Jaycees Plan Dist. Meeting Woodburn The regular meeting of the Woodburn Jun ior chamber of commerce was held Tuesday night at the li brary club rooms with L. H. HUdebrandt presiding. plant were made for a district meet ing at Woodburn March 15, be ginning at 2 p.m. at the Ameri can Legion hall. About 100 people are expect ed to attend. The district include Salem, Albany, Silverton, Dallai and Woodburn and member from Portland are also expected and several state officers. Commit tees will be announced later by HUdebrandt. A report was given by Bob Elder, chairman of the recent "Cabin Boys concert, who ex pressed appreciation to the committee ir. charge and to the newspapers for publicity. The sum of $25 was voted from the treasury to' the library for the junior book shelf fund. It was annp unced that the re cent membership contest was won by team captained by Ar mon Ball, Jr., and plans were made to give a dance in honor of the new members and the winning team by the losing team of which Al Ringo was captain. A tentative date was set for March 21. Reports were given on the state board meeting held at Med io rd by HUdebrandt, Lynn Si mon and Bob Miller who at tended. It was announced that the "llte-a-bumper" campaign has been adopted as a state pro ject and that some 40 per cent of car bumpers had been equipped with the tape In sev eral states. The project will continue in Woodburn in the near future. Local bicycles will be equipped with tape soon by the local group. Harold Livesay is chair man. March 2T was announced as the date for the "action auc tion," a community project, to be held at the armory, and sev eral Jaycee members plan to do nate their services. It was also voted to assist the PTA in the carnival planned for March 20 at the Washington school. Future programs for the year were discussed. Refreshments were served af- j ter the meeting by Paul Dicken son and Bob Sawtelle. Doctors Use Leeches To Avoid Criticism London W) The newa that the Soviet Union's top doctors are using leeches . on stricken Premier Stalin raised some medical eyebrows in the United States today but caused no sur prise in Russia. Today's medical bulletin on Stalins condition said that for the second time "leeches were used to draw blood," presum ably In an effort to lower the patient's high blood pressure. In Chicago, a spokesman for the American Medical associa tion said the blood-sucking j worms were out of date both in the United States and Europe, but maybe the Kremlin doctors wanted to be sure that if Stalin died, no old-fashioned Russian could accuse them of not using every possible remedy. Like the balance of your favorite fun, CABIN STILL it balanced at 91 to evenly combine mildness of proof with rkhneea of flavor. Oiam : STILL sd hi sroof . . . wf rWi la flrr 01. $4.90 Flirt $3.20 Mimi WUUU DISTILUM ItUblltM Louisville. Mntutfcy, W. . it a- $1.74 Voleel MOD ART i CREME SHAMPOO WH taMliaJ Limited Time Offerl POND'S SPECIAL 40OFFI "Keep Cool" CHERAMy COLOGNE April $ ho wort frrne plui tpoctot cooling flint. In novol frivol contiinor. -29 Sale e SI. I SMfuSpck" CLOTHES DAMPENING BAG Kairxjrrixeiof virgin vinyl pfatllc. Save 20c ee $HURKILL INSECT SPRAY I handy ll-eanct rolol pray . $ f'1 Hit. 69e Req. 9c of extra cost $1.98 VALUE RYBUTOlf Vitamin $! VJ with evrchaie ef reevler eeHle ef too enuapj Umtted Time Offer! Get Tevrt Tedejr' SQUIBB .,. Free Re. 33c ft-ot. MINERAL OIL wltk f I. Of Slant Sin Somt 11.41 Vele ioth ten n eta. Mi " ' CJI'Sl 9 ANIMATED ANIMALS h gj nixtoaw,nS s f I i 1 Tw a tik d4 kay Vl MONDAY, 9:15 P.M., St GZ (7Z If" I MARCH 9th L W pliabla .laitla Hyt. sjrf ly I ' MX?! n 35e CLEANSING - lafttCaelM GOTO INCOME TAX BOOK METAL GARDEN TOOLS 19c LEATHER BELTS ."S'!" 79c 10c VVRISLEY SOAP 5 a.:.:.. 8 . 39c FLASHLITE BATTERIES BL 2 10c 10c TOOTH PICKS '-; 5c DISH DRAINER Sryi... 69c POLISH REMOVER K r 9c RAYON HAIR NET SCS" 2 15c SAFETY PINS "mi', 5c SHOE LACES i 4c GLASS ASH TRAY "K. 3c FUSE PLUGS io-i5-2o-25-3o ah 3c 10c TINCTURE IODINE .. 3c FREE! GET YOUR Win this 1953 Mercury 3 Speed ELECTRIC . HEATING PAD With Removable, Washable, Cover Extra long, 7-foot cord; 3-ipeed twitch for fait, ilow, medium htat. $4.49 D98 VALUE A XTRA LARGE! Ul Approvedl ELEC. PERCOLATOR 7 Cvps Instead of 67 !90 eU wCen Feet keep heat rolled above your table top. Urv brealioble alwrnwi pert hot opfcrwf"bf$Hj Afrfoh 1 M I 1 4 MV 1 0to It Usui 105 J 1952-51 EdlttM I I 1 f ear- fm1710 HANGERS WING Sj) k 'Aw rfrft fof tt,.pl. I is p.m., I! st ' ' r I FREE! FREE! FREE! CORONATION TICKETS NOW!!! 4-door Custom Sedan or one of the 70 ether valuable prises. $5,000.00 FREE PRIZES! VIDR0SA6E Electric Vibrator wMi 4 AppKnrforsi 50 Hr face, Kolp t body manage. Ie Sevei aching mw. llei end fatigue. pWor-Cnk-fLEaWC HAIR DRYER DetaxboWe be eettvertt It t hand typel NOW I I I s hi- . TISSUES BOJt ledrjet Troible? No Need to Scowl Lot Yoar Id9t MWfck.Do9N le Yoir Witt Old Owl Another Shipment! JsT Jonilyy Pattern DIMRVAtiE 20-PC. SET Attractive ivy pattern on rrtart off-white pottery. You get 4 I eacn: cups, saucers, dinner plotes, dessert dishes, bread ond butters. Permonently Under- glazed Design . . . It Won't Weer Off All VI Vf orWeshOH! AT I I M M ALL FOR V? 2-Slicc TOASTER Stunning block enamel trim on gleaming chrome. Turn-toast doors, cool handles. These sell like hoN cakes at this lew Owl price! NOW Y N0W U PkS V 'WL-:-'j& CANNISTER SET r 1 I " Wi"g1' I CQ EC io Hani Blthop I'TaT (liiifj rKEC Cempltxlon Glow with 1 I It I Ml I I HAZEL BISHOP I V,J-i TLJ Mon-Smear LIPSTICK R? WM oft ( -110 y H l 2?! I lofer easy lift lids. J r (j ffii HTT 71 M' LIFE-LIKE! LIFE-SIZE! ZFtStTettl SIJJABY PEGGY BOLL e theCrteil the Ceei te Sleepl the hei Curly Monde er trewn Halrl Ml IAIY tXIN erms t left mm be 1 trashed A powdered! UII7 4 enrich MM Capital Journal Sale-. Ore- Thnrnday, Majrefc. I, It'i ft . . . 2 fa i aiaaMeaaaaii ftaadMaaaei OaasMtM frock with motchlnf b on not. ht hoi foncy oonHoia hobby ton tHpofiv 3 9 QTt Ine aaOai, staaai PEACH 1USTREVARE 69 mmi Anchor-Hotklnfl "Anchercjloi" luncheon Set 4cop. 18 PIECES stmcert fUH WNLI OK WNLT 099 4 luncheon plate 4 dessert dishes tream pitcher sugar bowi i at peach telertd Ktttre of Mils pretty set .400 23 1 (W) (a DJ CD a. en