iil;,liwtlFtMJ-By'7, ,"' ,' . . r - - if ' '3 ' - v. V I 'v ' t i I! jjry'1 0"- ThnrBd.v. March 5, 1953 nl Cil uAnf . j : 1750 TVIUTM T ""'' Aehool A W nil kaa aakau...AkaiaAi .. - rmiHuius. m per Burt Picha r . aw a at. btm. a-Mi on. AA4 Hundreds WILL READ THIS! Jnir an eaa bar. Truly a nw -aiua to thto Ion up mburbaa aetata. Oyer MM OA. ft, PlAat. MBit. feeturef MxM nr. , i ia cro. a., m. kit. a qul Jm, apecioue bdnna. das, t fi-a-to. Theraxa-ai -tie lw. over 1 aa. wen landcop.. frail, sate lee. 1 Mtrr. ubl barn. choice buxv oou lor coir 4,490. Hlgglnbotham Real Estate Jat Bakl Beck Bids, woedbun a.: oak mn Bra. mi ee OI MM DM. at nw t-EXDnoou boo, wn Ii aa-T. OCT T A T i BTTB T. MILE PAST 4 CORKER. M M SSt MOUTH CArTrBB AT PROJECT, PHONB 41744 $300 DOWN Owner iMTttLf SaJem u4 ta offering for eele aa eery reeeoaabi terms, late built one-bedroom boxnt on oer u acre of fertile poll la eood dletriet. Mkt wmimw iroi ana oamaa. ill price 0,eoo. $300 drwn, balance llk rtntw Murphy & Kent REALTORS AM K. Clmreh Pboot 4-mt . Btm.1 Pineu t-MM lt By Owner Knrtr abakt, S bedroom, oil furnuo, strMi, cIom to LmIIo Hith. bui lint. 1IU . Hob H11L DtUill, mU 37i. wnwr in wwn inn weei. FOR SAH HOUSES" W.S. . Im ra k uu far a - Wnt fclmit Thu to Itl l-Mna. u, ora m wita Mutual Akruki A rM Aer (trMt from put. (1000 D. A. G. F. ltt miw A 4-try vt.Lb torn. B. WU1 toU MvtPtf for OO.MO, 0. F. H. OTtmhlur m but tat frtan bad pUtUr. Oomplttoly ndotu tniMa ud . Mav fa iot, in kltchtn. m roof, otti-cUTo S-bdrm. homo, finp.. L. T. C. B. n-UTI Tin CRT Ba O ID) XMtUal Mit M , 1-bA . ranch Mru - With fhWlAM ABA A iPAClnil m oa pTa itrMt. raA AATA It I worth thA BOBCr. 110.600. W. H. T. B. SOT, WA BAed AMtAT ATAAA piopwTtln fertwHo lll.ooo it llt.ooo. rhou AA if vu wun Muen. IMA-T - I REAL ESTATE WE NEED $10,000 to $20,000 HOMES I V SEVERIN REALTY n TaVUW O AUTBV a ORT AKRV1CX MOB BB TAlA ATAWAr-knUt bAAU, BbaUia ttrlt, AhAAld BA J I HXint PMf ACt (AT A fABV Ur with Ashool ehUdrto. It it leestAA AUM W AU AChOAU. BlU A-d ABAPPUA. UtIaa room vita flrtplAA. Duung roOAi with Aailt-tna. Dn or Aaroom uK prtttr kltohni lit floor. 1 Bloo-itoa AAAnOAlA ADA BAth ADA flOOT. TOO Wt Attt. BOAt. OATMS ABA lOTOlj UaAAMPM AOTA Kt. OBJJ lll.HO) AkOBt MAM BHOLBWOOD 1-bAdrOOBl horn- with flMt-n full bAMmnt, bArdvood aoora , AtlMhod imw Baa Brot-noojA. rmt ttaw of. ftroA er aaIa. Doa'I bum thu bb OBIT 111,10. TXM. BOBUAllAMAl. AJAimt- Rnctro WBIW. JtU U WllA ABCWtlOOAl BOA- ikiutlAA for futort aajaia. AU.oot UN VslriTOnuto BoaI PbOBA 4-JMI, 4-I1M (. 1-A0H, a-W , 4-1 A . in i wi" vo j k nam, nr. rm. baa flrtplAco, din. no., Bloo kltchea JMBinillO. 41W1 ABr tUBO. CODimr LirtNO in town Lonlp riBeh L1V. rm. wfDluc. uln. r i kltofc BOOA. IWUIM AA-BI. BAA AA'tr TM.I BAotUIoo prleo. tH.000. Al BoU Itral MMW, U7 tUBV. AM" KEIZER I, Ttry vol! ktpt S-bedroom hottio with Attoebod AAraro and fanood-lB back nrd. Lawna tt AhrubA art In. No fl-lni w ... hm awn hi. tammvt m vmi AH. AA.OOO. 30 BOWB. . , B. Kaw S-bedroon houtc will bo Aomplttod nroplaeo, attached faraot, Bdwd. flri. Looatod ob Thurman atrott. Frlot to H.0OO, obIj iiw down. I. Kwtorr booAA ob ooraor of SaArbora LowaU ttroata. Hdwd. floon. eU fur naoo, Iatio laundry room, kltchaa, dl Batta, to o llrltur room. bat-. Room for baoroom A ItalrJL daabla aaraaa. lawn. frail troea. Ownrr oakA 110,(40. bfakt ua ab Blier. 4. Lerolr l-badroom noma fat Uanbrln uaro-BA ob lana lot. completalr land capad and lawn and ahrubi ara la. PlraplAct, Anlomotlo oU forBAco, bdwd. floon, attached laraae. Can bo aold for . twr -ww. 4umi aTica la 10,avo, Abranu, Bourland & Skinner 411 IIABOHTO BUILOnia UAlBltAtA XlIAUTABOA lfOrttAAA LOAAI Phona I-MIT BtabIbu: S-4T0A FOR SALE LOTS $10. DOWN Good loil. Water piped to lot. jsiectricity. Bulla without permits. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS aAND INSURANCE Ml Soatb Hith Stmt Phont t-f20l rbono aTCnlnn: 4-ltll. 3-M6S. 3-4.7.. rMIV, sMB-i tttioa" COCKTRT ROUS mm- vvmi r mvmm, mmtaom om bo aarktt. looeatod a-oat lowly traaa. -- uriaAB it , iias room, IM I DO nlCMt Uteaan and nook. Botpotot liah- wpaaaa-a it ui vuatAi ana 1 i on i Kir Jtinoro If waatad. Tba aotlr-t bajaaent wwu-h. iua a aaienon, uiiukorj, bath, and a lana knotty pino t-aeraa- -aa o- wini lUACia-. SNI Ql OMk Doubla latulatad and vaataaritrlpped. A-" AMiAa Mr-M ,Aa nrjitn yoa " AT A) t-AWA W AAA AA A W W Ml mvnwr. ooa Oiry OI 912,909. -.iba W4n L L- JTAi-LM I a- A.AAAJ - at BV'ajr-iaUAino; artM. l- St A- ha A I -- . vau Am -airy pirn, i ri4 atAbfUw All AAAWiala- A- wa I - w-uifuiiu, av run, inm I mllat fit ltlut ami -A..m I lea. city watar, plug oraek. Raadr for uoair. ue to injury, ownar aallt ail I ' ww.-iw am tuita 4riTJU I avvba mill ii T.I1 I'M.? Si bu my-.AA-ai - U-44U1, iruit, urmvn, I iMk pond. Wall-built noma of T reoina. 1 . awww) vioio in ana aaa ba pour I Severin Rtofllt.v Tn MI K. Rlf h - ,-S0il fvaa.: S-BSM Mr. JClaac j-jjh Ut( Uoon j.. I HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon ItMft kl . . t.-. I Alt- water, jut ou'uido dtr limit! i ' ' - WOO do.nl REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Roy Todd Real Estate KEIZER DISTRICT I bdrau. If a lirlni At aUalBt Aoaklao. KU. with aet. aau u ...... aa A or 4-Adrm. baaae. 17304. oaU Ur. TAAAanail, AAlaaaaa. , WEST SALEM B. M AOB. BI14 bP dOOT. PABAAd back 70X4. ITM, Call AfT. JUall. aAlAf GRANT DISTRICT .iTA?arl..;rTL5r .au-ta-. Mrp.t. iiwu. mkui a aaawar. b4naa dUiiaa. Oaraaa. La4 taain a kiktL Hk. 2 ACRES o-.'k- .Iff'. ""i" oosrkla.. bdrma., atUllp. taraaa. Prtill a, Kr'atTTr'-cTu- JaT-i" ,",U' V , LADIES' PARADISE iM bfT'i'""' " -K? SS ENGLEWOOD, BDRMS. -l oalQT thto Terr alco baata ra a woadarfai IooaUob. with baio. OS'JSSJS .r" "" 0"PA0.. braAkfaAt Book d AAMUral AAAk raid W1U turaplaoe and patio, oalp Ill.PM. Call nr. Todd. ROY TODD, REALTOR AM State A tree, . AA-l TABdATTArt, M) Bah t-TAU, Office whiama. AJBAf - Tadd, ftTM REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES tub most Bxcirrjra thb moat IniUBnAL. TUB IIOBT aBrlSATTOMAU THB HObT TAIXXO ABOUT LXATTTJIO Wl HAVB HAS ON OU BOOK POB Ttna narfa Ire las aa pom like It. Tba a-oat encoanUna poa'to orar put year area on. Aveeplua new Out tlea poa a picture of BaaarpAAaod koAutr. I bum lay badroOBU with a ul aaw alt. to oAth. Indlrk-uai huto WAlk-la cloiete. A letelr AAA. In addition to the i lull hatha there are I extra It hath. A Bla me room tnat'e out el una wano. aa cxlreordlnarr kltohea. A huie ilvrns raaai that haa A arr bbuabaI fireplace. XI baa aa ealra fireplace la the dolttse party room In the bAaemeat. Oar ale for t oaia. HaborAte wall to .all carpeu ererTWAere. Hardwood floon beaeath the eerpete thai have norer been walked aa. Bare, folk a. thto to one poa hear About but rarely have the opportunity to aaa. autoaTl bt appomnaane only, tei price to oalp Ui.MW. Ob pee, we AhBOat fargoc, ire ea A totp oiet e treat and ABO -AWA BAA A AprtBf UBf arAtaat, IDEAL FOR KIDS 4 baoooma la a choleo location, l-ft. daap Ajry basemtat. Turaaeo. -Plraplaea. suut wbaa taar raaiiy ud tba job. in food condition. If 70a aaad room aad vaatmant, chaek tixla ana. Ifull prtct I.FOH A A.lA - A A- .... nodeiad Inildt, alea location ...4mI TUST LISTED eea, aavaaaw IV WW WBH VO BBBB. nVT B A homa you will arnnt to Be HERE'S mini room and Unlai room, flrtplaca, OS dlabwaihar and dlipoial unit in k.teban, full baaamaat with auto, oil !!i-!!lLiMdroom 0O cool loco- aMfMl. JTTMT At 1 A At AA OHMART tt CALABA, RLTRS ATT Court at. Phone llltt . uim - ear- BT OWNEB eoylfiP ft. montn. rnone wm. No. 23rd St. Owner moving to the country, kfuat AtU thto lorelr .-bedroom bouao with fuU baaamaBt. Houaa to About a Tiara Aid and to la aaeellent cundltlon. Located ab aaTAd etreat with ldewalkA and '?-J?n".,UTTti 'n with null treat. Alio a amen menhouie la IWrnj room with fire. Place. dlnlBA room, roomy kllehea with -"J? " with tile trim. Auto, oil furnace la drp b element. An amrtialtp to bur thto type of bouae AJoom I come too often. Let ua Ahow ou tsu. Priced at oalp tii.toa. Abrtmj, Bourland tt Skinner 411 ICaSONIO BtrrLDTltO Uortt aaa Loani Brenlnn: f-70 R. At ,we lm onolce lota. Rrit aonable. Phone k-'wo. KoAlBltatA XaeurABoe Phoen 1-4117 GI $450 Dn. 35 new 1-b.droom houses, with full basement. Out State Street, Vi mile past 4 Corners. 18,999 $52 MONTH Office at Project. Phone 45790 jti INVESTMENT BUYS S duplaxaa nar aaw, alealp amatad, fl-badroon. kitchen, bath, dlaatta. n.w tanndry. Lov ooat Boanorllla liaat, ox-1 ,wr haaUr, ctm.nt found! cellenl raatal location. $340 par mo. I fit nlw r?f Bd Wine. lrf a 'business locations aaw a ..ftp on nianway nut aoor so main I hlialltAiU Mmp jab I at aB.a1aul Ba. I AUI A MA ABU V lAAtlUaPaaa) SJUUtlUia, uaad ear lot or trail art or aarklaa. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1111 Sdstwatar Ph. 3-BlOf oaU $30 loirn, lift I aaS7 FOR SALE FARMS RANCHES t6o- 10 acraa on pavad road, south, with prunaa. Win axehaasa for homa In alam of about oqnal ralua. Call BURT $4oa w acraa ea eavad road, north. ' ausaa WB.aTV. UWU yiu ain, nil alea barn and double far act. ThU place would make a fine chicken or otook rtvnr.h. 711 RimT prmtA. UpMa-M aerea of fine Mlailon Bottom lkkPU tBrtth V-w -nLA Mm u-ata of poaohaa T yra. old, 1 acraa ehtrrlis, S aorea borienbcirlaa, acraa fllbertt, applaa, eto, Ako a maehlno abed fuU of mac hint ry, Including tractor, double dlac. cult, mower eU. for tractor, plow end power aprayer, alio lote of leddera and other equipment, cood well with lot of water, alio rr. oraek. oil f oca on account of alcknaaa. Tale property mutt bo aeen to appreciate a truly good buy. Will take houaa la Salem aa part pay ment. Call BURT PICHA, $ll,4ee a acraa with t-B.lt. homa, food btu aa oaicKrm nonii, aoout I mute from Balem. Oood wall, alto yr. areek. Ownar wanti to move to Salem. Call BURT PICHA, Burt Picha XT K. lb at Braa. 4-1161 Off. j-tcn D60" "llfl',?.'l.AD,TI0r!-b,dr, none w) eT '""". oein. nard Wood floora, floor furnace, attache aao with Btllltr. u.o. ehruba. ,.r. dea. Bqultr ttoo. balance MOW? Pap noou 044, Include, taia, and tneur- oua eei, b'epiiel Journal asa 13-BEDROOM, 1 BLOCK 1 FROM HIGH SCHOOL - 1 1 wTTt?rrru"ia.,5i 10 A. Haul M.W. I inLSA Atlem phone 4k mall a-iaenDeo. wirco. a-Bona. Aouae. 1404. O. W. arruLUR, Realtor, aaiem, Ore. araavw.iaT. J-B. J-9C0T or A-ST4S BAT t-AVB. JOHAWSull ktml I.. me, foooed yard. St. Vincent dutrlet! A0A4A. AU BAU ReAl BttaM. 41401 Any aeBBTa OMB of thoae rooi family hemee. Ur. rm. with fireplace, dia. rat, toe. kit. wlah aook. S bdrma. da, I bp. PuU evr baamt, party room At workahew. DbL sararo. Ill 400. At. Vincent dle- tnet. AU sou Seal aetata, 41401 any time. BAA USA DOWN and 4J7.SO per mo Small Aaa. "m . ww, in water nawier aaa bAtrmorA. I14 RelmABB SoAd, 17113. AT jAIBMOtrwT BIIX-itao John St. s bod- wiabI. Phone 4-1714. fan jLAaaIPIBB ADTBBTUfNa Per Ward t Per twerd. S MaMB eA. Per Ward. 4 tleeee Ua Per Werd, 1 ataata OA RBADtBA B LooAl Haw. flat, Oar. far Word to arlalmim M werde Ts MAO Ad ta SaaM DayH Itpar, FkoiM I MM BcfAAw 1 AUAt. SO-A, PABM, room moderA houee near Balem of equal value. Purther detail, on lnautry. B. J. Youne. Rt- 1. Box M Junction City, Oreton. b67 7-rwi. At h.th .1.1 . trie water heater, cment foundation. AaaVIV taebra Bjab at a. al .al l w ... . " aw tUU aWUU, lri UIII. 1 kj rm, Double taraao 4M0, terma U At H m. a.ic .. . .1 aaw tf-rn. bpi nw, -tarawood I 5fSr ,Si?m!tl? '""" 'oua- KaiT" w7", " wi,eiui antUi I " - " .v.. .a corner. Both I I . - bAth. wired for I J&'oto.a' SSSrh "I". '- erase toCAUOB. NeAr Clth-1 vm. onurea taano ... I M...I. a . . I 4oT.ii.u m I . - 0,m- cement SSi'.".-W1'!d r"". electrlo . wauvtm lurnaee. s lou. L10C In radnoMf t. can.. I 1 kn.it a . 7 " -'" auoetrr ouiuPAtad. eareom. modern boute. Mew Anui 'ia1-itt80?' vtoee ta on paremnt. a nice eonntr. " ..liooi d..".2?:.!!,t.?M water 7 -"" awe, jr. atream. J-rm. " ..IUN 40 acree, About 17 Acre, cultlyated. 10 . . . 1 .. . ' . cmcaen none,, .a. I ""l ". trector and eeuio! -h 113.004 b.tb.wi,S 5T& JK le.tlo..Umo;rrd1ickupW t .AlT .bout ISA larrn. aeaj. .sio.joo MATiPTM CPirrTAT TlbbetU. e oaip aim. CaU 8-BDRM. fiMTJ! VT "Ardwood floon. oreralAed Una. . aar. irr-t..".." breakf aook. Br.tr. lane atuehl n T-ttw, 1 ..a, mu Jtm. Z-n r, I J K.I II I M H1 YrlvT T rXTm momnTi. claw. Va-yS ,TVl',Z:sP' AttKbsa eara.e. eatly Boaiiaeim -7,T "SZl ' af.JPO. Call Jim. "w apptaiam A RESTAUR A MTWrrxi vnmr itt, Very IZZZZTZL? ' ' .yjOJWJEJ B&toB, wa. ee i : . " .""u beer licence, located north ea hick. WawTiiB orfc PuU KXTHlflM e? C A rrTnT-iTn Ort or . u" JS-J ao at .a after today by aauTna ZTW 115 AflPPC Vi-iTjrrTT .... .. . "Vieuut It Vlt 1 11 eon. ' 4-bedroom home, eace Ileal outhniuh... Itayburn. "" " waai . rood farm for 143. loo, contact 5.1. RESIDENCE RTITT.nTMn T nT -a-" Vet UV X Vt StoTubur.r'' " W,ek AAklAs prleo 11.100. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRTfiT TtV. AT.Tii-iT so w. c.pn.1 TlbbettA S-7II4 Office ahaeiaa. A-iaaa -- a ... erreniBI PBOOee Jim 1-1474 Chel I -4111 Dale Baybura 4.4144 aon..-.. . bath home .... tana, new 4-rm. .M.,134 REAL ESTATE DE LUXE HOME Lone, low ranch, I bdrma.. double plumblnt, blr party rm. with fireplace on rtaln floor, 1-car taraee. beautiful corner lot. One of the beat Ttewa In cur. Take a emalltr home aa part pay. ment APT. ROUS! TRADE 7 apte. all lumUhed, bathi, won darful htatlnc aritam. owioaa in lMtian Income over $330 mo. Alwere ren.ed. tui aouee up to i 3,000 in trade. BUBINKSS LOCATION lOQ-ft. frontaee on one of the bustttt atrecte In the city. I-bdrm. Uvable bouie on property. Acroaa at. from a bank. awe mica ror MJoe. can Bon Cleary. WAXTEH MUSORAVX REALTORS till Bdiewater - snot Era. aeoit c5 NELSON $4800 FULL PRICE Thla 1-bdrm. home haa a fplaea., aew wlrlnr, new plnmblne, food loca- hoeplUL Bnilewood KhooL Call Uxi. wVewf 4 BEDROOMS RIQHXaAlfD DISTRICT PamUy home with roomy badnyoma, dlnlna room (llzi). iimiil. motA vaaf avi. moet bow car. I blta. to trade achool, vi.r wvm 9j aoor. rrioe io cell, 97400, CaU aire. Woottea. PRICED TO RFVr.T. Orer 110 m. ft ta thto well-ballt t- ihikhi, earn. Dome. AB ex cellent laadecaped lawn aa thai Tlxlll ft. pared el. Bxtra kid,. IU17 oa con crete foundation la rear. 410.000 will mUe Utu aplendld home poura, CaU au. watta. o-iaea. COUNTRY LIVING, WITH A HOBBY Hero' an opportunity to own thu beautiful 0-room home, fplace.. hwd. flra lou ekwet a pace, taeuL. wa, full baa 4m act, autom. beet, la addition yon have a cood ah op bulldlne tiil4 with aoncreto fir. Ideal for that hobby you nawwaj arwatmraj at vvi a. till IST opp. Prleo $11. WO, TRADE WIS trade fairly new lt-malt rett dentlal court for motel on toed hlcbway. (mil at r. Sehmtdt. NELSON & NELSON Ai rciALisnro rultom tai a. bus st. ra. i-saas HereA1 a dandy Howell Ptalrla aaawibbj ajropa. irruauon Va r:, -w ouHimaiie fur S,7 ii. ""I rt "" " u want , Write or ,,n fo, ottr u tto bullttla. Bafore you buy or TelL CONTACT THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON, OREGON DOWN PAYMENT .???? A How much will pou pep down far a lAr,. aide, home that Beeie .lem. $2450 a. iJf" t0' mta laeld, for.fi '. ttooS; lwl Bame the term,. REALLY CUTE! I WlthOUi a Av,,.b.A Al.. a... . fgm boa,, "haV. S SEEK "XTSJttifSSi REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Blab Itmt an.... . a uwue e-veve ' uw. area: A-i.71. 1-ltu aata l-llfll CSS Center St. REALTY OLD HOUSE T7 I-OO la No. S ka,lnm one. A dandp location lor a rental oourl or ether bneln.ee. low of , cod Jj "" l old hoiue: cSy rf TWO HOUSES ?'L,ST- hu oooom. Siee 2?' foniuhed. Thar rent for ll par moath. Or real one and Uye o'!Z'?.1Lto""n AwarHaST wood. Prleo sii.aao. seme tame. Center Street Realty RBAXrOBB IMS Cwater ai. n,. 4.Mii aa. pboaoei an, hi s-Atss, oie, .nii Ct4 4-BEDROOM SUBURBAN OH H ACAW. Thto room, T-yr.-eld home hu larse klroom, down and 0I",0B,, Ua Irr. , dbl phmbm, ,,,. -a bar. Ill.tM. with 1100 dm. m per aoath. HIGHLAND - ST. VINCENT'S A DAKDT OoriHD, LOCATION. 4 bedroom.. 1 d.m , . .,... .rporutioa, Khooto, daublo farUe. sM. BaaHp fln.nwd. LOW DOWN PAYMENT WHT LOSS ALL THAT IUBTT MOXTT, Be t "X1"- W" ed maar prwreutT. folk, ..I their ... home. A, mu. as ptoo dowB aaa bop that home. CHARLES D. SUMMERS 1725 STATE ST. REALTOR PH. 2-4502 ALWAYS NEAT HOME ooma on one floor. Basement, ill forced-air furnace. Pireplace. yra ow out lie jusi ma lew. win at. Spadoua lot. Uauaually nice land acaplny. Juat think, the price li only 14,000. flTTTF. $-bedrooa home la Bnelewood diet. Ideal irjr gnu it you tua t ua ov hiuvu yard to care for. Spotleealy clean. In- uiabphs w uutr loum wUfwinui avivciiajsa. Oarace. Klca yard. PuU priea only M500. CALL FOR lilt. FIOOTN8, EVE. PH. 4-04M, or MR. CBAWPORDp EVE. PH. 4-IO20. If ao anawer. call 4-3341. BUSINESS BLDG. iiiwiDit iiw per mo. huo vias. 1a armsmifc narw. Vatrw nBUlmu Int. Wmtm trt biba ihsibh vpuai., Bumw, ajar wi'-aja utb deairad. Pull prleo only lll,00. INCOME BARGAIN iw. vug krryajt, on a ajupica which haa S bedroomi for each unit. One S-bedroom home. J double gar area. alnele. Bxtra bide . rented for 989 per to. Varv larva, int. Tncfima whan dayvrn. plated, $300 per mo. Owner leaving tata. Delivered to your complete only ,vuv. inn ia a Owcai. SERVICE STATION is erpaiwia, sut Terr VTVTrVOM Bwuiaiuui7. mronaee price lnex. eiauon. a apb4 anvv, Aduua nab am kouia aad equipment. Advertlaed f aaollne, Do- aaap "l WJ4 HUSIOBaa. ao no a. aTlUi nrlAa 14 AAA CALL POR DAlf BAAK. BVS. PR. 4-1B1I. am sbw Hawar, bu e-Anai. 10 GOOD ACRES acra- eeneb-rr.es. Some walnut and a uiibtb. o'vvajoom noma duui in lvte. Chick an houaa aawl ap .kM eu and preuure eratem. Walklnc dis tance to city bus. Tractor aad all ma- wh7 - i or cjvw. cooaMor ewap vs e v wearuggn flome. REAL HOT 1A acraa artth i naJ.a .iti a, oma timber. Vary eood home built la 1041. 10 it ill ttAPP. Altl.b- W ' machine chad. scree eanebertce! mvy.v, yruaea, peari, peacnea .uu am iswea. m a matter of fact, thla ta a. fiatrii arwrl 4.a.i a.wi-- . ,J7 wiim aAV,iuv. 3 ACRES BMaT. allay. flnSA In wteaa. oe.e. e WUL tilt soil. Oood road. Prleo la only 5 ACRES Blda. alia. wr.n...i .1 - . . . (tea from downtown Salem. Pull price 1 .... .. I CALL FOR MR. LZAVKN8. BVB. PB. ao anawar, .all 4-324S. AfORTOAOB LOANS M-Tear Maturity AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTION! HOUSE FURNISHINGS SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1:00 P.M. LOCATION: 607 N. COMMERCIAL ST., SALEM Home: An exceptionally well-built borne In first-class condition. Haa been used for apartments. Will ba aold for rash, to be removed' from the present location. All bida subject to owner's approval. rurnishings: At 1 p.m. aa follows: 10 beds, springs & inner spring mattresses 15 chests of drawer tt dressers S Universal 110 apt elec. range, 1 apt (aa rang 1 Slegler oil circulator, several elec. heaters 15 chairs straight, rockers, occasional 1 ru( 2 small desks 1 7-piece sectional . 7-piece walnut dining aet 2 davenoi and many other items TERMS OF SALE CASH Auolloater'A Rote: If pen Art la rued of a eood home, job ehotild lnrei tlAate thto tale. Bttlmatei of aortas 'oat aaa be obtained from Auctioneer. Borne of row folk, that ante on An Aid home la dilapidated condition la thto locality would do well to move roup home off pour lot And thto one ea. AUCTIONEER: CLAUDE KILGORE PH. 4-5002 Allsaak& Co., Realtor oniee PhoneAi 4-JJ11 or 1-7134 ran POR7TJU.D ROAD art. Phone,: S-473S. 4-f. 4-mt or l-ltsi IT ao aaiwer, phone t-ntl lllaaa ,1111111 e..t...e IIIIIII4M lUUIIIIt ....eeceea oeeaiuu, FamsMi;:'-Homes uiiiiumuuuiiit IUMMU4 (4 lllllttlll ee aeiltll, SS auiu II Grabenhorst Specials ct tt t a xt ZZiTX.. VSZ -1". ..r.U at. 0 U V -TVIS dia. rm.. kitchia, 4 bdrm,.,7 , furatohM fo, only IMOO. CALL J. I IAW. SAJLBSafAN 555- 1111 SOUTH 1ITH aTRBIT Mo. 1 kualnau Bona. MA . tea J. to. . home rented at pso per month niu.!f...2J--J?-T-l, CAU. C. L. ORABKKHORST POB DkTAILA. AO Arntaat ran. n riimiiiaTA iwwBB.w.. . . GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS a ta. aVUVarir Bf(, VVwHlnATB Am a..al.u H - .BP awwHiUaa-ai AJHU ---- ' ",?T- 'U --Uymon l-t.u Uw MI Ph. t.i7i USINESS a INCOME JU1INESJ5JJNWME HUDKINS BUY-LINES DUPLEX MAKE OFFER $10 me. laeoma. t hidir.B Ukui a- .... ... VHV BWNa, vail BOW. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON aano raii . .. ... w- -m wniT-i avcros serin wita a 1 bedroom houit. Balance parable $&ft a 5n!. $6i! " M pa7m ftlLVERTOM atafaAn iatalku ah a. . roam Lh .m 7T7?rw"'" . ?ni,J'.i1,r' ln-w ntmtT- 0r -a e.a pavr. WWX., HJ,. aiiuap-AJirea ocorooma Sui".! I""" knotty Plneden 1040 m ABPMaw. ' iTite" "i. lit.ood; """""" " today. WTLLAIiXTTB SILT M-acr. Mo.tk AJS.OOo: ell wV 1 'or and want a farm, thu u Jf..??!00? wonderful opportunity. 434,000 ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR MM Portland Road p Pb. Byaa.: i.ix.t u. . -170r. S.47M ddtl CREEK HOME OOOD aound elder S-bdrm. homo cm U1U Creek. A food bur al II BOO. OaU MR. METZOER. COAST HOME STUDRT, attractive 4-bdrm. home, completely mdn. Bute llrlnt rm. with fireplace, Ire. dlnlne rm, fuU baamt. with oil piped furn. Beautiful lane landscaped lot orerlookltiff the ocean. 917,000. Will consider food Income prop- aa t v eUA ua ararue. ivau AO. 2 310 ACRES Wto bun food S-bdrm. home la nice Aettlat. Aouth. Pireplace, baecment At eawduit heat. Pura, double rarato. CaU PICK. RANCH HOME 1.000 10. ft. of floor .pace oa one floor, eoniutlm of S lie. bdrma., dlnlnt rm. lee. Uvlnr rm. with fireplace, bath At half, hdwd. fin turnout, fun burnt, with fireplace. oU Air cond. furn. 1-car tar. Auto, doora. l acre tret, looatod elope la oa print. Truly a apread for only 171.500. will conaider food farm la trade. Cell Ray Devli. ph. smm Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor MJ.IXUKK 4-I71S PBCF. J-541I lAUCTIONS AUCTION! TONITE 7:30 O'CLOCK TXITa OP OOOD USED PTrRNTTURB AND MlflCBLLANBOUS East Salem Auction law Lancaster Dr. ddsl rUBNITlJES AUCTloy TONITE at t p.m., - ouiiajjUvD AUCTION aAl.ES TARD, located 1 mile eaet of Salem on Sil-erton rood. Ph. 9-0009. kft wV " rrrrrr f jjjj WANTED FURNITURE "aw aii ai saBBaBBBavaau m a.a-TAA DAVIS 4-4017 WANTED REAL ESTATE BtAL BATATI la aXLUMO. WB HAVB MORS BUYERS THAN OOOD UST- If Tour property la worth the money WB CAN SELL IT. omcs DIAL 44494,24552 eaOO- NOTICKl Tt Miit Mama a . .ii r.r.-.7 ""w w STATS PTlf ANCB CO. REALTORS US 8. Bulb St. ... IfB ABB la aeed at food houeee ta eel. ... oeivin. it you WUB ta Ult your property for aale. lee ORABEHHORST BROS, RBALTORS ia. a. uoertr . Ph. 1-M71 ea WANTED-4 to 10 acru with food home. u. 01 ataai, me, pnoae 4-JJ1I. If ao anawer, 4-23,4. ea. WANTED! AT ONCE TT von .-- . ... . - ' - - .w. m-s,.n. noma m Baod location .... t . . . ----- -n. joy a s-yr.-old J-B.R. home, oontact me at oncot my client will pay about 14,000 difference. Call PACKY McPARLAND. 1 K. Hith at, Brea. 1-0414 Off.! l-4o case BUSINESS & INCOME I M wn.,.. . 21 rard. furu.d."n.' 'o erenlnae. " " " HODEBN DBT cleanlna plant la email .7.., . " "lek and tile butlAlnr, rood equipment, truck, aup Mlae, tor all pear Immediate poaaamlon. annual .mu ..... ... . . S3M0O. Boa m capital Journal, cell da WANTED Oood Bead furnfturo 1 Phone Mots. APPllABOA. da -,-fiao. LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKIB BEEP WhltA face Hereford. SAA. ameer pora, JOC notniaf dowa, A SMA. to pat. Ouatom kininr. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, Ittl a. 39th. Ph. seeac. ea o..eAA.-AAa'p. e.oo. oo.e.e RABBITS CALiroKNiA nnrwa 42001. 4410 Claster Rd. and doe a. Phono eboi BABBITS WANTED. Any alio and quan tity, aiao purebred breadinc stock for a", at u uii a a-1 iv 1. mo 19" NEW ZEALAND Whltae. S bred doea. Alio jruuBB e-.ata. vroiva ua vaiiiornia rao bite. Special rate to boys, tirle intereatad -H project. All clean, pedlereed atock. so uirao eireet or pnone j-ease. aoso PETS MONTH-OLD AIREDALE Oood dor. With pepere. call after S eju. 1. watch B.m. ectt PHEK P.rl n.lm.tf.n nun al... ...!. im. ,iki Dos. o3 Aaiaeion. ecoo- BOLLTWOOD AQUARIUM 1S3 McCoy, one block eaat of N. Capitol, IK block, north of MedUon. Ph. 3-!7. oc7je MOOBE TROPICAL PISH, eoulpment. uppllea. 2 mllu from Lancaeter on Maclear road. Phone 1-7131. Cloned Wednesday,. ec63 CHOICE CANARIES. Phone 3,3,5. 1340 Chemeketa St. ecst" BOXER PUPS ABC, champion aired. Real onable. Phone 43465. TAVERN .r?m",0ho""i-.. rm cse ' . SM X. Tilth St. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Realtor, , n tk. .ra., !-.,, ; Ibjjsiesspportunities aeST . aV -rr" -0 a-Biiaoie per- rn. j4. AwtftA UTTtJ. -fBAl-l. IwS MY $4W0 Malty la nice $7000 t-bdm. holBO With kaSRll Maa.l... .jT H. 14th, PIUS contract oa anntna. it.. ith 4)oe balaaee. peyo back IM par a.i eu aaa aavo my W00O equity ia both properties la ax- I-bdrm. home (must -" w ati.aoo or eood la- PBrVATS PASTY cbH' in .. -L. " ""."" home a. .inLTT. . ".-orooa some. Mun w ,..,' 1.' neaiior. mo rrrrrffj.- M,M' RESORT PROPERTIES BBAOTIPDL MOUNT AIR RESORT With due. rm. Seat, 4A. Betarwaae aad t. houeekeeplBt eabhu All farnlehed aad operatlnr. hydraulic plant and W1 L?"" Antea. prioe III ooe. wui K??'n u trade-ta. F. H. Weir, Realtor U4I S. Commercial 4 alea Ph. 144 u Journal Wanl Ads Pay Ssi I A Ac, JOE PAL00KA rwtiwAj. srawrTin aad entaa. Roy WesUtn. Bt. vmtwm, roonu cdl . ?,l?f' Wlth ttrmi- An ouipment . .suo man uuncn counter. Ararat, ,rou. ,53,000 per year. Lane Don't call - See Frank Vlasic wrni McKillop REAL ESTATE " a-aumr tab-, uvmuiaI 990 i' FURNITURE FOR SALE rOB SALE nee-piece bedroom oulte 400; AeTen-pleco dlalnf eet 439. Bert B. lie Cool. Sllrerton, Oruoa. Rl. L Boa IMA. Two alia aoutheaat of Sllrerton, acrou from Byane Velley school. dM" TRADER LOniE rem wnm.v .l.uiiwi . eoeeoAooOAo.oeoo..OAAAAi To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 PUREBRED TOT POODLE ml PI. ivin. ecM S310 1. ee57 WANTED i-mu. pox terrier puppr. Phone ec5 FOR SALE POULTRY WANTED colored fry-ia, colored and let born hens. Bithett prices. Lee'a Hatchery, phone -2881. f" FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old ohlcka ill new xiBiiifauae ca, rai iiit-tj vera, nao. White Leihoraa, Austra-Whlte, White Rocks, White Wyandottee. Farm en tar cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 33101. SPECIAL New Hampshire pullets, lc ta. TBiirt- nim ewr, ra. awtta. i IV WRITE LEGHORN, Aoitrawhite, and Hew nainifsuiiiw vuieai) t nurjAUeO. PIU I0J4S. Palmer' Poultry Parm, Brooks. ' f7S OOLDEN BROAD and Hew Hampahlra cnioxs, natcned erery afonday and Thurs day, Our chicks trow faster. Wmm Hatchery. 8030 State St, Ph. $4100. er unywuta We pay lc orer top PorUand prioes for oommerclal lou delivered. Orowera ee ua for best proposiUoa, IpOe'e Hatchery, P. O. Bo 730. Salem. tbt Z-7 '.AT.11 hour LAy-wcR. Slwiu. ) f" By Ham Fisher THePUWe LANDS AT H0AXXIJLU Flf LO, J0, Kwoesv, AM JEWW AMtt BY A LAK&f 6A0UP Of twre, rCVty...Pcm eoTTEr' a?C . ALL AST 0UtSTCN5 1 lUCKV V aCSRSli AT ONCE...rVAIT A II SPOTTED lTV A: minute, slipw waw.'vlkl' qi1 I GOTTA BE J!Sjf A Journol Want Ads Pay