" v 1 " r : ; . -.V-i ; ' Ji -:" . . ? ? rjc--- OAK GROVE PLAT Oak Grovei-Salem Civic Play ers under the iponiorship of the Oak Grove grange will present a play "The Young Scamp" at the Oak Grove grange hall Friday jiight, March 6, at 8 p.m. Tele-fun by Wirran Goodrich butyl Ouess the lady baa's children didn't fly away mom trar aUl". .. Ask the youngsters to be considerate telephone mere . . . Paciflo Talepboo. Adding Spice to Sport Auitrian star Christian Pravda ia ten feet above snow in somersault as he demonstrates ski tricks to Sun Valley, Idaho, Ski School class. Butteville Butteville The Buttteville P.T.A. will meet Monday night, March 0, at 8 p.m. The program will be demonstrations put on by 4-H clubs of the district and from Donald, Aurora, Canby, Champion, 91, and Broadacres. A prize is to be given to .the room with the largest attend ance at the meeting. The upper room won last month. A cooked food sale will be held following the P.T.A: meet ing and program. Mrs. John Sasmussen is pro gram chairman and Mrs. Jim Johnson is food sale chairman. The. Wee Cooks 4-H Cooking club is planning a Mothers Tea for the next regular meeting Friday, March 20. The tea will be held at the home of the club leader, Mrs. John Rasmussen. ; Desna White celebrated her lith birthday Saturday - after noon with a lively party at the Hartwell A. White's newly ac quired river front home. Ice cream and cake wore served by Mrs. White. Guests Dayton Serve Ibpps Favorite TUNA! wm body-bvHdinQ Aka4tJsu saVB pfoctitollyoityoftt 751 boOt tee MM CM Stt MOO COVMHr.e 1, ma it present were Dawn Bertrand, Ida Stewart, Connie Stewart, Lone 11a Stewart, Mona Stewart, Rose Krupicka, Carol Hoatetler, Judy Gotchal, Cleo Smith, Sharen White, Allen White and Deana White. Karl Engleman is spending a week with his brother, H. H. Engleman, in Portland. Andrew Johnson is reported much improved in the Hutchen- son hospital in Oregon City where he was taken by ambu lance last Wednesday. March 8 being his 85th birth day, a few friends visited him, bringing a birthday cake, flow ers and cards. Mrs. W. O. Lindqulst returns to jury uty in Salem tomorrow, She has been helping her daugh ter, Mrs. Tony Ott of Canby, with the care of her Infant daughter, Dianne Lynn, born Feb. 11. Mrs. Karl Engleman and her daughter, Mrs. Edward Jones and daughters Janice and Carla attended the Oak Lawn Wom an's club meeting last Wednes day. Mrs. San Jones of Canby was hostess. An all day meeting of the board of governers of the D.A.R. Pioneer Mother's Cabin is called for Tuesday March 8 at the cab in in Champoeg park, - - A pot luck lunch will be served. Mrs. Karl Engleman, member of the board, will be in attendance. Mrs. John Hayes returned home Sunday from a three months' trip to California. She visited friends and relatives in the Bakersfleld and Los An' geles areas. She was met in Salem by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilmes and their two small children. Yofte tbver Sees Anything Like h! te rns Ovenv Qedner CUTS OVEN GREASE LIKE MAGIC! WOOL!' h'i Amasingl Just spread on this noo-namma-ble, clean-emelling "miracle jelly . . . then wipe off with warm water! One application re moves even black, turd-crusted, "baked-on" grease) Works on any kind of oven . . . porcelain-enamel, iron, steeL'Get BAsr-OFF today. Honor Aekermaa Dayton Honoring LaVon Ackerman, EM Sc on his birthday his parents, Mr. and Mrs Claire Ackerman enter tained with dinner at their home Sunday. Guests were Ackerman, who February 24 returned from duty in the Aleutians and is on 30-day leave, Miss Liala Abraham, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ackerman and children; Mrs. Carl Ashmon; and Perry Acker- Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jensen and sons, and Mrs. Leona lensen of New berg were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Vivian Ab- dilL . . MrBsO. C. Goodrich was honor guest at a luncheon served by her sister, Mrs. Verda Reid ia McMlnnville Saturday at one o'clock. Others Included in the group were Mrs. Ellis Brown, Mrs. Lulu Hermanson and Mrs. Mae Barnard of McMlnnville; Mrs. 'Goodrich, Mrs. Russell Co burn, Mrs. Elise Londershausen, Mrs. Delia U'Ren. On Sunday, Mrs. Goodrich was again honored at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Russell Coburn and family. Mr. Goodrich ac companied her on this occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Sweeney entertained a group of friends for potluck supper on Saturday eve ning. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dresselhaus. Three tables of Samba were at play during the evening. Mrs. George Moore of Eureka, Calif., returned home Sunday following a week here with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Clare. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lorenzen entertained at dinner Monday evening honoring her mother on her birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr., and Mrs. Ersel Gubser, and Mrs. JoAnn Gubser and chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gossett at Carlton Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Duzsn came this week from Coos Bay to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duzan. Their baby son, Larry, was taken to Doern- becber hospital for observation. The other two boys have been attending school here this week. Joy Buswell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buswell, spent three days in the hospital but is some better at present in her home. She is stlil under observation. Mr. 'and Mrs. H. F. Adams and baby who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Erie Parker, for the past three weeks, moved to Portland over the weekend where Mr. Adams has found employment. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Childs on Sunday were her sister, Mrs. Annette Rappe of Portland, and a niece and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. George Walk er of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. James Crane at tended the Oregon-Oregnn State game Friday evening. The Girl Scout cookie sale net ted the group $49.20. The total sales were $114. Mrs. John Ai- qutth' gave prizes for the ones who hadiold the most boxes of cookies Aleta Richards sold 80 boxes in the country nd Betty Paris sold 88 boxes in town. Both girls were given Girl Scout pen and pencil sets. John and Henry Bruhn ac companied by Mrs. Florence Mosgrove spent Sunday after noon with her daughter, rMs. Orville Zentner, and family at Carlton. - - Mrs. Orville Zentner and Mrs. Smith of Carlton and Mrs. Florence Mosgrove were guests of Mrs. Robert Caldwell Friday at a Stanley party. Richard Martin left Monday, following a 10-day leave, for San Diego. As soon as he is stationed at Corpus Christl, Texas, Mrs. Martin will join him there. V a See. Ill, Capital JearaaJ, galeae. Ore, Than, March t, UU Hazel Green Health asriaUon, titled Tears ox tnuaren". , . . Hazel Green ' The Hazel Green Community club met Fri day night, Feb. 27, at the school house, with . President Elmer McClaughry presiding over the meeting and naming for the en tertainment in March, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Klampe and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aker, and for the refreshment committee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Francke and' Mr and Mrs. Laurence Zielinskl. The entertalnmetn for the ev ening was a costume tap dance put on by members and students of the Paul Armstrong School of Dance. Refreshments of do- nuts and coffee were served the guests and members. The Hazel Green Mothers club is inviting the public to the carnival which will be held Sat urday night, March 8, beginning at 8 o'clock, In the school. There are plans for a movie, eats and various booths and games. A meeting of the Mother's club will be held Thursday ev ening at 7 to hold election of officers and make final arrange ments for the carnival. Following the business meev ign, there will be a film shown by Mrs. Ruby Bunnell of the Marion County Tuberculosis and Puts Ca U.-t Csr.nst ToGetr?tt k For The Money! ... v . r f i MAS. MM I SB WO ' ." a Checking His Lines Script girl Doris August briefs eight foot six-inch Max Palmer, a Clarksdale, Miss., farm boy, making his first film, on set of "Killer Ape." He weighs 450 pounds, wears size 64 suit, has 22-inch neck and 49-inch waist Jefferson Jefferson At the Jefferson Woman's club meeting, Feb. 25, Vernon Goin was guest speaker and showed colored slides taken in Japan, also souvenirs, and Dlayed , records of Oriental music. During - the business session, committees were made known for the flower show to be held March 25, headed by Mrs. Her bert Looney and Mrs. O. l Buckne. . ' . .. ' ' i : Arranging the display! will be Mrs. V. E. Goin, Mrs. Leonard McCaw and Mrs. C. D. Person. Placing" flower arrangements will be Mrs. Harold Wynd, Mrs. Robert Hart and Mrs. Alfred Powell. . Program, committee members are Ms. Gilbert Looney; solicit ing plants for the plant sale Mrs. A. B. Hinz. Mrs. Ernest Powell; sale of plants, Mrs. Fred Wled, Mrs. D. V.. Olds; dining room, Mrs. William WaUs and Mrs. James Pate; kitchen, Mrs. Marvin Hutchings, Mrs. R. H Beat and Mrs. W. F. Gulvin, Mrs. Harold Wynd announced the library board had received $34. Mrs. V. E. Goin and Mrs. Paul VanScoy were appointed to find a meeting place for the Marion County Federation of Womens clubs, to be held Fri day, April 24. Refreshments were served by Mrs. D. V. Olds, Mrs. Les Shields man. Guests in the afternoon were Duane Davis, Rod Wlsner, and Brownie Zenter, who re cently returned from the service. and Mrs. Clayton Wills, assisted by Gayle Olds and Mrs. Gilbert Looney. Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs. Guy Roland and Vernon Goin were guests of the club. Ray Neal has leased the first floor of the I.O.O.F. building on Main St., formerly occupied by feed Store, and is engaged In building boats. Ernie Fletcher returned from a Salem hospital the first of the week after having his leg op erated on and pins put In to hold the bones In place. He recently broke his lg while playing bas ketball. , . . Mr. and. Mrs. 'John Henderson arrived home from Tacoma, Wash., Monday, where they vis ited their son Elmer Henderson and Mrs. Henderson. Mr. -Hen derson is engaged in the tele vision business. . . Mrs. Ada Young and sister. Mrs. Nila Settle, were ' Salem visitors, also Bliss Fiddler. Churchill, the Canadian port on Hudson Bay, was founded as a fort in 1717. - You, too, will lore Bun Bonnbt Margarine's delicate, sunay-ewwt -flavor t Bum Bonnbt main bread, toast, hot rolls, and vegetaUes tost ' bitter than evert . You'll appreciate Bum Bonn it's nutrition. Utfik meet other soar guinea, Bum Bonnbt coo tain Mfc Vitamins A cmI D as much year round Vitamin A and D as you rat la the hit b-prieed spread for bread! Yet Blub Bonnbt Martariaa' casta bat than half as much as the high-priced spread. So put on Bum Bonnbt and at aim of "all 8" Flavor, Nutrition, Econom-e-el Vndrr trrmt ml IXM rprftal Ottr! Coat nly wrtll , More Sf. IH. IUMM im aackasa pn Jaially J e T-MtNIT Pie Is so taay It's almost angle. Saves assembling logre .' dienta . . saves measuring . . . aavea muting. While your pie shell bakes you gat the Ailing mia ready. In a It w ahort minutes a dU (tout, creamy-smooth pie Is ready foe your family to enjoy! THE TREAT'S ON JJSI SO TREAT Y0URSEI? TO THE QUICKEST... EASIEST PIE YOU'VE EVER MADE... AND THE BEST! Today while ofl.r holds buy T-MIN1T Reedy-to-Make Pie at your grocery store. Snd us the top of the package showing price mark; along with a letter of ftfteen words or more, tailing why your Iimlly liked 7-MINtT Pie. r We'll send you back the price you paid, plus pott age! It's like finding mon ey ! Be sure to Include your name and addrett . Letter mutt be postmarked on or before March M. IMS. Hurry! Don't mitt this wond.rtul opportunity Offer limited one to a family, lite the handy coupon below 0NScar Imctout tame Cftmy Cwsjsjrt f rmimt j "1 II II- emiTae! MINIT. Bex MM - . , H-71 Sotey twaathi Tunptini BMtM Cruet r Ptfttesissi trecee I tt ltf '"! T m '' UUt 14mm ! ft . . . Hi. aicfciti to fiowiHg anct. titoi. I tttura ny iMMr. em twiatt. - I "" I ""' i ' Void It Uxod, prohlbllod or etherwli. ' I rtatrictod by tUit. or municipal laws. I Offor enpira. March SS, Im. j es. Jar 694 14 ox. .r984 LOCKER BEEF 'lottom OrtflO whitg fece HartforJ beet 'bought eliraet from th ranch and haulad in our own trucks. Iy and lore at Packing Houm Wholesoto MjCaf. Hn, and wrapping, smoking, curing. Free deep fretta service. Custom killing. . v NOTHING DOWN 5 MONTHS TO f AY LOCKER BEEF u 33' Front Quarter lB' STEER BEEF -- BZVl U.S. Graded Good . LOCKER BEEF u 36' SALEM MEAT CO. Special Get-Aquainted Offer atSlAIWAY 1288 STATE ST. SALEM, OREGON PHONE 3-6489 RANDALL'S FINE MEATS REAL BARGAINS IN MEAT Again this week we are able te offer yon fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the low est prices In the state of Oregon. It la the volume ef your patronage that makes these low prices possible. Come In and compare our prices. Plan to buy a week'a supply. Any of our retail cuts wrapped tor your locker FREE! Fill yonr locker NOW before the normal spring price advance. - FRESHLY GROUND HAMBURGER Lb ataf COUNTRY STYLE 39 j SAUSAGE Lb 39' Smoked Pork Chops Z tcial introductory prk -U,. 69c Eastern Oregon Hereford I Eastern Oregon Hereford ROUND T-BONE RIB PB at., I ARM BLADE RUMP afafaa BEEF STEAK i.59 BEEF ROAST Lb 39' PIECE BACON SgaJgSu a 65' EXTRA LEAN mm g4 I LEAN, TENDER . ass GROUND BEEF Lb. 59 I BEEF CUBES ,,59' BEEF FOR YOUR LOCKER - FANCY EASTERN OREGON HEREFORD Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter 32I2,,b. 3(512,lb. 4B FANCY U. S. GRADE A GOOD UGHT STEER BEEF Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter mlz. mz w2. jSv This Fdcas Pfe&Sonly Swith attached ffflf ' II vK''"''"' ""1 h- 1 to every lrg . ,1 vo aoi. 1 1 of Parade! J Amazing New PARADE Works Wonders inYourWashWater HIRI NOW I A revolutionary new washday suds! A suds that makes your washing easier . . . gets your clothes cleanert YIS, new Parade gets out dirt you never knew was there. For it's a Heavy-duty suds. ..a remarkably efficient product tliat works wonders in your wash water. Tet Parade ia gentle on your hands and fine things. ..perfect for dishes! IIMITID Of FIR I Take advantage of this big money-saving & sale now. Get Parade at Safeway today . . . and SAVE!