-piWJonaI, galem, Oregon, Friday, March 6, 1953 In the - EdKe by MIKE FOBBES Central Howell Central Howelr The ladies auxiliary of tbe Farmers Union net at the borne at Mrs. Law rence Hammer for their last meeting. Reports OB tha last food and bedding taken 'tea needy family were given and other routine business taken care of. A ne-bost luncheon was served at noon to the following: Mrs. Frank Way, Mrs. Oeo Kcppln- ger, Mrs. Henry Torvend, Mrs. George Plane, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs, Silas Torvend, Mrs. Frank Beutler, Mrs, Leon Flux . and two children, Mrs. DeSart, Mrs. Milo Wilcox, Mrs. Hammer and her daughter, Mrs. Esther Wilson and daughter. - The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Way, on March 20. Felicitations are being ex tended to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Both on the birth of their third son, James Bryan. The older boys are Allen and Richard. The new baby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roth of this community and of Mr. snd Mrs. Tribbet of Dayton. (.',- Barbara and Kay Uchty were co-hostesses to the 4-H Sewing group at their home recently. A program was arranged by Darla Berry and Fatty Scnarer. Muriel Richard, president of the . group, presided during tha bust' ness session. . . , The Central Howell Extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Alee Uchty, Tuesday for their regular meeting.. Mrs. Dan Stetfen, Mrs. K. S. ArreU and Mrs. Gilbert Haury , were, co-hostesses with Mrs. Lichty. Mrs. L. T. ArreU called tbe meeting to order and the morn ing session was given over to the demonstrators, Mrs. Martin ' Rehm and Mrs. Clarence Sim ' mona, Jr., who explained the uses of various herbs used for seasoning. 1 Tb several dishes prepared by ' them were used as part of the . noon no-host luncheon. . Mrs. Arrell conducted the business meeting in tha after noon, assisted tnr Mra nnr Xutscbman, secretary. Reports from tha committee on the fes tival were given by Mrs. Xarl Schar, tha only member who attenaea the training meeting. ! Appointed with her ware Mrs. San Steffen and Mrs. Frank1 Way. This unit will have as weir exniDii, "Gins from Cloth." Other business was taken up ' by tha group. Visitors for this meeting were Mrs. Buggies, a ; member of the Marion County noma axienaion committee, and , Mrs. Lena Clark. Present wart Mrs. L. T. Ar reU, Mrs. Roy Rutachman, Mrs. Earl Schar, Mrs. Alphaus Schar, Mra. Earl DeSart, Mrs. Ray May era, Mrs. Oeo Miller, Mrs. Har vey lively, Mrs. Maurice Hynea, Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. . Dan Itaffen, Mrs. Gilbert Hau- . ry, Mrs. K. I. Arrell, Mrs. Mar tin Kahm, Mrs. Clarence 31m- . mens, Jr., Mrs. Grover Uchty, Mrs. Alee Uchty, and the two! . guests, Mrs. Ruggles and Mrs. Clark. . . I ,' Mr. astf Mrs. Edward Hynea aad son, Tommy, of this com munity left last week for a trip . to Florida. They plan to atop In California cnroute to visit relatives, and then to go down into Mexico before proceeding o ma southern state, n. L, . Hynea of Portland accompanied . mem. ........ Their dauihter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Jot llg of ' Brooks, art staying in their . home looking after things dur ; Ing their absence. The Ugs for merly lived In tha Beaverton ' area. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Oral of ' Akron. Ohio, were house guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. Will Uchty. During their visit. Mr and Mrs. John Tschantx and Charles Meyer were additional dinner guests when a family din ner was enjoyed. Mr. Tschantx, Mr. Meyer and Mrs. Uchty are cousins. The Grafs have been visiting in California and were on their way home. Unionvale Honoring Mrs. Ersel Qubser Of Unionvale, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lorenzen, entertained with a family birthday dinner at their Heck district home Monday. Other guests were her hus band, Ersel Gubser, Mrs. Jo Ann ' Gubser, her son, Danny, and daughter, Rene. - X. M. Coats is remodeling his residence recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. N orris Dixon and family, who moved to Amity. Mrs. E. M. CoaU Is ill with a avers cold. ' Mrs. Ernest ' Shelbume of rWm mwm ww w m THE VILLAGE present direct from recent engagement at Atlantic City i . DUSTY BROOKS AND HIS f-riECE ORCHESTRA 1 TONIGHT! America's Placet Colored Comblnstlea i ORCHESTRA and PLOOBSHOW ... FltM 1 riTWirwiimnima himhhiwi iiiii j Valley Happy VaUey and Mrs. William Warmington of SL Joe district were Thursday afternoon callers J at tbe home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Costs. They were an route 1 from Farmers Union convention held at Salem. Ed Clevenger has been assist ing with berries at the Howard Baker farm. - ' Walter Diebel of Unionvale is receiving treatments from Dr. Shumway. Mrs. Robert Terry bad as a week-end guest her daughter, Miss Thelma Terry of Portland. Her Sunday dinner guests were William Hauesmaa of Portland, Mr. sad Mrs. Howard Terry and family of near Dallas. - Evening sueata at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terry of Port land; be bad just returned from a business trip to Ssn Fran cisco, Calif. Lafayette Lafayette Mrs. Ken Beasley and two sons. Billy and FJdon left for California last week to meet Mr. Beasley, who has been sent home . from the Far Can where he has served In the armed forces for the last 18 months. Word baa been received by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ames that their son, Oakes Kay Ames, RDSN, has undergone major surgery In a naval hospital in Japan. Ha will remain In the hospital for soma tuna. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Terry have moved into the Raines resi dence in Lafayette. Royce Clemmens returned home from the hospital where he was confined with pneu monia, but has not been well enough to return to school. Influenza has hit the Lafay ette school. Two of tha teach ers have been sick this week. They art Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Cabe. Mr. Ames waa confined to his home with it last week. Rex Sharp has been home for some time, called cere trom Army duty in Korea by the serious illness of his father. hattucJ Ur ISOIUD LOBSTER HZ Hew Shewing , Open S:U Mitel Oayaer Seett Brady "BLOODHOUNDS Or . ROADWAX" AIM Una DerasU Oaiy MarrOI "NIGHT WITHOUT SLEET" HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Teeaarrew 1:M to a TM. Ba Ml Mm far BataS Hollar. Ta Ta" SaaraaolraUaa). S alraaS a. far aa Mr noaart an SMattar. dm snaa. sot tea mm -!- HUM - cartoons serial paeial Matrass Faasare "IIX UN MESA" Jehaay Mack Brown Abo BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE far Saatt (nta. BUkla BaaS. Ha Caa. Ml, . AIM Caaak, Jakw Mial, Ml.aaal BlinMaar. rurIN Martaa, Larr? UH, Jfcaar Balh, Hariri Oa Staalar rnaa. !. MUHr, Batari Jtiimlii, J.aa hHmh. Naraaa Milter, Ja An alraaaek, aula Staaf. (an. JaralS Baakall. Cam Lavta, Taw mt MaSwaa. Baaar Ba&lo. Skataa. KrlrM, Mtakaal Craw. Bar. O SWaa rarraat. Balkm Last Baiaro Jiaaiaaa. Mary Sajaaarat, Iraaa Bailor. Oaaata Boat, Mka I hart. Oarr SahraaSar, TSaraaa Blao. l2-72 UMM Uim ratNWAT ft rHtaa Ovaa t il the tt 1:11 ENDS SATURDAY! In Technicolor "STORY Of WILL ROOUS" , Mas In Taehnlcalor "SON OF AUIAIA" Tanlla m. Our Big Carta Carairal ww ww wfjojw INN... "aaaaaiaIIOwi Woodburn Woodbum The spring term of the Woodburn kindergarten opened Tuesday at the Lincoln school with 35 children register ed. Two classes were organized, one from B till 11:19 a.m., and the second from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., Tuesdays through Fridays. Mrs. 1 xl. MuaeDrsnai, cnsir- man, states that a few more chil dren who will be starung to school next fall can be taken.; Mrs. T. M. Baxter Is again in structor. Rev. Luis V. Bova of Suther lin will be guest pastor at the Woodburn Methodist church for the United Evangelistic mission, March 8 to II. This will be a part of the aeries of services being held In the Methodist churches in this part of Oregon. Rev. Bova hss lived In Cuba where he was a member of the Cuban conference of the Methodist church. Dr. Fred . Schwartz, widely known as one of the best inform ed non-communists in the world on the basic communist texts. will speak at the Foursquare church in Woodburn Monday, March 9, at 7:45 p.m. His topic will be "The Heart, Mind and Soul of Communism." Dr. Schwartz is an Australian phy sician and surgeon and is now on his second world tour in two years, speaking on the dangers of communism. His Woodburn appearance will be the only one in this area and tha public is In vited to attend. Pleasantdale Miss Esther Nichols is at home after spending about 8 months in California, at San Francisco, San Diego and Lindsay, visiting her brother, Ambrose R. Nichols, and his children, Ambrose Jr., Ward and Louise, and their re spective families. Ambrose Jr., is affiliated with the school sys tem in San Diego, and Ward has a like positon in San Francisco. Mrs. Guy Freshour has as re cent callers Mrs. Art Pearson and Mrs. Floyd Lyman of Day ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Hadley and children went to Hillsboro Sun day and had dinner with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hadley. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Hadley en tertained Monday evening, March 2, with a dinner honoring his father, R. G. Hadley on his i-S7ea Bed Skeltom Jaaa Greer Tim Cenaldine "THE CLOWN e CO-HIT! WOBLD COMMUNISM, EXPOSE. SCOOP! Factual scenes of Stalin's bloody rite to power! Cop ra red film of tha beginning ef Communism! in "THE HOWTEK" CONTWrjOUS Alaa Lad THUNDER IN ' TBE EAST Dinah Share la Technicolor "AARON SLICK 'FROM PUMPKIN CREEK" MWMS-Sm . Opea pjm. Jamas Stewart -CARBINE WILLIAMS" a IUKT wntunu In Technlcolar "SKIRTS AHOY" CONTINUOUI rornel Wild. Ter.hnle.lar "TREASURE OF GOLDEN CONDOR Darts Day Tvehnkolor "APRIL IN PARIS HEY KIDS! IG SHOW TOMORROW! AT NOON Prises! Cartoons! 1 Big Features la Technicolor! . Plata! birthday. . A birthday cake cen tered 'the table decorated with1 pink and yellow spring flowers. Tha guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Hadley, Kenneth Hadley and his children, Kenny and Sandra, all of McMinnville; Rev. and Mrs. Harry Ryan of Dayton. Mr. and Mra Allan Nichols and Miss Esther Nichols went to Portland Sunday to visit Mrs. Nichols father, William Moerke, in tha General hospital there, following an accident Also visiting Mr. Moerke were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutachman, who later called on her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coats. Driving to Seaside Sunday for dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McFartane and Betty of Plea. santdale and their daughter and family, Mr. and Mra. Don Carl son and Debbie, of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. Cuy Freshour had as Sunday afternoon callers, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop, of Hopewell. Calling on Mr. and Mrs. Merle Relchstein Sunday afternoon war her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Senn, Kenny and Gregory, of Mllwaukie. Mrs. Fred Relchstein is Im proving after being quite 111 for several day. Independence Independence A special service for reception of mem bers in tbe First Baptist church was held Wednesday evening at the time of the mid-week church night At that time Pastor Paul E. Boomer presented a class of more than a dozen who were to be received on confession of faith and baptism. A service of Christian Baptism will be condusted on the com ing Sunday evening during the regular evening meeting. The Independence-Monmouth Methodist church is announcing that at tha regular morning worship service, nursery facili ties will be provided as usual for children through the age of ta years. At 9:49 a.m. thel wife Detroit Detroit Revealed to a large audience at Detroit school Tues day evening was the mysterious "sebenette" promised in "Dr. Quack's Medicine Show." Seven, eighth grade boys In black-face composed the "seb enette" to sing, dance and joke with other students of the class through an hour of comedy in colorful costumes. "Dr. Quack" played by Mi chael Moore waa assisted by Donald Watkins in presenting the show talent Students taking part includ ed Brad Humphrey, Leonard Snyder, Michael Howland, La li ny Vickers, Bruce Gordon, Ro ger Fleming, Danny Bowers, Danny Gescher, Donald Jack son, Gene Ruddy and John Wal church school is in session for all ages. At 3 PJn., there will be the commissioning of visitation team members. At 8:30 p.m. there will be a Wesley Foundation supper meet ing. At the 7:30 p.m. evening w6r- ahip service, Rev. Kenneth Pe terson will preach. These serv ices begin the United Evangel istic mission which combines lay visitation with evening preaching services. Services will be held Sunday. Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day evening at 7:30 in the sanc tuary, with Rev. Peterson preaching. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Presents G. I. Show's Comedy "PYGMALION" March 5, and 7 at WALLER HALL 8:15 P.M. MnoSthvIkkftlsMmtlm " it- umem i. lace. ' 1 The four eighth grade girls, Judy Haseman, Phyllis Ketch urn, Rosalie Bowers and Melo- dee Palmer received an encore from the audience for their dance which climaxed the pro gram, i A group of first grade chil dren also appeared on the pro gram to sing and dance while other students posed as the doc tor's customers. I Dialogue and continuity for the show were arranged by the eighth grade students with the assistance of their instructor. Mrs. Mildred Ray. Mrs. Maycel Cokenour helped direct the group. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kettle- son and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sophy entertained the Detroit- I dan ha high school students st a party at the Sophy home recent ly as a climax to the basketball season. Sidney Sidney The HEC of Ankeny grange met at tbe home of Dor othy Terhune recently for a 1:30 dessert luncheon. Bertha and Thelma Terhune were assisting hostesses. The fecial feature was a grange kitchen shower. Roll call was quotations from Lincoln or Washington. Nancy Davidson was appoint- I 3 iftnmti kr Ausc Sliossrj sf WU MIWBI6I WDn, 8:15 FJt U Reserved z.it-t.tfl Flflla 9 Unreserved 1JI Tlcksh il tterSM Jewaasn sad etsr Vour a0 ( r (n Trr r ifk WllW tM . ' Yes, is K NG-SIZeI I 191 ZP-P,.B' J I 95 -Y led to purchase silverware for the grange kitchen. Tk. T Hnur nrlze waa won by Dorothy Terhuna and the game prize by Louise jonnaion. The next meeting will be at Leone Henderson's March 19. The officers and members will go to Waldo Hills grange March 6 for visitation. The next regular grange meet ing will be March 7. Woodburn grange members will come to Ankeny for visita tion April 4. Tha United States one had three Presidents in a month; William Henry Harrison succeed- FREE! DAKCE LESSORS I IM UT. RITE (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Prcfeasiamal tnstraettoa by . Mr. Triplet aad staff ef specially trained teacher -from the JON NUtl STAfT Pins Gala Floor Shew 74c Mo?deTim.d 74c AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Stubby Mills and His Band SPECIAL SOAY $400 CHILDREN DIIQR I 65c POT I OAST WITH PffllO PANUKB l(5t S. COMMERCIAL PHONE t-iSft Legionnaires, Auxiliary and Their Guests favlted f If ntin ffima can M- Any PHILIP MORRIS smoker will tell you there's a special quality of throat comfort in PHILIP MORRIS. This is a fact your own throat will confirm once you change to PHILIP MORRIS. your throat can tell that here, at last, a cigarette not only good to smoke. but good to the War vim .i t vi uui mange lor gUOU , , , your own good . . . today? regular lng Van Buren March 4, I8 and being succeeded on his death by xyier, autii. ACORNS FROM THE Bare you ever noticed ho aoa people's voice Is soft and haro. l decemable while others are ao4ih( Tor three blocks, or almost inn.. Brother Dm an for the latter. Tha, was one of these ladies on the host phona yesterday and was she totr la sveu jou iw vum immi wnL "HI laumle, did you enjoy at 'swell ainner in we uac Koota hat : night? Sure I know, well Hatty . loerea a Dig it ounce swaa Dot jgads he's a man why sure hi ea eat a lot but you are smart IVaie. I Wfcfa I'd ordered an S or 10 sue, 'tenderloin. It was just your ah on It S3 tan. ure. tbat'a what t ; but why buy more than yog eta eat. Tea, but you're not a nun, aot j on you go to Europe anyway. Jtax time I'm going to try one of (baa Prime Rib sandwiches they "-U with, about half a loaf of Fteneh I bread I'm Just crazy about rreaeh bread." etc, etc, etc, etc I la falaa Wt ta talal Ul Ba, a,... m tmwm a tmm nia raaapa, ra. Mm i WITH DEL MILNE j IrkiUlUlr UNI JUAN4TA (lombihall) IROWN a taJ Alt sm41aaJ r least ta Peed '