MAR KET QUOTATIONS POBTLAN riODDCI UIT . kiwlit-nittim anbleot u kinfr I oun: Preeaieta uamr. eseaissuaa II ta ana per Mat hmu wsuveiwii m Mini ta-na la., tint duality ai-Tee; aa.aetd niUtt. 4-Ta. Valley inlM and aeuatry HllU, I MM Wee, Ballet Wholesale I.e.. bulk cubes to hBiauiiM rku AA M scorf tltl srsc. u Kort, wi . m score, tw: o, m score Ma, AMI arms. " . - mrurn to Portland plMl. ealere. Oraeon alntlao, uiWk. Onto t Ik. leaf. 4-elVtei trlnlete. Itta lees than Five children In 3t Months Where there were two there re now five children in the family of Mr. and Mn. Bontcue of Philadelphia, Pa. Mri. Bontcue happily displays the trip let glrli to their admiring father. The Bontcuei have two other children, James, Jr., 30 months and Dorothy, 14 months. (AP Wirephoto) Water Level in Valley Ample R. C. Newcomb, district geolo gist, U. S. Department of Inter ior, Portland, stated Wednesday t the Marion county Irrigation meeting at Keizer that there is probably enough water at weii- depth to irrigate 50 per cent of the alluvium soils in the county. These soils include the main lower valley soil types. Newcomb explained that ob servation wells established in 1926 have been tested regularly since that time with no decline found in the water table. Cer tain local problems have come up where neighbors drilled wells too close to each other. Tne total underground water supply, however, is not reaching serious proportions. The necessity of Irrigating prior to crop wilting without ir ritating excessively was discuss ed by Dr. Ay Marsh, professor of soils, Oregon State college. Using gypsum blocks to de termine the irrigation schedule was one method outlined by Marsh. Other speakers on the all day meeting held at Keizer Grange hall included Lee Mc Allister, planning area engineer, Bureau or Reclamation, Salem; Frank Mackaness, agricultural consultant and Floyd Miller, Ir rigation engineers, Portland General Electric company, Port land; Marvin Shearer, extension Irrigation specialist, Oregon State college, and Hollis Otta- , Way, COUniJf mwihiwu SALEM MARKETS Cm.lctl from rtMrtt f Mm 4mWn for lb clui ! Capful Juul readers. .Kt-lsetl Ull7.) Stall Fe4 Prices Bat.. PtUcU UJft (M-Ib. bM). M - lift UM-lb, bad. Bet Hub-ft.U-t 41. Dairr rw4 )U H (M lb. bw), $,...-6 41 UN Wt. rsaitrr Sarins rritas coiorto irjen, 10c; old rooitara, 16c; colored fowl, 3&c; let horn Jowl, sac; routers, Jle. lata BarlB Prteam bit. AA, 43c: lant A, 41-c; m odium AA, oc; medium A, Me- tic: mau, lie. nhoitMia rrlcM ui wDoltaaio prua itn.rallj l-Ti hither than tba prtcat above, Lara irad A itnarally auouo. mi 64c; medium, aw. Batterfai Burlnt prka: Premium, il iac; No. 1. 6-70c; MO. S. 47c. Batter-. wholesale grade a parchment. no id. i retail, 77. DEATHS mm a lo Hta-haw Mh, xmma I. Hlnihaw, lata resident of 14Wanaoe road, March I in a local hoi . pltal. SurY.vad by daughter, Mn. Allan T. yietcher; aUpchUdren, Walter Alrnon. Lawrence Simon and Un. Mary Benion. 11 ol Salem: Utter, Ma. Lydla Mielke t Two Harbor. MiniL, Mrt. Anna orebtl. Beaver Dam. wuc. Servleea Saturday, March 1 at i; pm. in the Clouah . Barrlck Chapel. Dr. Paul K. Pollni olll , olatlns. Interment at City View oemetery. , Ida Mary Ivana Ida Mary Irani, late resident of IM X " atreet, March I. aio Mother of Wil liam Harry Bvana, Salem, and O. O. r nkisihema CitT. Ok la. Alio aur- ' ivlni art all grandchildren and eight treat irandcblldren. Servleea will be held PrWay, March S, at :K p.m. In tha W. T. hnl. Tha Rev. Ernest Ooulder in affieiata. Please omit flowera, aend contribution to Red Cross. Panllry, Ear Beport Oregon State College Sat markets this past week, were stronger with price trend log upward. Lire poultry markets have been a little unsettled on young stock bat (owl is sees nave been jcarca and prices stronger. Egg markets across the nation are ahow ins? stronger price trends. The demand Is strong, supplies, on we oiner nana, art short of demand at many markets. In the Pad Mo northwest, prices gained at Port land and Seattle. The Seattle market was about S cents higher for all grades. At Portland, grade double A large egg gained about 3 cents a doaen while grade A large eggs strengthened around 1 to S cents. Medium esss strengthened about 3 cent. Orada double A large eggs, to retail outlets at Portland, arc M centa a doaen. Orada A large eggs arc M to 54 cents. Orade double A medium eggs are 84 cents with grade A medium at 13 cents, All eig markets are also well above a year ago. Portland prlcea ars up around T to I cent a dozen compared to this time of tha year during 193. Live poultry prices are mostly showing a stronger prlc trend, especially on fowl classes. Young stock this past week were a little unsettled at most coast market. However, there was a alight atrengthen lng as this week Is closing. At Portland, broiler, fryer and roasters are now quoted at 31 to 31 cents a pound. At Seattle, prices for young stock dropped around 1 to 3 centa a pound tbl past week. Tha San Francisco market held mostly unchanged for young stock. Com petition from Kaitero shipments con tinue rather heavy at manr of tha Cali fornia markets. Fowl classes are in rather light sup ply at most of tha western markets. Prices strengthened around 1 to 3 cents a pound during this paat week. Light type hena at Portland, arc suotad at 33 cent a pound. Tha Seattle price range around 31 to 33 centa. Light typo hen at San Francleco, however, art considerably higher than at the Pacific northwest mar ket. Quotation this week were around as to 28 cents a pound. Heavy hens at Portland are being ejuot I at 36 centa a pound. Tie same price la also being ejuoted at Seattle for heavy bans. At San Francisco, heavy hens are comparatively nigh and arc ejuotad at 13 to 31 cents a pound. Llv chicken prices at Portland are moderately above a year ago. Broilers, fryers and roaster are all about 3 cents pound Higher than a year ago. Fowl classes at Portland are around 4 to a centa a pound higher than a year ago. The placements or broiler and fryer chicks In Oregon during the week ending February 38, was reported at 111,700. This la about w.too higher than placements one week aso and nearly 43,000 above placement 10 weeks ago. . Multnomah Fights for Funds Multnomah county legisla tors were on the defensive Thursday against an effort by eastern Oregon lawmakers to reduce Multnomah's share of state highway revenues by 20 per cent. At a hearing before the sen ate roads and highways com mittee Sen. John P. Hounsell, Hood River, said Multnomah county gets too much money from the state because that county doesn't have much mile age of county roads. The counties get 19 per cent of state highway funds, the ap portionment being based on the number of motor vehicles In each county. Multnomah County Commis sioner M. James Gleason agreed with HounseU's contention that some eastern Oregon counties with a lot of road mileage and few can need more money. Gleason, however, said that all HounseU's bill would do is to hurt Multnomah county and not help the other counties, Est to wilnlni CuMI nu tm- Ulalu lto. -. Porllud. A. irMi Urfc -!(: A 4 mAlua. Mto-1M m tor,., Batlar Prtc to nulM: Ora4a AA nut. nt: A nm, tms A rrtn. Tto Miua. 1M; trlnu. He Ban T ntum Ord, AA tam. A lufk M-IM: AA audlM. tM; A mta it; A HMU, AMB1BU V.i I,, m a4dlUonL n rriw to nuwi, lwtlu4. Or mob ilnilo. Utt-MXl - iou. 1. ! inula la lUt MM thla aim iIm. rmln kisBda HuM, MM,; 1m. Hl. rwwM Am,rlcu bMM, -!. lMy U null IB. Milt IJ.a Okkiaa Iff. 1 U.llir. W. U, B Finn. IH-I It,.. -ll; 1-4 lb,.. M-IICi Teuton. Vt Ibi, ud ,t,t. W-lt: h..r hnu, U wiUou, Staj lllht tw ta w.tihts, ne: l nomn, . Diwnl nuttBt-min, Mi nulm !-: Itotat km, SI-IK: h.av? hank U-3TU Imn, U V.UhU. U-Uc B.kkltt AnrM to rc"T: tin vhlfes. 4-1 Hv. -Ue: Mi. M-lte Ib.l e!4 aou. 10-1K. f,w . fnth druu4 ltn to nulUm, M Oe; ut up, U-1e. C.lrr KIIM MMta v..l To umr. tt-Me tt.l rio hHllaL U.MC. hi-uu uocMn. km. mn St-llc. LtBto Toa T mnm hi th,r KrMlM. .ccoritlnl to fluklltr. Hbiim SMI Anfl w,inua i.-iac ul DillltT tewL M-nt .: uan- Imk DitiMi II a, la nuadn to ntoiinm. mui sw Red Cross Captains to Make Reports Friday I Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday, March I, ltStU.1T Dog Bill Killed and jChindgren Gets Rest Vaut jl-tuak MflUln. f AT TKm flnnHal 4At thai Mlintv'. Red Cross chanter 11500. John -'"" Lamb, acting chairman of the Rep. Herman Chindgren, Molal disaster committee, reported la. so much that he has aban the business district will meet Friday noon to make a report of their success this week in so licitation of funds in the pres ent campaign. Audits have no yet been made of the funds received to date in the drive, which got underway the first of this week, but early in the week it was reported that $8,000 had been received, most of it in the pre-drive campaign. Silverton's chairman. Richard Beasley, Thursday reported to drive headquarters that be was having the best returns from the business section of that town that Wednesday. This money was used to help rehabilitate tome families who suffered damage due to flooding and heavy winds and to buy groceries and other necessities for people who were stranded by high water. During the local flood, the disaster committee surveyed ar eas thought to be endangered and, in one case, Lamb converted a lumber loader to a delivery boat in order to get food to an isolated family. Red Cross officials also reg doned his effort to pass the bill they had had in a number of!lstcred 22 families in the coun year, no otner towns nave maoe tv rel.tives and friends could reports to the headquarters. Interest in the campaign be came keen with a report of floods that Inundated some parts of Marion county late in January. contact them through Red Cross channels. The so -called Douglas fir tree is not a fir but a false hemlock FPU SALE MISCELLANEOUS raom STAND with attuh. ahtlr, la H. oumm weoom. Itu A B'lmmtr. nw Prohi Bill to Be Initiated George Smith Brown, presl dent of the Oregon Anti-liquor league, said in Salem that his organization Is preparing to Ini tiate a prohibition biU and to have it on the Oregon ballot in November, 1054. The measure as proposd would prohibit all liquor of more than one-half of 1 per cent alcohol. Brown was here Wednesday to attend a committee hearing in the legislature and urged passage of R'.p. Joseph Harvey's House Bill 475 which would re quire the governor to appoint some person to study the prob lem of alcoholism in Oregon. "We are not Interested in the liquor-by-the-drink bill," Brown said, "because statistics show that in states having liquor by tne drink the con sumption Is no greater per cap ita than it is in Oregon under the present system." r.rUaat Portland Wft Ooarw tralu vnauotod ,aaa .ll-u. I 1v.... ...... ..k., W..,. m. f mm,tt atlnM. Uto M,ldMt l Brooka. buit dcllwaa oa,t: o!l im, J.,,'; aoft while, axcludlni lux, S.44W; wblto 1 .1 mi.arton tooiDltal March ,. surrirao ' br wlf,, Ithel attruon. Brook,: aons, Xm- m,tt Vernon Btln,on of Lo, Ameln, Calif., ' W. B. atlnaon of Los Antelet. an4 joieph Stlnson of Brooki; and brothtr. Irnwt Buien, Btinson of Los Ansflc: and two 1 crandchlklrsn. Announcement of services later br Clomh-Barrlck chapel, t t Babr Bo, Boas, . , Babr Bor Bous,, late resident of Rt. 4. Boi 318, !n local hoipltal March t. tvur- Ti.ed br parents, Mr. and Mra. Dfjinl, Bouts of Salem. Announcement of serv i Ices later br Clout h-Bsrrlck chapel. ' Ba,Ml Fiord Berber Ruuel Plord Berber. 1st, resident of ' Oiaton. March 1. Boh of Mrs. Rosle t. Earber. Salem: brother of Hsrrr L. Bar- ber, aalem. Cecil R. Barber. Portland. 1 Omar C. Barber. Bllrerlon. Charles L. ' Barber. Bcotts MI1U, Mn. tllrsbeth Cra ' ber. Independence. Mr,. sttl, DUon, ' Taklma. Wash.. Mr,. Nona ftchlas. Msrrs 1 TU1, Csllf.. Mrs. Oeortla clampltt, Oai- laa arut Ura. DorOthr PONer Of Bslem. Bemeea will be held Prlder. March lh at i-oa a m In the W. T. Rtcdon chapel ' with eoneludlnt sertlcea at BelerMl eygmorlal Peril club 444. Hard red winter: Ordlnsrr 1.45: 14 per cent 2.45; 11 per cent 3.45: IS per cent 1.49. Hsrd white Baart unquoted. Todar', car receipts: Wheat II. barler 2, flour I. corn S. osta 1, sain reed 1. Portlaad Llreetoek Csttls: 150: slow, sleadr: toodhoke fed steers sesree; utility Holsteln steers 10 Ml: utimr-commerclsl hellers is .90. ls.bO; csnner-cutter cows 13.14: shslls down to 10: ntllltr cows Cslrej: 15: slow, atesdr: rood lllbt vest. ers 39-37: cnolrc-prlm, Ksrce: oiiutr- commerclsl 11-34. Hois: 150. active, stesdr: cnoie, l. butchers 1S0-3I5 lbs. 33-33.50: choice 305 lbs. 33.4.S: 110-330 lbs. 31-31 M: choice 30-050 lb. sows If. 50-20.50: Cholc, 400- 170 lb. SIMS 14-10 50. Bheep: 100: icsttered sslfl sUsdr: tood choles wooled Ismbs 30 50: utllltr II sood feeders salable 13.50: tood-cholce ewes nomlnallr l oo- 50. OBITUARY Chleaso Livestock Chlcato IjPi Poor road conditions hfld Ihe hoi supplr to sbout three.fourths the number esperted Thursder. out even Mrs. Marr A. Temllasaa (price were stradr to 1ft crntj lower on lndanenalence OravesMe lervicas were , Ku.rher stock. Bows were sieeov to sirona vheld hr th, Bmlth mortusrr for Msrr A. I csttle stood icnersllr stesdr to wesk Tomllnson Mondsr afternoon at First! but veslera were stesdr to II a hundrvl ' Cmt e.meterr. Monmouth. MfS. TODlltn. - son was born at Irish Ororc, III.. April 1. 1174. Bha had been a resident of Mon mouth for msnr years, and three rears - etc moved to Boise. Idsho, to mske her homo with her dauthler, Mrs. P. R. Johnston, wheri sh, petaed swar Peb ruarr 24. Bbe Is survived besides her dsuchter br two sons. C. D. Tomllnson of Bokw, Idaho, and W. N. Tomllnson of Llvarmora, Calif., and flv, trtndehlldren. sue was a member of the Christian church and tha Rebekah lodtl. . Wllllsm Idward Walker . Albany wllllsm Bdward Walker. 4. died at his homo Tuasdar followlnl a lont Illness. Bervlces were held Thuredsy st 1 14) p.m. at tho rwrtmlller-Prederlcksen ehiaai. Mr. Wslk.r came to Oreion In .14) and for m rears was empioyeo ,.,,, Jul, , wheal prices. , flremaa at Camp Adair, ne enirrra twnAti esporu shortly xn, u. St. navy in 1.1. aww four nara. Mr. Walksr Is survived by his widow. Lrdla: s son. Msiwell Leba , aoa, sad threa srandsons. J a. Thoasaa Woodburn-Jo Thomas. SI. died wed ' a.adsy in tha Veterans- hospital at Port ' land. Mr. Thorns was born In South Da ' kola and cam, to th, ailvertoB district manr rsara aso. maklnt his hom, on ' Steelhammer road. Survlvlnl are his wile, Heartstla, Bllverton, and a brother and " sister n Soalh Dakota. Announcements will to piad, later. It IM-41: tuitr, REDUCED! $10 per day until sold, nam on ) inch drttm typi PLOOIt BANDZR. IW SHUSJB OP BPUD ORIT PAPIR. SUrtlng price Feb. 28, $575 MARCH 6, $505 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT COURT 7T.. PRONB Mill (Wa Olva BH ora Bumps) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OOOO IINOBA sawtns mach. IIS. so. Olena Woodry'a, 1M If. Bammn. Ml' EXCELLENT bars yard fertiliser. 43HT or 1140. rbono AH. FREE Wsatlnshouss aowtnt machlnas oa all floor Bamplas. Bava ay to 40. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., )Ti Chtm,k. ,ta. n4 LIKE NEW, Elaclrolui vao.. t4 5. Olsnn woodrr'a. ISO! H. Bummer. tw NEW APARTMENT Prlfldalra Electric Ranto IM. Oood tat furnses, plpaa and reclsurs for l-rooms. Makb offer. Auto matic tss hot water tank an. Ph. 441IT. nil1 to permit anyone to still a dog inai Diies a Th house Judiciary commit tee buried the bill, and Chind gren it happy about it, because dog lovers have flooded him with protests. He said the bill was introduc ed at the request of the Clacks, mas county dog control board. a. . AT OF DCLI11DLC FIDX33 IHf.lieBly.tM4 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 235 N.LIIERTY ' ' Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliance Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Roy and Walt Claus, Owners APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING A APPLIANCE CO., 1 83 N. HIGH ST. : "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT" New Store in Court House Square Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds LAWN CHAIRS, sew. I.n. Olonn Wood ry'a, llol N. Bummer. BSC- iteara ahowa. Mt-TM lbs. tood, IM-tli aommmlaL H4-M: I31-3I. Cowa oommerclsl. ttl lt: auillr. an- It: aanner, 2-ll. Beel Cals loholca lleenl Hind ausr- tara, 147-11: rounds. ttl-K: full kdns trimmed, fot-iti triantiea, sn-s,; lora auartart, HI-31; chucks, lt-4t: ribs, 5-l). Vesjoood, tts-ss; coaBmarciaia, scs-se. Cslvea Choice. I4S-54: coamsrclsis, tto-50. , pnmo iprmtara. aa-s vs. 41-45; aood. (40.44. M alien oood choice, fao.z. P.rk Cala Loins, No. 1, a-11 lbs.. Di ll shoulders, 11 lbs- 131-11 H; sparerlbs, 145-41: freah hams. 1-14 lbs., IH-W.50. Saaaked asas Bkltmod. Ill-lsa: aian bacon, 141-11. Refined lard In drums. 117 111.50; alab bacon, I3t-ll. Portland Mlseellaaeoas Clerr Cel. list crate. 1-1 vt doa.. II 3- 14.11. Paw to 14.50. Ore.. II 15-13 50. onfeas o lb. sscks wast oreion yel lows, medium, 14-4.50; 1-Inch., 14.50-: No. Is. a3.00-16c: koUtra. IS lbs. sacks. 45-470 : Idaho yellows. Ian,, ai 50-3.71: no. 1 lane. 1114-1 T6: whlta mod. lane. 14.15 4.50: larsa. 14-4.11. Petatoaa Or,.-Waah. ruaHba, No. 1. 4.00-50; nama branda to 4.1; bakers. I.M-15: 35 lbs., sis. A, l.-M: 1 lk. mesh, 50-55c: paper, to-ase: No. 2. wo lbs- ii.dd- 40: Idaho russeu. balsa, -ll lbs., l.ow- 35: 100-lb. sacks, .00-35: 11 lb. No. Is, 1.40-50. Bar U. S. No. 1 areen allsUa. deliver ed car lots P.O.B. Portland, nominally Ill-It. ton: Seattle, 140-41. Weef Willamette valley moiur nomin al at 45e lb. arsast basis. Bites Calves, 15-lte lb. aeeordlnt to wtUhts: treen kips. 10-lle: beef, le-lle lb.: built, l-4c; areen butehar oow hides. PUberts Wholesale aelllna price No. 1 lane Barcelonaa, 14-16o lb.; grower prices. orchard run. 14-15a lb. welnate Wholeaalo aaiuiuj price, nrat auelltr lana Prananettaa. )l-tle lb. trowsr price, orchard ran, ll-lte lb., few aett to c : PEATILUEB PttlTOrlaod. rotted manure, delivered anywhere. I-TI4 or )-5071. NEW YEAR-SIZE crtb and matt, only I1I H. Olenn Woodry'a, UM N. Sum mer. 55 BALDWIN blond eplnet, savs DM, terms. ION. Ph. 4-115. n57 )ANMEN OROANO, plana-OTtan aombl- natlon. Terms, pn. a-ieoa. nsi- II T.A.C. Ulht plant, Ph. 4-1051. UPRIGHT PIANO Ml M. Oodia Radio ai.rvica. assa ajanai ninaa. Watt. 10. nsi- awiarvMn ssscrmNW Console electric, atlahtlr ussd, round bobbin, good sewlnt oondllloo end auar antMwI. Aaeclal 131.50. Bluer Bewlnf renter. 1M N. Commercial. n57 CLEARANCE BALE Sinter electrlo portable sewlnt ms .hint, nsw motor, Ulht and foot con trol, rnular t of attachments and new leather carrrlna ease, banaln 141.50. Sinter Bowing Canter, 130 N. Commer cial. n7 CHILD'S 1-1353. LARGE wardrobe chest. Call nlT TOP SOIL River allt and fill dirt, prompt dlUvery. Phono 1-1741. nT Organic Fertilizer Proa of weed aoede. and odorless. Back bulk ardent delivered. Phone j-llM. nil AUTO WHEEL ALIGNING Ph.2-1801 UNITED WHEEL ALIGNMENT 190 S. 12th NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT C. H. "CLIFF" ERICKSON We Specialize In Wheel Aligning, Balancing and Brake Repair, Wheel and Axle Straightening. Call Us tor Estimates or Pickup and Delivery NEW WAL. finished desk 524.54. Olenn Woodry's. MM N. Bummer. n55 REFRIGERATOR B, ntw and Used. VIXON spark plug cleaner, orarco wheel bearing packer. Kola rod aligner. Phone 11511. n55 USED RECORD and radio comb., portable, worke good. 14.10. Olenn Woodnra, ltd N. Bummer. nn1 USED HIC1H CHAIR Very tood condition. 110. Apt. 101, Oavallar Apartments, ini court. nn AWNINGS-TENTS -TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT t AWNING CO. - 729 N. LIIERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "' "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CHINESE FOODS Ph.2-6596 CHINA CAFE -2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese St American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties DAVENO and club ehalr, rose mohair, very clean. ITS. olonn woodrrt, 105 N. Bummer. na USED RENMORE deluge wringer true washer. Porcelain tub. timer and pump. 1041 S. Church. Phono 34411. nt5 TJNP. HIGH CHAIR, 7.50. Olenn Woodrr. 1005 N. Bummer. n55 USED RUBBER T1BED lawn mower, Olenn Woodry's. loot N. Bummer. 10 50. nS5 GREEN DAVENO and club chair, very clean, M.oo. Olenn wooorye, sous n. Bummer. ntssv DEEPPREEER nomo IreeaerA TEATER AP- PLIANCn t.u sis STOCKS wfliht lofr. Ah ep wen Jow in mi tine ud ft nrkct. uot butchfr wriint nogg aoia irom 119.75 to 31.10. Sows VOok 116. M to $19 Oood to low-primt iirrri na yrr linn old from tl.M to 133.31. rood nO rhorr? h I fori nitli Jiuw to 7i 90. tori topped B.I II id v-il-r ftt til. Chicot rrlo rritrata (FtAn ftiiieuHurf dfpirtmnii prtdlcilon thot Ui prtct of whtit would idvtnco over tha nut few month trr awd diniod for tht braid caratl on tba board of trod Ttiuradaj. What aalocd oboul rmt at tlmco. althourft train nicn auertod currtnt prlta lavala for futura eontracu allow for an approiiir.aUir T-ctot tain bttwen March rroapcia 01 alM broutht In btlTIDI. Wwhaat elo S-1S hlfhfr. Wareh l25 corn U lowar to Jitthar, March II Ui, ooto lower to blihtr, March 73.-V rra S-H htihrr. Ma ll.M,, MTbtana -14 hiihtr. March UM1.1, and lard 1 to n cvnia unarra pu.oai hither. March av.Tt KlAtuArff tribute of respect HOW CI) for the departed, an expression of comfort to the bereaved DIAL 41692 GREEN THUMB FLORIST J21 Court Slock Mark. New York (P Tha atock market head ad lower Thuradar la urt naoner. Th iter bi weni lo arouDo wmi tha ootttde. Moat cnantee were w ma mailer rrae.wn. rim ww -.- tered ud wualir omall. VAlum aa eu : anurwu " mfttMl 1 400.000 OMrM. TTIH twipim with Wodnoadar! bit MIMN ehrH. pertlaad taiUlda Market aioi otferlnxj wera acarct lo- .... M th Portland laauide Parmtra WholaaaVo Prodixe mark. " ,lBt' (Br Tho Ataoclated rraaol Admlrol Corporotloa Allied Chemical Allla Chalmero , American Alrllnea American Power Litht American Tel. fe Tel American Tobacco Anaconon Copper Atcblaon Railroad Bethlohem Steel Boetni Airplane Co. Bort Warner Burrowa Add lot Machine Callfornlo Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celaneaa Corporation Chrraler Corporation Cltlea Serrtce Coneolklated Bdltoa Conaolldated Vulteo Cron r Her bach , Curtisa wntnt , Doutlaa Aircraft Du Pont da Nemourj , Kajtman Kodak , Bmeraon Raflto oeneral Eleeirta Oeneral Food Oeneral Motor oeonia. tae. Pirwood Oood rear Tire Homeatoka Minint Co International Harvester International Paper Jobna Manviile Kennecolt Copper Lkaby McNeil Lockheed AireraH Loewea IncorporaUd Lone Bell MontcomerT ward Naeh Keirlnaior New York Central Northern Pacllio r.cifie American nh Pacific Oaa Elect" Paclfie Tel. 1l Packard Motor Car Penney, f. C PenoiylTeola. B- pepal Cola co PMleo Radio Radio Corporation Raronler Incorp. Rarooier Incorp. Pid. Rcpublt Rteel Remold Metal Richfield Oil ; afewar Btorea Inc. acott Peper Co Oeare, Roebuck CO Boconr-Vacuum OU out hem Pacifle Standard Oil Calif Standard OU R- Btudebaker Corp. urublne Mlntn Bwift Company Traneamertca Corp. Twentieth Century fo Union OU Company Union Pi'1 United Airline United Aircrafl United Corporation United Btatea Plyaood United atata Steol Warner Picturea weitern Union Tel Weatintho'iao Air Brak Weuinthoua Eleetrk WootworUi . V . 74 ' . SVa . 14H . as .160 .71H . 43S Chlcato Onlona Buppllea moderate, demand fair at alicbtly hither price, market Jlttbtly atronter. Track ulea 10 lba.: Idaho BpanUh as per cent U. B. No. 1, 3-lnch and larter. car 4.4; Mlnnaaota Tallow Oloboa U. 8. 1, TS per cent 1-lncb and larter, car S.79. Street aaiea to 101.: Idaho span lea s- lncto and laner 4 &0-4 S. few 4.75; m id wattt medium Tallow Olobea S.SO-3.7S, few boat S.W. occaalonal outatandim let hith aa 4 00. aom fair S.M-S.SI; Mlchltan ear- ton, iwerrt S-pound ceuoa s.w. Many common birda normal ly fly at about 23 miles an hour. Grave and Sand i unruiin. in w ..... . . - L relalL VAU.TY BAND A ORAVEL CO.. f Ph. 14001 LEGAL CRROME DINETTE, used, 11.50. Olenn Woodrr, 1105 K. Rummer. pop CEDAR TELEPHONE and aleetrla poles. fence posts, been poais ana eve. a.. Phillips Bros. Rl. t. Boi 43. 1 Biles esit ot 4 Corners. Ph. 430t, n yard. IIIMMONa NO. 3170 IR THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE OVTATE OP ORBOON POR THE OOUnTT or MARION OLEN P. BERIMOER. as Admlnlstrstor of tho atitate a! Oerlord Braest wr tnter, d teased, Plslntlff, auwNTARn rr.RTlLir.rK. i: oo Cannon Peed Lots, one mue sousn oi Airport, Turner Rd. 4-131. Th Tropic o( Cancer toss nommallf steady lor aU tlassel jthroUKh formopa. eeteuuetb 1 ADRIEX PaaiBERTbrT, and all olher persona and partlee wnknown havlna or clalmlM anr rlthl, title, estate, lien or Interest In and lo the real property described ha the Complaint herein. Defendants. IN THE RAMI OP THE STATE OP ORE- OON: Tou and each of yon aro berebr reeulred to appear and answer the Com plaint filed aselnat you In th. above- entitled ault on or hefore th. data of the last publication of this Summons to-wlt: Ifsrch II, 151, and If yog fall so to appear and answsr, for want tnereol, the plelntlff will apply to tha Oourt for tho relief prered for In eald Complaint, to- wit: Por a decree auletlnt title to the real property In eald Complaint and hereto. after dooeribed, and decreelnt that Olen P. Berinter as administrator of the Estate ot oarlord Ernest Rerlnter, do eessed. Is the sol. leva) and eoulteble owner In fee slmpls of asld prooertr and decreelni that none ot the detendanti in tba above-enlllld lult have any rliht. title. Interest, lien or estste In or to the same or any part thsreof. which real prooertr Is described as followe. to-wlt; Eeslnnlnr at a point on the Bl end of Post Road; thence North lee Hods: thence East 149 Rods: Ihrnee South Rods: thence Weil a Rods: thence South 10 Rodi: thence West I Rods thence South 10 Rods; thence West 10 Rods, to the plac. of betlnnlnt. belna 137 acres, more or lass, and which land hss thereon a house and four barns, all helm In Section I. T. S. R. 1 East of tne Wlllsmelta Meridian In Marlon counir, Oreson. Also described ss: Betlnnlnt st a point an the Section Line between Sections 1 and I In Town. ship I south. Rsnts 1 East of the Wil lamette Meridian la Marlon Coantr. Oreion. Said point belnt 1M 40 feet Norlh 13' Weet from tha southwest corner of ssld Section I: thence North 33' west 144.70 feet: thence East lltl It feet to the lln. dlvMInt Section I Into Esst and W.vt hslves : thence North ' 13' (est 1110 IS feet to the center of section I: thence West 134J.ftl feet; thence North I' West 1311 II feet; thence South M II' West 1131 M feel; thence North IT West 13.11 feet; thence South TO I' West feet; thrnca South 13 41' West 151.11 feet: thence South OS' W wast 311.31 feet: thence South It r Weet 1117 feet: thence South II' Estt 1301.55 feet to a point which Is 133 33 feet Norlh 3r Weil from the Southwest corner of tho Southeast auarter of tha Southed! euarter of Section 1; thence North ss' J4" Esst 13J4 It feet to tht plan of betlnnlnt. T lis Summons la served upon yaw by publication In the capital Jawroal. newspaper af leneral circulation printed and published at Selem. la Marlon Coun ir. Oreion, for a period of once eech week and four successive weeks as pre- eerlbed br eod pursuant to en order of the Honorable Rex rimmeU, Judte of tho above-nomad court, dulr entered herein oa the lllh dar e' Pehraary, last. Tht date ef the first publuelloa of this Sum mons Is Ptbrusry 31th, 1KI, and tht dste of iht last eublleetlea hereof It March II, till. I WILLIAM eTPORTE Attorney for Plaintiff fyrill ws urar woiKun. IN. M. MW. K U, U. I. , "14 , 47 , tl . 14 , iss , to . us . m . nt. . 74 . Hd . 44 's . 13S . U . 51'. . Ia . 111. . 5 . 401'. . tits . 54 . 09 . 77 S . . KS . 13s . 10 . MS . 31',. . 13 S . 71 '0 , U't . II' . ,.1IIS . s ,. 41 . 11H . IIS .. IIS .. 14'. ,. 47 'a ,. 13 ,. 41 ,. I1 .. US ,. MS ,. 15S .. 41S ,. It'. ,. 74S .. SS . Us . 49 .111S . MS . 17 . IV. ,. 3L . SOS ,. IS ,. 40 ,. 17t ,. 47S .. 41'w fM ALLOWED lor your old water heater on this new ai-aauon automatic aioo tna waur baater. Yeater Appllanoa 171 Chemeketa. Ph. 1431L in BABE baby trend accordion. 1111. Tear old. 1041 Maple, Ml' CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 3-7324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. -1 4Hi I L HOYT Approved. Reinforced - Rectangular Precait Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Motar Blocki interlocking Block! In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocki OR SALEt Norte refrlaerator ss. foot. EicoUent condition. 4393. B55 MEW TV ooc ahelra, 14.T5, (Nttut Wood. ra, 105 N. Summer, not FARM HOME GARDEN nanura. eomooat.' th iam ajuailtr aa laat rear, lor bom aod ar-den.- riacitonaa. red lava etoae and other type for walla or f arden. Riutlc eadar fenclov and treiila work. Phillip ro RL I. Box 401. Salna. Ph. 4-1011. ma lALK-l PAIR CUSTOM MADE DRAPER IKS, LINED, WITH TAILORED CORNICE OARD8. 1 PAIR OOLD AND 1 PAIR TURQUOIftB. PH. 14791. B67 HeCULLOCfl CHAIN MWI, tOS Eda-water. weal Salem, eaiem idOtain ouppit Ph. 4-1H1. n" CiEO Weatlnibouaa aatomatla laundromat. only Teeter Appliance co ji Chemeketa. n" WESTlNGHOtTSE ale. rana like new. oolr ll&t.M. Oienft woiparr, iw n. Summer. nW OftPITAL BED lor aaio or rent. H. L Stiff Purnlturo Co. rnon ipim. o- TjflED waahlnt machine, ll n and up TEATER ArrLlanci tu., a -n"i"' ta. " SPANIHH OUTTAR with caao and mualo atand, 91. lvl onemeaeta, ttam aoor. 1WI. ri BUT uaed furniture. We par apot ah. Alia want, aood appllaneee. Ruaa, babr Item, etc. Ph. 1-1114 or brine to Olenn Woodrr. 1401 K. Bummer. nST WAffHING MACHINB-Zenlth, Ilk BW, reaionabl. Pb. lor panicuiari. n56 OOOD TONE PIANO and bench, 100. Ph. 41&H. ww ALL-WOOL MOHAWK WILTON rui and pad, two-tone treen, o roe ft nor pet tern. 11'wXl, 1 rear old, eiceilent con dition. t9Q. 4-SMl. OOOD mKR Marta waaher, auarantead. an iv ns. Olenn wooory a. im n. onm- MAN'S RADDIeE Nickel trim. to match. Phone iieaa. alao bridle nil PRINTING Special Business cards, 500 for $4.95, 1000 for $7.50 Economy Printers East on Canter St. Ph. 1-1114 nit' Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 H0WSER BROS.-1183 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers - Air Compressors Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repair on All Small Gas Engines l ram WAL. record cabinet, like new, 111.90. Olenn woodry'a, leos n. summer at. ns KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Iteeular Speetil S" Oval Csslnt D 01 Jilt Uouldlna - Shorts 4' to r Price Mai- P.a. Clear A cedar Sldlnt 10IDS 10.00 nsts - Boxes 4"xl"sl" ... oa. (Perfect for plant starter boxes) Paint Bunaalow House pslnl - wniio .., see Psbco alssonrr and Skae Pstnt... Ill Tsxollto I 00 Lautet - Texture Point Sand Plnlah -10 Discount. Received new shipment Rotary Lawn mowere, electrlo as oaa. Oardsn carta. Lock Sets Il l Psststa SeU 4.50 1 50 Pew Doors Lsfl 1-Ott-lslH Pantl see 1-Oll-OxlH 1 Panel I.TI 1-Oit-tslH - 1 Penet Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Phono I till Pront a. Court St. WE OIVE S. a. H. PREEN STAUPS MOTORCYCLES CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All roskss ussd mschloss sold, rented, repaired. Boca, 41 court. Ph. l.arei. o BULLDOZING Bulldoslna road, clearlnt teeth. Vlrell Husksr, 1010 Palrvlew. Ph. 1-1141. pel CASH REOIATEBS Instant delivery ol new RCA aash rts Istera. All ansksa. eoH, rented, repaired, ttoen, 45 court. Ph. 1-1771. DRKSnMAKINO Allrrallons. beasstltchlnt. buttons buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. 54 Allender. l-llll. ops' mi IVINO INSTRUCTION La flrlva the "Etst Drlvr war Call or see Mr. Rlckard. Taller Motor Co., Salem. Phone 13I4T or 4ni. EXCAVATING Singer Electric Portable Sewine Machine Looks llks new. Besutlfut wslnul ear rrlnr case. Pree sewlnt lessons lor the nnpeld belsnee. Sorrr, no phone orders. Sinter Sewlnt center, ISO If. (.-ominer. claL nr PINE COBRLRRS bench, ss I III: new lane China table lamp, II to; self oil Ins lawn wiowsr, 14.00; prsrtlca trumpet. It 00; larta antlaue wolnut picture frsrae, 15; antlaue walnut apothecary scsles, 110. Ph. 14110. nst SOLliToAK chairs, used, ll.M .a, Olenn Woodrr'a, Hot N. Summer. n55 ORGANIC PZRTILIXPR. Prea ot weed seeds, and odorless. Ssck or balk orders delivered. Phone 1-1117. nil Ran otl.a Ji Bon. Escsvatlsi. aradlnl, land clearlnt. Phone l-Mto. ooo" INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Pork-lift trucks. Inside and outslda wort. Hrster, Clerk. Mobile Ult. MOO and 4000 lb. machines. Br dsy. week or month. Ph. Utll. Oapllal City Trans fer. OOOD OIRL'S BIKE ll.M. rr's, 1401 N. Summer. Olena Wood-rrtl INSULATION FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS - 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong St Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpet Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum snd Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTINO Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment Ph. 2-1423 SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES - 3007 PORTLAND RD. American St British Motorcycles Indian, BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters "If It has Wheels snd a Motor we can BUY SELL or ITX IT MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whi.. 190 8. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph.3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machine SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., $31 Court R.W."J0E" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph.2-4151 ROAD 1174 Edgewater St. OR 3-5769 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PAINTING CONTRACTORS Ph. 3-4783 F. O. REPINE CO 258S PORTLAND ROAD . Residential, Commercial, Spray or Brush WE GO ANYWHERE . . . ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Etlmatc and Color Plsnnlng Service Insulation, weetherstrlps, screene. Pree cellmates. T. Pullman. Phono 1-taoo. PLUMBING SERVICE Ph.3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING MATTRESSES Cspltol Beddlnt, new 'nattressea. renovated. PH. Itotl. orncR FURNITURE a SUPPLIES PLAHTI-Rc . roaulree na wevlne. Por rour floors or linoleum. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO.. 171 Chemeketa o rwafc .h.irs ;:cs. flllnl tuppllss, tafat, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer ttsnds. Boon. 450 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Uarn CHEaTB of drawers startlnt al 0 50. Oleno woodry's, 101 14. Summer. ns TEATER APPLIANCE OO. 171 Chemek NOW IS the time to buy your lit! Wesu tntheueo automates drrer at emr TEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 171 Chemek rta. B a-pc. WAI.. bedrm. tulle, tood cond. It. Olena woodrr s, ltoi PJ. Bummer. ns5 POBTORIA "Wavecrest" tobleu and I cocktail tlaaeee. Phone 1-171. ntt THE IDEAL lllllter It's orsaale aeatmees. with poultrr dropplnas, onlr att a tack. Teller Para Stars, Ph. 44114. n70 LARGE WARDROBE closet Woodrr'a, 100 N. Bummer. 111. CVrnn ale SALEM DEUEL Roller and hall bearrnas for tracks and arse tors. ITT Silver lea Road. Hamel's seotl. tanko cleaned, lln. terv Ice. OuaranUed work. Phone 17404. o7l "uiks's Seotlo Bervlce. Tanks alssned. D'rooter clesna sewore, drains. Pbons I-I4II. 4 Sewer, eeptlo tanks, drains clsansd. Ro- to.Rooter sewer servico. rnono s-ssii TELEVISION TV Ssles, Service, Antenna. AvePhone4-llll WINDOW CLEANING 117 Lana o45 Repairing Residential 333 Chemeketa Commercial Contracting Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph.3-9123 24 HOUR SERVICE We Give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES . Ph.3-3137 130 L Ubtrtr 310 Court, Dewrrtswi 2440 tftsr, Mtdkil (Mill 24-HOl'R SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally. 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M . 130 8. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. and 6:00 PJtL to 9:00 P. M. All Sundays and Holidays "B Si Z" Window Cleaners, paint scrap Int. floor waslnt and teneral service. Realdentlelt awr epeclalty. Oo anywhere. Ph. I-7II1. oal RADIO REPAIRS. sPh. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Rodio-Telewision 1880 Stott Motorola Deoters tor sToF General Elerie Pick up and Delivery Acme Window Cleaners. Industrlsl floor waitnc nouteeloanlnf. Phono I-IJ1T. 147 Court TTPEtt RITF.RS Smith. Corona, Remlntton, Royal, Oa d.rwood portables. All maksi used ttt ahlaaa. Repalro rant. Roen. tl Mart TELEVISION Ph.4-2271 HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION - 39S N. HIGH Willamette Valley for 28 Years SERVICE . INSTALLATION - SALES Borne and Auto Radio and Television Specialists la the .