, in. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thar., March 5, 195J Momosa Eggs With Frozen Spinach Egg are uied in many ways during Lent, and it li helpful to have a variety of egg dishes throughout the year, too. Mimosa Zgga (Makes 4 servings) eggs S packages frozen spinach S tablespoons margarine or butter S tablespoons flour S cups hot milk H cup shredded cheese Salt and pepper S tablespoons margarine or butter Hard cook eggs. While eggs cook, cook spinach according to direction on package. Make cheese sauce by melting mar garine or butter in top of double boiler over hot water. Stir in . flour. Add hot milk gradually, stirring constantly. When thick ened, add cheese,' stirring to melt cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover and keep sauce hot.-. When eggs are done, run cold water over them Shell. Cut eggs crosswise into halves. Remove yolks. Slice whites thin and add to cheese sauce, reserving a few slices for garnishing, if desired. Drain spinach, add 2 tablespoons melt ed margarine or butter. Arrange in well-greased shallow baking dish or in individual bakers, Four cheese-egg white sauce over spinach, letting spinach show at edges. Press yolks through sieve, making a mound of yolk on top of each serving. Set under boiler for 2 or 3 min- A Colorful Drink On St Patrick's Day Plan to have party on St Patrick's day. It will be lots of fun, for you'll sing Irish tongs and dance to Irish tunes. And the occasion lends itself to charming green and white deco rations. 1 Even the beverage you serve can be green-tinted in honor of the day. You might like to try this drink, light and foamy as its name and deliciously tangy because It is made with ginger ale. Here is the recipe for a sin gle drink. Spindrift V cup light cream - Few drops almond extract 1 scoop pistachio Ice cream Ginger ale Combine light cream and al mond extract in a tall glass. Add pistachio ice cream. Fill glass with ice cold ginger ale. Stir gently to mix. Welsh Smoothie Over Toast Easy to do, satisfying for luncheon or supper. Soak 2 cups soft bread crumbs and 2 cups milk In top of double boiler for 8 minutes. Add one pound grat ed American cheese, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, Vi - let spoon prepared mustard, tea spoon salt, Vt teaspoon pepper and cook over hot water, stir ring occasionally until cheese is melted. Serve over hot toast points. utes, keeping dish at least 3 In ches from heat Serve with corn muffins and crisp relishes. Cooking time about 30 min utes. fyr'Wc&'trjgger" ItRVf nurHLUnu uHtJoiLif as FAVORITE TUNA! El V 11 OiaiEJfl mSml eoninf. inc. Shrimp Dishes ; Always Liked . ... .. . Good shrimp dunes, easily ana InexDensively prepared, are tops on the eourmet's Hit Parade, Shrimp Toppers make a delicious family supper, rich in protein and minerals to help safeguard vour family's health. Serve Shrimp Toppers with or without Mushroom Cheese bauce; u s a Drotein plus if you include it. Here are some hints on peeling shrimp. Hold the tali end In the left hand, slip the thumb under the shell, between the feelers, and lift off two or three seg ments in one motion. Then, still holding the tail, pull out shrimp from the remaining shell section and tail. With a knife, cut along outside curvature and lift out the sand vein. Vein is harmless, but some people object to the ap pearance of it. Add this' new shrimp recipe to your file of favorites and serve it often: Shrimp Toppers 1 lb. fresh or frozen shrimp ' 4 large tomatoes 4 tablespoons butter or marga rine Salt and pepper to taste 1 teaspoon garlic salt Peel shrimp do not cook. Cut out blossom end of tomato, cut tomatoes in half, and arrange in a 8 x 8 x 2 baking pan. Using 2 .tablespoons of butter or mar garine, dot the top of each to mato. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Broil two inches from source of heat for 5 to 7 minutes. Melt 2 tablespoons but ter or margarine, add 1 teaspoon garlic salt. Remove pan and place 3 to 8 shrimps on each to mato. Pour on garlic butter sauce. Return to broiler - this time about three inches from source of heat. Broil 3 to 8 min utes more. Serve immediately with or without Mushroom Cheese Sauce. Makes 4 servings. Mushroom Cheese Sauce 1 small can chopped mush rooms V cup butter or margarine 3 tablespoons flour -,S tablespoons non fat dry milk l cup water 1 cup pineapple juice cup American or Velvetta cheese, grated 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper Saute mushrooms in butter or mai garine. Add flour, non fat dry milk and blend. Stir in water, pineapple juice, cheese, salt, and pepper, and mix until sauce thickens. Serve over Shrimp Toppers. Oyster Dishes Good Any Time; Try This Oysters are a popular dish any time, especially during the Len ten period. Oysters Newburg (Makes 6 Servings) ' 1 pint oysters Mi cup margarine or butter Dash of nutmeg Dash of paprika 2 teaspoons salt 8 egg yolks 2 cups coffee cream or top milk 6 slices toast Heat oysters gently in their own liquor until edges lust curl. Meantime, melt margarine or butter in top of double boiler over hot waters Add nutmeg, paprika and salt. Beat egg yolks. - Add cream, and add to margarine or butter, . stirring constantly until mixture coats spoon. (Be careful not to over cook, or sauce will curdle.) Ar range oysters, drained, on hot toast Pour sauce over and serve at once. Tcssed green salad and extra toast are good with these. Cooking time about IS min utes. Cheese Features Lenten Cooking The 40 days of Lent need not be the time for mealtime mono tony. Rather, this period pre sents a challenge to the h-Tie-maker. It is a time for bring ing to the family recipes which have eye-appeal and are nutri tious too! Cheese is the mainstay of many Lenten menus because of lis nign quality protein, flavor and versatility. Cheese Biscuit Ring ' (Makes 6 servings) 2 cups sifted flour 4 teaspoons baking powder Vt teaspoon salt Vt cup shortening i cup milk 1 (Mi-lb.) package sharp pro cess cheese ' Sift tosether flour, haklnv powder and salt. Cut in short ening with tuA lrnlvM nr nntlrv blender. Add milk; stir with fork until just biended. Turn onto floured board; knead light ly a few seconds. Roll dough V Inch thick into a rectangle 12x15 inches. Plnr rh slices over biscuit dough. Roll tightly lengthwise, Jelly-roll-fashion. Cut 12 1V-Wh ! Place cut side up and slightly overlapping on - well greased baking sheet to form a 9-inch ring. Bake in very hot oven (450 F.) IS minutes or until bis cuit is golden brown. Serve with shrimp in horseradish sauce. Shrimp in Horseradish Sauce (Makes 3 to cups) -2 tablespoons butter or mar garine 8 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon pepper teaspoon paprika 2 cups homogenized milk 3 tablespoons horseradish 1 lb. fresh shrimp, cooked and cleaned -In small saucenan. molt ihnrf. ening over low heat. Remove from neat Combine fl-iur, salt, pepper and paprika. Add to butter: blend well, nrariimiiv stir In milk. Return to heat and I cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add horseradish and shrimn. Continue to ponlr until shrimp are thoroughly heated. Serve with Cheese Biscuit Ring. Frozen or canned shrimp may be substituted. Family Goes for This Molasses-Rice Dish Now is fine time for a rice pudding, and molasses is Just the thing to season it with. Molasees Blee Pudding cup rice cup molasses 4 teaspoon salt teaspoon cinnamon V teaspoon mace H teaspoon cloves 4 cups milk 1 tablespoon butter W..V, rir and nlace in Shallow baking pan. Add the molasses combined with salt, cinnamon, mace and cloves; mix well. Add the milk and bake in a alow nn Jimm am o . - hours, stirring mixture every 15 minutes for the first hour, ijj the butter when the pudding u -.1 J 4h la I1m Clw - tags. 'TIS BUT THE CHOICEST MEAT WE SELL, OUR PATRONS KNOW iTHAT VERY WELL Hoffman's Specials FOR THIS WEEK-END Roasting Rabbits ,b 3Q U.S. Gov't Inspected a r 1 a kin 1 .F DKCAj I Of LAMP ib.ADC Cascade Quality Sliced Bacon lb. HormeTs "Ready to Eat" Picnic Shoulders No Shank lb. CASCADE Wieners t.W U. S. Gov't Inspected Steer Beef Rib Steaks M' Slop in This Week and Say Hello! I Remember that Irresistible aroma that used to float out from the kitchen when mother pulled these golden brown loaree from the oven? and SUCH FLAVOR! NOW you can have OVEN-FRESH bread with the some good aroma and flavor EVERY DAY, thank to scientific baking methods and air-tight wrapping employed at MASTER modern bakery. Its flavor lasts because of its better Ingredients, this texture and proper moittnes when it reaches your table. . Cuy a Loaf at Your Fcod Store iTcday It's FRESH and Slays Fresh longer 'pppu&Vt BECAUSE ITS tf00! St. .BEAT fin ruic i i MILK M, n Holiday Margarine . -Litf-, . 111. 1 M . 5LbsRwR. 1 White House COFFEE Borden's Salad Dressing 39' PUREX 29' Vi Gal. m Gerber'i BABY FOOD cans 23 C&H Sugar IB lbs. Swift's Prem S Kitchen Queen Flour 25 79 Ibi. Libby cant for Pork & Beans Maine SARDINES 3 " 25 Fisher's Biskit Mix 39' 40 01. Pkg. Dennison's CATSUP 2 . 29' Diamond Wax Paper 12s ft. roll 17' Hi-Ho rl Pound Pkg. 29 QUALITY PRODUCE fTe VI ETIe- CARROTS in. s. no. 2 POTATOES TENDER MEATS FRYERS MlMdr tKH 1.19 Larie 1 FRANKFURTERS 29c Cascade Slab BACON maiam..:..::. n 49c BOILING BEEF 19c BEEF ROASt 39c Sunkiat ORANGES Jdoz.ei WEST SALEM STORE NO. 2 ONLY ( 601 Ed;;wa!cr Sf.r West Salem