Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1953, Page 21, Image 21

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alemA Authentic Jccd (jtide to fatter tiilfoq
Published Thnrteoy lech Week ....
(Gaolta! m
Edited by Morion Lowry Fischer
Salem,Oregon, Thursday, March 5, 1953
Cheese Cakes Popular It's high time for another cheese
cake. One of the most popular and glamorous of all desserts
Is made with plentiful, economical cottage cheese. Today we
give you recipes for cheese cake, both baked and refrigerated.
(Food! WrlUr)
Cheese cake, either baked orj
refrigerator-style is certain to
please the "head of the house
hold"; that's the man who files
. the income tax return for the
'; family. A really fine cheese
; cake can temporarily take
Papa's mind off those figures
' bouncing about in his brain de
manding to be filed by the 15th.
.All his dependents will be
mightily pleased also.
I Here are recipes to match
those cheese cakes made by pro
fessional chefs of both restaur
' nt and pastry-shop fame. These
: two recipes will become family
stand-bys at your house, once
'i you try them.
' Crumb Crust Same for Both
1 package zwieback (6-oz.)
. Vt cup sugar
Vi . teaspoon cinnamon
ii cup butter of - margarine,
Roll zwiegack into fine
crumbs with rolling pin. Com
bine crumbs, sugar and butter;
mix thoroughly. Pack all but
cup of this mixture on the
bottom and sides of a well
greased 9-Inch spring form pan.
Baked Cheese Cake .
Crumb Crust Recipe above
4 cups cottage chew
4 tablespoons melted butter
or margarine
4 eggs
4 cup sugar
Vt cup whipping cream
Vt teaspoon salt
Vt cup flour
Vt cup lemon Juice
1 tt teaspoons grated lemon rind
Vi teaspoon grated orange rind
Press cottage cheese through
a fine sieve or beat with elec
trie mixer until smooth. Add
butter, beating until blended,
Add eggs one at a time, beating
well after each addition with
electric mixer or hand rotary
beater. Add sugar and cream;
beat well. Add remaining in
gredients. Beat or stir until
smooth and thoroughly blended,
Pour into crumb lined 9-inch
spring form pan. Sprinkle top
Cheese, Fish, A nd Egg Dishes For Lent; Good Buys In M arkets
BakedRefrigerator-Style ,
Cheese Cakes Easy to Make
And Well Liked by Family
Rhubarb Bake
with remaining Vt cup crumbs.
Bake in slow oven, 300 degrees
for IVi hours or until set. Cool,
Run a knife around edge of crust
to loosen from pan. Remove
spring form. Makes one 9-inch
cake to serve 8.
Pineapple Refrigerator
Cheese Cake
Crumb Crust recipe as given
2 envelopes unfavored gela
cup cold water
3 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
cup milk
- Dash of salt
4 cups cottage cheese
1 teaspoons grated lemon rind
. 2 tablespoons lemon Juice
3 egg whites, stiffly beaten
1 cup whipping cream, whip
1 cup drained canned crushed
Sprinkle gelatine over cold
water. Let stand until softened
(about 5 minutes). Beat egg
yolks slightly in top of double
boiler. Add sugar gradually,
beating well with rotary beater.
Stir in milk and salt. Cook over
boiling water, stirring constant
ly until slightly thickened and
custard coats the spoon. Stir in
gelatine until dissolved. Cool
Press cottage cheese through
a sieve or beat with electric mix
er until smooth. Add lemon
rind and juice; mix well.
Add cottage cheese - lemon
mixture to slightly cooled cus
tard mixture, beating until
thoroughly blended. Let cool
until thickened and partially
set. Beat with rotary beater un
til light and foamy. Fold in
egg whites, cream and' pine
apple. Pour into crumb-lined
9-inch spring form pan. Sprinkle
top with remaining cup of
crumbs. Chill in refrigerator 2
to 3 hours or until set Makes 1
large 9-inch cake to serve 8
generously. Remember that
cheese cake is a very rich des
sert and do not be tempted to
serve too much, per serving.
On Markets
So many good things to talk
about! Spring comes earlier out
our way and we rejoice every
day in the wealth of seasonal
good things. Whether we realize
it or not, lamb, poultry and
fish are highly seasonal, along
with vegetables, fruits and
dairy products.
Lamb Bargains
This is the time of year when
the bulk of the Oregon and
California winter-fed lambs
reach the market. This year in
particular, the runs of choice al
falfa pasture-fed lambs are
quite heavy and retail prices the
lowest we recall in years. Lamb
is advertised and displayed ev
erywhere. Like other livestock.
lamb has a limited number of
fancy chops and hind legs. Even
these cuts are comparatively low
priced, but the real, genuine
bargains come in shoulder,
shanks, breast, stewing meat
and lamb specially ground for
loafs and patties.
Poultry Fay-off
A top place among plentiful
foods on March markets goes to
tender young chickens for broil'
ing or frying and this goes for
canned and frozen ones as well
as for fresh. Any day can be
'Sunday" with careful shop
Fish and Shellfish
Lenten season observers find
plenty of fish and shellfish, both
fresh and frozen. The larger
markets offer bargain priced
fillets of ocean perch, several
varieties of the popular sole.
cod and sea bass from western
waters and haddock and cod
from eastern shores.
For steaks and baking, look
for sea bass, link cod, sablefish,
barracuda, lake whitefish, carp,
suckers and swordfish. Pan
ready fish Include rex sole,
brook trout, whiting, Columbia
river smelt and eastern lake
smelt. Shellfish varieties Include
fresh crab, local lobster, Paeific
oysters. Eastern oysters, scallops
and shrimp.
Gourmets will look for Dun
geness crab, fresh terrapin and
Vegetable Quick Look
We're likely to choose more
kinds than we can fit into
menus, so watch it; some green,
some yellow, some white. Best
buys Include cabbage, carrots,
celery, cauliflower, lettuce, po
tatoes, rutabagas, bunched vege
tables; reasonable prices mark
practically everything else ex
cept asparagus, cucumbers, egg
plant and even these favorites
cost less than usual at the be
ginning of March.
Best fruit buys are loose ap
ples, small oranges, white grape
fruit, some pears.
We're lucky because the rhu
barb season is early this year.
Prices already put it well with
in the budget Here's our
favorite rhubarb bake.
Wash, trim and slice 2 pounds
rhubarb Into casserole. Add 4
tor S cloves and 4 or 3 thin
slices of un peeled lemon. Spri
nkle ltt cups light or dark
brown suga- over all. Bake In
moderate oven, 350 degrees, 15
to 20 minutes.
Do not be tempted to add
Oregaao Stewed Tomatoes
Drain Juice from No. 2 Can
tomatoes; melt 1 tablespoon
butter and 2 tablespoons all
purpose flour and blend.
Gradually stir In. the tomato
Juice and cook, stirring son
stantly until thickened. Add
tomatoes, Vt teaspoon oreagno,
crushed, Vt teaspoon sugar and
salt and pepper to taste. Sim
mer gently 5 minutes.
Season Soon
On Here
Fresh asparagus, one of the
most delicious and appetizing of
all spring vegetables, is at It's
most exciting best when the sea
son is Just beginning. Of course
it costs more then . . . but it
tastes so good.
When selecting asparagus,
look for stalks that are straight
and fresh appearing with com
pactly pointed tips and only an
men or so ox tough woody base
to trim off. Wash, trim then
cook iu small amount of salted
water until tender.
Make noodle ring and fill cen
ter with buttered cooked aspara
gus tips.
Fresh Asparagus and
Noodle Ring Specialty
' 6-ounces broad noodles
1 cup 'soft bread crumbs
1 cup grated American cheese
1 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
Dash pepper
Vt teaspoon paprika
3 eggs
1 teaspoon grated onion or
dash of onion salt
9 tablespoons chopped plml
ento Buttered asparagus
Cook noodles In boiling salted
water for about 10 minutes or
until tender. Drain. Add bread
crumbs and cheese to milk
which has been scalded. Stir
until well mixed. Add salt,
pepper, paprika, slightly beaten
eggs, onion, plmlento and
noodles. Pour Into a well but
tered ring mold. Place mold in
pan of hot water and bake In
moderate oven, 350 degrees, for
30 to 40 minutes or until set.
Unmold and fill center with but
tered cooked asparagus.
Ways With Paprlea
For rosy colored eggs, simply
add paprika to the eggs to
gether with salt and beat
thoroughly.. Such pale looking
vegetables as cauliflower take
on eye-appeal when topped
with generous sprinkling of
paprika. White fish react eye
appeallngly 1 when sprinkled
with paprika; cream soups, too.
Minute Spice
Cake Easy,
Here's a hurry-up cake that's
wonderful right out of the oven!
Minute Spice Cake
cup of milk
Vt cup margarine or butter
1 egg
1 cups sifted all-purpose flour
z teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
Vt teaspoon cinnamon
Vt teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon clove .
1 cup sugar
Heat milk and shortening to
gether until shortening is melt
ed. Best egg and add - warm
milk to it Sift dry Ingredients
in thirds into milk and egg mix
ture, stirring well after each ad
dition. Bake in moderate oven
(350 degrees) 43 to 50 minutes.
Frost with a Lemon Cream
Lemon Cream Frosting
Vt cup margarine or butter
Spinach-Mustard Greens
Individually or combined
(we like them half and bH).
spinach and mustard greens
make . wonderful eating this
season. Buy 24 pound of fresh
crisp green tor 4 aervinfls.
Cook, using only water that
clings to leaves. Spinach take
5-10 minutes; mustard greens
15-20 minutes. Serve hot sea
soned with salt, pepper, butter
or margarine and a little Tine
gar or fresh lemon Juice. . Top
witn crumpled bits of crisp
rooked bacon for added flavor
and texture, if you like.
2 cups confectioner sugar
Dash of salt
8 tablespoon lemon juice
teaspoon grated lemon rind
Cream shortening. Add 1 cud
sugar gradually, beating smooth
after each addition. Stir in salt,
lemon juice and rind. Add rest
of sugar and beat until thor
oughly smooth and creamy.
Enough for one or 9-inch
cake. ' ,...;.
Jiffy Spaghetti
Made in a Hurry
We call this "Jiffy Spaghetti"
because it cooks on top the stove
in Just a few minutes. To
cooked spaghetti, add a little
plmiento, chopped ripe olives,
cheese and seasonings, and let
them simmer together about five
minutes. It's a quick dish to pre
pare for the youngsters when
they come home for lunch and
is hearty and economical.
Jiffy Spaghetti
1 cup spaghetti
4 tablespoons butter or
li cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon chopped
cup chopped ripe olives
L teaspoon mild prepared '
U cup milk
1 cup grated American cheese
Cook spaghetti In boiling salt
ed water until tender. Heat
butter in frying pan, add onion
and saute lightly. Add plmiento,
ripe olives, mustard, milk,
cheese, salt and pepper to taste.
and heat. Stir in spaghetti and
cook over very low heat for
5 minutes.
Serves 4.
For He-man apptfihs
Serve Hspps FavoriteTUNA !
Ounce for ounce more body-building proteins
than practically any of the 751 basic foodsl
Corned Beef
Spread Good
Lunchtime or snacktime, sand'
wlches always fill the bill. It's
a smart idea to keep sandwich
makings on hand at all times
for the family's Impromptu re
frigerator raids.
Here's a corned beef sandwich
filling which is as good tasting as
it is handy for using up corned
beef leftovers. It can be made
from canned corned beef, too.
Corned Beef Sandwich Spread
1 cup coarsely ground or fine
ly chopped cooked corned
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
Vi cup finely chopped celery
1 teaspoon grated onion
Combine all ingredients, add
ing just enough mayonnaise to
Grilled Flounder
Always a Favorite
Plentiful, wonderful fillets 0f
flounder; so easy to fix and
such good Lenten eating!
Grilled Flounders Supreme
4 thick fillets of flounder
Juice of 1 lemon
Vi teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon minced onion and
Vt teaspoon salt
Cayenne pepper.
H cup bread crumbs
4 tablespoons margarine
Mix the lemon juice, mustard
onion, parsley, salt and cay
enne pepper. Pour over the
fillets and allow to marinate
about half an hour. Mix crumbs
with margarine. Dip fillets in
the rich crumbs. Grill under
low heat about 20 minutes
until cooked through and - a
golden brown. Garnish with
parsley and serve.with sections
of lemon dipped in paprika
Four servings.
did he praise your coffee this morning ?
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