Xft Caaital Jovwtlf Sales, Ore, Thursday, March S, 19SS Plans Made for Leader Session Plant were completed today or the leadership program to be sponsored - by Willamette vnirersity Saturday, with the announcement of the keynote and luncheon speakers. , The morning session will be held la the state library with those In attendance moving to the eapitol for the afternoon. Otto J. Wilson, Salem bus iness man, will launch the all day meeting with the keynote address at 9:30 on "Why Lead ershlp." State ' Representative It. L. Xlfstrom will be luncheon guest speaker. His topic will be "Your Future With Leadership." Senator Phil Hitchcock of Klamath Fall will be the fea tured speaker at the banquet Saturday night. Following the keynote ad dress, Peter Soderlahd, student body, president of Southern Oregon College of Education, wlU give an insight into "What Is Leadership?" Audrey Daum, president of the Memorial Un ion at Oregon State, will give a talk on "Effective Types of Leadership." The program has been de signed to give students a work ing knowledge of the art of leadership. . 10 Scholarships Made Available Announcement of 10 $1,000 Max D. - Tucker scholarships available to students In Oregon was made Thursday by Dr. C. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette university and chair man of the directing committee. Information and applications have been sent to high school principals and counselors throughout the state. Students who ' are granted these scholarships may attend Willamette, Lewis and Clark college, University of Oregon and Oregon State college. Three scholarships are ' an nually awarded in the school of forestry at O.S.C. and two un restricted scholanUps are given yearly to eacn ox tne inree Dera cinating institutions, with a third scholarship available each third year. ; v Qualifications for the scholar ship stipulate that candidates must rank in the upper 10 per cent of their graduating class. Those students aireaoy in col lege must stand in the upper 20 per cent of their college.class and candidates must be recom mended by their schools on the basis of scholarship, loyalty and service. Qualities of leadership and character as well as flnan elal need also will be important considerations.. Members of the Max D. 'rwkM- rholrhh committee. in addition tn the chairman, are Dr. Morcah S. OdeU. Lewis and I Clark; Dr. Harry X. Newburn, University of Oregon and Dr. A. L. Strand, Oregon State college. OputwJ Every Style and Fabric Yoo Want at A Wonderful low Price 7 HI 95 Volues to 18.95 How's Hit lime to et those extra slocks yea need to pair off wMi your jackets. Gabardines, flan, nets, twndi and worsteds In all rha models and mw colors. Sat sev eral at this law price! . SlJ LV y? worsteds In all rha J J m, J W..?JZLZfflrfJJ II a 1 . m m m s mm ti in if . -a w m mm if rmi . rr ii . j 2 pair J i BT a a M sk m L h coot. New arrivals in all bod. C-nT C-v 1 slacks for variety in your word- 1 1 robe. 100 wool. These are C r V SI 1 f89 SPORT COATS 50 Give your wardrobe the "Soring Tonic" of a handsome sports toot. New arrivals in all pop- -ular shades. Fair them with slacks for variety in your ward robe. 100 wool. These are specially priced at Just . OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 P.M. DVIt mwmnmmmnp' - '"-"' iT'S JUST LIKE r FINDING A SACK H FULL OF yl MONEY! J YOU CAN CUT YOUR FOOD DILL! READ THIS AND SAVE! Is Your Food Bill Over $497J Per Month? Smiling Jack's and Dickson's Market Have the Solution for You! A 15 Cu. Ft. HOWIE Stocked With Food and Installed FREEZES BUY THE BULK OF YOUR FOOD AT CARLOAD PRICES .. . YOUR SAYINGS WILL PAY FOR YOUR FREEZER! Tea may renew yont food every t months at comparable prices until freeser Is paid for. $v for $cTi fry m x 4 4 f 00 DOWN First 6 Months $49.73m. Next 18 Months $UJ3 Ma Your Freezer Will Be Stocked with . . 1 Half Quality Beef 2 Pork Shoulders 2 Pork Loins 4 Fryers 1 Whole Ham 3 Pounds Bacon 10 Assf. Pkgs. Seafoods 24 Pkgs. Peas 6 Pkgs. 12 Pkgs. Peas & Carrots 6 Pkgs. 12 Pkgs. Mixed Yegs. 12 Pkgs. 12 Pkgs. Cut Corn 6 Pkgs. 12 Pkgs. String Beans 6 Pkgs. 6 Pkgs. Tamales 6 Pkgs. 6 Pkgs. Succotash 6 Pkgs. 24 Cans Frozen Orange Jce. French Fries Spinach Lima Beans Broccoli Boysenberries Raspberries Strawberries ALL MEATS CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS The Above List of Groceries Should Last' the Average Family ' 6 Months SEE IT TODAY! Completely Stocked Freezers At Either Smiling Jack's or Dickson's Market If Yam XAirk V... li-.. I VU TT 1311 I VII IT1UJ 1 Make Your Own List at the Same Low, Saving Prices SMILING JACK'S OPEN EVENINGS HI 9 nrr? Corner Church and Center Plenty of Fre Forking an Our Lot. Just Drive In. CALL TODAY 3-9600