t : '-1 t Capital Journal, Salem. Ore Thursday, March 5, 1935 In the Valley Edited by MIKE FORBES Hopewell Hopewell Mn. John Celsler, Mn J. D. McKenney and Mrs. George McKlnley are the Red Cross sollcitori for the Hopewell district this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop called on the Guy Freshour family in Pleasantdale Sunday afternoon, ' and Cary Gllson of Perrydale, uncle of Mrs. Loop, was a visitor at tha Loop home last week. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Van Dorn and children and Mrs. Ed Nelson motored to Holley, Ore., . to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Braat and family Sunday. Mrs. Nelson stayed for a longer visit with her daughter, Mrs. Braat. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McKenney and family visited her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvln England and family of Albany Sunday. . Mrs. Ellen Crockett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kusti Setala, is ' recovering at the Setala home following minor surgery last week. . County school superintendent Lynn Gubser and the state in spector of rural schools visited the Hopewell school mursaay. William Perry, 4-H agent for Yamhill county, was also a vis itor last week. Mrs. N. O. Pearse surprised the upper grades with two deco rated birthday cakes in honor of Robert Pearse's Birthday, Thursday afternoon. The fifth grade had county tests Friday and the eighth grade visited the legislature, with Mrs. J. D. McKenney and George Frauendeiner furnishing trans portation. March 3 was test day for the seventh and eighth grades, so the fifth and sixth had vaca tion. Robert Pearse visited Am. ity high school as a guest of Dean Brown. The Hopewell Community club meets Thursday evennig, March 8. with a program and refresh ments. The state fire chief will be present to continue the dis cussion of Hopewell Joining the fire district, which was started at the last Community club meeting. Mrs. Thelma Van Dorn Is chairman of the committee to present a play April 2 at the Hopewell Community club. The Cotton Dress Workshop of the Hopewell Home Extension unit meets Friday afternoon with Mrs. Mildred Gllkey for the final meeting, in charge, of Miss Virginia Magness and Mrs. Len- 1 I 5QE9Es0HbM I I St Louis na Wilson. The Missionary society of the Hopewell EUB church will hold an open meeting at the church Tuesday evening, March 10, at B p.m., with Mrs. Wakeman of Amity as the guest speaker. There will be a short business meeting for election of officers, with the report of the nominat ing committee, Mrs. H. E. Wid- mer, Mrs. Marvel Brown and Mrs. Kusti Setala. Mrs. Ida Humble of Pomona, Calif., who has be.'n a house guest of the Pearse family for the past four months, returned to her home on the Shasta Day light from Salem, on March 2 On Sunday, she was honored with a potluck dinner at the Pearse home by Mr. and Mrs. William Pearse and family of Salem. Mr. anc" Mrs. Ross Rog ers. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Waller and Dean Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kindred of McMlnnville. Afternoon callers were Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Widmer, Mrs. Marvel Brown and Beverly, Mr. and Mn. Ralph Timm and Mrs. Mar tha Nogossek of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers made a business trip to the coast Friday, and spent Friday night with her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Bak er of Corvallis. Mrs. Lawrence Imlah, sister Gates Work to comnlet the of Mrs. Ross Rogers, is now aticatu fir hall ui trtH hi. her home in West Salem follow- weejt- Tne building was started ing surgery, and Is recovering ,evera- months ago by the Rural i St. Louis The St. Louis so- ' . - L.U ! I 1 . cieiy ncia memi Monday evening. Feb. 23, in the S. Louis ball. Plana were made to have a St Patrick's day din ner. starting at 8 p.m. There will also be entertainment for the rest of the evening. Everyone is invited. Mrs. B. J. J. Miller, Sr.. had a demonstration party at her home last Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 17. Present were Mrs. Arnest An dres, Mrs. R. P. Horning, Mrs. Paul Barnett, Mrs. Perry Wig gins, Mrs. Geo. Hostykus, Mrs. Orville Brown and Mrs. Don DuRette. , Leonard Ferschweiler has been ill with the flu but is bet ter. Mrs. B. P. Horning 'was called to North Bend to her daughter, Mrs. Joe Lasserd, who is to un dergo surgery. Mrs. Buford Brown, who has been in the hospital for sur gery, is home and is getting along very well. Mr. and Mrs. Horning drove to Portland Sunday. They visit ed their son Albert and family and then went to Vancouver to visit another son, Harry and family. Before they returned home they visited their daugh ter, Mrs. Albert Gray and fam ily, also of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andres visited at the George Rush home last Sunday evening. Gates v . -. -" ,. ! .... ( . Nl r ) Pedee Kenya Mystery Man Jomo Kenyatta (above), president of the Kenya Afri can Union, Is the mystery man of the Kenya problem that has resulted from efforts of the secret Mau Mau to drive the white man out of British Kenya colony. Ken yatta on trial charged with assisting the Mau Mau terror. He insists he la an enemy of the Mm Mau. - (AP Wirephoto) satisfactorily. Charles Stephens, who was Injured in a logging accident Feb. 19, is still in the General hospital in McMlnnville, and re covering satisfactorily. Stephen Reed will report for Army service in Portland March 10. He and Mrs. Reed are visit ing his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Art Reed in Hopewell, Ed Loop, N. O. Pearse and Fred Withee, Jr., attended the polled Hereford sale at the Sa. lem Fairgrounds Monday. Mrs. Oscar Lafferty left Tues day for Wichita, Kans., to be with her twin sister, Mrs. Harry Norton, who broke her arm two months ago and is in serious con dition. Mr. Norton suffered a stroke and is in the same hos pital. Mrs. Art Reed and Mrs.- Marvel Brown have been staying with -Mrs. E. J. Kolln's mother, who is recovering from flu at her daughter's home near Spring Valley. JSP I 3 Sponsored by assoc. Ituoeiro of WU ULEN HIGH AUDIT., 8:15 m Mar Reserved 2.40-3.00 naii O Unreserved 1.50 Tkkehil Steven Jeweler Hubbard Hubbard Thalia Rebekah lodge will meet Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rebekah hall. A cake walk will be fea tured for a benefit project. Mrs. Riley Mains will hold an all day meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Community church at her home Wednesday, March 11. The Mary-Martha circle will meet Monday evening, March 9, at 8 p.m. in the Hubbard Com munity church (Congregational) The ladies Aid of the church will be special guests. Mrs. James Lamb will revelw the book "Albert Schweitzer: Genius in the Jungle" by Joseph Gollomb. Special music wilf be , presented. Fire district and left uncomplet ed, due to lack of funds. An appeal was made to the city council. A deed to the property on which the building stands was secured from the own er. Mayor Floyd Volkel, by the city and the contract for the erection of one story of the build ing given to Ray Lord. It is planned to enlarge the hall at a later date, when a rec reation hall will be added. W. R. Hutcheson, Gates real tor, reports the sale of acre age to George Humphreys of Mill City, formerly part of the property belonging to Georgia Shane of Salem. The land is located on the Linn coun- spent the past three months vis iting in Alma, III., at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marshall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miles and children were week end guests at the Stone' home. Mrs. Miles Is their daughter. Mrs. Velma Carey and her mother, Mrs. Cecelia Miller, at tended a birthday dinner at the Stone home Saturday evening complimenting Gale Carey, their son-in-law, on his birthday anniversary. Mrs. Harry Keiser had the mis fortune to fall twice last week at her home . and as a result is nursing numerous briuses. She fell the first time inside the house and again in her yard. No bones were broken. Unionvale Ten Dollars Full Price SPECIAL 0fFH-3 PRIVATE LESSONS $4.00 PAUL ARMSTRONG STUDIOS 155 SOUTH UBE8TY PHONE 2 7523 GOOD SEATS GOING FAST! Oatre'l m Mm m MOW' BKAVOS Z 55C ty side of the river, across from the high school. The saw mill, which former ly was operated by Shields Re mine and has been closed down for the past year has been leased from the present owners and it is reported will resume opera tion in a short time. A crew of men has been working the past week to put the mill in running order. The name of the lessee was not obtainable. v - ' Mrs. Martha Bowes was sur prised last Thursday afternoon when a group of her neighbors gathered at her home to compli ment her on her birthday anni versary. The ladies brought a birthday cake and each presented Mrs. Bowes with a handkerchief. Those attending were Mrs. Merle Devine, Mrs. Mary Eg- glestrom, Mrs. Charles Rush, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Clar ence Rush and Mrs. Glen Hen- ness. The Gates Girl Scouts, troop 52, are selling cookies to raise funds for some of their projects. They hope to sell six cases be fore March 8. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Varcoe spent the week-end in Portland visiting Mr. Varcoe's mother. Mrs. Rose Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henness and small granddaughter, Kan dee, were Forest Grove visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Fisher. Leland Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey, spent the week-end in Salem at the home of his aunt, Mrs. D. E. DeHut. Mr .and Mrs. J. O. Heron and family have returned to the canyon to reside after having apeni several years in Gaston, where Heron was employed. Mrs. uan Morrison has been In Lakevelw for the past two weeks at the home of her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone have returned home after havins Unionvale Honoring Mrs. Marlon Warner, of the Webfoot district, her aunt, Mrs. Edwin Clow, entertained at her home in Unionvale with a stork shower Sunday afternoon. Those attending were Mrs. Clarence Warner, Mrs. Hale Hendrickson, Mrs. John Thein. Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mrs. LaVal Uia. o"1"! HUB. J T 1 II rttllCt ! -via, ...AB. ..UUIJLI J ii a ua, iv.ia. Russell Lehman, Mrs. Marion Scisco, Mrs. Richard Lofton, Mrs. Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Faank Sheythe were hosts to the Gold en Wedding club Sunday at a 1 o'clock dinner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Van Den Bosch, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Turner and the Sheythes. ' .!d"5J!Vuf!!:s. Ih. home of their leader. Mrs, John Clow, Mrs. Claude Shel burne, Mrs. Victor Geiger, Mrs. Clement Hendrickson, Mrs. Glar Trammel, Mrs. Kenneth Ellis, Miss Willie Jean Scisco. Miss Mary Merryman, Miss Joyce Wiser, Mrs. Rodney Wiser, Miss Betty Davis, Miss Betty Minor, Mrs. Zane May, Mrs. Walter May Mrs. Ivan Hedgecock, Mrs. Lucy McCandless, Mrs. Marion War ner, the honor guest. . George Antrim, 87, of Slem Is in the General hospital at Salem. Adelbert Smith of Grand Island visited him Saturday. Mr. An trim is a former resident of Un ionvale. . Rev. Floyd Sartwell of Port land was the guest speaker at the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren church Sunday eve ning. Rev. Sartwell is a former Dayton pastor. vember when the Sheythes cele brated their golden wedding an niversary. The-Van Den Boschs and Turners ' celebrated their golden wedding anniversaries in 1951. The World Service Day pro gram was given Sunday under the direction of Mrs. J. W. Mc Cormack. Prayer hymn, Mrs. rAlhf-t Tlnur anHntiir Xlrm f !l. Bur bank; Intercessory prayer for missions, Mrs. Frank Sheythe; objectives for mission ary offering were given by Mrs. Thera Womer, Mrs. Rufus Dodge, Mrs. F. M. Dyer; address, "Yoked Service." Rev. Dow. Barbara Soehrlng, exchange student from Germany, who is attending Dallas high school, wil lspeak at PTA Friday night, March 8. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yates of Sa lem are spending the week at tne place they recently sold, on the Pedee creek. A large crowd attended the opening at the Pedee store Fri day evening. The grand prize, a waffle iron and griddle, was won by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rhodes; the electric clock by Mrs. S. C. Singler. Mrs. C. L. Burbank and Mrs. W. T. Turner received word that their cousin, Wesley Wo mer and wife of Topeka, Kan., were lost in the plane that went down in the Gulf of Mexico on Feb. 14. Mr. and. Mrs. Womer visited here the past summer. I. D. Blankenbaker. of Monmouth is also a cousin. Sixteen members of the Wom an's club and eight children met Wednesday for a no-host dinner at the club hall. Sam Yates of Salem, Mrs. Jim Price and Mrs. Harry Pinneo of Kings Valley were guests. Mrs. Pinneo showed her collection of crocheted hot dish holders and told how they were collected from, nearly ev ery state in the union. One was from Canada and one from Australia, also a crocheted doily from Greece. , Mrs. Amos conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Troy Turner won the attendance price.' The county health nurse ana Dr. E. B. Bossattl, county health officer of Dallas, gave immuni zation shots at school Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Neal drove to Hood River Saturday and spent the week end with relatives. - The 4-H Needle club met at E. M. Cates. The first year girls are making needle cases, and the second year girls are making tea towels and tray clothes. Mrs. Kenneth Swingle is also a leader of this group. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronco and small son, Braddy, and Mrs. C. L. Burbank spent Tuesday with the Albert Ronco family at Newberg. ' Mrs. Maud Burbank received word of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. Vern Daniels at Toledo Fri day, Feb. 27. This la her first great grandchild. The five generations are Mrs. Burbank, Mrs. Matt Johnson, great grandmother, Newport. Mrs. Harry Lawson, grandmoth er, Newport; Mrs. Daniel nad baby son. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Burbank of Monmouth are great grandparents. Mrs. Daniel made her home with them since a small child. . Gervais ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pankratz and little daughter, . Janice, of Wolf Point, Mont., were guests last week at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Steger. The latter joined them on a visit to Forest Grove and Cannon Beach to see other rel atives Sunday and Monday. Mrs. D. L. St. John was hostess to the young people of the Chris tian Endeavor group last week.at an evening dinner. Salt Creek Salt Creek Mrs. Leonard Webb was honored at a pink and blue shower at the home of Mrs. Abe Haas with Mrs. Carl May and Mrs. Frank Part assisting. Present were: Mrs. Marvin May, Mrs. Henry Classen, Mrs. Charles Hart, Mrs. Harvey Bar tel. Mrs. Tom Myers, Mrs. Henry Abderholden, Miss Edith Abderholden, Mrs. Ed Gels- breht, Mrs. Irvin voth, Mrs. Jessie Darwor, Mrs. Ernest Mc- Culley. Mrs. Fast, Mrs. May and Mrs. Haas. ' The Bible class had Its meet ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Voth, Henry Voth, Alvln Aebl, Mrs. Martha Bukler, Mr. and Mrs, Otto May, Mrs. Harry Markwalt, Mrs.' Dave Gels brecht, Mrs. Fredia May, Dick Bartel, Mr. and Mrs. O. D, Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Flieschmann. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin May and Kenneth were in Portland, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lange had their children home over the week-end. They were Ensign and Mrs. Kenneth Lange of Corpus Christ!, Texas, 2nd Lt. Melvin Lange of Mather Field, Calif. - Lt. Melvln Lange left for his base Sunday morning. pinner guests at the Lange home Sunday were Ensign and Mrs. Lange, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lange, Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Fogldeslng with Kathlene and Jimmy of Albany. Calling in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Jake Voth, Alvin Aebl, Orval Aebl, Mrs. Martha Buhler and Miss Ruth Buhler. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips and children of Philomath, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto May. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and. children are moving to Rifle, Colorado. 1' f i. fhqhi 2-7829 f 1 UIIJH SAIDINJ, HltHWAY ft ff fcl Catas Opes 6:45 f , Show it 7:15 L NOW! 7 1 Both in Technicolor m 1 "STORY OF U N WILL ROGERS" If 1 ' Plus 1 1 "SON OF f ALIBABA" H NOW SHOWING OPEN :45 Ml til Caynor Beott Brady "BLOODHOUNDS OF BROADWAY Also Line!. Darnell - Gary Merrill "NIGHT WITHOUT SLEEP" THE VILLAGE INN... presents direct from recent engagement at Atlantic City DUSTY BROOKS AND HIS 7-PIECE ORCHESTRA TONIGHT! America's Finest Colored Combination ORCHESTRA and FLOOR SHOW . . . Plus ... J U ANITA (Bombshell) BROWN ( ZZk. tattucJ STEAKS . Out of AGED . Double A Steer Beef N li . ICOMBNY OF SO u-rrh ORCHESTRA mbsvI By AsfcUU1 Stadenta f Willamette VnlrenlU SALIM HIGH AUOITORIUM MAR. 6, 8:15 F.M. Tickets at umm Jewelers and al Itoor aUeaind t.M-S.00; Vamenea I SO la ardor ta avoid tha disappolntmont suffered be many at the Marlon Anderson eell-eot, we orie you to purchase yeur Mcketa new. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Presents G. B. Shaw's Comedy "PYGMALION" March 5,6 and 7 at WALLER HALL 8:15 P.M. CoH 3 3088 for Tkkot Reservotiorti lira IT'S PARTY-TIME AT c asses wm'i i it's tun', donee with os you leom ... WE'RE OPEN! We ore glod to announce the re-opening of White's Drive Inn ond ore now specializing in serving French Fried Shrimp, Scallops ond our special Sea Food boskets ... AND AT A VIRY SPECIAL PRICE TOO Let ue help solve yeur Lenten food problem White's Drive Inn 1138 Soirih Commercial TWO PARTY CLASSES EACH EVENING You n,oy attend os many or as few classes as suits your convenience. ' SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY Any two peop'e In ony one family may enroll for the DriCe of one regardless .of dancing style Foxt Trot, I Waltz. Swing, Rumba, Sam ba, Tango, Two Step, Old Time Dancing, Top, Ballet, Acrobatics or others. ret" A Lifetime Enrollment for Only $10.00 For All Types of Dancing And All. Age Groups You can easily become one of tne Dest dancers when ever you go. I ft K. ADDED r FEATURE Crystal Garil.fia Fun Groups Saturdoy Night Special Instruction by Mr. Trlplett and Staff p.m. to MS p.m Floor Show a:a to :io p.m. DANCING ALL EVENING 1, THREE BIG JON MAR STUDIOS hotel albant ftirollment 12 Noon to 10 p.m. Each Saturday GRANGE HALL Wood burn Enrollment Each Thursday iH 2 pm. to 10 pjr A t1 leh-lHar Studio oTDsVU Ian a Phone 4-4962 MasFfevs'Sf'fl-'vM EflMAaafeMUJLBOj phoni o-sraa V Red Skelton Jane Greer Tim Coruldlne "THE CLOWN CO-HITS WORLD'S MOST TIMELY FILMS! SCOOP! Factual scenes of Stalin's bloody rise to power! Cap tured film of the beginning of Communism! "THE HOiXIEK" 8 PHONE S-SOSO CONTINUOUS Alan Ladd THUNDER IN THE EAST" Dinah Shore In Technicolor "AARON SLICK FROM PUMPKIN CREEK" moni a-srat Open 6:45 p.m. 0) James Stewart "CARBINE , WILLIAMS a Either Williams In Technicolor "SKIRTS AHOY J 1 r, l-MnV1'1 o Mat. Dally from 1 P.M. o ENDS TODAY! "It Grows on Trees" t "Hour of 13" TOMORROW! TECHNICOLOR TWINS! (At Bargain Prices) f-oN? CO-FEATURE! A MUSICAL EyE-FULl L-ZlB r "sr-k,Dofwa ,Day OLGER I It C