r FQOt DlICl K" nuttr foot got to the ban tint aruvi m Chelsea's Armstrong, left, and Birmingham Z City' Warhurst battle tor position In a cap match at Chelsea, England. Final Rites For Jeffries Set Saturday Burbank, Calif. W) Funeral services will be held Saturday world heavyweight boxing champion. His body will lie in state at his home, with burial following at Englewood Park cemetery. Jeffries, champion'' from 1909 to 1905, died Tuesday night at the age or n. fights Last Wight (By Til AuocUUd prtMi Mult TUu Jotr Mutm, 183H, Clan Und. ntpslnted Dun Xudlra, HiVb, WMklutw, D.C. Hour Muu, 1M. wMninnon. noppaa wuiie Trar. JM. wuauiua. . It was long believed that drinking cup made of rhinoc eros horn would counteract poison. TRAINING CAMP NOTES msaosaoEssJ i Oregon Ducks Being Made win assistance treat game agent and Interested eitisens, many Oregea wood docks will By BEN OLAN I ur am wnurt I It took lent time far Alrntl Dark and the New Terk Giants to get together ea contract tanas and it will probably take tae rest ef the spring training tea sea f er Manager Lee Darecher to decide where the Ss-yesr-ald iaflelder will play this year. Dark finally agreed to sign a contract yesterday. A telephone conversation with Giant Presi dent Horace Staneham rang the bell for a two-year pact calling for an estimated SS2.&00. Dark is the first Giant player since Walker Cooper in 1946 to re ceive a two-year contract. With rookie Daryl Spencer, up from Minneapolis, being tabbed as the regular shortstop, Dark is expected to be tried out at second base la the early exhibi tion games. If the experiment fails, be win be given a chance at third base. Dark, who batted .SOI la 1952 and fielded .943 at shortstop, ap peared to be heading for an ex tended holdout siege. But Stone ham, who it Is believed upped his original figure, indicated ev erything worked, out welL "There were no hard feelings on either side," he said, "and I think you can safely say both sides are satisfied with the final arrangement." On the other holdout fronts, Ralph Kiner was In the Pitts burgh doghouse yesterday. Kin er, reportedly barking for some 978,000 of the Bucs cash, re mains at bis Palm Springs, Calif., home and his absence) from the Pirates' Havana quar ters is causing no end of an guish to President John Gal breath. "With Kiner, baseball should coma first," Galbreath said yes terday. "He should be thinking about the other members of the squad Instead of his sideline oc cupations.' The husky outfield er owns a gift shop in Palm Springs. At Tucson, General Manager Hank Greenberg of the Cleve land Indiana reported pitcher Early Wynn and outfielder Lar ry Doby would come to camp shortly to discuss salary. Both spent the first week of training at home. Current guesses are that Doby is shooting for $35,000 and Wynn for $40,000. Neither Wynn nor XZZTZ2$MHr for ww sua tw auusftue muvu er . dispute is settled. Oj Other baseball news; Second Q baseman Connie Ryan and vet O ersn left-hander Kenny Heints- elman came to terms with the Philadelphia Phillies. . . . Dou ble by-John Bucha and Dea Lund highlighted a Detroit in trasquad game . . . Sam Jeth- regular center fielder the past three seasons, was named to start in left field in the Bos ton Braves' first camp game to day. . . . Eddie Jooat, Philadel phia A s shortstop, predicted his club would be one of the pen nant contenders this year .... Moving pictures were taken of White Sox players Chico Car rasqual and Bill Wilson In hopes of correcting their batting flaws. . . . Manager Lou Boudreau of the Boston Red Sox said that "four or five slots are open on our pitching staff." . . . Out fielder Rip Rlpuskl Is one of (tie most Improved players on the St, Louis Cardinals, according to Manager Eddie Stanky. . . . Johnny Sain, Bob Welaler and Al Cicotte will face the rrit In the New York Yankee Grape fruit opener on Saturday . . Jackie Robinson, Duke Snider and Don Thompson hit home runs In a Brooklyn Intrasquad game. . . . The Washington Sen ators reported difficulty in get ting their eight La tin Ameri can players cleared to enter the United States. Capital Jo-mud, galea, Ore, Thajajnryy Mtrttv v t::i;j ha weU-heaasd this spring, re port State Game Dlraetor r. W. This year, game ageat win erect 1000 wood duck nest boxes converted from surplus ammu nition boxes purchased at the Hermlstoa Ordnaae depot An other 109 nest boxes hare been built at game farms. Several hundred additions! wood duck Best boxes are being built by school children. Boy Scouts, and ether interested dt- Caaaapiea wee task hex bsJder Is Jsxeas Bssssaana. l.year-U retired North Bead baUdar whe has tamed ever lit hexes to Gaaae Ageat Kehert Certhell for dMrlha ttoa ta Cecesad Carry seam Has. Other sexes have Tseea bailt by stadaats ef the last grade seaool sad Bey lists et troop IS la CresweU. Wood ducks, the most colorful waterfowl breeding In Oregon, nest only fat hollow trees, sad a shortage of these natural homes near water Is believed Uniting the local wood duck popula tion, explains the game director. Sine first setting out wood duck nest boxes oa a trial basis la 1951, gams sgents have noted few vacancies. Bees, screech owls, and sparrow hawk also compete for the wood duck nest boxes. Basrga, weathered Isiahss Is ts swim sadsd for beUdmg (as boxes, Yeaag wserl sacks ass sharp toe nails to slhab toe wall ef their heme sad Jaasp (rem the ea trance keta their mother sails. 160 N. LIBERTY, SALEM, ORE. VSfl? . V-- ' '" . m s" """" "r1" '. PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY II GaSed Face Tissue pail Box 300 Oil lTtK, W ST .49' Toiletry Variety $35, Vilamin 'T ,2 T 98' Karalax J3L Tablets &, W TVilaminT m2 W 79' Certified Antiseptic M 0' 18 Scot Towels 2(crS3' 27' Vax Paper & 3 ToUetry $2.98 CsrHflsd 49c Aero Mist Vslus 10-Inch . Extra Long MULTI- GLASS WHISK VITAMINS CLEANER BROOM sod folk Acid Caps Olspwir ; MsV 45C Toiletry Variety Variety $5.99 Voiu World" Best Irregulars of America's Curtain Stretcher Tp f'w .Hair" $349 Aloha Nylons V"lety I 51 gouge, 15, 20 pfj, I . I or 30 denier fjQ O 70 $1.89 Volu Folding wrw jj.lj Clothes Dry Rack JT' 11 6 ooVi Pn, Approx. 28 Feet 0 tZTnu UU $5.09 DrVinO SpflCS "dBFs Taupe or Beige Tones. Size SVi-lOV Variety Apparel I 43c My-Te-Fin 49eVslfnk MEDIUM SHRIMP ALASKA SALMON 39'4fT ,W 39' X Toiletry . To"fa-r ted Drug f 148 N. Liberty e We Reserve the Bight to Limit Qssatittes I Ponnoy's ovn PAY DAY BIB OVERALLS Heavyweight denhn for extra long weart Baaforiiedl Can't shrink oat of fit! Triple stitched for extra strength) Bar-tacked at all points of strain I Anchored metal fasten ers won't pop off I Union made! Sises 3 (-St. Bay aewt Savel Blue or Express Stripe. FAY DAY Carpenter's Overalls Convenient pockets strongly stitched, "ray Day" brand. Heavyweight duck. SS to 49. FAY DAY PAINTERS' OVERALLS Heavyweight dock, all strongly stitched seams. MAIN FLOOR 319 498 298 Graduated sizts Intura PERFECT FIT! Penney's Big Mac MATCHED SETS TWiLL SHIRTS TWILL PANTS GREY SHIRTS .Z49 GREY PANTS 3.98 249 998 " Sanforized' for permanent fill Vat-dyed, colon won't fade! Heavy, durable ficr twill for long wear! Hearjr-dnry mat rerisUnt tipperl Plenty of roomy poekeul tSMnkage wea aseeed 1. JOB TESTED by MILLIONS of wotting iwa vry doyt i : MAIN FLOOR MEN'S BIG MAC WORK SUITS MEN'S WHIPCORD WORK PANTS . Strong as iron. Heavyweight. Washable. Sanforised whipcord or long wear! Hard finish resists dirt and grease! Pants are saffed and ready to wear! Oxford grey. MAIN FLOOR 3S19 Sises 14 to 48 Penney' owa famous one piece heavy duty work salt! Protects the whole body from dirt and grease. Cones la a permanent Sanforised fit! Easy to get In and ont of, because ef a heavy duty, rost resistant two way sipper! Plenty ef roomy pockets for tools! 4 colors to choose from. MAIN FLOOR Heavy Duty Construction CORD SOLI SHOES 7.90 Thick eerd sales. Uroers of double-touMd leath er suitable for any work. Seualeaa backs, Urn welta, Geedjear welt leather mldeolea, steel shanks. SantUaed. Brown. BCDB, XK, EEEE wMUw. Downstairs Store aa. -f J a, TlVgftliVM PI! Lightweight Eugiaeer-Styl FULL-ON BOOTS 12.75 peoMe tanned bkek leather apeen, top grade leather soles, and the built-in specials... OeedTear well, tteel shanks, flanUlaed treat ment. ItollDSB widths. Downstairs Store Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday Nites 'til 9:00 p.m.