htv. Roy Worth ins ton, pastor. Sundir school t:iS; morning worship at 11 Dr. H. ohalfant. Crusader roun popto'o serTlce at ;45. Evcnmi xrrlc at 7:. CbrUt Lutheran Chareh Statt itreet at ltth: The Rev. T. M. Otbhard. pator; Bunrlar worship urrlcai t:4t and 11 a.m. Sunday school It a.m. Adult member ah Ip claaa, Mondar T:tt p.ta lantn Vaspara, Wtdnaadap p.m. tlret Baptist Church Marlon and Liberty Streets. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson. pastor. Rev. Thornton Jansma, associate pastor. Sunday school f:tl n.m. liarntnc wonhip,' 11 o'clock, -Chrut Our Su ply." Pastor Uor4 jkndarson. Altarnoon missionary rally. I p.m. Bvt&Ini gospel semes, t:M p.m . W1D Joe Italia Be Lost?, Paster Lloyd Anderson. Youth meetings. d:ll p.m. Mid-week prayer service, Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cheraektta at Winter Salem, Orefaa Sermon by Dr. Foliar "OUR ONff MISSION" Identical Services 1:45-11 ajn. KOCO (USD 11 te 11:1 Paul Newton Pollns. D.D, pastor B. i. Holland, AasUtaat Pastor first Ceaa-raeatteaal Cbarek Ma rlon atreet. Beth P Hantlnatoa. atnlater. :3d cbarcb achool: ll:M aaraa. wor shlp aerrlce: :!, Flhrrla Pellowehlpl 14 Import sat cons factional aeetlaa. Blarweed Bike 4 44 aja. achool tor all Mat. 11:41 aa. Her, Don ald O. Turner af the Vole af lb Andes: 1:41 p.a. no youth Btlaa toalcht. t:M pa. Rev. Donald Burn, pbtarea af the missionary work la Para. Calvarr Baatbt Cbarcb Sooth Llbortr at Miller at. oaar M. Berth, paatar. 4:41 Bible achool: 11:00. -Meater, la 11 ir Jadaa" euftfttlon. Question of the laat I week'a kroadcaat orer KOAB 1411 Be. I M, all joath aroupa; 1.3 "Melodr BUbt." Ptret Ckarek af tba Meeareaa Center at Thirteenth. 1:41 church achool: 1I M. "A Dor ot Oood Tldlnta." 1:31 routh de- rotlonal kourl T:3 Wanted. A Broken cistern." St blark'a Lalbaraa Cbarek 311 X. Church at Bar. John L. Caubl. paatar. Bunder acbaal 1:30 am Dlrln worabtp 11 a.a sermon br the pastor. Adalt ta- atructlaa elaae a p.a. Inuraedlata M ther Lea rue s a.m. Senior lcaiaa S:3t. Wedneadar aerrlce t 7:30 p.a. roar Caraara Baatbt ckarek State aad Bun atraata. Bar. Victor L. tawekt. tor. Bandar achool. 1:41 ft as Mornlat worabtp, 11 o'clock, paatar epoetins. Touna peealaa eaaaae. S:3I pm Branlna Ooapel eemce. 1:11 o'clock. Mtd-wafk prarar Mrrwe, Tbaradar. T:ts am wires PrMhvtaetaa Oarltold aad Third Sta. Barl K. Fen ton. paatar. Bandar aaboal :45 a.a. sira worship ll am and s p.m. T.P. 1 pm ahkard faareaattaaal Bar. Ted Hastlnaa and Be.. Mile Raaeker alUr nattaa tba aanbaa. Baadar aehaal 1 am, church eartlcea 11:11 am Ml. Angel Legion Plans Observance Mt. Angel The birthday anniversary of the American Le gion Auxiliary will be observed with an Interesting program Tuesday evening, March 10, at the Legion Memorial ball. Featured speaker for the eve ning will be the Rev. Edward Spear, O.S.B., principal of Mount Angel Preparatory School. The program will be presented by the Prep School Booster Club, under the direction of Rev. rather Brenden. Mrs. Cletus Butsch is chair man in charge of the program, and Mrs. Ernest Crowder is chairman of the lunch and dec oration committee. SL 3 aba's Lalbaraa Ckarek fafe. Bmadl lata and A Bt. H. w. oraac paste. Sank at S and 11. Baadar ark! and Bible claea M. aOd-week Lenua erne. at 1:3. pm Baath-ter Adnatlat Sues Bier al Hood, eakbath achool topic: Th Ketera f the Church af Christ.- Baraga. 11 am br paatar, IV O. aeharier. Bt. J Mark's OaUetta Ckarek Cka aeketa and Cot tee a ata. Her. Joseph B. Vaadoroack. paatar. Maaaaa, a 1. a I, l.ill and 11:11. aaturdar Cenfeaatone 3:34, :M ana 1:3a, i. . First Selrllaaltst Chareh Women's Club House, 440 If. Cottaaa. 1:3 p.a. Speaker. Rer. Marr oerkee. Aurora Aurora's lresbyter- laa church has a new mKngff pulpit built by rioyd Smith and in use March first for the first time, the pastor. Rev. Robert C cam pel aaioL Aa aodiUon f nearly new piano has beau ac quired by the church and the one formerly In use has been moved to the social ball and Sunday school. Mew velvet dra peries for the sanctuary were In- siaiiea last iau. The church's bulUlnc fram has progressed to the point that the new basement with 1800 square feet of floor apace is In use. Twenty-five men have been working as volunteers to complete the basement which affords several Sunday school class rooms as well aa space for social activities. . , The Aurora Presbyterian and ButtevUle Congregational churches are participating again this year In the "One Great Hour of Sharing," the Lenten program of sacrificial offering will be dedicated Sunday morning, Marcn 9, to help the homeless, distressed, and hungry from Ko rea to aood-devasted Holland. Next Sunday. Rev. KamoeL will continue the Lenten aeries of sermons, speaking on the theme: "Lost and Found." Mill City CkuKhzi 4:44 m Valk Isaaaaktp 4 am Ckarak aarrlee U am aad 1:3. am FVet Carts elaa Bar. Baab Jan. aavata.. staadap aaaaal 1:44 am CB I k am u am aad a pm I3barak !. St. Celkaaa JaikiBi Bar. Maartea Orsaiaaa, paatar. Msiaa ataa a am Celaalaai hil afa awa. Pre Milkadal Bar. C. B. Brawer, w. Baadar aak! .:U am Cbarek I 11 am aaa tin pm , MS CeaaaaaMp Ba. lew Maar, paatar. Saaetar echoes 1 am Charek aamea u am aad I pm Inaakhr ef Pel Ber. W. D. tBramU. aesler. taaadar eshsat la am ckarak aaiMa U u. bad 1 JS am I ala 3 t-T. Waaaeedar a am Amity Churches Baaaa wmua P. Brer, aaatar. Baa dar echool, at ie, aornlas veeaklp 11 a. a. Branlns eerrte s am Ckarek af Ckrlat Baktrt Fawel a r. Btbat abl Id a-a. aarauta- var- ahlp 11 am Herald f Faith, radla pra araa a pm xauat people e asanas s:J0 pm arraajas me a pm MetMia Sarld Pelade iter, alnle. tar. eaaaar acnooi i am Mem In war ship 11 a.a. Tautb Ptllawlkip :3 pm arreoins Mrnc s p.a. Christ Church fo Hear Rev. Jansen Tha Luther League ef Christ church will meet Wednesday at 6 pjn. for Its rejular dinner meeting served by the follow, leg mothers, Mrs. Otto Roller, Mra. Chris Battalion, Mrs. Otto Gronke, Mrs. Norman Hanson. The program committee con sists of Chris Battalion, Jr. Allen Vestal, and Don Hanson. Featured on the program will . be the Rev. Gunnar Jansen of Pasadena, Calif., of the Lithua nian - Missionary Association. He will present an illustrated lecture of the mission work carried on by the association in behalf of the Lithuanians who are in this country and what is being done to bring the printed Scriptures to Lithu anians Christians behind the Iron- Curtain. Pastor Jansen will also appear at the Lenten Vespers at the church following the youth meeting. Victory Sunday Considered Success Silverton Rev., Arthur Charles Bates of the pastorate of the First Christian church, is announcing the success of "Vic tory Sunday," March 1, In an offering and the ceremonial of five baptisms for new members. Mareh S, Sunday services in clude the morning worship theme: "The New Testament Conversion," and the evening, 7:30 o'clock hour, a chart ser mon on Christian Baptism. Trinity Lutheran Sunday Worship Silverton Rev. Joaenh A Luthro is obeervina the Third sunaay in bent, at the Trinity Lutheran church, with the ser mon topic for the morning wor ship hour, "All Hail Jesus Name," the Luther League 7:30 o'clock evening theme la "Sheep in wolves uiotnlng," presented by the Junior Confirmation Class. ' Trinity Lenten worship, Thursday evening at o'clock theme is 'Salvation." Events for the coming week-day for Trin ity include the Monday the 9. circuit pastoral conference at Eugene; Tuesday, three church board meetings, deacons, trus tees and education, all at 8 o'clock; the Saturday forenoon, 9:30 and 10:43 forenoon junior and senior confirmation classes. Free Methodists To Hear Rice Rev, Rolland Rice, who has aterved aa missionary in Japarj for the Oriental Missionary Society, and who has been en gaged In the Interdenomina tional Missionary Convention1 at the First Baptist Church,; will spesk at the Salem Free Methodist Church, corner of, Peruvian Films Kingwood Church Rev. Donald Bums, mission ary to the Indians of Peru, will show pictures and speak in timately ot missionary work in the Jungles of South America, at Kingwood Bible , church, 1125 Elm atreet, Sunday even ing at 7:00. Rev, and Mra. Burns are members of the Wycliffe Bible translators, mission interested in reducing the languages of; the primitive Indian tribes to writing and then translating! the Bible or parts of is Into that language. They have been working in Peru with Mr. and Mrs. Titus Nlckle of Salem. Rev. ' Donald D. Turner, missionary to Ecuador of the Voice of the Andes, will spesk at the morning worship service at 10:45 oiclock. Oak arm Ckapol Dartd Pln darter, minister. Mora tn wwaklp 1:41 am avj dap abaa) 14:44 am Mr ef CM Frank X. lfapas. Bandar arkocl t:4S am Marama warship u am Braala aarrlea 1:3 pm fsst (OMuunorUi onto. tie Buaioit iiaxtr Sealer al ties tkar anal t a rear harerteat aaam al the bank te are oMee af the .ri.inl dltla aad ta take a rr aa- ttea. Meat tee aad frtead are arsed t ba preaaaa. WCMtSHIP WITH US ' fttUie ' Ebinore Th8j.ro Sunday 11:00 AJA. GUEST niACHEat The RaveretttJ erfjrn Farrii First Mteilti ChLTch Brooks H. Meere, Minister Come to florJuL Christian Supply t Market and Winter streets, dur ing the 11:00 oiclock Sunday morning worship hour. Rev. John Beegle will bring ,the evening message. tM MARION STREET , . . . (Ftrmerly Victory Beek laoom) For Supplies for Sunday Schools nd Christian Workers . J ' "' Missionary lookt Easter Items ' Biblea GUIs Greeting Cards Mnsie Books Ml Marlon Phone I-H5J Foursquare Church - 490 N. 19th St. Sunday School 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 DR. H. CHALFANT Speaker Evangelistic Sarrlea 7:45 Rev. ROY WORTHINGTON DR. CLYDE W.TAYLOR Ixecutiva Director of Evangelical ' Foreign Mission Association Speaker af fhe 10:50 a.m. Service FIRST EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH . . Comer ef Marion and Summer EVENING SERVICE 7:30 F. M. "LIVING LETTERS" A. G. Jamieson, M.A., Minister mlf Dr. Clyee W. Tkjlar af avaahlnrtan, D. C. Cenrenuan cnairman Dr. Vlntent Bnnhwyler af Chicaro, I1L Satarday Mcht and 8andaj Aftenoen FINAL SERVICES Area Wida Interdenominational 1 MISSIONARY CONVENTION Saturday, 2 p.m., Children's Meeting Missionary Stories See Giant ll-ft. Snake Bide Moving Picture, "Hunting with the Pygmlea of Africa" Saturday, 7:45 p.m., Youth Rally Dr. Vincent Brush wrier et Chicaro, III. Marine- Picture. "Tomt. Child of Kiva" The Christian Challenge to the Native Witch Doctor V Sunday, 3 p.m., Closing Rally DR. VINCENT SRUSHWYUr.. "COMMUNISM A WORLD MISSIONS" Is There a Christian Answer to Communism? FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH North Liberty ot Marion Salem Nursery provided at all services lev. DtmaJd Pklrty af Africa Satarday Aftcniaon Y 2 i Ktriif?5arBil r tak. ,iii..i';i,..i,i..i i)(-Mlrtrl,nBaiiii..r4t,ritll"n MIRACLES STIR AFRICA GREATEST MEETINGS WEST AFRICA EVER WITNESSED!! HEAR DR. TH0S. WYATT IN PERSON 50,000 Nightly In Attendance Entira Nations Stirred Blind Eye Opened Lepers Healed Lama Walk Kings, Chiefs and Official Receive Ministry SEE COLORED SLIDES SATURDAY NIGHT - 8 P.M. SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT SERVICE 8 P. M. REV. WALTER J. ATKINSON of Seattle A CONVERTED JEW With Mattogo for All in Thli Hour of History Sunday School 9:45 a.m. - A Friendly Place of Bible Training Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Sermon by M. Wyatt FAITH TAiEISKIACLI 1305 North 5th at Gaines a.'1'ana..i rim iilniili hri eiii aa -w'T7jrr-"e' erf..