R '':. - HSftJil.W- - in ii M , ,Vn t,?D! Gerry Girthary, high-stepping tap dancer, one of the early entries in the Marine Corps league's second annual talent contest to be held at the Salem high school audi- , torium Friday, March 20. Farm Bureau Leader Dies " - Death came to A. L. McClin tock, senior member of the Ore gon Farm Bureau Federation, Thursday evening at a Salem "hotel, a short time after he ar : yivpri In town tn attend a maat. - lng of Farm Bureau officials and legislators Friday. The 76-year-old Pendleton '"man collapsed in the hotel coffee ''was rushed to a hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly ' ' .ft. a 4 nn I ' The cause of death was pre- wumwu iu w a ucars attacst. max- . too v-ouniy coroner iesion "Howell said that an autopsy "'..in i i i j i - , - by Mrs. McClintock, who is ex 'pected to arrive In Salem Fri day. It is expected that bis 'body wiU be sent to Pendleton lor services. it UAPIInlAAt. ... J TT ttlla. Grant and Morrow counties a the Farm Bureau board. He was accompanied to Salem by Vie Thomsen of Hood River, another Farm Bureau member. STOCKS (bt tim Associated mm Admiral Corpormtton Allied Chemical , Allle Cheimere , incrhu Airline American Power at Light,, American Tel. ok Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Copper .,. Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burrowa Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Faelfle Caterpiuar Tractor Celanes Corporation Chrraler Corporation Cltlea Serrlce Coneolldated Edison Consolidated Vulteo Crown aeuerbach Curttss wrltnt , Doualaa Aircraft Du Pont do reemoura , Boatmen rodak Emerson Radio oeneral Electrle General rood , Oeneral Motora Oeorgla Pao. Plywood , Ooodyear Tire , Homealake Mining Co International Harvester , International Paper Johna Manvllle Kennecoll Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewea Incorporated Lone Bell Montgomery Ward Naeh Kelvlnator Mew York Central Northern Pacific Paclflo American Fish Pacific oaa & Electric Pacific Tel. Tel .Packard Motor Car Penney, 1. C pennsylvenle R. H Pepsi Cola Co Phllco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler lncortf. , Raronler Incorp. Pld. Republte Steel Remolds Metala Richfield oil Safewar Storea Inc. , Scott Paper Co Seara. Roebuck at Co. , Socony-Vacuum OU Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif ,., Standard Oil N. J Studebaker Corp Sunihino Mining Swift f Company , Traneamerlea Corp. Twentieth Century Pol , Union Oil Company Union Pacific . United Alrllnee United Aircraft United Corporation United Statea Plywood United Statu Steel Werner Pictures Western Union Tel , Weatlnghouie Air Brake Westlnchnuse Ileetrte Weolworth ' .. Mtt ... 1114 ... MM .. .. as ..no .. 12 ., 41Te .. adVe .. S3 .. 41 .. nit .. ie .. H .. 1S .. n .. .. lVe .. its .. ISle .. n .. MH .. tUj .. 11V. .. lit .. 444 .. 1 .. 10 ... M .. MVt .. 11 .. ss'a .. 40t " 4'e .. 68 .. 114 .. .. 14H .. 12 .. 10 .. (OVt .. .. v .. II !! nv. ..iiih .. '4 .. !?. .. t .. HVa .. 34 .. 39 H 10", .. 41H .. CIS .. .. 3S .. 11 .. M4 .. 11 .. 41 .. MS .. 144 .. 40V .. .. 394 .. 34'4 .. IS .. 40 S ..1134 .. 38 V. '4 .. M4s .. 40 't .. 19S .. 11 .. nH .. 41S .. 4JVa MME. CHIANG COMING Washington ( Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek, wife of the Chinese Nationalist president, is expect ed here next week for a visit of several days. She has been vis iting In New York following medical treatment in San Fran cisco. iwwwwwwtpte'wePwe'ww LEGALS nare tiiea my iinai - - tor af the Bstatt wf Charles Henry WrlehV deetteed, t tbt Clrenll Court tt the Sleto af oretoai for Marion Ctanty and said court baa filed t 00 am. of March IJ. Ill), and the wourtroom of aald court as tht tint and place for heertng thereon. R. o. STADTBR. JR Attorney at Law awl Pmwer Trot BMt. Salem, Oregon ret. K, III Mar. , U 1 MARKET QUOTATIONS POBTLAJCB PBODDCB an M t??i "" aaaartnu. JL?J"" " trtdlty eWUeerad In eewod taaJlty. 4-ne. Valley ranlat tad ,!"fWB": ' hulk nkat wholesalers trada li aa . -V7. L.'Zl'fr!' ",1 "". sat; o, at - ancaa tincuy Beta! ..r. "umg price to Portland whola- were, uretoa alatlee, tlVade. Oracow Ik- loaf. 4H.-HVM. trlWeta. l,t UmTSu atta at Whtlaaalaw r u. . y" nw lose, casta Included P. a B. trade lane, Mtt-Utto; A 7u" twiMiiewi trade large, Portland Beerr llartet ' T . raienata: Oradt AA .". l prlola. rati w,, m aruia, ate. Bate Te ratailara. n.ui. a a ae A lartt, tt-eae; AA madlnm. tic; A madl- IS. mm hominal. Cartons, st Cheeaa PHra t- ... j fj"" ttatlts. tlti-ioti s-ik. loarae. al-UMt lb.i trlpleta, Itia last tht etn glea. Premium branda alnilta. WMti leaf. , "wim amencaa iheett. a-lb. ------ -- . w--W7SV SB. Peal try Ue Cklekeat - (Ho. t tuallty, F. O. B. Planta. Pryera, Ike, 10-Jlci 1-4 las.. 10-llei roasters. 4V lha, and trer. It-lit; Bens, an weitntt, xse: ucbt htaav all 1 welehte, lac; aid rootera. te-lK. Dreased Chlakena rryera, ti4 lha, 41 feci routers. el-44a lleiia i..-. ti.iv. nes-T nena, -31ei tul n xrytra. ail welthte. 41-4e. Babbitt ATaraea fta w - T .. whllaa, 4-1 tta, aa-adc: a-t Iba, M-lea ib.l tld doea, 10-iae, few higher, rreah J! Oyara te retailera, aelci ml u, Ceantrr Killed M-nta w ai Top auauty, 4l-44e Ik.: rough heaelea. at-eoe. age Lean hlockert, It-He; eowe, light Lamae Top trada springers, 4o-43e; ether trades, accordlnt to auallty. aftttan Beit twtt and withera ll-tlt Beef utuitr tows, tl-33e cantor enttera, t8-He. Presh Dreased Meals (Wheleealan ta rettllan. lHhara pec Beef stent aholee. lot-Tot lka- cte.Sf good, tlt-41; commercial, I34-1S; ntUlty, Cewe Commercial, StS-lll tttUtr, SSI IS; eanner. 131-11. Bc-e Cata (choice ateertl Hind emtr tart, 147-11; rounds, I4S-M; full loins trimmed. AM-li; trlantlea, I3I-M; fora tuartert, 111-11; ahucks, Ka-4li rlbe, Teal Oood. I4t.stt aoenmerdala. t4n-tt. CalTta Chalet, 144-54; eommsrcttls, Ltmtt Prima anrmtera. 40. ta raa Itl-tl; tood, 141-44. attaw-oood choice. SN-14. Pork Cttt Lolna. Mo. I. a.ll laa.. tit. It; shoulders, 11 laa, t!9-!t.Mi aparerlba, 115-48: fresh hams, 10-14 int., SM-te.M. Smaked Bams Skinned. Ul-IH; slab bacon. IJ-1. Refined lard ta drums, 117- la.eo; aiao oacon. sjs-ata. Partland MlseeUaaaeaa Celery Cat, flat crate. 1-H4 dot, ttJt- pi.se. www to ge.ao. ure, 13.21-12 .M. Onlene 60 lb. aaeka Wast Oreean vol. lows, medium, 14-4.94; 1-Inch, I4.M-4: No. Is, ll.oo-Uo; boUera, 11 lba. sacks, 4t-47c: Idaho yellows. Urge, al M-1.7S: Mo. 1 lent, ttJt-i.ii! white mad. Ursa, 14.11 e.so; large, te-e.ae. Petatoee Ore.-Wath. rualeaa. Mo. 1. 4.00-90; namt branda tt 4.fa; kakert, -; IS lbs, else A, 1. 15-10: u Ik. mesh, 50-55c: paper, W-S5c; No. 1, so Ibe, ll.oo 1.40; Idaho russets, ' bales, l-lt Iht, 1.00 36; loo-lb. aacka, O OO-jij at rk. Mo. Is, 1.40-H. ay V. 8. Mo. 9 areea alftlfa. dellrer ed ear lota P.O.B. Portland, nominally ese-sv con; Boawe, tto-4l. Wool Wulametta Taller mostly aj at 450 lb. grease bails. Idea Carres, 15-lse lb. teeordlnv u waUhts; green kipe, lo-13ci beef, It-llo lb.; bulla, l-4vtel trttn butehtr tew iiidte. niaerta wnolaiale selling price Ho. I large aarceionaa, 14-att u.; grower prices. wviiara run, iv-iae IB. Walanta Wkoleaalt aelltng ntiet, uaUty Itrtt Praamttew. 11 -Us lk.t grower price, orchard run, ll-lse lb, taw oess ta lis. SALEM MARKETS Caeaplled fme lanoiee off Saaaai iasleew few Ike nlduee 1 Capital Jewrnal Hadere. BarlaS natty.) Retafl Vaad Prleae Bakkit PoOeti UJI tw-Ik. kaarl. M.ll. ess iieo-ia. nagl. Bra Mstsi aiJa-M 4a. Pain reed 1.-3.M raw X. kwaw. H.IM.4I (1M wt.). rewltry Baring rrloeg Colored bran. 30c; aid roosters, lie; watered frwl. BNl leghoxai fowl, 13c: rawstera, tit, Kgie Bwrlas maws aaras. A, deal Iniwa A. 4114001 medium AA, die: aaeeUaaa A. td. 43c; email, lac. wnoiesaia meat Egg wnolcsale arte as generally l-7a hlgber than the wtlott above. Large trade A stnarallr tiaalad all etc: medium, ego. Bwlterfat Buying price: Premium. 11. Tie; Ho. 1, et-70c; Mo. a, lit. Batter wholesale trade A warenmens. Tit Ib.l retail. Tie. Portland Eattalde Market Portland UK Trading was limited to a few supplies of eabbage, carreta, turnips. dry onlona, potatoes and applet today on the Portland Kaststdt Parmert Wholesale Product market with all prteee oaatnel. Cblean Llvcftaek Chlcato " Butcher welcht bogi were about ateady with Thuridaya lower close Friday or around a auartar off from tha average. Cattle were generally ateady ta a amen cleanup trade. A few cows loot around cents or more. Sheep did not establish an early market but appeared ateady also. One load of sorted barrow and alita topped the market at 30.M but most choice offerinia brottcht tlf.ftO to t.H. Sows held steady at tll.K to lit 00. A few tood and choice steers and year- linri brought lll.M to m.OO la the cattle department and tood and choice heifers and miied yearllnia were $11.50 to $23.90. Sows were I1S.M. Fartlaad Uvastock Portland hBDA Cattle salable for week t.OOO; market uneven on In creased early supply. Calves salable for week nt: market slow on Increased supply with utility and commercial predomlnatlnt late, market steady-weak, spots lata l.Ot lower. Hots salable for week 1.400; market mostly steady but some premium sales lata on strong market. Sheep salable for week 1,100. Market steady on Increased supply. Chicago Oalene Portland Olfo Bupplles moderate, demand good, market etlghtly stronger. Track ealee so lbs.: Idaho Spanish I I. 1. I to 1-Inch, ear l.W, 1-lneb and larsir oar l.ali Utah Spanish TJ.S. 1, 1-Inch and larger, car 4.10; Iowa yellow oiowee oa 1, tt per cent l-lnca tnd itner, g etrt I. Mi Minnesota Yellow Olobas us. 1, 71 per cent 1-Inch and larger. 1 tan l.lt: Oretoa Yellow Danrerg U S. 1, M per tent a-tneh tnd Inner, car l.to, ctr 4.Cd. atreet eelee at Rat.: soena ana urnon SpanUh J-lnch and laner t.tl-.M; mtd waal medium Yellow Olobes 110-4 00, few 411. some fair Lot: Michigan eertons twain 1-pound telloe I t. Pertlaai Orata Portland ijsv-47oarat trsins, no bios, Whsat (bldl to arrlrt market, baslt Bo. . ., . - . araita t ssi soft White leicludtnt Batl S.44; White Cy-M44!.. tea, ta rtaro ww " - - I per tent 141: 11 Pat dent 1.41; IS par atnt e si Car receipt : min feed a. Wheat Hi Hear 4: corn Chleetw Orald rhicago (- A tood a IWt Business gan grata t modest Boost an tha board T- ...j- w-o. . AMaita nneertalntlee creeled br the death of Baaelaa Premier Stella, Dealings were rather alow. OToralgnt ar eenss w. ' . . 7 a,.ht br JtPta. Italy. BelUnd. Pwrtattl. and Korea. . lt Wheat closed "J March llllw-lt, corn H-S hlgner, March llASSltt. oata hither. Merch 741. rre lower. Mey ll.tlw-ti.ew. serVrana W lower tt hither. Merck TV... ... ,..s a ra emu a hua- dred pounds higher, March at I. fcOMl. TO KCGKN1 Eugene Beardsley Huml, ns tionally known economist, will bead a slate of speakers at One-dav induttrlal mnfawanM tan the University of Oregon cam- pus sexi iMttaty, DEATHS Maa. ataaaa L. Hlaahaw, late raaldeat af letft Wallaea read. Mareh a te a laal aa. pltaL aurrlrad by daathter. Mrs. Allaa T. Pleteher; stepchild ran, Walter litis. Lnwrcaet Blmoa tad Mrs. Marr Benaaa. all at Salem: aletar. atra. Ladia atielka af Twt Barbon, Ulna, Mrs. Anna a rebel. wearer uast, wise, aerrleea attarday, March T at 1:10 pas. la the Clous b Bartlck ChanaL Dr. Peal M. Polhtt atfl aiaitai. tetaraaeat tt City Tlew eaaetery. Bmmett Stlaaoa. laU raaldeat af Braaka. at sueertea hospital March e. Sarrrred br wile, Bthal stlaaoa. Brooks; sons, Bm mett Vernon S tta tea tf Lot Aatelea. Oauf, W. B, Btlaaoa af Lea Aaeelaa. and Jnaaaa auaecas as arooca; aad trather. Bugena Stlaaoa of Los Angelas: and twn aranocnuarea. Anaaunetment BI terrlcee later ay ciouth-Baniek chapel. Babr Bar Bana Babr Bow Bouse, lata resident as Be. d Boi 141, la local hospital March I. aWr elrad by paranta, Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Bougt of Salem. Announcement wf tarr lett later by aough-Btrrtck thtaat, Jaka B. Htska John S. Mlaka. ltu resident .1 iuuia fa local hospital March t. Announcement of serness later by Cleuth-Barrlck chartL Jerome Beaar dent or Marlon, Ore. Puaeral announce- OBITUARY Saltm hoipltal U.ixb 4. Born Auiuit tt. 1171, la Btayton. Surrlvod T lf. Bttatl SUrtOQ of SUytoBt thro UathUrt, Un. ithtr simMoa of satu. wuh. &nd Ml Btttr BUyto And Win aOnnor Bunon, bom of Ban Jom. CaUf.t iU(Tt. Nu aunoo of SUrtoa, Xthtl UeCo(tr of OorrtUlia, llrt. Oftthtrln Baktr of Unt Btxh. ctJIf., and Un, utt rroahmadtr and Mra. Harbart Btaad. both of t: and on brothar, Clifford C. BUytOD of sHarua. Vtinaral aaTTteaa vlu ba held wtatarda. March T, at S y.tn. at tha Wad dla dfnntNU noma with Kav. Olan Ver non of tha Church of Chrlit efflelatlnv. Inttrmant will ba la tha Lona oak saaia-tar-. Mra. Mh4W BoaahaMB Urton Ura. Mauda Xaauchamp. Wad- aaiday at a Bale in hoapltai. Bora Febru ary a, lau, jn tha Bathal community of Pout county. Ortcon. Paat worthy matron of Acacia chapter. OEBi put nob la arand of Bva Bbckah lodsa; pact pratldtnt of tha Burton Woman'a dub. Bunlvad hy huiband. Dr. Harry A. Baauchatnp of atayton and to raa niacaa and two ! phawa. Funeral lamcaa win ba held Bun day, llarch a, at I p.m. at tha Waddla Funeral home with Rev. Glen Vernon of tha Church of Chriat offlelatint. Berncea at the chapel alo by tha K at tern Star. Interment will bo la tha Lone oak ceme tery. fee Themea aiWertoo Joe Thomaa, M, Teteran of World Wore I and H, died Thttraday nlfht la tha Portland vetcranc facility. Ho had been raaldcnt of Bilrertoa for many yeera and wai a member of Delbert Rearea poit No. 1. American Leclon. Ha waa bom In South Dakota. Survived by widow. Henri etta or Biivertoa and a brother and rater In South Dakota. Military funeral ecrrlcee will ba held at tha memorial chapel ni tha Bkman funeral homo, Sllverton, at 1 p.m. Tueiday, March 10 with Rev. Ar thur Charles Batea offlelatint. Final litaa in WlHametto National cemetery, Fort taad. Maa Frank TOnkava Dallaa Max Frank Tankava. who waa born September 14, 191.1, at Lebanon, died Marcn la tnat city. Ha la aumved by hia paraata, Lawnnce and Dorothy B Tenkava, a brother. Cory I. Teakavai liter, Irene D. Tenkava; arandparenta, Mr. and Mra. Ivtaz F. Tenkava of Virginia, neorH mr. and Mra. Byrma O. Haw of Monmouth, and f reat-f randmotheri, Mra. Delia New of Monmouth, and Mra. Beuie Shallenbartor of Monmouth. BJeirlcee will bo satttrday at 1 p.m. at the Bo .man chapel la Dallaj with interment at DaDaa cemetery, Rev. Toha Haeb offlciatlnv. afJberl Bdward Bela-ee Albany Albert Bdward Holmaa. ti. tired farmer, who had lived In Ai for ST jroara, died at hit homo aaar hero inmair, His oarenta. Mr. and Mra. Francis Holmaa, among the earliest pio neers af this community, took up a do nation land claim la North Albany, where some or hit relatives still live. Tha fun- oral will bo at tha Fisher Funeral homo Saturday, at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be la mvoraida earn etc ry. Mr. Holmes waa born in orand Valley, Ontario, Canada, and had lived at the RFD No. $ address since tu-riflnt hero. Ha married Laura Bailey la Albany May a, looo. the died May I. S1. Burvlvlng the deceased are four children, Mrs, Margaret Borden, Raymond L-, and Kenneth L., ell of RFD Ho. 4, Al bany, and Bdward B. Holmaa, Portland and xi grandchildren. fsrUa Sahmaltt aft. Angel Martin Schmalta, 17, died Thursday la Portland. He had been a wi den! of St. Joseph home for the tted for the pest alt rear. Bom Dec I. lltl in Rua la and married Oct. 10. 1MI. Came to tha O S. la March, IMa and Used la Berwick, II D. nntu Oct. 111! when tha family came tt att. Angel ta lira The wife died starch 1,, lptd. Surrlrors rneludt two deuthters, Mrs. Slgmund Bachmeler of Wibaux, Mont., Mra, Joseph Bachmeler wf Portland: two anna, Ralph of rortland and Conrtd at Mt. Angel, l grandchildren. Funeral terrlcee at till a.m. Mondey, Mtreh I tt SL Marra catholic church. Burial m calrary cemetery. Recltttloa of tha rourr I p.m. Sunday tt St. Mtry'a church. Ungar funeral home la eharge. Flrttv arc tribute of respect llOnClj for the departed, an expression of comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMI FLORIST 321 Court Dr. T. Lam. N.D. Or. O. Chi a, DKS. CHAN ...LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS DpsUirs. fil North Liberty Office open Saturday only, 10 a.m. to 1 pjn 6 to 7 p.m. Con sultation, blood Drecsurs snd urine tests srs free ot charge Practiced sines IP 17 Write lor attractive gift. No obligation SCHAEFIR'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75C TUK (With Applicator) Why tuffer th discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally. 1:U sjrt, I f.m Sondaja, t am. . 4 pjn. 135 N. Commsrcttjl tTET POKSALIHOUSU New Home by Builder IN ENGLEW00D DIST. 1 1 tr usee, nerd weed Beast, Urn Brrag ratea with fit pitta, aataataar elawra aad Bias. Madera kltahaa with aataral Oalea ee swear da. caataalant tintr ratea. Ta sale tad tad waalhaewtrrptaa. Attached alaattrad s erase. Atta, faroed-alr tU haak Led tttt MUlt. rared street and stdeaslk. LOCATED AT 116 H. 17TH ST. PRICE eJlO.MO F.H.A. TERMS ' PAT JARVlliL, BLDR. It CONT. FOR SALt HOUSES On BODSB It H. Sard, 1 HI a, tr twatr aew s aeareom attiaa. raumta wtta, tuatlaaa. hardwatd floors, huh widows ta Bed ream, teatat llfauai, alaetareel and aaattd car see, lawn, trees aad aaruke, 4d ft, Hallr bade a. was at act aad ewmpare. sat" $750 Down TO G.I. Tht tamer tf thtt dandy a.aedraam hoass la tha Waahtagtea acaool dlatrtot haa last reduced tha arlca vt 17, tat far aulek sale, Originally wrleed at M.lst. Then It ta saaldt atlUtr room aad at tached tarata. Htat l IB W. The home hat apnrtxtautel M0 mart rati. CM Mr, Bamaar Bowl MURPHY & KENT REALTORS Ut Berth Church Mions 4-1MI arraa. and Son day i Baauar 4-ltn atT TUST LISTED A home raa will want ta tat. Rere't A home you will want tt tea HSRS'B WHY 1 1 Bat wall-to-wtll carpeting la llrlng nam aad dlntng ran, fireplace, OB dishwasher and dlspaaal onlt ta kitchen, fuU htsemeat with tttt. all furnace. S Bedrooms, gead school Jeee tiM. JtXflT tlAada. OHM ART tt CALABA, RLTRS. 43t court St. ratat 14111 - atnt tM No. 23rd St. Owner merlnt te tht tttmtrr. Mutt tall thla Btraly t-aadream htuta with fall haaamaat. Bouse la akwut S rears aid aad la la excellent eca allien. Located ta pared street with atdewelka tad aura. Loralr temcad Back lawn witn fruit trees. Also a smart greenhouse ta rear. Large llrlng room with fire place, dining room, roemr kitchen with hreakftat space, hath with Ule trim. Ante, oil furnace ta dry basement. An opportunity ta Buy thla type tt house doaan't coma tot tttea. Let ut thaw you thla. Priced tt enlr 111, tat. Abrsms, Bourlsnd tt Skinner 411 lUSORIO BUILDIHO Beat Bstatt insurance attrttait Loans l-tllt Brenlnte: S-4TM tit GI $450 Dn. SS new S-bedroom houses, with full btsement Out Stste Street, Vi mile past 4 Corners. $8,999 $32 MONTH Office at Project. Phone 45790 tu sututntUMMg BOMB, baaament and fire place, apeeloua irounds. Beu or trtdt tor amaller home. Ph. Milt. tl LESALS HOTICS Or 1NTBNTION TO IMPBOn WfLDWIND DBIVE KOTfCB HER KB T IS arVIN that tht Commoa council or the city at etaiem, Oregon, detmt It necessary aad expedient tnd hereby declsree 1U purpoet tad In tention to lmnrove WIuywnfD drivb, from tne anas una af Hlth Street ta tha wast line of aunt- mar street. In tht City at Salem. Marfan county. Oregon. it tht expense af tha abutting tod ad jacent property, except tha atreet lnter- asctlonl tna expense wi wnicn wui wa as sumed by the City af Salem, by bringing said atreet tt tht established trade, prt yldjn, dralattt, ttnttnictlnt cement con crete eurba. aad paring aald portion at aald etreet with a SVb Inch aiphaltle con crete paremtnt It feet wide, la accord ance with tnt Plana ano apeoiiicationa therefor which wort adopted by tht Com moa Council pabrutry 11. Hal. wbleh art new as file In the elflce of tut city re corder and which br thla reference thereto an made a part hereof. Tht Commoa Council htrebr declared lit purpose tad Intention to make tha above daacrtbed Inv prOTim.nl by aad through tha atreet lav prorement department. Writtaa nmoa.tranot aetlatt tht above proposed Improvement may be filed with tha ally recorder at any tlmt within tea dan after tha final publication of thla notice br tht twaera tf tht property ef fected. By order af att Commoa Canaan ret- marr , llu. AfARSD letneDT. City Baetrdtr Data tf first publication hereof la Pet. al. Data tf second publkettoa Merch e. Data of final publication March 14. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING MACBINSS AU makes used macblnat sold, rented, repaired. Baas, 4fS Court, Ph. l-flTI. BULLDOZINO Bulldoalnt road, aleartnt teeth. Virgil Huakoy. Mil Patrvlew. Ph. 1-1141. tdt CAIB BSGISTSBS Inatant delivery tf aew BCA taah ret letere. All maket, sold, rented, repaired. Boca. 414 Court, Ph. 1-CIT1. a DBSSaMABIBO Aluratlona, hematltchlna, kitten, bucklet tovtred. buttonholes. Mrs. B. M Allender, 1-Hll. alo DBIYINO DftTBUCTIOIf Uara to drive tha "Xasr Dries" war. CaU tr tot Mr. Blektrd. falley Meter Ce Salem. Phono lam or tine, a' SXCAYATDfO Bea Otjon J Son. Bacavatlat, land cleannt. Phone I-Jose. irtdlnt, aad' INOMTBIAL YBUCBS Pork-lift trucks. Inside tnd eu tilde work. Hytter, Clark. MeBlls Ufa. loot tnd 4000 lb. maehlnet. By day, week ar month. Ph. 13414. capital city Trans fer, a" IKIULATIOW Insnlttlon. weathentrtpa, screen.. Ptaa aatlmatat. T. PuUmta. Phoat J-lttt. adte MATTBsaasa Capitol Beddtae, raaovataa. PuB line aew atttreasaa. Ph. I wee. opncB yxaNTTtjaa a sirpruss Dash ahalra, fUea, filing tuppllta, eelee, dopultcetora, auppllat, detk lampt, type writer attada. Itoea, 464 Court, e SSPTIC TAMBS Bamel't aeptlt tank, alaiaed, Una atrv- let. Ouaraateed werk. Phoat 11404. tree Mike's Septal Service. Ttnkt tletned. D' rooter cleana eewera, dralat. Phone I-I44S. BOS" Sewer, aeptta taaka, dralat tleauod. B. te-Rooter Sewer Service. Pntat I-WI7. TV Sales, Service. Antenna. An. Phoat a-ltn WINDOW CUtANINO "B sb S" Window Claaatrt, palat acraw- tne. floor waxing and eeneral tervlea Ttaeldra-lela eat special tr. oe anywhere. Ph. I-Tt.'l. sal Asata Wtataw Oeaa.ra. thdnatrlal flawr wanna, bo asee taeniae, pboae l-iill. 141 Ceurv oe TYPSWBfTIBS Smith, corwna. Bemlattoa, Royal, Da derwewS parttMta AM makes weed eta. iblan Btptln at twat Seem, aet Cwart s. roauu Houses FOR SALE HOUSES 750 DOWN dead UcaUaa, good Igs. let, l-BB. Baaee. Baada some reaalr, eleee ta rshwtl da kua. Thla hat paaatklBtlee. tea par month, lotal prtot 144. CaU PACKT MeTAIlUAiro. Burt Picha nt v. arirk sc. Bras, ssii Off. 1-4041 . OI t4M DH. It MBW t-BaltOOat HOOSBS, WITH FULL BABB14BKT. OUT STATB aJTBXBT. V. aOUi PAST 4 OOBlfBBaV. U tet tu MOernt OmCB AT FlttMBCT, PBOHB tM ett KEIZER . 1. Terr w.n kept t-aadream Itenn with attached s arass and tencad-ra Back yard. Lawns shrubs an la. Bt flalat ta do. Just move la. Located aa Clark St. at.OOt. SO down. I. Haw 1-aedroom hoaaa win ha torn pitted la tt atys. Automatic wall I urn ace. flraplaee, attached ttrefe, Bdwd. fin. Located aa Thurmaa atrstt. Price Is a. 000, amy nut down. I. lKdlerr house an aerner tt DatrkarB as Lowell streets. Bdwd. fleara. all fur nace, Una laundry roam, kitchen, dl aetta, lares Utuuv raom. Bash. Baom far Bedroom upstairs, daublt s eras a, lawn, fruit tree. Owner asks lio.ett. Make at ta attar. 4. Lorely l-Bedroom hatnt ta Mtakrla O ardent aa lares lot. Cempl.trly itadV aeaped aad laara aad thruba an ta. IHnpltew, automatle all furnaoa, hdwd. fleara, attached ttrttt. Can Be aoM far ll.tot dawn. Total prist It lit. Ha, Abrsms, Bourlsnd a Skinner e)lt MASONIC BUILD IN CI Baal Bstatt Insurance Mertgace Loans ntat 1-tllT Breamts: aVdns tM OPPOSITB Baglawoad School, saw S baa room home, Auto ell heat, small lot.. tleSO. B. A. McOlaunia Reeltor, 444 Center St., l-atil, let. a-Ttal. asa 1 11, tat, bnouwoob Dlttrltt, d Bed rooms. Roman a net n replace, mahoaany naaellnt. Will sell furnished ar un furnlahed, lfU Jefferson. ttl SAC'BlrlcB by owner, I bedroom home. tentrally located, an if, list. all' S BSDBOOM home, flraplaoo, aaBurbaa oast, r. M. A. oamltment. Bear school tad but, low down payment. Ph. asm. ante LITTLS OB MOTBIHO dowa Casta 1- bedroom house aa fraction at acre South, near Sunnatdt echoed. Pull price l.tte. Ph. I-Mta. Call UN Bkktry further details. OLD KB TIPS BOMB oa Portland Bond. 11-ft. highway frontage, price IslM. Terma. 1-4331 an. Ml t-BOOM BOTjas oa larss earner lot. paved atreet, close fa trace school, junior high. Would eonatdor some trade. Pull pries tleoo. Ineulre at last H. th. UN tvenlnta. Ml 4-BSDEOOM at tleeplne porch, kwaament. tu turn ace. aieamatva out, pa. t-Tnt. Ml S-BOOM BOUSB for MM rwaaeaabla. In. tuln las Columbia- tal A BAROAIIf AT IHM l-bdrm.' homo la excellent eondltlea. Att, tarata, tu heat, lee. lot, ArfOTKBR VIKY OOOD BUT ' Attnetlva l-rm. homo with S large bdrms., att, garage, patio, good aondl' Won, lie. lot. Price only into. SBB OUR PTCTUKS OALLBRY OP OV-BIt 100 HOMB8 POB SALB, JOHN 1. DANN, RXALTOK 411 B. Hlsh Ph. d-lan Brs. S-I41I HI IfAPLBTON ADDITIONr-l-bodroom hours. isna living room, kitencn, bath, hard wood noon, floor furnace, attached tt raga with utility. Lawn, thruba, gar den. Scully I too. balance MOM. Pay ments III. Includes taxes tnd Insur ance. Wrltt Boa 4S7, Capital Journal. all II A. ROMS NW. I lnLBS, Salam phont Jk malL Plumbed, wired, l-bdrm. bouse, ItsOe. c. W. STUIXBR. Itealtor, salam. On. II Bdgewater. Ph. I-I9IT ar d-1111 alia nae DOWN and lll.ae per mo Smell eae- badroom beuee, hot water healer aad bathroom. eJll Helm ana Road. mil. all- PAI AMOUNT BILL lite Jehn St. S bed rooms, dtshwaoher, disposal, foil base ment. Phone 4-1114. set FOR SALE FARMS RANCHES ltdow IS acres set Pared read, aauth, with am l-B.R. home, all In walnuta and prunes. Win tschtntt far homa la Salem tf about aeutl value. Can BUBT PICHA. leoelt1 acres ta paved read, Berth, with flnt 4-B.R. heme plue dea. Haa alee aern and double ttrage. Thla place would meko a fine chlckea or etock rtneh. Call BURT PICHA. Ilt.tea M acres ef flat Mas ton Sot torn land with l.yr.-old flnt home, S acres af poechea V yra. eld, S aeraa themes, S acree boyasnberrlee. S acrea f liter ts. apples, eta. Awe t machine ohed full ef machinery. Including tractor, double dlse. ewltq mower att. for tractor, plow and power sprayer, alae lata wt laddera and ether eeulpment, tood wtll with sou at wtter. else yr. Break, til teat en aoeaunt af alokneis. Thle property mutt ba aeen tt tppieciete a traly eoad buy. Will take bouse la Selem aa part pay ment, call BURT PICHA. 1114001 atnt with l-B.R. home, tood kern tad tbleken htust, about s mllae from Salem. Oood well, also yr. creek. Owner wenta ta mors tt sMIeas. Cell BUrtT PICItA. Burt Picha Tit V. BUB St. Brae. 4-1 1U Xf. t-4041 bad Tail its area farm with eaalpmeat worth possibly lobee tea he aceulrad for only iMee dowa. Price lie toe. B A. McOlaufHa Reeltor, 444 Center St.. t-ttll. Bra, a-ttia. b FIRST TIME OFFERED Sickness forest ewntr te tall this tes te n ranch. B0 A. level plow land. Oood aolL Bat, railing, seeded te pattare. Boy. dered aad erne .to by tare etrtamt. Ir rlgetloa eaar. Some timber, BeaaUfal ranch home. Snd home for tenant hoaaa. Barn, poultry house. Improvements worth mora than asking prtoe. About SO mllae N B. ef Selem en eood eranl read Pall prtoe IX 001. win ttkt Salem l-Bdrm. heme as pert. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR ill s. nith Ph. Itsit Bis at-A. PABM. t-room modera boust aaar Bulene, llt.aoe. Trade for property near Salem ef etttl valwt. Pwrthar detella en Ineulry B. J. Touna. PL L Baa 10, Juactlea CItr, Oretoa. SIT 3 BEDROOMS, POSSIBLE 4 REAL ESTATE tti :: its' g WK SPECULIZK IN TRADES tkb MOBT EAcmwa. tu MOST UNulUiL, THB MOBT WSATKm AL, THB MOBT TAlsKHD ABOUT L1BTINO WB HAVB HAD Otf OUB BOOK FOB TBABJtw.-Hato'a UflBt aa yoe ltka It. The meat eawhaattnc yaa'vo over put your oyea ea. BweeMikt rlew that Urea yaa a gtlaWro of anoaTpaaaati aea.ty. ataetar aodrooma with a full oath att. to each. towUrldnal hviaa walk-la aioaaU. A lereiy dan. In aeMlteVsn U tha S fuU hatha there an t amtra ta hatha. A con ga room that'a awt af thla watid. An exteraerdlnary klttahen. A hate Uvlna room thai haa a ry mmunal flrevieM. 1 haa aa extra ftreylaee ta tha deluxe yarty laaea hi tha Hatiieaint. Oarata for S earn. BUhoralo wall to wall comte oTOrywbaro, Hardwood floora aoneath tha oaraata thai hare aever areea. walked aav. Hera, folka, thla la one yea hear naawt oat rarely have the aaaartunlty to aeo. Bhown fey attpeintmant oniT. The price oeuy aag.oao. on yea, wa atteeat f ergot, tt'e am a toit aalot atreet aad the lawm haa a ottrlngUna ayataam. IDEAL FOR KIDS 4 bedrowma la a choice location, l-rt. deep dry ssMaaatat. Furnaoa. nr. place. Baut wheat they realty dad tht lot, la aead wandlttea, at ywa need raom tad don't waat ta stake taw lane ta ta riitmant, ahttk that waa. Full Srke n.tot. A NEAT HOME t acaroomt an ova floor. Maaamaat. Man tag oil foie4-ttr farnaoo. FiraaUee. 1 yra. aid but ltw iuat Ilka tow. Quiet aa. Bpaeooa let. Ilmuaemllir alto land aeapln. Juat thhik, tha prko la eeUy 914.00a, CUTE l-aadroom home la Bnsl.wood slab Vttl far yea If you doa't Ilka tot much yard te aan for. Spotloeelr tleta. sa eutated. UUUty ream idjotalat kltahaa. Oarata Ntat yard. Pull pnea aaly aaao oali, poet ana. pioonta. am. pa. 4-4404. ar MR. CstAWPOBD. sTVB. PB. 4-sola. It aa aaawwr, wall d-ntt. BUSINESS BLDG. Income tits per ma. Mala bide. It aim cat new. Tory epacleus laa. Beam te build another bKar, haaaa, ar what Ban raw. Ptnplaot. Parking ana, Terma If dwalxwe, Pull prate earr lll,awt. INCOME BARGAIN Ita raav. Ob trivial, ana Surtax vhtoh haa 1 MNCtu lav 4paeh mull. Ona S-fcalra9L. hoorta. a 4aMa raiavsaa 1 attwla. Bxtra kMf. ratita. f or $U par b.0. Vary larta lot. Xaeoraa whan txia plttad, ISM ar Ovnar laavhu auta. DaliTara4 ta rour cawtid anly tat. Thla ta ctaaL SERVICE STATION Mat ta aalatm, tut vary vroaparoua MmBuaitya rurcnaaa imea incL atatioa. noma ana rapalr ahop. Lani list of toe la IK Mtiipmantw AdvtrtUM atellna. Do tnf Trr rcvod kiulBaai. Tama. afvUl prlaa ra.aot. CAXaL FOR DAN MelAK. WfM. PS. It m anawar, aau 4-3241. 10 GOOD ACRES Isaac than S alias from eltr. 4 aeraa anaaiagTlaa. Soma vatauta and prusaa. i-ataoom httm stall, tn nai. Chkttaa beuta and work abop, Oootl wall and praatura arstam. Waiklnt dta tanoa to alty bus. Traator and ail ua ahlnary foaa for 97150. Conatdar avap z or a or a-oatuoom noma. REAL HOT M teroa with IT vndar oultUaUoa. Soma tlmoar. arr ffood homa built In 41. M by 40 bam, anlakon hoaaa. uaahlao ahad. t aeraa aaaabarrloa. Chtrry, appla, primaa, paara, paachao and t ant traaa. Aa mattar of fact, thla la a natural and IdatO. sUklni. prtec la only 10, W. 3 ACRES BltSr. tita, oloao ta north. BxtTa cood Will. aUt wlL Oood road, rrioo U only 5 ACRES BldsT. alts. Wonderful view. II mm atae from downtown Salem. Pull price only 11000. CAU, POB SIB. LsUVBMS, BVZ. PH. J-47js. if Bt answer, tall d-jata. MORTOAOS LOANS It-Year Maturity A Isaak Co., Realtor Offloe Phoati: 4-1111 tr l-Tllo 1119 PORTLAND ROAD Bvt. Phones: I-41M. 4-14,4, 4-UM tr Mill If at tnswtr, phont 4-HII WE NEED 110,000 to $20,000 HOMES SEVERIN REALTY 11 TSARS OP SATISFACTORY SSRYICB NOB HUX Thla prewar-built home, Baalish style, ehoutd bo Juat about perfect for a fam ily with school children. It la located claae to all schools. Bua tnd ahopplat. Llrlng room with flreplen. Dining room with bullt-tna. Don or bedroom and pretty kitchen 1st floor, a nlct-tlsa bodroome and bath aad floor. The beet but, heat. Oaraat end lovely landscaped aarasr lot. Only Ill.tOO; about 4Me will handle. CANDAXAFtIA LOCATION PR1CB BB DUCBD OVBR flOOO Charm and traeloua llvlnt la this lovely coloalal heme that yea stay ewa uader appraisal value. Large cheerful rooms, central en trance hell Medina direct te kltchea, yea don't have te walk thru ether rooms to open the front door. Dowaetalra alto oontalne lent living rm., tmplt dlntni room. The kitchen la daaltnad to tar. tha drudgery tut tf feedlnt that lovable family ef yours. Tea, there la a bnek faat hook, toe. Par the man ef tha house, then la a comfortable dea. Batra lent btlllty raom. Upsttlra then trt S Itnt bedrtonas, a nursery tnd Con tinental bathe, CI oasts tad to race specs tnat will dental every wife. 1-ear ae ' rait with ttorata overhead. If yon an looklne for a duality homo at below today'a market, rour inspection ef this nermint homt should eome flnt. Ilayiie. Terms, APARTMENT BOUSB In th"pplnt center, ll furelahed alte. Reu U with eaceptloaal poa albllltlaa for future etrnlnti. 111,001 htndlte. COUNTRY BOMB Oat af tht better beam, as Idem ea the market. Located among lovely trees. Lane llvlnf room, dining room, and the pleeet kitchen end hook. Hot paint dish washer el nk. s badrooatt tnd room for S men tf wonted. The eatlrt baeemeat rmianea. Bummer kitchen, laundry, btth. and a lent knatty Mat raerea. Ilea room with flraplaee. Bast ef heat. Double Insulated and weethorstrtewed. l-ear earatt aad tool abed. When rot tee It yen know that It la worth tha mower, a good bur at 111,404. WALNUT PARK. 4 BKDlOOMA Banish architecture. I kedreomt tad bath down. I bedrooms tad bath up. Lartt llvlnt tad dlnlnt room. All floon earpeled with tiles per yard earpettae. Platshed baeemeat tad S-ear earaee. Hen la e fine homa built an. wtr, with bawl material. It It yean for aeder east, iii.tot. Substantial aaert- eaee eaa ee arrantea. LITTLE PARM MOafB I1 acree of ttrdea, fruit, trapea. duck pond. Well-bulll homo af t ma II la located eleee ta tad eaa be pawn iwr emir fii.aee. tbt am. Sevcrin Realty Co. II B. BkfB - 4-MU Bvet.l l-tetl Mr. SUani l-lltl Mr. Moea l-Tttl es aa'wsMiJui Capitstl Jwiurf. SaUf. Ortgotay Fridmr, lUrtk lt&WlT REAL ISTATI EASTMORELAND TmmadUta seaatttlf eaa he had an thai ksvely baaee ta tali keeatlrut ellatrlwt ef Has hemes, t lane beitreama. Uvtas iweat with ttrewlaae, hard wood fleeea. kltahaa tad Beak, taaldo atlUtp room, sane attached tar see 414x11), fse.it air all furnace. kwMtlfa! lawn and many ahrmea. Loaalad aae Bared atreet, near tehee! tad only a taw steps to tttp bat. Thla hsaae at prteed far aulek sale, ae aet sew. Ill, laa, Dewa paymeat M aaly easts. CaU as. , DUPLEX aide hp tide. Case apt. ooaaplotely furnlahed. Bteh haa IMas rwaaa, t badroore, kltahen, bath. Located an Lee at, with allay at nay. pew kernel aa sets atdta. woi anna use par pvtnth rent. Prasad at 111.10. ill MASOPnc BUXLLMNO ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER Phsae: 1-tllT 4 CORNERS DISTRICT cute 1-kdrm. anmt ea 14 A. Biee. ante heater, wind tar raaga. law tuaa. Oa bat Bat. Balsa t garden and keep a few ahlekns here. Kite. Terms. . . HIGHLAND DISTRICT Sl aM dewa win stave raa rate thla well-bum Vbdrm. hsaae. BaL fjes aae. Baa bdwd. fleer, ofl flocc furaaoe. CwatMer tradtae ewulty est eerette ea arellet hauee. LESLIE DISTRICT Buy awaar-t eealty aad take ever 4 leea ea balance. S-kdraa. hoaaa r'TM lm.riV" tao,w- Out Sat haa. Bam. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT ' ; Btrety pre-war Butith type beasalew. d bdrme. pun ksiamaat. New ea fvraate, tarrttr fetVeed back yard. Ill, tee. Terma. . CLOSE TN, NORTH a Bdrms. aad asa. Lent dints rasaa. Pull baseman t, ett fuaaee, l-oar ear saw. Lovely laadaeaped yard. Jus pelee lll.ioe. rerma. . A. A. LARSEN, Realtor HI B. Blsh phi. iim ami mam Bvaa. and Sunday Gfabenhorst Specials BBAT l-BORM. ROM a Bnglewood district. Ut. rm. with ftreptaoe, dta. raa. with Prtaah deore Hatdlae te eette, bath, kltahaa with Beak. Auta. ed tooed-elr furnace, alealy laa decapod lea. A seed war at 1 14, tea. CALL d. B. LAW, SIT gtTMAN Oaaw. SABOtx-I, eTaTfOKBlts-Cuta Cape Cod home. S bdrms. plat aa tiaiahed attie. Plrsalaoa. Lib. let. tnat. call ptrrBB a OsDsari, salbs- BUSTKsawl PROPBRTY Laeated porth ett Portland highway, Saw-fs. IXTJSSimXSJf- i! ! "e Piece ef pi item. . call o. H. ORABKNHORST, tu, CO-OP. BsVOaTJOl . ppBS HI farjarjRBAN Phre yean eM, I bdrms., anflnlabad wpetarra, hdwd. fin. fireplace. Teneuan bllnda, AtUchad dklt, saraae. Law. resawa) yard with patio. CALL H. B. LATMON, SALSUIAB -aw. aara, iwaaew TOSJTX BB PROTJD To OWN thla taatiewt Uta-buUt home attaated tt tht BsTelewood eattrtet. Three dellghtrul bdrme., aaptrate dla. rm., utlUtw tm. fireplace, hdwd. tin. 111.004. CALL PXTSB B. OBtSBH, snaawia, GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Uberty St. Ph. t-HN arrealntt Si Semlays ten at Law l-llll Pater Oeteer S-SMS W. at. Laymeai I -MM MEET ME TODAY! You'll definitely want to see this brand new S-bedroom ', home for f 12,900. YES, it has dining space, plus nook AND -piped oil heat, fireplace too. Large suburban lot included. DON'T BE SORRY YOU v a lb A-iLJ Lee Ohatarl O.I. HISSED THIS BARGAIN Coma In and ask for Ralph Mtddy. down ferment, balance llkw rant, town. Immediate possession. TKSRV IB PLRASANT LXVTNO la thlt attrtctlvt l-badroom home, south. Lerse llvlnt room and dlnlnt room, alee flraplaea handy kltohen. Inside utility, foreed-nlr furaaoe, - fenced-in yard, ttted includes tula, washer aad draperies la Uvtas news. Set Henry Torvead, f -BEDROOM BOMB NORTHEAST . SUBURBAN No better value earwhen. New, lit plumbing, forced-oil heat, separate utility, ready now for you 1 1 114,101. Call L. Lor ana. PARM SPSCIAL 1 acres, north, loam ten, all la cultivation. II A. borrlee, S A, eibbaae for seed, Irrleation, weu pump tad pint, toad 4-eedreoen homa Total price sll.aoe. Aenatt eaa be had without buUdlns. Saved veed eat S aadet. oaa bt eubdlvldad. OHMART & CALABA. REALTORS air ueurs an. Brai Loula Lorena 11 see Ralph Tad Morrison 14044 FOR SALE LOTS $10. DOWN Good soil. Water piped to lot Electricity. Build without per mits. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE tol south Hlth Street Phone 1-lloS Phoat evenlnea: 4-1411. 1-llta, J-4I1I, 4-UII, 1-1144 line LOTS tax tax, at restr lotions, till, lid Da, lie e Me. a-tail. Bra, a-eeia. teat. BT ownbb mum ft. Its dewa, 111 month. Phone ettn. teal RIAL ESTATE llttlt mill tiiiiiti atiiHii flttllllllt ItlllllltS Farms Homes ItltllllllMlllltlllS llttlttlll II lltlttllll llltltll II lUttltl mi as min at SULLIVAN ttte down I acne Berth with a bedraom bouee. Beleace partblt III a month. Thtt la s lot batter tnaa paymt rent, et.lse. aTLVTRTON ROAD Another l-eed room with aomt ftnUhlnt te do. 1141 ae. ft. hen. Lartt Inalde utility. Owner win take ear at pan aowa. ts.ewa. BLBL'l'HTO A VENUS Three kedreomt. eparate dlnlat room, knotty pint dea with fireplace. Outside barbecue. Price nelsdet automatle washer, dryer and dlshwaaher. CMae te sow South Salem Hlsh SchooL llt.lsO. Se4S TEW sTTUfST Very fine 4-kad-room home. Dea, separate dtalne room, llaSO llrtne reotn. Owner WUI trada for a two-bedroom house. Thlt la eae ef the best proptrtlet tatttd today. 111,000. WTLLAMsTTTB SILT ew-ten Berth BeweU term thtt It a real money-maker. All la cultivation tnd eauipped for sat oot can Mr. Zltaewltt. ph. 1-1111. II ACRES aetr eVllvertoa, Owner at m aad mutt move te the tlty. If you have a home la Salem tp te Iio.om end went e farm, thla la eettalnlr t wonderful opportunity. 131.000. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR till Portltnd Road Ph. 4-4411 Ph. Bvea.1 l-lltl. I-1041, 4-1111, 4-net, I-4TB4 CM To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 RIAL ESTATE pa. aeeai Rudy Calake See thu home. Buy it with a small cheep taxes, loceted tbt edge ef Meddy 114M Phone Mill 14111 Hsnry inrrend liaxa REAL ESTATE YOUR NEW HOME!!!! SIM dews. Outstanding hut any Umlte ea paved street tad oeeew te hua. s k till untie laree dtaatte, a waas derful kltthaa. All hard wood fleert, PU monlb. P.K.A. i BssocD.nl with dea with frraplaaa. Bedrooms, wonderful IMas reoaa wltei Una fireplace. Lane kltahaa. All hardwood noon. aUehltad dUtrtct, Paved atreeta, eawer. ally wtter. PHA terpsa. ett per asaeth. i I1MS down fey l-badreoaa with waa. derful view. Lent living reeea. Vena dlnlnt room, double strata, Inside alty. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Stl Beaut mt h fltreet phono 1-em Phone evte. 4-1111, 1-1 Ml, 1-4171, i-iaet elt NELSON BUILDING VIEW LOT Beautiful btdaT. alte lee a Its fa Crest, vl.w eddltloa. Illod. lets dn. CaU Mra. Waetten. MAKE OFFER Owner aan ten ftlrlp aew 1-bdi homo with lent kit. atlL m, tar- fa.t-trtwlne MeKlnley district. Listed Hist. ,ieoe da. call btrt. weettea. NORTH Waal reeea te breather Then la pi aaly ef room la thaee S bdrme. Ill x l) aj kit. (ll a II). Attractive, restful living na. with fplaet. Yea, elee, aUeh. wanner as etrbatt disposal te else. Lee. lot TI x ill, all toy I It. toe. Call At. Watts, a-nea. OWN AN APT. HOUSE S TSARS OLD These five, aae-Bdnn. rurntahod apis, with terteee, alwan rented, will bring tares ten snt, SN .ooo. can Mr, Schmidt. TWO 1-BBDROOkS BOMBS Opportunity ta. earn S mederS atae. tared hornet ea S full lota, a dble. earaee. eoodlaed lota, lit to Highland school, one fog ITtae, aTUST listed ACRBS SOOTH Walnata, eherriea at pruaee. Lrvanle l-bdrm. home. toOOt, ites dewa, Can Mr. oauether. WANTED Wt run s cash buyer looking f or 1 te I etna with house tad some kldaa. (Mil Mr, O allaa her. NELSON & NELSON arrcTALisTNO rbaltorp) toi b. High st, pa. s-astt Journal Want Ads Pay