See. m, Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thun., Mirth S, 1953 Chicken Broth Used Many Ways An awakening Interest In gourmet cookery hat brought bout a strong demand (or pure chicken broth. Up until recently pure chick' en broth was a relatively tcarce item, largely by-product of imall chicken canning' opera' tioni. Now because of the tre mendously stepped-up produc tion, this chicken broth Is now available in a 14 -ounce can in plentiful supply. Capned chicken broth will al so add the professional touch to congealed vegetable or meat sal ads and to tomato aspics. Just Substitute the broth for liquid called for in the recipe. Here's recipe for a tasty and nutri tious tomato aspic. Tomato Asple 3 tablespoons of unfUvor ed gelatin . 1 lett-ounce can chicken broth . cups tomato Juice teaspoons salt teaspoons sugar Dash csyenne pepper Dash celery salt 1 bay leaf . 1 small onion, diced Celery leaves, a few . Soften gelatin in cold chicken broth. Meanwhile, simmer Juice, and remaining ingredients. Strain; add softened gelatin and 1 tablespoon lemon juice, stirr ing until dissolved. Pour -inch of aspic into oiled pan (approxi mately 10 inches x SH inches and 1M inches deep). Place slices of hard cooked egg in criss-cross pattern. Chill until 2 14 (about 1 hours). Makes 6 gen erous servings. With an extra can of chicken broth on hand you can make Jellied consomme' on the spur of the moment Just dissolve 1 en velope of unflavored gelatin in 2 tablespoons cold chicken broth. Heat remaining broth and add dissolved gelatin. Chill un til firm. Break up consomme' with a fork. Serve in chilled bouillon cups. Garnish with lemon slices and a sprig of par sley. You will also enhance the fla vor of fresh or dried vegetables if you cook them in broth rath er than in water. Salt and other seasonings for the vegetables are not needed because there is an adequate amount in the broth to penetrate the vegetables. Dump lings are also better tasting if simmered in canned chicken broth because this new canned broth is more concentrated than most homemade broths. Cheese Sauce Good For Many Dishes Especially during the Lenten season, Jiffy Cheese Sauce Is a handy helper for meal planners, It is wonderfully good served over vegetables cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli, for instance. And it is a delicious accompanl ment to fish tlmbales or cro quettes. Jiffy Cheese Sauce 3 cups grated natural Cheddar cheese 3 tablespoons flour 1 (10 oz.) can condensed cream of celery soup - cup sherry wine teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper Mix cheese and flour. Add soup and wine. Stir over low heat until cheese melts. Season Eggs and Cheese Used in Many Dishes During Lent llsllll IMIli'll'f jrTi''Ji,'aTT insTs 1 " ..L'duJf ' Oatmeal Icebox Cookies Popular Icebox cookies are long-time favorites of busy bomemakers. These .made with uncooked rolled oats, may be sliced very thin; then after baking fill them with a Date Nut Pilling for a cooky sandwich' Or slice a little thicker, and bake the cookies singly. Toasted Oatmeal Icebox Cookies 2 cups rolled oats uncooked 1 cup granulated' sugar 1 cup brown sugar cups fat ' ' eggs; beaten teaspoon vanilla 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 3 1 Spicy Deviled Eggs ... With zesty potato salad. with Worcestershire sauce and eggs are set. Pour remaining as- salt and pepper to taste. Makes pic into pan. Chill until firm about 2 cups sauce. vj that ekal-Vvlth Morton WHIN IT RAINS IT POURS , iodized or plain During Lent you'll be using egg and cheese often for family meals. One way to pep up these dishes Is to season them with ta basco sauce that piquant liquid pepper seasoning. You've prob ably used this t a s t e-teaser in cocktail sauces for seafood; you'll find It also does a lot for main dishes. For a Lenten lunch or supper menu you might serve hot potato salad with spicy dev iled eggs; another day offer your family this delicious Cheese Puff. Here are the recipes: Spicy Deviled Eggs . Ingredients: 0 hard-cooked eggs, Vt teaspoon salt, Vt tea spoon dry mustard, Vt teaspoon tabasco sauce, 2 teaspoons cider vinegar, Vt cup mayonnaise or mayonnaise-type salad dressing. pimiento stuffed green olives (if Method: Shell eggs; cool. Halve eggs lengthwise. Carefully re move yolks; mash fine or press through a sieve. Add salt, mus tard, tabasco, vinegar and may onnaise to egg yolks; beat until fluffy. Refill whites with egg yolk mixture. Garnish each egg halt with a slice of stuffed olive, if desired. Savory Cheese Puff Ingredients: Six half-inch slic es white bread, 2 cups ( Vt pound) grated American cheese, Vt tea spoon salt, Vt teaspoon paprika. Vt teaspoon dry mustard, Vt teaspoon tabasco sauce, 2 eggs, 2 cups milk Method: Remove crusts from bread; cut each slice in three strips. Place half the bread In a 10-lnch pie plate or shallow bak ing dish. Sprinkle bread with half the cheese; cover with sec ond layer of bread and cheese. Add salt, paprika, mustard and (AF Hmfutarn) tabasco to eggs; beat until foamy. Beat in milk. Pour over bread and cheese. Bake in a slow (323 deg. F) oven 45 minutes. Makes 6 servings. Peach Cheese Pie For Dessert Treat Call this dessert a pie or a cake whichever you choose, but since we baked it in a pie pan we'll call It "Peach Cheese Pie." First make a regular baked gra ham cracker crumb shell. Cover the bottom with well-drained canned peach slices and top with the rich cream cheese custard. Then continue baking for an other half hour until the custard is set. To add an extra dash of color center each wedge with a peach slice and a bright red cherry. I Peach Cheese Pie 18 finely rolled graham crackers 2 tablespoons granulated sugar 5 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 2 (3-ounce) packages cream cheese Vt cup milk Vt cup granulated sugar 1 egg Vt teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups canned peach slices Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and butter, and blend well. Pack into bottom and sides of 9-inch pie pan. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) 10 minutes. Soften cheese and blend in milk. Add sugar, egg and vanilla, and beat with ro tary beater until smooth. Drain peaches thoroughly and place in bottom of baked crumb shell. Pour cheese mixture over the peaches. Bake at 350 F. 30 min utes longer. Serves 6 to 8. BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half Rib Steak 59c. Caponized ' Fryers Large $ 49 ft. I. Red I each Aged Cheese 54c h. Year Old PIGS FEET PIG TAILS LB. HCKU THEM YOURSELF BEEF ROAST 47 GROUND BEEF Picnics Ready to Eat 43c .b. Swift's Premium Pure Pork Sausage 35c ib. Oysters 59c pint GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes 50 1M Dei. Netted Gems Margarine 4.89c Sweat Sixteen Blended Juice 25c .46es. can Cott. trend Marshmallow Cream Whip 23ei:r Hot Master Bread 4 9M. IVary Day Except Tue. and Sot. Grapefruit 69c dosen Dessert Sweet Tuna 29c SS Light Meat, Cot. Brand Grapefruit Juice 25c Cott. Brand Milk -Tall 6 (..87c All pep. Brands SUNSHINE KRISPY Crackers 25c Onions 10 T., 29c Salmon 29c 7Vt oi. Can Col. River Chinook Dog Food 3 con. 25c flayfair Sugar 10. 99c Sprecklet Celery 15c1 bunch Corn 2 can. 29C Cream Style Cott. Brand -303 Swiftning 75c Sardines 3 con, 25 c Maine Coast BROADWAY MARKET Broadway and Market Sf. Store Hour I a.m. till p.m. Every Day No limits Buy All You Want Price Good Fri., Sot., Sun. Grind oata through food chopper. Place in pan and brown in oven, stirring fre quently. (Do not get too brawn). Meanwhile, 'cream sugar and tat, add eggs and vanilla, and beat until Butty. Sift together Hour, Bating powder, soda, and salt Add browned oats and stir into uin mixture. Shane into a long roll about 2 inches in diameter. Roll in waxed paper and chill in refrigerator over night Slice 4 inch Uiiea ana bake in moderate oven (3T3F) ibaut 10 minutes. Yield: 9 dozen cookies. Data Not Fillinr: Combine 1 pound chopped pitted dates, Vt cup brown sugar, and Vt cup hot water, cook unui imca. Add V cup finely chopped nuts; cool. Molasses Discs for The Lunch Box Treat Here's on ideal sweet to pack in the lunch bos. They're Molusea Discs, and besides being nutritious they will sat isfy even the sweetest sweet- tooth in the family. Make this confection in any - .m.llr natties. youll have to use extra speed.' After the hot ayrup is poured over h cereal and peanut mixture shape the discs in an easy- to- eat size Use eitner crisp com puffs or ready-to-eat oat cereal; each gives the crunchlness you want, each cereal contributes its own mellow grain uavor. Medaases Disc 4 cups ready-to-eat oat eeraal or crisp corn puffs 1H cups salted peanuts Vt cups brown sugar cup light molasses V, cup water 4 teaspoons vinegar H teespon cream of tartar Vt teaspoon soda Place cereal and salted pa. nuts into large greased bowl Mix brown sugar, molasses. water, vinegar, and cream of tatar together in saucepan and cook over low heat, stirrlna m occasionally, until a little drop, ped in cold water forms a bard mu iMw wuu in sooa. (Mixture becomes fluff v j porous ) Pour syrup over pea. nut mixture. Mix with greased hanria farm Info lutHM r.i Ion greaed baking sheet Yield- o ddku Mhwc, incnes la diameter.. liferent! It's New! It's D For a Taste Thrill That's Really NEW Try Oregon Trail Bread At Your Grocer's Tomorrov; Another fAASTER Bakery Product Doked in Salem by Cherry City Balling Co.