m. Capital Jeuraal, gl., Qr., Thnwi. Mirth S, Ml Chocolat C Coated Poo Corn Clusters Here it treat that ia easy to make. It if "Chocolate Coated Pod Corn Clusters " Sounds aim- Die and it la simple. Hardly nothing at all to making It but It la a really flinerent con fection with all the flavor of Honey and Rice Combine For Varied Dessert Dishes . I - Americans are xamoui ai a wKn-wvmi people. It 11 up to the badgered homemaker to keep these desserts varied and appealing. - - Here's a new recipe to add to your dessert recipe collection. Every accomplished homemaker will be duick to notice that it has these check-points: It ia inexpensive. It provides for left-over cake or cookie crumbs, which often are a headache for the truly pru dent homemaker who cannot bear to throw them away. It can be made far ahead of serving time, thus taking a load Delicious Conserve From Dried Fruits If your cupboard looks bare of good jams and conserves, now is the time to fill it with a variety of delicious homemade ones. Make them with canned and dried fruits which are al ways available. One of the best w know is this easy recipe for "Apricot Pineapple Conserve." Tangy dried apricots are com bined with canned pineapple, honey, sugar and crunchy chop ped nuts. Apricot Pineapple 'Conserve 4 cups dried apricots 1 No. ! tin crushed pineap ple : 4 cups water J cup honey 6 cups granulated sugar 1 cup coarsely chopped wal nuts . . Rinse apricots, drain and put through food chopper, using fine knife. Combine with pineapple, water, honey and sugar. Boll about 20 minutes or until of de sired consistency, stirring con tinuously to prevent scorching. Add chopped nuts last 5 min utes' cooking. Pour into glasses and seal with paraffin. Makes about 12 (S-ounce) glasses. Because no satisfactory en gine could be bought, the Wright brothers bad one built In their own bicycle shop to power their first airplane. ' off the rush dinner hours. The recipe is easily divided or multiplied to suit the exact num ber of persons you are serving. Honey and rice make surpris ingly - good companions. Rice gives the body, honey gives the sweetness so essential to every good dessert. Rice and Honey Freeie 2H cups slightly warm cooked rice 4 cup honey to cup chopped filberts or wal nuts Vt pint whipping cream 1 cup chocolate cake or cookie crumbs Method: Mix together the rice, honey and nuts. Whip the cream and fold into the rice, honey and nut mixture. The cream will be partially melted by the warm rice. Sprinkle half of the chocolate crumbs over the bottoms of two ice cube trays. Pour the rice and whipped cream mixture into the two trays. Sprinkle the rest of the chocolate crumbs over the top. Freeze until firm. If dessert is kept for several days, remove traya from freezing compart ment and place in coldest part of the refrigerator several hours before the dessert is served if a softer texture is desired. This recipe makes 10 servings. Rice and Apricot Honey Padding 18 apricot halves 3 eggs 3 cups cooked rice 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 2 tablespoons lemon Juice 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind cup honey cup milk Nutmeg Method: Mash apricots with a fork or put through a sieve. Pour pulp into a greased baking dish. Beat the eggs until frothy. Add the rice, butter or margarine. lemon juice, lemon rind, honey and milk. Pour the rice mix ture over the apricots. Sprinkle' nutmeg over the top. Set the baking dish in a shallow pan 4 full of hot water. Bake in a 390 F. oven for 1 hour. Serve the pudding warm. This recipe mskes 8 servings. rich chocolate candy plus the crunchy goodness of crisp pop corn. Chocolate Coated Pop Cora Clusters 1 cup sugar Vt cup water Vt cup corn syrup 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine S (1 oz.) cakes unsweetened chocolate 4 quarts popped pop corn Combine sugar, wster and corn syrup. Cook for 5 minutes; add butter and chocolate. Cook until a small portion tested in cold water stiffens and cracks. Pour over the popped corn. Stir until mixture is well distributed and turns sugary. Brochettes Prove Easy, Quick to Make These are good for the buffet or open house party. Ham-Pineapple Brochettes Makes 6 servings. 1 12-ounce can chopped ham, or left-over baked ham 1 14-ounce can pineapple chunks 1 7-ounce can mushroom caps 3 tablespoons melted mar garine or butter Cut ham in tt-incb slices. Cut each slice into 1-inch squares. Drain pineapple and mushrooms. On large metal skewers "string" a cube of ham then a chunk of pineapple. Alternate ham and pineapple until there are 4 pieces of ham and 3 of pineapple on each skewer. Then slip 2 or 3 mushroom caps on end of each skewer. Brush all over with melted margarine or butter. Lay skewers across shallow pan and broil under moderate heat until lightly browned. Turn skewers to brown under side of meat. Serve hot, with creamed onions and French bread or hard rolls. Canned Salmon Used In This Tossed Salad Budget watchers will like this salmon salad for which the liquid drained from the can of aalmon becomes one of the in gredients of the dressing. Teased Salmon Salad 1 pound can salmon . 1 cup celery, diced 1 tablespoon grated onion 2 cups shredded lettuce 1 eggs, hard-cooked 2 medium tomatoes Dressing: Liquid from can of sslmon Vt cup red chili sauce 2 tablespoons salad oil . 1 tablespoon vinegar Vs. teaspoon salt ,: . teaspoon paprika . Vt teaspoon sugar, optional Drain the salmon, reserving the 1 1 q u i d for the dressing. Break the salmon meat into email pieces. Combine with celery, grated onion, shredded lettuce and chopped eng. Pour the ingredients for the dressing into a fruit Jar and ahake vigor ously. When ready to serve, pour dressing over salad and toss lightly. Garnish with slices of tomatoes. Will serve 4 to 6. Date Filled Cookies 1 M cups chopped dates cup sugar 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon grated orange rind Muffins With Beans There is no law that says baked beans must always be ac companied by brown bread. As s vsriatlon to that theme, try hot bran flake muffins. Quick Bran Flakes Hurtlas 1 cup bran flakes cup milk 1 cup sifts 1 flour 2Vt teaspoons baking powder H teaspoon salt Vi cup sugar or molasses 1 egg 2 tablespoons soft shortening Combine bran flakes and milk In mixing bowL Sift to gether flour, baking powder and salt: add to bran flakes and milk with sugar, egg and shortening. Stir only until combined. Fill greased muffin pans full. Bake in moderately hot oven (400 degrees F.) about 25 min utes. Yield: 0 medium-size muffins. "".Barbecued Luncheon Meat With Corn Good Here's a good luncheon dish, or a hot dish for supper. Barbecaed Laacheoa Meat . with Cera 3 tablespoons butter or mar garine ; Vt cup chopped onion tt 'eup chopped green pepper 1 -ounce can tomato sauce 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoons brown sugar 1 bsy leaf 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon Tabasco 1 1-pound can whole kernel corn t 12-ounce can luncheon meat Melt butter: add onion and green pepper and cook until ten der, but not brown. Stir in to mato sauce, vinegar, brown sug- midget markets 351 State St. 1128 Center ITS WORTH WHILE To shop the 'Midgets'. 5rop in and take advantage of Oregon's Gmfrtt Meat Values. Pork Roast pics Porlf Steaks Center Chops Wieners Skinless Polish Rings Mince Ham Style ... ib. 5 I , I .. ... 1 1 I . too VI lb. Ib. A Pear Salad for St Patrick's Meal Here's pear salad to honor St. Patrick and the Irish when that celebration day arrives on March IT. It's made of mint flavored, green tinted canned pear halves served In a long time favorite way with cottage I cheese. There'll be no mistaking that this pear salad is in honor of St. Patrick. With a can of chilled pears in the refrigerator you have the makings of many salads and 1 1 simple desserts that can be made ready at a moment a notice. Canned pears used occasionally as a breakfast fruit are refresh- ling. They're wonderful with cookies or crackers and cheese for a quick dessert. Canned pears are nutritious snacktime 1 cup shortening , 1 cup brown sugar 3V4 cups sifted flour ' 2 teaspoons baking powder ' teaspoon salt ' H cup water Vt teaspoon vanilla 2 cups whole wheat flakes Combine dates, sugar, water, orange juice and grated orange rind; cook until soft paste is formed. Cool. Blend shortening and sugar thoroughly. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together and add alternately with water and fla voring to shortening mixture. Stir in whole wheat . flakes. Chill. Roll dough to about Vt inch In thickness. Cut with floured cookie cutter; spread one round with filling and put a second round on top, pressing edges together. Bake on greased baking aheet in moderately hot over (429 deg. F.) about . 12 minutes. Yield: 36 cookies (2tt inches in diameter). The predecessor of Uncle Sam as the symbolical representa tive of tie Amedican was Brother Jonathan, dating from the Revolution. The term Uncle Sam Is said to have originated during the War of 1812. Unusual Flavor for This Salad Offering " This unusually flavorful salad which makes a main luncheon or supper course, comes to us from Mexico and we plan to keep it and use it often. Bread Cubes Ce into Booth of Border Salad 1 clove garlic 2 cups soft bread cubes -Vt cup salad oil' H cup diced celery 1 pimiento, cut in strips 1 cup diced, cooked potatoes cup each, coarsely grated onion and carrots 2 tablespoons minced green pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon chili powder 2 tablespoons vinegar . 1 cup diced corned beef Greens Saute garlic and bread cubes in 1 tablespoon of the oil until bread is brown on all sides. Re move garlic. Combine all re maining ingredients except greens with bread ' in a salad bowl. Toss. Serve on lettuce or other greens. Six servings. Husbands! Wives! want new pep and vtm? TtoMMMtt t OTupNa or. tk. vecMut, -kiuuflHMybieiuMbUiiilrai.TMt vim. rtuutr. try Omm Toole Tobleu. SuppllM trno you. loo, mvr oorf tor pop: tupplrmontiry IM VIUI 7 SI M U fUt ft or mn Ml war. So. noWMvUs 'SMtamr At all ItH Urn tornraoro hi Solas, l wn Mtror-o in nnu. ar, bay leaf, mustard, salt, Ta basco and liquid drained from corn; simmer S minutes. Cut luncheon meat into 8 slices; add to barbecue sauce with corn and simmer 10 minutes. Yield: 4 servings. Toasted Carrots Plentiful, golden, nutritious carrots fixed like this will add color and interest to any dinner menu. Cook 12 whole carrot in boiling salted water, cover ed, until just tender.' Dip in Vt cup salad oil, melted butter or margarine; then in IVt cups finely crushed corn flakes to which salt and pepper have been added. Arrange in pan and broil until cornflakes are toast ed. basting twice with remain ing oil, for about 8 minutes. Do not turn. Remove to serving dish with pancake turner or apatula. Four servings. FOR U01DW Macaroni ftocfuefs ttnvtvio Lenten You can serve them .ana ,n - in" f Writ For Mission'g Dandy FREE RECIPE BOOK! Aurhtntte Italian favorite, and diffcrtnt, unusual, nw recipes ar included in this colltctionl For a Frat copy-writ to Mission Macaroni, Soatrl 4, Wash. ' wis rami food too, they won't spoil the children's appetite for the next meal. Emerald Pear Salad 6 canned pear halves 1 pint cottage cheese Endive or lettuce Mayonnaise or salad dressing H teaspoon mint flavoring Few drops of green . coloring Hear pear syrup to boiling. Remove from heat. Add flavor ing and coloring until desired shade of green is reached. Add pear halvea and let stand until flavored and colored. For each serving place one-third cup cot tage cheese on endive or lettuce. Cover with minted pear half, cut aide down and serve with mayonnaise or aalad dressing. Serves 6. IN MAXWELL Adlai Opens Clark, now a justice of the Supreme Court, was the chief the Justice Department's erlml 'to he! - i Atomic Fneray sUlno. '.Ha wf ir '' V J par- )0 in and Ulon h of Mot ot the DILK.IOU5 T-BONL5 that mad such a hit last weak. From YOUNG STEER BEEF. Forter house curs. Wall trimmed. Tender. Any thickness desirad. T-Bone Steaks ... IBS)' Nucoa Is the one to buy- Bacon Squares MS Sliced Bac. I..3S' Pure Lard n, .10' Beef Cubes Lean Ib. 55' I Mm us CAPITOL FISH CENTER In Our Cantor St. Location A WIDE VARIETY OF OCEAN FRESH CURED AND SMOKED FISH. Tli mny mt)limants w have received, makes us vary happy. ... . ...the first yellow margarine with food value In every single Ingredient! Everything In today's Nucoa is good for you! No bensoate preservative, no synthetic flavor I Even Nucoa 's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden aaretene, rich In vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tasting Nucoa margarine is snsde by the makers of Best Foods JUol Mayonnaise. Next Mae you buy, buy NIXOA1 Capitol Bologna weighed 42 lbs. 9 oz. Win ners, D. E. Clark, 702 No. Church, Art Mayer, 2270 Electric. Downtown, Mrs. Geo. Nelson, US Leslie. E. Zielisch, 3740 tjarden Koaa. Wtight, 42 Ws. 5 oz. FIRST IN QUALITY amNutitionl sNatureJllovtirl gThrifty! was rren man i for ork, from and two-1 1.032 1 Jnit- Ume in-1 eases ear'a tra G th. Ulon , ties plat- idans itual ( the made con-1 kieet- ar-1, ,o. It f th i h 7orldt se In atlon s to firm i oil ft. f o if isen-par- nolle alco- ilm. ntial tain- ines- erlal sked vatic lews sited. Fruits and Vegefables Rome Beauty Apples 3lbi.29c i Newlon Apples 2,bi25c Large Avocados 2 for 25c Hothouse Rhubarb 19c Juice Oranges Bag of JO , S Dos. C Smoothie Deschutes Ns. 1 POTATOES 10'k 69c Housecleaning Time We hava complete line of Johnson's Simoniza Iruca's and O'Cedar Waxes Mops and Appliances Chinese Foods BEEF CHOP i AO SLEY, t-lb. can .... I.V7 CHICKEN CHOW ft Aft MEIN, S-lb. can... I-W7 MEATLESS CHOW C MEIN, S-lb. can OjC Each a Complete Meal ef Six Liberal Servings PLANTER'S Salted Nuts Cocktail Peanuts 7-oi Mixed Nuts 7-os Cashews 7-08. Almends ' 7-os 35c 59c 59c 69c Good Grocery Buys Upton's Tea Bags . ...... 53c Lipfon's Tea W1, .;65c Upton's Noodle Soup 3pkf..38c Upton's Veg. Noodle Soup 3pkn.38c Del Monte Fruit Cocktail tH, 2 (ar 65c Del Monte Catsup... 2botI.35c Stewed Tomatoes MST. ... 2 lor 43c Schmuker's Grape Jam Um. 33c Rogers Peases. ..... 2,M.35c ia esas $1.M 24 cans S3. S&W Large Prunes ...... .. 2 49c S&W Grapefruit ... 2t.n,49c 12 cans 2.tl 24 cans SS.SO GilneHer White Tuna .... 2 emj 75c 12 cans 4.2 24 cans $2.29 Saladetfes n,. n.w v.,. s.i.d. . . 2 ,., 45c Pard Dog Food 2 ,.r 29c Friskies Dog Food .... .... 2 (or 29c Case of 42 eana M.S3 Lumberjack Syrup 33c Reddi Wip e. 53c (Already-Whipped Cream) Durkee's Margarine ..2 lbi. 55c Zee Toilet Tissue 4f0,35c (Green, Orchid or White) Kolex Sanitary Napkins Pk(. ........ 38c Woodbury Hand Soap 4 bar 29c Spry i..b..- ... ...93c Darilac Dry Milk:... 2Ita. 69c U.S. Grode A Steer Beat ROAST Guaranteed Tender . 65' Ib. Well Trimmed No Excess Bona Fresh Drassad Every Day Colored FRYERS ' ib. fan Ready U. S. Grode A SHORT RIBS OF BEEF Leon, Tender m. Center Cut Pork SHOULDER ROAST 45'.,. U. S. Gov't Insp. Park srdon .tomic the e part litary eeful ully. meri. day, it to no- ive in iture" oiled 'we jstroy lity of w, but - how jmmo- pro iomlc ." ha Extra Lean Cascade SLICED BACON MODEL FOOD MARKET 27S N. Hiah (Next ta City Hall) Phone 3-4111 It-Day Aeceaats The Store at Friendly Service Na Charge for Delivery it tire . ' have "ires week, tern- nany ut so r fires a shut pre- ttwer leak hu. tumid- day, wimld- the . the Wed "k and two Sanger ng easl pera- is be n tha elow aidity . look' bilityj ' g ud areas, us cut red a lately i in - AJ . train! tap J leasdl ly in-1 Ik al V .III .. . . When he woutd resume general threatens w laeo oe Republics and private audiences was not paty to defeat. suted. I The Oregon senator said tl at anhonr, and lasvf reversed this with a state ment be would wslt snd see whet happens. Three houi. . .iden J rescue crews still were combing! in wTeexage in which more iviclims were believed trapped. 1