nCatHg Waal gahta, Ortoa, Friday. Mirth , 1958 March to Be Busy Month At Municipal Airport By MABOABR MAOEC l-ato March will find much activity on the aide of the Sa lem airport occupied by a- lem naval Air Faculty. -. The first of tht facility1 cruises, each of two weeks' duration, will get underway March M, ending April 6, with 34 officera and enlisted men from the receives reporting for enny. rm oars of t&e two week train will be event at the Seattle Naval Air Station where the group will take work in ground control approach. Date of the other mils to be held at the facility before the end of the fiscal year are April 30-May S; May 4-May 17; and June 18-June28 Naval Air Beserve officers coming on duty for the cruise beginning March 33 are: Lt Comdr. William H. Trin die. Gervaia, commanding of- Disposition of Plant Now Near Disposition of the Continental Chemical plant on Cherry ave nue, formerly the alumina plant, appeared today to lie between the Harvey Machinery company of Torrance, Cal., and Schnitzer It wolf of Portland. This was indicated In press dispatches from Washington, D, C, where an official of the Gen eral Services Administration said today the GSA expects to decide on disposition of the plant within the next week. Clay Cochran, manager of the Balem Chamber of Commerce, and A. W. Metzger, who haa been manager of the plant under its various operations, are both I in Washington attempting to persuade GSA to dispose of the punt in such a way that it will continue In operation as a going concern. The GSA some months ago at tempted to sell the plant, which Is listed as government surplus, and Harvey was the highest bid der, but the bid was rejected as too low. Schnitzer & Wolf at the same time made a proposal, though not an actual bid, to ac quire the plant Price Hike Reported For Fir, Pine Hems Portland (A Lumber trade ourcet reported Thursday a price rise In some selective fir and pine Items, but the bulk of the lumber products remained unchanged. Some class B and better fir drop siding went up $2 to $5 a thousand board feet to $183. Some pine boards were reported up as much at 910 a thousand feet The common items, such as txes, which constitute 90 per cent of the volume, are unchanged. fleer of the unit; Lt Idward O. Schless, Salem; executive of ficer; Lt Glenn X. rrazel, Salem; operations officer; Lt Comdr. Boyd O. Baker, Eugene, train ing officer; Lt Lawrence -D. Roth. Albany, assistant flight of ficer, Lt. Robert N. Witzlg, Cor vallis, safety officer; Lt. Paul H. George, The Dalles, assistant navigation officer; Lt David H. 1 Daniels. Eugene, instrument training officer; Lt William D. Troth, Salem, assistant opera tions officer: Lt Paul H. Mtk- kelsen. Portland, navigation of ficer: Lt Robert Moore, Beaver Creek, assistant training officer. Lt Robert M Ramp, Eugene, communications officer; Lt An thony X. Seldl. Beaverton, avia tion eauipment officer: Lt. Charles E. Berg, Eugene, assist ant safety officer; Lt Comdr. Ivan J. Esau, Dallas, flight of ficer: Lt (Jx) James A. Meach- ara, Albany, materiel officer. Enlisted men coming on duty for the cruise are Michael A. Moran, AN, Portland; Charles I. Knab, AN, Portland; A. R. Sheffield. AA. Portland. W. G. Strohecker, SN, Portland; Rob ert D. Bennett AR, Kings Val ley; Duane L. Toll, FN, Molalla; Loren E. Murdock, AOUZ, Al bany, and Robert T. Archer, FN, Molalla. More Sales in Business Area Transactions Involving real property In and adjoining to the area in which there has been considerable speculation as to the nature of the development have been registered with the county recorder's office. One of the deals Involves the transfer by Harvey J. Eisner and wife to the Salem Title com pany of a portion of Lot 10 Block 08. The title company in turn deeds the real estate to George B. Paulus and wife. The nominal sum of $10 Is given in each transaction. Edward E. and Colette E. Le- bold also have deeded a portion of Lot 10, Block 08, to Salem Title company. Another deal Involving Block 3, which lies Immediately north across Marlon street from the old high school building, shows George B. Paulus and wife transferring to Salem Title com pany all of the easterly one half of Lots s and 4. The considera tion is nominal. . The Paulus Involved operates a shoe shining establishment on State street . MT. VrtW CLUB MEETING The Community club will meet at Mountain View school house at 8 pjn. Friday, March 0 How To Rcliovo Dronchitis Creonmhioe relieves promptly bocniM it aoes into the bronchial system to help loosen and expel terra laden phlegm and aid nature to sooths and beat nw, tender, inflamed bronchial membrane. Guaranteed to pleate yoa or money refunded. Creonralaion has stood the test of millions of men. CREOMUCSION I" CnH Otmt Mew Ante Sn.iSlm How Many Hours Of Sleep? By J. H. WlUett New light was shed on this debatable question when a re cent survey was msde of persons from 70-90 years of age. They nearly all had eight hours sleep a night throughout their lives. While there are Individuals who feel rested after four or five hours sleep, most of these per sons are able to relax and rest at short intervals during their waking hours. Few people how ever acquire the ability to do this. Tiredness is not always trace able to lack of sleep, when you continually feel tired you ought to consult your doctor. Let a conscientious pharma cist fill your prescriptions. This the 784th of a series of Editorial Advertisement ap pearing la this paper each Frl oay s Capital Drug Store f Store A Liberty Phone JJ118 We five f Green 8tamps every day I at) all cash sales of prescriptions ACETATE & NYLON STORE OPEN 'TILL 9:00 P.M. BUT COME EARLY. . GET FIRST CHOICE! FREE : QBtCHIDS TO THE LABIES! J. C. PENNEY DEDICATES FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY AS LADIES' DAY! Beginning Friday Nite at 6:30 p.m. the first 750 ladies will receive Vanda miniature orchids complete with leakproof pin-on vial. Hurry in Friday Nite for yours. Get your orchids on Fashion Floor (2nd.) These two days are highlighted with features throughout the store for the ladies. in SPRING PRINTS 5 THEY'RE HERE! LONG SLEEVE, BUTTON CUFF, SPORT STYLE! ALL WOOL BOX STYLE PLAID JACKETS Yet, they're here! These comfortable topper jackets In all wool plaid fabric. Styled with sport back, front shoulder pleat, button front, two patch pockets. Colorful red and green plaids, alto a gold novelty check pattern. Siies 12 to 18. Coma in and see what a buy these are. SECOND FLOOR 00 v Garden pretty florals and other smart designs an practical, soft textured acetate-and-nylon. What noon ot find these are actually washable, extra wear able. Come try an several styles at Penneys now. They'ra value priced! 12-20. 16'j-24'i. DOWNSTAIRS STORE LADIES THEY HAVE ARRIVED! NEW YOUNG SHAPES IN EASTER STRAWS Mr ft. RAYON BLENDS THAT LOOK LIKE WORSTED WOOLS DRESSMAKER SUITS Another of the new acetate-and rayon bland with a worsted look, a little price tag . . . handsome multi color tone stripes, novelty weaves, new textured surface, interest weaves with the look, the very feel of wool. Crease resistant. Sizes 10 to 18. 75 . RIGHT FOR SUITS! "DIMITY LOOK" NYLON BLOUSES Now . . . that bandbox-fresh look of a crisp little dimity blouse ... but sa much easier to care for! Only bit sheer, this new nylon has the look and texture of cotton dimity ... and it's tailored up into perfect suit styles! White, pactclt and darks, oven black! 12-38. MAIN AND SECOND FLOOR Fltrtottous little hots in Springs prettiest designs . . . choose sailors, ripple-brim effects, scoop shells, many others! All frothed with veiling, all yours in lovely Eastertime colors. SECOND FLOOR m a i i SECOND FLOOR Stv In Bolh IMT Blouse Depls. . jWMiS Penney's Own Filmy GAYMODE NYLONS Now leg-accent glamour for you. Penney's own sheer 60 gauge IS denier nylons match your costume colors. Shop now for these flotterino fashion conscious oay modes. 9Yi to 1 1 . Proportioned lengths. MAIN FLOOR STORE HOURS: 9:30 TO 5:30 P.M. - FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P.M.