Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 06, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Isofi SGOOGilSS
4 ;
Tournament Workers .&rsSKs&-
touraameat at Willamette anlTorsity March It, IS and 14 are
these members of the Salem Exchange elnk, sponsoring or
ganisation. 8eated, left to right, Oscar Speeht, I eneral chair
man; Pete Getter, Salem Exehanf a elnb ' president; Let
Districts 8 and 11
Six Ex-Champs v ;
Play in Women's
Golf Tourney
Jacksonville, Fla. W Six for
mer national amateur women's
golf champions all now In the
pro ranks head the field in the
Jacksonville Women's Open
; starting Friday.
' Two c them Babe Zaharias
I and Louise Suggs are among
1 the three favorites in the 84-
hole three-day tournament here.
Third favorite is Betsy Bawls,
: top money winning woman golf
' er In 1952. - .-
- The other former national
' champs in the field are 'Patty
I Berg, Betty Jameson, Beverly
' Hanson and Jackie Pung. .
: Mrs. Pung is playing her third
! tournnment as a pro after win
; aing the 1952 national amateur
i title at Portland, Ore.
"Basketball Scores
" (Br Tht Aaaaalatad Pratt)
" sovrans coKntma TOwamT
a wnt Vlrtlnla SI.
, f HnlBl 14. Duka at.
t- wait Paratt M, RlahaaaaS W.
i HO State M, Darth omki I
nxmnvairu .
X emm n. ifntonralt sr (DMlir
i But Ttaw T, Tnu WMkna Si !.
But Tnm. M. Tout. TMh (rlaal)
DaTlt Llncwnk . Arntla PM W (a-
oUUon). .
! wisooNsnt
Mm IWli State at, CuroU Tf (rlaaU.
Iowa Tehn. M, at. Aaknn IS (Iteal).
t Arnold 11, BrMsOMrt H (fttal).
; Sauthwuten Cl. TT. CMtral OUa. W
i'- (final).
; Otar Oanat
. , Brliham Tomf ), tn . ,
' iieuurr; (Ti.) w, Aknn Ckrtrtlas
Wooater H. BlIpiwiT " .
Oklahoma AM . HooaUm 41.
Cincinnati It, Miami (Ohio) M.
. Utah Branch AiaMa . lUcka at.
aioa school
oarlbaldl 44. Kaappa 41.
Oaaton U. Star of the Saa (Aitorla) M.
Bnfua II, Calm 4.
Hcppnar 47. SUttra II.
Arllnatoa at, St. Marr'a (Tha Sallaa) 4a.
Caacadt Locka 44, roasll 34.
aandr II. Concordia (Portlandl 4t.
Xatacada 90. Colraikm Prap (Fort.) 44.
distbict t-A rLATorr
LakoTltw 41. Prlnarllle l.
Lowall 41. rhilomath SI.
Brawnmna 41, Trtnaala tak 4S.
New York Giants Come Up
With Latest 'Pheenom'
Phoenix, Arts. Off") This being
the city where Mickey Mantle
Burst forth upon an unsuspect
ing baseball world two years
age and where Willie Mays at
tended his first big leagae train-
lag camp last spring, there has
some to be a feeling that a
brand new "pheenom" Is likely
as not to pop out from bemna
almost any clamp of sagebrash.
This year's candidate for
srestness within, at the most
another sesson Is a strapping
218-nounder named Bill Taylor,
who has just returned from the
service and Is making a vigorous
pitch for s Job in the New York
Gtsnts outfield. His every move
is being watched with the keen.
est interest of any player in
- "1 cant say whether hell
make it this year, of course,"
said Manager Lee Duroeber
after watching the -foot-4
slugger barrel two hits late
the outfield daring aa intra-
.quad game, '"bat he's going
-to get all the chance there Is.
.We could ase him.
- "I know this much for sure
the boy csn hit a fast bsU out
f sight right now, and he's a
1 natural pull hitter, which is
t great in our park, we'll una oui
more about him when the good
Pitchers start working on mm
'with a lot of different stun,
hooking for his weskness, but
High School Teams Slate
Activity at Mac; Salem
District I aad 11 kaskethall
tournaments swing hack into
action tonight after layoffs. Dis
trict I has been inactive since
last Saturday, while district 11
took Thursday night off.
In district 8 games at the Mc-
Mlnnville armory, McMinnville
faces Dayton and Dallas tangles
with Newberg in semi-final
The McMinnvllle-Dayton tus
sle is scheduled for 7:30, with
the Dallas-Newberg tilt to fol
low at about 8:45. . ' : t
Winners of -Friday Bight
games at. McMinnville will
advance .into the Saturday fl-
aals, with .the winner of that :
game to go to the state tourna
ment . . ;i-
Salem high school Is the site of
the double-elimination district
11 tournament, and- tonight's
games,1 the f l'rst at 7 o'clock,
send Sacred Heart against Wood-.
All District B Titles to
Be Settled This Weekend
(Br Tha Aaaaatataa Pratt)
Playoffs will settle every elaas
B district title ta the state this
week-end, while class A high
school kasketball teams continue
play that ceald see all bat fear
district erewas awarded.
Of the top 10 teams in the
Associated Press poll only one
so far is assured of entry to
the state tournaments. That is
Cleveland of Portland, ranked
No. 9 in the state. All of the
ranking teams are in class A.
The top-ranking team, unde
feated The Dalles, must play
Pendleton in a two-of-three
series for the district t title.
think they'll find that with the
kind of power he has hell need
to get only a piece of the ball
to get his base hits. He's a ter
rific prospect." .
Sam Calderone, a ulaat
catcher who also Is Just eat of
anlferm, declares anhesitat
lagly that Taylor was the best
hitter ia service baseball and
feels almost as certain hell
wear oat big leagae pitching
from the start Taylor ' is
strictly a left-hand swinger,
by the way,' and Calderone
says he murders left aad right
bad pitching with eeual gusto.
Although he Is- only 23, the
handsome rookie has been play.
lng pro ball for six years. He
started with the Phoenix club
when he was only 17.
After two seasons with Phoe
nix, he spent a year with Brem
erton in the Class B Western
International League, where he
hit .339 and drove In 130 runs.
He spent his final season before
entering the service with the
Giants' Sioux City farm, hit
ting 30 homers and knocking
across 109 runs, though out six
weeks with a broken leg. His
average was .348.
"I think maybe the most Im
pressive thing abont him wwi
his refusal to strike out" said
Tom Sheehan, the Gisnts -chief
scout "In four seasons in pro
ball he never once struck out
more then 30 times. It might
lbe an all-time record.1
I t ii f
Spr.rks, tournament director; Otto Wllsoa, ticket aalei chair
mam. Standing, from left, Del Flndley, pTogrant saairmaa:
Jim Heaery, visitors chairman; Boh Haaalitea, publicity
chairman; Bok Gormssn, (ate chairman; Glea travel, awards
chairman; Otto Skepll, hosts chairman; and George Martin,
secretary of the exchange slab. ' - '
burn and Silverton opposite Cas
cade. --
Since all four teams involved
in tonight's play have- lost one
tournament game so far, to
night's losers will , drop out of
the tournament
Two more games are sched
uled for Saturday. Ia the open
er, Staytoa aad Salem, only
undefeated teams la the tour
nament, will play each other.
The nightcap sends the win
ners of tonight's game oppo
site each other. '
Salem, as usual, is top-heavy
favorite to capture the- district
11 toga and go to the state. tour,
nameni In Eugene March 17-21.
While the class A schools are
hooping off their district tourna
ments, district 2 of class B swings
into its - semi-final round .with
two games at Willamette uni
verslty in Salem tonight. (See
separate story.) .
Salem, Oregon, Friday, March 6, 1953
Marshfield, the No. S team,
has a similar aeries with
Beedspert for the erewa ta
district 8. Medford, tied for
No. 8, faces Crater la a similar
series la district 4.
Eugene, tied with Medford for
No. 3, is in one of the districts
that will not settle its champion
ship until next week. Eugene is
involved in a double-elimination
tournament in' district 6.
By districts, this is the elsss
A schedule:
1. Baker at Ontario Friday
aight ia the first of a twe-of-three
' 2. The Dalles vs. Peadletoa
Friday aight la the start of a
hest-ef-three series.
3. Lakevlew defeated
Frineville, 43-33, Thursday
aight to gala entry to a tour
aaraent opening Friday aight.
Redmond, Bead, aad Madras
are the ether entrants. Red
mead is ranked No. 7 la the
4. Medford vs. Crater Fri
day aight la a twe-ef-three
series. . .
' (. Marshfield vs. Reeds port
Friday aight la the start of a
twe-ef-three series.
' 6. Eugene favored la a
doable elimination tourna
".eat. ,
7. Corvallls, Albaay, Toledo
aad Newport ta a two-day
tournament opening at Corval
lls Friday. Albany Is No. 19
la the state.
8. McMinnville favored la
a single-ellmtaatloa tournty
ending Satarday. Dayton, Dal
las aad Newberg still ta the
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Whan athara fall, aaa ror cerntaa raa
adlaa. Aausrn saeaaat far too faara
at China. Ha atattar wits what an.
awnu row an affBetaa. 4knram
ansaiaa. aatrv rasaa. Brat. tMnata
laa, aonatlsatwa. ajasra. Slaoataa
rbaantatlain. ran an Ma Hat, taaar
arta, frula aomstalnts.
.cauisss aaaa oa
Offlaa aaara t ta a
Taaa aa4 Saa awfr
at . H. VaataiaraMI '
PkaM mat
. SMM, osa, ,
"' J-.'f'
Figure Skating
Start Today
Cleveland W A United
States team Including two
world s champions opposed a
team ' of 12 Canadian stars in
the North American figure skat
ing championships opening here
Friday. .
Hayes Alan. Jenkins, 19-year-
old. Akron, O., . College boy,
wears the men's crown, and
Tenly Albright, 17, of Newton
Center, Mass., Is amateur wom
en's figure akatlng queen.
' Each will be trying for an ini
tial North American title In the
two-day' competition.' Jenkins
was-third, in the. last North
American championships at Cal
gary, Canada, in 1951.. The bi
ennial event is alternated be
tween the two countries. ,
. The so-called red cedar ia not
a cedar tree but a cypress.
Page IS
9. Fifth raaked BUUboro
still la the running ia, a
double elimination tourney
continuing Friday aight
19. Astoria favored ia a
toaraameet to end at Tilla
mook this week end.
11. Salem favored la a doa
ble elimination tournament
end next week.
13. Milwaakle, Caaby, Os
wego aad Molalla still la the
running la a tourney that will
not end aext week.
13. Central Catholic aad
Gresham tangle Friday aight
la the key game of a double
elimination tourney to ead
aext week. Gresham la raaked
TJe. 8 ta the state.
14. Clatskaale has attached
15. Cleveland has clinched
18. Benson aad Jeffersoa
meet Friday aight for the right
to play Roosevelt aext week
for the district erowa. Jeffer
soa Is ranked No. 6 ia the
$600 cash gives you your own business. Be your own boss, op
erating a route of our new 5c dispensers, handling a new fast
moving confection.
AH locations obtain for roa by company rapresewtatlra, yea operate route
anfy. No sxpsrleivce rveeded, can be operated In para Hma at littre at 4 kotrrs
par weak.
Yea must hare car, references and $600.00 cash whkh it pretectal, by tren
ded money back uerantee.
Spara lima shaaM net ap fa $70.00 per weak, ftrll Hma more. Libarrl fi
nancial ettltteiKe Ivan an axpention prof rem. Itepty (ivinfl phana ta lai
' 2, Capital Jotrmol.
By CBJUS jT.owrr. JiL
Teams fresa Mar Urn and relk
ooaatles are all that reenala ta
eeatentiea for district S-B bas
ketball ekasnsleaahlp heaora to
day. They are Mill City, Jef
tersest aad Sublimity freca Mar
lea county aad Valscts tress
Folk county.
Those four teams came through
with victories last night aa the
district 2-B tournament got un
derway at Willamette university.
Mill City eliminated Gervaia of
Marion county 48-S8, Jefferson
thumped Yamhill of Yamhill
county 61-44, Valsetx downed
Corbett of Multnomah county
68-47, and Sublimity nudged
Colton of Clackamas county 55
54 in the last 12 seconds.
Mill City meets Jefferson at
7 o'clock and Valsetx tangles
with Sublimity at 8:30 in semi
final games at Willamette to
night The two winners will
clash at 8:30 Saturday to deter
mine the district championship
and the right to enter the state
class B tournament at Willam
ette next week.
Gervaii, playing a deliberate
type of ball most of the time,
put up a surprisingly tough
struggle against the Mill City
Timberwolves, who swept to 14
straight wins in Marion county
B league play this season.
Gervals was very much in the
ball game for three full Quar
ters. Mill City led only 20-17 at
the half and 83-29 when the third
period ended. :
Mill City's superiority on the
backboards began to tell In the
third quarter, and Mill City
scored eight points at the outset
of that period before Gervaia
managed to score at all.: That
gave coach Burton Boroughs'
club a 41-29 lead, and It was
easy from there.
Elton Gregory led Mill City's
scoring department with 19
points. Fourteen of them came
in the second half. ' Gib Thomp
son was high for Gervaia with
11.1- . i . . : i . .. .
Jeff built up an 18-8 lead in
the first period, and didn't ex
perience a great deal of diffi
culty protecting Ks. lead after
that Yamhill made Ma last bid
late in. the first haJ, when it
scored eight straight points to
close Jefferson's lead to .six
points, 28-22, but Jefferson dom
inated play in the second halt,
even though the Lions used sub
stitutes a lot-
Dale Wattenbarger's SI pointa
sparked the Jeffinen a triumph.
Dave Wilde of Yamhill, a crack
shot from 20 and 88 feet out
led Yamhill with 14.
Dwayne Fournler and Rich-
18 Vik Matmcn
Participate in '
State Tourney
Hank Juran and thirteen Sa
lem high school wrestlers left
this morning for the annual state
wrestling tournament at Oregon
State College. The meet will be
held for two days, Friday and
Salem boys who have won
the right to compete in the state
meet by winning in the district
meet at Albany several days ago
are: 98 pounds Bill Edwards;
106 pounds Roger Morse; 116
pounds Fsy Lsdd; 123 pounds
Bob Engle; 130 pounds
Frank Williams and Bob Cam
eron; 136 pounds Pst Lar-
gent; 141 pounds Fred Step
per and Bob Franklin; 168
pounds Jim Berger and Jack
Stryffler; 148 pounds Joe
Jsyne; heavyweight George
Preliminary matches began
early this afternoon and semi
finals will be held this evening
st seven. Wrestling resumes Sat
urday with more semi-finals
matches and the consolation
matches. The finals will be that
evening starting at seven
Games at
U Tonight
ard King of Valsetx scored more
points between them than the
entire Corbett team. Fournler.
who in our estimation was the
standout player of all yester
day's games, scored 29 points,
and teammate King potted 24.
Corbett stayed right oa Val
setx' tall until the final three
minutes of the third period.
when the Columbiana lost their
third man via the personal foul
route. Valsetx was ahead 89-35
at the time, but boomed Into a
49-35 lead by the time the third
stoma ended, and breezed on to
win from there.
SuMlmltv La4lna K
wwvaaaitay . aj Meseaj mrj ares V
points, 52-49, with slightly, more
ttian three minutes to play, de
ciding against stalling. Wheth
er or not that was good strategy
is of courte a matter of conjec
ture, but at any rate the Sainta
blew their lead in a couple of
minutes. Colton scored eight
straight points, four of them by
Melvin Martin, to go into a 53-
52 lead with one minute and 35
seconds remaining.
Duane Heuberger of Sublimity
sank his second of two tries from
the free throw line, to tie the
score at 83-83 with one minute
and 15 seconds left
There wasn't, any scoring in
the next minute of play. Both
teams missed shots and the
crowd was in bedlam. Then with
12 seconds to go Dwight Brad
ley took a pass from Ron Bents
and dunked in a lay-up ahot that
gave the Sainta a 56-53 lead.
Jerry Norton of Colton had a
chance to tie the score with
three seconds left He had been
fouled by Bradley, and under
the three-minute rule got two
chances from the Lev throw
line. His first shot found its
mark, but, with the terrific pres
sure on, he missed his second
chance. Colton got tha rebound.
but time ran out before) a ahot
could bo taken.
Joe Stohutamo led Sublimity
in scoring with 17 points, but
top honors for the game went
to Martin of the losers, with 20.
Oartals ( (4t) Mia Ctt
fartt k Djrtsf t
.x nana cnaaar a a 11
Ralllnt.t S 1 Orworr.f I S I U
l o s s s nrawor o s s s
Tnmpan t I 4 11 Hallmn.l S S S
unnrai.s s s s s ranon,i a 4
HXpaU e e e e Oarar.f e S S I
Laiia,f sees wanLa e e t
SthmMU a I a a
itxptT sees
Batata lis
Tatala IS It 11 M Tatala IS IS 11 44
Fraa throve atlatad: Oarrala It Oraar., a 1 ..... a 1 1 a t.n w.
s, h. Kapsiuar s; Mill our is ora -
sacs S, Bravar S, Bafraaa S, Waft a.
aavtlaw aoora: Km CUr as, Otrrata SS.
oniaiaia: SMasa aaa xrtlano.
aa ( (at) TaatarS
fa ft af ta , fa ft af to
iaawai,t a a a a nmni,I a I 111
wns,f s s s TaiM.r s s s
wtatxr a s S 1 II Dudini.a e 1 l
causuu s i s s atiiwa.t i e 4
Camara, 4 ' S S Swain. Oil
atarlatt.t a S S S WUdtJ t S S 14
wauu o S O aannar.t 1 s 1
TWfkaa 1 I - I s Maraliu 0 I S
Maitra. S S 1 S Cook,
OoUnari.t sill lanoM 010-1
Totals H II 41 Totals 14 If It 44
vtaa throwa BUatad: Jaffaraea IS
Blaokwau 4, Wllsht, WaUanaartar, Oauah-
au s. casiaron 1. Marart s. Tlafka s. Mar.
latt a Caiman: Tamhlll L. Xaraiaaa
s, Tniaa s, swrtnsar. wiMa I, Moraiu.
namiaaa aaara: janaaaan so. TaathUl SB.
Offlalala: IMontta aad Drrr.
ft ft at t a ft x ia
JCom.f 010 Braraon.f 4 0 S a
Xlaa.l 1 W 4 St Bavan4 0 I j
roumr.s nils orauaar i i s s,s 4 4 S IS LaTton 1 a S 4
DriaoaL oast uot.t I in
Koloan.f S S 0 Toclrrt.f S 4 S
Calllsi.f 0 0 10 Bamat.f SSI
MoCnlr.f 0 0 10 Klock.f 1 S S 4
BantaAt S e S Lavla,a 111
O.Cown,s Barton, e S S B
Total! It tS St St Tataat 1 VI St 47
Praa throwa Uiad: Valuta tl wto.
It. ronralar I. Hthnar I, Drlaaal t, Xa-
Man 4i cwiwatt M) Oraaaar s, Lartaa.
Lonv I, Toctart s, Bornar 4, Kortaa 1.
Klaek 1.
Halftm aaara: valaats St, varftat ST.
Offlalala: Orm aa Latah t.
(St) (St)
fa ft wf t It ft at a
Banta.f B 1 4 T MrMn.f It I I II
D Karar.f V S 4 IT Baa4.f 141
StnkniSA S I S IS Fraaat.a S S S II
Rula BIBS nartan, 1 S
BraUar S S J.Chlama S 4 S S
prank e e mm eel
L.HbrsT S S S 0 Thayar. 0 0 0
o.cmaaj 1 e s
, otnar see
Totals tl n St Tatala it IS B) it
Praa throws ntlaaai: arakUwUtr 14 D.
Ravbarsar T, Stalnaaars 4, Baaf tl Caltan
14 Mannt a, aiartoa a. Fraaaa a.
nairtma aaora: SubUmltT II. ontau SI.
Offlelala: DaLoratta aa RaUan.
Maxim Floored
rouad of their It roand fight at Miami. Fla. Altheaga re-,
tjulred to take a taunt ef eight Maxim was aa has feet at the
eeaat of foar. The docisioa was Bnanimoaa for MsTtua. CAP'
Wirepheto). H
Bobby Feller Limbers Up
Easy for Fifteenth Season
Tucson, Aria. OJJsJ-Haviag at-
talaed the ripe age ef 34, Bob
by Feller has docldet! It's tinu
he takes things a .UttK . easier
as ho bt spares tor his 16th sea-
sea of pitching tor the Cleveland
Indiana. .. - t
The old ail-American boy
from Van Meter, Ia., has quit
running across the outfield for
hours on end. for one thine, end
he is limbering up his famous
right arm by essy stages. The
former terror of the exhibition
circuit Is pointing himself for
the start of the real race, and
there ia a strong feeling In the
Indiana' camp that Bob ia go
ing to make himself a . fine
comeback after his disappoint
ing 9-13 record of last year.,..
"Along about hero a man
who has thrown as many
baseballa as I have doesnt
feel ss fresh and rested the
next day aa he used to" the
game's wlnnlngest pitcher
said. "Ho has to begin to
conserve himself a little. Bat
I feel I've got several mare
good- yean to go. Tha arm
ieela great". , ik . -y.j-Actually
-FeUer'a - perform
ance last - season. Was not - as
poor as it looks on paper. ; The
Indians", porous defense -let in
23 unearned runs against him.
or approximately one ' to the
game. Ho chalked up his 11th
Danny NardWa overhand tight fast,
Joey Maxim ea tha eaavas 1 the 7 th.
one-hitter daring the campaign.
an all-time high. Some of the)
tip has gone 'from Bob's fast :
ball, but his curv aed sMder
still are terrors.
. "It's fuaay, bat a let af ' '
people think I had a fast bail1
when I came ap," Fetter said. '
"They're wrong. . I had a ,.
good curve treat the start,
though It got better later en.
I think the rtasia - sweats . ,
don't remember - say, carve'
back in the middle 3s Is that
Rollle Hemsley was what we
call a fastball catcher. Ha .
seldom wanted anything else.
Frankle Pytlak, who- eaaght
me later, would call for tha
carve en a 3-1 Bitch. .
- "It might surprise you to .
know that my best pitch la
1946, tha year I struck out 848,
was the slider. : I got mora
strikes with it than with either
the curve or fast ball. It broke
only a very little, but I threw
it very fast and wasn't afraid
to go for the corners with it aa
any pitch. , . .
"1 know a lot of managers
don't like' their pitchers to use
the elder, and there Is soma
reason for it My advice would
be for a pitcher not to use it
until the season Is well along
and his arm is strong and lim
ber, and his control sharp. -I
never used it until after a
month or so."
1 .3
9' i
', f ' v - V
' IrtAJOHT toutaON WHltm-soJrtOOs
. ' att, SOtTON MfTIUtl INC. tOSTOH MAS.
a . ,-
i k