Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 06, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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(Continued tram Page 1
Association Members Fly Members of the Salem PlloU'
association are now getting an opportunity to fly, the group
t having purchased a Cessna 120 pictured here. Members ot
the association pictured in front of the plane are Rex Bent
ley; Bob Armpriest, president of the association; Stan Dila
tush; and Howard Wilcox, secretary-treasurer of the association.
Local Paragraphs
Hassenstab Elected Joe Has
senstab was elected president of
"the Salem unit of the National
Chinchilla Breeders association
Thursday night at a meeting at
Mayflower hall. Louis Freres of
Stayton was elected vice presi
dent, and Mrs. Robert Leith of
Aurora secretary-treasurer. El
ected directors were Jack Fos
not and John GiesbrecheL
Ski Trip Planned The Chem
eketans outdoor club is plan
ning a ski trip to Mt. Hood the
week-end of March 14-15 with
overnight accommodations at the
Trail uub lodge. Anyone UV
terested in attending is asked to
sign the bulletin board at 248
North Commercial street by
Tuesday evening March 10.
(Continued from Page 1)
and the government called for
continuation of such policies as
strengthening the nation's armed
forces, increased vigilance at
home and tighter bonds with
communists abroad.
At this stage there is no pros
pect of any change in the pol
icies Stalin pursued.
Friday afternoon a motor
hearse left the St. Spassky gate
In the Kremlin, while thous
ands assembled on Red Square to
see it, the hearse moved slowly
from the Kremlin to the Hall of
Columns, bearing Statins col
Salem Pilots
Have New Plane
Salem Pilots' association mem
bers are now in the air and that
is literally, for they have re
cently purchased a Cessna 120,
which dally is taken up by some
The- association, organized
here in September ot last year
to promote aviation in Salem
and give pilots not having a
plane of their own an opportu-
April 23 Deadline Oregon's
state selective service headquar
ters has called attention of col
lege students to the fact that ap
plications for admission to the
fVlllotfA nnalif ientlnn tAat it Ha
given April 23, 1953, must be."" " v Fura"""1"
postmarked not later than mid
night of Monday, March 9.
Weekend Weather The com
paratively mild sprinklike wea
ther is due to continue for Sa
lem and vicinity during the next
few days, says the five-day fore
cast. Generally sunny skies are
due, although at periods there
may be some cloudiness and
cury again was below the freez
ing mark in Salem, Frida ymorn-
ing, registering 30 for this
morning's minimum. 'Another
low mark around the freezing
point of 32 degrees is due to
Bart st las Ip smrni as Sat
etotlatloas Is seta. m4 sr th. TnU-
Ul BS MU4V, Issstsa at Kb msrta-
essl C ths tTJSk Hi Hutu attest
uumoiim Tlx aslsacs sf tale klMk
IM IM m nwi leu.
Vest Europe
(OonUnued from Pm 1)
The announcement promised
continued buildup of the Soviet
Army, Navy and Intelligence
services to deal a decisive rebuff
to any aggressor." It added
pledges of friendship with China
and other Communist satellites
and with workers of capitalist
and colonial countries. j
Some Western observers saw studying
Several parcels in Block 3,
north of Marlon street, have
been transferred. However,
eral others must be secured to
round out the property sought
by the unidentified organization
The records show the follow'
ing transactions and Indicated
sums of money involved in
blocks 1 and 3:
Smu K. Window ul will ts SUU
TIM uur, fraction hoi f. Mock S,
itO.Ut: Unit Meairla tO IUa TltM
company, aortaweet corner Lot I. Block
t, W.MI Brora aatf Sort Balsa Tltla
company. Lot i. Block S, M contldersUoa
t lTai Floyd R. hchou ik Wlia bo aoiam
TtUa ompajiy. rraetton Lot S. Block S,
,: Bom P. tHUS to euaoi Tltla aom-
pur. frmcltcs Lot 1. Block S. 111.004;
Erodbwan to Bolam Tltla oomaony, Irao-
tloa Lot S, Block S, M aouoaaraUOB.
Doajj for oroparty la Blocks 91 sad M.
which front sa North Church atraau W-
tvsaa Cantor sad Dnloa. asva haoa aloaad
srs la aacrow tha raoorda show,
Thtti Ineloda: Cmndslsrls Innatmant
compsny u Balm Tltla company, frac
tion m t, Blees ST. flT.M; Bsrvay J.
Banar to Balcm Tltla company, fraction
Lot T. Block tt, IlLSOO; CUIIord B. Bant-
wus to sslam Tltla somoany.
fraction Lot a Block St. SH.SM; Chwlaa
r. Wllaoa sad wlfa to Salam Tltla oom-
psay. Lot J. Block as, S3 1. too.
Bodnsswa to Bslrai Tltla somoany.
aorthasst oornor Lot s. Block. Mo sonstd
arstloa. Oushlad Vatarsns Hamorlal
Bnucuu aasoclsUoa to Balsm TlUa
pony. Lot a. Block sr. Ho conaldarstloa.
Hanray t. Blanar to Balam Tltla company,
portion Lot 10. Block St. Mo eonlflaratlm
.... suunior to unoi a. ruiu I . D , c. j..u
ana wire, portion ox Lot 10, Block St. No clluv lwutlH ojuuuia, uauimw
conaidarauon. Baward x. snd coutia B. of Mr. and Mrs. Bertel C. Siod-
of Lot 10. Block
Ooorra B. Paulua and wlfa to Balam Title
company, tsatarly ont half of Lou sad
Infcrim Group
(Oonttoued from Pace 1
Capital lovrnal, Saba, Ortrm, Friday, KaTcii t, U:j
signs of a possible crack in Com'
raunist unity in Moscow In the
announcement's call for an all
out "struggle against internal,
and external foes." But many
feared any such disunity might
heighten the danger of war
rather than lessen it
The news two days ago of the
Soviet leader's grave illness gave
Europeans ample time to ponder
its implications, and the an
nouncement that the Russian
leader was dead came aa no
great shock.
Salem Girls In Show Nadine
Gllman, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. H. Gilman, 546 Vista av
Street Vacated Shirley
street, located in the Siddall ad'
dition, just off the Pacific high'
way north of Hubbard, was offi
cially vacated by action of the
county court taken Friday,
Tear Planned Represent'
tives from the Marlon County
Community Chest will visit six
of the state Chest supported ag
encies in Portland March 10.
First to be visited will be Chris
tie Home, Marylhurst, with the
group to meet there at 9:30 a.m.
Others on the list to be visited
are St Rose Industrial School;
White Shield Home, Albertina
Kerr Nursery, Our Lady of Pro
vidence Nursery, and Waverly
tsaoy Home.
Shoulders rGaded A county
crew has graded the shoulders
of the Liberty road in prepara
tion for the placing of gravel.
To Meet Sunday Indoor
Sports club is meeting Sunday at
1 p.m. at the Gold Arrow. There
will be a business and social
Drivers Fined, Freed Alvin
Lewis Burbank, Dallas, was fin
ed $250 in municipal court Fri
day after he pleaded guilty to a
charge of drunk driving. A 15
day Jail sentence was suspended
on condition of payment of the
fine. Orville James Olson, Al
bany, was found Innocent of a
similar charge by Jury trial
Thursday afternoon. He was ar
rested some time ago and plead
ed innocent to the charge.
plane gave It a complete major,
which means an overhauling.
Now having a membership of
14 pilots, the association expects
to increase its membership and
as it does so will make plans for
purchasing still another plane.
The second plane will prob
ably be larger than the Cessna,
which carries a pilot and a pas
senger. The fee for use of the
plane now is three and a half
dollars an hour.
Heading the association as
president is Bob Armpriest
Senators Probe
(Continued from Page 1)
tr". mpany. . portion , ,01. Nnr4rl -dth ,,
HO conaldcrstlon. " V . . J .7
marcia oeeoer, iota Norway
street, all of Salem were mem
bers of the cast ot the second
place sorority play given at Lin
field college. The three girls
are members ot Sigma Kappa
Phi, campus Greek letter social
t. Block 1. Mo coaildarauoa.
Nuaitroua rumors hart baaa 'tolni tba
rounds sonctrnlna tha nom.,..
tanlisUoaa accklnt tha propartr sad tho
w wown w wtu ot put. ons ptralittnt
rumor la to tha affact that a toaeora
sptrtUhf aarsrsl tons retail awresattls
outlets Is InrolTOd.
Six members ot tha committee
would be appointed by the presi
dent of the senate, one from each
congressional district and two
from the state-at-large.
Tha five remaining members
01 the committee would be ap
pointed by the governor, on to
bs selected from each congres
sional district and the fifth from
the state-at-large.
The committee,, under the
terms ot the proposed bill, would
be charged with the duty of
the present Oregon
' I-
constitution ana make a com'
plete report to the 48th legisla
tive assembly.
Drafts Provided ' '
Drafts of proposed constitu
tional amendments or In the
event the committee decides to
present a new constitution.
complete draft of such proposed
constitution, must be ready for
consideration of the legislature.
Rep. Baum declared Friday
that he was of the belief that the
committee of the slza suggested
in the proposed bill could do a
workmanship like job at very
little cost to the state,
Another advantage ot the plan
he and Sep. Hill are proposing
is that only one submission of
the issue to the people would be
necessary, while under the con
stitutional convention bills, the
people would be first called
upon to authorize the calling of
the convention and later vote on
adoption of the draft ot the con
stitution adopted by the conven
Substantial Saving Gravel used to backfill the approach
to the old Center bridge has beer removed and replaced as
backfill for the new approach on the reconstructed and L
re-aligned structure. Highway engineers estimate that 1700
yards of gravel was salvaged. Top view shows a power shovel
removing the last of the old fill. Lower picture shows back
fill placed in new approach. About 100 additional yards will .
be needed to reach grade.
Stowaways Two Turner
boys were apprehended by city
oiticers Thursday , afternoon
after they climbed abdard a
Southern Pacific box car to run
away from home. One of the
Immense heaps of flowers and I boys told officers they did not
wreaths surrounded it Rus- know where they were going,
sians began filing past to gaze -they had Just decided to run
for the last time at the man who away. They were turned over to
led them to victory over Nazi i the county juvenile office.
Thousands were in
line when the doors opened.
- The processions for those wish
ing to say "Svidaniya" (good-
Attend Show Among Salem
women planning to take in the
spring show of Portland Garden
bye) will continue day and night ciubi Friday and .Saturday, are
until tne lunerai, a commission Misg Eiizabeth Lord, Miss Edith
headed by Nikita S. Khruschev : Schryver, Mrs. L. E. de Weese,
now Is working on funeral plans. Mrf w E Anderson, Mrs. Mar
No date has been announced for j garet Roseo-ans, Mrs. Clifford
the final services nor has there ; Taylor.
been any word where Stalin is to
be buried. . I While they last. Hexie Aza-
The Hall of Columns Is only I ieaSi m bloom, 25c and up. Prlm-
few hundred yards from the poses, pansys, other perennials,
great mausoleum in Red Square i pemberton's Greenhouse, 1980
where V. I. Lenin, Stalin's pre- So 12th. 56
decessor and the father of Rus-
sion communism, lies embalmed Phlox, penspeman, other
in a glass coffin. (flowers, shrubs, trees, ever-
The Hall of Columns Is in the green. Phone evenings, 3-3843.
House of Trade Unions on Red (Also open Sundays. Boyd
cn,r. Ruin In the empire I Nursery. 2440 State. 56'
style under the czars In 1874, it
features 28 white Corinthian
style columns. It can accom
modate at least 2.000 persons
and often has been used for
state functions, conferences and
Moscow was cold, windy and
unpleasant Friday, but life went
n about as usual. Hundreds
till were filing Into churches to
place candles before Ikons.
Thera were tears in the eyes of
some, some had grim, s laces,
s many crossed themselves repeatedly.
Bonnie Davis, one of Salem's
best known beautician, now as
sociated with Loveall - Miller
Beauty salon. For appointment
phone 3-7870. 56
Paint with glamorizing Treas
ure Tones. See our outstanding
Wallpaper selection. Chuck
Clarke Co., 255 N. Liberty. 56
Air-steamship tickets sny where.
Kugel, 3-7694, 133 . mgn J(
Tha Caoltal Journal
the Followlnr New Cltlsens
aiirtBTo. sotrna
O LAZIER To Mr. tad Mrs.
mi..,.. - .1.1 fa.n a.
DUST :- To Mr. and Mrs. Uwttact
T into or nothing down. Clean
2-bedroom house on fraction of
sere. South, near Sunnyslde
schooL Full price $4,950. Phone
Welcomes 39865, call 1520 Hicxory. iur-
ther details. -
Rummage sale, over Green
baums, Saturday only, March
7th. Allruta Club.
. Saltonstall said he hopes to
have Van Fleet present then
but that the general has an en
gagement with the house armed
services committee and it la a
question whether he can appear.
We want to find out why
there has been a shortage in
certain kinds of ammunition
and what can be done to end
it," Saltonstall said.
He said Van Fleet testified
Friday that even with existing
forces and ammunition in Ko
rea "we could apply more pres
sure on the enemy,"
Perrydale Girl Heads
Future Homemakers
Corvallis W) The Future
Homemakers ot America Thurs
day announced election ot Shar
state president.
The FHA, composed of high
school girls studying home eco
nomics, also elected Sylvia Jayo.
sSyssa, vice president; Bonnie
Powell, Union, secretary;
Yvonne Ewing, Dayton, treasur
er; Diane Stlngley, Junction
City, editor, and Colores Hatch
er, Sweet Home, reporter.
The eighth annual state meet
ing will conclude Saturday.
Kitchen Fiddlers Meet
The Kitchen Fiddlers met re
cently at the home ot Mrs. Al
bert Fabry. 1425 N. 18th St The
four girls in the group who
made breakfast were Lois
Shafer, Beverly Kenyon, Judie
Sanders and Judy Scherren.
New Chamber Members
New memebrs of the Chamber
of Commerce listed this week
are: John N. Hooper, farmer,
Route 1, Box 813, Woodburn;
Shaw It Nickens, mason con
tractors, SIS Vista avenue; Stone
Piano company, 1280 State
Circuit Court
city of aalem ya. Barmond B. atrmt-
ham and Doric StrlatLan: Order of dls-mlaasL
aioria atoller vs. A. Pomberton
ment for $204.31, plus Intertrt from Dec
ember t ltol. and coals snd attorney's
laea totallni I in .It.
Hts Procter Bverett Procter: m-
yorco complaint asks tat par month til.
monr and support ttonay snd I1M attor
ney's tees.
Baaala K. Rosea rt. Arthur B. Rasaa:
Dlrorcs complaint Saks sola owaerahlp of
real property (or plslotUI, tat per month
sa permanent alimony, and SIM attor
neys fees.
Prank B. Nlcholla snd Uartsrtt ana
IllchoUt To. Irs B. Scott: Plaintiffs' reply
Helca Pulps re. Duane Pulpa: Dtvorea
complaint, alias Ink desertion. Seeks soa
tody of four minor children snd list
monthly support. Married st Vsatourer,
Wash, Nor. It, ltu.
Probata Court
Samuel Herbert Bosrdmsa aatatt: Ba
tata spprslsed st tn.
Brown . Swoon tusrdlsnahlp'. Order
approrlnt tusrdlsn's report. Order p
prorlnt ssls of property. '
SuUs M. Brown aatatt: Apwrsaul filed.
Order for citations la petition lor ssls of
reel property.
Bound Schott tusrdlaaahtp: Order ap-
Iproetns annual report of tusrdlsa. "
Ray Loyata. lt tuardlanahlp: twtlUsa
for sppotatmeat of tusrdlsa.
Char lea aL Pry ssuu: asvralssl rttod.
Oonsld Benry Oprotaa eetttsi Order de
tormlahst aaMillsass tsa.
Some Egga Up One local
buyer listed eggs up a cent on
top grades, Friday morning. The
local buying list now Is: AA,
44 cents; large A, 42-48 cents;
medium AA, 41 cents; medium
A, 39-43 cents; small, 34-35
v I . mm
a. A. . - a. , f .
Tmo Davenport and Chair
Sm Davenport and Chair
5w Davenport and Chair
Kalrf wTNl
htsipkia Frkit
Rej. 359.50 "Crofrmoster" Tuxedo Sryla
(TNI Frtttt
miss those
Rag. 369.50 "
(htriratM fsiric
Rag. 59.50 Gold
Rag. 74.95 Modern
Reg. 89.50
Reg. 69.95 Modern
Rag. 89.95 Gold
Rag. 18.95
Rag. 269.50 "Croftrrvast.r" 2 Piece
IK. $219.50 "sair-cur UC0UAI0 RUI
t.9S S-ahelf MeUI
Utility Tables
5J.54 Famous "Serta" t m m C A
Matching Bos Spring 144,51
S.5I Famous "8erta" Hotel
Bandreds of rolls, card bandits, t ventil
ators, unconditionally guaranteed!
Matching Box Spring f 3.St
2-Pc. Walnut-
Inclson Dbfs Drtutr
lokcM RNdDsard
IK. J269J9 m aaf I . DmU Drtusr, (ktsi,
Iso. 24950
lad, NlgM Slmd
Dvabfs, Drtusr, Chest,
4Q Dvabfs, Drtusr, (hast,
rCa urey i
4-Pca Maple
Drtusr, Unit,
li NlgM Jlind
rat ma m chudi iooh
$S(305O I
$113950 v
$E2S)50 xftv
$i79so mk
, a saa, aurta a.