Sm. ITT, Capital UmMl, Ulmm, 0m Than, Man I, IKVJt IHteaas 9emm wfiiflh CDEiniEIESIE ... . . o For Example, Look at This Sensational Reduced Price Reg. 63c lb., Old-Fashioned "Hoop" Variety, Mild AMERICAN CHEDDAR CHEESE lb. lb. 4-lb. Prints CREAM 0' THE CROP GRADE "AA" LARGE EGGS Doz. in fCfl BUTTER V Down goes our regular price to give you a savings of 14 cents on every pound. It is perfect for grilled sand wiches just right for combining with other foods in casserole dishes. Soli in 34-pound wedges Priced by the pound at Mm SPECIAL FRUITS w SALAD Uir.UUV DCirUCC Halves or IIIVIIflMI r U4VIIU Slice FREESTONE PEACHES Exposition MELLO WEST PEARS Plecet HIGHWAY PINEAPPLE EB No&25c N&25c i!S 25c K 25c HERE'S A PRIZE WINNER This handsome gold trophy wot recently awarded to BLOSSOM TIME cottage cheese for scoring highest of all the brands judged in a recent state-wide cottage cheese competi tion. BLOSSOM TIME COTTAGE CHEESE Creamed or Farmer Style Drott up your lablo with . . . It isn't often that a value like this comes along! 14-piece STARTER SET 4 plates 4 cupt 4 sowcort sugar and croamor 0Nty$69 Except: VEGETABLE BOWl aca mL t SERVING PLATE Will smartly-designed table ware in Hawaiian-inspired colors PALM GREEN with TROPIC CHARTREUSE COCONUT BROWN with CORAl SAND Kona Ware is ideal for your casual en tertaining . . . parties, snacks, buffets, etc Fine, too, for family meals. Made by one of America's top manufacturers ...your assurance of a quality product .... START YOUR SET HOW ! SERVE WITH COTTAGE CHEESE Campbell's Soups Reg. 18c each Oregon Plum Preserves Healthful Dalevood Margarine a 5 Cream-Style Corn m. 2 Lumberjack Syrup Pack Train Syrup Tomato Juice Grapefruit Juice B.8Sr" 29' Gardenside Delicious Flavor Rich, Full-Bodied Flavor, Imit. Maple Sunny Dawn Fancy Pack 46-oz. can Town House Natural 46-oz. dfni ' can lbs. No. 303 cans 23-oz. Bottle 24 oz. 25 25 or Sweetened PICNICS ib. Fancy sugar cured shoulders, with the shank trimmed short ORANGES California Seedless Navels BACON Center Cuts PIECE BACON Your BIST Buys in Beef J Safeway sells only "U.S. CHOICE" ond "U.S. GOOD" beef. Look forrhe U.S. grade stamp on ev ery cut of beef you buy at Safeway. And remember, too, you can't judge value by price alone. Compare Sofeway's superior trimming. Compare tenderness ond f lovor which Safewoy's aging program gives you T-Bone Steaks IISTA. 95c Sirloin Steaks "STi? 79c Short Ribs 'tRt u 38c Ground Beef iKX u. 49c End Cuts S3' CHUCK ROAST U.S. Choice ond U. S. Good Corned Beef 49c Seafood Values for Lenten Meals HALIBUT SLICES lb. 59c FILLET OF SOLE lb. 63c FRESH OYSTERS Pt. 59c Fresh Cut-up Fryers 69c 49' LEAN & MILD SLICED BACON SUnd.rd tf Tsncy 10 f Pick tB. Pck LB. Protcet your family's health! Buy them by the bag GRAPEFRUIT ARIZONA MARSH SEEDLESS Golden-Uniform Size Carrots MISCELLANEOUS MONEY SAVERS! Nob Hill Coffee ft- 80c 78c 8-LB. BAG 39 C No Tops Billowy, White, Solid Cauliflower Airway Coffee Edwards Coffee SUea'l" Canterbury Tea Ban 53c Salad Dressing Duchess Qt, 57c Mrs. Wright's Bread lvi lb. 23c Skylark Bread i lb. 20c Kitchen Craft Flour 50lb,M" More Lenten Values Chunk Style Bumble Bee Tuna From ft. Astoria No. Vi con A7G Chunk Style, Light Meat Torpedo Tuna Sandwich JQ Favorite No. V cn 7C Sea Trader, Eastern Minced Clams For Your - - C Chowder 7!4-oi. nniitfC Conners Delicious Kippered Snacks More Than 1A ' 'Tasty" No. V can IUC Tide Detergent Washing 19-oz. pk. 30c Oxydol Detergtnt New 19-e. pkg. 30c Cheer Detergent New Blue 21-oz. pkg: 30c -OXURY CANDIES- Jelly Beans Honey Comb Chips Gum Drops Monster Peanut Clusters Chocolate Drops Mb. pkr. 29C lt-es. 37c Mb. 25c Mb. pkf . 49C 1-lb.pkf. 33c Apples . i.. 10c Calavos 23c Turnips 10c -WIN I FAVORITES. Ivory Snow Ivory 00 Mild 12Vi-oz.pfcg.ZyC Dreft Detergent Magic Q A Sudser 15-oz. pkg. J WW Ivory Flakes vory OO. Mild 12Vi-oz.pkg.Z7C Broccoli ft... u 19c Lettuce 19c Potatoes "59c I l43 MAY DAY Salad Oil Qstrt 63C ROYAL SATIN Shortening i u 87c CRISCO Shortening ib. cm 93 c 6 Prices effective Thursday. Friday, Saturday nd Sunday, March S-t Tokay Wine c.i-or.. Sweet Red c.i-or.. Blackberry Hone,.. loganberry Honeywood Burgundy "ci.., Sauterne EIlTco,,, rifth 59c rifui 59c Fwm 98c Fifth 98c Fifth 79c Fifth 79c Duz Detergent Soap 20Vi-oz. pkg. . Granulated Oft X7C White Magic Soap Granulated Soap Reg. pkg. AmJX, FRISKIES BETTY CROCKER You'll Love A Dog Food Cake Mix Parade 78c I S Kinds UCH 37c I sM 10. Kf. 30c I