m. Capital Joanal. tales, On Am, March 1, 111311 Armour's Star or Morrell's Pride Lb, Smoked rV fl cooked 2J FULLY READY II i TOUT U U U.S. Inspected and Graded Good c EEC HA ACT Chuck Cuf LLI LIVUJI Fully Trimmed LB. is I lii I I i i J . ' . -v.-- k tftsFyW frli.tr I ltfA JMl'V W fMturwi bi WOMAN'S HOMI I f7Tt ! ! "Kl- BISQUICK j-0e g Glass JJ U II 1 Lean Tender BONELESS BEEF STEW LB. U.S. Good Grade Steer Beef , SHORT RIBS Lean Mealy LB. Lenten Special - Fresh Pacific AlfCTCnt Good for Slew UIJILitJ or Frying PINT Ole Peter Pan Creamy or Chunk MA Ml IT DIITTCn 12-oz. rtMHU I UU 1 1 Lit IGA Seedless aK eeaiess v RAISINS J) IGA Mixed Dried 12-oz. Pkg. Cm I IT Fancy Quality I HUM T IGA Orange juice r CR9SC0 ;E 93' With 10c Coupon towards next purchase prieo 25' SPECIAL OFFER Walt DisneyTsM Peter Pa APyiHTUKl-ilAg I Camay Soap "35535' Camay Soap 3 IS 25' IVORY SOAP 4 25' IVORY SOAP 3 E 25' DEL MONTE or ISA Pineapple 5 nw. L can MISSION U.S. No. 2 Netted Gem POTATOES Utah Type CELERY Crisp, Tender Sunkist Ho Bang 3fl! ORANGES Fancy Red Delicious APPLES 5Wb. $ MufO) Ba9 uovy2 Medium Size .3 30 Da MONTE PINEAPPLE m UUON VEG-ALL Fs.ib -29' E9' Ho. 303 CM ka m v una PINEAPPLE SWBWHT PRUNE JUICE -35" 37' rail OMIT Libby mneapple km Large 46-or. can If SNOW'S CLAM CHOWDER MARGARINE SHADY 0U MUSHROOMS BABY FOOD lit. cm m 4.35' IGA Red Sockeye aukon Fine Flavor No Waste Pound can IVORY SOAP 2 !g 25' Ivory Flokes B. 29' Ivory Snow Large 9(0i' Pkg. CHI JOY DfllKHT Bottle 30 TIDE a 30' DUZ Large fJGV Pkg. 0XYD0L Pkg. Lge DREFT s 3ir Armour's Star VIENNA pij SAUSAGE tM 21c Armour's Star Reg. 12-oz. can Treel l..:i.J M.l Armonr'i Slir ueviieu 1'icai size c Corned Beef Hash ft Chili with Beans Z 3' a' Vi Size can Armour's Slar OL can Armour's Slar . can 33' HMwl Llpton Noodle 0 mm, 4-oi. Pk9. 35 soup 3pkfc37 16 Bags. . 21 soup 3.37' BANQUET DOG FOOD Pound can Spic V Span Small Pkg. Small CHEER a. 3ir NWDERED HEMO Pound can 9 K.ii.r Community Hour Cook of rh. Week orer KSLM Saturday, 8-9 p.m. SHRIMP CREOLE Submitted by J. A. (Tony) Nunn, 1907 Het Ave.. S.Iem In tauce pan, Saute !, 1 can ahrlmp (drained) I teaapoom butter Remove ihrlmp. and to aauce pan add SlmmTr for I t. 3 hour., add .hr.mp and .imm.r another State Street fvWKET Your Priondry IGA Storo ot 1230 STATE STREET IGA Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities (MUTT'S (mm Your Friendly IGA Storo at 4200 N. RIVER ROAD Soocial Frieot Effective March 6-7 A: VISTA tm saussss YOUR FRIENDLY . IGA STORE AT 304S S. COMMERCIAL 15 mlnutea. Serve over uuuy