BCiptUI Jwml Saba, Ortfra, Friday, March , IMS, Waodbum Woman's Club Entertained VISITORS here last evening were Mr. and Mn. Letter Bell of Longview and their ion, En sign Donald 'BeU. They were viiltlng at the home of Mr. and Mr. David H. Cameron. HOLLY SAYS: Now-Brand New ELCINS fitnrS Winn I tfpecial Introductory Offer MACEIETTE (A) BRACEIETTE (D) $44.75 $52.50 HfJS after April I 57J0efter April World' &nt Shock-rctiatant bracelet witch. Tb oo and only bracelet much whh the heart dm aercr breaks. HUNTER $52.50 Li " 7 JO after April . CARLSBAD $42.50 47J0 after April S Skectrealitant and Hie awe) durable watch fee ton) f all. the 9vereeeea, DerePewer MelneariM. 0 World' eolr Shock-raaittuit witch with the ubreakablt DnnPower Mainspring. Other NEW ELGIN Value From $33.75 SHOP AND SAVE ON ELGIN'S SPRING TIME SAVINGS af "HOLLY" JACKSON JEWELERS 225 N. Liberty St. . HT..aUnei ne mTll1lt meeting of the Woodournf Woman' club opened with a no-host luncheon at 1 p.m. Wednesday. A reception wu fiven for the new member, Mn. Russell Hurlburt, Mn. Gall Wengenroth, Mn. Arthur Burt, Mr. Lauretta Whitney and Mn. Jullu Granner, and each wai presented with a eor- Mn. It. L. Anderaon presided over the business meeting and it waa voted to give $9 for Eaater SeaU and $5 to the Red Crot. An invitation waa read to the golden annivenarjr of Mr. and Mn. Fred Rogen on March 22 at the Preabyterian church. Plan were made to hold a bazaar May 1 and 2. It wa alio planned to participate in a cake baking contest at we May Furniture (tore on March 27. The golden jubilee of the club will be obierved at a ban quet honoring put presidents April 22 at the library club rooms. Committee reports were given after which Mn. T. K. Sanderson, program chairman, took charge of the meeting. She introduced her brother, W. T. Peten of Portland, who show ed beautiful colored pictures of Hawaii, taken while on a trip there. Guests of the day were Mn. Elite Whlteaker, mother of Mrs. Andenon, and Mn. Mar tha Jones, a past president of the local club, Mn. Loren Flamer, Mn. W. T. Peters, Mn, William Murphy, Mn. Anna Smith of Philadelphia, Mr. Maude Scott, Mil Laura Bon ney, Mn. John Dickson, Mrs. William Brown, Mn. Jesse Menegre, Mn. John Kosse, Mn. M. Nasman, Mrs. Stewart Popp, Mrs. J. Way, Mn. H. Olsen, Mn. Kate Hennlng, Mrs. Ann Seely, Mrs.' Anna Mil ler of Portland and Mn. W. Ol sen. Boots and Spurs By. CHARLEN WOODS Anyone flat saddle minded around these partsT Well, if you are tend an ear to this announce ment. This Sunday, March 8, at the Oregon State Fair grounds there will be a flat saddle show. This affair starts at 2:30 and the public is invited to come and watch the fun. No admission is to be charged. There will be such events as the Park Hack class. Three Gaited class. Junior Seat and Hands for 18 yean and under, Roadsten to Bike, Matched Pain, Five Gaited, Seat and hands for Seniors over 18 years of age, and the English Trail Horse class. The committee chairmen are as follows: Reception, Marie McKinney; traffic, Ivan Sutton; food, Ella Durkee; paddock Floyd Seamster; equipment, Ce cil Mollert; ring steward, Bus Youngquiit and Graham Shar key; juniors, Thelma Young quilt; announcing, Harry Car son; judges, Joe Biles. Show manager will be Graham Shar key. Joe BUes is bringing quite a few horses so let's all turn out and make this show a success. Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Anunsen Toddy's Menu Television Party Lobster SaUd Hot Rolls Potato Chips Olives Date Nut Graham Cracker Squares Beverage Rainbow Event Dallas Naomi chapter of the Order of Rainbow for Girls met on Monday evening. It was reported that the Mothen' club, sponsored a rum mage sale on Wednesday and Thursday at the Masonic lodge in Dallas, and that a number of chapter member are planning to attend the grand assembly at Tillamook to be the week-end of March- 26-28. lone Cockran will be the grand choir represen tative at this meeting. Attending the Yamhill Che cowan assembly on Thursday, for their courtesy night were Charlene Weldeman, Joyce IRuiter, Immortality. Date Nnt Graham Cracker Squares Ingredients: 1H cups finely crushed graham cracker crumbs, 1 teaspoons baking powder, Vi teaspoon salt, 1 cup (lightly packed) chopped pitted dates, I cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar, 3 tablespoons butter or margarine (melted), cup con fectioners' sugar. Method: Stir graham cracker crumbs, baking powder, and salt together. Stir in dates and nuts, separating pieces of date with fingen if necessary. Beat eggs with rotary beater until thick and lemon-colored; gradually beat in brown sugar, then melt ed butter. Fold into graham cracker mlxtdre until crumbs are moistened. Bake In well- greased 8-inch square pan in moderate (37SF) oven 30 min utes or until cake tester insert ed in center comes out clean. Place on cake rack and cool in pan. While still warm, cut into 16 generous squares. Put con fectioners' sugar in paper bag. Shake. each square in bag to coat with sugar. s tmX a. TON! IN la -aV H and We taatet trow, tea aa TV er COMIC resile Setvrelay aeralaat. BAAlff Once yew aswipoatr ler Hate DvCiM Mother - .ttt our mw compleft tm ofiaster Shots by Buster Crown! Our six-point sizt dux, bsvrts perfect tit... protects growing feet with 49 years of onsvrpossed q utility croft sin on ship. Batter Brown are so smart foe Eastcc, Mother! Correct the and proper fit are so import to too children' foot development daring these active Tears. Oar Baiter Brown salesman always checks children' feet scientifically six ways all the vital points lor gentle support aod room to flex aod grow. Oar Batter Brown Caster stocks are very complete. Why not com la today and let s fit roar yoangsten ia Basset Brown for Easter? They're the finest shoe fom can bar! are back from a long winter va cation in Palm Springs. We are glad to see them back. Friday night fun night was put on by Don Roy and Cris Neet- ley. jack Vest announced. Jim Fowler won the prize, a pair of rem, mere was a fairly large sized group riding. Mrs. Fioyd Seamster served coffee after Floyd Seamster call ed the drill of 22. It was announced by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mollert that the two kid goats given away as prizes by the calf ropers are doing line. Dallas Women Hear Mrs. C. A. Sprague Talk Dallas At their annual luncheon honoring past presi dents, memben of the Dallas Woman's club heard Mn. Char les A. Sprague of Salem discuss the United Nations organization. Mn. Sprague, who was with her husband when be was alternate delegate of the United States commission to the U. N., told of the organization and functions of the United Nations. Mrs. Sprague was introduced to the group by Mr. H. D. Peterson, a past president of both the Dal las Woman's club and Oregon Federation of Women's clubs. The luncheon began with' a greeting by the president, Mn. Paul Morgan, and the invoca tion was given by Mrs. Earl Ben- bow. The flag salute was led by Mrs. Robert Kreason. Dur ing the afternoon Mrs. Betty Starr Anderson sang, accom panied by Mrs. Jason Lee. A trio composed of Mrs. Arthur Quirin, piano; Mrs. C. L. Mars ten, violin; and Maurice Adams, clarinet, presented several num Guests present included Wom an's club memben from Grand Ronde and Silverton. Several Salem women belonging to Mrs. Sprague' study. group also attended. Past presidents were honored In a tribute given by Mrs. Dean Forbes, and Mrs. Wayne Pagej and Mrs. Donald Page presented them with flowers. Past presi dent attending included Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mn. Lillian Bil yeu, Mn. Roy Donahue, Mn. j H. D. Peterson, Mn. Paul Boll- man, Mn. Elmer Schulson, Mrs. H. A. Peterson, Mn. John Meeker, Mn. Ray Gohrke, Mn. Howard Fleming, and Mrs. Earle Richardson. The decorations followed an old-fashioned theme and were furnished by Mn. R. G. LeFors and her committee. The next meeting of the Dal las Woman's club will be held on April 7. a a a OES Meeting Woodburn Evergreen chap ter No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet in regular ses sion Monday, March 9. at the Masonic temple at 8 p.m. Vis itors are expected from Acacia chapter of Stayton and Trinity chapter of Salem. Hostess com mittee for the evening will be Mr. and Mn. Ora F. Morris, Mr. Lenore Schoor, Miss Mildred Schoor, Mrs. Marian Andenon and Mn. Dorothy Garren. Dec orations will be arranged by Mrs. Lucy Lelghty and Mrs. Mabel Dixon. Garden Club HIGH PAYMENTS GOT YOU DOWN? Refinance with mi Salem Heights Mn. Max Clark and Mrs. Ron Miller en tertained the South Hills Garden club, Tuesday evening, at the Paul Burgers on East Ewald avenue. Mn. Ron Miller conducted the business meeting, and the group decided to accept the invitation from the Little Garden club of Salem Heights to a luncheon on April 10, at the home of Mrs. John Ramage on Croisan Creek. Mn. Joe VanCleave was the guest speaker. She spoke on primroses and showed colored slides on wild flower. Pay less each month You can pay off all your bills with a cash loan and you can repay us in small monthly amount that will not over burden your budget. Ask us for details on our easy-to-arrange loan plans. Come in, write or 'phone. JIGfUTUlf AUTO LOANS. $25 to $1500 tm H. I1 tear! ft. Ikeaa t-Wt I. D. WALKta. . aU.tf VACUUM ClIANtt 25 lativr" Aak for Tonr Lucky Penny At The Vacuum Cleaner Clinic 45S Court St Ph. 4-5S03 Spring Time is Travel Time! Frequent Greyhound service everywhere... different scenic routes each way. Low tares... ixtra cash for txtra fun! TIME TO PLAN TOUR VACATION! See friendly Greyhound Agent about pre-planned Greyhound Vacarioni ia U.S., Cantos, Mexico... to nariooal park, back East. everywhere. Get tree foldet, TA lotVMf of famt EU6BS $ 110 MtDFORD 5.10 UOUMKTO 10J5 UN fWJCBCO 10.M lOSaWBB ....15.40 WMUMD UO aTrMia.aaW-ThTca GQGYC3l!3i:JE uwau TWj a Grotd Atnu N-r Y tionoiuta Wc 2-2421 Effeciive March 7-8-9 CRACKERS BUSY BAKER .1-K. 22c KRISPY .- 22C RITZ Mb- 23C TEA TIMERS ! 25c CATSUP DENNISON'S 14-o. 229C RED HILL 229C IVORY SOAP . .....Medium Bar 7c JUICES DOLE PINEAPPLE 4o-oi. 499 C LALANI. MNEAPPLE 46-oi. 22 C LIBBY'S TOMATO .46-oi. 499 C SUNNY DAWN TOMATO 46-oi. 495 C PILLSBURY CAKE MIX Golden, Chocolate er White 399c CHEESE VEL VEETA 2-lb. loaf 89 C BREEZE 2-lb. roof 85 C MARGARINE RUCOA ; Mb. 26 C SUNNY BANK Mb. 26 C LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF HASH N..tM. 29c LIBBY'S POTTED MEAT ..Uwui325c LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE 51.00 PREM LUNCH MEAT c.n 39c LIBBY'S PEAS . SUGAR BELLE PEAS .N. SSI can 237c .No. IIS can 231 c JELLO DESSERTS I Delicious flavor JELL WELL DESSERTS I Deileloa Flavors. 3 pkn. 23c 3 19c PICNICS Fancy Sugar Cared ghealder ...Lb. 39c CHUCK ROASTS v,. , 49c ORANGES Seedless Navel l ib, bag 35c GRAPEFRUIT ArisenaManhseedles l ib. bag 39c OPEN FRIDAY MKSHT TIL 9 U EC I 481 STATE ST. 2120.lr,ro,nRd. 24S Corrt$t. 935 S. Commercial St. 1263 Center St.