Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Capital Women
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 5, 1953
4 Chapters
Meet in
Joint Event
About 70 attended the Joint
meeting for all four chapter! of
Beta Sigma Phi In Salem, Wed
netday evening, in West Salem
ball. The four chapters are Eta,
Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Psi and
XI Lambda.
Mri. Billy Bishop, president of
the city council of Beta Sigma
Phi, was in charge. The group
discussed in forum various prob
lems in organization.
The eight hostesses for the
meeting included Mrs. Charles
Shaw, Mrs. John Ellis, Mrs. Don
Parker, Mrs. J. R. Williams, Mrs.
Ellis White, Mrs. Marshall Ja
cobs, Mrs. P. C. Anderson, Miss
Alice Fitzgerald.
BRUCE HADLET, sen of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Hadley, is ob
serving bis third birthday on
Saturday. On Sunday, a family
dinner will be given at the borne
for the little boy. In the group
will be his great grandmother.
Mrs. J. W. Frater, and bis great
aunt. Miss Mae Hill, both of
Portland: his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Green,
and their son, Danny; the Had-
leys and children, Eileen, Allan,
Bruce and Nancy.
Nominating Committee
At the meeting of Salem Sor-
ODtimlst club Wednesday noon,
Miss Irene de Lisle, Mrs. Leo
Johnson and Mrs. G. E. McCor-
mlck were named a nominating
committee. The Wednesday
luncheon, at the Golden Pheas
ant, was a business session for
the group.
HOSTES8 to her bridge club
last evening was Mrs. Andy Hal
vorsen, entertaining the group
for an informal evening of
cards and a late supper. Mrs. Ro
bert Powell and Mrs. Roland
Nohlgren were bidden as addi
tional guests.
t y-.' i
Beads House -Miss Alice
Lehman, above, of Salem, is
to be president of her sorority,
Gamma Phi Beta, at Oregon
State college at Corvallis next
year. Miss Lehman is the cam
pus correspondent for the
Capital Journal society page.
Shower Given
Honoring Mrs. W. E. Flowers,
a shower and party were given
Monday evening by Mrs. J. E.
Mennis at her home.
Guests included Mrs. Charles
Earle, Mrs. Bill Braasch, Mrs.
A. G. Cheney, Mrs. G. W. Speed,
Mrs. A. L. King, Mrs. Verle
Klampe, Mrs. Dar Mennis, Mrs.
Robert Singleton, Mrs. James
Avriette, Mrs. Cecil Wright,
Mrs. Henry Hodge, Mrs. Fred
Blake, Mrs. Ivan Polston, Mrs.
Dan Landon, Mrs. Ken Gibson,
Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Don
Woods, Mrs, Bert Worley and
the hostess.
of Independence was initiated
into the Oregon Grape camp,
Royal Neighbors of America, on
Wednesday evening at the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall.
As a special project, the group
decided to donate crocheting
supplies to patients at the tuber
culosis hospital.
Pair Wed
On Feb. 22
In the chapel of the Leslie
Methodist church on Sunday aft
ernoon, February 22, at 3
o'clock, Miss Yvonne Hofstedt
was wed to Sgt. Donald R. Hunt
er in setting of pink and white
snapdragons. The Rev. Collis
Blair performed the double ring
ceremony. Miss Hofstedt is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Hofstedt, and the bridegroom is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Hunter of Albany.
Lighting the candles before the
ceremony were Mrs. John Wen-
mnA Kuthrvn Hunter aifltpr
of the bridegroom. Mrs. H. O.
Hofstedt, Spokane, aunt of the
bride, played the wedding mu
sic. H. O. Hofsttedt, uncle of
the bride, sang.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore
an ankle length dress of white
lace and nylon tulle over white
satin. She carried rosebuds and
lilies of the valley.
Miss Lois Hofstedt, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor.
She wore an ankle length dress
of blue net over taffeta, and car
ried pink and white carnations.
Mrs. Frank VI Taris, sister of
the bridegroom, was bridesmaid
and wore pink net over taffeta.
She also carried pink and white
Frank VI Taris and John Wen-
ger acted as best men. Richard
Hughes and Kenneth Vogt
served as ushers.
After the ceremony, the recep
tion was in the church social
hall. The bride's table was cen
tered with a three tier wedding
cake. Miss Wanda Valdeze
poured the punch. Mrs. Conrad
Hofstedt, aunt of the bride,
poured the coffee. Mrs. Helen
Otto, sister of the bridegroom,
and Miss Arlene Bishop cut and
served the cake. Miss Leah Du-
rig passed the guest book. Mrs,
Glen Ling was in charge of the
gift table.
The couple left on a short wed
ding trip. For going away the
bride chose a blue and white
checked taffeta with red acces
sories. The newly weds will live
at Fort Lewis, where the bride
groom is stationed.
Wed 60 Years Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson, above,
will observe their golden wedding at a reception planned
for Sunday afternoon at the home of their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Johnson, Hopville road.
Route 1, Box 25. Hours are between 2 and 5 o'clock. The
anniversary comes on March 10, but the reception at home
is arranged for Sunday. (Lyman's studio picture, Dallas)
cisco this week are Dr. and Mrs.
Klnley K. Adams, who left Sa
lem by plane Saturday. The
Adamses will return to Salem
I this week-end.
INVITATIONS are out for a
tea for which Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith Is to entertain at her
home on Saturday, March 14,
honoring Mrs. Edwin Franklin
Snider, who came to Salem the
past year to make her home
Guests are invited to call be
tween 3 and 9 o'clock.
Lions Auxiliary
South Salem Lions club auxil
iary was entertained last evening
at the home of Mrs. S. M. Hill.
George Porter of the adult edu
cation staff talked to the group
on adult education. Plans were
made for a rummage sale on
March 27 on North Commercial.
Mrs. John Marr and Mrs. Warren
Hocker were co-hostesses with
Mrs. Hill for the meeting.
hostess to the Copettes for the
Tuesday evening meeting. The
group made St. Patrick's day
favors for the state hospital, and
decided to meet on March 24 to
make Easter favors. Mrs. Leland
D. Weaver and Mrs. Everett
Odle will be co-hostesses at the
Weaver home on that date.
LEBANON Miss Betty Lou
Meisner is to be married this
spring to Leonard C. Carter.
Miss Meisner, soon to graduate
from Lebanon high school, is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O.
F. Meisner. Her fiance, an alum
nus of the local arhonl 1 now
I serving In the navy, ,
Couple Engaged
Announcement has been made
in Portland of the engagement of
Miss Hollis Joy Campbell, daugb
ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Camp
bell of that city, to Merlin El-
kins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Elkins of Monmouth.
The wedding is planned for
May 17.
ENGLEWOOD Woman's club
will meet at 1:15 on Friday for
dessert with Mrs. George Mun
ger, 1085 North 10th. Assisting
the hostess will be Mrs. Walter
A. Swingle, Mrs. Harry Jen
nings and Mrs. O. A. Chase.
Business will include election
of officers, and for the pro
gram, Mrs. A. R. Tarter will
present a talk on roses.
AMERICAN War Mothers met
on Tuesday afternoon at the
American Legion club. Mrs.
Ben Randall was appointed
chairman of a rummage sale to
be on March 10 over Green
baum'i store,, and the group
voted to give contribution to
the Red Cross.
GOLDEN AGE club will meet
at 2 o'clock on Friday at the
YWCA for an afternoon of
games and (roup singing. Elec
tion of officers will also take
place. I
Due Soon
On Campus
Ctpltal Journal CorrMPoadcnt
University of Oregon, Eugene
(Special) The University of
Oregon is undergoing some great
changes these days. First of all,
spring has definitely crept into
the air, and there's no denying
it The second and not so pleas
ant change is the fact that finals
are less than two weeks away.
Students are beginning to
crawl away into their respective
boles, and like the ground hog,
are not expected to reappear
until after finals and spring
vacation are over. These last few
weeks of the terra are funny be
cause you completely lose con
tort with the "goings-on" about
campus, and you come to know
very well each nook and cran
nle of the library.
National "Y Councils again
are sponsoring several summer
projects for university students
in Oregon, the eastern United
Slates and In Europe. These pro
jects are established to provide
students with opportunities to
work, study and learn. The pro
jects include students in indus
try, seminars, leadership train
ing schools and work and study
projects. This summer, in Ore
gon, the council is sponsoring a
students in industry project, and
a community service project in
University of Oregon Day was
rttz I
IT" - ax
at LIpman Wolfe's In Portland
last Friday, rifty-thfee Oregon
students gained practical experi
ence retailing. The students act
ed as department heads. Salem
students who went down for the
day were Joyce Armstrong, Bill
Paulus, and Don Rudd, former
ly of Salem.
Mrs. Paul L. Patterson spoke
at the Junior Panhellenie spon
sored semi-formal banquet for
representatives from all soror
ity pledge classes. Marcla Webb
of Salem introduced all of the
guest speakers.
James Melton, the well known '
tenor, sang at McArthur court
on Monday night
Anothed indication of the
coming spring is the fact that
people are getting out their pic
nic clothes and beginning to look
at the sun to see if it might be
warm enough soon to get a tan.
jy srs--
-vna look toward
Just at Yur " ' . conn
den - .11 danger
him against all " eomtnu-
nity fkt of their drug
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