Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 06, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    II Capital Journal, Sakn, Orcron, Friday, March , 19SS
: Loacfaf Gun 67 Introduced
Aa expected, loaded fun bill hat been Introduced In the
legislature. The effect of th bill, If patted, would be to prohibit
carrying a rifle or ahetgun with live ammunition in the mag a
. tine, in cart or other conveyance! on public roada or highways.
"Conveyance" la a term general enough to Include bone, bi
cycles, wagona, etc., a well aa earl. The existing law defines a
. loaded gun as one having live ammunition in the breach. The
new law would alter the definition, so that no ammunition could
' be carried in the weapon in any manner. Offhand, there seems
little that Is objectionable in the bill. We think that few people
of good sense would carry a loaded gun In their cars in the
first place. However, there will be opposition to the bill, more
on principle than on the merits of this specific measure. One of
the traditional rights of Americans has been to bear arms, ana
opponents of the bill will state that this is just another step In
the direction of forcing citizens to register their sporting weap
ons. This bill, of course, goes nowhere near that far, and we feel
there Is no great cause for alarm.
It wonld seem that eenaervatloa interests have won a
round In the Peltoa dam controversy, though It is too early
to be sure. However, indications are that the Pelton dam
bill, when and If it eemes eat of committee, will be turned
down till very little of the erlfina! bill is recornlsable. The
right of appeal from decisions of the Hydroelectric Commis
sion will very likely still present, bat there has been little
real opposition to this.
Game Law Enforcement Bill Still Live Issue
Apparently, the bill to place game law enforcement in the
bands of the Game Commission is not such a dead pigeon as has
been commonly supposed.' There will be a public hearing on
March 19. A possibility exists that the bill wlU come out of
committee soon after, and the support Wat will do raisea in ivs
behalf will surprise a great many people, wno nave aireaay writ
ten this bill off as defeated.
Steeihead are still being taken on the coast, and lacking
rain, this weekend should be good. The season closes March
IS, and most steelle anglers will be fishing right op to the
end. Incidentally, quite a few nice cutthroat trout are being
taken on the coast, many rannlng sixteen and seventeen
Bass Fishing Begins
Early-bird bass fishermen are already In evidence on the
Willamette. Some big bass, in the three to five pound class, are
being netted. Bill Boyer and Bob Singleton, both of Salem, have
been successful in recent days. Consensus of opinion favors the
use of deep running plugs at present As the water clears and
warms, surface lure will account for many fish. Though the
stood bass fishing is still a couple of months off, now's a good
time to get In practice for some excellent, close to home fishing.
Three Huskies,
Two Ducks Gain
ND All-Stars
Seattle m Washington and e
Oregon player dominated the
Pacific Coast Conference North
ern Division all-star basketball
team announced here by PCC
Commissioner Victor O. Schmidt
Thursday, with three Huskies
and two Ducks getting nods for
starting berths on the mythical
Heading the list of Northern
Division cage talent was ah
America Bob Houbregs of the
University of Washington, who,
a a center, cracked the PCC
coring record this season with
404 points in IB loop games.
Houbregs, along with Oregon's
Chet Noe, a forward, was a un
animous choice for the first
team. It was the second time
Houbregs was named to the all'
star team, being named last
Rounding out the first team as
selected by Northern Division
coaches were guards Joe Cipri
ano of Washington and Ken
Wegner of Oregon and forward
Doug McClary of Washington.
The second team: Forwards,
Dwight Morrison, Idaho, and
Pete M'jUins, Washington State;
center, Hartly Kruger, Idaho;
and guards, Mike McCutchen,
Washington, and Ron Robins,
Oregon state.
Honorable mention went to
Tom Tlynn and Bruce Mcintosh,
Idaho; Ed Halberg, Oregon; Tony
Vlastelica. Oregon State; ana
Charlie Koon, Washington.
Aaeeelat4 STee efelee Writer)
The "Head Hairicaa" Is
blowing ap a atom eat West
again. It may mean that Clint
Bartang, the meat pabUelaed
rookie to com mmt f World
War n. It finally gemg to snake
the grade.
Hartung, Immediately dubbed
the "Fneenom" when he show
ed up at the New York Giants'
Phoenix camp in 1147. hung
around with the Giants for five
yetr without ever living up to
mi service reputation as the
Satch Paige
Underhand Toss
San Bernardino, Call! V-
LeRoy Paige, the timeless Satch
el of the St Louis Browns, 1
working on another pitch to be
devil the opposition. Satchell
Is developing an underhand, or
submarine, pitch.
Rubber-armed Satch doubtless
Is thinking of the future, when,
for instance, he gets to be an old
man if he ever gets to be an
old man and needs this style of
delivery to fall back on.
Baseball hat seen many an old
timer add a few more year to
hsl career with the submarine
Paige, of course, would be the
last to admit that he' anywhere
near the old man stage. The fact
that the club roster shows him
to be a mere stripling of 45, or
the possibility that he might even
be at old as Jersey Joa Wal
cott, fazes Satch not a bit
"Sooner or later my fast ball
will slow down a little to I flg
ger maybe this new underhand
pitch will come In handy" Paige
Actually, on a give pitch, there
Is certainly nothing alow about
SatcheU'a fast ball.
Just think what Old Satchell
did for the Browns last year.
He won 12 games. He "saved"
10 more, and he figured in 34
percent of all the games Marty
Marlon's young team captured
during the season. He struck out
Bl batten to lead the pitching
staff in this important depart
ment Wulf Leads Soph
Teams in Scoring
With 152 Points
Bob Wulf, with 18J points,
led the Salem Sophomore bas
ketball team in scoring during
the recently-completed season,
Phil Burkland wa second
with 145. Other player over
the 100 mark were Neal Schei
del with 127 and Marv Rhine
with 124.
A total of 18 player saw ac
tion on th team during the
The Soph team played against
junior varsity team from ouv
or schools in preliminary games
to the SHS varsity hoop con
The Salem Jayvee team com.
peted in the Salem City league
this season.
Soph scoring:
Bob Wulf 152, Phil Burkland
Husky-Bear PCC
Playoff Series
Opens Tonight
Seattle () Washington's
Northern Division basketball
champions square off Friday
night against the Southern Divi
sion titllsts, California's Golden
Bears, In the opening game of
best-of-three series to deter
mine the Pacific Cost Confer
ence kingpin.
The Huskies, paced by All-
America Bob Houbregs, whip
ped through a 18-game North.
ern Division schedule with only
one loss, to Idaho, while the
Bears took the Southern Divi
sion crown with a 9-3 record.
The Washington quintet which
rambled over the Callforlans in
two pre-season garnet here, hat
an over-all season record of 25
S. California's wat 16-8.
The second game of the series
will be played Saturday night
and the third, if necesary, Is
scheduled for Monday night
The winner of the series will
go Into the NCAA western re
gional playoffs at Corvallii,
Ore., March 13-14.
Graham 2-1
Favorite Over
Joey Giardello -
New York W Welterweight
Al MeGulre,
peppery de
fensive star of the professional
New York Knickerbockers
basketball team, wore this
plastic and leather mask when
he saw action recently. Me
Golre's Jaw was broken in an
automobile accident The In
ner supports are made of plas
tic; the outside of leather. (AP
Ready to Sign
Palm Springs, Calif. WV The
Seattle Ralniers' holdout pitcher.
Vern Kindsfather, is in camp
practically signed."
General Manager Leo Miller
said the club had offered a sub
stantial raise to Kindsfather,
who won 21 last year.
In an lntrasquad game Wed
nesday the Thomases beat the
Tobins 3-2.
Sports Car Owners
Will Display Cars
Lebanon Sports car owners
in Willamette valley are invited
to display their cars during Leb
anon s spring opening the eve
contender Billy Graham is a 2 ning of March 13 and on Satur-
to 1 favorite to beat middle
weight Joey Giardello at Madi
son Square Garden Friday night
and the veteran New Yorker
vows "there will be no doubt
about It."
'This time HI be so far In
front there won't be any room
for argument," said Graham,
loser of two split decisions to
the 22-year-old Phlladelphian.
"I ll win it big," aaid Gtardel
lo. "He'll have nothing to cry
about this time."
The three officials who will
work the fight certainly hope
they're right. It's going to be
tough assignment. Both boxers
are counter-fighters who prefer
to have their opponents do the
leading. And their fighting
stylet always are difficult to
The 12 rounder will be broad
cast and telecast starting at
p.m. (PST).
145, Neal Scheldel 127, Marv
Rhine 124, Herb Juran 73, Jim
Whltmlre S3, Dan Luby 23, Don
Zeh 15, Curt Jantze 14, Nick
Error 10, Jack Marshall 10,
Leneberg t, Olson 4.
1 never used such
PHONE 2-1162
Referees Named
For State Class
A Tournament
Portland The Oregon
School Activities . association
Thursday named six referees
for the state Class A high school
basketball tournament at Eu
gene March 17-21.
They are Ed - Wellnitz from
District 6, Frank O'Neil from
district 2, Ralph Harper from
district 9, Len Patterson from
district 15, Canny Echanis from
district 1, and Virgil Swanson
from district 14.
Bearcats to Be
Guests of Salem
Breakfast Club
John Lewis and his Wlllanv
ette university basketball team.
which tied Pacific for second
place in the Northwest confer
ence this season, will be guests
of the Salem Breakfast club
The club meets at 7:30 a.m.
at the Senator hotel, and all
male sports fans, whether or not
they are members of the club,
are invited to attend.
New Hoop Coach
At LA Loyola
Los Angeles ( Loyola Uni
versity of Lea Angeles ha ac
cepted the resignation of it bas
ketball coach, Ed Powell, and
named Billy Donovan, his i
slstant to succeed him on a one-
year contract
Powell .asked to be released
from the contract to accept an
other offer, the nature of which
was not disclosed tn Thursday's
am uneement.
Corrected tot TIt
fflMBllad ttm IT a
emrvtr. Fertlaai,
' Tim Hilitat
1:11 .m- S4
4 :ll p.m. 4.1
S:M a.m.
I:U p.m.
4:44 a.m.
T: p.m.
1:41 t.m.
1:0? a.m.
I ll p.m.
I:N a.m.
10: IT a.m.
4:17 a.ra.
10 :U p.m.
10:17 t.m.
11:1 p.m.
11 : a.m.
a OeeSetle
Lew watere
Time Heliht
14:14 e.m. 4.1
4:11 p.m.
11:11 e.m.
14:11 p.m.
11:14 p.m.
11:14 p.m.
11:44 e.m. 1.1
11:11 p.m. I T
11:ST a.m. 1.1
1:1 p.m. 4.4
1:11 a.m. 1.4
1:44 p.m. -1.1
1:11 em. t.l
4:10 p.m. -4.4
4:11 e.m. l.s
1:11 p.m. -4.4
1:11 t.m. 1.1
1:44 p.m. -0.1
4:14 a.m. 4.4
4:11 p.m. 4.1
day, March 14. Thla wlU be In
conjunction with a larger stock
car and farm implement show
ing. Location is on the Bank of
Lebanon parking lot
On the opening evening the
Crowfoot school band and that
of Lebanon high school will pro
vide music.
greatest pitcher line Walter
Johnson and th greatest hitter
tine Babe Ruth,
The Texas kid showed prom
ise in both directions. But the
Giant finally gave up on him
last spring. They sold nun out
right to Minneapolis of the
American Association. A good
minor league season earned him
another chance.
Th new Hartung 1 an out
fielder. At least be I hitting
Ilk aa outfielder ss expected
to, although his flehting still
favera th hap-hasard style
the kind that causes yea t
worry about the gay! Ufa
when a high fly come hi .direction.
Hartung was the bitting star
yesterday in- an lntrasquad
gam, driving home both runs
as the second-stringers blanked
the regulars, 2-0. He belted a
solid single and a lusty triple In
three tries. He almost got hit
in the head with a fly ball in
the field but he had the double
handicap of a strong crosswlnd
and a brilliant sun.
He doesn't figure to be the
brightest star of the year but it
may be that he' shown enough
improvement to hold a nice
steady job.
With or without Hartung,
the Giants have been picked
by a group of experts to fin
ish fourth in the National
League. This prediction came
at the annnal National Lea
gue dinner at Tampa, Fla.,
where club officials, manag
ers, coaches, sports writers,
photographers and broadcast
ers named their choices.
Brooklyn was picked to re
peat as the league champion,
getting 807 points to 701 for
Philadelphia. The Giants got
670 points and the St. Louis
Cardinals 811. Then came Cin
cinnati 376, Chicago 358, Bos
ton 307 and Pittsburgh 126. A
first place vote counted 8
points, second 7 points and on
down the line.
The same experts labeled
Cincinnati a th "most im
proved club since the close of
the 1952 season.'
There was nothing new yes
terday on the projected move
of the St Louis Browns to
Milwaukee except that Bill
Veeck, the Browns' owner,
aid he Isn't Interested at the
Other notes: Manager Paul
Richards of the Chicago White
Sox taid he still plant to tend
hit second-stringers to Arizona
for the opening exhibition games
this week-end dlspite loud pro
tests from the Cubi. . . . The
Boston Red Sox scheduled their
first lntrasquad game for today.
Rookie center fielder Jim
Pendleton, who figured in the
recent four-club National League
trade that tent Rust Meyer to
Brooklyn, hit two home runs
and a double for the Boston
Braves yesterday. . . . The Yan
kees indicated they probably
will try to peddle first baseman
Don Bollweg, last year's most
valuable player in the American
h mi. seae to aerlea, Bettr -
University Alleys
oosottacuL HO. 1
I (S) MUM 44T, aCeere 411.
Uorru 414. la 44S, D. isorm aw.
k h.u an. Brown 4T4.
Williams at, Bewerls He, Bxealet 441,
ruit.'Bleek (1) - Frock 444. DTbell
141. K. caaa 441, aallmt 1C. Out 404.
Baaaae OS SI Deeew 441, Mull 4T1.
Ditrka 414. Millar 444, Inland 444.
Seeeta Herekaat rattal (1) Doana-
wlrth 404. Bleak 444, Kllehta 404. OU-
mor .niawa aw. awt w w
Maa 404. Malm 444, Dim bat 144. Waanr
444. aulnka 404. .
Hatal Air raaUMp (4) Ball 444. ToSar
HI, Ralmaa 414, KntHltr 414. Htitlnu
47. Salim Iraa Warlu (a) Cardtlr 441,
Olbaon 441, Hartmaa 4M, Ptlca 411, rol
akr 414.
Wlllaaiaua Vauar BaaK (II Mtrreu
4. Hoop 414, AUhlra 414, Xckltram 421,
William, 411. Kar Waalaa Mllla (1)
ptitraoa 441. amuvaa 444, jamuaa 441,
tuti 444, Para 411.
V. r. w. (Sl Tiling 414. rourtntr
US, BannUUr 444. atmau 431. Wodit
woit 414. Watlara Fapar ID U Kutb
Itr 404. Andrtira 111, J, KuabKr 494,
Marrli 400. real 411.
Hlah lml. iini and aerial Jack Da-
bow. naBdla oil, 144 and 441. Hlih taam
tame and atrtaa Hindi, Oil, 444 and
Capitol Alleys .
Waat Salam Lmmaar Ca. 4 Ntltan 491,
Brian 441, Boai 441, Smith 444, Carr U:
Salt Smaka Ska (4) Torteton 441. D.
Torteaon 314, Cbarrltutan 414, a Tertaaen
144. Latotikr 434.
aaara Hamarta (B)' carrar 141. Hardlni
144. Krauaa 444, Ochaa 444, Welia 111;
VaUar Oil Ca. D McKlmtna 491, Lain
33. Vaital Ml, Warnar 441, claiutn 411.
aara craruaaan (41 ecrateb 494. Mrtri
4TO, Dytr 414, Stook 444, Dim 411: Saara
Kaamara (1 Rlahl 491, Kltln M4. Thamp-
aon 404. Cook 919. Morrla 411.
rtrataa OaM (1 Howall laa. atrma 441.
Kauta 444. Anion 444, Larky 49; Saaala
(II HlUpot 414. Walrrenaa 434. Irtaaaard
444. Otort 311, Stermioa 311.
HlBk taam aarlaf. aaara Craftiman. uoa:
blab taam i ama, Saari Kanmora. 414; blab
ma. mm, Han Mrara, 410; blab Ind. same,
Manna Krauaa, MS.
SkaUaa'a Caataa (4) Chamberlain 371.
Pollnakr 441, Curtla 143, Prima ITT, Olbb
434; Seaiur Betel 4 S:olt 494, Gartner
43T. Llndaer 444, Maellbanpt 414, Adolpb
Oaed eaaekeepamr S Otoer 414, Al
krlca SOS, oarttner 144, Schmidt S44, Poa
aehl 414; luteaeaaa (1) Bower 3M, Xlte
mirier 14s, White 411, Upataii 444, niches
Caaeb'p Itaak Raaae (4) KraJel 447,
Scbroeder 444. Halaen 414. Clark 441. Oar
barlne 4441 Oapteard Cafe (1) vittone
117. Olodt 407, Balaai 144. Paaaa 404,
Zwlcker 4 ft.
Bek Lawleaa Sfaaena (4) Thrnah 434, Law
la" 444. Wherler 474, Carr 414, Venderheof
441; Salem Narteatlea (4 Millar 111,
Macker 404, Colrln 444, OallaUn 131, Fen
nr 474.
Ma tar Bread (1 Merrell 177, Monner
319, Heme 174, Meola 414. Herman 171:
Bradler Meata ! Doerfler 443, Lowrr
391, Bund, lis, Bradley 414, Lltke 440.
taaak Bealtr Ca. McSlhaner 414,
arena 414, Puth 174. Black 344, Kennedy
111; Beadle Oil (II Ant ore 174. Bran
lKlie lie. Butt 144, Stalder 414. VanDell
Hlah taam same. Chnck'a Steak Horn,,
S44; hlah team aerlea, Senator Hotel, 1394;
Duck Pint
State Ttre Ca. (4-HonUr 144. Mack
311. syara 414, Lytle 114,
Aaalleace 4 Smith 144. WUklna 144,
putty 417. MeParlend 444. fbarehea 440.
Vlrta Market (4) Weliard 441, Stanton
444. Bane 411. Helleaa 194, Bamatreet 414:
rrtlkatea (4H-Debo 444. Mall 411. Miller
444. Ireland 444, Dlerka 404.
UekT 4 Bueaeil til. tAeckelbere
441. Hon 44. BoUllion 4X. Farbem m
Aeee Bareere 4)-Plab 470. Parker 374.
Baiuer 444. Bollock 411, AUhlre 314.
riaaka Ceaatraellen (1 Prench 400,
Kohn 441, Planl 4JS. Schmld 404, Samuel
444: Berea Market (41 Allender 344. Peter
eon 344. Oreei 441. welna 441, Hlnea 444.
BeUrwaed aeaaera (4 Reeie 914. An
dereen 434. Caaa 414. Ooald 430, PerrU 444:
Walla Piece (4) Zwlcker 413. relet 344.
Daler 414. Danlela 443. UwU 434.
.Mb m. in Mllai 347. Ollnei
444, Cleaaen 473, HlUerlch 413, B. Hllltr
Icb 414: "4" Cernere (4) Miller 414, Caee
410, Behm 314, Mooree m. u. otnm au.
Hlah rnd. seme. Chuck Allender, 144;
hi.t. inri Claude Caee. 949: hlfh
team same and aerlea. Vltta Market, 414
and 1734.
No Church Loop
Games Tonight;
Five Last Night
first Christian Whites de
feated Englewood EUB 40-31
and First Presbyterian downed
St Paul's Episcopal 38-32 in
Salem Church league Class B
action last night.
In Class C games, first Chris
tian crushed St Mark' 41-18,
Nazarene defeated Chemawa
Regulars 26-11, and Chemawa
Navajos defeated First Baptist
No Church league games are
Scheduled for tonight
Fights Last Hk
(By The Aeeeelated Preen
Pall Biaar, Harihan cSL
WaiMnrtnn, m anointed CheinTT
134. Newark, N.J. 14.
lUMffc. If JaFlH . .
art. outpointed Bay Alaton. lu T
a "M
Betrelt oearaa Pwan. ui tw, l
nouited Tasle Mail. 1441a. bT?."
Akran, O. Ron aid Delaney, iti JJ
knocked ant Jimmy Bnrka, utaw
see. 1. 4
New Terk (Soaaaelee tr4aalaa J
wauda. 144H. New York. 7T
Not!. 144, Brooklyn, a
in the .
Price JW,
Dea to Sell
San Francisco
49'er Team Off
San Francisco CO Co-owner
Morablto said an deal to tell hit
San Francisco 49eri of the Na
tional Football league to Texas
bidden it "definitely off."
Morablto previously said Clin
ton W. Murchison of Dallas and
his brother John had made an
acceptable bid.
Morablto did not disclose why
negotiations fell through, but
said the team was still for sale.
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