Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 05, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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16 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, March 5, 1953!
Quick Once-over Should Spot
Trouble in Your TV Set
Mr, luce Become Ambassador Mn. Clare Boothe Luce
is iworn in ai ambauador to Italy by Chief Justice Fred M.
Vinson in the office of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
(center), Washington, D.C. (AP Wirephoto)
Stqyton Youth
Contest Friday
Stayton Friday evening,
March 6, at 8 p.m. the I.O.O.F..
A.F.A.M. temple in Stayton will
be the setting for the 1953 An
nual United Nations Youth Pil
grimage local contest
Stayton last year sent David
Nettling, a student from the high
school, ai one of the 14 from
Oregon on the U.N. pilgrimage.
The organization which spon
sors this U. N. Youth Pilgrim
age has for Its objective the
election of future leaders, and
the bringing of them together
under such conditions as to pro
mote their interest in world
peace and to form lasting
friendships between them.
The winner of Friday night's
semifinal will compete in the
final next week which will de
cide the delegate to go from this
sub-state district.
About seven other communi
ties will compete with Stayton
In the final which is to be held
t Salem, Tuesday, March 10,
at 8 p.m. in the I.O.O.F. hall.
tunity to participate In a local
All schools in Polk county
have been contacted, and appli
cation blanks have been made
available. Any persons wish
ing to take part in the contest
who have not yet sent in their
entry blank should send them
to George Thompson at Dallas
high school immediately.
The final show will be held
March 21 at 8 p.m. Proceeds of
the show are to go to the Jay
cees to be used in civic projects.
Woodburn High
Honor Students
Talent Show
Audition Set
Dallas Auditions for the
county wide talent show spon
sored by the Dallas Junior
Chamber of Commerce will be
held Saturday, March 7, it has
been announced. The audi
tions will be held in the high
school auditorium and will be
gin at 10 a.m. This audition
is intended primarily for those
who have not had the oppor-
Woodburn Eight students of
Woodburn high school earned
the first honor roll wtih a scho
lastic standing of all "ones" for
the first six weeks of the second
semester, and 20 students made
the second honor roll for the
same period with grades of
"two" or better.
un tne urst Honor roll are
Ruth Marie Applegate, Geraldine
Armstrong, Dean Bishoprick,
Richard W. Dixon, Peggy Ann
Doerfler, Shirley Ann Knox. Ro-
chelle Plank and Ella Seaton.
On the second honor roll Sonia
Avin, Dorothy Baxter, Marjorie
Chitwood, Matti Sue Clark,
Joyce Mack, Joann Mattson,
Helen McGaffee, Jane McGrath,
Linda Peterson, Michael Quigley,
Glenda Seely, Margaret Smith,
Janice Stach, Jalmer Stafney.
Joseph Stravens, Kathryn
Thompson, Willard Thompson,
Sam Van Arsdale, Donald Van
Damme and Homer Wadsworth.
Hong Kong, P) Catholic
headquarters today said 29
Catholic missionaries left Red
China in February, leaving only
63 there. Three came voluntarily
ana zs were expelled.
If your television set isn't
working properly, you can fre
quently avoid unnecessary calls
to servicemen by giving the set
a quick "once-over" to spot trou
bles which don't need tne teenni
cal help of a serviceman.
According to TV expert Har
old J. Schulmer of Allen B. Du-
Mont Laboratories, Inc., there
are 10 easy ways of checking a
TV set before calling in the TV
1. If the set is completely
dead, make sure the plug did not
get pulled out of the wall by
"Junior" or during house clean
ing. (Schulman admits this may
sound obvious, but says lots of
people forget it).
2. If you have a picture but no
sound, check the volume con
trol and try another station to
make sure the trouble doesn't
lie with the station. Also check
and see if the antenna lead-in
plug is all the way in its socket.
Try Position
3. If you get sound and no pic
ture, make sure the set is turned
to the "TV" position and that the
brightness control hasn't been
turned down inadvertently.
4. When a picture is fuzzy,
check the set by trying out other
stations. Schulman points out
that focus may change from one
station to another. Also the sta
tion may be broadcasting a film
recorded program which is usu
ally not as clear as a "live"
5. In cases where pictures are
weak on all channels, check to
see if the rntenna has been dis
6. If the picture "pulls" horl
zontally or vertically, readjust
the horizontal and vertical hold
controls. If the set !; n't have
an automatic gain control, the
contrast control may have been
set too high. Also check on oth
er stations to see if the station's
transmitter is at fault.
Control Too High
7. Bright diagonal lines in a
picture can be caused by having
the brightness control turned too
high. Turn it down and see if
the condition corrects itself.
8. If the picture jumps or de
velops "snow" when a station
changes a program or shows ad
vertising films, it's frequently
the station and not the set. Care
ful tuning will help minimize
the condition.
When a small bright spot
appears on a tube alter tne set
is turned off and then slowly
fades out, forget about it. That
condition is normal for many
sets and shouldn't cause concern.
10. If a set with an indoor
"rabbit ear" antenna or an an
tenna built inside the cabinet
suddenly begins to get poor re
ception, check to see if new
metal screens have been put on
the windows, if metal Venetian
blinds have been lowered or if
home appliances such as electric
shavers, washing machines,
vacuum cleaners, etc. are run
ning. They sometimes interefere
with both TV and ordinary radio
If something seems to be
wrong inside the set, Schulman
has the following advice: "Leave
it alone apd call a TV service
TV sets, he points out, are pre.
cision electronic instruments. If
you tamper with them without
knowing what you are doing,
you may damage the set and
cause yourself needless exDense.
aeconajy, TV sets have much
higher voltages than radio sets
and will often hold an electrical
charge after the set is turned
off and the plug removed from
the wall. There's no sense in
taking a chance on getting a
shock. If you leave the chassis
in the set protected by the cover
on the back, you are perfctly
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
(Only procrtms tehed tiled In idvanrtl
flE TO S
ANYTIME IS A GOOD TIME to switch to better
tasting whiskey. That's why we suggest you com
pare Calvert with your usual brand and pick the
one you really like better.
1-oz. tamplet of
Calvert and any other whiskey.
.Compare their aroma without
knowing which it which.
Salem's Most Complete
Television Center
Phone Day or Night
2-161! or 2-4728
11:30 a m. Hollywood Reel
11:45 a.m. Oarry Moort
13:00 M. Bit Payoff
12:30 p.m. Welcome Traveler!
1:00 p.m. Kate amlth
9:00 p.m. Feminine Anil
2:1ft p.m. Arthur Godfrey
3:30 P.m. Strike It Rich
3:00 p.m. Matinee Theater
4:1ft p.m. Search for Tomorrow
4:30 p.m. Love of Lift
4:45 p.m. St ranter Than Fiction
5:00 p.m. Handy Danoy
0:00 p.m. Range Rider
6:30 p.m. Dout Edwardi, New
p.m. Time for Beany
7:00 p.m. Smbauy nub
7:15 p.m. SporUman'a Club
7:30 p.m. Dinah Short
7:4ft p.m. Newt Caravan
1:00 p.m. Oroucho Marx
1:30 i .m. Euro and Allen
0:00 p.m. The Unexpected
:30 p.m. Ford Theater
10:00 p.m. Martin Kane, Dttectlvfl
10:30 p.m. Hollywood Wrwtllnt
11:30 p.m. Nltt Owl
First in Public Demand!
TV Center
Open to 9 p.m.
30 yrs. In Salem
13:00 a.m. Bit Payoff
12:30 p.m. Welcome Trarelerj
l:oo p.m. Kate amlth
2:00 p.m. Doublt or Nothing
3:30 p.m. strike It Rich
1:00 p.m. Matinee Theater
4:1ft p.m. Search of Tomorrow
4:30 P.m. Love of Lift
5:00 p.m. Terry and the Pirates
1:30 p.m Roy Rover
4:00 p.m. Cisco KM
4:10 p.m. Doug Edward. Ntwi
4:45 p.m. Time for Beany
7:00 p.m. Cafaleade of Sport
7:45 p.m. Newt Caravan
I oo p.m Abbott and Cwtalla
8 30 p.m. You Aaaed tor It
t:00 p.m. B If Story
t:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh
10:00 p.m. Dennis Day
10:30 p.m. Adolph MenJou
ll:oo p.m. Bob Conildlna
11:14 p.m. Lift of Rllej
i: p.m. Nltt Owl
Calvert and the
other brand to judge them for
smoothness, mellowness free
dom from harshness.
the whiskev
that tastes better to you. We feel
sure that you'll pick finer,
smoother -tasting Calvert. But
you be the judge. Fair enough?
Bob Hope, one of the world's all-time entertainment
favorites, will be the master of ceremonies for the 25th
annual Academy Awards presentation program, it was
announced today by Johnny Green, general director of
the awards presentation ceremonies.
The' event will be held at the RKO Pantages Theatre In
Hollywood March 19, and will be broadcast and televised
oyer the combined facilities of the National Broadcasting
ComDanv with the RCA Victor division of the Radio
Corporation of America sponsoring the program.
KPTV 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. March 19
In obtaining Hope for the program the Academy will
have the services of one of the first motion picture stars
to claim added fame in television, Green pointed out. Hope
has been appearing regularly on NBC television for the
Dast three years.
Hone is a veteran at emceeing Academy Award presenta
tions, having acted in tnat capacity lor tne i3, 1344,
and 1945 awards. In 1940 he was given a special award by
the Academy for his unselfish service to the motion picture
industry, and in 1944 he was granted a life membership
in the Academy lor many services to the organization.
Hope is currently in New York, where he will be honor
ed by the Friar's club for his 15 years as an outstanding
radio performer.
Nominations for the various categories were drawn from
a list of 435 feature pictures declared eligible on the basis
of seven consecutive days of playing time in Los Angeles
The five nominations in each group are:
Best production: "The Greatest Show on Earth"
(DeMille-Paramount) ; "High Noon" (Stanley Kramer
United Artist); "Ivanhoe" (MGM) ; "Moulin Rouge"
(Romolus Films-United Artists); "Quiet Man" (Argosy.
Best performance by an actor: Marlon Brando in "Viva
Zapata" (20th Century-Fox; Gary Cooper in "High Noon";
Kirk Douglas in "The Bad and the Beautiful" (MGM);
Jose Ferrer in "Moulin Rouge;" Alec Guiness in "The
Lavender Hill Mob" (Rank-UI).
Best performance by a supporting actor; Richard Burton
in "My Lousm Rachel (20th Century-Fox) : Arthur
Hunnicutt in "The Big Sky," (Winchester-RKO) ; Victor
McLaglen in "The Quiet Man"; Jack Palance in "Sudden
Fear" (Joseph Kaufman-RKO) ; Anthony Quinn in "Viva
Zapata." , , ,
Best performance by an actress : Shirley Booth in "Come
Back, Little Sheba" (Wallis-Paramount) ; Joan Crawford
in "Sudden Fear;" Bette Davis in "The Star" "(Bert Fried-lob-20th
Century) ; Julie Harris in "The Member of the
Wedding" , (Stanley Kramer-Columbia) ; Susan Hayward
in "With a Song in My Heart" (20th Century-Fox).
Best performance by a supporting actress: Gloria Gra
hame in "The Bad and the Beautiful;" Jean Hagen in
"Singin in the Rain" (MGM) ; Colette Marchand in "Moul
in Rouge;" Terry Moore in "Come Back, Little Sheba;"
Thelma Ritter in "With a Song in My Heart."
Televiewers and radio listeners will join the elite of the
motion picture world at the RKO Pantaees Theater in
Hollywood as the sealed envelopes containing the name of
the winner in each category is drawn. The "Oscar" award
ceremonies have been broadcast since 1930, but this will
be the first year televiewers can watch the awards.
Don't fret evr down payment.
W taka most anything on trad
for a beautiful
Set. See Us First far ths Finest!
1171 Lana Ave.
Open Monday and Friday ETtntnfi
Phone 1SS5S
COMPARE., and you'll
svitch to CiMLVEEST
Poster Contest
For Silverton
Silverton Mrs. Charles
Mason, chairman of the local
American Legion Delbert
Reeves auxiliary unit No. 7
poppy poster contest is submit
ting official rules and announc
ing the addition of suburban
schools to enter contestants for
the cash prizes.
Included in the schools of this
area oiicring competition are
the Silverton high, Junior high
and Eugene Field grades, St.
Paul's parochial school, Silver
ton Hills, Victor Point, Central
Howell, Brush Crrpk, Ever
green, McLaughlin, Evans Val
ley. State and national prizes are
cash. Local prizes are $3, $2, and
$1 in each classification, and in
scribed ribbons for too
winners in each school and cer
tificates of merit for each stu
dent submitting a poster. Dis
plays are in local store window.
The cash and ribbon prizes
ana ccrimcaies, and all labor in
selling the poppies are donated
oy me auxiliary unit, and mem
German Student
Rotary Guest
Dallas Guests of the Rotary
club Tuesday were Miss Bar
bara Soehring. German student
at Dallas high school, and Mau
rice Binford of Portland, a rep
resentative of the American
Scholarship Society.
Mr. Binford told the group
the way in which the society
came to be formed, and some
thing of the way in which it
operates, and the purposes for
which it was established. In
the course of his talk he men
tioned that the time is near at
hand for Dallas residents to de
cide whether or not they wish a
foreign scholarship student for
the coming year.
Mr. Binford pointed out that,
as has happened for the two
past years, the community can
have a student from either Ger
many or Austria at no expense
to the city other than furnish
ing housing. It is also possible
to have a student from France
visit Dallas but in that case it
is necessary for the community
to furnish transportation wliich
will amount to $350. It was
the hope fo Binford that some
Dallas organization would be
interested in sponsoring a
French student.
Miss Soehring, a frequent
and popular speaker in Dallas
since her arrival last fall,
spoke about her trip, and her
stay in the United States.
Also entertained at the
luncheon were visitors from
Salem, Silverton and Wood-burn.
Naval Leader Vice Ad
miral Laurance T. DuBose is
new commander of Eastern
Sea Frontier, Atlantic reserve
fleet and the Western Atlan
tic sub-area under NATO.
Dallas Scout Hike
Dallas Section No. 1 of Boy
Scouts of America, Troop 24 of
Dallas will take an overnight
hike this coming week-end, it
has been announced. The over
night will be spent at Tangle
wood retreat, a few miles from
Dallas. Accompanying the boys
will be their scoutmaster, Andy
Irwin, and a representative
from the parents of the troop.
On following week-ends it is
planned to have additional over
nights so that both sections of
the troop will have an oppor
tunity to gain camping experience.
12:00 Nvwi Ncwi Fl Htncr Ti Tr4tf IpUcr Nawi
12:15 Km f Lift Com Oct It NM EdllUr NW Newt SHU Fruit IbYnjg
12 :30 Pti. Tmii Hmm rsrtr Jtek Owtai Gay M SUr Frank DtVall
12:43 HwlatM Hoa Party Jack Otwi Mil pMt Itltokla
1:00 Bkitc Wlft Hliit Rm. Kar West KlrkwatMl - Blr Mac. Mli
:15 Stella Dallas A ant JtMlMi Kar Wet Ktrkwa Halaar Mac MtUo
:S0 Wider Brawa Klrkhaa Kay West Lucky V Sallar Mac. NtUay
:45 Wat, to Hn Kirfcfcai Kay Watt Kaach glar Mai. MtUay
!:00 Flala BUI Made Baarkh Cal Tlasay Nawa ' Baa. Ba Mac. M.ltiT
:15 F. r. FarrcUGdfrty Cal Tlnnay Mailt Bac. Baaaj Mac. MaUsj.
:30 LlftBaaatlfaKGadfray Uva hlkrn Maala Baa. Baac Mac. Mai
2:45 Daa'a Wlla Gadfrr MUlUatlro. Bhapaara Baa. B Mac. MtMr
2:00 Wilcama Gadfrey Mnale Bana Mull Jlai Dandy Mac. MeUt"
3:15 Travalar Gadfrey Bill Bin Maala Jim Dandy Mac. MtUr
3:30 Dr. rani Gedfray Far Girls New Jim Dandy Mac. Malady
3:45 Garrnway Curt Masaay Far Glrla Maa Galra Jim Dandy Har. Melody
-00 Mails Bex klrkram ftny Tnnea Fait. Lewis Kiddles Krnr Werld Htwi
;15;Mnste Bai Rath Aahten Sealrrel Cat Hesnhicway Masle Mart Frw'd March
:15 Masle Bex Jim Wakcly 8nlrral Cac Cart Maaaay Mail Mart Scea Leak
Art Baker TnnafaHy Happy Time Baas Bayea Maala Mart Wemea's Pc.
500 News Farada Ed Mar raw Merry Circle Masle . Matte Mart Sbaweata
5:15 News Farade Ralem Newa V. Flakier Woodland Masle Mart Sheweaes
5; Rfl L. MeCall Werld TadayChet Hantley Wild BUI Meile Mart rally Beaeri
5:45 E. Petersen News Boa Qarred Htckek Slra Oft Flakeaiter
0:00 Belax With Teeth Weatherman Gab. Heater Basary
6:15 Masle Bpetllcht Hme Edition NW News Ha lie .
0:30 ladr Canava ftperts Bd. Ustnlnf Answer Man News
0:45 Jndy Caneva Meditation Blaekbarn Bam Hayes Sparta Bcm
7:00 Serenade In Mr. J. C. Fights Jlm'y Fldler District "
7:15 W.tOO Child. Keports FUhts Lcclslatlye Tearner
7:30 J. C. Swayse Bocky Flrhte Cisea Kid District A
7:45 Rant.-rUo. Jordan Fichts Clice Kid Tearner "
0:00 Man's Famll: L.Tbemaa Leucines Adventarer District
11:15 Werld News On Spot Srmphonette Adventarer Toaraey
1:30 Portland Masts to Air Crime Letter Harmonies Diet. Toaraey
i:45 Hit Farada Masle In Air Crime Letter Din. Concert DUt.Toaraey
S:(M F'rit Nlshtei Mr. Keen Ossle- Glen Hardy Dlat.Teiraey
; ft First Nlchter Mr. Keen Harriett Fulton Lewli DUt.Toaraey
9:30 Freedom Ja Stafford Cerllit Masle DIst.Tearaey
9:45 Foram Jr. Miss Archer Masle Dlst.Tearay
10:00 Barer Ur S Star Final Final Edit. Behind Stars 4 1 cot News "
10:15 Sparta Pace Interviews Dane Time Newsreel Sit ht News
10:30 My Secret City Clnb Dance Time News Vlcht News
10:45 Sterr Talks Dance Time Malale Was. O Waal
J;O0 News Capitol Dance Time Malila Has. U Wsnt
1:5 L. MeCall Cloakroom Dance Time Maela ectarae
1:30 Cl Connell Treasary Danea Time News 4ectnrno
11:45 City Coancll Bandstand Danea Time Music s'oeiornt
12:00 Slcn Off Silent I Dance Time 81m Off l sn pif
0:00 Masle Time CBS News Farm Hoar News Satarday Western" ' "
0:15 Masle Time KOIN Kloek Farm Hear Timekeeper Sal ate Melodies
0:30 Masle Time KOIN Kloek Farm Henr March Time Satarday Farm Nsws
6:45 Masle Time JKJeek Farm Hear NW News Salate Newa
7:00 News KOIN Kloek 1st Edition Hemlnrway Satarday KOCO Kloek
MM Now Hear Nrws Atroriiky Breakfast Batata KOCO Kloek
?:M This News Vets News Breakfast Batardar KOCO Kites
:45 K. Mannlnc Consumer Bob Hason News Salate Exten Son.
S:00 Grand Cent. No School Masle Satarday ' Proadly Ban
:15 Masle Box Grand Cent. Today Masle Salate Proadly Ball
S:So Masle Bex Give and Whats Now Haven of Satarday Caneerl
:45 Adventare Take Home Pern. Best Batata Concert
f.jM Howdy Daod: Theater at Teyland News Polk Cenaty News
f!5 Hawdy Dood: Today Taae March Time Platter Parti Selene
0:30 Howdy Dood J 8 Ian Over space Patrol Paster's CaU Plattsr Part) Sat.SerenMe
9:45 Hwdy Dood: Hollywood Space Patrel Barcaln Platter Parti Kids Corner
10:00 Fan Fan for All Stars af Glen Hardy Platter Part) A ant Rattle
10:15 Bk. Carnival Fan far All Tomorrow Masle Platter Parti Aant Battle
10:30 Hollywood City Hospital Stars af Hlrh School Platter Part) Melody
10:45 Breakfast City Hospital Tomorrow Chas. Antell Platter Party Sat. Sereasi
11:00 M" Le Maile with Met. Opera Mualc Hoar Platter Part) Satarday
11:15 Taylor Glrla Met. Opera Masle Hear Platter Parti Serenade
1; SO Farm and Meet Mlssas Met. Opera Farm Press Platter Party Satarday
1:45 Home Horn Meet Missus Met. Opera Farm Press Platter Party! Serenade
I FM Meet KOIN 10 1.1, a.m. to It p.m. KEX tt.t, I to p.m.
fAf Friday P.M. lz:00, Newei
fJr WM, Neon Farm Henri 1:00,
Navy Star Time; S:O0. Orecon Reporter i
4 :00. Sports Forecast i 6 : 00, Children's
Theater; i:00, News, Weatheri :45, State
Leclslatarei 1:16, Farm Hoart 11:00, People
Under Common If mi S:O0, Mnsle That En-
lVn. EintiiUr
Nm; U:IL
EiMelaUr f.r UM,
Cnilft H.IIi lt:M, Ntwai S:M, Inll
Slra Off. -
Death Claims
Basil Saunders
Albany Basil Waldo Saun
ders, 53, died at his home on
RFD No. 3, Albany Tuesday.
Death was the result of heart
disease. Services will be held
at the Fisher Funeral home Friday.
Graveside services will be
conducted by St. John's lodge
No. 17, AF&AM, of Albany. Mr.
Saunders was born in Oregon
City and spent his entire life in
Oregon. He came to Albany in
1943 after living for some time
in The Dalles.
For the last three years he1
has been living near Scio. ,
Mr. Saunders married Doro
thy D. Weisenbeck in Oregon!
City, March 31, 1928. She, with
three children and one grand
child survive.
The children are Robert E.,
Portland; Mrs. George E. Cham-
bers, Albany; Basil Saunders,1
Jr., now in the navy aboard the
USS Valley Forge in Korean
waters. Also surviving are his
stepmother, Mrs. Harry Saun
ders, Cutler City, and three sis
ters, Mrs. B. I. Lekas, Sherwood;
Mrs. L. T. Haffey, Newberg ana
Damaris Saunders, John Day.
Spokane VP) Earl Harper of
Johnson, Wash., paid $2,125
Wednesday for Cornerstone,
grand champion bull of the In
land Empire Shorthorn Breed
ers' show. Cornerstone was
brought to the annual spring
show and sale by B. B. Rescr &
Sons of Walla Walla.
You'll Get
Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketa Ph. 3-4311
Open Wed.-Frl. 'til 9 P.M.
Visit Our TV Theater
Journal Want Ads Pay
Silverton Man Hurt
Silverton Donald Crockett
was brought by ambulance to
the Silverton hospital early
afternoon Wednesday. He was
seriously injured while working
on his logging operation on Star
Route near Drake's Croin
when he fell from a load of
logs, suffering back Injuries. He
is the son of Mr. and Mr.
George Crockett of Pine St.
To Place Classified Ads
Phone 2-2406
d I P.rf I
i ii a i
! Ill I CTTftrtflES
First With the Finest in TV
See the Sensational
All Channel Tuner
Less "Snow" than all other models
Clarity, clearer picture
Tone Unsurpassed
Installed in Your Home for as Low as
2.95 per week
Valley Television Center
Complete sales, service and installation. All sets sold and
installed carry fall 90-day service.
Baigley Bros.
231 S Fairgrounds M.
Phono 2-5491
171 Grant St.
Phont 3611