Meringue Ring with Rice Provides Unusual Dessert ' Here U deuert which ii Just Out of Thit World One A crispy, feather lifht mer infue rlnf U filled with deli cioui peppermint rice. And urprUe thia creamy rice fill' tnf can be colored either a lus cious pink or a tempting green as the occasion indicates. Not only is me eating of this Rice and Meringue Dessert de lightful, but the hurried hostess will be delighted that such a gala dessert la so very, very easy and simple to make. After the egg whites are beaten the oven takes over the job of cre ating the meringue. The filling is a quick creation and the re sult la a dessert which is truly a dazzler and will become a party standby as well as a fam-" ily dessert favorite. ! Rlee-Merlngue Dessrt j . 4 egg whites 1 cup extra fine beet or cane sugar Pinch of Salt Vi teaspoon cream of tartar . 1 teaspoon vanilla Ingredients for pink filling: 1 cup finely crushed pepper mint candy ; cup milk 3 cups hot cooked rice Vi pint chilled whipping cream Shavings of unsweetened ' chocolate Ingredient for alternate fill ing (green in color): 3 cups hot cooked rice cup beet or cane sugar Vi cup milk Green food coloring Vi pint chilled whipping cream Peppermint flavoring Shavings of unsweetened chocolate To make 3 liberal cups of fluffy rice, put 1 cup of uncook ed rice, 2 cups of cold water and 1 teaspoon of salt into a, 2-quart saucepan and bring to a vigorous boil. Turn the heat as low as possible. Cover the saucepan with a lid. Do not re move lid nor stir rice while it is cooking. Leave saucepan ever this low heat for 14 min utes. After the rice has cooked remove saucepan from heat but keep the lid on until the rice is to be served. Method: Draw a circle 9 Inches in diameter on brown wrapping paper. Place paper on a cookie sheet. Or sprinkle a cookie sheet with flour and retrace the circle In the flour. To make the meringue: Beat egg whites until foamy. Add V of the sugar the salt cream of tartar and vanilla. Con tinue beating and gradually add the rest of the augar. Beat un til the egg whites are smooth, shiny and hold their shape. Spoon the meringue around the Inside edge of the circle drawn on the paper, building up a fence about 3 Inches high. Bake In a 2S0 degree F. oven for ltt hours. The meringue shold be dried out rather than baked. To make the pink rice fill ing Crush the candy easily by folding a clean dish towel over the candy and pounding with some unbreakable object, until the candy Is crushed. Heat the candy in the milk, over a low heat, until the candy dissolves. Add the rice and mix thorough ly. Cover and chill the rice mixture. A short while before serving, whip the cream. Fold the rice into the whipped cream. To serve, place the meringue ring on a serving plate and fill the center with the rice mix ture. Sprinkle the chocolate aavings over the top of the rice. This recipe makes 10 servings. To make the green filling Add the sugar to the hot cook ed rice and mix thoroughly. The rice must be hot in order to dissolve the sugar. Add the milk and mix thoroughly. Add we green food coloring until the desired shsde of green is teached. Cover and chill the rice mixture. A snort while before aervinc add coloring to the cream and whin As the cream is whipped, add aaoiuonai coloring to tint the cream to match the rice mix ture. Add peppermint flavor ing to rice mixture and fold rice Into the whipped cream, adding more flavoring until the aesirea navor Is obtained. Serve in the meringue ring and top with the ehocoUte shav ings. This recipe makes 10 servings. This Is Delicious -Chocolate Frosting So good to look at when it Is spread between layers of deli cate white cake ... so extra good to eat when teamed with chocolate cake ... we mean this special kind of chocolate frost ing that s delicate and at the same time very rich in flavor. To have it perfect every time be sure that the melted chocolate Is quite cool and that you fold it gently into the ready-to- spread-on frosting. Fluffy Chocolate Frosting 3 cups beet or cane sugar V teaspoon salt Mi teaspoon cream of tartar 4cup hot water - 2 egg whites 1 one-oz cake unsweetened chocolate melted and cooled cup coarsely chopped nut- meats In a 1 Vi qt. saucepan, com bine sugar, salt, cream of tartar and water, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Cover pan and cook 3 minutes; uncover and boll syrup, without stirring, to firm ball stage (244 F.) or a 8 to 8-inch thread. Remove from heat. In a wide-topped bowl (you'll need room for beating and cool ing) beat egg whites until frothy using an electric or rotary beat er. Start adding syrup in a pencil round stream, beating constantly. In about 5 minutes, when frosting starts to thicken, re move beater. With a spoon, beat a few minutes more or un til frosting is thick enough to spread. Fold In cooled, melted Rice and Fish . Cos$erole Tops This rice and fish eating treat la sea faring enough to win against any storm of protests from finicky eaters. In fact, the ship' log will record that sec ond servings were the order of the day. . Rice-Fish Casserole .' Ingredients: 1V pounds fresh or troien fish fillets (sole, halibut, had dock or others) 1 cup uncooked rice 1 10 H -ounce can condensed cream of celery soup IVi cups grated American rr chocolate gently. Spread between layers, then on sides and top of cake layers (8 or 9-inch.) Sprinkle nutmeats over top. cheese -1 teaspoon salt 3 4 cups water Method: If fish filets are froi en, allow about a. day In which they can thaw slowly in th re frigerator; or allow about 2 hours at room temperature. In a shallow baking-serving dish, mix the rice, celery soup, Vi cup of the cheese, salt and wa ter. Bake in a 350 degree F. oven tor 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and lay the thaw ed fish fillets over the top of the rice and liquid mixture. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese over the top of the casserole. Return to the 3S0 degree ?. oven and bake for 30 minutes or until the rice is tender and the top of the casserole browned and bubbling. Serve immediate ly. This recipe makes 8 servings. See. Ill, Capita! Jearaal, Balaam, Or, Than MasWh I, Ills r Ctkcs sad icings kut richer fnor sua with I ewpavMaaaaaraatfaVaVM KHEMUX! SdaWaf rYaoMs art Lamburgers Vary Meat Offerings Shoulder lamb 1 plentiful, Jow priced. Have meat man grind it twice and urprie the family with this different member of the burger family. Lamburgers IVi pounds shoulder lsmb, ground twice 1 cup soft bread crumbs 1 tablespoon minced onion sslt and pepper 2 teaspoon favorite meat sauce 2 tablespoons butter or margarine Vi cup currant jelly Combine all ingredient ex cept butter and Jelly. Shape into six patties. Heat butter or margarine in akiiiet ana Drown rt.i;.a m both sides. Add jelly, cover and cook over low heat for IS minutes. 35 tfiTMitHtH' . taa .a is LOOK FOR THIS IAIU JOIN THE RED CROSS TODAY SAVE EVERYDAY AT YOUR COMMUNITY BUILDER STORE Stores, lower operating costs plu the policy of selling, BE- k a In I i arAJAAl V. e aveiy item every day at a small margin of profit odd up fw - fw t)f J T f ! N. to savings for you. Why not tee for yourself. Shop today ' m-9njrU lJ I rV and avery day at your Community Builder Sotr. , fiy YIniX I I XJl, LA Prices Effective Friday and CB Stores Reserve the Right i--MlJ ST 1 f F ! V Saturday, March 8-7 to Limit Quantltie fWl J S " ( : 2 J Cascade U.S. No. 1 ' Can W II . Grade "A" Good r t BEEF ROAST tt tS J3 You, Choice ,r,PraP YR. rn --------------- CJ I I Sunkist Sweet Juicy Nalley's Lumberjack SYRUP Trend Vegetable I SHORTENING Elsinore Orange ' 11 JUICE M.D. Toilet JTISSUE Lenten Suggestion Values at Low Prices tUMQti (60VEMMENT fKSPECTED) 3)Q BROKEN SHRIMP !; 38 ELMORE WHITE MEM E TUNA UM Pick (Miasra $irl SIm cm m8r TILLAMOOK I0SE afmfRtf OYSTER STEW 72 - s ram 4ffll COVE OYSTERS ' 3S) EtSINORE FiitCT (MVEItNMENT INSPECTED) 1ffflli CRAB MEAT!!."! s69 PINK SALMON NORTH STAI n fifkf SILD SARDINES" H- 2La) KING OF NOtWiT K affrjg j KIPPERED SNACKS 3jr3S RITZ CRACKERS X 33 Elsinore Tomato JUILG 46-oz Breakfast Delight rtt Lb. oz. tin Pkg. Instant n.j.M 18-oz. Pkg. 2f' To receive t Wm. Rogers Silver Plate Comelot Tea spoons, send SOe with any of the following: Ralston box top or label from Breakfast Delight Coffee or Elsinore Tomato Juice. To get fourth teaspoon FREE, send label from all I products and 50c. BORAXO t US' Borax Powder mm Hoody "From Fresh Peanuts" PEANUT cz tJT)(ol BUTTER & rigj All Pure Evaporated AA1LK Tall yy(Q C cans I nD DOG and CAT FOOD cans q jj c Highland Market ERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twice Daily 00 Highland Are. Call 3-9403 Lemmon's Market ORAL LEMMON, Owner S7I North Commercial Carter's Market REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Daily 17th & Market Call 3-171 Vourm's Market GILBERT WOURMS, Owner Steyton